Distribution of salaries per month. How to properly distribute the salary for the month

Today we have to figure out how to spend money correctly. This topic is of interest to citizens of all countries. And all the time. After all, money is a means of subsistence. And they should provide the citizens as much as possible. Not everyone knows how to properly dispose of them. And even more so how to postpone. When you have your own family and children, the issues related to finances are seriously aggravated. To prevent this from happening, you just need to be able to spend money. How can I learn this? What will help you save money and manage your family budget? The best tips and tricks will be presented below. All of the above is not a panacea, but it will help not to waste money. In some cases, it will turn out to spend less and save more, while not prejudice to yourself in purchases.

Family budget is an eternal dispute

Maintaining a family budget is a real art that not everyone can master. But to master it, at least to try to do it, is recommended for every person. When done correctly, problems are not terrible. They simply will not exist. Except when the salary is delayed. And then the scale of the problems will be minimal.

A very good way to save money and create savings. Many, as already mentioned, are recommended to open a deposit in a bank and transfer money there. This will help not to touch the funds and save them. In any case, it must be in difficult access. Only in emergency situations is it allowed to spend this accumulation.

Plan and facts

What is the right way to spend money in a family? For those who have already mastered the previously listed methods, you can slightly expand the table of income and expenses. And add such components as "plan" and "in fact" to it.

In the first column, it is necessary to prescribe in advance what expenses are planned and for what amount. In the second, information about real costs is entered. Quite an interesting way of planning "free money". It is recommended to decrease the column "in fact" on a monthly basis. In the same way as the "plan" section. Of course, taking into account the fact that a decrease in these indicators does not harm the life and well-being of the family.

"No" loans

How to spend less money? Some people think that loans are a good way to save money. In fact, most citizens who have learned to live within their means, as well as to save well, say the opposite.

Taking loans when planning a budget is not recommended. However, you do not need to exclude them from the pivot table if available. Lack of credit is a positive outlook. If a person does not have debts, then the previously paid amount can be set aside for a rainy day.

Personal needs

What is the right way to spend money? Some people don't understand this. If we are talking about one person, then there are no particular problems with budget planning. But as soon as a family appears, certain difficulties arise, as already mentioned.

The point is that everyone has personal needs. What each person wants for himself personally. When learning to plan and manage home bookkeeping, you need to overshadow your desires.

By the way, all "free" money at the end of the month is recommended to be distributed among family members for personal needs. Or enter separate columns in the expense and income accounting table for this purpose. Allocate a firm sum of money to everyone for their desires.


This is how it is correct to manage the family budget. The example table below is far from the most advanced method. Rather, it is suitable for beginners. Through it, you can easily learn how to distribute finances so as not to fall into a financial hole.

An approximate table of expenses and income looks like this.

Article Plan Fact Difference
Income50 000 50 000 0
Products10 000 11 500 -1 500
Communal payments5 000 4 500 500
Household chemicals1 000 0 1 000
Personal needs5 000 8 000 -3 000
Travel10 000 7 000 3 000
Outcome31 000 31 000 0
Postponed5 000 5 000 0

This, as already mentioned, is far from the most common option for accounting for expenses. But it helps at first. In general, planning a home budget is a crucial moment. And it is recommended to entrust this lesson to those who do it best. A little patience and strength - and you can easily learn how to distribute money, as well as save well.

It is not necessary to earn a lot to keep your financial situation stable; it is enough to develop good financial habits in yourself. In the same way that you are used to brushing your teeth twice a day and playing sports, you can develop a habit of intelligently treating the distribution of expenses and incomes.

21 days - this is how much time it takes to fix the habit, so that it is deposited in the subconscious.

We present to your attention the main rule that you can follow for the next 21 days and beyond your whole life - the 50/20/30 rule.

This rule was invented by Alexa von Tobel, founder and head of American financial service LearnVest.

Not everyone can keep the balance of this proportion: some have more spending on loans, some spend more on entertainment, but exactly 50/20/30 is what you should strive for in order to avoid a debt hole and live for your own pleasure.

Remember: you will always be limited in income, no matter how much you earn, you will always want more than you can afford.

Here are some simple tips to help you achieve your 50/20/30 balance.

Council number 1. Start keeping track of your funds.

Calculate how much you spend per day / week / month and correlate the amount with the money earned. Estimating your expenses should be as accurate as possible: options “I spent about 15 thousand for my vacation” are not accepted, since you can make a big mistake and forget about missing expenses.

Many banks, for example, TCS Bank and Sberbank, have their own cost analytics system, where you can see what the most savings are spent on and reduce spending in the right category in time.

Council number 2. Open a deposit or savings account in the bank.

The easiest way to save a certain amount from your salary is to open a savings account with a bank. An additional account will allow you to transfer part of your salary, and receive monthly income from this amount in the form of interest. Remember, the ideal ratio is to save 20% of your income.

Suppose your salary is 35,000 rubles, which means that 20% is 7,000 rubles and goes to the piggy bank. For the year you get 7,000 x 12 = 84,000 rubles.

If you keep money in a savings account, then every month you get an additional 6% per annum, depending on the interest rate set by the bank. Your profit at the end of the year will be 86,348.94 rubles.

The effect is obvious: by saving only 20% of your salary, you will always have a backup box. The sooner you start saving, the faster you can reach your goals.

Council number 3. Learn to spend less than you earn.

The reality is that many people spend money unnecessarily. Having barely paid off the loans, they go and take a new one, accumulating more and more debts. Unknowingly, they live “paycheck to paycheck”.

To get out of the ill-fated circle, it is enough to redistribute your income and learn to live a little more economically. Spend less on mobile communications, save on electricity, buy used equipment. Having developed a habit of saving, you will notice how quickly you will have free money and the opportunity to purchase things without loans.

The simple truth is, once you start spending less than you earn, you stop worrying about your financial situation.

Platiza pays special attention to improving the financial literacy of Russians. We help borrowers to get rid of debt burden by disclosing in advance all the nuances of obtaining a loan and warning about a responsible attitude to its registration.

Dwight D. Eisenhower once spoke the wisdom that lies at the heart of the financial health of every prosperous family.

Hello, friends. Artem Bilenko with you. I am the author of this blog. Today we will talk about how to distribute the family budget for a month. We will look at examples of several classic schemes in which I will show you how to properly distribute flows.

After studying the material, you just need to choose the appropriate option, correct the numbers and begin to competently manage your personal finances.

P.S. I recommend that you pay attention to the site "". Financial literacy is taught here. How to properly manage personal finances in order to save up for a house, apartment, car. How to properly invest the accumulated money and increase income. Allow yourself to take annual vacations and travel around the world.

Preparatory part

The material in this article is intended for users who have already read all the material in the "" section. If you are not already in the subject, take your time to calculate your home budget. Check out at least five of the publications listed below. They collect the basic theory to help plan, allocate and control funds.

Option number 1. Calculation of the joint family budget

In the joint budget, all spouses' income is added up and directed to the needs of the family.

With such an organization of family finances, money management occurs according to the following scheme:

  1. the total family income is determined;
  2. categories of expenses are formed (they will help you here);
  3. on the last day, a balance is drawn up, which summarizes the results of the month.

Let's see how this algorithm looks in the table.

April 2017

Family income

Type of earnings

Amount, hryvnia

Husband's salary
Wife's salary
Accrued interest on the deposit
Total income

Family expenses

Mandatory spending

Housing maintenance

Household expenses
(food, household chemicals, etc.)
Obligatory spending amount

7150 (65%)

Variable spending

Children's expenses
The sum of variable expenses

2750 (25%)


Additional expenses
(the unused part should be spent on updating the wardrobe)

Option number 2. Calculation of a separate family budget

In a separate budget, the income of each of the spouses is divided into two proportional parts, allowing for the payment of general and individual expenses.

Schematically, it looks like this:

  1. spouses determine what part of their personal budget (in percentage) they will spend on paying for the general needs of the family;
  2. a category of expenses is formed, for which the husband will be responsible on a monthly basis;
  3. a category of expenses is formed, for which the wife will be responsible on a monthly basis;
  4. the allocated money is spent on targeted needs;
  5. each spouse within a month to monitor the implementation of their part of the family budget;
  6. husband and wife dispose of free money at their own discretion;
  7. the reporting balance is formed on the last day of the month.

Let's look at an example.

April 2017

Family income

Type of earnings

Amount, hryvnia

Husband's salary

Wife's salary

Total income

A part of the personal budget that will be spent by each of the spouses to pay for the general needs of the family


Common monthly expenses of each of the spouses

Amount, hryvnia

Amount, hryvnia


Household expenses

Housing maintenance

Fundraising for annual vacation

Children's expenses

Additional expenses

Fundraising for large purchases



Personal monthly expenses of each of the spouses


5,000 hryvnia

5,000 hryvnia

Option number 3. Calculation of the shared family budget

In a shared form of financial management, spouses worry together about the needs of the family, but at the same time they do not forget to allocate some of the funds for personal needs.

Schematically, such a budget is formed as follows:

  1. the total family income is summed up;
  2. the shares of joint and personal needs are determined;
  3. categories of expenses are formed;
  4. funds are allocated for targeted needs;
  5. within a month, control over the implementation of the plan is carried out;
  6. on the last day, a balance is drawn up, which summarizes the results of the month;
  7. The spouses dispose of the rest of the money at their own discretion.

Let's draw up an approximate plan of the share budget.

April 2017
Family income
Type of earnings Amount, hryvnia
Husband's salary7 500
Wife's salary7 500
Total income 15 000
The share of the budget that will be spent by each of the spouses to pay for the general needs of the family
Husband Wife
80% 80%
6000 6000
Joint budget: UAH 12,000
The share of the budget that will be spent by each of the spouses to pay for personal needs
20% 20%
1500 1500
Family expenses
Mandatory spending
Investments1200 (10%)
Housing maintenance
(utility bills, cable TV, internet, electricity)
2400 (20%)
Household expenses
(food, household chemicals, etc.)
4200 (35%)
Obligatory spending amount 7800 (65%)
Variable spending
Children's expenses1800 (15%)
Fundraising for large purchases600 (5%)
Fundraising for annual vacation600 (5%)
The sum of variable expenses 3000 (25%)
Additional expenses 1200 (10%)

Planning horizons

In most cases, violation of the drawn up budget is associated with unforeseen expenses that the family could not calculate in a timely manner. To reduce the number of such situations to a minimum, you need to plan for several months in advance.

Let's take a look at how it works. We will start from the fact that it is now April 2017.

1st horizon: estimation of contingencies for 3 months in advance.

MonthPossible costsRequired amount, hryvnia
MayTwo birthdays 2000
Excursion at my daughter's school 3000
JuneA friend's wedding 3000
July - -
In the next three months, the burden on the budget may increase by 8000 hryvnia. The family will not be able to pay such expenses without a loan. The maximum limit is UAH 3000. This money will be used to pay for the excursion, since the child is more important than an optional wedding and two birthdays.

The second (6 months) and third (12 months) planning horizons will be drawn up in a similar way. They allow you to see the holes in the budget in advance, take measures to eliminate them and prepare in time for difficult financial months.


Friends, now you know how to plan your salary for the next month. Do not neglect the knowledge gained, create a spreadsheet and take control of your financial life. Then tell your friends about and share this article with them.

Decide what sources of income you have

  • The main source of income in the family
  • Additional sources of income
  • Volatile income
  • Step number 2 - How to distribute the family budget
  • Arguments AGAINST saving money (misconceptions)
  • Arguments FOR saving money (reality)
  • We break all expenses into categories
  • Step number 3 - Table of the family budget with expenses for the month
  • Step # 4 - Create a Financial Safety Cushion
  • Step number 5 - How to save your family budget

What is the purpose of maintaining and planning a family budget? Let's look at some simple examples:

  1. the salary has not been given yet - the money is gone
  2. I want to buy something - no money
  3. the refrigerator is broken - no money
  4. teeth hurt and you need to go to a private clinic - again there is no money

I think these situations are familiar to many.

How to properly distribute the salary for the month

It is enough, even among the products, to single out the necessary components and those that you can do without. It is recommended to cook as much as possible at home. A good housewife will prepare most of the expensive delicacies at home.


For example, delicious pizza. Both inexpensive and tasty! Collecting checks The next tip is collecting checks. All purchases that have just been made must be recorded.

And checks are great help with this. They also contribute to the correct analysis of everything acquired. The main thing is not to forget to take into account anything. This is the key to successful budget planning.


By means of checks, you can understand where and what is more expensive, what expenses can be excluded. Very good advice, actually. But it will be extremely difficult to follow it.

Even the travel on the bus will have to be recorded. However, the presence of receipts greatly simplifies the accounting of purchases. Especially when they are entered into the corresponding spending table.

How to distribute the salary correctly

For example, the main regular, that is, monthly family expenses, are utility bills, loan payments, food expenses, tuition fees, travel expenses, etc. I think it will be more convenient to take a pen and a piece of paper, and write down all your expenses in a column, indicating not only the required amount of money, but also the period in which these expenses should be spent.
Example (conditional amounts):

  • utility bills - 3,000 rubles by the 10th;
  • credit - 18,000 rubles by the 25th;
  • preparatory courses - 3,500 rubles until the 5th day;
  • transportation costs, gasoline - 2,000 rubles as needed;
  • food expenses - 15,000 rubles, as required;
  • other expenses - 5,000 rubles, as required.

And so, we have defined mandatory and regular payments.

Today we have to figure out how to spend money correctly. This topic is of interest to citizens of all countries. And all the time.


After all, money is a means of subsistence. And they should provide the citizens as much as possible. Not everyone knows how to properly dispose of them. And even more so how to postpone.

When you have your own family and children, the issues related to finances are seriously aggravated. To prevent this from happening, you just need to be able to spend money.

How can I learn this? What will help you save money and manage your family budget? The best tips and tricks will be presented below. All of the above is not a panacea, but it will help not to waste money.

In some cases, it will turn out to spend less and save more, while not prejudice to yourself in purchases. Family budget - an eternal dispute Maintaining a family budget is a real art that not everyone can master.

How to manage and save your family budget. cost table for the month.

This distribution is in relation to the frequency of receiving wages - twice a month, that is, once every two weeks. Therefore, I divide the funds remaining after the payment of mandatory payments into two equal parts, and spend them one part per week. If you receive a salary once a month, the money received that remains after the obligatory payments must be divided into four parts, that is, for four weeks. You can also divide it into smaller parts, setting, for example, a daily limit for spending money. But dividing the money into small parts will be inconvenient for grocery purchases, in the case, for example, when you buy groceries once a week. It is more convenient for me to distribute the saved money in envelopes - one envelope for each week.

How to distribute your family budget for a month

Some of the accumulated over, you can spend on expensive purchases.

  • "Investments"

- money can get into this balance, both from the salary and from the profit from the business. The money will be used to raise education, invest in real estate, PAMM accounts, precious metals, stocks, etc.

If your only source of income is profit from investments, then you will not have this balance, because you will only reinvest and take part of the profit from investments and distribute to the balances. Instead, create a balance "Education", the money from which I will go to improve your education.

  • "Charity"

- all kinds of donations and help to those in need. Distribution of money on balances is the basis for maintaining a household budget.

This is necessary in order for you to pay for the needs from the money specially allocated for this.

How to correctly distribute income and plan a home budget

Never spend most of your salary in the first days after receiving it;

  • mistake number 2. Late repayment of loans, utility bills and other obligations.

    If you spent most of your salary on the first day, then, of course, you will not have enough funds to fulfill your obligations;

  • mistake number 3. Lack of reserves. Most often, the lack of savings leads to the formation of debt, because when we run out of money, we borrow it;
  • mistake number 4.

    Irresponsible distribution of funds. Always plan everything, no need to waste money and spend it "left and right":

  • mistake number 5. Overestimation of their financial capabilities. Always correctly calculate your "financial strength", this will allow you to avoid unpleasant situations in the future;
  • mistake number 6.

    Lack of responsibility for spending.

How to correctly distribute the salary?

But, sometimes, even such a trifle can be very useful.

  • What is better than 0 rubles or 5000 rubles in your pocket? I think the answer is obvious, even if these 5000 will cost less in a couple of years, but they will also be better than nothing.
  • We break all expenses into categories
  • mandatory expenses that cannot be reduced (mortgage payments, utilities, tuition fees, etc.)
  • mandatory expenses that can be reduced (food, car, etc.)
  • non-obligatory expenses that can be waived without much damage (going to the gym, some kind of entertainment, etc.)

We get groups of expenses sorted by priority. While it is quite possible to skip expenses from the third group, from the second - to reduce, then it is difficult to do anything with the first group.

What is the right way to spend money? family budget: an example. home bookkeeping

Despite the fact that I receive my salary twice a month - this is traditionally an advance payment in the middle of the month and settlement in the first days of the month, the money in the last days before the salary disappears catastrophically. It seems that we are not spenders, we spend no more than we receive, it seems like nothing superfluous - just like we don’t buy, we don’t lose money.

But, nevertheless, the money runs out a few days before the salary. And so from month to month. In fact, the problem of not having enough money before wages can be easily solved. It's just that not many people know how to properly distribute the salary for a month. This will be discussed further. Where to start the distribution of wages In order to correctly and rationally distribute the received wages, you need to analyze your expenses in terms of amounts and time.

Distribute the salary for the month

Lively old woman March 30, 2013 Rate: 0 The budget is a certain amount, which varies depending on income and expenses. No matter how much money you earn, there is still not enough money.

So they say 9 out of 10. But, it turns out, planning the family budget correctly, you can forever erase from your life the situation when a couple of days before the paycheck you have to "sit on the beans." So, there are only seven steps to budget stability.

The tedious part is to get into the habit of writing down all your expenses. At this stage, their expenses are analyzed, compared with income, and conclusions are drawn.

2. Find a reserve for savings.

Distribution of salaries per month

The budget of each family is spent in three areas: - Obligatory payments (payment of utilities, taxes, education) - Operating expenses (transport, clothing, food, mobile phone) - Free money (gifts, guests, entertainment, rest) Attention - for any of these items can reduce costs you can. For example, once having insulated an apartment, you can save on compulsory expenses.

You will be able to spend less on food, although if you do not fall for the tricks of advertisers, do not overpay for packaging, do not go to the supermarket hungry and have a list of essential products with you, you can save a lot. We must try, for example, not to buy in the supermarket what is around the corner in the shop that costs 30 percent less.

The savings will be astounding! 3. Do not carry a lot of money in your wallet, otherwise there will always be a temptation to buy everything.

Last update: 01-08-2017

In every company / firm, planning and budgeting are required, otherwise there can be no question of successful work.

But for some reason, few people in their lives are guided by the same principles. The unit is engaged in planning, accounting, maintaining the family budget.

What is the purpose of maintaining and planning a family budget?

Let's look at some simple examples:

  1. the salary has not been given yet - the money is gone
  2. I want to buy something - no money
  3. the refrigerator is broken - no money
  4. teeth hurt and you need to go to a private clinic - again there is no money

I think these situations are familiar to many. Just in order to avoid them, you need to plan your family budget.

In doing so, it is important to understand the following:

  1. Something can happen at any moment., which will require additional spending, but the required amount may not be in your pocket.
  2. Many of the events taking place in our life are cyclical. or have a predicted date of occurrence, respectively, it is worth planning and saving money for this.
  3. There is no need to think that you will have to deprive yourself, infringe upon. Quite the opposite, it turns out a kind of insurance against such unforeseen situations.
  4. Without a clear plan why and why this is done it will not be possible to get the result.

Step # 1 - Decide what sources of income you have

First, answer the following questions:

  1. What income are permanent, and which ones are periodic?
  2. What percentage of the total amount of income is each separate source?
  3. What source income will not be lost without your participation?

The main source of income in the family

For the majority, this is wages.

Although it may be delayed, it is still easily predictable, constantly paid. You need to plan based on it.

Additional sources of income

Interest on deposits, volatile earnings, etc.

With the percentage of the deposit, everything is also clear, they are stable, even more than the salary, but as a rule they make up a smaller part of the budget than the salary.

For example to receive at least 20,000 rubles a month, at a rate of 10% per annum, you need to have an amount of about 2,400,000 rubles !!! Not everyone has such a sum.

By the way, getting 10% per annum is easy and without deposits, using debit cards.

pros- money can always be withdrawn without loss of interest, the interest rate is often higher than on deposits of many banks. I use a Tinkov bank debit card myself, read my review.

Volatile income

It is better not to take into account, because are not permanent, not predictable.

For example... The majority receive tax deductions for several years. They plan their expenses based on the receipt of a certain amount once a year, but sooner or later it will end and then you will have to cut spending.

In this case, it is better to send money to create a safety cushion or early repayment of the mortgage.

For the long term, develop those sources of income that bring money automatically or with the least effort.

Step number 2 - How to distribute the family budget

First of all, we take permanent income and subtract 5-10% from them - who is more comfortable.

This is done in order to create a stock for a rainy day. So that in case of unforeseen expenses, money was where to get it.

If you lack discipline save money on your own, then use the goals in Sberbank-online (as an example, other banks also have a similar tool).

Arguments AGAINST saving money (misconceptions)

  1. no money left at all, there is nothing to save, I live from paycheck to paycheck
  2. postponed the amount is too small, there will be no sense from it
  3. inflation will gobble up everything

Arguments FOR saving money (reality)

  1. Utilities payments will grow by 5% tomorrow. What are you going to do? Will you find the money or will you stop paying?
  2. Suddenly a tooth aches and urgently needs treatment, and in stocks there are not even some 2-3 thousand rubles.

    Trifle? Yes. But, sometimes, even such a trifle can be very useful.

  3. What is better than 0 rubles or 5000 rubles in your pocket? I think the answer is obvious, even if these 5000 will cost less in a couple of years, but they will also be better than nothing.

We break all expenses into categories

  • mandatory expenses that cannot be reduced (mortgage payments, utilities, tuition fees, etc.)
  • mandatory expenses that can be reduced (food, car, etc.)
  • non-obligatory expenses that can be waived without much damage (going to the gym, some kind of entertainment, etc.)

We get groups of expenses sorted by priority.

While it is quite possible to skip expenses from the third group, from the second - to reduce, then it is difficult to do anything with the first group.

Respectively, we distribute the family budget for a month based on the priorities received:

  1. first we allocate money for the first group
  2. then on the second
  3. if something remains, then select it in the third.

In this way, you can distribute the family budget for a month.

Income- 20,000 rubles.

Postponing 5% for a rainy day is 1,000 rubles.

The remaining We divide 19,000 rubles into categories.

Let the communal apartment be 4,000 rubles, 6,000 rubles for food, 1,500 rubles for clothes, 1,500 rubles for travel, 2,000 rubles for health, 1,000 rubles for rest, 1,000 rubles for households. goods, and distribute another 2,000 rubles yourself.

But that's not all.

It is not enough to distribute money, you still need to control how it is spent. This will ultimately save the family budget.

3 tips for making it easier to control costs:

  1. Create a file in Excel with all income and expenses and fill it out every day (a selection of programs and services for maintaining a family budget).
  2. After a certain amount of money has been allocated for each category,you need to divide them into 4 weeks... On a shorter time frame, it is easier to keep track of when the category budget is approaching the designated border and cut costs so as not to go out of the frame.
  3. Record expenses best every day and not count on your memory.

Immediately I foresee an objection:

“Why write down expenses every day, if we have already allocated where and how much we will spend? And so I remember! "

An example from personal experience

Although the expenses are of the same type, it happens that I get lost and start remembering at the end of the week how much and where I spent. As a result, the category " unreported expenses"(I bring in here those expenses that I cannot remember where I spent, so that there are no inaccuracies), you have to write down up to 20% of the allocated budget of other categories.

20% is a significant discrepancy

And one more thing, I have been keeping track of expenses for the fourth year already, so I know how much and when I spent the money. This information is very useful if you want to save money because it becomes clear where you can reduce costs or predict spending.

Step number 3 - Table of the family budget with expenses for the month

It is convenient to take intervals of a week, month and year. The weekly and monthly intervals allow you to control running costs, and the annual interval allows you to take into account non-fixed costs (holidays, birthdays, vacations, etc.).

2 principles of adding cost categories:

  • there are expenses for which we want to track - we single out them in a separate category
  • we want to get detailed information - we divide categories into subcategories

Below is a detailed table of costs.

  • at work
  • other - outdoor recreation, holidays at a party, etc.
Data under categories, if desired, should be broken down in even more detail (vegetables, meat, drinks, etc.) - this will allow you to assess which foods need to be reduced in the diet, and which ones would be better added.
  • cold water
  • heating
  • the Internet
  • telephone
I think everything is clear here. Now it is easy to say exactly how much the cost of certain services has grown.
  • public transport
  • Taxi
  • fuel
  • repair
  • insurance
  • add. inventory
  • loan payments
  • tax
This category is taken out separately, since it is an essential part. Records of this kind will show you exactly how much the maintenance of the car costs, and from the link you can estimate approximately.
  • clothes
  • shoes
  • household appliances, appliances, tools
  • hobbies and interests
  • furniture
  • other
This should not include large categories such as car.
Household. Products Every little thing: light bulbs, hooks, clothespins, etc.
Hygiene Soap, shampoos, washcloths, etc. should be added here.
  • doctors
  • medications
  • pool
  • sport
A large category that is also worth watching more closely.
Presents Break into subcategories: names of people, names of holidays.
Hobby Here I think everything is also clear.
  • cinema, theaters, museums, etc.
  • eateries
  • other
  • travel
  • nutrition
  • purchases
  • lodging
  • entertainment
I took it out separately, since this is also a fairly voluminous category of expenses that is useful to track. For example, last year you went to China and recorded all expenses. If you decide to repeat the trip this year, then you will already have some kind of landmark.
Repair It is also useful enough to write down expenses so that it will be easier to plan this kind of work in the future. For example, how much did it cost me to renovate a one-room apartment with a rough finish. Even after a few years, it will not be difficult to count everything.
Education Also, if necessary, break down into subparagraphs.
Debts Enter data here when you borrow money to someone.
Not accounted for At times it becomes too lazy to keep track of expenses on a daily basis, so gaps that need to be written off somewhere are inevitable. You can use this solution.

A table with expenses has been drawn up. If there is no category, then add it.

Step # 4 - Create a Financial Safety Cushion

Once again I will draw your attention to these points.

Financial airbag- if there is no money in reserve, then you can get into a difficult situation - this is a risk.

Therefore, first of all, 5-10% of the salary should be directed to creating a stock, which will allow you to live without any sources of income. A stock for a couple of months will allow you to survive the dismissal, a stock for half a year will allow you to survive a protracted illness.

Step number 5 - How to save your family budget

Check out a couple of articles on saving money:

If you are not lazy. Every day you spent 5 minutes of your time and wrote down all expenses, then after about 3-4 months you can say for sure what it is easy to save on.

I'll tell you right away - some of the costs may surprise you. Rather, their size.

For example, look at how much you spend on food and which one. I think it will immediately become clear on what and how you can save your family budget.

Source: https://moi-ipodom.ru/byudzhet-kak-raspredelit-1.html

How to budget for the month and year: a guide with examples

The main task in drawing up a personal budget is not just to reduce debit with credit, but to correctly distribute spending so that in the last week before the salary you do not have to borrow or live from hand to mouth.

You can plan your budget in special applications or any spreadsheets - the principle is the same.

How to budget for a month

As a rule, the bulk of the salary is not paid on the first day of the month, but on the 5th, 10th or 15th. Therefore, it will be more convenient to plan a budget not for a calendar month, but for the period from paycheck to paycheck, for example, from March 10 to April 9.


First, you need to record all financial receipts in order to understand how much you have at your disposal. All sources of income should be taken into account: salary, bonuses, part-time jobs, money from renting an apartment, and so on. With unstable earnings, it makes sense to form a budget when you will know exactly how much you have, for example, on the day the money is credited to the card.


The first items to be entered should be the items of expenditure, which cannot be dispensed with in any way. This list will look something like this:

  1. Food (including lunch at work if you eat in the cafeteria).
  2. Communal payments.
  3. Directions.
  4. Mobile connection.
  5. Internet.
  6. Household chemicals.

Naturally, the list of mandatory payments will be different for each person and for each family. The fare can be replaced by the cost of gasoline. People with chronic illnesses will consider spending on medications. The same list will include loan payments, fees for kindergarten, and so on. At the same time, the traditional trip to the cinema on Saturdays and similar items of expenditure are not required.

Make it a rule to save money in a "stabilization fund" every month. It can be a fixed amount or a percentage of income.

The amount remaining after the deduction of mandatory expenses can be accessed in two ways:

  1. You distribute money for entertainment, clothing, and other amenities.
  2. You divide the remaining amount by the number of days in the month.

With the first method, everything is clear: you determine that you will spend 3,000 rubles on a movie, the same amount on clothes, and so on. The second method is worth considering in more detail.

Let's say you have 15,500 rubles left, and there are 31 days in a month. This means that you can spend 500 rubles daily.

At the same time, the obligatory expenses have already been taken into account in the budget, so this money is calculated only for pleasant spending or force majeure.

Accordingly, if you spend more than this amount per day, then go into negative territory, and at the end of the month you will have to tighten the belt tighter. If you do not spend anything, then within two weeks you will save 7,000 rubles, which you can spend on something big.

The money remaining at the end of the financial period can be spent or postponed. The first way is pleasant, the second is rational.

How to plan your budget for the year

The annual financial plan will need to be regularly adjusted for both expenses and income, so all columns in it need to be created in duplicate: the forecast and the actual figure.

If you have a steady income

With a fixed amount of earnings, you simply enter the salary and other stable income in the income section. The only thing that will interrupt the usual course of things is vacation pay.

Usually, before the vacation, they give money for the days during which you will rest, but then you will miss a certain amount in your salary.

But in general, at the forecast stage, especially if you are making a budget for the first time, it will be enough to use only the salary for all months.

If you have a fickle income

With irregular receipts, there are three ways to forecast income:

1. You are sure that you will receive a monthly amount sufficient for life, although you do not know its exact amount.

Calculate your average income and use it to calculate. If you earn more than the projected amount in any month, move the surplus to the piggy bank. You will get into it if you earn less than average.

2. You do not have a permanent income, and you are not sure what will happen.

It is better to take the minimum income as the basis for calculations. In this case, budget planning will become an asterisk problem, but there will be no financial surprises either.

3. Part of your income is stable, but it is difficult to predict the exact amount of earnings.

For example, you receive a fixed salary, and the availability of a bonus depends on many factors. Then it is worth planning the budget so that stable earnings cover all the primary needs, and you will spend on the rest according to the situation.

Do not forget to take into account the income that you receive on an irregular basis: a quarterly bonus (every three months), a tax refund (once a year), and so on.

For example, let's take a situation where most of the income is stable - this is the salary. The minimum premium is 3,000 rubles, and we will use this figure in our forecast. We also note that at least 20,000 rubles should be given for the anniversary in August: parents promised 15,000, friends will probably give at least 5,000.


When planning expenses, write down the obligatory expenses in the columns of months: for food, utilities, travel, mobile communications, household chemicals, and so on. Keep in mind that in winter utility bills are higher due to heating, and you will spend more on mobile communications, for example, in May, as you are going on vacation. These changes need to be included in the budget.

So, the example shows that in March the heating season ended, so the last increased payment for housing and communal services is scheduled for April. May vacation is also reflected. The budget planner plans to go to visit grandma for three weeks. Tickets have already been purchased, so there is no point in taking this waste into account. Housing and communal services are considered according to the standards and will not change.

Moreover, our hero will not spend money on travel for three weeks. And he cut the cost of food in half: he will eat at home for a week, and will also take on part of the cost of food from his grandmother.

The next step is fixing mandatory, but irregular expenses. Let's say that in May you need to re-register OSAGO, in November - pay tax on an apartment and a car, in May you have a vacation, in August - an anniversary, and in December your gym membership ends. Separately consider the need to buy gifts for the holidays.

Large expenses can be planned in two ways:

  1. Find the entire amount from the monthly budget.
  2. Divide it over several months.

The hero of the example used the first method for planning expenses for the anniversary and the second for OSAGO.

It remains to take into account the savings in the budget and calculate the balance. In the example for entertainment, according to the forecast, 8,020 rubles (258.7 rubles per day) remain.

Budget adjustments

Every month after receiving income from all sources, the budget will have to be adjusted in order to determine the amount that is really on hand. As information becomes available, it is also worth considering changing costs.

The man in the example received more than he bargained for.

He also spent a little less on food and mobile communications, and a little more on housing and utilities. As a result, after all the obligatory deductions, he still has 12,535 rubles (404.3 rubles per day) in his hands, which is almost twice as much as the previous result.

It is worth remembering that even if you are extremely disciplined in adhering to a financial plan drawn up with all the details in mind, circumstances can seriously adjust the budget. Losing a job, raising and raising wages, having a baby - all this will require major changes in the financial strategy. But even a poorly prepared budget is better than none at all.

Source: https://lifehacker.ru/byudzhet-na-mesyac-i-god/

Correct distribution of the family budget for the month

Globally, a family can be called a mini-state in a state where there is always a head and a minister, a population on subsidies and the necessary items of expenditure.

You must always remember this so that one day it does not turn out that your little power is on the brink of a terrible economic crisis, or even at the very bottom of the debt pit, with a huge number of loans and borrowings, debts and other unbearable expenses that you are not able to repay ...

That is why it makes sense to understand the correct planning and figure out how to distribute the family budget efficiently and competently, in order to know exactly what position you occupy on the ladder of income and expenses.

Family budget for a month - a guide to action

Planning, sequestering, distributing the family's budget for a month, and if necessary, for a much longer period, subject to a stable, guaranteed income, is far from an easy task, especially for a beginner who has never dealt with home accounting before.

However, it is undoubtedly worth trying, because just once figuring out how to distribute the family budget, you can then clearly control the flow of your own funds for many years.

Anyone who does not want to vegetate from paycheck to paycheck, since he spent all the money at the very beginning of the month, should definitely think about keeping his own bookkeeping.


Money can be considered one of the greatest tools created by mankind. They have the opportunity to gain experience, knowledge, entertainment, freedom and many other things that make life more pleasant and comfortable.

However, they can be wasted aimlessly and thoughtlessly. No wonder a famous American actor named Will Rogers said that we spend too much money on unnecessary things to please people who are not even interesting to us.

Many in our time of crisis have noticed that incomes are getting smaller and expenses are growing. Debts, loans, constant delays and increasing penalties, all this accumulates and grows like a snowball, eventually turning into a destructive avalanche. In order not to become a complete bankrupt, unable even to feed oneself, it is worth taking fate into our own hands and figuring out how to properly distribute the family budget.

Why do you need home bookkeeping

People for the most part are gullible, artless and naive, although they want to seem wise by experience, omniscient experts. Therefore, they often do not understand at all why and how to correctly distribute the family budget, considering it a pointless waste of time, since income from this will definitely not increase.

It is clear that the salary from keeping a ledger at home will definitely not increase, but all expenses will become much more transparent, and money will no longer control you. Instead, you can take the reins in your own hands.

There are three main reasons why it is worth doing the math.

  1. A clear and understandable table of the distribution of the family budget for a month will allow you to immediately isolate the pointless spontaneous expenses to which absolutely any person is inclined. Proper planning will allow you to clearly follow the set goals, without being sprayed with trifles. For example, it is not at all necessary to buy a thirtieth pair of shoes simply because a novelty has come out from a famous designer; there are many other needs and long-term prospects.
  2. Calculating and planning a budget will help you to correctly set long-term goals (buying a car, apartment, house, household appliances), and then follow them clearly. If you just squander money left and right, without taking it into account or distributing it, then you will hardly be able to save up for a vacation by the sea or a brand new foreign car.
  3. With proper planning and proper distribution of the family budget for a month, no unforeseen life situations can knock you out of the saddle. Illness or even death of relatives, loss of work, divorce, unforeseen repairs, as the neighbors flooded, all this will be taken into account in a special reserve fund, which will be discussed a little later.

The structure of the family budget necessarily includes the so-called "safety cushion", that is, funds that will allow, in any scenario, to hold out from three to six months.

Distribution of the family budget as a percentage

After you understand that the distribution of the family budget is a necessary measure of control over your own funds, you should understand all the details in order to understand what exactly needs to be done, know and take into account. There is a certain set of general principles that are applicable in any situation, since people's situation is different, and it can change quite often.

The 80/20 rule

The simplest and most common plan that will have to be implemented, in the presence of debts, involves the payment of at least 20% of the monthly earnings of the whole family on loans, mortgages or other types of debts. The fact is that until you get out of the "minuses", you will hardly be able to save and collect to the maximum, but you will have to make efforts.

Table 1 How to distribute the family budget for a month

Therefore, it is advisable to spend twenty percent on creating a financial buffer (airbags), and distribute the rest for all other purposes, from food, to paying for utilities, buying clothes, household items and other things. Thus, spending and savings will amount to 80% of earnings, and payment of debts - 20%.

The 50/30/20 rule

The second variant of the percentage grid, which also works very well, as it is easy to calculate and really effective. Instead of scribbling and sorting twenty or thirty items out of the estimated monthly costs, everything is divided by three, as in the previous version, by two.

Table 2 Distribution of the family budget per month

As can be seen from the table, half of the total family income should go to the necessary expenses, which include a grocery store, a communal apartment, travel and education fees, taxes, and so on, which a modern person cannot do without.

Thirty percent of the earnings of all family members will go to optional, but desirable expenses, without which the quality of life suffers significantly, for example, hobbies, entertainment, movies, exhibitions, films and books.

Exactly twenty percent of the budget is provided for the repayment of all kinds of debts and loans, as well as the creation of an untouchable reserve "for a rainy day", as in the previous version.

Hack on the nose

In order for your planning and accounting to really work on an ongoing basis, without failures and surprises, be sure to make yourself the habit of saving a certain amount, which can be spent only in the most difficult and unforeseen circumstances, for example, when loved ones are sick, or a job is lost. It is such a reserve that is called an airbag, and it should be equal to the amount that will be enough for you to live, without too much straining, for three to six months, and possibly more. Only in this way will the distribution of the family budget become really effective.

Thus, it turns out that both in the first popular method, recommended by professional accountants, and in the second, only twenty percent is provided for debts and emergency reserves.

Automatically divide this number in half, so you should have enough both to pay off debt obligations and for a “rainy day”.

Ideally, the airbag is never spent if circumstances permit, but it should be replenished regularly.

We make a budget for a month without problems

Many people think that creating a structure of income and expenses, maintaining home bookkeeping, and controlling financial flows is an extremely difficult and overwhelming task for a beginner. This is a common mistake and you should not be afraid, because everything will not be controlled by anyone other than yourself.

Even if at first you make annoying mistakes, then after a month, after analyzing the situation, you can easily correct them.

We suggest that you consider step-by-step instructions for creating and distributing a family budget, but you can plan it both manually in a regular notebook, and in special programs, the free options of which are full on the net.

Achievable and realistic goals

The first thing psychologists who deal with such issues say is that it is impossible to save for a long time just for the sake of saving. It is always necessary to set realistic achievable goals and methodically go towards them until they are achieved.

Moreover, it should be understood that it is better to move from less to more, because “Becoming a multibillionaire” is rather vague and indistinct, you can spend forty or fifty years on it, but still not achieve success. The goal must be feasible, real and achievable in the near future.

Better yet, divide all goals into three main subcategories.

  1. Short-term: a new smartphone or other device, buying a branded garment, paying off a minor debt.
  2. Medium urgency: a trip to the seaside vacation, purchase of a car or motorcycle, an expensive fur coat, expansion of housing conditions, insulation and re-equipment of the house, new furniture.
  3. Long-term: helping adult children, accumulating a decent pension under special programs, mortgages, purchasing real estate abroad, etc.

When drawing up such plans, you should be as realistic as possible, therefore, first set achievable goals. For example, with a salary of 20 thousand, it is better to first gather up for the installation of new window structures, insulate the house, which will allow you to save more on heating, and only then think about buying a new car, this is not a work necessity.

Correct determination of income and expenses

In order to properly allocate funds, they first need to give a clear definition of what to do immediately after you have finally decided on goals in the short and long term.

Income generation structure

  • The salary of the head of the family, most often the husband.
  • Spouse's salary.
  • Social benefits.
  • Pensions.
  • Interest on deposits and deposits.
  • Additional income (part-time work, gifts, unaccounted for bonuses, etc.).

Formation of expenses

  • Food products and necessary household items.
  • Medical care and medicines.
  • Fare.
  • Utilities (gas, electricity, water, heating, rent, communication services, internet).
  • Items of clothing.
  • Personal expenses of each family member, including children.
  • Education.
  • Presents.
  • Entertainment and hobbies, hobbies, active leisure, travel.

These lists have been compiled approximately, everyone can make their own adjustments to them that best suit their needs and capabilities.

Track all expenses and share needs with desires

It will hardly be possible to sit down and draw up an expense and income table from the start. In order to clearly determine where, in fact, your money is flowing, you will have to spend a month, or maybe several.

All the while, you'll have to record every waste, even if it's a chewing gum or bagel at the corner diner.

On our website, you can download a table of approximate costs absolutely free of charge, and adjust it to fit your needs and rules.

When you start writing down each of your purchases, you will be surprised to find how many unnecessary, useless things you buy almost every day.

Unplanned and impulsive purchases can seriously and regularly hit the family budget, so it is worth drawing a clear line between "want" and "need".

The twenty-fifth pair of sneakers is not at all a necessity, but textbooks for raising qualifications must be bought.

-recommendations on how to distribute the family budget for a month

In addition to all that is listed above, experts recommend that you additionally listen to one very practical advice. It is better to keep money in a bank, or even better, to invest free funds, so they can bring additional income.

But it's better to pay in cash, and leave debit and credit cards at home when going shopping. They create the illusion that you are not wasting money, when in fact, they float away like water.

Watch useful videos, track expenses, set achievable goals, plan and distribute, and you will definitely achieve what is worth striving for, stability and confidence in the future.

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