Runes so that the debtor returns the debt. Repay a debt with the help of runes and tarot

At the numerous requests of workers, I propose for discussion from the point of view of runic magic the problem of repayment of debts.

To begin with, as always, let's try to build an algorithm for the situation. So, with a detailed analysis, the situation associated with the return of debts falls into two substructures:

1. From the position of a creditor, money does not come to a person so that he gives it to others, but if he does this, then he does not need it, and therefore, choosing the path “to lend”, we choose not to have it, everything else we leave at the mercy of the one who must repay the debt. There is also an opposite opinion - by lending, we release the energy of money, and force them to take part in the "cycle", but only live, i.e. The "circling" monetary energy returns with fruits. There is “something” in both points of view, so our task is to work out a compromise solution.

2. From the standpoint of a debtor, borrowed money transfers a person's consciousness into an altered state of "monetary debt", in which a person faces the temptation of non-repayment of debt and "forgiveness of debt" to the creditor. This phenomenon is associated with the need to give their own money, although they took someone else's. For this reason, many debtors do not return their debts, although their financial situation allows it.

Thus, with the help of Runes, it is necessary to influence both substructures:
For the first, the mechanism of action will be aimed at improving the welfare of the creditor, i.e. attracting to it a cash flow associated with obtaining a result from actions to “transfer money into circulation”.
For the second - to awaken the "voice of conscience" of the debtor and incline him to a painless parting with money.

Based on this, the following variants of formulas are possible (some are mine, some are borrowed, some are "folk in literary processing"):

1. Dagaz - Fehu - Hyeres
Twist of Fate, returning investments as a "harvest". Here it is necessary to pay attention to the writing of the Hyeres rune (see the topic of the development of purposefulness, etc.), so as not to turn the receipt of what is due into another installment plan.

Fehu - Odal - Viña
Runes of general action to increase well-being.

2. Nautiz - Ansuz - Nautiz
"Braining" to the debtor (

Elm Kenaz - Ansuz - Nautiz - Tyr - Hyera
"Tyur speeches" (by Zigwult, - if you need to conduct explanatory work with the debtor. According to reviews - it works.

Elm Turisaz - Nautiz - Fehu (inverted) - Gebo
"Conscience of the debtor" (by Zigwult, As conceived by the author, Gebo sets in motion the Law of Equilibrium, violated by the debtor, launching a chain of events, as a result of which a situation is created when the debtor is forced to repay the debt. And it is the resultant in this connection: the Law is fulfilled. It can work, but, in my opinion, the mechanism of action does not match the description - I don’t see any “conscience” here. And the inverted position of Fehu is not entirely clear here, if we are talking about the cycle Money according to the Law of Balance. But you can try, incl. and in combination with the "Alarm clock of conscience" (see the topic of instilling feelings of guilt)

Nautiz - Fehu (inverted) - Hyera
Forced parting with money and returning it to its original owner. Gebo can be added to make the refund process feel like a win-win:

Nautiz - Fehu (inverted) - Gebo - Hyera
/ Handle Yera with care, as in the first formula /
These formulas are based on the “awakened conscience”, but more aggressive ones are also possible:

Thurisaz – Fehu
"Knocking out money." This formula is considered to be tested and effective (, but I would add Evaz and Yera there (we still treat Yera with caution ):

Evaz - Turisaz - Fehu - Hyeres

Some script options can be found here:

If the formula has, according to the operator's intention or based on the meaning of the task, a certain period of validity, it is activated by the formulation of the task itself and is valid until it is destroyed (for example, by burning). Those. a photo with a formula is stored either for a certain period of time, or until the result comes, and then burned with gratitude. Ashes do not have to be drowned in the river - you can use any running water, or dispel it in the wind. The moment of "farewell to the formula" should be respectful, and this is the main thing.

If the action of the formula is indefinite (terrible revenge, protection, love spell, etc.) - it can be activated by burning, while stipulating that the formula begins to act from the moment of burning. With ashes, proceed similarly to the previous option.

Since the return of the debt is, in principle, the final procedure, it is better to put the formula on the photo and keep it until the return of the debt (especially since if the case is especially neglected, after a while it may be necessary to "fake"), and then destroy it with gratitude.
What and how to stipulate - depends on what task is set. If we talk about the awakening of the debtor's conscience, the wording "from now on" can be used in referring to him as an object of influence. In terms of the actual return of money, it is better to talk about the formula ("let the formula operate from now until the debt is returned and it is not destroyed with gratitude."

Dear practitioners, please help with advice! I'm new to runes. I recently started studying them. And the problem is this. My friend, a couple of years ago, paid a comrade a large sum for the production of documents. But the documents have not yet been made and this comrade does not return the money. What formula can I use to get my friend's money back? Documents are no longer needed. How to correctly set the wording if I'm not doing it myself. And apply the formula, is it necessary on a general photo or can it be on the photo of the debtor? Thanks for the replies!

In the photo of the debtor Laguz Nautiz Laguz is a hidden coercion.

First, a feeling of guilt, then you need to properly talk with the debtor. And then the nightmares. So that he would understand ... And he himself will add up the circumstances - if he is well coughed up.

Good day! I don’t remember where I saw the formula for knocking out money, but it works perfectly! Nautiz - Feu. I didn’t even write anywhere, I just visualized it. During the day - visualization, in the evening - money. With Turisaz, instead of Nautiz, it works worse.

Nautiz-Ansuz-Nautiz is it to repay a debt? It is possible on a piece of paper with initials. Thank you.

Nautiz-Ansuz-Nautiz is a formula for suggesting the right thoughts. And what you inspire - depends only on you.
It can also be on paper.

I did Evaz - Turisaz - Feu - Hyera. Activated twice, upon application and stipulated that the effect is enhanced by burning. The result pleased. I looked at the runes after the first activation - the money was supposed to be given the next day at lunch approximately, and after burning the money I received in the evening of that day. I wrote the formula for hours at 10 - 11 am.

You can try Laguz-Naud along with all this - (force to do something)

Continued here:

A small selection of runic formulas and ligatures for repaying a debt.
Runic becoming "Hello to debtors." Author Irischok

Script runes - Mannaz(debtor),
Nautiz- coercion to return the debt (inverted Fehu).
Inverted Algiz- removal of protection from the debtor.

"Conscience of the debtor" (Zikvuld's formula)

Put on the photo of the debtor or on a sheet with his data.

Linear formulas:

Evaz - Turisaz - Fehu - Hyeres

Formulas for repayment of debt

Nautiz - Mannaz - Yera - "I force" "a person (your debtor)" "to repay the debt."

Nautiz - Gebo - Fehu I "force" "to a fair relationship" "in the matter of money." Or, as an option in the same formula, Tivaz instead of Gebo

Naut-Ansuz-Naut, forced suggestion of thoughts, in this case, for example, "Petya will repay the debt then"

Evaz - Turisaz - Fehu - Hyeres

Those. in this case, objective circumstances will develop in such a way that the money will be "shaken" from the debtor to return to the source of its origin - i.e. to the lender.

The photo of the debtor is not required, his data is enough: First name, Last name, year of birth, you can simply apply the formula to his phone number.

When borrowing money, you can often hear the phrase from the debtor: "It will not rust behind me!".
This becoming was created by me for those situations when, alas, it has "RUSTED", and for a long time already, and is aimed at depriving debtors of any shirking from the return of money (namely money) and guaranteed to knock out this very money. After all, there are often situations when you don’t want to spoil a person for not paying back a debt for a long time, but on the other hand, you need to influence him somehow in order to really wait for your money! To put pressure on conscience - this, as you know, is too vain if a person does not have such a conscience in life ...
Therefore, I decided to proceed in a slightly different way.

1) Elven runesign Z - the rune of the earth elves, the rune can be used to call these elves, can be used to receive material benefits, you can use the rune to return money, you can use the rune to influence debtors;

2) Vandrunir / Runes of duties --- 22) rune of obligations and responsibility;

3) Vandrunir (additional) -12) rune for the fulfillment of monetary obligations - 2 pieces;

4) Elven runesign Q (2 pieces) - a rune of elven spells, the rune is used to create any spell to fulfill plans, the rune is used as a rune for the realization of what was conceived, as a rune for fulfilling a desire;

5) Sol runir: R - the rune is intended for obtaining results, for victory and prosperity, you can use it to get financial prosperity, you can also use it as a protective rune;

Mannaz pp, Mannaz straight; Turisazy direct and mirror; Soulo; Circle of Hopelessness and Duty; 2 Nautiz; Hyères; 2 Laguza - direct and mirror, but I meant mirror as a direct one;
2 Fehu, the mirror Fehu must also be understood as a straight rune.

Sample clause:

(For clarity, I used the fictitious name of the debtor and the conditional amount; the operator, of course, must indicate the data he needs in the appropriate places of the clause).

Let the power of this magical stav on my debtor Methodius (name the actual name) / pp Mannaz,
who owes me (name) the amount of $ 1,000 (voice the exact and truthful amount) a powerful spell will be cast by the elven runesign Z (we draw this runosign so that the upper inverted Mannaz is preferably between two horizontal lines, as shown in the lower runic figure),
pressing on Methodius (name) in such a way that Methodius found himself in the trap of his own debt to me and felt an acute and indestructible desire to quickly give me (name) 1000 dollars (name your amount).

The elven runesign Z surrounds Methodius with a dense Sphere of Punishment and Hopelessness (we draw a circle, as in the figure, thinking, visualizing just such a sphere), from which there is practically no way out for Methodius until he returns my 1000 dollars to me!

Let the twenty-second Rune of duties of Vandrunir surround and support this sphere from all sides (we draw, as in the image, the 22nd rune of Vandrunir), forcing Methodius every day and every hour to RESPONSIBILITY to me and to a clear, conscious intention to give me 1000 dollars, and let the double power of the twelfth rune of Vandrunir (we enter them at the top and bottom of the circle) in every way encourages Methodius to urgently and steadily fulfill his financial obligations to me. All the Runes of Vandrunir rightly indicate to Methodius by all means available to them that he is obliged honestly and without delay to return my 1000 dollars (amount) to me.
Let 4 Nautiz (we draw them in pairs, one above the other) force Methodius to take concrete, real actions aimed at the speedy return of his debt to me within 10 days (it is desirable to indicate a realistic period) / draw Jera.
Let the two Turisaz ruthlessly and purposefully completely stop, block any attempts of Methodius to avoid responsibility to me and crush even any thoughts of Methodius aimed at evading the return of his debt to me. Whenever Methodius decides to delay his repayment of the debt, both Turisazes resolutely return him to zealous efforts to return 1000 dollars to me in due time (repeat the right time). The turisazes, with their angry thorns, punish Methodius for any disobedience to his financial obligations to me and provoke him in every possible way to vigorously search for and implement opportunities to give me 1000 dollars in 10 days (name your term).
May it come to pass that Soulo / Soulo every day more and more inflames the Sphere of Penalty and Hopelessness of the elven runesign Z for Methodius and that this Sphere burns him both in reality and in a dream with an inexorable demand for an urgent return of 1000 dollars to me and the realization that he is not from now on, he will be free a day in his life until he repays his money debt to me in full within the prescribed ten-day period!
Two Laguses direct cash flow / draw Laguses
from Methodius straight to me / draw a large straight line Mannaz below along a smooth and even path. Thus, let in 10 days, and no later, I (name, touch again the direct Mannaz)
I fully receive from Methodius my 1000 dollars / draw two Fehu
May the enchanting double power of the Elven runesign Q / draw both of them over the legs of Laguz in every possible way contribute to the fulfillment of my cherished desire for the return of $ 1,000 by Methodius to me and give all this magical stav the character of a quick and successful implementation of my needs and plans.
Let the power of the rune R Sol-runira (we draw it right under Mannaz, as in the figure) provide me with financial prosperity due to the excellent result of this magical stav and the full return of 1000 dollars to me from Methodius.
This becoming energetically influences my debtor Methodius, intensively forcing him to show great responsibility to me and return his money debt to me in as soon as possible(name).
This magical becoming works without the slightest harm to my physical and mental health and the health of my loved ones, without harm to the property and finances of me and my loved ones. This magical becoming works without interference and harm to all other magical works that I have activated for myself and for other people.
Becoming freely allows me (name), of my own free will, to produce absolutely any impact on people, objects, groups of people and animals, on any objects and any situation.
This magical becoming begins to act here and now, right from the moment it is activated by my breath / fire, and is valid until the moment when Methodius returns my 1000 dollars to me in full.
Immediately, as soon as my debtor Methodius fully gives me my money (indicate your amount again), I will deactivate this one by burning, with gratitude to the runes and magic signs!
By the power of this Stav and my Word, so be it!

Whoever likes short general slander will easily compose one for himself on the basis of the given pun description.
My becoming, of course, is not damage, but just a fair influence on the debtor in order to obtain from him a forced return of the borrowed money. Therefore, I would not advise those who will use it to overestimate the required amount or order the runes to deal with the guilty in some particularly cruel way - I do not foresee this. Everything is good in moderation!

magical runes for debt repayment capable of defeating such negative human qualities as optionality and negligence. Runes and the magic of ancient symbols, full of secrets and mysteries, are effective in solving many pressing problems.

And with those every person faces regularly. One of life's frequent difficulties is the useless struggle with unscrupulous debtors.

Probably, each of us at least once faced with an incomprehensible relationship with the borrower. And it seems that you are well acquainted with him and trust him - but he does not plan to repay the debt in the near future. There are always a lot of excuses and reasons.

If you find yourself in a similar situation, do not panic. There is a way out - and it is not difficult - the runes will help repay the debt.

How to repay a debt with the help of runes?

Your first action will be a detailed assessment of what is happening. Usually, the relationship in the mental sense between the lender and the borrower is divided into two types:

    Scandinavian runic rates for debt repayment

    There are several runic formulas (staves) that affect this area:

    • Dagaz - – Hyeres

    All investments or loaned amounts will be returned with a profit. Interest will bring the lender a monetary flourishing.

    • Feu (Fehu) - Odal - Vunyo

    Interesting on the topic:


Scandinavian magic runes for repayment of debt help to overcome the negative qualities of a person, such as optionality and negligence.

All people at least once in their lives encounter unscrupulous debtors. Often well-known people whom you trust ask for a loan, but they are in no hurry to repay it. If it really happened, then you should not panic, as the Scandinavian runes will help solve the problem.

  • A look at the situation, the one who lends money.
  • The look of the person who lends them.

Esotericists assess the actions of the lender in two ways. Some believe that if a person lends money, it means that they do not need it, this is the signal he sends. But other magicians think differently and believe that at the same time as money, part of the monetary energy is also given away. Therefore, it joins the general living cycle of energy schemes and makes a profit, thereby increasing income.

Esotericists agreed on the debtors. By borrowing funds, a person assumes obligations, because he subconsciously understands what kind of responsibility it is. At the same time, when free finances appear, no one is in a hurry to part with them. This is because he perceives them as his own property, which is difficult to give away.

In working with runic signs, the influence of magical forces occurs on both sides of the financial conflict. Cash flow is attracted to the lender, and the borrower has pangs of conscience, so when parting with a certain amount, it is not so painful.

Formulas for repayment of debt

There are several runic staves that can change the financial level:

  • Dagaz-Fehu-Yer. All cash investments or loans will return with a profit. Interest will increase the wealth of the lender.
  • Fehu-Odal-Vunyo - Celtic runes to change the general state of monetary energy.

  • Nautiz-Ansuz-Nautiz is a runic formula that affects the subconscious of the debtor and provokes pangs of conscience.

  • Kenaz-Ansuz-Nautiz-Teivaz-Yer is a powerful becoming, directing the thoughts of the defaulter on the right path. Doubts to repay or not to repay a debt disappear.

  • Turiza-Nautiz-Fehu-Gebo is a magical formula that affects the conscience of a defaulter. Fehu is inverted in this formula, therefore it affects the Law of the Universal Balance especially. After activating the formula, a mechanism is launched that eliminates the failures of the debtor. He has a constant sense of guilt.

  • Getting the money back will help by becoming: Nautiz - Fehu - Yer.

  • Another effective one is becoming, consisting of Turisaz-Fehu. It speeds up the debt repayment process by the debtor.

  • Evaz-Turisaz-Fehu-Yer - contributes to the return of finances to the owner in any way.


Many creditors, before taking serious action to repay the debt, have long intelligible conversations with the debtor, but in most cases, they do not affect the conscience of the borrower.

To be heard, you can use the following tie from the runes: Kenaz-Ansuz-Nautiz-Tir-Yera.

Turisaz-Nautiz-inverted Fehu-Gebo is a ligature that contributes to the creation of situations in which the defaulter will have to repay the debt.

Repaying a Debt with the Magic Wand

Becoming a "Magic Wand" is applied between the photographs of the borrower and the lender. At the bottom is a defaulter, and at the top is a picture of a person who is borrowed. This formula consists of the following runes:

  • Teyvaz - determining the direction of the transition of "debt".
  • Uruz-Sovilo - creates new favorable conditions for making the transition.
  • Raido is a process of transition.
  • Evaize-Raido-Need is a link that creates external situations, meetings, reasons for the transfer of a loan from a borrower to a lender.
  • Jera is a symbol of the return of what was given in the past.
  • Inguz-thematic symbol (Fehu) - Vunya - a bundle that will ensure that the creditor receives his money.
  • Runa Isa works quickly and will provide an opportunity to find the necessary finances to repay the debt.
  • Debt "tails" must be disposed of, as they pollute the cash flow. If possible, ask your relatives if there are any serious debts in the family, because even they will negatively affect prosperity.

The thematic symbol is determined depending on what you want to receive. If money, then apply Fehu, Uruz - for strength, Gebo - harmonious relationships, etc.

  • Vunya helps ensure the best way to get in debt.
  • Stanginn Iss hides magic from prying eyes.
  • Salt is the power of the formula from the energy of the sun.

It will take a lot of energy, so it is advisable to carry out the ritual and additionally recharge from the sun.

To deal with creditors

To get rid of debts, you can use Scandinavian runes. But not in order to destroy the creditor, but to attract cash flow or to open it.

In some cases, a delay is needed to earn a certain amount of money. You will have to get rid of debt sooner or later. For this, the following runic formula is useful: Yera-Isa-Fehu-Isa-Yera.

Physical repayment of loans is the only possible way to get rid of debt, but you can improve your overall well-being. For example, after performing a ritual, a promising job or part-time job will appear. During the stipulation of the stave, one should be careful with the goal. Saying the phrase: "To repay a loan in a bank," the institution will begin to flourish, but not the debtor. It is better to call money for yourself and formulate a desire as an improvement in your well-being.

Do not panic, you can always negotiate with a bank or a creditor and achieve conditions that are more favorable for the defaulter. Magic signs and stavas can also help with this,

It is possible to repay a debt with the help of Scandinavian runic signs, the main thing is to approach this issue correctly.


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