Unified CTP base (check the policy). How to protect yourself from buying an invalid CTP policy Checking the diagnostic card

Every motor vehicle driver on the territory Russian Federation is obliged to have with him a issued MTPL policy, which insures the driver's liability in the event of an accident. , which of course does not contribute to development in our country insurance market... In this regard, cases of sale of counterfeit and invalid ones have become more frequent on the Russian market. It would seem that for a long time the legislation that regulates insurance civil liability in front of other road users, was supposed to contribute to the literacy of all, without exception, drivers in our country.

But in reality, everything does not look so rosy. In our country, a huge number of drivers, out of their naivety and ignorance, still acquire dubious OSAGO policies, which in the end turn out to be either fake or invalid. The reason for this carelessness, as a rule, is the elementary ignorance of their ability to check insurance policies. For example, anyone in our country can independently check the policy for authenticity, and also find out whether the insurance company has the right to conclude contracts.

But the truth is, there are also such drivers who deliberately purchase for a penny fake civil liability insurance policies or policies from insurance companies whose license has been revoked. Thus, many drivers are trying to save money on.

Under no circumstances should you buy fake Osago insurance policies, since such a policy not only does not insure your civil liability on the road, but can also bring you much more problems than a simple administrative fine.

The fact is that for counterfeiting or selling a counterfeit policy, criminal liability is provided, in accordance with article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, part 1:

Part 1 . Counterfeiting of a certificate or other official document granting rights or releasing from obligations, for the purpose of its use, or the sale of such a document, as well as the production for the same purposes or the sale of counterfeit state awards of the Russian Federation, the RSFSR, the USSR, stamps, seals, letterheads

- shall be punishable by restraint of liberty for a term of up to two years, or compulsory labor for a term of up to two years, or arrest for a term of up to six months, or imprisonment for a term of up to two years.

Do you know what is the most common question on the Internet about the enlightened OSAGO? - " What is the responsibility for using a counterfeit insurance policy Osago? Why do you think people ask such questions?

Unfortunately, there is a lot of conflicting and sometimes incorrect information on the Internet from dubious lawyers who mistakenly believe that the use of a fake insurance policy is not subject to criminal law. But this is not the case. Remember that the use of a fake OSAGO policy form directly falls under article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, part 3.

Article 327. Forgery, production or sale of forged documents, state awards, stamps, seals, letterheads

Part 3. Using a knowingly forged document

- shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of up to eighty thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of up to six months, or by compulsory works for a term of up to four hundred and eighty hours, or corrective labor for a term of up to two years, or arrest for a term of up to six months .

Remember that if you present a fake OSAGO policy to a traffic police officer for verification, you may be prosecuted.

What is the responsibility to face for presenting a fake OSAGO policy to an insurance company?

Surprised by this question. When we saw him on the net, we were also discouraged. But believe me, there are plenty of such cases in our country. Not only do some of the owners buy fake insurance policies, they also find the courage to do so.

Recall that these actions already fall under the more serious article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and it is these actions that fall under article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

How can you protect yourself from acquiring an invalid policy?

Please note that it is recommended to purchase the policy only from trusted and well-known insurance companies or agents. At the time of purchasing the policy, the insurance company must have a valid license Of the Central Bank RF, which is the controlling body of the Russian insurance market. Remember that if the license is suspended, or if the license is revoked, the insurance company is not entitled to sell OSAGO policies. But, unfortunately, in fact, many insurance companies, despite the revocation of the license, still sell insurance policies in violation of the law.

How to check the license of an insurance company?

Before purchasing from insurance agent(intermediary) or insurance company OSAGO policy, we advise you to find out via the Internet if the company's license is valid. This can be done on the official website Central Bank of Russia... To do this, go to the address: www.cbr.ru/sbrfr/?PrtId=insurance_industry

After going to the site, you can download a file with the register of insurance companies whose licenses are valid. To do this, click on the appropriate inscription (shown as an example in the photo). To view the file, the software package must be installed on the computer. Microsoft Office, namely the program Excel... After downloading the file and opening it on your computer, click the " Allow Editing"

Then you can use the search in the program Excel, in order to find the necessary insurance company... To do this, click the " Find "and in the appropriate field indicate the exact name of the insurance company.

If you do not find a company that sells OSAGO policies on the list, then either the company has had its license revoked, or they are scammers who sell invalid or fake insurance policies.

Never purchase insurance from such companies.

Remember that an invalid OSAGO policy (which was no longer valid at the time of purchase) does not protect you and does not cover your liability in the event of damage caused in an accident due to your fault. That is, if you become the culprit of an accident, then according to your invalid OSAGO policy, the injured party will not be able to receive damage, which will ultimately lead to a lawsuit against you to recover damages and legal costs.

Also, in connection with the entry into our country of direct settlement of losses for Osago (the injured party must now contact their insurance company, which will make a payment for the perpetrator of the accident, and only then receive a payment from the insurance company of the person responsible for the accident), if your car is damaged in an accident and you will be recognized as the injured party, then due invalid policy you will not be able to get insurance compensation losses.

How to check the credentials of insurance brokers and agents?

In our country, a large number of OSAGO policies are sold through insurance brokers and agents who, by concluding agreements with insurance companies, are engaged in the distribution of insurance products, receiving a commission for this. Unfortunately, not all brokers and agents are bona fide partners of insurance companies.

From time to time, insurance companies break off relations with such agents. But, despite the termination of contractual obligations, many insurance intermediaries still have OSAGO insurance policies in their hands, which they begin to sell for a penny. Please be aware that such policies will not be valid and may not cover your civil liability under the law. Therefore, before purchasing an insurance policy from an agent or insurance broker, contact the central office or call the central hotline insurance company to clarify the credentials of the insurance agent.

How to check the status of the OSAGO policy and find out which insurance company issued it?

In order to check the status of the insurance policy of compulsory civil liability, you must go to the address www.autoins.ru/ru/osago/polis (Russian Union of Auto Insurers - "RSA"). On this page, you can find out not only the status of the policy, but also find out the belonging of the insurance policy to the company that issued it.

How to find out the policy number of the road accident participant?

Our editorial office often receives questions from those who, for some reason, could not or forgot to write down the data of the OSAGO policy from the participants in the accident. In order to find out the full policy number and the insurance company that issued the policy, the Russian Union of Auto Insurers provides an online database with which you can enter Vin number car, the state number plate of the vehicle and find out the number of the OSAGO insurance policy and with which company the participant of the accident entered into an agreement compulsory insurance civil liability.

In order to find out the number of the accident participant's policy, you need to go to the address on the Internet:


Today, more and more often, policyholders prefer to come to them and issue an auto insurance policy on the spot. Or increasingly prefer brokers. In these cases, the most important question becomes: how can you "check for honesty" of an agent / broker? There are several actions for this: Agent
  1. This is an insurance company staff member. Find the phone number of the insurance company yourself, call and ask if such a person works there. Just keep in mind that this person can be an additional employee. the office and the central office do not know about its existence. This is a completely normal situation. Then just check with the agent in which particular department he works.
  2. Do not hesitate to ask the agent for your passport or other identification document. As a rule, he will treat this with understanding, and this will not embarrass him.
  3. And in general it will be good if you check the policy by the number in the insurance company.
If this Broker
  1. The broker (legal entity) must have a legal contract with the insurance company. You can check its availability by calling the insurance company yourself. As a rule, this can be found in the brokers department. However, the contract can be concluded with any other selling division of the insurance company. Ask your broker about it. At the same time, it is useless to ask the specific name of a person in the insurance company.
  2. Ask for a passport or other document from the person who came to you to issue a policy. Call your insurance broker and ask if such an employee works there. It will be very good if you remember his passport details.
  3. Call the insurance company and

Recently, more and more often in the news there have been reports of more frequent cases of the sale of counterfeit OSAGO policies.

Regular raids by law enforcement agencies on points of sale reveal a significant spread of counterfeits in the Russian market.

How to protect yourself from purchasing a fake CTP policy? And what to do if it turns out that you have a fake OSAGO on your hands.

Let's figure it out together.

Insurance agent for OSAGO. How to check the trustworthiness?

If you do not want to buy a fake CTP policy, then the first thing to start with is checking the insurance agent.

Before you put your signature on the CMTPL form and pay insurance premium, it is worth checking if the insurance agent is reliable.

How to do it?

Power of attorney from the insurance company

Every insurance agent issuing policies on behalf of the company must have a valid power of attorney. Ask to see this document for you.

The power of attorney must indicate the agent's powers to conclude insurance contracts, amend them and receive Money from customers as payment for the insurance premium.

The power of attorney has a limited duration. Therefore, at the time of registration of the CMTPL policy, it must indicate not overdue terms.

And of course, the power of attorney must be issued by the same insurance company that is indicated on the compulsory MTPL policy.

Agency contract

In addition to a power of attorney, the powers of an insurance agent can be confirmed by a valid agency agreement. If the agent does not have a power of attorney, ask him to show the contract.

The contract, similar to the power of attorney, must indicate the agent's right to draw up insurance contracts on behalf of the insurance company and accept payment for them.

The contract must be valid at the time of registration of the OSAGO policy and not be overdue.

Personal contact with the agent

There may be cases when, before purchasing an OSAGO policy, you communicate with an insurance agent by phone. Discuss the details of the deal, set a date for the meeting, and so on.

However, at the time of the transaction, when you receive the original of the policy in your hands and make the payment, a personal meeting with the insurance agent is required.

If you are offered to send a courier who will bring the policy and the receipt of payment and take the cash payment of the premium from you, then this moment should alert and become the basis for refusing the transaction.

Checking the form of the CTP policy

Before the agent starts filling out the OSAGO policy, you can check the authenticity of the form. To do this, you can use the special online PCA services available at - http://dkbm-web.autoins.ru/dkbm-web-1.0/bsostate.htm

By specifying the series and number of the form, you can find out if this form was issued by the insurance company, in which the agent plans to insure your "car insurance". And also check if the OSAGO agreement was previously concluded with exactly the same series and number of the form.

How to distinguish a fake CTP policy?

After checking the reliability of the insurance agent, you must carefully consider the entire procedure for issuing and paying for the OSAGO policy. There are many subtleties and nuances here that should be taken seriously.

Insurance company seal and corner stamp

A sample of the corner stamp on the form of the MTPL policy of the Ingosstrakh company:

Sample of the seal on the letterhead of the CTP policy of the Ingosstrakh company:

Each form of OSAGO must have the seal and stamp of the insurance company. The region information indicated on the seal and stamp must match the region of your residence.

If the form is stamped by another region, for example, in Moscow you see the stamp of the Ulyanovsk region, this is a significant reason to refuse such an OSAGO.

Diagnostic card check

When registering an OSAGO policy, a car owner is required to have a diagnostic card. Which the insurance representative immediately checks through the base of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for its validity. For most companies, this verification procedure is built into the automated system for drawing up insurance contracts.

Sample diagnostic card:

If you have not been asked to present a diagnostic card and have not verified its validity, then it is very likely that you may be sold a fake policy.

Bonus Malus Ratio

When calculating the final cost of the MTPL policy, the insurance agent must check your KMB against a special AIS RSA database.

How to do it yourself from your home computer, we talked in detail in the article

And then check your KMB figures with the agent's calculation. Your MSC and MSC calculated by the agent must match. Because the source of information on the "bonus-malus" system is the same for everyone - car owners and insurance companies.

Important! When checking the "bonus-malus" coefficient in the PCA database, each request receives a unique identification number. This number must be indicated in the "Special Notes" of the policy (provided that the policy is printed out through an electronic system, and not written out by hand).

Policy receipt

When paying for an OSAGO policy, a receipt is issued without fail. It confirms the fact that the car owner has paid for his policy and is a strict reporting numbered form.

The receipt must be handed out regardless of the form of payment for the policy - cash or non-cash.

The refusal of the insurance representative to hand over the original receipt is an extremely disturbing sign.

Additional signs that you may be issued a fake policy:

The CTP policy form is filled in by hand, and not printed on a computer;

You were not asked for the number of the previous CTP policy;

The agent did not draw up an application for insurance and did not ask to sign it;

The agent did not make copies of the documents - PTS, registration certificate, driver's license of persons admitted to driving, diagnostic card;

The agent refused to show his identity document (if the policy is not issued at the office of the insurance company).

What to do if the OSAGO policy is fake?

If, nevertheless, it so happens that your compulsory liability insurance policy turns out to be fake, the following steps should be taken.

1. Checkout new policy OSAGO in the office of the insurance company.

The fact is that the fake policy does not cover the liability of the car owner. And in the event of an accident, in which the car owner is found guilty, the injured party will have to compensate for the damage from their own pocket.

Plus, the traffic police penalty for the lack of compulsory motor third party liability insurance will be added to this.

Read more about what other penalties for OSAGO are in the article

2. Contact the police station and write a statement that you were sold a fake CTP policy.

Attach the original forgery to the application.

This will allow law enforcement agencies to start an investigation, a positive outcome of which can save many car owners in your region from buying fake "car insurance" contracts.


As soon as you notice that something is wrong with your future OSAGO policy (one of the check points has worked), immediately abandon the purchase and leave.

And it is best to contact a branch of an insurance company with a positive reputation in the market to purchase an MTPL policy.

You can find out what their current clients write about insurance companies in the section on our portal.

Or you can independently register an insurer you like on the website.

There are four simple ways to check the reliability and professionalism of the insurance agent with whom you intend to conclude a deal.

  1. It is preferable to deal with insurance agents or insurance brokers who are legal entities or individual entrepreneur, which will provide you with certain guarantees that this agent or broker has passed the inspection of at least several security services, namely:
  • bank when opening an account;
  • insurance companies when drawing up contracts.
  1. An equally important method of verification is the payment of an insurance policy. Professional responsible insurance brokers and agents always offer three types of settlements:
  • in cash when buying a policy;
  • by wire transfer to the bank account of the insurance broker / agent or the insurance company itself;
  • pay by installments on the terms of the insurer.

When an agent offering a policy is using a single payment option, consider whether it is worth doing.

Remember! A reputable insurance agency shouldn't be much lower than an insurance company. Of course, the agent can offer a discount from his personal reward, however, it cannot be expressed in tens of percent!

  1. In some cases, customers wanting to repair an uninsured vehicle for the money of the insurance company, conspire with the insurance agent. That is, when concluding a contract, it is suggested that he not fix visible damage. A respectable insurance agent will never agree with a forgery and a fraudulent scheme, despite the persuasion.
  2. Take from the agent the details of your future insurance policy that he has prepared for you, and check its reliability with the insurance company, finding out:
  • whether the insurance policy is related to this company;
  • for whom the insurance policy was issued (company, agent, broker).

Be aware that these simple rules can protect you from insurance fraud and get rid of doubts about the reliability of your choice!

It should always be remembered that the insurance agent does not serve as a courier delivering the policy to clients. This is a professional practicing in the insurance market, an insurance specialist and a person interested in the quality of services for their clients.

First of all, an insurance agent respects the interests of clients, assists in determining losses, and provides advice on professional issues.

The agent always takes the side of the client within the boundaries of his job.

If your insurance agent does not meet these criteria, think about whether overpaying for the delivery of the policy without the slightest benefit for you is unnecessary?

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