Features of insurance of property of legal entities. Legal entities property insurance Legal entities property insurance department

Property insurance of legal entities includes several related types of insurance, which are united by the insurance object - property owned Of the insured, accepted or transferred into trust, rent, leasing, pledge, custody, commission, sale, purchased on credit and being the security of this credit.
Geopolis LLC insures the property of legal entities on the basis of the License of the Federal Insurance Supervision Service of the Russian Federation and the Property Insurance Rules.

Insurance object may be:
  • buildings, structures, premises, interior decoration of premises,
  • furniture, inventory, computers, office equipment, office equipment
  • production equipment,
  • finished products, goods, raw materials, materials
Cash can be insured under special conditions; and securities, bank cards, precious metals and products from precious metals and stones, stamps, coins, paintings, and other collections or works of art.

Insurance risks - events, in the event of the occurrence of which a property insurance contract may be concluded, are listed in the Insurance Rules. The Insured chooses a set of risks on the basis of the reasonableness and expediency of insurance coverage, however, the Insurance Company has the right to adjust the proposed insurance coverage based on its practice of insuring similar risks.

Sum insured - is determined based on the actual value of the insurance object and this will be the most optimal solution. However, in some cases, the insured amount can be determined in the amount of the book value, the collateral value, etc. In this case, the Insurance Company will be liable in proportion to the ratio of the insured amount and the actual value (that is, the insurance object is, as it were, partially insured and partially not insured proportionally) ...
In the case of incomplete insurance, legislation gives us the right to agree on the full payment of losses, regardless of the relationship between the value of the object and the sum insured, the so-called system of payments for the first risk. In this case, increasing coefficients are applied to the tariff.

Franchise- In practice, it is used for property of legal entities in the amount of 0.1% of the insured amount. The amount of the deductible can either decrease or increase (simultaneously with a decrease in the insurance premium) by agreement between the Policyholder and the Insurance Company.

Insurance premium (installment)- is the payment for insurance. The insurance works only on condition that the insurance premium is paid in full or the installments are paid in full and on time.
For some categories of property, indicative insurance rates may apply

Property category Insurance
Real estate (reinforced concrete, brick buildings, structures) 0,05 – 0,20 %
Real estate (wooden buildings, structures) 0,15 – 0,30 %
Office and household appliances, furniture 0,08 – 0,20 %
Production and auxiliary equipment 0,06 – 0,25 %
Commodity stocks (food, wine and vodka products, medicines, clothing, footwear, household appliances, office equipment) 0,07 – 0,28 %
Raw materials (food and semi-finished products, pharmaceutical raw materials, rolled metal products)
Inventories (household goods, paints and varnishes, furniture, vehicles, oil products) 0,10 – 0,35 %
Raw materials (wood, plastic, paints and varnishes, leather, fabrics, oil products, other flammable and explosive substances, liquids and gases)

Certain areas of insurance of property of legal entities are formalized with specific insurance conditions, reflecting the characteristics of a particular type of property.

Insurance of the rented non-residential fund of the city of Moscow
(state and municipal property)

For more than 15 years, the Geopolis Insurance Company has been accepting for insurance the municipal premises leased or operated by the Moscow Property Department. During this time, we have accumulated a lot of experience in this program, which allowed us to completely unify insurance both when registering insurance and when settling losses.

The features of the program are:

  • Insurance rules for the rented non-residential fund of the city of Moscow
  • Insurance risks comply with the requirements of the Moscow Property Department and include fire, natural disasters, gulf, illegal actions of third parties.
  • Sum insured calculated on the basis of the base cost of construction per square meter, approved in Moscow in the amount of 20,866 rubles.
  • Franchise in the amount of 0.1% of the insured amount.
  • Insurance premium in the amount of 0.1 to 0.25% of the insured amount. The tariff takes into account the material of the main structural elements of the building and the physical wear and tear of the BTI.
  • Compensation for damage- carried out on the basis of a limited set of documents, the damage is calculated according to the methodology approved by the Moscow Property Department, which makes it possible to reduce the payment period to 1 week.
On the basis of this program and the Rules for Insurance of State and Municipal Property, we can accept for insurance other premises that are not municipal property, namely leased premises of federal property (premises in educational institutions, medical institutions, state enterprises), commercial leased premises (offices, shops, restaurants, production, warehouse), cultural heritage sites.
  • Completed buildings and structures;
  • Hotels and restaurants;
  • Shopping malls, shops, trade equipment and cash at the box office;
  • Offices, office equipment and components;
  • Warehouses and commodity values;
  • Objects under construction;
  • Vehicle fleets and special equipment;
  • Ships, aircraft, trains;
  • Industrial facilities;
  • Engineering equipment and machine tools;
  • Elevators, farms, livestock and crops;
  • Cargo;
  • Objects of leasing and collateral.

In most cases, insurers consider property insurance of legal entities to be an understandable type of insurance, which is due to the ability to reinsure risks in Europe at favorable rates. Therefore, we can give good rates.

Losses on property insurance, as a rule, are paid without any problems, since most of the risks fall into obligatory reinsurance contracts and reinsurers bear most of the responsibility for the risks under these contracts.

Contact us and we will select the best conditions for insuring your company's property. We have solid experience in insuring various property of legal entities in various constituent entities of the Russian Federation. When regional customers contact us, we will send the originals of the contracts to you by courier service in the hands of the guarantor.

Contact us and you will receive an offer that really deserves your attention!

Property insurance - protection of property interests of owners of real estate, vehicles, works of art, goods, cargo, equipment, investments, in the event of certain events (fire, flooding, man-made disasters, theft, natural disasters). Compensation for material damage is made at the expense of funds formed from monetary contributions from property owners. Property insurance for individuals is voluntary; for legal entities it is often prescribed by law. Includes full or proportionate damages.

Property insurance contract

The property insurance contract is concluded between the owner and the insurance company. Before signing the contract, the cost of the insurance object is usually assessed. The sum insured cannot be more than the actual value of the object at the time of signing the contract. The term for concluding a contract is from one year or more with an annual recalculation of the value of the property and the amount of payments. Individuals and legal entities can insure the full or partial value of the object. It is possible to insure the same property from different insurers. The total amount of compensation in this case should not exceed the cost of the object.

Legal entity property insurance

The legislation provides for the norms of compulsory and voluntary insurance of property of legal entities. Compulsory insurance is subject to property owned by the state, high-risk objects, collateral, vehicles purchased in or under a lease agreement. An insurance contract can be drawn up both for the entire property of the complex, and for its individual parts. Compensation for damage to a legal entity is paid only if the company is not guilty of the occurrence of the insured event. The presence of an insured event must be documented.

Personal property insurance

Compulsory insurance of property of individuals is not provided by law, but often the conclusion of such an agreement is a mandatory requirement of banks when issuing, for the purchase of vehicles. According to statistics, only 3% of individuals in the Russian Federation insure their own property. In Europe and the USA, property insurance contracts are concluded by 90% of owners. Insurance payments cover the full value of lost or part of the value of damaged material assets. The maximum amount paid depends on the appraised value of the property, limits, deductible and other factors.

Voluntary property insurance

Voluntary property insurance implies the conclusion of an agreement with the insurer at the initiative of the company - the owner of material assets. Legislative acts regulating this type of insurance are the Laws of the Russian Federation "On Insurance" dated November 27, 1992, "On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation" dated December 10, 2013. For organizations, the costs of voluntary insurance, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, are included in the composition of costs associated with production and sale, as other costs. Voluntary property insurance is always limited in terms of the terms of the contract.

Compulsory property insurance

Compulsory property insurance is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation for legal entities. It provides for legal protection of state, personal, leasing, collateral, and rental property. Compensation for damage is provided for the entire property complex or its individual parts. The insurance contract includes a standard list of risks, which in some cases can be supplemented. Property insurance conditions are established in the Insurance Rules registered with state authorities. The contract should always cover issues:

  • insurance liability;
  • insurance appraisal and amounts;
  • rules and procedure for compensation for damage.

Property insurance cost

The cost of property insurance is determined by the contract concluded between the insurer and the policyholder. It depends on several factors: the estimated value of material assets, the degree of wear and tear on the list of risks, the amount of compensation, the amount of the deductible. The approximate amount of the cost can be determined using online calculators. The exact value is determined when individuals and legal entities apply to the insurance company to conclude a contract. Insurers offer different conditions, various types of insurance policies, from which citizens or companies can choose the best ones that meet their goals.

Property insurance rules

The rules for insuring property of individuals and legal entities are established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and insurance companies. They are often different for legal entities and individuals. They contain:

  • general provisions,
  • clarification of the accepted terminology,
  • the procedure for concluding a contract,
  • insurance objects;
  • terms;
  • rates;
  • a list of conditions for compensation for damage,
  • types of risks,
  • principles for determining the value of property, franchise, the amount of damage and the amount of insurance payments,
  • the procedure for making payments;
  • responsibility of the parties;
  • the procedure for resolving disputes and other provisions.

Property insurance classification

The insurance business has adopted a classification of property insurance by categories of clients, types of objects, types of risks, conditions. These types of insurance are indicated in the license issued to the insurer to carry out activities. There are such types of property insurance:

  • voluntary and mandatory;
  • individuals and legal entities;
  • transport, buildings (houses, summer cottages, garages, plots, workshops, objects of unfinished construction), agricultural (plantings, animals, equipment, vehicles), property of citizens, property of organizations.

Property and residential insurance programs

Insurance companies are developing various property and home insurance programs. Thanks to them, each insured can choose the optimal conditions for the protection of property interests, compensation for damage. The government and municipal authorities are developing special preferential programs that make insurance affordable for all segments of the population, increasing the attractiveness of this type of service and social security of the population. Financial organizations develop property insurance programs for mortgage lending, leasing of objects.

Real estate insurance

Real estate insurance relations apply to buildings, premises, structures, plots, complexes owned by individuals and legal entities. The owner can insure all or part of the property. Individuals voluntarily, for legal entities - a compulsory insurance procedure is provided. The amount, conditions and method of compensation depend on the insurance liability system. The sum insured cannot be higher than the appraised value of the object. The contract provides for full or partial compensation for damage resulting from the occurrence of an insured event.

Property insurance is one of the types of property insurance, the object of which is property interests associated with the ownership, use and disposal of property. Under a property insurance contract, the risk of loss, destruction or damage to certain property can be insured.

The classification of property insurance is based mainly on taking into account one of two characteristics: subjective (who owns the property) or objective, which determines what, in fact, this property is.

Thus, we can distinguish:

— ;

- property insurance of individuals.

Property insurance of legal entities, depending on the object of insurance, is subdivided into:

- insurance of property of enterprises;

- insurance of means of water and air transport;

Individual property insurance is distinguished by:

- insurance of buildings, apartments;

- insurance of household property, animals, etc.

There are types of insurance, which are insured by both legal entities and individuals:

- insurance of crops and animals;

- insurance of motor vehicles, etc.

Depending on the specifics of the objects covered by insurance coverage, there are:

- transport insurance (motor vehicles, air, sea, cargo);

- insurance of technical risks (machines against breakdowns, electronic equipment, construction and installation risks);

- agricultural insurance (crops and animals, machinery)

In addition, depending on the insured risk, the following can be distinguished:

1. Property insurance against fire and natural disasters (fire insurance);

2. Property insurance against accidents;

3. Insurance of property against theft and other malicious acts of third parties, etc.

The insurance supervisory authority, issuing licenses to carry out insurance activities, is guided by the classification established in Art. 32.9 of the Law on the organization of insurance business and allocates within the framework of property insurance:

- insurance of land vehicles (except for railway vehicles) - clause 6;

- insurance of means of railway transport - clause 7;

- insurance of air vehicles - clause 8;

- insurance of means of water transport - clause 9;

- cargo insurance - clause 10;

- agricultural insurance (insurance of crops, crops, perennial plantings, animals) - clause 11;

- insurance of property of legal entities, with the exception of vehicles and agricultural insurance - clause 12;

- insurance of property of citizens, with the exception of vehicles - clause 13.

The implementation of the selected types of property insurance has certain features associated with the assessment of property accepted for insurance, the assessment of accepted risks, the calculation of insurance premiums, the determination of damage and insurance compensation payments, etc.

Legal entity property insurance

Any enterprise (organization, institution), regardless of its organizational and legal form, which owns property, or has accepted it on lease, mortgage, rent, commission, sale, storage, or on other legal grounds, has the right to insure its property.

Property - a set of material values ​​and things in the use (possession) of the insured person. The property differs in types: movable and immovable property, property of agricultural and industrial enterprises. Movable property includes anything that can move. Real estate is static, for example: buildings, structures, land.

What is insured?

The object of insurance is the loss, shortage or damage of certain property. Under an insurance contract, property can be insured in favor of the policyholder (beneficiary) who has an interest based on the contract (law) in the safety of this property.

Corporate property insurance is subdivided into types of property insurance:

  • state organizations (enterprises, associations, institutions);
  • state agricultural enterprises;
  • non-governmental and public organizations;
  • non-state agricultural enterprises and tenants;
  • public buildings leased to organizations and individuals;
  • religious organizations;
  • foreign citizens on the territory of Russia.

Property insurance of legal organizations in the Russian Federation of the above types is carried out on a voluntary basis. The following property of enterprises is subject to insurance:

  • structures, buildings, structures;
  • equipment, inventory,
  • transmission devices, power workers and other machines,
  • vehicles, fishing (other) vessels, fishing gear,
  • objects of work in progress and capital construction,
  • finished products, goods, raw materials, materials;
  • farm animals, rabbits, fur animals, bee families and poultry;
  • the harvest of agricultural crops;
  • other property.

The property leased to other organizations can be insured separately from the common part of the property.

What is not insured?

When insuring the property of legal entities, the following property will not be insured:

  • securities, cash, documents;
  • earthworks, dams, dams, sidewalks, bridges, parking lots, asphalt roads and others;
  • structures, buildings and other property located in the zone of a natural disaster.

The exception to the last point is the case in which the insurance is extended for a new period even before the expiration of the term under the previous agreement, within the percentage of the property value that was specified in the original insurance agreement.

Insurance risks

The property interests of economic entities are manifested in the event of death, destruction (damage), flooding, theft, destruction of property. It should be borne in mind that property interests, the insured event with which occurred unintentionally (accidentally), are subject to insurance protection.

Property insurance of enterprises is carried out against possible damage (loss) in case of damage or destruction of property for the following insured risks (insurance events):

  • damage or destruction from explosion, fire, lightning strike;
  • damage or destruction from natural disasters (floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, downpours, snowfalls, mudflows and others);
  • damage or destruction from the fall of manned flying objects, as well as their parts;
  • death or damage from the destructive action of water (accidents on water supply, heating, fire-fighting, sewer systems, penetration of water or other liquid from adjacent rooms);
  • destruction or damage from extraneous influences (collision of a vehicle or self-propelled machine, bulk of a water vehicle or self-propelled floating engineering structure);
  • damage or destruction when committing illegal actions of third parties (theft, robbery, robbery, robbery, arson, vandalism).

Damaged property is considered to be the state of property in which there are no characteristic signs of its complete destruction or destruction, and which can be restored by means of repair. Destruction, death, loss, flooding is the disposal of property from use. Theft means the seizure of property through fraud, theft or robbery.

Insurance compensation

When insuring the property of legal entities, the payment of insurance compensation can be made both for the insured and the beneficiary appointed by him (an individual or legal entity). It is important to remember that the occurrence of the obligation to fulfill the insurance payment for the insurer arises only upon the fact of an insured event (case) that has occurred. The beneficiary (policyholder), prior to the occurrence of the insured event (case), has no rights and grounds to receive insurance compensation.

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At the present time, namely during trade relations, a variety of forms of ownership appear on the market. For example, the citizens of our country are more and more united in some kind of organizations, which are usually called legal entities. Such forms of ownership have certain property and, of course, some risks of losing it. It is for this reason that property insurance has become so widespread.

This procedure is almost one of the most popular in insurance companies, as well as numerous agencies. Note that, like the insurance of personal property of ordinary citizens, insurance of the values ​​of a legal entity is always regulated by a certain law. As practice shows, in most cases, insurance is a mandatory procedure for all forms of ownership. However, it should be noted that not all legal property present on the market needs to be protected by insurance, since there are various types of property insurance for legal entities .

If you take, for example, certain financial savings, as well as the cashier's office and another list of valuables, the organization has the right to insure it only at will.
Taking advantage of the provided insurance services, the heads of organizations have an excellent opportunity not to worry about all the possible consequences in the event of all sorts of unforeseen circumstances. Also, if the property is insured, you can safely plan all further work of your company.

Compulsory insurance of property of legal entities.

As mentioned above, the insurer companies offer different types of insurance. For example, one of the more common ones is compulsory insurance of property of legal entities... Immediately, we note that only property owned by the legal entity itself is subject to this form of insurance. In this case, the necessary insurance coverage of any third parties present may also be taken into account.

Voluntary insurance of property of legal entities.

Voluntary insurance of property of legal entities characterized by the fact that any company has the right to establish some of the clauses of the contract itself. Let's consider them:

  • You can adjust the sum insured;
  • The size of the franchise is also subject to change;
  • The corresponding policy can be obtained from any company, etc.

Also, if the company does not have the required financial amount, it has the right to refuse the services of the insurer. But at the same time, all responsibility for financial security will be completely unprotected.

  • Property fire insurance
  • Common property insurance
  • Types of property insurance
  • Types of property insurance for legal entities
  • Online property insurance
  • Rental property insurance
  • Business center insurance
  • Hotel insurance
  • Pledged property insurance
  • Land plot insurance
  • Property insurance
  • Property insurance of enterprises and organizations
  • Legal entity property insurance
  • Small boat insurance
  • Insurance of marine vessels
  • Equipment insurance
  • Office insurance
  • Industrial facilities insurance
  • Aircraft insurance
  • Shopping center insurance

Property insurance

Legal entity property insurance

As already noted, the object of insurance is property interests... associated with the ownership, use, disposal of property. Therefore, it is not only the property that is the property of the enterprise that is subject to insurance. In this regard, one can single out the following types of property that can be insured :

- property belonging to the enterprise on the basis of the right of ownership, the right of economic management or operational management;

- property received under a lease or lease agreement;

- property accepted for processing, repair, transportation, commission, storage, etc.

Usually the following types of property are accepted for insurance :

- buildings (industrial, administrative, social and cultural purposes and public use);

- structures (towers, masts, units and other production and technological installations);

- separate premises (workshops, laboratories, offices, etc.);

- engineering and production-technological equipment (communications, systems, apparatus, machine tools, transmission and power machines, other mechanisms and devices);

- inventory, technological equipment;

- interior items, furniture, shop windows, mirrors, advertising installations;

- inventory items (goods, finished products, raw materials, materials).

Insurance is usually not accepted :

- cash and securities;

- documents and business books;

- items that have no value (manuscripts, drawings, plans, etc.);

- property, the insurance coverage of which is made according to specific insurance conditions (means of transport, farm animals, etc.);

- as a rule, under the main contract, especially valuable property (precious metals and stones, collections and works of art, securities) is not subject to insurance. Such valuables can be insured under a special contract.

Insurance location... Usually, property is considered insured only in those premises and on that land plot, which are indicated in the insurance contract. If the insured property is removed from the place of insurance, the insurance coverage is terminated.

Insurance risks (insurance events). Property insurance of legal entities is carried out in the event of its destruction or damage as a result of the following insured events:

- explosion of gas, boilers, machines, apparatus, etc .;

- natural disasters and the action of natural forces (earthquakes, floods, hurricane, whirlwind, storm, tsunami, rainstorm, hail, flood, subsidence and subsidence of soil, landslide, landslide, mudflow, action of underground waters, flooding, etc.);

- the effect of water (accidents of heating, plumbing, fire-prevention and sewerage systems, water penetration from neighboring rooms);

- fall of manned aircraft and their parts;

- breakage of glasses, showcases, etc .;

- burglary, robbery and other illegal actions of third parties (for material values);

Usually, the insurance company provides the policyholder with the opportunity to choose a list of risks (one, several, all), which he would like to insure against.

Insurable value of property.

To determine the insured value, the following property value estimates can be used:

book value... but not higher than the replacement cost on the day of its destruction (for the assessment of fixed assets);

actual value at average market... selling prices and prices of own production (for the assessment of working capital);

at actually incurred costs material and labor resources at the time of the insured event (to assess the construction in progress).

Sum insured is determined separately for each object or set of objects (groups, categories of property). It is possible to determine the sum insured in two ways:

- the sum insured is equal to the insured value of the property (full insurance coverage);

- the sum insured is equal to some share of the insured value of the property (incomplete insurance coverage).

In case of incomplete insurance, it is very important to clearly state in the contract how the insurance indemnity will be calculated.

If the contract is not specifically stipulated, then in case of underinsurance after the occurrence of an insured event, the insurance indemnity is paid in proportion to the ratio of the sum insured to the insured value (Article 949 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

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Example. Determine the amount of insurance compensation according to the proportional liability system. The cost (appraisal) of the insurance object is 18 million rubles. insured amount 7.4 million rubles. damage to the policyholder in the event of an insured event 3.64 million rubles.

Option 1. There is no insurance clause in the insurance contract with a limit of liability. Then the insurance indemnity will be (according to the proportional liability option):

SV = 3.64 million rubles. x (7.4 million rubles 18 million rubles) = 1.5 million rubles.

Option 2. There is a clause in the insurance contract that the insurance indemnity is paid in the amount of the actual loss, but within the insured amount. We calculate the insurance indemnity:

SV = 3.64 million rubles. (this is less than 7.4 million rubles).

Insurance premium calculated at the rates established for individual risks (fire, explosion, accident, etc.). The rates are differentiated depending on the industry, type of production, property purpose, fire safety conditions (for fire insurance), property safety.

Table 1 - Approximate base rates for property insurance of legal entities

Types of risks (insurance events)

Insurance rate (% of the insured amount)

Insurance rules may provide for discounts on the amount of the insurance premium: for concluding an agreement with a franchise, for meeting fire safety requirements, for the continuity of insurance (property insurance for several years without the occurrence of insured events) and others.

Calculation of the amount of insurance compensation .

The basis is the data registered in the insurance act drawn up by the insurer or a person authorized by him, with the participation of the insured.

The amount of damage is determined:

- in the event of the loss or theft of property - in the amount of the insured value of the lost or stolen property (minus residues suitable for further use);

- in case of damage to property - in the amount of the cost of its restoration, or in the amount of the loss of the corresponding part of the value (if the property will not be restored).

The general calculation formula is as follows:

where: T- the amount of damage;

W- the value of the property according to the insurance assessment;

∑I- the amount of wear;

R- expenses for salvaging and putting property in order;

W a- the value of the remnants of property suitable for further use (at the residual value).

The policyholder is reimbursed salvage costs... to prevent and mitigate damage in the event of a natural disaster or accident (moving property to a safe place, pumping water, etc.), as well as putting the insured property in order after a natural disaster (cleaning, sorting, drying, etc.) ...

This type of insurance, as a rule, is not subject to compensation for losses. :

- that occurred as a result of events inevitable in the process of work and naturally arising from it (corrosion, decay, physical wear and tear and other natural processes of changing the properties of individual objects);

- caused to the insured property as a result of its processing by fire, heat or other thermal effects for the purpose of processing or for other purposes;

- incurred due to defects in property that took place before the conclusion of the contract.

Legal entity property insurance

Currently, the insurance procedure plays a huge role in the Russian market economy. Many commercial and government organizations, as well as individual entrepreneurs, thanks to insurance policies, significantly reduce existing risks.

Timely insurance of the property of legal entities allows you to stabilize all production processes, as well as to more actively develop your business in different directions.

The heads of companies today have the opportunity to insure their property against all risks, which in turn will allow them in the future to reduce losses in the event of insured events.

What it is

Insurance of movable and immovable property of legal entities is intended to reduce their financial losses in the event of an insured event specified in the relevant agreement.

This procedure can be classified as a type of property insurance, which has recently become very popular.

Insurance companies undertake the obligation to indemnify the representatives of medium and small businesses in the event of an emergency that resulted in partial or complete damage to movable and immovable property.

The following representatives of small and medium-sized businesses can take part in the procedure for insuring property of legal entities:

  • individual entrepreneurs;
  • notaries;
  • lawyers;
  • legal entities;
  • state enterprises;
  • municipal authorities.

Representatives of small and medium-sized businesses carrying out their economic activities in the status of legal entities, while participating in the property insurance procedure, are called policyholders who have the opportunity to:

  • conclude contracts with an insurance company in favor of third parties;
  • independently appoint recipients of insurance payments;
  • if necessary, replace the beneficiaries (before the onset of the insured event), etc.

Legal entities, regardless of the form of ownership, which have registered this type of activity with the State authorities and have all the necessary permits and relevant licenses, can become insurers.

This procedure is governed by the Federal legislation in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.


The procedure for insuring property of legal entities has a number of features that representatives of medium and small businesses should familiarize themselves with before taking out an insurance policy.

Firstly, the heads of commercial or state-owned companies should take into account that when concluding a contract with an insurer, they should be guided by the Insurance Rules, which pay special attention to all types of risks.

Secondly, legal entities must independently develop such rules, which subsequently must undergo compulsory state registration.

Legal entities can insure other types of property by concluding a special contract with an insurance company.

The insurance policy will protect a specific item of fixed assets, which is transferred to the company for temporary use, for various research, scientific experiments, etc.

The insurance company, upon signing with a representative of small and medium-sized businesses, assumes insurance liability.

The responsibilities of the policyholder include:

  • fixing the occurred insured event;
  • fast consideration of an application from a legal entity;
  • payment of compensation in accordance with the fate established by the agreement.

In the event of an emergency that entailed damage to the property of a legal entity, the insurance company sends its representative to the place to fix the insured event.

In accordance with Federal law, when concluding a contract, the insurance company negotiates force majeure with a representative of small or medium-sized businesses, upon the occurrence of which the insurer is released from its obligations.

The following can be considered a force majeure situation:

  • the outbreak of hostilities;
  • the imposition of a state of emergency by the governments of countries;
  • confiscation of property by court order;
  • strikes and popular uprisings;
  • requisition of property, etc.

Any enterprise (organization, institution), regardless of its organizational and legal form, which owns property, or has accepted it on lease, mortgage, rent, commission, sale, storage, or on other legal grounds, has the right to insure its property.

Property - a set of material values ​​and things in the use (possession) of the insured person. The property differs in types: movable and immovable property, property of agricultural and industrial enterprises. Movable property includes anything that can move. Real estate is static, for example: buildings, structures, land.

What is insured?

The object of insurance is the loss, shortage or damage of certain property. Under an insurance contract, property can be insured in favor of the policyholder (beneficiary) who has an interest based on the contract (law) in the safety of this property.

Corporate property insurance is subdivided into types of property insurance:

  • state organizations (enterprises, associations, institutions);
  • state agricultural enterprises;
  • non-governmental and public organizations;
  • non-state agricultural enterprises and tenants;
  • public buildings leased to organizations and individuals;
  • religious organizations;
  • foreign citizens on the territory of Russia.

Property insurance of legal organizations in the Russian Federation of the above types is carried out on a voluntary basis. The following property of enterprises is subject to insurance:

  • structures, buildings, structures;
  • equipment, inventory,
  • transmission devices, power workers and other machines,
  • vehicles, fishing (other) vessels, fishing gear,
  • objects of work in progress and capital construction,
  • finished products, goods, raw materials, materials;
  • farm animals, rabbits, fur animals, bee families and poultry;
  • the harvest of agricultural crops;
  • other property.

The property leased to other organizations can be insured separately from the common part of the property.

What is not insured?

When insuring the property of legal entities, the following property will not be insured:

  • securities, cash, documents;
  • earthworks, dams, dams, sidewalks, bridges, parking lots, asphalt roads and others;
  • structures, buildings and other property located in the zone of a natural disaster.

The exception to the last point is the case in which the insurance is extended for a new period even before the expiration of the term under the previous agreement, within the percentage of the property value that was specified in the original insurance agreement.

Insurance risks

The property interests of economic entities are manifested in the event of death, destruction (damage), flooding, theft, destruction of property. It should be borne in mind that property interests, the insured event with which occurred unintentionally (accidentally), are subject to insurance protection.

Property insurance of enterprises is carried out against possible damage (loss) in case of damage or destruction of property for the following insured risks (insurance events):

  • damage or destruction from explosion, fire, lightning strike;
  • damage or destruction from natural disasters (floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, downpours, snowfalls, mudflows and others);
  • damage or destruction from the fall of manned flying objects, as well as their parts;
  • death or damage from the destructive action of water (accidents on water supply, heating, fire-fighting, sewer systems, penetration of water or other liquid from adjacent rooms);
  • destruction or damage from extraneous influences (collision of a vehicle or self-propelled machine, bulk of a water vehicle or self-propelled floating engineering structure);
  • damage or destruction when committing illegal actions of third parties (theft, robbery, robbery, robbery, arson, vandalism).

It's important to know!

Damaged property is considered to be the state of property in which there are no characteristic signs of its complete destruction or destruction, and which can be restored by means of repair. Destruction, death, loss, flooding is the disposal of property from use. Theft means the seizure of property through fraud, theft or robbery.

Insurance compensation

When insuring the property of legal entities, the payment of insurance compensation can be made both for the insured and the beneficiary appointed by him (an individual or legal entity). It is important to remember that the occurrence of the obligation to fulfill the insurance payment for the insurer arises only upon the fact of an insured event (case) that has occurred. The beneficiary (policyholder), prior to the occurrence of the insured event (case), has no rights and grounds to receive insurance compensation.

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