Whether to take out a mortgage Should I take out a mortgage right now?

Due to the unstable economic situation, the only option to become the owner own apartment or home soon, is the clearance of the mortgage. Whether it is worth taking a mortgage in 2020, when there is practically no hope of buying a home with your own money, it is up to the borrower to decide. To make an informed decision, it is necessary to analyze the situation and evaluate all the possible consequences of this step.

On the one hand, obtaining a loan for a long period of time is a rather risky undertaking that requires the most careful attitude. On the other hand, falling real estate prices and lowering rates by most banks create optimal conditions for positively deciding whether a borrower should take out a mortgage. With the help of various measures, a thorough assessment of one's own solvency, stability of the financial situation, greater security can be ensured by reducing the risk of debt formation to the bank to a minimum.

Before deciding on a mortgage, you need to comprehensively study the issue and find out all the features of this type of lending.

Mortgage is target view loan, the funds for which are taken exclusively for the purchase of housing.

Mortgage as a loan has its own characteristics:

  1. Mortgages are characterized by large loan amounts.
  2. The acquired property is registered as collateral for the lender until the full payment and closing of the credit line.
  3. Allowed additional design pledge on other real estate of the client.
  4. Insurance is issued for the object of pledge during the entire term of the contract.
  5. The interest rate, due to the lower risk of default, is much lower than other loan programs.
  6. The duration of the repayment period can reach 25-30 years, during which the borrower will not be able to fully dispose of the property (as long as the object is pledged, any transactions with this property are subject to agreement with the bank, which is not interested in the loss of the collateral object).

There is no consensus on the justification for attracting credit funds for the purchase of housing. On the one hand, a mortgaged apartment or house is purchased with an interest overpayment, which over many years of payments may exceed the principal amount of the loan. On the other hand, for some families, borrowing is almost the only chance to buy their first home. In this case, a mortgage is a boon, especially since interest rates are currently at record lows, and real estate itself has fallen in price.

Mortgage benefits also include:

  1. Getting a property when the amount of savings to rent an apartment is not enough.
  2. Buying your first home with a mortgage is an excellent alternative to rented housing.
  3. Tax legislation allows you to return part of the funds paid to repay the principal mortgage debt and interest, subject to the availability of deductions income tax, i.e. the borrower can take up to 13% of the funds that the buyer transferred to the seller.
  4. Applying for help to state financial support programs, including maternity capital, will also allow you to receive compensation for part of the funds paid or use them for the first installment.

Many of the disadvantages of a mortgage loan include the following characteristics:

  1. Within 30 years, the amount of overpayment for the purchased housing will many times exceed the amount of the loan. The money could be spent by the client for other purposes.
  2. Over a long period of life family budget will be subject to the need to make regular payments on the loan, payment of insurance.
  3. Restriction of the rights of the owner during the period of validity of the agreement with the creditor, which will not allow either to exchange, sell or donate the received housing.
  4. Quite high requirements for the borrower, his status, solvency, age significantly limit the availability of the service.

For each person, the value of advantages and disadvantages has a different significance. Therefore, only a personal analysis of the situation, taking into account specific circumstances, will make it possible to make the right choice whether it is worth taking a mortgage now.

Parameters influencing the decision

An assessment of parameters in two different categories will help to deal with the issue: the current situation in the market and personal financial situation.

Market indicators affecting mortgage justification

The profit of the transaction primarily depends on the percentage overpayment: the higher the percentage, the greater the overpayment, and vice versa. If the percentage is less than 11%, the mortgage is considered to be profitable.

However, it is necessary to assess the market situation more diversified. There are many reasons why rates could increase:

  • reduction in the inflow of foreign Money due to international sanctions;
  • lowering tariffs on oil exports and the depreciation of the ruble;
  • the lack of opportunities for additional attraction of investments entails an increase in lending rates.

The exchange rate, the ratio of the dollar to the ruble, trends in the currency market affect the refinancing rate, which may lead to changes in interest rates on loans, including housing targeted loans.

Many people remember when in 2014 there was a sharp increase in the dollar, mortgage rates increased to 18%. Such an overpayment on ruble loans was unprofitable.

If the mortgage rate is low and the exchange rate is calm, you can plan expenses and payments with more confidence, which means that the question of whether it is profitable to take a mortgage in 2018 can be answered positively from the point of view of taking into account objective factors.

Personal Factors Affecting Loan Appropriateness

No less important, and in some cases priority will be taking into account the financial situation and solvency of the borrower.

The following criteria should be evaluated:

  • monthly income;
  • loan amount;
  • optimal term of the contract.

These indicators are among the main ones used in the calculation of monthly payments, as well as the possibility of bearing this financial burden.

In addition to earned income, it is necessary to take into account additional sources of financing (interest on deposits, investments, income from valuable papers). In addition to income evaluated current expenses per month and available financial obligations.

Before sending a request to banks, you must be absolutely sure that the payment calculated by the mortgage calculator can be paid regardless of any risks (loss of work, loss of health). You can sign an agreement with the lender only in full confidence that the funds will be returned to the bank in any case.

Analysis of the current situation

After an assessment of payment abilities has been made and work has been carried out to collect information on the lending market and the real estate market, it's time to choose the best program that takes into account the needs and capabilities of the payer:

  1. Analysis of information on interest rates.
  2. Analysis of requirements for borrowers.
  3. Collecting information about other conditions for a loan - mandatory insurance, penalties, registration requirements.

Currently, there is a general decrease in mortgage interest, however, the level of income has not increased in recent years. Therefore, the choice of a mortgage should be influenced by the final overpayment, taking into account all the factors and requirements of banks.

At the same time, the real estate market is also experiencing a significant drop in prices, due to which the amount required from the bank is reduced. Currently, the most favorable external conditions for obtaining a mortgage have been created.

One should also take into account the possibility of directing funds from the budget under the state program that are issued to improve the housing situation of Russian families (for example, a mortgage without a down payment, for large families or young families in need of improvement). In addition to government programs, there are numerous promotional offers from the lenders themselves.

The state assistance program may consist not only in the allocation of tranches directed for the purchase, but also in the repayment of part of the interest.

In the banking sector, there is a gradual decrease in the mortgage rate, reaching a record 8% per annum, which makes mortgage attractive to many borrowers. In the near future, real estate prices and interest rates are not expected to rise, which allows us to hope for a stabilization of the market situation. Favorable offers of banks and low housing prices for the borrower mean the creation of favorable conditions for loans.

Tips on how to get a mortgage on the most favorable terms

If the borrower's decision is in favor of a mortgage, it's time to make sure that the bank's offer meets all the requirements and possibilities.

Acting according to a certain algorithm, you can get a mortgage with minimal risk and maximum benefit for yourself:

  1. Work with the mortgage calculators will allow you to pre-calculate the allowable financial burden in the form of a mortgage payment, as well as calculate the optimal amount that will be feasible to return to the bank. Also, using the calculator, they select the optimal loan term.
  2. The presence of additional security as collateral will increase the chances of a positive consideration of the request by the creditor. It is necessary to consider how much the interest on the loan will decrease if the client provides additional collateral. This will provide a minimum percentage and a minimum total overpayment, which means it will increase the benefit of the future homeowner.
  3. Studying information about banks providing Better conditions on rates, reliability of the organization, borrower policy, any other information that will allow assessing the risks for a potential client.
  4. Among the programs that are available in the portfolios of banks of interest, they pay attention to various promotions and special offers (for payroll clients, public sector employees, young families, etc.)
  5. When choosing between a foreign currency and ruble loan, in the face of serious currency exchange rate fluctuations, it is recommended to take a program in domestic currency.

If in the process of repaying a debt to a bank the client encounters financial difficulties, it is recommended to promptly inform the credit institution about the difficulties that have arisen, because at present there are many tools that will help to cope with temporary difficulties (restructuring, credit holidays, refinancing, etc.)

After the loan is issued and the apartment is bought, it is best to consider ways to repay the loan early, which will reduce the overpayment. With the help of early repayment, it is possible to bring closer the time when the property will be completely at the disposal of the client, who will be able to sell, donate, bequeath housing in the future, without coordinating his steps with the bank anymore.

Last update: 05-02-2020

As for crises, then below in the picture you can see the change in the dollar exchange rate from 1998 to the beginning of 2019.

I think there is no need to write about 1998 and 2014 (August 2008 - military conflict with Georgia). True, in 1998 the population had practically no money, and by the time of new shocks they had accumulated some kind of fat and endured everything much easier.

This is for that crises happen with enviable constancy. Once every 5-10-15 years, but hard times come. Postponing your life because of this is just stupid.

Instead, it is better to take all possible measures to protect yourself.

Mortgage anxiety and how to deal with it

What is the most scary thing about mortgages?

First of all, these are long loan terms: 5, 10, 15, 20 years old.

Is it really scary? Really it is necessary to pay all these years and there will be no opportunity to pay off earlier?

No no and one more time no!

Keep in mind that no matter what type of payment you choose, if you start paying off early, you can reduce the overpayment and the mortgage term ().

Example. Calculate how much your salary has grown over the past 5 years. Now imagine if you took out a mortgage 5 years ago, now you could start paying it off ahead of schedule, because. payments remain the same.

How long is the best time to take out a mortgage

Don't be intimidated by a 20-year mortgage if you have a fixed interest rate. Already in 4-5 years you will begin to pay off the debt ahead of schedule and the payments will not be so burdensome for you.

Cons of a mortgage loan to be aware of

Since the cost of real estate is quite high, and own savings are often not enough, therefore, a large amount is taken on credit for a long period ( 10-15-20 years old).

From this follows several disadvantages of buying an apartment / house in a mortgage:

  1. Paying for so long can be difficult psychologically.
  2. There is a risk of losing a source of income and incurring debt to the bank (read also how you can).
  3. To complete the purchase of an apartment in and spend more time waiting for the approval of the application at the bank.
  4. You will have to pay for insurance annually (be sure to read).
  5. You need to have money for a down payment.
  6. Large overpayment on the loan, if not repaid ahead of schedule. Accordingly, the longer the term and amount of the loan, the more money you have to pay.
  7. An encumbrance is imposed on the apartment and in case of non-payment it can be lost.
  8. It will be more difficult to sell such an apartment.

Benefits of a Mortgage Loan You Shouldn't Forget

Now let's get acquainted with the advantages of a mortgage in order to finally make a decision: is it worth taking a mortgage.

  1. Buying an apartment with a mortgage is much safer than only through a real estate agency, because the bank at least somehow checks the documents and is interested so that no problems arise in the future (not a 100% guarantee, but already something). Thus, you can even arrange everything without realtors and save on commissions. The only thing you need to correctly compose, but it's not so difficult, some banks even give their own form.
  2. A mortgage loan usually has a lower interest rate than consumer.
  3. Registration of documents mortgage transactions takes just 7 days.
  4. Mortgage allows you to buy a home much earlier than if you save money for it. This is especially true for those who live in a rented apartment. It is one thing to pay for your house and another when you have to pay for someone else's apartment (possibly also bought with a mortgage). About what is more profitable, mortgage or rent, .
  5. Another plus- this is that if you save money, then inflation will “eat” them, while the purchased apartment, on the contrary, becomes more expensive. Again, due to inflation, payments from year to year will become less onerous.
  6. You can get a deduction() from the interest paid on the mortgage and thereby recover 13% of the amount spent (), and then make it as an early payment on the mortgage (to reduce the overpayment and the term).
  7. If, however, there are problems with money, then no one will just kick you out of the apartment. You can take credit holidays.

Mortgage Risks and Dangers to Consider

Consider the most likely risks that are associated with a long loan term and a large amount.

  1. You can lose your source of income(e.g. fired from a job) BUT in this case, the bank can ask for a deferment on the payment of the principal debt (credit holidays). Yes, it's hard to believe that someone will sit idly by, for the first time a job not in their specialty or less paid can always be found - several verified how to make money online (without cheating).
  2. To be more calm on this score, it is better in the form of 3 monthly payments.
  3. Health problems may arise. In this case, the stash + made health insurance will save. Not a 100% guarantee, but still so much calmer.
  4. Recognition of the transaction as invalid. You can get title insurance for this. What is it, read the link.

These are the main problems that may arise.

Example, if in one family a decrease in income by 50% does not particularly affect the ability to pay on a loan, then in another it will lead to a delay in payment of a mortgage loan. What will happen if one of the family members loses income, I think there is no need to explain.

Evaluate all the risks correctly and leave an amount in reserve for at least a few months of payments.

How to pay off a mortgage early?

Everything is simple, we use the property deduction, maximum amount is 260 thousand rubles+ some other part is returned from the interest paid to the bank.

Of course, the entire mortgage cannot be repaid ahead of schedule, but it is quite possible to partially reduce the burden. This is true in 2020 as well.

All last year, banks reduced the cost of mortgages following the reduction of the key rate of the Central Bank, which fell by 2.25 percentage points (p.p.) to 7.75% over the year.

According to the analytical center Rusipoteka, in 2017 the average offer rate both in the primary and secondary markets decreased by more than 2 percentage points and in December reached 10.19 and 10.1% per annum, respectively. “The weighted average rates of the 20 largest mortgage banks (each of them reduced rates every 2–3 months) reached 10.75% in the primary market and 10.88% in the secondary housing market by the beginning of 2018, having decreased by 2.35% over the year. and 2.64 p.p., respectively, says the director of the monitoring department banking products marketing agency Marss Natalia Abramova.

According to the observations of the head of the analytical center "Rusipoteka" Sergey Gordeiko, the rates are almost equal for all products - for apartments in new buildings, in the secondary market and for refinancing.

The average rates of issued mortgage loans, according to the Central Bank, for 11 months of 2017 fell from 11.54 to 9.8% per annum.

In January, major banks continued to reduce the cost of mortgages. In particular, this was done by Gazprombank, Raiffeisenbank, Deltacredit, Unicredit Bank. The decrease averaged 0.25–0.75 percentage points, depending on the bank and program.

Now mortgage rates in large banks for borrowers who do not belong to special categories of clients average 9-11% per annum, provided that not only the collateral is insured, but also the life and health of the borrower. Rejection of it now leads to an increase in the rate by 0.5–2.5 p.p.

Special contingent

Significantly more favorable lending terms are offered to certain categories of borrowers. For example, young families (where at least one of the spouses is not older than 35) can get a mortgage from the Russian Agricultural Bank in the amount of 3 million rubles or more. with a down payment of 30–50% at 5.17% per annum for housing in separate new buildings. True, for this they need to have a good credit history in the bank or be state employees or payroll clients, as well as insure life and health.

“Only a very small part of clients can meet the conditions necessary to receive the most favorable rates on shares with developers,” adds Gordeiko. According to him, usually banks do not plan to issue more than 10% of such loans from the total number.

“Clients themselves often refuse special programs banks with developers, since getting a discount from the developer here and now when buying an apartment is better than in the form of extended compensation for monthly payments, explains Maria Litinetskaya, managing partner of the Metrium Group realtor. “Compensation by the developer of the rate to the bank is equal to the average discount on the mass housing market in Moscow, which developers often offer during ongoing promotions (5–6%).”

This year, families have their own privileges, where after January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2022, the second and subsequent child will be born. Under the Family Mortgage program with state support, they will be provided with loans for housing under construction or ready-made housing in the primary market, as well as refinancing at a rate of no more than 6% per annum. The reduced rate is valid for three years at the birth of the second child and five years for the third. After that, the interest should not exceed the size of the key rate of the Central Bank on the date of the loan, plus 2 percentage points. The rates are valid in the presence of personal and property insurance. The minimum down payment is 20%. The maximum loan amount is 8 million rubles. for Moscow, Moscow region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, 3 million rubles. - for other regions.

Will be cheaper

According to the forecasts of politicians, bankers and analysts, this year the base mortgage rates will continue to fall following the key rate of the Central Bank. The economic situation in the country makes it possible to further reduce mortgage rates, President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday. Minister of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities Mikhail Men expects a rate of about 6% by 2022. Gref previously stated that the mortgage rate of 5% per annum is not far off. In his opinion, in 2018, loan rates will decrease by 2 p.p.

Yury Gribanov, CEO of Frank Research Group, agrees that the average mortgage rate by the end of 2018 may drop to below 9%. On average, by December this year, banks will issue mortgages at 8%, predicts Gordeyko. By the summer, rates may fall by another 0.5-1 percentage points, suggests Pavel Samiev, managing partner of the NRA.

However, in the coming years, not only mortgages will become cheaper, but also housing itself, according to real estate market experts.

After the decision to cancel within three years shared construction with the participation of the population as equity holders, the developers began to declare in unison that because of this, prices are about to rise. They will grow, but after two or three years, when shared construction will be completely banned and construction will begin with expensive bank money (project financing), Oleg Repchenko, head of the Real Estate Market Indicators consulting center, and Alexander Krapin, president of the analytical agency Rway, believe.

“Until this moment, developers will try to bring to the market as many new objects as possible, even those that they did not plan to bring to the market with the current weak solvency of the population and oversaturation of the market. Already, the volume of supply of new buildings in Moscow is at a historical maximum, and the abolition of the “share” will increase it even more. Therefore, it is worth waiting for a further gradual decline in housing prices in Moscow by another 20–30% in rubles over the course of 2–3 years,” explains Repchenko.

Banks are increasingly lending mortgage loans. For the three quarters of 2017, the growth in issuances compared to the previous year amounted to 25%. Banki.ru figured out whether to take a mortgage loan right now, or is it better to wait for further rate cuts. And at the same time I found out what analogues of mortgages exist on the market.

“The current revival in the mortgage market is largely emotional”

Interest in mortgages is fueled by statements about lowering interest rates on loans. But in the pursuit of low rates, one must pay attention to the economic context. “A 12% mortgage with 10% inflation and a 9% mortgage with 4% inflation are completely different proposals. From this point of view, the 9% rate no longer looks so attractive. Today, we view the mortgage rate as low based on our past market perceptions. Therefore, the current recovery in the mortgage market is largely emotional. Gradually, homebuyers will come to realize real price loan. The fact that the mortgage rate is not just a figure that is more or less than the previous indicators, ”says Mikhail Khorkov, head of the analytical department of the Ural Chamber of Real Estate.

Another fact worth paying attention to is that the structure of our expenses has changed, and real incomes have not been growing for the fourth year already. “The collapse of the ruble by 2.5 times in 2014 reshaped the structure of expenses for many families. Opportunities for savings have dwindled. The fact that Russians have less money leads to an increase in the average amount of a mortgage loan. Over the year, it increased immediately by 130 thousand rubles, despite the fact that housing does not grow in value, ”explains Elvira Epishina, head of the analytics committee in the Russian Guild of Realtors.

Mortgages at 12% with inflation of 10% and mortgages at 9% with inflation of 4% are completely different proposals. From this point of view, the 9% rate no longer looks so attractive.

According to the Central Bank, over the three quarters of 2017, banks in Russia issued over 700,000 mortgage loans in the amount of 1.28 trillion rubles. Compared to the same period in 2016, the issuance of mortgages increased by 25%. If we turn to the figures for January - September 2014, then this result in 2017 has already been surpassed by 5%. Then the banks lent mortgage borrowers in the amount of 1.22 trillion rubles.

Sociological survey data show that housing issue is still relevant for a significant number of Russians: about 45% of all families would like to improve their living conditions, - reports the analytical center AHML.

“According to our estimates, based on data from a sociological survey conducted by VTsIOM, more than 12 million families plan to purchase housing in the next 5 years, of which 70% are ready to use mortgages for this. At the same time, citizens show demand for modern and comfortable housing,” AHML notes.

Should we expect rate cuts in 2018?

This year, market participants expect another round of rate cuts, but their forecasts for next year diverge.

“In the wake of increased activity in the mortgage market (seasonal growth in demand, as well as high volumes of restructurings that allow borrowers to reduce the cost of debt burden, and banks to get new customers with proven solvency), it is likely that average loan rates in the fourth quarter will decrease by another 0 3-0.5 percentage points, - Anastasia Lichagina, an analyst at the Expert RA rating agency, believes. - As for the further dynamics, in 2018 an equally significant reduction in rates is unlikely. Mortgage banks are already working on the edge of marginality, and the reduction in the cost of funding has slowed down significantly.”

Sergei Shloma, director of the secondary market department at Inkom-Nedvizhimost, does not agree with her. “If now the average rate for the purchase of a secondary apartment in the capital is at the level of 10%, then in 2018 it may fall to 8.5% or even to 8%. I emphasize that this indicator on the Russian real estate market is unlikely to drop below this mark in the foreseeable future,” he says.

Mark Goykhman, a leading analyst at TeleTrade Group, emphasizes that mortgage interest rates will continue to decline due to a decrease in the key rate of the Central Bank. “Obviously, the key rate in 2017 will be reduced again to 8% or even to 7.75%. And in 2018, it will fall to 6.75-7%, that is, it will be 3 percentage points above the target inflation rate. Then the mortgage interest housing loans drop to an average of 9%,” he believes.

“We expect that, given the stability in the economy and the absence of external and internal shocks, the downward trend in rates will continue. But the rate of decline will slow down - no more than one percentage point by the end of 2018," Ivan Lyubimenko, Managing Director of the Sales Directorate of Absolut Bank's chain divisions, predicts.

Volume mortgage lending shows strong growth in recent months. According to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, in September 2017 the amount of issued mortgage loans (HML) increased by 22% even compared to September 2016, when it increased by 18% compared to the same period in 2015.

“Reduction of rates will continue next year to the level of 8-8.5% as the total cost of funding decreases. This will be facilitated by the implementation of measures to develop the market, namely the introduction of electronic document management (reducing the cost of issuing and refinancing, reducing time costs),” the AHML analytical center noted.

Does it make sense to postpone the mortgage?

This means that it makes sense to delay applying for a mortgage for at least a year in the hope of lowering the rate, if circumstances bear it. Now even renting an apartment, as a rule, is more profitable than taking a mortgage loan - the costs are less.

“There is no point in fearing rising house prices or buying them for investment purposes. Even now real estate changes little in price and is unlikely to rise in price next year on average faster than inflation, that is, by more than 3-4% per year. Even deposits in a reliable bank make up 6.5-7%, that is, they give a higher yield than inflation and real estate appreciation,” Mark Goykhman explains.

According to the real estate portal IRN-Consulting, the number of finished unsold new buildings, for example, in Moscow, in August 2017 was 160% higher than at the end of 2014. Developers have huge stocks of unsold properties, which puts pressure on prices. Therefore, even the current mortgage boom does not allow a significant increase in sales prices. Characteristically, with the decrease in the mortgage rate and the impressive growth in its volume, the price of housing in Moscow fell.

According to the analytical service "Real Estate Market Indicators", from the beginning of 2016 to the end of October 2017, the average price of apartments in modern panel houses decreased from 160,000 to 155,000 rubles per square meter, while in monolithic-brick buildings it remained at about 200,000 rubles.

Everything can change in 2018

But there is another opinion: in 2018 the market may change. In particular, because of the prospect of a ban on shared construction. A ban on it will be very important for the mortgage market. Replacing shared construction with bank financing will certainly lead to an increase in the cost of housing.

According to Vladimir Starinsky, managing partner of Starinsky, Korchago & Partners, now is a good time to buy an apartment on the primary market, since supply significantly outweighs demand, and banks are heading for lower rates. “Competition in both the banking and construction sectors leads to very low prices in the primary market. However, in 2018 everything can change - the requirements for developers are becoming tougher, and the construction process itself will become much more difficult. This will lead to an increase in the cost of objects. Prices can go up sharply. However, the situation on the secondary housing market is still different: mortgage rates are low, but in 2018 they may continue to fall, so there is no need to rush to buy,” the expert notes.

Andrey Nosonov, Head of the Mortgage Group of the Department of New Buildings at Inkom-Nedvizhimost, is confident that the price of new buildings will not fall in the near future. “The cost “will not go far” - today we are near those price values ​​that cannot fall below, at least without the release of products for the renovation of the Moscow housing stock. As a summary - advice: you should buy apartments in new buildings right now, at the established mortgage rates, ”he says.

Ivan Lyubimenko advises to take advantage of the advantages that the excess of supply over demand gives the buyer. “We would not recommend waiting for the mortgage rate to overcome new historical lows. First, a one percentage point decrease will not significantly change the amount of the monthly payment. But you will not miss a good apartment option, you will be able to choose the housing that best meets your expectations, since supply now prevails over demand and a large number of properties are on display. Secondly, real estate prices have stabilized and are not growing yet. But the scenario cannot be ruled out that they will go up again and all the resulting savings on interest will be “eaten up,” says a representative of Absolut Bank.

If not a mortgage, then what?

In times of crisis or times of high rates, potential buyers are looking at all sorts of home buying tools. Those who cannot or do not want to take out a mortgage have the opportunity to take advantage of a leasing deal. It is immediately necessary to take into account the fact that leasing is not suitable for all categories of buyers.

What is home leasing and how does it work?

“Leasing is, in fact, a lease on certain conditions with subsequent redemption and registration in ownership. It works as follows. There are three parties in the process: the lessor, the lessee and the seller of the apartment. The client chooses the developer and the object of purchase. The lessor buys this object for him, and then a leasing agreement is drawn up. The client then makes monthly lease payments, which are taken into account at the end of the contract if the lessee is going to buy the property and take ownership of it,” explains Eldiyar Muratov, President of the Singapore Castle Family Office.

Leasing conditions are approximately the same everywhere:

- prepaid expense - 10-50% of the value of the property;

- the amount of financing from the lessor, excluding the client's advance payment - no more than 50-60 million rubles;

- the more funds the client contributes, the easier and faster the procedure for reviewing and making a positive decision on the application;

- the lease agreement is concluded for a period of not more than ten years.

“It is important to know that until the full repayment of the value of the property and the remuneration of the lessor, the lessee is only a tenant of the property. This is the main difference from buying an apartment on a mortgage, where the borrower immediately acquires the status of a homeowner and can dispose of it, albeit with restrictions. The property in this case is the property of the lessor, who rents it out with the subsequent right of redemption,” Muratov notes.

Basically, leasing is common and in demand in premium real estate segments. However, it is worth remembering that long-term leasing - from ten years old - ultimately costing the client 3 - 4% more expensive than a conventional mortgage. Leasing is usually resorted to by those clients who cannot get a loan from a bank due to a bad credit history or the inability to confirm their official income, but at the same time they are completely confident in their financial solvency. This is a product where credit history is practically irrelevant. The advantages of leasing are saving the client's time, reducing formalities, that is, providing a smaller or simplified list of documents.

An alternative to a mortgage can be a non-purpose loan or consumer credit, which has high stakes compared to a mortgage, shorter terms of issuance and smaller loan amounts. It is also worth considering state benefits, which are gaining momentum every year, but still ineffective so far. They solve the problem only partially, pushing the client to use, for example, maternity capital in the form of a down payment and again take a mortgage.

According to Inkom-Nedvizhimost, it is possible that projects with long-term leases will appear in 2018, but only government agencies can launch such projects. “Alternative mortgage options have prospects, but so far only a few developers can offer such acquisition methods in their projects. Probably coming in 2018 New Product for the purchase of apartments and their subsequent long-term lease. But such actions can only be expected from some large structures, primarily state organizations that will be able to take on such projects,” says Andrey Nosonov from Inkom-Nedvizhimost.

Who Should Never Get a Mortgage

Are there those who should not take out a mortgage, even if external circumstances favor it?

Who shouldn't take out a mortgage? The answer to this question lies in yourself, or rather in your confidence in the stability of a regular income. Therefore, even if you have a large income, but the profession is in the risk zone, you should think hard. This applies to small business owners, professions related to the flower business, real estate, and others that fall into the unstable category. Marital status today practically does not play a role, although it is much easier to pay together. It is desirable that the monthly mortgage payment does not exceed 40% of the total family income. In this case, the credit burden will be comfortable,” explains Eldiyar Muratov.

It is desirable that the monthly mortgage payment does not exceed 40% of the total family income. In this case, the credit load will be comfortable.

According to the National Bureau credit histories, If speak about age composition borrowers with overdue mortgage loans over 30 days, the lowest rates are for citizens aged 25 to 29 years (1.4%) and under 25 years (2.2%), and the highest rates for borrowers of "retirement" age: from 60 to 65 years old (10.5%) and over 65 years old (8.3%).

At the same time, it should be understood that the share of the “youngest” and “oldest” borrowers in the total number of those who are overdue by more than 30 days is relatively small. Most of these borrowers are in the age ranges of 30-39 and 40-49 years, that is, the citizens of the most active working age.

As for the distribution of mortgage borrowers by debt amounts, the lowest share of delinquency is observed among citizens with loans up to 1 million rubles (among them, a delay of more than 30 days is 1.8%) and from 1 million to 3 million rubles (1.9%) . In turn, the largest share of delays among citizens with a loan of more than 10 million rubles - 13.6%.

“What does the portrait of a defaulter on a mortgage look like? As a rule, these are people with unstable income, often in areas with seasonal demand for services. The main reasons borrowers experience difficulty paying their mortgages are job loss, pay cuts, or going into retirement. maternity leave", - said the press service of the bank "DeltaCredit".

Mortgage borrower, Banki.ru columnist Anna Dubrovskaya advises taking into account the emotional component: “Having a mortgage experience of more than a year, I can say for sure that people who are choleric or prone to depression should not take a mortgage. The monthly awareness of the need to "splinter off" a decent "jackpot" from the salary and give it to the bank instead of some desired purchase can demotivate anyone. In this case, it is better to take a mortgage, already being married. And here is what is catastrophically important: if you are a pessimist, then it is desirable for your soulmate to be an optimist, then the credit burden will not be so noticeable for you. I would also advise to postpone the mortgage to people who do not know how to save. It is clear that you will always get the amount of the monthly loan payment one way or another “forcibly” from the budget. But the style of your spending will still have to be reconsidered, because the amount of free cash will be greatly reduced, thereby forcing you to abandon some of the usual non-primary expenses. Not everyone is ready for this turn of events, and not everyone is able to come to terms with their new mortgage reality.”

Mortgage registration in 2017

On the question of whether it is worth taking a mortgage in 2017, expert opinions differ. And above all, you must take into account your own experience, your current financial situation. After all, a mortgage is a debt obligation, and you will need to return the money to the bank. In this case, you should analyze several factors that may affect your ability to repay the loan in the future.

What to consider when asking if you should take out a mortgage

  1. The stability of your current earnings
  2. Reliability of your employer
  3. Possible addition to the family
  4. your addiction wages from the exchange rate

These and many other factors can influence your mortgage decision.

The opinion of experts on this issue is also not unambiguous. On the one hand, while the state support program is in effect, you can take a chance and take a loan for more favorable conditions, at a reduced rate. After all, the program is valid until the end of 2016, and if you fall into one of the categories in which the state subsidizes housing loans, when applying for a mortgage, you will receive a rate lower than ordinary customers.

On the other hand, on the question of whether it is worth taking a mortgage in 2017, the opinion of experts is as follows - it is worth a little delay and wait for 2018. After all, positive trends have emerged in the economy, and many predict a reduction in the key rate by the Central Bank. Although the regulator itself is still quite restrained in its comments on this.

However, if the Central Bank lowers the rate, and, as a result, the cost of loans in banks is reduced to the level of 8-9 percent, there will be no need for a state support program. Already, the mortgage lending rate is at the level of 2013, having overcome the pre-crisis level and set a record low.

Be that as it may, the opinions of experts agree on one thing: you should carefully consider the decision and evaluate your capabilities. And in this regard, there is a basic list of recommendations that it is advisable to follow if you do not want your loan to become an unbearable burden for you.

  1. Calculate your strengths and financial capabilities
  2. Always leave a reserve of money in case of emergencies
  3. Loans should be issued in the currency in which you receive earnings
  4. Be sure to use the life and health insurance service, it will not be superfluous
  5. Sign up for a fixed rate program

Also considering the question of whether to take out a mortgage in 2017, the opinions of experts come down to a few recommendations regarding the housing being purchased. This applies to several aspects. For example, if you want to buy housing in a new building, then it is better to take the option with maximum readiness so that you do not have to wait long. After all, it will turn out that you are already paying installments on the loan, but you can not use housing yet. Or it may happen that the developer goes bankrupt, and you have no one to ask, and you will need to return the money to the bank.

You should also pay attention to the reputation of the developer, his experience in housing construction. Otherwise, you run the risk of getting an apartment with a lot of shortcomings in a house in which living conditions will not be the most comfortable.

We also want to draw your attention to the fact that most banks currently provide mortgage loans for 20-30 years, which allows you to reduce the amount of monthly payments, thereby easing the burden on the family budget of customers. Also, many banks have their own lists of developers, and with such cooperation, the cost of housing and the amount of payments will be significantly lower.

When choosing a bank, many recommend contacting those banks in which you are served as part of salary projects. Or at least have a deposit. Banks also offer discounted rates to such customers. And in a combination of several factors, you can get a tangible discount on your mortgage.

In the question of whether to take a mortgage in 2017, the opinion of experts should not be the ultimate truth for you. After all, the forecasts of specialists should not affect your personal life, plans to create a family and, consequently, purchase your own living space, with the expectation of replenishment in the family. in 2017 is not difficult. First of all, you should start from your own needs, desires and capabilities. And the opinions of experts, even in the best periods in the economy, are replete with negative forecasts.

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