What is mortgage lending? What is a home mortgage and how to get it? Stage # 1: Preliminary stage

Last update: & nbsp 12/30/2019

Good afternoon, dear readers of the financial magazine "site"! Today we will talk about mortgage and mortgage: what it is, how to calculate a mortgage online, what are the conditions for obtaining a mortgage in 2020, what mortgage lending programs are offered by leading banks.

The publication will be useful to everyone who has decided or is just thinking about such a possibility. It will not be superfluous to read the article and persons wishing to expand their knowledge in the field of finance. Therefore, we recommend absolutely everyone not to waste time, but to start reading!

So, from the presented article you will learn:

  • What is a mortgage loan and what are the advantages and disadvantages of a mortgage;
  • What are the special mortgage lending programs;
  • What are the stages of registration of a mortgage;
  • Basic conditions for the issuance of mortgages in Russia;
  • What are the features of calculating mortgage loan payments;
  • Which banks offer the best conditions;
  • Who to contact for help in obtaining a mortgage.

In addition, at the end of the article, readers will find answers to the most popular questions about mortgage lending.

The publication turned out to be quite voluminous, so use the content.

About what a mortgage is, what are the conditions for obtaining a mortgage loan in the leading banks of Russia, how you can quickly calculate a mortgage online, as well as what mortgage programs exist - we will tell you in this issue

What is a mortgage?

Mortgage- This is a special type of collateral, which is designed to insure the lender against possible default on funds. In this case, the purchased property is used as collateral.

Traditionally, real estate is used in mortgages - apartment, residential building, share in the object.

When registering a mortgage, the property belongs to the buyer by right of ownership. At the same time, due to the fact that it is a pledge, the lender has the right if the borrower fails to fulfill its obligations adjudicate real estate to your advantage.

In addition, the owner does not have the right to dispose of the property at his own discretion. Without the approval of a credit institution, he cannot sell or donate real estate encumbered with a pledge.

1.1. The meaning of mortgage

The main characteristic of a mortgage is pledge ... His presence is the most important condition for the existence of this economic concept.

Should be understood that the collateral can be not only the property being purchased, but also the property already in the ownership of the borrower.

For example, banks are not always willing to agree to lending housing under construction, because the title to it has not yet been registered. This means that it is impossible to impose an encumbrance.

The process becomes much easier if, as collateral, a potential borrower offers to register an apartment already in his ownership.

Upon completion of construction and commissioning of real estate, the subject of the pledge can be sold with the permission of the bank in order to repay the loan. Another option is to keep the encumbrance until the moment the obligations are fully fulfilled. In this case, the borrower becomes the owner of two apartments.

Financiers understand mortgage in two economic categories: property pledge , as well as issued under it money loan .

At the same time, a number of features can be distinguished that are characteristic of a mortgage:

  1. registration is regulated by federal laws;
  2. target nature, that is, when applying for a loan for an apartment, you will not be able to spend money on buying something else;
  3. long term crediting (up to 50 years);
  4. lower interest rates in comparison with non-targeted loans.

Theoretically, it is possible to obtain a mortgage for the acquisition of other property ( For example, luxury goods), as well as tuition and treatment fees. However, such programs are not popular in Russia.

1.2. The history of development

Historians agree that the term mortgage happened a very long time ago - about 5 000 year BC.

Then in Ancient Greece, mortgage was called pillar, which was installed on the borrower's land plot. It contained information related to the subject of the pledge. In addition, loans secured by real estate were issued in ancient Egypt.

In our country, mortgage in the modern sense appeared not so long ago. Buying apartments became possible only at the end 90 s.

The impetus for this was the adoption in 1998 law governing mortgages. It is he who, to this day, acts as the main legislative act that regulates the registration of mortgage agreements.

1.3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Mortgages

For most of the inhabitants of our country, the registration of a mortgage is becoming the only opportunity to become the owner of an apartment today, and not in the distant future. This leads to a steady demand for mortgage programs.

Experts identify a number of advantages that borrowers receive by taking out a mortgage:

  1. Buying your own home with maximum benefit available to those who are eligible to receive preferential mortgage... In Russia, young professionals, military personnel, and citizens raising more than one child can take advantage of special programs.
  2. Solving housing problems as soon as possible. Using a mortgage allows you to abandon the long-term accumulation of funds for your own apartment. Also, there is no need to give huge amounts of money to a stranger every month as rent payments.
  3. For some, getting a mortgage allows them to invest in real estate. Such property rarely falls in value, and in the long term, the rise in the cost of apartments does not stop. Buying real estate, the borrower gets the opportunity to sell it in the future at a higher cost. In this case, it will be possible not only to pay off the mortgage debt, but also to get tangible profits.

Despite the significant advantages, the mortgage has a number of disadvantages:

  1. It can be quite difficult to get a mortgage. Many credit organizations check borrowers so thoroughly that it becomes difficult to get a positive decision.
  2. High overpayments. In connection with the registration of a mortgage for a long term, it can be equal to the original loan amount.
  3. The owner is limited in the right to dispose of the pledged property.
  4. The maturity of the loan is usually quite long. Not everyone is ready to make impressive payments every month for 10-30 years.
  5. There is a risk of losing your apartment. If, for any reason, the borrower does not fulfill his obligations under the mortgage, the bank has the right to take the pledged item through the court or sell it at an auction.

Statistics show that no more can afford to buy a home on a mortgage 5 % of Russian citizens. At the same time, most of them draw up loans on preferential terms.

2. Is there a difference between the concepts of a mortgage and a mortgage loan? đź“Š

Most of the citizens cannot afford to buy an apartment for cash. That is why statistics show that more 50 % all real estate transactions are carried out through the registration of mortgage loans. In more detail about how and how to act correctly when buying a home on credit, we wrote in the previous article.

Not everyone knows that the concepts mortgages and mortgage loan are unequal.

Mortgage- This is an important component of the mortgage system, which involves the issuance of a loan by a bank secured by real estate collateral.

It turns out that when issuing a loan, a banking organization, in order to guarantee itself the return of the funds issued, draws up the purchased apartment as a pledge. It is the real estate bought with borrowed funds that acts in the situation described above mortgage.

Under mortgage understand a certain form of collateral. Under her, the acquired property belongs to the debtor and is used by him, but an encumbrance is imposed on it.

It turns out that if the debtor refuses to make payments on the loan, the lender has the right to sell the property in order to return the funds issued as a loan.

Overview of the main types of mortgage lending in Russia

3. The main types of mortgages and mortgage lending đź“‘

Today, mortgage lending for many is the only way to solve the problem with housing. Therefore, the demand for this financial service is constantly growing.

In such conditions, banks, in order to attract as many customers as possible, release everything to the market. new programs... At the same time, a huge number of clients not only find it difficult to decide which program will be optimal for them, but also have no idea what their fundamental differences are.

Mortgage loans - the concept is multifaceted, therefore, depending on the various characteristics, a large number of classifications are distinguished:

  • for the purpose of lending;
  • depending on the currency of the loan;
  • by type of property to be purchased;
  • by the method of calculating monthly payments.

This is not a complete list, and each classification has a right to exist.

Some experts prefer to highlight mortgage groups based on its definition as mortgage of real estate.

According to this principle, two groups can be distinguished:

  1. mortgage secured by existing property;
  2. much more often those who have nothing take a loan, therefore a loan secured by the purchased property is more popular.

If the mortgage is issued in the first way, the borrower receives the following benefits:

  • lower rate;
  • the possibility of misuse of funds.

When registering a mortgage secured by the purchased property on the contrary, the loan has an exclusively targeted character. That is, you cannot buy anything with the money received except an apartment, moreover, it must be approved by the bank. Read about how to get it in a separate article.

A huge number of credit institutions coexist on the market today. Naturally, this leads to huge competition.

Each bank strives to develop several mortgage lending programs that will prove to be unique and popular with borrowers.

Lending programs are called differently, but most often the names reflect method of obtaining or purpose. In the first case the names are more of an advertising nature. In the second- they reflect the real purpose of the mortgage.

For the purpose of registration, it is customary to distinguish:

  1. Loan for the purchase of an apartment in the secondary market one of the most common today. It is characterized by optimal conditions, favorable interest rate... In addition, this type of mortgage is different fast registration... Many banks offer several types of mortgage loans for the purchase of housing in the secondary market at once, according to which certain benefits are offered for certain groups of borrowers.
  2. Mortgage loan for real estate under construction makes it possible to purchase housing at the time of its construction. It should be understood that the developer must be accredited by the issuing organization without fail. For the bank, in this case, there is not only the risk of non-return, but also the likelihood that the construction will not be completed. Therefore, for similar programs the highest rate... Naturally, this leads to an increase in overpayment. However, there is also a plus for the borrower - an apartment can be purchased at a much lower cost.
  3. Mortgage for building a house issued to those who have a land plot. This loan allows you to build a private house.
  4. Loan for the purchase of suburban real estate allows you to become an owner townhouse, country house, land plot or cottage... There are offers on the market that have been developed by credit institutions with the support of developers. Such programs provide an opportunity to buy residential properties in ecologically clean areas at affordable prices.

It turns out that the borrower, in order to facilitate the choice among the variety of mortgage programs, should decide what property will be used as collateral.

After that, in the bank branch, on its website or on the Internet resources for searching for loans, you must select the program corresponding to goals... That is, those programs that allow you to purchase the desired type of real estate should be taken into account.

Mortgage lending programs for young families, state employees, civil servants, young professionals

4. Special programs for mortgage lending - an overview of the TOP-4 mortgage programs đź“ť

In Russia, there are not only standard (basic) mortgage programs, for which anyone can apply, but also special aimed at helping certain categories of citizens in purchasing housing. A distinctive feature of such a mortgage is support from the state.

1) Mortgage with state support

The purpose of mortgage lending with state support is to help solve housing problems, which is intended for socially vulnerable citizens.

These include:

  • families related to large families;
  • citizens who were brought up in orphanages;
  • low-paid public sector employees;
  • disabled people;
  • other categories of citizens who are unable to purchase housing without government assistance.

To take advantage of the opportunity to obtain a social mortgage, citizens must be put in queue to improve living conditions.

There are several types of government assistance:

  • subsidy, which can be used both to pay off the existing mortgage, and to the initial payment;
  • a lower interest rate on a mortgage loan;
  • sale of real estate on credit at a reduced cost.

A citizen does not have the right to independently choose which assistance to prefer. This decision is made by the local authorities.

2) Military mortgage

For military personnel who take part in the program of the accumulative mortgage system, it is possible to use the program to purchase apartments "Military mortgage" ... Such lending is carried out with the support of the state.

To a special account for the military, they transfer subsidies, which are intended for the purchase of residential real estate. Moreover, with 2016 years, the military had the opportunity to choose the region of purchase of housing, as well as the type of property.

3) Mortgage for a young family

Another type of social mortgage is a mortgage for a young family. It was planned to terminate the operation of this program in 2015 year. However, the conditions were edited and the mortgage for the young family was extended. At the moment, it is planned that the program will be valid until 2020 of the year.

Families who meet the following requirements are eligible to use this type of mortgage:

  • one of the spouses is younger 35 years;
  • official recognition of the family as in need of better housing conditions.

The program provides for the option to use the subsidized funds as a down payment on a mortgage loan. At the same time, the maximum amount of state aid is 30 % of the cost of housing.

4) Mortgages for young professionals

This program is designed to help with the purchase of housing employees budgetary spheres whose age does not exceed 35 years. One of the programs in this category is “Home for a Teacher”.

Those planning to use the social mortgage program should know that in addition to federal programs are available and special programs in the regions developed by local authorities. It is in these organizations that you can learn about existing programs.

Condition 8. Interest rate on mortgage

On average, in Russian banks, the interest rate is 12 -14% in year.

More loyal conditions are valid for regular customers of the bank, as well as for those applying for a mortgage on social programs.

Clients should be wary of those banks that offer mortgages at a lower interest rate. Often in these cases, overstated commissions operate.

Condition 9. Payment procedure

Theoretically there is 2 options for making monthly payments:

  1. differentiated;
  2. annuity payments.

In the first case the amount of payment is gradually being reduced, in the second- payment is made in equal amounts.

In Russia, the most popular scheme is using annuity payments... It is she who is offered by most banks.

Condition 10. Insurance premiums

Russian legislation provides for the obligation to insure mortgage loans. But often banks introduce conditions for additional insurance.

They introduce a condition to insure into credit programs client's life, his ability to work, as well as mortgaged property... In this case, it is best to choose comprehensive insurance , since its cost will be lower.

Thus, there are a number of mortgage lending conditions that the borrower should familiarize with at the stage of choosing a bank.

Calculating your mortgage (mortgage loan amount) using an online calculator

8. How to calculate a mortgage online - an example of calculating the amount of a mortgage loan 💻💸

Already at the stage of making a decision to buy a home on a mortgage, future borrowers are wondering what the amount of monthly payments will be and how much the overpayment will ultimately be.

Most large banks provide everyone with the opportunity to independently make all the necessary calculations using mortgage calculator in mode online ... However, certain difficulties often arise.

Recently, more and more often you can hear that the apartment was purchased with a mortgage. All banks on the territory of the Russian Federation offer to acquire their own property on a mortgage. Consider what a home mortgage is and how to get it. We will pay special attention to what documents will need to be prepared and what products are on the market.

The first step is to figure out what a mortgage is. A mortgage is a type of pledge agreement in which a financial company issues funds to a client in order to acquire his own real estate. As for the collateral, it is the apartment for which the bank issues funds. Today, financial companies are actively issuing a mortgage product for the purchase of an apartment, house, or even a share in real estate. It is important to take into account that the acquired property remains in the ownership of the borrower, that is, the buyer. As for the lender, he is the beneficiary in terms of the actual debt under the loan agreement.

Under the law, he has the right to sell the apartment only when the borrower stops paying the payment on schedule. As for the client who purchases housing, he cannot dispose of it at his own discretion, namely, sell, exchange or rent. Until the loan for the apartment is repaid in full, all actions related to the apartment must be coordinated with the financial company.

Who will be given and what is needed for this

Almost everyone who meets the requirements of the bank can apply for a loan for the purchase of an apartment today. At the same time, it is important to take into account that the terms of lending today do not differ significantly.

All banks have a number of requirements:

Age As far as age is concerned, most banks are ready to cooperate with citizens over the age of 21. It is almost impossible to get a loan from the age of 18.
The age limit for obtaining a mortgage is:
  • for women 50-55 years old
  • for men 60-65 years old
Citizenship In practice, large banks such as Sberbank are ready to cooperate exclusively with persons with Russian citizenship. Some commercial banks are ready to accommodate a foreign citizen and provide the necessary amount of money to buy an apartment.
Income The presence of a stable income is a prerequisite for obtaining a mortgage. The bank must be confident that the debt will be paid off according to the schedule.
Employment Each client must be officially employed. At the same time, work experience, in most cases, should not be less than 3 months.
Credit dossier When applying for a loan, the bank carefully examines not only the client himself, but also his credit history. Only those clients who have a positive history will be able to receive money for the purchase of a house. Banks are not ready to cooperate with borrowed citizens who made numerous delays and violated the terms of the loan agreement.
Pledge The lender is ready to issue funds only for liquid property, which can be quickly sold and repaid the debt if the terms of the agreement are violated. It will not work to get funds for the purchase of dilapidated or dilapidated housing.
Insurance Within the framework of the law, the acquired property must be insured against the “structural elements” risk. If necessary, the bank can request title insurance.

Mortgage in Alfa-Bank

Credit limit:

from 60,000 to 50,000,000 rubles.

30 years

from 8.49%

from 21 to 70 years old


Mortgage in the bank Opening

Credit limit:

30 years

from 8.35%

from 21 to 68 years old


Credit limit:

10 years

from 11.9%

from 20 to 85 years old


Cash loan at Loko-Bank

Credit limit:

from 100,000 to 5,000,000 rubles.

7 years

from 10.4%%

from 21 to 68 years old


Documents for individuals

For registration of a mortgage, a list of mandatory documents should be prepared. It should be noted right away that the full list is specified directly at the office of the financial company from which you decided to receive funds.

Standard package of documents:

  • borrower's passport
  • the borrower's second document to choose from: SNILS, TIN or driver's license
  • for men under the age of 27 - military ID
  • certificate of marriage and birth of children (if any)
  • a photocopy of the work book, certified by the employer
  • certificate of income, both in the form of a bank and 2NDFL
  • certificate confirming another source of income: lease agreement or statement of deposit
  • borrower questionnaire, filled out according to the lender's form
  • application for obtaining the required amount, in the form of a bank

It is important to take into account that the bank may additionally request other documents, such as:

  • Diploma of Higher Education
  • a certificate from a medical institution, about the state of health

As for the guarantor or co-borrower, he will need to prepare similar documents. Otherwise, the bank may refuse to issue a mortgage on a legal basis.

Documents for individual entrepreneurs

Individual entrepreneurs are citizens who work for themselves. To obtain a mortgage, they should prepare:

  • borrower's passport
  • additional identity documents
  • extract from the state register of entrepreneurs
  • a declaration that is sent to the tax office for at least the last 12 months
  • lease agreement, if any
  • accounts and agreements with partners
  • business license
  • other documents confirming the financial stability of an individual entrepreneur

Often, individual entrepreneurs provide documents for personal property, which serves as a guarantee of loan repayment (additional collateral).

Choosing a mortgage loan is an important procedure that should be approached extremely responsibly. The main thing is not to rush and carefully study all the conditions and offers on the market. In order to make the right decision and get a loan on favorable terms, we suggest taking into account a few simple tips.

Compare interest rates

The first thing to start with is studying interest rates in large banks. If you carefully study the proposals, it becomes clear that the rate is in the range of 10 to 15% per annum. If you receive a salary on a bank card, then it is worth clarifying the conditions for obtaining a loan for corporate clients. Banks are often ready to cut the rate for salaries by several points.

Promotions are what all customers love. Very often banks, in order to attract customers, offer to arrange a loan at a minimum rate. However, it should be borne in mind that the lender requires:

  • make a minimum contribution of 30-40% of the cost of the purchased apartment
  • buy an insurance policy from their company

It is important to take into account that auction loans are issued for a short period of 5 to 10 years. When agreeing to a deal, you must understand that the mortgage rate will be minimal, but the monthly payment is too high. Additional attention should be paid not to the creditor's interest, but to the conditions for providing money from the developer himself. As a rule, developers cooperate with many financial companies and offer soft loans at a rate of 7 to 10% per year when buying property in a particular house. Since there are many offers, everyone will be able to choose the one that suits him most at the interest rate and other terms of the loan agreement.

Mortgage in Alfa-Bank

Credit limit:

from 60,000 to 50,000,000 rubles.

30 years

from 8.49%

from 21 to 70 years old


Mortgage in the bank Opening

Credit limit:

from 500,000 to 30,000,000 rubles.

30 years

from 8.35%

from 21 to 68 years old


Large loan in Sovcombank

Credit limit:

from 150,000 to 30,000,000 rubles.

10 years

from 11.9%

from 20 to 85 years old


Cash loan at Loko-Bank

Credit limit:

from 100,000 to 5,000,000 rubles.

7 years

from 10.4%%

from 21 to 68 years old

It is important to note that it is the shortening of the term that will be beneficial to the client, who has decided to pay off the mortgage agreement faster.

Commission size

In addition to the interest rate, during registration, you should carefully study the size of all commissions. Some banks include a fee for:

  • account management and maintenance
  • various extracts and notifications
  • making a monthly payment

Due to such commissions, the interest rate may increase by 2-5%. That is why, when registering, it is worth writing a refusal from various additional services or not using the bank's product at all.

Insurance conditions

Under the law, each creditor is obliged to insure the acquired property for only one risk - constructive loss. In this case, the client himself decides in which insurance company to issue protection.

In practice, banks:

  • include additional risks, such as property insurance, interior decoration (which is often not at all at the time of the loan) and civil liability to third parties
  • oblige to buy an insurance contract from them, otherwise the rate will be increased by 1-2%

It is important to understand that all conditions are illegal and the client has the right not only to refuse, but also to write a complaint to the Central Bank.

Terms of termination of the contract

You should carefully study the terms of the agreement in advance and understand in which case the bank and the client can terminate the mortgage agreement. As a rule, the client can terminate the agreement only if the bank violates the terms of the agreement, namely, increases the rate after signing, although this right is not provided for by the conditions or will begin to charge additional fees.

The Bank has the right to terminate the agreement if:

  • upon conclusion, the client provided false information
  • the borrower does not pay for a long time

In the latter case, the financial company submits for termination if payment has not been received for more than 90 days. The client will be asked to pay off the debt as soon as possible. If this does not happen, then the apartment will be sold, and the debt will be paid off.

How to choose a bank: the most profitable programs

Since the contract is drawn up for a long term, the choice of the lender and the program should be approached extremely responsibly. As for the bank, you should pay attention to:

  • how much the financial company is on the market
  • presence of offices and branches throughout the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad
  • availability of a license
  • financial performance and awards (information is available on the official portal)

The word "mortgage" today is on the lips of almost all of our compatriots. This is quite understandable, because the housing issue in Russia is becoming more acute from year to year. But still, what is the shortest and most comprehensive answer to the question, what is a mortgage? The answer is this: this is the purchase of residential or non-residential real estate (and only real estate) with borrowed funds, with the condition of pledging this very real estate to the person who agreed to give the loan. A mortgage is always associated with a pledge (but not every pledge is a mortgage, of course!), And the bank acts as the aforementioned person in 99.9% of all financial transactions.

The definition of a mortgage prescribes the relationship between the debtor and the creditor.

A mortgage is a form of collateral that guarantees the lender a return on borrowed funds. For the owner of the property, the pledge means the right reserved for him to use the pledged property. If the borrower for some reason does not fulfill its obligations, the credit institution acquires the right to sell the pledged property to cover the debt.

The term mortgage and mortgage lending have different meanings. The concept of a mortgage implies ownership. In mortgage lending for the purchase of real estate, the purchased property becomes a mortgage (collateral) for the lender.

In Russia, loans are issued for consumer, housing and commercial needs. And in each case, the beneficiary wants to receive guarantees not only of the return of the issued funds in full, but also a guarantee of receiving interest income as a payment for the service of issuing money. Since mortgages are in the large lending sector, one stable average client income will not be enough. What's the easiest thing to do here? And the easiest way is to set a condition - the client immediately pledges the real estate bought with the money given out to the bank.

How mortgage works

In case of violation of the contract by the client, the bank takes the mortgaged real estate into its full ownership, thereby returning its money to itself. Considering that real estate only becomes more expensive over time, the losses are covered with interest. This is the backbone around which the entire mortgage business in Russia is built (there are several special points abroad that it makes no sense to talk about here).

The main branches of the mortgage business

Then there are two major branches - residential and commercial mortgages. In terms of the number of inquiries and the circle of clients, residential mortgages have far surpassed those issued for the acquisition of industrial, retail and other non-residential areas. But also because the schemes for issuing such a loan by now in Russia have already been worked out, standardized and have many variations (mortgage programs). A home loan, in turn, can be divided into four major branches:

  • standard mortgage programs;
  • social mortgage programs;
  • a special segment of home lending - "Young Family";
  • ordinary home loan.

There are the most standard mortgages. They are designed for a wide range of people who, in terms of their financial situation, are at the lowest rung of the middle class. That is, they have a stable average income. And, most likely, a small and good credit history (several successfully repaid consumer loans). Despite the variety of conditions offered, conventional home loans have a number of features.

  1. The cost per square meter of housing, and hence the size of the mortgage, is determined from an objective analysis of the local real estate market at the moment.
  2. Interest rates are set with an eye on competing organizations. Higher rates will provide more profit and therefore more survival.
  3. There is a rather strict selection of potential borrowers. The client, in terms of his material status, must meet the requirements of the bank.
  4. You can select the average, the so-called. a typical set of criteria for a typical mortgage: 14-15% per annum, down payment of 30%, term of 10 years, the borrower's income is at least twice the monthly payment.

Social mortgage

This type of home loan was created with the aim of providing housing for the most vulnerable, vulnerable segments of the population. Not all people are able to meet the requirements of a standard loan for an apartment. This means that not everyone can take advantage of this. First, not all banks support the social mortgage lending program. Although the largest and most famous financial organizations in Russia support. Secondly, the living space on which the borrower is officially registered must be less than the housing minimum.

According to Art. â„– 50 of the Housing Code of Russia, the common minimum norm for all Russians in the future of permanent residence is the figure of 12 square meters. meters per person. A family of two has the right to count on a minimum 42 sq. meters of living space. If it turns out less, then you need to register with the administration at the place of registration. Then the borrower can be officially recognized as needing additional living space, which will allow him to take a social mortgage with its preferential terms - 7% per annum, no down payment, for a period of up to 28 years.

Mortgage for a young family

In fact, it is a subprogram of social mortgage, aimed specifically at providing apartments for young families with children and without. But here the main forms of assistance are state subsidies and maternity capital, and not preferential terms itself. Maternity capital is most often used to pay off the down payment. This allows many young families to take even a regular mortgage. A government subsidy can take place if there is a shortage of the minimum footage. So, a family of two, with a residence permit at 42 meters, is legally able to receive a subsidy in the amount of 35% of the cost of housing purchased on credit. After the birth of at least one child, the minimum footage is increased to 18 "squares" per person, and the subsidy - up to 40%.

Military mortgage

The name speaks for itself. Contract military personnel can take care of entering their person into the military mortgage lending program. Then a personal account will be opened in the name of the applicant, where indexed monetary amounts will regularly come from the state throughout the entire service life under the contract. After the expiration of the contract, the military man has the right to use the accumulated funds to make it easier to purchase an apartment on a mortgage. For example, to pay off the down payment.

Collection of necessary and desirable documents

As they say, there is plenty to choose from. But before choosing anything at all, it is recommended to get rid of the main headache - collecting documents as soon as possible. In fact, before a direct visit to the chosen bank and communication with the local specialists, no one will say absolutely exactly what documents will be needed. But one thing should be said: there are not many of them in the matter of obtaining a profitable loan offer. Therefore, here is a fairly complete list of those pieces of paper, on the availability and content of which the fate of the borrower depends.

Required Personal Profile Documents

It should be noted that if the family is the borrower, then the spouses are automatically considered co-borrowers. Therefore, each of the spouses provides his passport, TIN, income statement, etc. The advantage is that the bank takes into account the general family budget. The salary of one family member may not be enough, but if you add up the salaries of both spouses, it is another matter. All photocopies can be certified at one time by a notary. And when you meet in person with a bank employee, you still need to have the originals of all documents with you.

Documents defining the material status of the borrower

This does not mean a mandatory, stable income in the form of salary, but some additional material resources that the borrower has:

  • if the property already has some kind of real estate, then you will need a copy and original of the document confirming the right of ownership (bill of sale, deed of gift, privatization certificate, etc.);
  • any expensive property should also show documentation, if any, of course. For example, for a car, motorcycle, bus, according to the laws of Russia, confirmation of the right of the owner is provided, but not for an expensive computer;
  • this is unlikely, but if the borrower owns shares and other securities, then an extract from the register of securities owners is required;
  • in the same way, documents will be required on any bank accounts and deposits, if any;
  • it is highly desirable to have at least a small and good credit history (consumer loan for household appliances, car loan).

The confirmation statement can be taken from the bank where the loan agreement was concluded. It is even better if a good credit history takes place in the very bank where the borrower is going to take out the mortgage. Then the employees themselves will find the necessary credit information, and the level of trust will immediately increase.

Documents for an individual entrepreneur

If the borrower works as an individual entrepreneur, then the documentation will be twice as large, but the chances of a positive response from the bank will also increase significantly:

  • registration certificate;
  • receipts for timely payment of taxes;
  • accounting, reflecting the profitability of the business;
  • copies of lease agreements, commercial mortgages, etc., which will prove the reliability and profitability of the business.

Documents for the mortgage housing itself:

  • title documentation;
  • technical and cadastral passports;
  • two certificates-forms, No. 7 and No. 9, on the characteristics of housing and its registration;
  • certificate of absence of debts for utilities;
  • an extract from the State Registration Register on the absence of encumbrances on this housing.

The main criteria for mortgage lending

Many documents have been mentioned here, but even this list is not complete. Some bank will not need some papers, while another will ask for something else in addition. At the beginning of the article, an answer was given to the question of what a mortgage is. But the answer contained only meaning, definition. Answering this question, it is necessary to supplement what a mortgage for housing is - it is also a set of interrelated conditions: interest rate, down payment, loan terms and its size. Of course, the full list of conditions will be much wider - compulsory insurance of the acquired property, compulsory appraisal of an apartment, etc. But the four points listed are the basis of any mortgage lending. It is the analysis of these 4 points that helps to determine which mortgage loan to choose.

For some, the defining criterion will be the interest rate, its minimum level. For others, there is a minimum down payment. Still others will need an optimal combination of all factors. But in order to soberly analyze mortgage offers, you need to understand how these criteria are interconnected. The following patterns emerge according to the classical scheme:

  1. The lower the interest rate, the higher the down payment. And vice versa.
  2. Large and small loans have lower annual interest rates than average.
  3. Short-term and long-term loans have a lower annual interest rate than average in terms of maturity.
  4. Long-term mortgage option (over 15 years) implies a relatively low down payment.

Features of the interest rate

The interest rate is objectively the key criterion. After all, it determines the amount of overpayment. For example, a mortgage of 1 million rubles at 15% per annum means that the borrower every year, in addition to the amount to pay off the principal debt, will pay 150 thousand rubles (15% of 1 million rubles). This is considered a direct payment for the service the bank has rendered to the borrower. Usually, the amount of annual interest is evenly spread over 12 months. This means that the client will have to add another 12,500 rubles to the monthly payment to pay off the principal debt.

Moreover, you should always carefully study the type and characteristics of the bet. It can be fixed or floating. The bank does not have the right to change fixed rates throughout the entire term of the mortgage agreement. Floaters are subject to change. However, now almost everywhere the rates are fixed, which gives the client a certain feeling of stability and financial security. True, because of this, the monthly payments are only annuity, that is, unchanged. While the differentiated payments become less and less as the loan is repaid. But the banks of Russia do not make such concessions. The rate can be either decourse or anti-sipative. The difference between them lies only in the timing of the payment of interest to the bank. At a declining rate, the borrower pays interest over the entire maturity of the mortgage.

The main disadvantages and the final conclusion

With an anti-sipative rate, the bank immediately withholds all of its due interest, simply giving the client a smaller amount of money. But in the mortgage sector, the anti-sipation rate does not apply. Why? A wonderful question related to the main, big and fierce disadvantage of the mortgage of the Russian Federation - a gigantic overpayment. How to keep the entire amount of interest at once for the entire loan period, when, due to these very interests, the overpayment in the end amounts to 100-120% of the market value of housing? With an anti-sipative rate, the borrower would simply not get his hands on anything. This overpayment is due to the high rates in Russia. For comparison, in the USA this criterion does not exceed 3%. The second major disadvantage is the risk of losing housing with the funds already spent. So, if the borrower is no longer able to fully pay the loan, the bank will take away the mortgaged housing from him.

Moreover, no matter how long before that, the client regularly paid his debt. The third disadvantage is that the borrower will have to deal not only with the bank, but also with many other third parties - insurance companies, appraisal firms, realtors, etc. The borrower will also have to pay for all their services out of pocket. This article was written with the aim that every person, every family, before taking out a mortgage, weighed all the pros and cons. And for this it was required to disassemble the meaning and structure of such a financial, economic and social phenomenon as a mortgage for housing. It was necessary to understand what a mortgage is and how it works. The information in the article is recommended for reading to everyone who is going to make happy and burden themselves with a mortgage at the same time.

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What is a mortgage and what are its main advantages? How to Calculate Interest Rate Mortgage Payments (Online)? Which banks offer the best mortgage programs in Moscow?

Hello, dear readers of the HeterBober business magazine! With you Denis Kuderin.

The topic of the new publication is Mortgage. The article will provide a detailed overview of this concept and consider all the advantages, types and conditions of mortgage lending.

The material will be useful to everyone who is going to buy a home on a mortgage (no matter - in the near or distant future), as well as those who want to improve their financial literacy.

And now - about everything in order!

1. What is a mortgage - definition and essence

A mortgage is a type of collateral that serves as insurance for the lender who lends money. The pledge is the property acquired by the borrower - as a rule, this is real estate (apartment, house, cottage, share in the apartment).

The property itself remains in the ownership of the buyer, but the creditor, in case of violation of debt obligations, has the right to sue it in his favor.

The owner has no right to dispose of housing (sell, donate, exchange) without the permission of the lender for such operations.

Professional assistance in choosing a mortgage is provided by Mortgage Agencies and Centers, which are available in every major city.

2. Types of mortgages

There are several options for classifying mortgages. There are two fundamentally different types - a pledge against the acquired real estate and a pledge against the already owned housing.

Another criterion of distinction concerns the type of housing purchased.

In particular, on a mortgage, you can purchase:

  • apartments in new buildings or a building under construction;
  • apartments in the secondary market;
  • houses, summer cottages and summer cottages, cottages;
  • shares of real estate.

Some banks issue mortgages for housing construction on their own or with the involvement of contractors.

Competition among lending institutions leads to an extraordinary variety of lending programs. Every finance company offers “exclusive” products, but the differences between mortgage offers are rarely fundamental.

A little more detail on the truly unique mortgage options.

Military mortgage

The purpose of such a mortgage is to provide full-fledged housing for the military personnel of the Russian Federation. The project has no analogues in world practice. Officers, warrant officers and rank-and-file of the Russian army, serving under contract, can become its participants.

The military enters the Accumulative Mortgage System and after three years of membership can apply for a mortgage loan. Then they go to the bank and draw up a loan agreement.

The initial payment is paid by the Russian Ministry of Defense, the same structure makes regular payments on the loan. Thus, the military does not invest in real estate at all.

True, there is a limitation on the cost of the acquired living space - this year the price for an apartment should not exceed 2.4 million rubles.

Read on our website detailed material on the topic "" and "".

Mortgage with state support

Another unique project is a mortgage with state support. The program has been operating since 2015 and allows everyone to take advantage of preferential terms, regardless of their social status.

The goal of the program is to provide support to construction companies and revive the economic situation in the country during a protracted crisis. The state partially pays for the mortgage loan, allowing borrowers to enter into agreements with a lower interest rate.

Choosing a mortgage program is an event that should be approached with maximum responsibility. To take out a loan on really favorable terms, you should carry out some preliminary preparation.

Bank offers are a marketing product, so you shouldn't believe all the promises and numbers unconditionally. It is necessary to find out in advance the real terms of lending, and not only those that are announced by financial companies.

More details on this topic in the articles "", "" and "".

This is the first thing a borrower looks at when choosing a loan program. Interest rates in Russian banks are currently quite high - 12-15%. Russia is believed to have the highest credit overpayments, but this is partly due to inflation in the country.

For the rate to be “civilized” 7-9%, it is necessary to achieve stability in the economy for at least 10-15 years. Only then will lending institutions be able to reduce annual interest rates.


You have decided to take out a mortgage for an apartment worth 3 million rubles. for a period of 20 years with an interest rate of 13%. By entering the data into the mortgage calculator, we get 35,147 rubles of monthly payments and a loan overpayment of about 5.4 million.

Tip 2. Exploring the possibility of early repayment

Statistics show that the majority of loan recipients seek to pay off their debt ahead of schedule. Often a loan taken for 20 years is repaid in 7-10 years or even earlier.

Not all credit companies are delighted with the early payment of debt. The earlier the client pays the loan amount, the less profit the bank receives.

For this reason, financial institutions try to avoid unplanned contributions. They can generally prohibit making payments in excess of the due for a certain period (this is called a moratorium on early repayment).

Another option is to complicate the early repayment procedure and charge an additional commission for this.

When choosing a program, you should study all these points in as much detail as possible.

Tip 3. Pay attention to the amount of commission

Clients are always aware of the interest rate of their mortgage, but not everyone knows what fees are charged for regularly servicing banking transactions. Meanwhile, these amounts often add up to tens, or even hundreds of thousands of rubles every year.


The bank offers a profitable (at first glance) loan for 13% per annum with a quick execution of the agreement - what is called "two documents". The borrower agrees with all the conditions for issuing a mortgage, including - with a commission of 0.4% monthly.

“What is 0.4% is nonsense” - about such a thought flashes in the mind of a loan recipient when he signs an agreement. However, the indicator 0.4 turns into 4.8% per year. This number should be added to 13% per annum. Thus, the interest rate will already be 17.8%, which is completely different money.

There are also one-time transaction fees. It is also useful to know about their sizes in advance.

By law, insurance of mortgage property is compulsory. However, banks, in addition to the clause stipulated by law, include in the contract other types of insurance - the life of the borrower, his ability to work and health.

All types of insurance are paid and are issued at the expense of the recipient of the loan. Often, regular payments are up to 1% per annum of the loan amount, and these are considerable sums over the years of the mortgage.

Clients have the right to refuse voluntary insurance, but in this case, banks can increase the interest rate. All these nuances require prior approval.

It is worth finding out in advance under what conditions the bank has the right to terminate the agreement and demand the return of the collateral.

Usually banks take such a step after a delay in payments more than 3 times a year, but it happens that even a one-time delay is already a reason for serious reprisals from a credit institution.

4. What you need to get a mortgage - the main conditions and requirements of banks

The time when banks handed out mortgage loans to the right and to the left to almost everyone is irrevocably gone. Now, in order to get a mortgage, citizens need to meet numerous requirements and conditions of credit companies.

The main ones are:

  • age (the borrower must be more than 21 years old at the time of obtaining the mortgage and less than 65 at the time of the expected repayment of the debt);
  • availability of stable work - the client must have worked in the last place for more than 6 months;
  • the level of the borrower's or family's monthly income should be 2.5 times higher than the amount of regular payments;
  • availability of funds for the first installment (on average, it is 10-30%);
  • the presence of co-borrowers (if the income is less than what the bank requires).

Some lending institutions require a mental health certificate and proof of residence in the city for a loan for a specified period.

Watch an informative video about mortgages from an expert.

5. What will happen if you do not pay the mortgage

It is in the interests of every borrower to make payments clearly on time and in the proper amount. But ... man proposes, and God disposes. Or, to put it another way, circumstances often do not favor the borrower.

The money that should go to a bank account suddenly becomes urgently needed elsewhere. Or they simply do not exist - the person was delayed in salary or was dismissed altogether. It was not possible to borrow money from relatives or friends to pay the monthly fee, the result is a delay.

If such actions are one-time and are not regular, the creditor simply applies sanctions - charges fines and penalties.

If violations of the terms of the agreement by the borrower are repeated, the bank has the right to go to court and sue the collateral. It does not matter if the person (family) has another apartment.

True, credit companies take this step only in extreme situations, when all other options for influencing the debtor have already been exhausted. This option is not very profitable for the financial institutions themselves, since the sale of living space does not cover all costs.

Borrowers who know that they will not be able to repay the next payment should notify the bank in advance and discuss with the managers the terms of loan restructuring. This will help to achieve a reduction in the size of payments when the term is extended or to qualify for a credit vacation.

6. Mortgage in Moscow - TOP-5 banks with the most profitable mortgage programs

Dozens of financial companies offer mortgage loans in the capital. Choosing an organization with really decent conditions among them is not an easy task.

The table shows the 5 most attractive mortgage programs for 2016 in Moscow and the region:

â„– Bank The name of the program Peculiarities Interest rate
1 Sberbank Mortgage with state supportThe program is valid until January 1, 201712%
2 VTB 24 New buildings with state supportNew apartments in prestigious districts of the capital11,9%
3 Credit Bank of Moscow Mortgage in the secondary marketApartments in all districts of Moscow12,9%
4 RosEvroBank Mortgage ApartmentLoan processing in 7 days11,45%
5 Tinkoff Bank New building with state supportThe ability to apply for a loan online10,9%

Mortgage credit lending

Mortgage credit lending- a long-term loan provided to a legal entity or individual by banks secured by real estate: land, industrial and residential buildings, premises, structures. The most common use of a mortgage in Russia is the purchase of an apartment by an individual on credit. At the same time, as a rule, newly purchased housing is mortgaged, although it is possible to mortgage an apartment already owned. Note that a mortgage is a public pledge. When mortgaging real estate, the bodies registering the transactions make appropriate records that the property is encumbered with the pledge. Any interested person can demand an extract from the State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It. In this statement, if the property is pledged, it will definitely be indicated that there is an encumbrance: a pledge.

Mortgage loan classification

Mortgage loans are classified according to various criteria.

By property:

  • enterprises, buildings, structures and other real estate used in business;
  • residential buildings, apartments and parts of residential buildings and apartments, consisting of one or more isolated rooms;
  • summer cottages, garden houses, garages and other consumer buildings;
  • aircraft, sea vessels, coastal vessels and space objects; construction in progress *
  • purchase of finished housing in an apartment building or a separate house for one or more families as a primary or additional place of residence;
  • purchase of a house for seasonal living, summer cottages, garden houses with plots of land; purchase of a land plot for building.

By type of lender:

  • banking and non-banking
  • as subjects of lending: loans provided to developers and builders; loans provided directly to the future home owner;
  • loans can be provided to employees of banks, employees of firms - clients of the bank, clients of real estate firms and people living in the region, as well as everyone.

Various lending institutions are engaged in mortgage lending. The peculiarities of their activities lie in the method of refinancing issued loans

Borrower's rights and obligations

By purchasing an apartment with a mortgage, a citizen becomes the owner of this home. However, his rights as an owner are limited, because this premises is a pledge. The debtor has the right to register his family members, as well as to bequeath. But at the same time, you need to remember that the heir will receive not only square meters, but also your obligations. The lender's / mortgage owner's permission is required if:

  • it is planned to issue permanent registration for family members,
  • there is a desire to make redevelopment,
  • borrowers intend to rent, sell or exchange housing.

Factors on which the loan amount depends

The amount of mortgage you can get depends on:

  • the size of your income;
  • loan term;
  • the cost of the acquired property;
  • down payment.

The loan payment cannot exceed a certain share of your income, as a rule, it is 40-50% (payment / income ratio). At the same time, taxes and expenses on existing financial obligations (payments on previously received loans, loans, loans, alimony, etc.) are pre-deducted from your income. Much depends on the program of the bank itself, the object of the loan: the primary, secondary market, suburban real estate or just land. When calculating the specific characteristics of a mortgage loan, you also need to take into account the conditions for issuing a loan, which provide for various repayment schemes. Basic forms of repayment:

Participants in the mortgage system

The participants in the mortgage system are:

  • banks that check the borrower's solvency;
  • appraisal companies assessing the market value of an apartment;
  • insurance companies that are required to insure the risks arising in the course of mortgage lending;
  • mortgage brokers to help the borrower choose the most suitable loan program.

History of mortgages in Russia - major milestones

Current situation

According to the Expert RA agency, the volume of the mortgage lending market at the end of 2012 will amount to a record 1.1 trillion rubles. According to experts, in the first half of the year the volume of the mortgage market amounted to 430 billion rubles, which is 57 percent more than the results of the same period last year. According to analysts, the steady growth of the market was ensured by low rates, the entry of new players into the market and an increase in the pace of housing construction.

Major trends

  • Raising interest rates
  • Tightening requirements for borrowers
  • Decreased competition.
  • Development of social mortgage.
  • Increase in the issuance of mortgages in the primary market

Major players

Sources of

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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