What is an individual investment account? A complete overview of IIS and how it works? How to get a tax deduction for iis Investment bank accounts.

The Individual Investment Account is perhaps one of the few really good things that our government has done for the private investor and the development of the investment industry.

Why is this type of investment so attractive? IIS makes it possible to obtain tax incentives investing in the stock market. Abroad, for example, in the USA, Great Britain and other countries, such accounts have existed for a long time. For Russians, the opportunity to open individual investment accounts has appeared recently - since 2015. At the moment, this tool is already used by about 180 thousand investors.

What is an individual investment account?

IIS is a special type of account that can be used to purchase securities and which entitles you to receive a tax deduction or preferential taxation of investment income. It can be opened with a broker or management company.

But this method of investing has a number of features and limitations:

  • To receive the benefit, an investment account must be opened for at least 3 years. The maximum period of work is not limited.
  • You can close the account at any time before the end of three years and withdraw the money and profits, but you will lose your tax benefits. Therefore, in order not to lose the right to a deduction, the money in the account must be kept for at least three years. Partial withdrawal of funds without closing the IIS is also not provided.
  • The three-year countdown starts from the date the account was opened.
  • An individual can open only one investment account.
  • The maximum amount that can be deposited on IIS during the year is limited to 400,000 rubles per year ( update: since 2017, the value has been increased to 1 million rubles). The minimum amount for opening and replenishment is not set. At the same time, opening an account does not oblige you to immediately deposit money into it (except for the case when an IIS is opened in a management company as part of trust management). Money can be deposited later at any time. Contributions can be made all at once or in increments such as monthly or yearly. It's not limited in any way. The main thing is that the amount of your contributions for the year does not exceed the maximum limit. The account can be replenished only with money and only in rubles.
  • On IIS, you can receive investment income by purchasing various financial instruments: stocks, bonds, eurobonds, futures, options, as well as currency. As part of the opening of IIS in the Criminal Code, trust management is available. Financial instruments that are traded on foreign exchanges cannot be bought. The list of available financial instruments may differ depending on the broker.
  • It is not necessary to purchase any securities. You can deposit money and leave it "lying" on the account. The right to receive a deduction does not disappear.
  • Funds and securities on IIS, as well as on a brokerage account, are not insured by the DIA.

Tax deductions for IIS

The main advantage of individual investment accounts is the possibility for the investor to receive tax deductions. There are two types of deductions to choose from: contributions and income.

Deduction on contributions to an individual investment account

The essence of this tax deduction is that the investor gets the right to return the paid personal income tax in the amount of 13% of the amount deposited on the IIS. However, with a maximum contribution of 1 million rubles, the amount of the tax deduction applies only to amounts up to 400,000 rubles. This type is suitable only for those who have official income and pay income tax individuals.

The amount of the deduction is calculated according to the following formula: Annual fee * 13%. The maximum amount of the contribution to the account for the year is 1 million rubles. But the amount to which the tax benefit applies is limited to 400 tr, so the deduction cannot exceed 52,000 rubles.

On the other hand, the amount of the deduction is limited to the paid personal income tax. If the amount of tax paid by the investor for the year was 45,000 rubles, then only 45,000, and not 52,000, can be returned, even if all 400,000 rubles have been deposited into the account. The "unspent" deduction is not carried over to the next tax periods.

The deduction can only be received for the year in which the contributions were made.

Money can be received only next year. That is, if you opened an IIS and deposited money in 2016, then you can submit documents and receive a deduction only in 2017. At the same time, personal income tax is returned, which was paid in the year of the contribution, that is, for 2016.

When closing an IIA after three years, the income received is taxed at 13% as on a regular brokerage account. In case you received tax deduction, and then closed the IIS before three years, taxes will have to be returned to the budget, taking into account penalties and fines.

Income deduction

This type of deduction exempts the investor from paying tax on income received on IIA. Unlike the first type, in this case the amount of the deduction is not limited. This type of deduction is suitable for those who do not have official income, which means they do not pay personal income tax.

The deduction is expressed in the fact that when you close an IIA, your broker or management company, which are tax agents, does not withhold taxes from you on income received from investments. Also, this type of deduction is suitable for those who receive a high income from trading on IIA, and the economic benefit from tax exemption is greater than from deductions for contributions.

How and where to open an IIS?

An individual investment account can be opened with a broker or management company. At the moment, quite a lot of participants offer their clients to open such an account.

Opening an IIS with a broker

By opening an account with a broker, the investor gets access to financial instruments traded on the stock exchange: stocks, bonds, currencies, derivatives, ETFs. Sberbank, Finam, Otkritie, BCS are leading among brokers in terms of the number of open IIS.

Opening an account with a broker is no more difficult than opening an account with a bank. To do this, just contact the office of the company with a passport and sign Required documents. Some brokers provide the ability to remotely open IIS, for this you need to have an account on the Gosuslugi website. In this case, you do not need to visit the office.

When choosing a broker, there are several important parameters to consider:

  • reliability and size of the broker;
  • convenience of working with a broker;
  • the minimum amount to open an account;
  • access to exchanges (Moscow, St. Petersburg) and exchange sections (stock, derivatives, currency);
  • tariff plan: amount of commission per transaction, subscription fee for servicing a brokerage account and depo account, fee for trading terminals;
  • other commissions (for depositing/withdrawing funds, submitting bonds to an offer, etc.).

You can read more about choosing a broker for investment. And in this article I will simply give a comparative table of the tariffs of the first four brokers by the number of open IIS.

In addition, I will say that these are not the most favorable rates on the market. You can find brokers with better conditions.

Opening an IIS in a management company

About opening an investment account with a management company, you need to tell separately. The opening of an IIA in a management company provides for the conclusion of a trust management agreement, under which the legislation prohibits the acquisition of mutual funds of the management company in which the IIA is opened. And the company is unlikely to buy funds from someone else's management company. Therefore, in fact, some kind of trust management strategy remains the only tool.

Now management companies offer many different strategies. But before you give money to the remote control, you need to understand well what is being offered to you and at what price. DO is not the cheapest way to invest, both in terms of fees and entry threshold. The competence and integrity of the manager will also be difficult to verify.

What type of IIS to choose?

The choice of the type of IIS depends on many factors, but first of all - on your personal situation. For example, if you do not have official income from which you pay personal income tax, or their amount is minimal, then the choice is obvious - IIS with a deduction for income (of the second type).

But if you have official income and the personal income tax paid is significant, then there is something to think about. The benefit from using one or another type of deduction depends mainly on two factors: time and profitability.

I will give a couple of examples. We invest 400,000 a year and get the maximum tax deduction. Yield 10% per annum. What type of IIS will be more profitable? For this I will use my calculator. The calculator shows that under such conditions, the use of the first type of deduction is more profitable for an investment period of up to 13 years. If more, it is better to choose the second one.

Now let's take a yield of 15%. In this case, the second type of IIS becomes more profitable much earlier - in the 9th year of investment.

It can be seen that as income increases, the tax deduction for income that exceeds the fixed contribution deduction increases. Therefore, the longer the investment period and the expected profitability, the more profitable the second type of IIS becomes.

In total, the first type is better for those who:

  • has official income and pays significant personal income tax
  • conservative investors who prefer
  • whose investment horizon is up to 7-10 years.

The second type is better suited for those who:

  • has no official income and does not pay personal income tax, or it is negligible;
  • plans that his profit from trading will exceed the amount of the deduction for contributions;
  • has a long investment horizon of 7-10 years or more.

Luckily, you don't have to choose the type of deduction right away. This can be done in the third year after opening the account. But the combination of two deductions at the same time is impossible. If you received a deduction for contributions, you will no longer receive a deduction for income.

How to get a tax deduction for IIS?

The procedure for obtaining a tax deduction depends on the type of deduction chosen.

For getting contribution deduction

  1. Obtain a document confirming the receipt of income taxable at a rate of 13% - a 2-NDFL certificate from your tax agent (for example, an employer).
  2. Prepare documents confirming the opening of IIS (a copy of the agreement with the broker on opening an investment account) and payment documents confirming the transfer of funds ( payment order, broker report on crediting funds).
  3. Fill out the declaration 3-NDFL.
  4. Submit an application for a tax refund.
  5. Submit a 3-NDFL declaration along with the above documents and an application to the tax office at the place of registration.

The declaration can be submitted to the tax office in paper or electronic form.

To fill out the 3-NDFL declaration, you can download a form template from the FTS website nalog.ru for the corresponding tax period, print it out and fill it out manually.

A printed declaration in paper form and copies of documents must be submitted to the tax office. This can be done by appearing there in person, by sending a letter by mail or through an authorized representative.

But it is much easier to send the declaration along with the documents electronically. To fill out the declaration, you can use the "Declaration" program and upload a ready-made file in xml format from it.

The second option is to fill out a declaration in the taxpayer's personal account on the website of the Federal Tax Service.

There is a myth that 3-personal income tax must be submitted to the tax office strictly before April 30. This rule is only valid if you declare your income for the past year. In case of sending a return declaration income tax, this can be done within three years after you paid it.

After sending, you must wait for the verification of your documents by the tax office (up to 3 months). In case of success cash transferred to your bank account.

When filling out and sending the 3-NDFL declaration and documents, you may encounter various difficulties and questions, especially if you have never done this before. To make it easier for you to cope with this task, use the step by step. It details all the steps that you need to go through in order to receive a tax deduction for contributions to an individual investment account.

To get a tax income deduction you need to do the following:

  1. Before closing the IIS (not earlier than three years), request tax office a certificate stating that you did not use the tax deduction for contributions during the entire period of the contract.
  2. Provide this certificate to your broker or MC. When closing an IIA, your tax agent will not withhold income tax from you.

What else do you need to know about an individual investment account?

  1. To receive a tax deduction as early as next year, you can deposit money until December 31 of the current year inclusive.
  2. IIS can be opened now, even if you do not plan to replenish it in the next few years. The account can remain empty indefinitely. But the countdown of three years will begin from the moment the contract is signed.
  3. Securities purchased on an individual investment account are not subject to the tax benefit of long-term holding of securities.
  4. You can return personal income tax paid not only on wages. Any tax on personal income paid at a rate of 13%, such as property tax, on securities or on real estate rentals, is refundable. The exception is dividends.
  5. IIS can be transferred to another broker. To do this, a new account is opened with a new broker and securities are transferred to it (the new broker must be notified of the open IIS). You have 30 days to transfer your account.
  6. For the entire period of the account, income tax is not charged. This happens only when IIS is closed (with the exception of receiving a deduction for income).
  7. and coupons of corporate bonds purchased on IIS are taxed at 13%. Coupons of state, municipal and sub-federal bonds are not taxed.
  8. Management companies cannot invest more than 15% of the account funds in a bank deposit.
  9. Dividends and coupons come to IIS by default. This does not count as a top-up. Some brokers allow the client to choose to be credited to a bank account. Thus, you can "withdraw" part of the funds despite the ban.

Features of work

Since it is not possible to deposit money into an investment account immediately, various options arise. Below are four various options by the time of opening the IIS and making contributions.

By opening an account in December, and depositing money before the end of the year, next year you can get 52,000 rubles. If you delay and deposit money a month later, in January 2017, the deduction will have to wait about 1.5 years.

The law does not prohibit depositing money in the last month of the third year of the contract. Therefore, in a month you can close the IIS, get the money back plus a tax deduction. The profitability of such an operation will be 26% per annum.

In summary, an individual investment account is an excellent tool for those who want to increase their savings by investing in the stock market and are ready to invest money for several years.

We have already made several large reviews regarding the choice of a broker, the analysis of “pitfalls”, as well as the search for interesting opportunities when investing through IIS. And in this article, of course, we will go the same route, taking into account the information already accumulated. However, let's start with a brief explanation of what an investment account is. Therefore, if you know everything, you can safely skip the first paragraph - this block is for beginners.

How does an individual investment account work?

- almost an ordinary brokerage account, but with tax benefits that you can receive annually if you replenish it. The maximum investment amount (may increase), but at the moment is 400,000 rubles per year. The minimum term of use (unless, of course, benefits are needed) is 3 years. Validity is not limited. There are 2 types of investment accounts. For type A, we get a deduction of 13% of the deposited amount, for type B - no taxation. An account can be opened both in a brokerage (or in a bank with a brokerage license) and in a management company (editor's note hereinafter the Criminal Code, but not housing and communal services). You can register an account with a broker and invest later, when there is a desire and money, while agreements with the management company imply depositing some amount right away. There are some details, but in the context of this article it makes no sense to repeat. We can say with certainty that this is a positive tool that can honestly be recommended for use. The purpose of this material is to help determine where more profitable tariffs and more useful features.

Where are IISs most often opened?

Let's start with statistics on open individual investment accounts, because. this is an important indicator. Looking ahead, let's say that in this article we considered the first 8 companies + RGS Investments (formerly LLC FC Megatrastoil) is part of the Rosgosstrakh group, because. became interested in what they offer.

So, we see that today, the first Sberbank, then the “big three” brokers. In fact, 90% of the market is served by 6-7 companies. In just 2 years, about 195,000 accounts were opened. Of these, approximately 185,000 were discovered by the participants in our review.

The second chart was given in order to understand the ratio of the number of brokerage and IIS accounts opened on the Russian market. Information for 10 months of 2016.

Sberbank works very well in the direction of IIS. It can be seen that other brokers open more ordinary accounts (which is logical in principle), but Sberbank has its own methods, which allow opening an average of 3,500 investment accounts per month. Alpha has data on the opening of brokerage accounts with Alfa-Bank in the left column.

Tariffs and services for individual investment accounts from brokers.

Available from November 2019. Be careful, this information refers to IIS, on ordinary brokerage accounts with the companies in question, the conditions may be different.

General Single account Lending Bonds FORTS programs Products

Broker Rate Online opening of IIS Minimum amount Monthly payment Turnover commission*
Up to 50,000 Up to 100,000 Up to 500,000 Up to 1,000,000
1 FINAMSingle dailyYesRUB 5,000*RUB 177*0,0354%* 0,0354% 0,0354% 0,0354%
2 OpeningIndependent_IIS* 0 RUB 200* 0,047% 0,047% 0,047% 0,047%
3 PromsvyazbankPSB DayYes 0 0 0,05% 0,05% 0,05% 0,05%
4 BCSBCS-StartYes 50 000 RUB 177*0,0354%* 0,0354% 0,0354% 0,0354%
5 SberbankIndependentYes 0 RUB 150* 0.165% 0.125% 0.125% 0.075%
6 VTB 24Investor standardYes 0 RUB 150* 0,0413% 0,0413% 0,0413% 0,0413%
7 ATONUniversalYes 50 000 177 rub.0,045%* 0,045% 0,045% 0,045%
Broker Rate Single brokerage account* Markets available on IIS
Stock Urgent Currency Eurobonds on the Moscow Exchange SPBEXCHANGE
1 FINAMSingle daily+ + + + +* +
2 OpeningSelf_IIS+ + + + +*
3 PromsvyazbankPSB Day+ +
4 BCSBCS-Start+ + + + +*
5 SberbankIndependent+ + +
6 VTB 24Investor standard+ + +
7 ATONUniversal+ + +
Broker Rate Margin lending
Long position (Long) Short position (Short)
1 FINAMDay 18,5% 13%
2 OpeningSelf_IIS 18.4% 13%
3 PromsvyazbankPSB Dayno IISno IIS
4 BCSBCS-Start 17,5% 14%
5 SberbankIndependent 17% 15%
6 VTB 24Investor standard 18.9% 16,8%
7 ATONUniversal 19.5% 19.5%
Broker Rate Bonds on the Moscow Exchange
Coupon withdrawal* Offer price* Loan under OFZ*
1 FINAMSingle dailyYesTurnover commissionYes
2 OpeningSelf_IISNo1500 rub. for the statementYes
3 PromsvyazbankPSB DayNo300 rub. per issueNo
4 BCSBCS-StartYesTurnover commissionYes
5 SberbankIndependentNoTurnover commissionNo
6 VTB 24Investor standardYesTurnover commissionNo
7 ATONUniversalNono datano data
Broker Rate Apps for iOS and Android
Own free WEB-Quik mobile PocketQuik, iQuik, Android
1 FINAMSingle dailyFinamtrade350 rub/month350 rubles/month
2 OpeningSelf_IISNo250 rubles/month*250 rubles/month*
3 PromsvyazbankPSB DayNo 0 No
4 BCSBCS-StartMy broker*250 rubles/month*200 rubles/month*
5 SberbankIndependentNoNoRUB 850*
6 VTB 24Investor standardNo 0 1900 rub.+290 rub./month*
7 ATONUniversalNoNois free*
Broker Rate Derivatives market (FORTS) Foreign Exchange Market (SELT)
Base fee With an increase in turnover up to 1,000,000 up to 5 000 000
1 FINAMSingle daily45 kop.45 kop. 0,0361% 0,0302%
2 OpeningSelf_IIS71 kop.*47 kop. 0,035% 0,035%
3 PromsvyazbankPSB Dayno IISno IISno IISno IIS
4 BCSBCS-Start (Currency start)70 kop.*40 kop. 0,034% 0,028%
5 SberbankIndependent50 kop.50 kop.no IISno IIS
6 VTB 24Investor standard1 rub.1 rub.no IISno IIS
7 ATONUniversal0.93-2.5 rubles*0.465-1.25 rub.no IISno IIS
Broker Interesting, in the opinion of the editors of the site, products offered by investment companies for IIS
No risk* With different levels of risk
1 FINAM5% on free balanceAutofollowing strategies on comon.ru from 80,000 rubles, 4 strategies through Finam Management from 300,000 rubles.
2 OpeningStructured product with capital protection, from 250,000 rubles8 strategies (3 conservative) from 50,000 rubles. Implemented through OOO UK OTKRITIE
3 Promsvyazbank
4 VTB 244 autofollowing strategies through a broker, from 300,000 rubles
5 BCSNotes (ETN) 3 and 5, from 80,000 rubles
6 Sberbank2 conservative strategies from 100,000 rubles, through
7 ATON4 strategies from 50,000 rubles (purchase of units of mutual funds managed by Aton Management LLC)

What do management companies (MC) offer for IIS?

In the upper table, brokerage divisions are highlighted, and in this table, managers belonging to the same groups. All holdings have different policies for individual investment accounts. Basically, the “one-stop-shop principle” does not work. Sberbank opens independently of its management company (read compete). Alfa-Bank and Alfa-Capital are just as different, but the bank does not work with IISs at all (only as an agent of Alfa-Capital). BCS does not particularly promote investment accounts through the UK. Finam promotes, but also, first of all, a broker. Otkritie seems to be working a little more actively with its management company, because. All products are sold through it. ATON in both tables is represented by one company, because through it, both brokerage services and asset management are provided in the form of buying shares of their own mutual funds. Management companies do not open investment accounts with VTB24 and Promsvyazbank. RGS Investments offers only trust management on IIS, like Alfa.

Main Costs

Management Company Minimum amount Online opening of IIS Number of strategies Minimum deposit
1 OOO UK OTKRITIE50 000 No9 15 000
2 OOO MC Alfa-Capital10 000 Yes3 10 000
3 LLC UK “Finam Management”300 000 No4 any amount
4 JSC UK "Sberbank Asset Management"100 000 No 2 50 000
5 LLC IK "ATON"50 000 Yes 4 any amount
6 LLC IC “RGS Investments”50 000 No 1 any amount
Management Company Payment from NAV, % per annum Termination fee before 3 years Payment from investment income Fee from deposited funds
1 OOO UK OTKRITIE0,8-1,5% 0 0-15% 0
2 OOO MC Alfa-Capital2% 0 0 2%
3 LLC UK “Finam Management”1-2% 0 10% 0
4 JSC UK "Sberbank Asset Management"2% 1% 0 0
5 LLC IK "ATON"1.5-4.2%* 3%* 0 1,5%
6 LLC IC “RGS Investments”1,5% 0 0 3,5%

The quality of telephone counseling

This is, of course, subjective. We understand that in every company there are many professionals who are fluent in the material, but over the course of this year, the site's editorial staff have repeatedly communicated with the managers of the brokers represented and there has been some collective opinion. Based on it, we assigned places. We consider the most significant criterion to be a thorough knowledge of our tariffs and capabilities, then the ability to work with the question posed (for example, the manager takes time to clarify and calls back after learning everything), the next moment is an understanding of the market (at least to some extent) the client can be told about the value dividends, coupons, about the most growing stocks, about the profitability of their products, finally. We paid less attention, so to speak, to the personal qualities of the company's managers, but, of course, we do not welcome excessive obtrusiveness, cunning, the desire to keep silent about weaknesses, banal lies and other tools that sales have been based on since ancient times. In this regard, the most high-quality preliminary consultation is a competent mention of the strengths of the company's product, the ability to answer any question about the cost of related services, the desire (ability) to offer the client the best option for working with the company, and all this in a concise form, without saying nonsense (! ). That's right, because it doesn't always feel like you've talked to a specialist. In addition, we want to note that the quality of work with current clients and the difficulties they face, for example in trading, can turn everything upside down. We repeat once again - these are marks for how managers are able to advise by phone at the preliminary stage.

Place Company Number of calls in 2016 Comment
1 BCSover 10Only once was a novice manager caught, but there were cases when consultants surprised me with their knowledge. You can try to switch to an experienced one by saying that you need a financial advisor. They are usually prepared guys. To be honest, to ask how much better the preparedness of BCS specialists is, let's say not by much, but still. When opening an account remotely, managers call back.
2 VTB 245 The experience of communication with VTB24 is positive. We call and ask to connect with different regions - everyone advises well. True, like many, they know superficially about their autofollowing strategies.
3 Finamover 10More often than newcomers come across at BCS, they have never surprised me with the quality of advice, but they work well in terms of calling back on the case and general assistance to the client. Managers know about products, for example, strategies on comon.ru and can selectively tell. When opening an account remotely, we did not receive a call.
4 Sberbank6-7 Often comes across a trained specialist. We call, then to Moscow, then to St. Petersburg. Also, often the phones in the branches (listed on the site) do not answer.
5 Alpha Capital4-5 There is always complete clarity after a conversation with company employees, but IIS products are built in such a way that it is impossible to load the operator. Everything is easy and simple. This is not only a managerial plus. However, the composition of the portfolio in strategies is almost never really known.
6 Opening7-8 More often than in the BCS come across newcomers, the quality of advice has never surprised. Several times came across very unmotivated operators. When opening an account remotely, we did not receive a call.
7 Promsvyazbank4 Only 1 time got an experienced specialist. On requests on the site, they sometimes do not call back.
8 ATON3 There was a lot of "fog" after the 1st consultation. The second and third also did not clarify some points, and during the 3rd conversation, the bills were “piled up” too specifically, which confused me.

It can also be noted that the quality and awareness of managers at brokers is much higher than in management companies, which was very surprising. Additionally, we noticed that the advantage of banks may consist in a smaller amount of data on services, which is most likely why communication with VTB and Sber managers is easier. It is inconvenient for Sberbank that the bank (brokerage department) does not know anything about the management company, and she knows about them. CSG Investments was called only 1 time, so they are out of standings.

Conclusions derived from the comparison of companies

In this block, we will highlight several leaders that are most suitable for a particular investment model, and also describe some of the nuances.

Maximum choice of services State banks Asset Management Low costs


Many people have heard about the IIS. But the information is mostly superficial. You need to invest money, buy something with it, and you can still get money from the state from this. And what, how and where is not clear. Is it reliable? Or another scammer? How much can you earn on this and is it worth contacting the IIS. In this article, we have collected the most popular questions about individual investment accounts.

What is IIS

IIA or individual investment account is a special brokerage account opened by individuals that allows you to receive one of two possible tax benefits.

The program started on January 1, 2015. According to the government, the main goal is mass stimulation of the population to invest money in the stock market.

tax incentives

IIS owners are provided with 2 types of accounts. Allowing you to claim only one tax credit.

  1. Receiving a tax deduction of 13% of the amount of funds contributed (but not more than 52 thousand per year).
  2. Exemption from paying taxes on income received from investments.

You need to choose one. The decision in favor of one or the other can be made within 3 years.

The return of 13% looks the most attractive. But in some cases, . To receive a deduction, you must have official income on which taxes have been paid.

After all, 13% is a refund of taxes paid by an individual.

How to get a tax deduction

If you choose a 13% refund, then the procedure for receiving money is as follows:

  1. At the end of the reporting period (from the next year after depositing funds into the account), you need to contact the tax office at the place of residence. Having provided a package of documents: an agreement for opening an IIS, an extract for crediting money to an IIS (can be printed from the personal account of the bank), a certificate of income 2-NDFL, an application for a refund of 13%.
  2. Within 3 months (the maximum period), the declaration is being verified.
  3. After verification, another 1 month is given to transfer funds to a bank account.
  4. We receive money and rejoice.

Much easier and faster to serve. Through Personal Area taxpayer. Without visiting the tax office. The procedure for filling out the declaration takes just a couple of minutes.

IIS validity period

IIS is opened for a period of 3 years. It is valid from the moment of conclusion of the contract, and not the first deposit of funds to the account.

It is not prohibited by law to keep "empty" investment accounts. By the way, many people do just that. Conclude a contract for the opening of IIS. Waiting 3 years. And at the end of the end of the three-year period (for 1-2 weeks), funds are deposited into the account.

At the end of the 3-year period, the money can be withdrawn immediately. And get a tax deduction of 13% of the deposited amount.

What is the maximum and minimum amount of IIS replenishment

There are no restrictions on the minimum amount as such. You can contribute at least a thousand, at least one ruble. Another thing is that with little money you can hardly buy anything. Yes, and a deduction of 13% from a couple of thousand contributed will be completely ridiculous.

The main thing in another is the tariffs and terms of service of brokers. Many introduce a minimum amount to maintain an account. Usually about several tens of thousands of rubles (from 30-50 thousand).

In a year, you can replenish IIS in the amount of up to 1 million rubles. Total for the operation of the IIS - the maximum possible contribution - 3 million rubles.

But the maximum amount of the deduction received is limited to 52 thousand rubles a year. Or 156 thousand for a three-year period.

It is not advisable to replenish for a larger amount than 400 thousand (if you have chosen the IIS of the first type).

How to open IIS

To open an investment account, you need to contact a broker and conclude an agreement for brokerage services with him. The procedure itself is similar to opening a bank deposit. You will need a passport, SNILS and TIN number.

The list of brokers providing IIS opening services is presented on the Moscow Exchange website.

Almost all top brokers allow you to open accounts online without visiting the office.

For example,

  • Zerich.

How many IIS can be opened

One person can only open one account.

But you can open accounts for other people (relatives, friends) who do not plan to participate in the tax deduction program. Or rather, they open accounts, and you deposit your own money. And you get the 13% required by law. Perhaps share some of the money with them "for the inconvenience".

What can I buy on IIS

The following securities are available for purchase to investors who have opened an account:

  • shares of Russian companies;
  • debt securities: federal loan bonds (OFZ), municipal and corporate bonds;

Is it possible to buy currency on IIS?

All securities traded on the Moscow Exchange are available for purchase on IIS. And the currency as well.

Is it possible to withdraw money early

In principle, there are no restrictions on withdrawal. You can sell securities and withdraw money at any time.

But according to the law, with a full or partial withdrawal of funds, the owner of the investment account loses the right to receive tax benefits.

And if a tax deduction for previous years has already been received, then this amount will need to be returned to the budget.

How much can you earn?

Depending on what financial instruments you will invest in.

If these are stocks, then the run-up is quite large. For 3 years, you can either earn (20, 30 or even 100%) or lose. No one can give you any guarantees here.

For beginners, it is better to buy fixed income securities - bonds.

First of all, pay attention to the most reliable - federal loan bonds.

At the moment, you can get a yield of around 8% per annum. Summing up with a return of 13%, we get a yield of about 21% for the first year.

If you contribute 100,000 to IIS every year, you will be able to earn 87,000 rubles in 3 years. This is without reinvestment. That is, you will spend all the profits you receive.

If you buy more OFZs for the resulting deduction, the total profit grows to about 100 thousand rubles.

The average annual yield of the IIS owner is 15% per annum.

Compare this to bank deposits. And draw a conclusion.

Is it reliable?

The opening of IIS is associated with investments in the stock market. Securities traded on the stock exchange have a different degree of reliability.

If we talk about stocks, then you can not only earn nothing, but even lose. So we pass by.

Bonds are a fixed income instrument. The most reliable among bonds are OFZ. The state is responsible for the obligations. The best option is to invest in government bonds for the duration of the IIA.

Are accounts insured like bank deposits? What will happen to my money if the broker goes bankrupt.

No, they are not insured. Here is a slightly different scheme. The assets purchased by the investor are not stored with the broker, but in . It used to be that all shares and other securities were in paper form. Now all data on owners and turnover valuable papers stored in the depository (special server).

And even if the broker is suddenly closed, the right to own shares, bonds will be available. You just need to switch to another broker.

By the way, the situation with brokers on Russian market stable. A few years ago, the requirements for brokers were tightened. And their number has decreased several times. All sorts of small "sharashkin offices" left the market and only the largest and most reliable ones remained.

What is better IIS or PIF

They also allow you to invest in the stock market. And earn accordingly.

The main advantage of a mutual fund over IIS is the ability to withdraw money at any time.

Otherwise, the mutual fund outright loses to investment accounts:

  1. You can not get an additional 13% in the form of a deduction.
  2. The purchase of securities is limited by the strategy of the mutual fund. That is, if you choose a stock fund, then only stocks will be in the portfolio. If you need bonds, you need to buy shares of another fund. Of course, there are mixed funds that buy both stocks and bonds. But there are not many of them. Typically, the management company invests money only in a certain direction.
  3. The main disadvantage of mutual funds is high trading costs. Shareholders are forced to pay a certain percentage every year. Regardless of whether a profit is made or not.

Why is it not profitable to invest through a mutual fund?

Typically, the fund takes from its shareholders an average of 3-4% of the amount of assets in the account. Annually. Add to this the fee for buying (1-2%) and selling (0.5-1%) shares.

IIS commissions are much more modest:

  • depository fee - approximately 100 rubles per year;
  • exchange commissions - 0.01% of the transaction amount;
  • broker commission - an average of 0.05%.

For example. Contributed to IIS 400 thousand rubles. And they bought bonds with all the money. The total cost will be a little less than 300 rubles. When selling after 3 years, pay how much.

In total, all your expenses will amount to 600 rubles per transaction + 300 rubles per depository (100 rubles each for 3 years).

IIS expenses - 900 rubles for 3 years.

When investing for a similar amount and term through a mutual fund, you will immediately pay 400 rubles only for the purchase. And for 3 years of ownership, 9-12% of the amount on the account or 3,600-4,800 will go in the form of commissions.

Total expenses in the mutual fund - 4,000 - 5,200 rubles.

What is the difference between an IIS and a regular brokerage account

As with mutual funds, you can withdraw money from a regular brokerage account at any time. But it is not subject to tax benefits inherent in IIS.

Otherwise, there are no differences. For the same broker, the tariffs and conditions between IIS and a regular brokerage account are identical.

Is it worth it to open an IIS

  1. If you have extra money that you are willing to invest.
  2. You know for sure that you will not touch the money for 3 years.
  3. Do you want to receive a guaranteed increased income from investments (1.5 - 2 times higher than the rates on bank deposits).

If the answer is “yes” to all points, then it is probably worth opening an investment account.

For example. At the moment, deposits in Sberbank give about 4-4.5% per annum. Buying bonds with fixed income (even the same Sberbank) will allow you to make a profit of 1.5-1.8 times more. Plus 13% as a deduction.

Total for the first year you can get at least 20% per annum.

Individual investment accounts are not currently in mass demand among individuals, but still every year the number of clients of management and brokerage companies is growing rapidly. If a few years earlier the majority of our fellow citizens preferred to keep their savings in bank deposits, then as financial literacy prefer to use other financial instruments to preserve and increase their savings.

The difference between an individual investment account is that its owner receives income in the form of interest from his savings, thanks to their investment in valuable assets, in addition, he has the opportunity to receive profit from the state in the form of a tax deduction. But the main task of a potential investor is to find a reliable management company, one of which is Otkritie Management Company.

Benefits of UK Opening

To begin with, who is it to determine how the ISS of Otkritie Bank differs, and what advantages it has. Here the main factor for a potential investor is the reliability of the management company. The Otkritie financial corporation itself does not raise doubts among our fellow citizens, because for a long time the group of companies has occupied a leading position in the financial services market. Among other things, when it comes to individual investment accounts, only reliability should be taken extremely seriously, for the reason that investments are not insured.

Among the main advantages, we highlight the following:

  • the amount of the initial contribution is only 50 thousand rubles;
  • You can control your savings in your personal account;
  • several ready-made tariffs;
  • the ability to control your income.

In general, the individual investment account itself has a lot of advantages. First of all, by investing your money in profitable projects, you can get income a few percent more than from a bank deposit. Among other things, private clients have the opportunity to make a profit in the form of a tax deduction in the amount of up to 400,000 rubles per year. By the way, here maximum amount investments cannot exceed 1 million rubles.

Current offers

The management company Otkritie offers many different investment products for individuals. Each of them has its own individual characteristics, and their choice depends on the personal preferences of the investor, that is, you can choose a product with high risks and high profits, or vice versa.

IIS Balanced

The investment product allows clients of the management company to invest in the purchase of shares and bonds of Russian enterprises. This is a medium-term investment, with moderate profitability and minimal risks. In simple terms, within the framework of this product, the client invests in the purchase of shares with the aim of subsequent resale. Income is achieved by acquiring securities during a period of decline in value and reselling them during a period of active growth. If we talk about risks, they are average and fully proportional to profitability.

The following conditions apply here: the minimum investment amount is from 50,000 rubles, you can replenish your account in the amount of 15,000 rubles, the maximum amount is limited to one million rubles. As for the commission, it is 1% of the transaction plus a 10% capital gains bonus. On average, investors profit from 4 to 55%, depending on the industry. The most profitable and high-risk industry is finance, the lowest profitable Energetik is only 4%.

Investor's personal account

IIS Protective

The investment program is designed for clients who prefer low income and complete absence of risks, because according to this program, investments of individuals are invested in the purchase of state and municipal bonds. The conditions are as follows: the minimum amount of capital is 50,000 rubles, the maximum is 1 million rubles, the minimum amount of replenishment is 15,000 rubles. The commission is 1% of the transaction, there is no capital gains reward. Profitability depends on many factors, in any case, it reaches the average rate on bank deposits.

IIS Savings

The program is designed for an average capital gain by investing in bank deposits and in bonds Russian issuers. In terms of capital gains, the yield exceeds the average bank deposit interest, the product is aimed at customers who want to keep their savings. Among other conditions, the minimum amount is 50,000 rubles, the maximum is 1 million rubles, you can replenish your account in the amount of 15,000 rubles. The commission is provided for replenishment of the account in the amount of 1% plus 0.8% of the transaction.

IIS Optimal

Within the framework of this program, the investor's capital growth is ensured through operations on the Russian stock market. Profitability and risks determine the movement of the market, regardless of its direction. In simple words, in this program, minimal risks with an average return, in investment portfolio management company predominantly securities of the Ministry of Finance Russian Federation. The basic conditions for the investor remain the same, with the only exception that here the commission on the transaction is 1.5% plus 15% of capital gains.

IIS Potential

This program is designed for clients who want to get the maximum increase in profits by investing in floating bonds. interest rate. That is, the client receives income due to the increase in the value of assets invested in the bonds of the financial corporation Otkritie. The risk is fully comparable to profitability, and the product itself is more suitable for customers whose goal is to save their savings. Among the main conditions, the minimum investment amount is 100,000 rubles, the replenishment amount is from 15,000 rubles. Commission for transactions - 1%.

IIS Market

The program involves the investment of the capital of individuals, the acquisition of securities on the Russian market. Money is invested in the mining industry, finance, energy and other industries, among the issuers of Gazprom, Yandex, Lukoil, Sberbank and others. Among the main conditions, the minimum investment amount is 50,000 rubles, you can replenish your account in the amount of 15,000 rubles, a commission is charged in the amount of 1.5% for operations plus 15% of the profit.

IIS Stable

The investment program allows you to receive an average profit by investing the capital of individuals in bonds of Russian companies. In the investment portfolio of the management company, more than 95% is the bond of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the rest is some commercial banks. Program conditions The following minimum investment amount is 50,000 rubles, you can replenish your account in the amount of 15,000 rubles, a commission is charged depending on the input, the average annual value of net assets in the amount of 1%.

Please note that you can see all the conditions for investing under the IIC program on the official website of the management company at the Internet address http://www.open-am.ru/.

How to open an investment account

In fact, opening your account with the management company will not be difficult for you, and you don’t even have to look for offices, you just need to go to the official website, select the product you are interested in, read its terms and apply online. To do this, you just need to go to the official website of the management company, carefully study the current offers, select the product that best suits your conditions, then click on the "Buy Online" button.

True, here the nuance lies in the fact that in order to conclude an agreement remotely, the client will need to confirm his personal data through the State Services portal. If you have an account on the public services portal and a verified account, then you should follow the link to the official website https://www.gosuslugi.ru, enter your personal account, then use the system prompts to confirm your identity.

Please note that in this option you do not need to visit the branch of the management company at all, the contract can be signed remotely, after which you will get access to your personal account and you can transfer funds to your personal account number in any way convenient for you.


For every potential investor, the primary issue is the return on their investment. Individual investment account Opening allows its clients to make significant profits through ready-made investment solutions plus tax deductions. As for the percentage of profit, of course, the issue is rather complicated, for the simple reason that the management company cannot guarantee a stable profitability.

In fact, management companies only invest your savings in some valuable assets, which, according to analysts' forecasts, will increase in value over a certain period. But the financial corporation Otkritie has proven itself on the positive side for many years and proved to its clients that they can effectively conduct their policy, which is what a team of professionals is working on. By the way, before investing in any assets, the analysts of the organization carefully study the market movement, and on the basis of this analysis, capital investments are made in the future. In general, the investor's money is protected, but not insured, which means that he can make a profit that will exceed his expectation, and may suffer losses.

If we draw a certain conclusion, then the management company Otkritie fully meets the requirements of a potential investor for the reason that a variety of products are designed for investors who want to increase their capital with minimal risk. Tariffs for services are quite competitive, the terms of the contract are loyal. Among other things, each client has round-the-clock access to his investment account thanks to his personal account in the online system.

So, you have entered into an agreement with a broker, opened an individual investment account and put money into it. It's time to earn an income.

Roman Koblenz

private investor

We will need to go through three stages: establish contact with the tax office, submit documents and receive a decision on the deduction.

What is it about

We are talking about tax deductions and benefits that are given under the program of individual investment accounts. The state wants you to invest a lot and well, therefore it makes more favorable investment conditions for you than with ordinary brokerage accounts.

IIS is a type of brokerage account, only with special tax benefits.

The IRS gives two types of IIA deductions: either it deducts your investment from taxable income, or it doesn't tax your investment income. The first option is the most popular because it adds 13% to your profitability.

How to get a tax deduction for IIS: step by step

  1. Register in your personal account on the tax website.
  2. Get an unqualified electronic signature.
  3. Prepare documents: a 2-NDFL certificate, a scan of an agreement with a broker and confirmation of the transfer of funds to the IIS.
  4. Fill out the declaration 3-NDFL.
  5. Submit an application for a tax deduction for IIS.
  6. Wait for the consideration of the declaration, and then - the money into the account.

Register in your personal account on the website of the tax

Since the tax deduction, you will have to communicate with tax service. Here's how it happened for me.

I called just in case and asked about the username and password from my personal account. I was told that I can come to any tax office for them and that I need to take my passport with me. You also need to know your TIN. If you go to the branch of the Federal Tax Service at the place of residence, then you only need a passport, and it is not necessary to know the TIN.

I went to the local branch of the Federal Tax Service, took a coupon there in an electronic queue. My number popped up almost immediately. Do not be afraid of crowds in the Federal Tax Service: even if there are a lot of people, they do not stand in the same line. I told the operator at the tax office that I came for the data for my personal account, gave my passport and three minutes later I received a sheet with a login and a temporary password for my personal account on the tax website.

At home, I logged into my personal account using my username and temporary password. I had to wait about three days until all the information appeared in my personal account: objects of taxation, 2-NDFL certificates, and so on.

If you have an account on the public services portal and your account is verified, you can enter your personal account on the tax website through it. If there is no account on the public services portal, it will also have to be confirmed personally

What can be done through a personal account on the website of the tax

  1. See all your objects of taxation and the amount of taxes accrued on them.
  2. See all amounts of paid and unpaid taxes. You can pay online.
  3. Receive tax reports.
  4. Form declarations in the form 3-NDFL.
  5. Submit tax returns.

Get an unqualified electronic signature

A tax return is an official document that must be signed by you. If you submit your declaration online, it must be signed electronically.

You can also get an electronic signature certificate in your personal account on the tax website, for this you need to go to your profile and select the "Get ES" tab.

You will be asked to come up with and enter a password to access the electronic signature certificate. This password is the main thing to remember.

After that, you can fill out documents for deduction for IIS.

This signature is unqualified

Important: the electronic signature that can be obtained on the tax website is unqualified. This is the simplest electronic signature. She cannot sign any other documents, except for documents on the tax website.

We will write a separate article about a qualified electronic signature.

Preparation of documents

To receive a deduction for IIS, you need to submit a 3-NDFL declaration to the tax office along with a package of documents. Here's what to collect.

Certificate of income in the form 2-NDFL for the year in which you contributed money to the IIS. It confirms that you received income and paid tax at a rate of 13% in this tax period. Help can be obtained from the accounting department at the place of work.

From 01/01/2019, the 2-NDFL certificate is called "Certificate of income and tax amounts of an individual"

Scan of the agreement on opening a brokerage account. This may be an agreement on the maintenance of IIS, an agreement on brokerage services using IIS, an application, notification or notice of accession to the regulations or a brokerage agreement using IIS, or a general agreement. Each broker has a different name for this document.

How to invest and not screw up

Confirmation of the transfer of funds to the IIS. If the money was paid in cash to the cashier, this is a cash receipt. If money was transferred from a bank account, this is a payment order. If the money was transferred from another brokerage account, this is an instruction to transfer funds and a broker's report.

For example, Roman deposited funds at the bank's cash desk, and the bank, on his behalf, transferred money to a broker for crediting to IIS. At the bank's cash desk, he was given a cash receipt and a receipt, which he attached to the declaration.

We fill out the declaration 3-NDFL

You can also fill out a tax return on the tax website. To fill out the declaration in the "Life situations" section, select the item "Submit a 3-NDFL declaration":

The declaration can be filled out on the Internet, or you can download a file created in the Declaration program. For example, we will fill in the Internet.

Filling out the declaration on the Internet is simple and intuitive. First, select the year for which you are filing a declaration. You need to choose the year in which you deposited money for IIS:

At the second stage, you need to indicate the income and their sources. If your tax agent - usually an employer - has already submitted an annual return, income data can be downloaded from the certificate that he submitted to the tax office. To do this, tick the employer and click the "Fill from the certificate" button.

If your employer has not yet submitted reports, you will have to fill out the section manually based on your 2-NDFL certificate.

My employer has not yet submitted a report for 2019, so I fill it out manually. Data for all fields, including the type of income, is in the 2-NDFL certificate

At the third stage, you need to choose the deductions that will be declared in the declaration. The IIA deduction refers to investment deductions, they should be ticked.

After that, you need to indicate the amount of the investment deduction - that is, the amount that you contributed to the IIS for the year.

At the last step, you will be shown the amount of tax to be returned. Here you also need to upload scans of supporting documents: certificates 2-NDFL, an agreement on opening an IIS and confirmation of the transfer of money to it.

It remains only to enter the password for your electronic digital signature and click the "Confirm and send" button. Congratulations, you have submitted your application.

Sending an application and waiting for a response

A completed declaration will not yet return your money to the account: it will only confirm your right to return. You need to submit a tax return request.

The application can be filled out immediately after sending the 3-NDFL declaration or later - some time after sending the declaration, information about the amount of overpayment for taxes will appear in the "My taxes" section of your personal account. In the same line there will be a special button - "Dispose".

If you do not have tax debts, you can receive the amount of the refund to your bank account, the details of which are indicated in the same section.

You have to wait an average of four months for money. Three months is the official term for consideration of the declaration from the date of its submission.

The return itself must be made within one month from the date of filing the application for a return, but not earlier than the completion of the consideration of the declaration.


Getting a deduction through the tax website is much easier and clearer than it might seem. And my only trip to the Federal Tax Service was very useful, because access to my personal account will come in handy many more times.

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