Is it possible to avoid losses when investing. Personal investments: FAQ Investments in investment or endowment insurance

Good day, friends! A few years ago, a former fellow student and I started a small flower business. As a result, a year after the start, I retired from business and took up my current activities.

My comrade, however, did not give up and has now risen quite well. On my advice, I also successfully invested free money, so everything is fine with him now.

Do you want to know where you can invest your money profitably? What are the most relevant directions? For a simple "thank you" now I will share with you some valuable information.

Where is the best place to invest and invest money in 2018?

Are you satisfied with the average income and no less than the average standard of living as that of the majority of "ordinary" people? If you are reading this page, then most likely not. People who are used to thinking with their heads have 3 main goals:

  1. Financial independence.
  2. Good health. They say that money cannot buy health. This is not entirely true. Quality medical care will always cost a lot of money.
  3. Confidence in the future for yourself and your family.

Only through assets can a person create a personal financial "safety cushion" and passive income. Remember the retirees, they did not have the opportunity to invest in their future, and now their modest pensions only evoke sympathy for them.

This article is not a manual on the topic: "Where to invest money for dummies", but, nevertheless, it covers the main ways of investing and allows you to determine the further direction of development in this matter.

When it comes to offline investments, it is clear that this implies a direct visit to the office, filling out a number of documents and the loss of a certain amount of personal time, but sometimes it is worth it, since the investor has some protection from the regulatory authorities, or guarantees from the state.

To bank deposit

The most common and most affordable way to invest money is to invest money at interest.

Of course, when it comes to a bank deposit, one should not count on an increase in funds, since the interest on the deposit does not even cover real inflation.


At the moment there are a huge number of banks offering different interest rates on deposits and, as a rule, the smaller the bank, the higher the rates, the reliability of such banks may be in doubt, but if you decide to invest in a bank deposit, you are insured, and in case of bankruptcy or revocation of the license, the money will be paid to you.

But in any case, you should not rely on 100% reliability of a bank deposit, since political or economic circumstances can lead to the freezing of funds.

Investing money in a bank deposit - advantages:

  1. Low entry threshold (from 1000 rubles / 500 UAH);
  2. Guaranteed return on investment in case of problems with the bank;
  3. Fixed guaranteed profitability;
  4. The ability to quickly receive funds (most likely with the loss of accrued interest).

Investing money in a bank deposit - disadvantages: Low profitability, which does not offset inflation.

When opening a deposit, it is worth considering a few points:

  • For how long it is planned to invest money (it is optimal to invest money for a period of 1-3 months).
  • In what currency to invest money - it is always better to invest money in dollars and euros (35% in dollars, 25% in euros, 10% in Swiss francs and 30% in national currency).
  • At what percentage and in which bank to invest money (it is better not to chase interest and choose a reliable bank).

In accumulative life insurance (NSL)

A product that combines two functions: accumulation of funds and life insurance (death, accident, illness, disability, survival).

As a rule, the term of the contract is 10-30 years. This product can be used as an opportunity to invest money to achieve an expensive goal (buying real estate, paying for a child's education, etc.), or used as an alternative to retirement, having accumulated a round amount by the time of retirement.

That is, at the end of the program, you receive all the accumulated funds and additional investment income, but this income is likely to compensate for inflation, rather than increase funds.

Before investing money in NSH, you should consider this option of investing money from all sides and weigh all the pros and cons for yourself.

Investing money in an NSJ has a number of advantages:

  1. After the first installment is paid, the insurance coverage begins to operate in full, i.e. upon the occurrence of an insured event, regardless of how much money has been accumulated, the entire planned amount will be paid, or the insurance company will continue to make payments so that the planned amount is collected by the due date;
  2. Investing money in an insurance program is useful in that these funds are not subject to confiscation, collection, and also are not included in joint property in the event of a divorce;
  3. The insurance payment made upon the occurrence of an insured event is not subject to personal income tax.

If you want to invest money in the NSJ - you should also know the disadvantages:

  • Systematic payments (once a month, quarter, year);
  • The danger of inflation, i.e. by the end of the insurance period, the money invested can seriously depreciate (if you invest money in the NSH, then it is pegged to the dollar or euro);
  • It is impossible to withdraw the invested funds ahead of time without losses.

This method of investing money should only be used to diversify an already well-formed investment portfolio.

Into precious metals

In the years of economic instability, people's eyes turn to what has always been in price - to gold. Of course, there is an opinion that the era of gold has passed and the future belongs to electronic currencies, but a person really only owns what he can hold in his hands. Moreover, gold always covers inflation.

Asking the question: "How to invest in gold and other precious metals?", You should pay attention to the following, the most common ways:


Depersonalized metal accounts (OMS). This is an opportunity to buy some of the precious metal, which is credited to your account in grams, which lowers the threshold for entering this instrument, since you can make a purchase from 1 gram.

OMC can be opened in many banks; when opening, you should look at the size of the spread (the difference between the buying and selling rates).

  1. There is no need to buy a whole bar and take care of its safety;
  2. You can quickly close your account and get your money back;
  3. VAT is not charged on purchases of impersonal gold.

Investing money in compulsory medical insurance - cons: Unlike bank deposits, they are not insured by the state.

Ingots. A good option if you want to invest money for a very long-term savings, perhaps even for future generations.

Investing money in bullion - pluses: Gold or silver of 999 standard at the price as close as possible to the market price.

Investing in bullion - cons:

  • VAT is charged on purchases, VAT is not refundable on sales;
  • When selling back, the bank is required to subject the bullion to an examination (done at the expense of the seller);
  • The need for storage;
  • Long term investment (decades).

Investment coins. Investing in gold coins is a great alternative to bullion!

Advantages of investing in investment coins:

  1. Not subject to VAT;
  2. At a price close to the cost of the metal from which they are made;
  3. Are legal tender;
  4. Practically non-falsified;
  5. May be of numismatic interest over time.

Disadvantages of investing money in investment coins:

  • Relatively low liquidity;
  • Long investment period (years).

Jewelry. Buying jewelry for the purpose of investing money should only be considered if you have the ability to buy jewelry relatively inexpensively, either in other countries or in the form of scrap dredges. metals.


In general, investing in gold and other precious metals must be carried out when you already have a formed "safety cushion" and a sufficient amount of liquid assets.

To summarize all of the above on drag. metals, we can say that physical gold and silver is a good tool for saving money.

In mutual investment funds (mutual funds)

A mutual investment fund (MIF) is a form of collective investment in which investors' funds are combined into a fund for further placement in securities (or other assets) in order to generate income.

Those. you, as part of your share, have a certain share of each share and / or bond (this is especially true when it comes to expensive assets) that is part of this mutual fund. By the way, you can even buy a part of the share.

Depending on what instruments are part of the mutual fund, there are the following types of mutual funds, and, accordingly, options for how to invest money in them:

  1. Equity mutual funds are the most widespread, the most accessible for private investors and the most risky type of mutual funds, investing money is mostly carried out in stocks, but you can also invest money in a certain share of bonds;
  2. Bond mutual funds are the most reliable tool if you want to invest money in a mutual fund that has a fixed rate of return (usually small). Basically, you will invest money in bonds, but part of the mutual fund may contain some share of shares;
  3. Index mutual funds - money is invested in stock indices, this is perhaps the best option for starting investment in mutual funds, because the result of the operation of the management company will be visible when compared with the dynamics of the corresponding index;
  4. Mixed mutual funds are a hybrid of stock and bond mutual funds, i.e. they consist of both types of securities. Such funds have the most flexible strategies: they can consist of 100% of stocks during a market growth and 100% of bonds during a market fall;
  5. Mutual funds of funds are such mutual funds in which you can invest money in other mutual investment funds, i.e. there is a diversification of investments between different mutual funds.

What will you gain if you want to invest in mutual funds:

  • Diversification of investment risks;
  • Control and transparency of the fund's activities (all necessary information must be disclosed on the website of the management company);
  • Professional fund management, which saves you the need to understand the intricacies of the stock market.

What will you lose if you decide to invest in mutual funds:

  1. Continuous payment of remuneration to the management company, even if the fund incurs losses;
  2. Compared to instruments with fixed income, mutual funds are more risky, but at the same time they can be more profitable;
  3. Compared to deposits, there are no government guarantees for the return of funds;
  4. The need to pay income tax (payable when a share is sold).

In my opinion, investing money in mutual funds does not justify itself due to low profitability and high risk.

In business or real estate

Your own business is one of the most relevant options for investing money. Business can be different, but the ultimate goal of any businessman is the automation of making a profit. But, for various reasons, business is not suitable for everyone.


To invest in real estate, you need to own sufficient capital.

Real estate in the right place is always a very good option to invest money.

Investing in the Internet is a solution for advanced people!

In fact, the Internet offers investment opportunities for people of all ages, regardless of occupation and profession.

Let us recall the traditional offline option - a bank deposit, the state offers to invest money in a bank at 5-20% per annum (depending on the country), which does not even cover inflation. But the world wide web provides a wide range of highly profitable investments (from 40 to 90% per annum).

Investing money on the Internet is also attractive because you do not need to:

  • Contacts with “necessary people”;
  • Large start-up capital;
  • Investment knowledge, experience and higher education.

That is, absolutely everyone can invest money on the Internet, and it doesn't matter what your gender or social status is!

Why do I choose trust management? The bottom line is this: you give your funds at the disposal of an individual manager or a company.

They, using their experience, capabilities, tools and knowledge, multiply your capital. The investor and the company divide the received profit in half between themselves 50/50%, but other conditions may also be met.

By the way, a bank deposit is also a trust management. True, the profitability from it is much lower, since the bank itself invests in various assets and gives you only crumbs of its profits.

5 areas in which trust management is most relevant:

  1. Stock market (investing in bonds, stocks, etc.).
  2. Investing money in real business (real sector of the economy);
  3. Forex currency exchange;
  4. Venture investments;
  5. Various investment funds and companies;
  6. HYIP projects;
  7. Futures.

From you, as an investor, active participation and special knowledge is not required. The manager takes over all the work. The most important thing is to find a smart manager who can increase your contribution well and competently.

Each manager and the company as a whole works according to a standard scheme. Each investor must have his own personal account, where he stores the statistics of accruals and the history of the account's profitability.


Deposits and withdrawals are carried out using bank transfers and popular electronic payment systems (WebMoney, Qiwi, Yandex money, PerfectMoney, etc.).

Trust management is perhaps the most popular type of money investment:

  • First, there is a low entry threshold. A profitable investment of money is possible from $ 100. It is also possible to invest money in rubles and euros;
  • Secondly, there is no need to understand the specifics of the currency markets yourself (the manager will do everything for you, your business is only to invest money);
  • Thirdly, to receive the service, there is no need to visit an office that may not yet be in your city (everything is done via the Internet, including deposit / withdrawal of funds);
  • Fourth, the convenience of monitoring.

For the same reasons, investing money in trust management is also relevant for investors who own significant capital.

Where to find a successful and competent manager? Indeed, it’s half the battle to know where to invest money profitably, but the most important thing is to find a sensible manager and a transparent company with whom the investor could increase his capital. And here you have only 2 options:

Independent search for a successful company. Fortunately, there is no shortage of such companies on the Internet. But the downside is that you will have to make sure of their competence only through personal experience. A site can be very beautiful, attractive, highly rated and highly recommended, with very eloquent yield charts.

But all this does not guarantee that the company really is. Therefore, you will have to spend time, conduct experiments, tests, and risk your capital.

The second option is more preferable - it is advice from other experienced investors. A knowledgeable and honest investor who has tested certain investment companies, who will warn against unprofitable sites, and also recommend where to invest money with the maximum benefit.

It is important to understand the essence of investing on the Internet: none of the experienced managers will give you a 100% guarantee that investing money in his account is the best and safest. The foreign exchange market is dynamic. He does not stand still and is able to change in the shortest possible time in the most extraordinary way.

Therefore, no adequate trader has the right to guarantee profit. If you come across this, you should know that they are lying to you, and brazenly. Even the most experienced and professional manager makes mistakes at times. Therefore, try to avoid promises of guaranteed profits.

source: http: //site/

Where to invest money in 2018?

Demand generates supply, and today the investor is offered dozens of places where profitably investing money can be a profitable idea.


Startups are innovative companies that offer new technologies that simply did not exist before. Introducing new and unknown technologies into life, bringing them to the mass consumer is a very difficult task, which at the same time can bring thousands of percent of the profit.


Please note that: New startups appear every day requiring investment. But only 10% of them have been working for over a year.

In order to make money on investments in a startup, you need to make sure that the idea, goal, plan, team in a young company are well interconnected, if the company understands what it needs and what it does - this is an important component of success.

There are many examples when startups literally from scratch turned into millions of companies, enriching their investors along the entire development path. Today there are special startup exchanges through which companies and investors converge.

A startup exchange is a site where startups register themselves, their proposals, business plans and declare the required amount to start.

Investors choose startups and invest in them. So every startup can have many investors. When the startup reaches the requested amount, the project starts working and, if successful, it will reward its investors.

Now that the American machine has stopped printing money in the same amount, there is an opinion among rich and wise people that in the next 10 years new markets will not be born, since the world simply will not have free funds for this. The startup market shrank in 2018. this was affected by the crisis and solvency.

PAMM accounts

I am engaged in this type of investment. The PAMM account is in fact very similar to a mutual fund, only it is managed by one person. A professional trader creates a special PAMM account with a broker. This account initially contains only its authorized capital, for example, $ 50,000.


Over the past 7 years, many PAMM account brokers were born and died. Whatever the managers of existing brokers say, today there is only one leader - this is Alpari.

It is this broker who owns the PAMM account trademark, since it was he who invented this system.

By the way, now foreign brokers also have PAMM accounts, for example, the Swiss bank DukasCopy, although the PAMM system there is closed to the public and is available only by invitation.

Profit in this type of trust management borders at an average level of 4-6% per month and 80-100% per annum if we take into account reinvestments. Moreover, it is reinvestments that allow you to multiply your own profit and allow you to earn more than 800%!

This is a very high percentage, despite the fact that with portfolio investments there are practically no risks, and the minimum investment starts from $ 10. As you can see, this is the place where absolutely everyone can invest small money.

Alpari provides all statistics and data on the manager's work, displays his transactions and trading volumes. At the moment, there are PAMM accounts that have been operating for more than 4 years and bring stable profits.

Since the trading strategies of managers are different, the profitability of individual PAMM accounts also differs. If the conservative ones bring in 4-6% per month, then the aggressive ones can give out more than 170% of the profit in one month!

Risk control

When investing in 10-15 different PAMM accounts at the same time, you reduce risks to the very minimum. If one account for the reporting month brings a loss, then the rest will cover this loss with their profit.
PAMM accounts are available to everyone, from the moment of registration with a broker to investment, it will take no more than 10 minutes.


High profitability, practically no risks, long-term work of brokers and managers prove the stability and reliability of investments. High availability and transparency.

For five years of investment, I have not found any drawbacks. This is a great opportunity to have passive income.

Investing in the stock market

If money is deposited in a bank for safekeeping, it is invested in the stock market for profit. The stock market is a platform where securities, goods and even services are bought and sold. The main sites are stock exchanges. In Russia, this is the Moscow Exchange, a merger of two previously separate platforms, the MICEX and the RTS.

It is not the investor himself who has the right to trade directly on world exchanges, but an intermediary - a broker with an appropriate license. An investor opens a trading account with a broker and through it buys stock assets like securities and others.


For me, this is a very profitable type of investment. Not so long ago, I tried all the possibilities of options and am ready to tell you everything in detail.

A binary option is a contract with the condition of an increase or decrease in the price of an asset at a time specified by you. If your condition is met - the price of the asset rises or falls according to your forecast at the specified time, then you make a profit. Everything is arranged in such a way that even a child will understand.

Best of all, I'll just give an example: You buy a binary option on Microsoft stock for 1 hour and indicate that the price will rise. If after an hour, the price of Microsoft shares is higher than at the time of buying the option, you get 80% of the profit. If you invested $ 100, then you could earn $ 80 in an hour.

You can invest in options for periods from one minute to a week, the investment period is set by you. Among the assets there are shares of the largest companies in the world, such as Gazprom, facebook, Google, Apple, Lufthansa, Mercedes, shares of world banks and corporations. And also among the assets there are assets of the commodity market (oil, gas, gold), stock indices, currencies ...

How to make money by investing in options? It's very simple! Just follow the news. If you find out that Toyota will start selling a new series of cars tomorrow, it means their shares will go up tomorrow.


All you need to do is invest in a Toyota stock option with a 1-day or even 1-hour price increase in the height of the day or at the very beginning. If you find out that the tsunami flooded the Toyota plant, then their shares will fall and you can invest in an option on the condition that the price falls.

Thus, you see that you can make money not only on the growth of stocks, but also on the fall. And there is a lot of news on companies every day and thanks to the large number of assets, you can invest in options every day. It is enough to make only 2 successful trades per day in order to earn more than $ 5,000 per month.

This is the most profitable investment, in just 5-15 minutes you can get 70% of the profit. Many trades can be made every day. Among the assets are the stock, commodity and foreign exchange markets. Available to absolutely everyone, the minimum investment is only $ 25

High returns come with high risks. A successful investment requires preparation and careful analysis of the asset. Due to the possibilities of super short-term investments, the investor must have psychological stability, have his own strategy.

I have a lot of information on my blog on how to make money on options, you can read a little more about them here - Investing in Binary Options.


Investing in stocks is a fairly old and classic way. There are different ways to invest in stocks, depending on the company. Average stock returns range from 10 to 20% per annum.

But there are exceptions, for example, Nvidia shares added 200% in 2017.

For established companies, the average growth can be 5% per year. For example, Google is a huge business that has already taken place, imagine what it needs to do to increase its value by 100% in half a year? It's almost impossible.

But for a small pizzeria, it is enough to open a couple of new restaurants and conclude lucrative contracts in order to add 500% in a couple of months.

Buying shares through a broker is an interesting process, you can see for yourself - broker FINAM-EU (Just2Trade) is a subsidiary of FINAM, the very rare international broker that allows you to start trading with a minimum deposit of $ 200, although Amazon shares cost 700 dollars you can no longer buy with a minimum deposit.

Follow the special link and get access. You will be able to see in practice how shares are bought and sold on the NASDAQ, XETRA, and other exchanges. There you can buy stocks of Google, Microsoft and more than 10,000 companies from all over the world.


In addition to already established billion-dollar companies, new ones are constantly appearing, whose shares are very cheap, but their potential, like the price, can increase thousands of times. For example, the same Apple was once a small startup.

If you do not want to risk big money but want to make money on stocks, CFD contracts are the ideal option - this is trading on the price difference.

In the assets there are more than 700 shares in various directions, for example, Adobe, Electronic Arts, AMD, Ford and so on.

It is worth saying that now eToro is actively cooperating with Sberbank, which has invested more than $ 15 million in the company, and this is a good sign, because the international broker is now regulated in the Russian Federation.

It must be said that eToro's assets include not only stocks, but all currency pairs, indices and commodities. the minimum deposit is $ 100, but I recommend starting with at least $ 150-200 so that you have the funds to copy several traders at the same time or to buy several securities.

Stocks are capable of generating good returns, benefits and are a long-term investment.

The minimum block of shares may not cost little money, and shares of unknown companies are quite risky.


Buying physical gold for future use is one of the long-standing traditions of saving money. And today, gold bars are available for free sale in almost all banks in many countries, including Russia, Ukraine, Belarus. A gold bar can be of different weights, ranging from 1 gram to 1 kilogram. Each bank puts its own price on it.

Please note that: Over the past 15 years, gold has experienced a price boom, but has been relentlessly losing value since 2012. Today, the future of gold is not entirely clear, and investments in gold can only be long-term.

This precious metal will not lose its main value, but even a small drop in price can bring losses to the investor, because not only capital is lost, but also time.


A few years ago, Warren Buffett sold all of his "gold" assets and was right. I think that in 2018 there is no need to rush to invest in gold, at least it is worth waiting until stability is established in the oil sector. If you look at the rating of mutual funds (more on this below), you can see that in 2017, mutual funds dealing with gold have already suffered losses.

Metals have a certain physical reserve, so there is no need to expect strong drops in price. Metals are a long-term and safe investment. Investing in metals is available to almost anyone with a bank account.

The price of metals is highly dependent on different economies. You should not count on a large percentage of profit. When selling gold in a bank, you must pay a tax of 13%, this is the percentage that can be achieved over several years of investment.

Compared to bank deposits, investments in the stock market are considered significantly more profitable. Although no one guarantees real profit. It all depends on the state of the stock market at the moment.

More voluminous in terms of money and types of companies is the foreign market, where even children know about promotions. Investments abroad are mainly based on stocks.

But in order to be successful in investing in stocks, it is not enough just to have money to invest, you need to be well versed in business and be able to predict. For those who do not feel confident in these skills, trust management is the best choice.

Bank deposits

Today, the most popular way to save money among Russians is considered to be a bank deposit. It inspires more confidence among citizens than investing in investment funds. Perhaps this is due to the inertia of thinking, because in the days of the USSR it was only possible to invest personal funds in a savings bank.

I would say that people do not invest money in banks, but simply give it away for safekeeping. The only exception can be very, very large amounts.

Interest income at bank rates is small, on average 7-9% per annum, and the state insures up to 700,000 rubles for each deposit against unforeseen circumstances.

Among the most reliable banks:

  • Sberbank (
  • Vneshtorgbank (VTB) St. Petersburg (
  • Gazprombank (
  • Russian Agricultural Bank (

They offer not the largest, but stable and reliable annual interest rates: 7.25%, 7.4%, 7.4%, 8%. And yet, banks are a place where everyone can invest money, but it is difficult to call it an investment. Only a banker can make money in a bank, and a depositor can only keep his funds.


The pros are that the banks are relatively reliable and you will definitely keep your funds safe.

Cons: 7-10% profitability does not justify itself, since the inflation rate is exactly at this level. It is difficult to call it an investment.

Mutual fund

Mutual Investment Funds are also one of the types of capital investment where it is profitable to invest money in relation to the bank. Mutual funds are created to attract investment for the purpose of trading on commodity and stock exchanges, as well as real estate transactions.

For a long time, mutual funds were the most popular places where not every person from the street could invest money.

There are several types of mutual funds:

  1. Open-ended PIF - here you can freely buy or sell a share.
  2. Interval PIF - the share is sold only after a certain time has elapsed.
  3. Closed-type PIF - does not accept deposits from private investors. Profit is usually paid at the end of the year.

A mutual fund can be viewed as a trust management - you buy shares, and your money is managed by a company, as a result of which the prices for shares go up. But as I said before, the risks are high in 2018. If you decide to invest in a mutual fund, it is not worth investing in them all the capital, but only some part. The ratings of the profitability of mutual funds can be viewed on the following pages:

http: //site/
http: //site/

If you decide to invest in a mutual fund, I advise you to carefully study not only the company itself, but also the market prospects, as well as ask for plans, ask a question about the future market of managers and make sure that they are confident in their actions and know how they will act in different situations.

The mutual fund is managed by professionals, but even they cannot stop the fall in prices. In this case, do not rush to sell shares. You have to wait until they rise in value again. In any case, in order to stay profitable, you need to invest in mutual funds for the long term of several years.

In order to earn money and be able to invest in mutual funds, you need to have a solid capital. For the most part, investments in successful mutual funds start at half a million rubles.

At the same time, it is necessary to understand that it is safer to invest in several different unit investment funds at the same time. Also, for a successful investment, you need to understand and understand the stock market, stocks and the current state of the market, and other economic factors.


A good mutual fund is highly reliable, as it is regulated by the state. In good years, profits can be up to 80% per annum. Limited risks depending on the specific conditions of each mutual fund.

Lengthy process of transferring and receiving money. If you do not live in the city where the mutual fund is located, then the investment will be extremely inconvenient (signatures, documents, transfers). Good mutual funds can have high minimum investment thresholds.

Investing in luxury goods, real estate and internet business

One hundred percent return is not so rare in this free market. But only smart and tasteful investors can sense what may have the greatest investment potential.

The safest investment is investment in famous artists of the last century. For example, Andy Warhol's painting Lemon Marilyn was acquired in 1962 for $ 250. After 45 years, it was sold for $ 28 million. 250,000% per annum.

It should be said that the main buyers of art are by no means amateurs and collectors, but financial market players.

Not all investors are versed in painting or artists, but this does not prevent them from making money on it. Such investors attract special consultants who make an objective assessment of the asset, verify the authenticity, and accompany the buying and selling process.

With a competent approach, they bring not only aesthetic pleasure but also high profits.

They require a high understanding of the market. Assets usually do not have high liquidity, unless it is a painting by Monet or Van Gogh.

Internet business

Many young people like to invest in internet businesses. With the advent of the Internet, various ways of investing their capital have appeared. All income on the Internet is based on services, trade and advertising. There are people who invest money in websites for advertising or trade.


The payback of an Internet business is about a year to two. If you invest 60,000 dollars in two projects, then in 2 years you can reach a profit of 80-100 thousand dollars.

Many people invest money in starting their own internet business or store. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to have your own warehouse. In this business, it is important to find a good supplier and the goods will go to their customers directly from him.

But in order for your store to be better and more famous than other competitors, you need to invest enough money in creating a functional website, advertising, service. It takes years to implement such projects, but the profitability is quite high.

A successful project can quickly pay off several times and continue to be profitable for the rest of the time.

Investments in Internet business can only be made if there are good offers, which are unfortunately few.

Investments in real estate

Investing in real estate is quite conservative but profitable, especially in times of crisis and asset depreciation. It is especially profitable to invest in real estate in large cities, crowded places and resort areas.

Investing in real estate requires a large investment that not everyone has. But you can start small: invest early in the construction phase. Once completed, the value of the building will increase significantly. Real estate can be very small, for example, a garage, which does not require huge investments.

Investments in residential real estate. Real estate prices rise regularly, and this fact is an indicator of the high profitability of real estate investments. In the residential sector, it is better to prefer small one-room apartments, which are in high demand among the population.

Investments in commercial real estate. Investments in commercial premises bring stable income. There may be warehouses, offices, shops, beauty salons, etc.

Investments in overseas real estate. Investors buy foreign real estate and then rent it out. This is also not a bad investment method.

When purchasing any kind of real estate, you need to consider many factors:

  • Location
  • The proximity of bus stops, schools, kindergartens, etc.
  • Facilities
  • The presence of parking and many other nuances.

Most people associate the words "real estate investments" with the goal of saving money, not multiplying them, so it is important to initially approach this issue very responsibly, to analyze the selected object not from the consumer's side, but from the investor's side.

Pros: Reliability, wide range of offers.

Cons: Low profit, minority have free money for real estate investments.

Making money online isn't just about writing articles, freelancing, or running errands. Here, a horizon of possibilities opens before you, and which one to choose is up to you.

Recently, people prefer to become investors who invest money for the purpose of making a profit. Of course, it has its own rules of the game, while the possibility of running into dishonest individuals is also not excluded.

In order not to get hooked on scammers who want to profit at someone else's expense, it is necessary to thoroughly study the mechanism of investing money.

Principles for Making Smart Investments for Profit

A profitable investment of money is a very delicate and difficult business. It requires maximum attention, perseverance and patience, so before moving on to financial transactions, first calculate your strength, and also accurately determine the amount of capital that you are going to invest.

To learn how to invest money without the risk of losing it, the first thing you need is knowledge. If you have all the necessary information in this area, then your business will be successful.

Famous billionaires - Bill Gates and Warren Buffett - have always repeated the same statement: if you don't know where to invest money, invest it in yourself. Thus, they will pay off many times, and the profit will be quite good.

What does it mean? This, first of all, means that if you do not have enough experience, it is better to spend capital on acquiring the necessary knowledge (paid trainings, courses, seminars, etc.), and only then start making money by investing money on the Internet. To do this, you must be guided by the following principles.

  • Make sure you have a reliable financial cushion. Without it, you will not be able to take any action, and you may not even think about how to invest profitably for further profit. The only exception is a bank deposit, since it is considered not an investment, but a savings project.

What does the term “financial cushion” mean? This is a six-month supply of funds, in the presence of which a family can live a full life without additional financial income.

You can create such savings by setting aside a certain amount of money every month. At the same time, the family budget should not suffer at the same time.

  • Try to invest money with interest on the Internet in such a way that it is distributed over several investment projects. This will help to avoid a complete loss of capital if one of the projects goes bust.
  • Always remember that there are risks of financial loss. That is why, before making an investment in order to generate income, weigh all the positive and negative aspects of your chosen project. Many beginners make the same mistake - they give in to excitement. As soon as they feel the "smell" of money, they immediately lose their vigilance, putting all their savings into the business. And only when they are faced with the first losses and setbacks, they realize that they acted rashly, and the next time they need to be more careful.
  • Attract new people. As you work on this or that project, you will gradually gain experience, as well as learn to understand what you can invest money in, and which deal it is better to refuse. Once you learn how to do this, you can try to involve another person in your activity. This is especially true of profitable investment schemes that promise a profitable investment of money without the risk of losing it. Investors do not always have all the required amount, and it is in this case that he will definitely need outside help. If you find a reliable companion whom you can fully trust, then both your and his investment in the business will increase significantly over time.

These are, perhaps, all the basic principles of the correct investment of money in a business on the Internet. If you master them and stick to them, then you will not have to worry about the fate of the invested capital.

Another important issue is the amount of the investment contribution. Experts say that you can start investing from any amount - be it 1,000 or 100,000 rubles. Of course, it all depends on what you decide to invest in. So, if we are talking about investing money at interest as a bank deposit or shares, then the minimum contribution can be from 100 rubles or more.

If at the moment you do not have money, but you plan to become an investor in the future, then start saving up the required amount without putting things on the back burner. If you postpone at least 200-300 rubles a month, you will be able to return the accumulated amount as a bank deposit in six months and earn money on this. Let the initial interest rate not be too high, but over time, when your capital increases due to interest, you can use it to earn on other investment projects.

Profitable ways to invest money

So, when you already know all the basics of investing money correctly, have studied all the possible risks of such activities and are ready to act, you can proceed to the most interesting part - considering projects where you can invest money profitably and absolutely safely.

To date, there are just a huge number of options. People from their abundance even widen their eyes, and only one question knocks in their heads: "Where to invest money so that they work?" The question, of course, is correct, but not all projects are worthy of being considered at all. In order not to be mistaken, and not to lose your "hard earned", it is better to give preference to 1 of the options described below.

Investing in the purchase and lease of real estate

Real estate is one of the most profitable options where you can safely invest even large sums of money. You can either buy it or rent out your own home. The main advantage of this type of earnings is that daily real estate prices are constantly growing, thereby bringing good money to their owners.

Another plus is that you can buy apartments or houses not only in your home country, but also abroad, where they are much more expensive. However, when renting out real estate in other countries, be prepared for the fact that such activities require a mandatory tax payment. However, thanks to this type of earnings, you can live in your home country, renting out housing abroad, and not worry about finding a permanent job. People in other states are willing to pay much more to live comfortably, even if not in their apartment or house, but in a rented room.

In addition to an apartment, you can lease premises for offices, shops and other businesses. From this business, you can have a higher income than with a house lease transaction.

Earnings on a bank deposit

If you are looking for where to invest 100,000 rubles (more or less) in order to earn, then a bank deposit will be an excellent option for you. But before you complete the procedure, you need to take a responsible attitude to the choice of a financial institution in which you can be 200% sure, because we are talking about your money.

However, if there is a risk that the authority you have chosen will go bankrupt, there is no need to panic: today there is a law in Russia, according to which all bank clients who have left a deposit of 1,000,000 rubles are entitled to full compensation. For comparison: earlier this figure was 300,000 rubles less.

As for the interest rate, each financial institution has its own conditions. So, if you want to invest money and earn a percentage of the deposit, then it is best to entrust them to a bank offering a 12% annual rate. Thus, you can easily increase your capital, plus everything else and contribute to the economic development of the country.

Positive and negative aspects of bank investments

Of course, a bank deposit today is one of the most popular ways to save and increase money, but it should be remembered that any type of earnings has both positive and negative sides. To reduce the risk of losing financial investments, you need to know about them.

Pros of bank deposits:

  1. The client can be completely confident in the safety of their deposits.
  2. You can request a refund at any time.
  3. You have the opportunity to invest starting from an amount of 1000 rubles.
  4. Availability and simplicity of the investment project.

Cons of banking investments:

  1. If you are looking for a way to make profitable investments at high interest rates, then this way of making money will not suit you. The annual interest rate of most banks is too low, so look for another investment vehicle.
  2. If you decide to withdraw the money deposited early, then your entire interest rate is burned out.

However, do not be upset: a bank deposit is not the only option where you can profitably invest money in order to make a profit. There are many other projects where potential investors can count on pretty decent earnings.

Investing in precious metals and art objects

Despite the fact that today it is very profitable and popular to invest in securities and your own business, investing in precious metals (especially gold) would be no less worthy option. Why is it so much more profitable than buying stocks and securities? It's simple: if the company whose assets you acquired suddenly loses all of its capital, you will also lose everything - both the shares and the money invested.

In addition, precious metals have always been valued much higher, so investing money in them is a real chance to get high profits. However, despite all the profit of this type of earnings, it also has its negative sides, which every investor should know about so as not to endanger their money.

First of all, you should know that when buying, for example, one gold bar, you will have to pay a tax that is neither more nor less - 18%. If you want to resell it, then:

  1. Firstly, they will buy it from you at the price of precious metal scrap.
  2. Secondly, no one will definitely compensate for the tax you paid. Thus, you will lose about half the value of the ingot, and this is only the best case. Sometimes the amount may exceed 60%, and then such a transaction for the purchase and sale of gold will definitely not be profitable for you.

The same goes for jewelry. To purchase such items, you will have to pay for gold, as well as for the work of the master who made the jewelry. To resell it, again, you will be able to resellers who will acquire it at the same "scrap" price.

Another good way to invest is by investing in antiques. More precisely, its acquisition. Buying antique pieces of furniture and interiors is a high cost business, but for this you need to be familiar with all its intricacies. Newcomers to this investment field need to gain valuable knowledge on how to distinguish real antiques from fake ones. This is important because scammers in this market deceive uninformed people by taking rather large sums of money from them.

If you, nevertheless, decided on this type of investment, then it is best to invest in the purchase of investment bank coins. They are made, as a rule, of silver or gold, and are produced in small, or rather, limited quantities. To purchase a certain number of such coins, you need to contact the bank, having previously consulted with a lawyer, as well as the head of a financial institution.

When it comes to investing in art, your best bet is to buy paintings. Sometimes such works cost from several thousand to several hundred thousand dollars, and sometimes even more. However, before concluding a deal, you should seek expert advice, again, so as not to run into dishonest sellers trying to sell a fake.

Stock Markets

The stock market today has become one of the most popular places where you can invest money to make money. But before that, you must carefully familiarize yourself with the rules of a particular market so as not to play on the financial exchange at a loss. At the same time, remember that where there is a lot of money, of course, there are also huge risks of not getting either your investments or the alleged "broth".

There are innumerable number of brokerage firms offering their clients to make the most profitable investments without risk, however, only 2 - Aton and Otkritie - are the most trusted and popular today. You can profitably invest money in them so that they work, while not being afraid that the business will "burn out". By the way, in many cities of Russia there are offices of these brokers, so you can contact them officially, and not only through the Internet.

If you nevertheless decide to cooperate with such offices, then it is better to give preference to long-term investment. As the owner of securities or stocks for many years, you will consistently receive dividends. It is this kind of cooperation with various companies that guarantees you profitable investments without risk, with the help of which you can provide yourself with additional, and most importantly, a stable source of income.

In addition to brokerage houses, there are also so-called mutual funds - mutual funds. Such organizations offer their clients various investment instruments. They usually consist of:

  • shares;
  • bonds;
  • bank deposits.

If you have not yet decided which business to invest in in order to earn money, then why not try yourself in this particular type of activity? There is nothing particularly difficult in this, you just need to discuss the deadline with your potential partner in advance, that is, the deadline for the deal. Throughout the term of the agreement, you will be charged interest, depending on what type of share you have chosen, and what is its volume. However, remember that such activities can sometimes be unprofitable, so before deciding on such investments, carefully weigh all their pros and cons.

The positive aspects of such an investment:

  • if you are looking for where to invest a little money, then stock markets or mutual funds will be a good option for you, since the entry fee can be as little as 1000 rubles;
  • after the expiration of the contract, the interest will be much higher than in the bank;
  • you can independently choose investment instruments;
  • you have the opportunity to receive dividends.

Negative sides:

  • very complex investment system;
  • high risk of working at a loss;
  • certain types of investing in the stock markets require appropriate knowledge.

If you know how to calculate risks, and are also confident in your abilities, then do not waste time - brokerage offices are always at your service.

Financial investments in cryptocurrencies and HYIPs

Investing money in HYIPs and cryptocurrencies is today considered one of the most unreliable and unprofitable instruments in the modern financial market. However, if the risk of losing money does not scare you, you can try yourself in this area of ​​investment. What if you are the person to whom fate will be favorable, and you will be able to earn good money on your investments? However, in order to make money in this way, you need to know the meaning of the concepts of "HYIP" and "cryptocurrency".

Hype is a special type of financial project, which, in terms of its specifics, somewhat resembles an investment fund that brings huge profits to its members. Your main task is to find a good organization where your investments will not only be completely safe, but will also bring good dividends.

Some HYIPs offer a 3% daily rate to investors who partner with them. Yes, there are risks, and they are very large, but people who invested in this business on time have a huge chance of getting much more than they spent.

Cryptocurrency is a network currency that does not have its own eminent and is not registered with any bank. In other words, such a currency cannot guarantee the complete safety of the funds invested by its owner in its purchase. The price of 1 such coin may fluctuate depending on its prevalence and popularity.

So, if you take one of the most famous cryptocurrencies in the world - Bitcoin, then at the time of its discovery (2009) 1 coin cost a little more than 1 US dollar. Now its cost is about $ 1,000.

This type of cryptocurrency has long been used by investors around the world, especially those who invest in Internet projects.

Wherever you intend to invest your own money, remember: consulting a specialist will never be superfluous or inappropriate. It is better to spend money on a conversation with a professional than to lose investments irretrievably because of the desire to make money on dubious transactions.


Forex is one of the most famous financial markets in the world. People who are looking for suitable options where they can invest money in order to earn money, they just need to figure out the specifics of working at this giant of financial investments, and then the business will begin to develop rapidly.

The popularity of this financial market also lies in the fact that here you can make pretty decent amounts of money pretty quickly. However, even here there are big risks of losing not only potential profit, but also the money you have invested.

Important! Although today there are a huge number of Forex brokers that will help you decide where to invest money on the Internet (in particular, in Forex), you need to be extremely careful with them! Many companies deceive their clients by forcing them to blindly run sums of money within the corporation, without bringing them out to the general foreign exchange market, as it should ideally be. That is why, before concluding an agreement with this or that broker, be sure to read reviews about it.

Pros of investing in Forex:

  1. Many people are looking for where to invest a small amount of money, and Forex is a great help in this. The minimum contribution amount is $ 100, which is an insignificant entry threshold for such a serious investment project.
  2. Here you can quickly, and most importantly, earn a lot.
  3. Forex provides a huge selection of investment tools.
  1. You will need certain knowledge and skills to carry out financial transactions.
  2. The risks of losing all investments are very high.

Investing money in Internet projects

Today you can make good money not only on your own business, real estate, precious metals, etc., but also on the Internet. This, first of all, applies to making money on sites. In this case, the resource can be either your own or someone else's. The main thing is that you are completely confident in its profitability.

How can you make sure your site is worth your investment? Very simple. Today there are many online programs with which you can estimate the value of your chosen resource.

Another important question is, on the basis of what criteria the cost of the site is determined. First of all, the huge role is played by the fact how much money you have invested in its promotion. Yes, this pleasure is not cheap, but the more money and time you spend, the more visitors you can attract. It is on the statistics of site traffic that its popularity and, accordingly, your income depends.

While promoting one or several resources at once, you can:

  • be the only owner of them;
  • sell ready-made sites after filling them with content to other people for quite a lot of money.

If you can ensure that your site has high traffic, your monthly income can range from several thousand to several tens of thousands (in quite rare cases) of dollars.

Many people today are making good money from an activity like investing. However, investing money somewhere is not worth it, because they may not only fail to pay off, but also "get lost." This means that an investor who gets involved in dubious deals may well lose money with no hope of getting it back. To prevent this from happening, you need to know where it is best to invest large (or not so) amounts of money that will bring good profit in the future.

What else is profitable to invest in now? There are only 2 optimal options: real estate and development of your own business. However, here you need to have a mathematical mindset and not rely on chance or luck. Even if at first it will be very difficult (which is not surprising), then when you get used to a new type of activity and study all the laws that apply in your chosen area, then your profit will increase quite quickly, and you can earn decent money, practically without leaving your home. ...

    • Method number 10 - Bank deposit
    • Method number 9 - Precious bank metals
    • Method number 8 - Purchase of securities on stock exchanges
    • Method number 7 - Trust management, mutual funds and PAMM accounts.
    • Method number 6 - Investing in someone else's business project
    • Method number 5 - Open your own business
    • Method number 4 - Creating and owning your own website
    • Method number 3 - Investing in real estate
    • Method number 2 - Engage in short-term lending
    • Method number 1 - Investing in children's education or self-education
    • Doubtful way to invest small money: from 1,500 rubles
  • 4. Conclusion

This article will discuss the ways of investing small amounts of money, which, as a rule, are available to the most ordinary citizen of our country. There is a misconception that investment is the prerogative of the rich. This is a delusion, almost every Russian can invest small funds.

The expression “money must work” has become quite popular and modern, especially on the Internet. However, it is worth noting that although this expression is popular, only a few implement it. The reason is that most people face certain obstacles and do not know how to overcome them, or they do not want to cope with them.

What you want to invest assumes that you have a certain amount of free funds and that there are no debts on payment cards, loans, and so on. If you still owe someone, then it is better to postpone the investment - the existing instruments, as a rule, will not give you income in excess of the interest rates on bank loans.

The most common problem - the presence of medium and small savings, because they are so small that it is difficult to invest them in a worthy and profitable business project.

Therefore, the question arises - where can you invest a small amount? Before answering this and other questions, you need to create a solid basis for accumulation of funds.

We decided to compile the top ten ways in which you can invest a small amount of money, while not only preserving your savings, but also increasing them.

1. Accumulation of invested capital

We need to start saving the minimum amount in 10% from your monthly income, even if it is a couple of hundred rubles at the beginning. The amount can be more than 10%, but not less.

Even "funny" money at first turns into a decent amount over time. To accumulate funds, reconsider your expenses and give up various luxury items and other non-essential expenses.

Depriving yourself of everything will not be right - you will not be able to last long enough. Read more about how to save and save your money in ... There we described - 10 ways to save money.

Accumulating money to start investing

A very correct decision there will be a transfer of part of the salary to various special piggy bank accounts (it may be worth opening a deposit), such services are often offered by modern banks. You do not see this money and do not have it, so there is no temptation to spend it.

Also an important condition for normal investment work will be the presence of "NZ". Those. money to cover your six-month expenses, the so-called "reserve for a rainy day."

Everyone can face temporary difficulties, non-payment of wages, illness or loss of work.

2. Where can you invest a small amount of money

Before investing money, you should always start by raising your own knowledge of the matter. Learn the concepts and terms in the financial markets, find out what analysis is applied to securities (technical or fundamental), find reliable sources of information on the Internet (perhaps books, diaries of private investors) and constantly refer to them.

World famous investor Warren Buffett I read over a hundred books on investing before I was 20.

3. Where to invest a small amount of money - 10 reliable ways

Let's consider the main ways where you can invest a small amount of money, for example, 500 thousand rubles. Let's start with the method that generates the lowest income.

Method number 10 - Bank deposit

This type of investment is very familiar to everyone. However, it only takes 10th position, the reason is too low income. While the interest rate often seems tempting, the reality is quite different. The bank rate very rarely exceeds the inflation rate by 3-5%, sometimes not even reaching these figures. Accordingly, the illusion of income is created.

Despite all of the above, bank deposits have some significant benefits. Two of them can be especially distinguished:

  • All deposits on the territory of the Russian Federation are protected by the state deposit insurance program. Therefore, even in the event of a bank failure, the state will reimburse your losses. However, it should be noted that the sum insured does not exceed 1 4 00 000 rubles, this amount already includes interest.
  • You save your time, and it is always worth a lot. All that is required of you is to bring money to the bank and place a deposit, the financial institution will do the rest for you.

Method number 9 - Precious bank metals

Small savings can be invested in precious bank metals. Often this includes silver and gold, in rare cases there are others.

There are two ways to invest in precious metals:

  • First, open an impersonal metal account (OMS).
  • Secondly, buy bullion of precious metals.

In the first case, the client "does not contact" directly with the metals, in the second case, the client receives the ingots in his hands, using them as he sees fit. A significant advantage of buying bullion is that you can buy it of any weight, which in turn allows you to invest a small amount of funds. Ingot size starts from 5 gram.

Method number 8 - Purchase of securities on stock exchanges

The profitability of this type of investment is much higher when compared with bank deposits. But it is worth noting that acquiring such securities requires at least a little experience. Therefore, before embarking on such an investment, you should pay attention to at least minimal training.

And on top of that, the unstable situation in the stock market can contribute to the depreciation of the shares of even very reliable enterprises.

Method number 7 - Trust management, mutual funds and PAMM accounts.

This investment consists in the fact that the investor entrusts his funds to brokers who combine the deposits of a large number of investors into one impressive portfolio, and then use the invested funds at their own discretion.

These investments are often used in stock exchanges and Forex. If we compare the purchase of securities and trust management, then we can say that the second method is much more reliable, due to the fact that your funds are used by professionals.

Method number 6 - Investing in someone else's business project

Considering that we are discussing where to invest small amounts, this option is suitable for investing in small business projects.

However, a natural question arises, what will happen if the business project " will burn out"Or does something go wrong as planned?

In this case, it all depends on how the documents were drawn up. Basically, a “burned out” businessman returns the funds spent to the investor over time.

This can take from several months to several years. But it is worth remembering that the risks of losing everything are quite large. The reason is that both investor and businessman are very often united by friendship or family ties.

Method number 5 - Open your own business

Although we can say that this is the most difficult option where you can invest small funds, but at the same time it is the most interesting investment. In this case, the risk of losing savings is very high, but if successful, the novice businessman will be fully rewarded.

It is worth noting that own business will take a lot of time and effort from a novice investor. Still, if you have not managed to get your own business on its feet, the experience gained in running your own business will not be in vain. (Recommended to read -? Business ideas from scratch or no investment)

Method number 4 - Creating and owning your own website

In a sense, this position is similar to the previous one. Your own site does not require a lot of investments. All you need is:

  • invest in website development,
  • pay for the initial promotion (website promotion (SEO)),
  • open a WebMoney wallet,
  • register yourself as an individual entrepreneur.

However, it should be borne in mind that although not so much money will be required for all of the above, more than enough time will have to be devoted to this project.

See how to How easy it is to distinguish real ways of making money on the Internet without deception from fraudulent schemes

Step by step plan from Andrey Merkulov

Dozens of ways to make money on the Internet in various fields

Method number 3 - Investing in real estate

During the collapse of the ruble, square meters become much more accessible. However, this investment instrument requires a professional approach.

It is also desirable to carry out investment activities with real estate at the very peak of the crisis. Determine the very bottom, only a pro can. Enlist the support of such a person in your environment. In this case, you can ensure yourself the likelihood of the best purchase.

Method number 2 - Engage in short-term lending

If the 8 methods described above are not suitable, or you have not yet made a final decision on where to invest a small amount of your funds, then you can lend your savings to friends. But at the same time, it is worth considering that if you lend, even to your friends, at interest, you are breaking the law of the Russian Federation.

It is worth noting the WebMoney credit exchange. With this platform, you can issue a loan without breaking any laws.

The main direction on this platform is short-term loans... The rates of such loans are good enough, but there is no guarantee of return.

Method number 1 - Investing in children's education or self-education

One of the best investments where you can invest a small amount - self-education .

Investment in education always remains the most relevant and in demand. The reason is that neither age, nor profession, nor place of residence will interfere with you. You will always have the opportunity to improve your qualifications or master a new profession.

But it is worth remembering that it is best to get the diploma that you can apply in reality. When choosing a new profession, you should also take into account your attitude towards it, since it is always better to do what you have a heart for.

It is impossible not to mention investing in the education of their own children, which is also the most profitable and long-lasting investment.

Doubtful way invest a little money: from 1500 rubles

There are many different projects on the Internet that offer to invest money at high interest rates. We recommend that you treat such projects (HYIP, various "multipliers" of wallets, etc.) with caution and do not trust them. Your task is where to invest and make money, and not lose it. Therefore, make sure of the reliability of the project (type of investment) and only then trust your money. We described one of the examples of an incomprehensible method below.

Here is the text of a method that assumes a high return on investment. The essence and purpose is almost all the same, they all work on the principle of a financial pyramid.

“Determine for yourself an acceptable level of commission for investment intermediaries. It could be 2% and maybe 5% in some cases. Add the amount of commission to the amount you are going to invest - this will be your initial invested amount.

If you carefully consider your options, you can find companies that place your investments even without commissions.

Pay attention to hidden fees, read the purchase agreements carefully. It is best to choose not only commission-free options, but also those that offer discounts for reinvesting the profits earned. This discount can be up to 5%.

The main difference between these two tools is that DRIP requires you to have at least 1 share of the issuing company, so for novice investors, DSP is more likely to use.

You also constantly need to look for new funds with a low initial investment threshold. They usually use an automatic investment plan and automatically withdraw a certain amount from your personal account for deposits. This is a fairly simple and inexpensive way to create your own stock portfolio. "

Watch a video about where not to invest in 2020

4. Conclusion

Let's sum up the question: "where to invest a small amount of money?" Even if you have 500 $ , you can take advantage of all popular investment methods.

But in this case, we recommend that you pay attention to investing in PAIs, mutual funds. stock and foreign exchange market. pay attention to index funds that operate in the "broad" market. The profitability of such investments will be about 10% annual. By choosing a certain fund, you can invest funds in the future without additional commissions.

Don't try on short term price changes. This is the way to lose your invested funds.

Only an experienced investor can afford to invest significant funds in the securities of a certain company, while having a lot of other shares and investment deposits to diversify possible risks.

"Someone can sit in the shade today only because someone planted a tree at one time."

Warren Buffett

Whatever they say, but investment is a part of any reasonable person. In contrast to the primitive work according to the system “ worked - ate“, Investing money can be profitable during your vacation, even if it lasts for decades.

Trite, but true.

The question of where to invest money to make it work is relevant today. more than ever, because everyone does not want to count pennies in the queue at the pharmacy in retirement, but to travel the world and enjoy life. But doing this with the existing pension is simply impossible.

If you think that you have a great job now, a lot of money and you can spend everything, because tomorrow there will be more - this is not so. By not investing today, you are depriving yourself of the future.

After all, at some point you will not want or will not be able to work, what in this case will bring you income?

To begin with, we will show you an investment portfolio and its profitability, as an example of real figures of investment profit for the last month, and then we will consider the types of investments separately.

Portfolio of successful PAMM accounts for the last reporting month - January 2020
PAMM account (number) Profit Loss % Manager
Nightsell (408985) 2% 20-40%
Konkord stable profi (415171) 16,1% 10-20%
Kalsarikannit (416226) 20,1% 10-25%
CartMan_in_da house (427015) 6% 10-50%
Arslanov Fund (433604) 38,4% 5-40%
FX_KNOWHOW (450950) 16,8% 30-45%
Sunnich Fr2 (388087) 7,6% 25-35%
CELINDRJOEV V.J. (451520) 29,2% 30%
Victory_ForLuck_02 (446503) 18,8% 40-45%
Profit72 (435041) 85,4% 15-50%
Hipster (452975) -5,8% 20-35%
Suc 1.0 (433298) 34,7% 30-50%
FLAGMAN FX (456042) 397,7% 40-50%
Leopamm1 (429839) 18,8% 25-40% (449044) 51,6% 50%

If you have not yet decided where to invest money, then you can focus on this portfolio. I invest only in the most reliable PAMM accounts, and before investing money, I carefully analyze and weigh the pros and cons. Managers who meet the reliability / profitability ratio become part of my investment portfolio. I systematically withdraw profits, reinvest, replenish investments and add new assets.

But here on the blog I update the portfolio once a month and it is NOT a copy of my portfolio and a reason for 100% copying, since some PAMMs do not have time to get here, being short-term or high-risk, while others are excluded before the end of the month. This portfolio contains successful PAMM accounts that, in my opinion, deserve attention.

This portfolio of PAMM accounts is a rough guide and indicator of opportunities. Here are collected PAMM accounts according to the criteria of stable profitability throughout the year, in which a large number of investors invest.

You can also add more aggressive PAMM accounts, exclude unprofitable managers in time and add new profitable managers.

Investing money in the stock market

In this article we will talk about where to invest with the greatest benefit.

Investing money in stocks is a classic way of investing money. The average profitability here can be from 10 to 20% per year, but it can be much higher.

What are stocks on the stock exchange? This, in fact, is the foundation on which the world rests, because each of us in the bathroom has remedies for Nivea, Johnson & Johnson, Gillette... everyone has phones Apple, Samsung, Lenovo... there are computers in the rooms Acer, Asus, HP, on operating systems Windows; furniture from the store IKEA and clothes in the wardrobe from Versace, Lacoste, Polo Ralph Lauren Corporation.

All we want to say is that we are all consumers of the products of private companies.

If you are looking for where is it profitable to invest money, then stocks are a great way to make money not only on the products of companies themselves, but also to provide yourself with a constant substantial income. This is an interesting process that will teach you to think like an investor, understand different markets, compare prices and choose the best.

How to invest in stocks?

It's very simple, shares are traded on stock exchanges, and they are sold through special intermediaries - brokers. You don't need to go somewhere, stand in lines, run around with documents ... You can buy shares without getting out of bed. Register, replenish your deposit and buy shares.

  • It is worth noting that well-known and already successful companies are not always the best idea.

After all, it's not just the name, but also the profit. For example, capitalization Google about $ 500 billion. Imagine what a company needs to do in order to grow 2 times!

And now let's take a small chain of clothing stores or restaurants, in order for their shares to grow 2-3 times, it is enough to expand the sales market, open several new points of sale, and it is quite possible to do this within a year.

That is why some new startups and companies can bring not 20% per annum, but more than 1000%.

For completeness, we decided to show our example of earning on stocks.

We went to the website of a broker with whom we have been working for many years -. We selected Ferrari shares in the assets and pressed the button BUY:

A few days later, the share price went up, as did our profit:

To make a profit on your personal account, you need to sell shares, that is, close our deal:

The transaction results can be viewed on the same page of the trading platform in the tab Transactions:

Watch a video about investing in stocks from Robert Kiyosaki:

Pluses of investments. Equity investments have been in business for over 150 years. Every third American and every second Japanese have shares in a company in their assets. As you know, the pensioners of these countries are quite happy with their lives. Dividends and profits from owning stocks can be earned throughout your life. Buying and selling does not take more than 10 minutes. You can start already from 200 dollars.

Minuses. Equity investments carry the risk that the company could be depreciated. But for this, an investment portfolio is being drawn up. In this case, even if one company loses positions, the rest of the companies in the portfolio will provide the investor with a positive return.

The property

Real estate - the traditional way where can you invest money... It is difficult to tell something new on this topic. We have included real estate in the list of where to invest for obvious reasons. Real estate is a valuable asset for any person. Real estate can be rented out, be it an apartment, office, garage or shopping center. Real estate, albeit not immediately, but becomes more expensive in price, especially if it is purchased in a new area, where in 10 years there will be a fully populated and active center.

Although, of course, in today's reality, even for the next decade, the purchase of real estate in 99% of cases can hardly be called an investment. After all, the maximum that the majority gets is this is the safety of funds.

Investment pros. Safe investment with minimal risks. With a clever approach, you can generate monthly profits before the final sale.

Minuses. These are slow investments, which in most cases turn out to be simply the preservation of money and do not increase the investor's capital, but, on the contrary, freeze it.


Startups are young innovative companies. Many people call themselves a startup, not offering something radically new, but presenting a new version " old". In reality, a startup is a company with a product that didn't exist before. The same Google, or when they were startups, offering the world something that did not exist before. For two decades, those who have invested in well-known startups at the origins have become millionaires.

Today, new companies are being born in the world that have a chance for rapid growth.

How to invest in a startup?

The most profitable way is to wait for a confirmation moment that the company is successful, really has a demand and will develop. We are talking about.

In the early days of an IPO, stocks of companies can rise by more than 100%.

And you do not need to hold the stock further, on the contrary, after the first days. IPO shares need to be sold taking profits, since more than 70% of companies do not stand up to further expectations of investors and the market, and fall in price to a reasonable level, and in the next years they do not grow at all, of course we are not talking about all of them without exception.

  • Startups are an interesting way to make money on investments, because the growth of a company can be huge in a short time.

You can inquire about new startups, upcoming IPOs, analyze companies and invest in the best ones. One successful investment can recoup the losses of 10 unsuccessful ones many times over. It is these meteoric ups that make this niche very profitable for investors.

Pros of startups. If there is income, then it will be high. You can invest both at the beginning and later in the IPO of the company.

Minuses. You need to soberly assess whether the market is ready for the company's product and look at the numbers, and not at the presentation.

Binary options

Binary options cannot be called an investment in the classical sense of the word, but it is still the most profitable investment of money today. so simple that they have only 2 conditions - UP and DOWN, hence the name - binary... The bottom line is that you select an asset ( the same stocks, oil, gold, stock indices ...) and indicate the condition - the asset price will rise or fall.

  • The term of the transaction determines the framework, eg, you have invested in a stock option with the condition that the quotation grows for 15 minutes. If, after 15 minutes, the shares rise in price relative to the rate at the time of buying the option, you will receive a predetermined fixed profit at 70-80%! Moreover, it does not matter how much the asset grows, only the condition is important - Higher, that is, growth can be at least 1 point.

Thus, you can make money not only on the rise but also on the fall of the price, using the condition of the option DOWN.

Among the assets of binary options, the most liquid stocks and stock indices, commodities and currencies. And this is very convenient, because there is news on these assets every day, which allows you to earn money.

For example, a new iPhone goes on sale tomorrow, a clear sign that Apple's stock will go up tomorrow. Buy an UP option on Apple stock and earn guaranteed profits.

Interestingly, you can invest in binary options for a period from a minute to a month, while the amount of profit remains unchanged - within 70-80%, depending on the asset. Instead of a lot of words, we will show you how this happens using a broker as an example:

1. Choose an asset. In our case, the choice fell on stocks Google:

We indicate the term of the transaction, that is, the time of its end:

At the moment, Google stock quotes are growing, while the price touched the lower support line. We forecast growth - enter the investment amount and click UP:

We opened a deal for 10 minutes... At the appointed time, the option was automatically closed and the broker showed the results of the transaction:

At the time of purchase of the option, the share price was 779.205 ... In the conditions, we indicated that at the time of closing the option, the price will be higher. According to the results, she was listed at the mark 780.260 ... Having invested $ 60, we returned $ 102 of which $ 42 in net profit:

Our growth condition was fulfilled and we received 70% of the profit!

Investment pros. 70% profit in 10-20 minutes is an indisputable plus. The ease and simplicity of the process makes this type of investment the most affordable.

Minuses. For successful investments, it is necessary to analyze the asset, use strategies, and other tools, not everyone is able to correctly understand the market.

PAMM accounts

We continue to review the best options where everyone can profitably invest money, and one of these options is. The creator of this opportunity was the largest broker in the foreign exchange market in Russia - which is regulated by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and has a license from it to carry out operations in the financial market.

A PAMM account is a trader's account that investors can invest in.

Thus, a trader trades on the exchange not only with his own funds, but also with the funds of investors. The PAMM account manager gives from 50 to 90% of profit to your investors... An unlimited number of people can invest in a PAMM account, and the profit is divided in proportion to the contributions. For example, a PAMM account managed by more than 4 million dollars:

The broker provides full monitoring of the PAMM account, which reflects the profit by days, weeks, months, transaction volumes, investment volumes and other data. Among the many successful PAMM accounts, there are managers with more than three years of experience, that is, PAMM accounts have been bringing profit for many years and, in general, this is not a novelty today.

In any case, PAMM accounts continue to bring good profit, the average profitability of an investor who has a portfolio of 10-15 managers from 50 to 100% per annum.

If you reinvest the earned profit, you can earn more 810% in just 3 years:

Pluses of deposits. This type of investment has already proven itself in time and profitability. The amount for investment is affordable for the majority of the population. You can withdraw money instantly at any time.

Minuses. There are practically no downsides in portfolio investments. It can be called a disadvantage that some investors invest in non-professional managers with volatile trading.

Bank deposits

A bank deposit should be considered not so much an investment as a way of keeping money, which makes it possible to more or less protect it from inflation. Profit up to 10% per annum can hardly be called serious. Nevertheless, this option still remains very popular among the population, even despite the fact that the country's banking system is going through far from the best times today.

The most trusted by depositors are traditionally Sberbank, VTB, Gazprombank... They offer to place deposits at not the highest interest rates ( from 7 to 8%), but they stand out favorably in terms of reliability. We do not recommend participating in long-term programs, even if they offer more favorable conditions. The current situation in the sector is such that it is better to confine ourselves to a “tit in hand”. In any case, placing money in a bank is just a way to store it. If you are specifically interested in investing, you should look for other offers.

“How many millionaires do you know who became rich by investing in bank deposits? That's the same. "

Robert J. Allen

It's different if you invest through investment banks like Goldman Sachs. It is worth saying that investments there also do not bring a huge percentage, it can be the same 8-10% per annum and some risks.

Why is this done?

It's all about the amounts. If you have $ 20 million, you won't put all your money into one account with Sberbank, right? We all know about instability and diversification rules. Moreover, Goldman Sachs, Barclays and the like can offer favorable conditions for the investor, professional portfolio management, etc.

Pros of deposits. Reliable and practically risk-free.

Minuses. Low interest, you can withdraw money under the conditions of some deposits only after 1-3 years.

ETF funds

If you are looking for a better place to invest in the stock market, you should certainly be interested in such an option as exchange-traded funds (). They represent a portfolio of assets, basically, as closely as possible repeating some stock index, for example, or. Thus, by purchasing one ETF share, you immediately receive a whole diversified portfolio formed by real professionals.

In fact, ETFs are the same unit investment funds - you get a share in the portfolio (in ETFs, this is a stock, in unit funds, these are units), but there are a number of differences.

  • As in an ordinary mutual investment fund, this is professional management, which is carried out by a management company.
  • If in Mutual fund the size of the minimum investment is set by the Criminal Code or the sales agent, then in ETF it is equal to the value of one share.
  • Also, you cannot sell shares from mutual funds at any second, unlike shares on the stock exchange.
  • The mutual funds themselves can have ETF shares in their assets, only in this case they take their own percentage for this.

In a word, ETFs have made a splash in the stock market by being full-fledged portfolios.

An important advantage of ETFs is the ability to trade throughout the day. During this time, the price of ETF shares may change, while the size of a unit investment fund is calculated only once per session. Units cannot be bought with borrowed funds or on credit. This is permissible for ETF stocks. When trading units of mutual funds, additional commissions may be charged. Work with shares of exchange-traded investment funds is exempted from such "extortions".

Where can I find ETF stocks? In the same place where all the shares are - on the stock exchange. The actual process of buying Google stocks is no different from ETF stocks. We described this process not much above, where there is also a list of the best brokers.

Investment pros. Ready investment portfolios of shares. There are thousands of ETFs with different portfolios. Reliable long-term investment.

Minuses. It is necessary to monitor the industry in order to sell on time if a decline begins, and as a rule, if there is a decline somewhere, then somewhere there is growth, that is, you can sell some ETFs and immediately buy others.


If there is a desire not only to make money, but also to get aesthetic pleasure from the process, we recommend that you think about purchasing art objects. Suffice it to say that the main buyers of such things are not passionate collectors and wealthy connoisseurs, namely financial market players... In order to not necessarily be an expert on it. You can always use the services of competent consultants.

Paintings are by far the most common commodity. On average, a creation by a popular contemporary artist will cost from $ 5,000 today. Over the years, the cost of a masterpiece can increase hundreds of times.

For example, Andy Warhol's painting Lemon Marilyn was acquired in 1962 for $ 250. After 45 years, it was sold for $ 28 million. 250,000% per annum.

It makes sense to acquire works of masters of the second half of the last century - now comes “ their" time. Of course, you shouldn't count on a quick return on such investments. In any case, you will become the owner of a valuable work of art, that is, a fairly reliable asset.

According to the statistics of gallery catalogs, even three-year-old paintings are already rising in price by an average of 40-60%, as you understand, there are paintings with an increase of 1000% among them. As the auction houses explain, the increase in the cost of paintings is directly related to the activity of the artist. If he regularly exhibits at exhibitions, receives new awards, then with each such step his paintings can rise in price. 100%.

Pluses of investments. Very rich and developed individuals are engaged in investment in art. Plus, they can bring in high interest rates, especially if the artist is gaining popularity or even died.

Minuses. Long-term investment that requires the advice of an art expert. It is beneficial to collect collections of paintings by one or more artists, which can be expensive.

Investments in trading

Trading is an investment in yourself.

Now many will think that trading is money from speculation in the stock market, profit from the amounts invested in exchange-traded assets ... But first of all, trading is profitable investment in yourself.

Many people say that investing in yourself is beneficial. How? Specifically in numbers? Invest in education and get a job? - This is life, not an investment.

Unlike other jobs related to preliminary education, trading provides unlimited opportunities, where you do not need to have an economic education. The point is that trading begins with personal preparation. You must be prepared psychologically, and everything else is technical matter.

  • Today there is no difference between a financial analyst and an Internet user, since all information is stored and presented only on the Internet. This makes almost everyone equal!

In order to start trading, you need to read at least about it, draw up an action plan, a financial plan and start collecting information about the market and assets. Of course, not everything is so simple, but this is already the beginning. There are many examples when people made millions in a couple of years and went on an indefinite vacation without worrying about anything.

Can a lawyer with three years of experience, or a doctor, or a manager, boast of such successes?

For example, a broker allows you to trade stocks, indices, commodity futures like oil, gas, metals, agricultural commodities, energy and others:

Why have we come to consider trading as an opportunity to invest money? Because it is profitable, it is available to everyone, it is interesting and it is here money is born. All banks are engaged in trading on stock exchanges, they trade currencies, bonds, and so on. So why invest in banks when you can earn money yourself through the banking system?

The pros of trading. Unlimited opportunities to work for yourself, without a schedule and in a comfortable environment. Due to the vast amount of information about the markets, it is not necessary to have a financial education or special connections.

Minuses. Successful trading requires psychological preparation, a sufficient deposit to survive losses and overcome risks.

Individual investment account

Since 2015, a new concept has appeared in the legislation of the Russian Federation - individual investment account... By placing funds on such an account, you get a guaranteed tax deduction 13% of the invested amount ( annually) or are exempt from tax on income received as a result of financial transactions.

Consider the benefits of placing money in an individual investment account:

  • To open here, it is enough to deposit everything 5,000 rubles.
  • The maximum amount deducted from is - 400,000 rubles.

You can replenish your account only with cash. The broker offers four investment options.

  1. If you just want to receive passive income, choose a savings strategy and you will receive 5.5% per annum... Don't forget about the guaranteed 13% tax deduction.
  2. With the conservative option, the investor's funds will be invested in reliable low-risk fixed income instruments. It can additionally bring up to 15% per year... Such activity is recommended if the account has more than 100,000 rubles.
  3. The optimal strategy can generate income up to 30% per annum, however, the risks in this case increase significantly. It is worth using it if you have more than 250,000 rubles.
  4. The most risky is an aggressive strategy that can bring up to 50%

The question of how to dispose of the accumulated money excites the minds of many people. How to make it so that you can maximize your little money? And what is the safest way to invest for a person inexperienced in financial intricacies?

Here we will consider several working investment tools for an investor of any level. Let's start with a simple one - a bank deposit, and end with securities. Let's start!

We open a deposit account

The most common and traditional way to help keep a small amount in the last hundred years is bank deposits. Indeed, opening a deposit is publicly available, you can start from 1000 rubles, making a deposit does not require special financial knowledge.

Here are some helpful materials on deposits:

However, there are several nuances that should not be neglected:

  • It is more profitable to open a deposit for a period of at least 3 months
  • A higher income can be obtained if you do not withdraw the accrued interest, but provide for a deposit with the possibility .
  • Opening an account online through the bank's website often increases the interest rate by 0.5% - 1%.
  • To open a deposit, it is better to choose a bank that provides for minimum penalties for early withdrawal of money from a term deposit.

Let's calculate, based on the average interest rate, how much income you can get if you put small money on the deposit, for example, 5000 rubles.

  • 1st year: 5000 + 5000 x 10% = 5500 rubles;
  • 2nd year: 5500 + 5500 x 10% = 6050 rubles;
  • 3rd year: 6050 + 6050 x 10% = 6655 rubles;
  • 4th year: 6655 + 6655 x 10% = 7320 rubles;
  • 5th year: 7320 + 7320 x 10% = 8052 rubles.

Of course, at such a rate, without replenishing the account, it is possible to double the amount of the deposit in 7 years. But the unpredictability of the domestic economy cannot guarantee that over such a long period of time there will be no events that would devalue the little money invested.

Therefore, our task is to consider more effective types of investments that can bring significant income already in the second year of their application.

What is a mutual fund and how profitable is it for an ordinary shareholder

Financial analysts consider it to be quite optimistic (mutual funds). The cost of "entering" the fund can vary from tens to hundreds of thousands of rubles.

For example, the minimum cost of a share is 15,000 rubles; shares are sold at 30 thousand rubles. However, even very small money can be successfully placed in a mutual fund, acquiring not a whole share, but its share.

The indisputable advantage of investing money in mutual funds is their complete transparency and state control. The financial activities of mutual funds are strictly regulated by law. Therefore, you should not be afraid of fraudulent schemes when investing in mutual funds.

If you do not know what a mutual fund is, then we highly recommend watching the video:

The only problem that an investor faces is the choice of a management company that will effectively invest the funds of shareholders in profitable securities. To do this, you need to carefully study the ratings of mutual funds, which are published quarterly in the media, or resort to the help of a financial consultant.

Where to begin? Here are some helpful materials:

The end of 2014 can be significant for mutual funds in that they began to actively invest in shares of foreign companies. Since the investment attractiveness of Russian sites is rather limited, the expansion of the market will bring unambiguous benefits to the shareholders.

Raiffeisen Capital Management Company, which demonstrated 31.54% profitability of its Raiffeisen USA mutual fund at the end of the year, has supplemented its portfolio with shares of the USA, China, and Europe.

Considering that among the securities there are the most popular blue chips, one should expect high yields in 2013 as well.

The risk of losing financial investments in mutual funds is purely theoretical. Due to the fact that the invested money is distributed among different objects, the chance that all enterprises will go bankrupt at once is zero.

PAMM - high risks!

PAMM investing is in many ways similar to placing funds in mutual funds, the money is also transferred to the trust management of the account manager. Only all this happens in the virtual space, with the help of the Internet and the Forex exchange.

Today, many financial experts consider the opening of PAMM accounts to be one of the most priority types of investment.

The advantage of this investment is that a small investor can initially invest a small amount in order to "taste" the possibility of earning money on the international currency exchange.

Initial investment in a PAMM account can start from $ 100. By transferring money to an experienced trader in trust, the investor is freed from vigilant control over fluctuations in the exchange rate of currency prices.

And since the trader's remuneration directly depends on the income received, it makes sense for him to earn as much as possible.

Again, even if the session is not very successful in one trading period, it may overlap the next day. According to statistics, the average profitability of PAMM accounts is not less than 10-15% per month.

For the inexperienced trader, investing in Alpari is the best option. More or less stable company. Forex-Trend's competitor turned out to be a financial pyramid

Let's consider what effect you can get on the results of the month if you place a small amount of $ 1,000. Dividing the money into 20 traders, we have $ 50 on twenty PAMM accounts. If we take into account that such a situation is possible that not all accounts will be equally profitable, then by the end of the month it will be necessary to calculate the average profitability.

The average monthly profitability is 11.21%, and last year the profit was 177%. Thus, minus the commission that the PAMM account manager will have to pay, the net profit from the invested thousand will be slightly less than $ 100.

You can withdraw the received profit at the end of the first trading week. But capitalization of profits will be more profitable for the investor, i.e. joining it to the principal amount of the account.

Passive income: gold, securities, currency

It is impossible not to call one of the solutions to the question "where to invest small money" investment in precious metals. The purchase of gold, platinum or silver is possible either in physical form (bullion), or by opening a metal account.

Undoubtedly, precious metals have not fallen in value for decades. However, no dramatic rise in prices is observed on the gold market.

Therefore, investing in precious metals should be planned for a sufficiently long period of time and it is better when opening a metal account not to be limited to one metal: “split” the amount into gold and another metal.

The topic of investment in precious metals is the most interesting for us. Here are some helpful materials.

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