Analysis of the effectiveness of the introduction of new equipment. Economic efficiency of new technology Economic efficiency creation and implementation of new technologies

The basis of the methods of determination is the comparison of the costs of new equipment with the effect obtained from it.

There are absolute (general) and comparative efficiency of new technology. Absolute - is measured by the ratio of the effect obtained from the new technology (in the form of an increase in output and a decrease in its cost or an increase in profits) to the costs of its creation and implementation. Comparative - is used to select the best option for new equipment from the available samples by determining the payback period for capital investments or comparing the reduced costs by options.

To determine the economic potential of implementation - the effect obtained from the maximum number of units of new equipment under optimal conditions - and the actual (possible) scale of implementation for individual years, the following is calculated: cost reduction for the production of new equipment equivalent in capacity to the old one; increase in output, which can be obtained as a result of the use of new technology; increase in profits for the producer and consumer by increasing production, reducing costs and changing prices. The transition to the manufacture of new products can be associated with additional costs for the manufacturer (in particular, with insufficient experimental and other preparatory work), which at first can lead to a reduction in its profits or even losses. Additional costs in the transition to the use of new technology may be at its consumer. This is offset by the subsequent increase in profits as production increases and costs decrease. In addition, a temporary reduction in profits or losses can be covered by a bank loan. The price of new equipment is set at such a level as to ensure the interest of producers in production, and consumers - in the use of new equipment.

In addition to cost, about e economic efficiency of new technology It can also be judged by such indicators as the release of labor, the facilitation and improvement of working conditions, the reduction in the consumption of scarce materials, the improvement in the quality and reliability of products, which cannot always be reflected in their cost and prime cost.

Distinguish between planned and actual economic efficiency of new technology.

Planned - is determined according to planned data on the volume of production, capital investments, cost and payback of capital investments.

Data on planned and actual economic efficiency of new technology are used in determining the desirable directions for its development and in planning its implementation. When planning the effectiveness of new equipment, when the price is not yet known, the costs of new equipment can be determined according to estimates for its manufacture, and in the absence of estimates, according to enlarged standards and taking into account analogues.

Actual - is measured by the ratio of reducing the cost of production or increasing profits from the introduction of new technology to capital investments for these purposes. The costs of new equipment are added to the costs of its delivery and installation, the construction of production facilities (or savings on capital investments due to the freed up space are deducted), as well as the costs of increasing (or savings are deducted) working capital associated with the introduction of new technology. The data obtained are compared with the costs that would be required with the same technical base and the same production volume. In addition to capital investments, the cost of production for new and old equipment is also compared. If the introduction of new technology is associated with an increase in output, then the cost price is recalculated for the increased volume, taking into account the conditionally constant part of the costs and its changes.

Section One Conclusions

Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. Innovative activity - a type of activity associated with the transformation of ideas-innovations into a new improved product introduced on the market; into a new or improved technological process used in practice; into a new approach to social services.

2. Innovative activity involves a whole range of scientific, technical, organizational, financial and commercial activities.

3. The following main types of innovative activity are distinguished: instrumental preparation and organization of production; production start-up and pre-production developments, including product and process modifications; retraining of personnel for the use of new technologies and equipment; marketing of new products; acquisition of intangible technology in the form of patents, licenses, know-how, trademarks, designs, models and services of technological content; purchase of machinery or equipment related to the introduction of innovations; production design necessary for the development, production and marketing of new goods, services; reorganization of the management structure.

4. The choice of the method and direction of innovative activity of an enterprise depends on the resource and scientific and technical potential of the enterprise, market requirements, stages of the life cycle of equipment and technology, and features of industry affiliation.

5. When designing, developing and implementing innovations, it is necessary to determine the necessary costs for their implementation, possible sources of financing, evaluate the economic efficiency of innovations, compare the effectiveness of various innovations by comparing income and costs.

Economic efficiency of new technology, an indicator that characterizes the national economic results and the economic feasibility of the production of new technology and its application. A distinction is made between fundamentally new technology, the introduction of which is at an early stage (for example, fast neutron reactors, lasers, cryogenic power lines, hovercraft), and new technology that has not been sufficiently introduced (for example, computers, automatic lines with numerical control, etc. .). A fundamentally new technique requires large investments in “finishing”, the transition to mass production, advancement into new areas of application, etc., but in the future it can be expected to have a significant effect. New technology requires less investment in fine-tuning and improvement, and production costs depend on the scale of possible implementation; the effect of this type of new technology can be implemented faster and also depends on the scale of implementation.

Introduction.......... ............................................................................................................................3

Chapter 1. Innovation activity …………………………………………………………………………………5


1.2 Classification of innovations…………………………………………………………………………………….8

1.3 The role of innovation in the development of an enterprise……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Chapter 2. Performance indicators of new equipment and technology………………………………….17

2.1 Innovation as an object of enterprise activity……………………………………...17

2.2 Management, planning and organization of innovation activities………….….18

2.3 Evaluation of the effectiveness of an innovative project……………………………………………………………………………………………………………22

Chapter 3

3.1 History of nanotechnology development …………………………………………………….…24

3.2 advances in nanotechnology…………………………………………………………………………………………..27

3.3. perspectives of nanotechnologies…………………………………………………………………………………………………………32

4. Conclusion (Conclusion)…………………………………………………………………………………………………...…34



Possible ways to create a favorable innovation climate in the Russian economy began actively in the early 80s, even before the collapse of the Soviet Union. Even then, it became obvious that the existing mechanisms for “implementing” the results of research and development were ineffective, the innovative activity of enterprises was low, and the average age of production equipment was constantly increasing, reaching 10.8 years by 1990.

Since then, a number of state concepts for regulating and stimulating innovation activity have been adopted, the creation of a national innovation system has been announced, a number of mechanisms for state financing of innovation have been created, including the creation of an infrastructure for innovation activity. The main problem so far remains the disconnection of ties between the main participants in the innovation process (developers and consumers of innovations), information opacity and, therefore, low motivation, both for the development and financing of innovations.

In official statistics, technological innovations are understood as the final results of innovative activities that have been embodied in the form of a new or improved product or service introduced on the market, a new or improved technological process or a method of production (transfer) of services used in practical activities. All the formalized characteristics of this process depend on which definition of innovation is used. At present, there is no single approach to the definition of innovative activity, just as there were no continuous surveys of enterprises and organizations in which innovations would be studied. Existing estimates of innovation activity are based on sample surveys of greater or lesser breadth, and this explains the often contradictory results of their results.

An innovative enterprise is one that introduces product or process innovations, regardless of who was the author of the innovation - employees of this organization or external agents (external owners, banks, representatives of federal and local authorities, research organizations and technology providers, other enterprises ).

Thus, the purpose of this work is to give an idea of ​​the innovative activity of enterprises and its application in practice. And the main tasks are to understand the essence of innovation, to identify the types of innovation, and also to consider the impact of innovation on the development of an enterprise.

The object of this work is the enterprise as an economic entity, and the subject of innovation.

When studying the innovative activity of the enterprise, a comparative analysis and data collection method were used.

Chapter 1. Innovative activity

1.1 Innovations, their economic essence and significance.

It is necessary to distinguish between the terms "innovations" and "innovations". Innovation is a broader concept than innovation.

Innovation is an evolving complex process of creating, disseminating and using a new idea that improves the efficiency of an enterprise. At the same time, innovation is not just an object introduced into production, but an object successfully implemented and profitable as a result of scientific research or a discovery made, qualitatively different from the previous analogue.

Scientific and technological innovation must be viewed as a process of transforming scientific knowledge into a scientific and technical idea and then into the production of products to meet the needs of the user. In this context, two approaches to scientific and technological innovation can be distinguished.

The first approach mainly reflects the product orientation of the innovation. Innovation is defined as a process of transformation for the sake of producing a finished product. This direction is spreading at a time when the position of the consumer in relation to the producer is rather weak. However, the products themselves are not the ultimate goal, but only a means of satisfying needs. Therefore, according to the second approach, the process

scientific and technical innovation is seen as the transfer of scientific or technical knowledge directly to the sphere of meeting the needs of the consumer. In this case, the product turns into a carrier of technology, and the form it takes is determined after linking the technology and the need to be satisfied.

Thus, innovations, firstly, must have a market structure to meet the needs of consumers. Secondly, any innovation is always considered as a complex process, involving changes in both scientific and technical, and economic, social and structural nature. Thirdly, in innovation, the emphasis is on the rapid introduction of innovation into practical use. Fourth, innovation must provide economic, social, technical or environmental

The innovation process is the process of transforming scientific knowledge into innovation, which can be represented as a sequential chain of events during which innovation matures from an idea to a specific product, technology or service and spreads through practical use. The innovation process is aimed at creating the required markets for products, technologies or services and is carried out in close unity with the environment: its direction, pace, goals depend on the socio-economic environment in which it functions and develops. Therefore, it is only on the innovative path of development that economic recovery is possible.

Innovative activity is an activity aimed at using and commercializing the results of scientific research and development to expand and update the range and improve the quality of products, improve their manufacturing technology with subsequent implementation and effective implementation in the domestic and foreign markets.

Innovation can be viewed as:





Innovation has a clear focus on the final result of an applied nature; it should always be considered as a complex process that provides a certain technical and socio-economic effect.

Innovation in its development (life cycle) changes forms, moving from idea to implementation. The course of the innovation process, like any other, is due to the complex interaction of many factors. The use in business practice of one or another variant of the forms of organization of innovative processes is determined by three factors:

The state of the external environment (political and economic situation, type of market, nature of competition, practice of state-monopoly regulation, etc.);

The state of the internal environment of this economic system (the presence of a leader-entrepreneur and a support team, financial and material and technical resources, technologies used, size, current organizational structure, internal culture of the organization, relations with the external environment, etc.);

The specifics of the innovation process itself as an object of management.

Innovation processes are considered as processes that permeate all scientific, technical, production, marketing activities of manufacturers and, ultimately, focused on meeting the needs of the market. The most important condition for the success of innovation is the presence of an innovator-enthusiast, captured by a new idea and ready to make every effort to bring it to life, and a leader-entrepreneur who has found investments, organized production, promoted a new product to the market, took the main risk and realized your commercial interest.

Innovations form the market of innovations, investments - the market of capital, innovations - the market of competition of innovations. The innovation process ensures the implementation of scientific and technical results and intellectual potential for obtaining new or improved products (services) and the maximum increase in added value.

1.2 Classification of innovations.

To obtain a higher return on innovation, a classification of innovations is carried out. The need for classification, i.e. the division of the entire set of innovations according to one or another characteristic into the appropriate groups is explained by the fact that the choice of the object of innovation is a very important procedure, since it predetermines all subsequent innovation activity, the result of which will be an increase in production efficiency, an expansion of the range of science-intensive products and an increase in its volumes.

The classification of innovations into appropriate groups is carried out using the following features.

On the basis of the emergence of innovations, two groups are distinguished: defensive and strategic.

The protective group of innovations provides the necessary level of competitiveness of production and products based on the introduction of relevant innovations as a way to protect against competitors.

Strategic forms promising competitive advantages.

According to the subject and area of ​​application of innovations, innovations are divided into product innovations (new products and materials), market innovations (new areas of product use, the possibility of implementing innovations in new markets), process innovations (technologies, new methods of organizing and managing production).

According to the degree of novelty of innovations, there are:

Non-standard groups of innovations, including a new product produced on the basis of a first developed technical solution that has no analogue;

Improving - new products or technological processes developed on the basis of using the achievements of the scientific and technical process and providing perfect technical and operational characteristics in comparison with existing analogues;

modification - innovations that expand the operational capabilities of a product or process.

By the nature of satisfaction of needs, innovation groups are determined by innovations that satisfy new needs that have developed in the market.

In terms of the scale of distribution, innovations can be basic for young industries producing a homogeneous product, or used in all sectors of industrial production.

Despite the commonality of the subject of innovation, each of their implementation is very individual and even unique. At the same time, there are many classifications of innovations and, accordingly, the subjects of innovative entrepreneurship. Let's consider some of them.

G. Mensch singled out three large groups of innovations: basic, improving and pseudo-innovations. Basic innovations, in turn, are divided into technological (forming new industries and new markets) and non-technological (changes in culture, management, public services). The movement from one technological stalemate to another occurs, according to Mensch, through the transition from basic innovations to improving ones and then to pseudo-innovations.

A detailed and original typology of innovations is given by A.I. Prigogine. He classified innovations depending on the type of innovations (material and technical and social innovations), the implementation mechanism, and the features of the innovation process. A. I. Prigozhin introduced into scientific circulation replacing, canceling, opening innovations, retro-innovations, single, diffuse, intra-organizational, inter-organizational, etc. He divided the concepts of "innovation" and "innovation". Innovation, according to A.I. Prigogine, is the subject of innovation; novelty and innovation have different life cycles; innovation is development, design, manufacture, use, obsolescence. Innovation, on the other hand, is the origin, diffusion, routinization (the stage when innovation is "realized in stable, constantly functioning elements of the corresponding objects").

The largest (basic) innovations - implement the largest inventions and become the basis for revolutionary revolutions in technology, the formation of its new directions, the creation of new industries. Such innovations require a long time and large expenses for their development, but they provide a significant national economic effect in terms of level and scale, but they do not occur every year;

Major innovations (based on a similar rank of inventions) form new generations of technology in this area. They are implemented in a shorter time and at lower cost than the largest (basic) innovations, but the leap in technical level and efficiency is relatively smaller;

Medium innovations implement the same level of invention and serve as the basis for creating new models and modifications of this generation of technology, replacing outdated models with more efficient ones or expanding the scope of this generation;

Minor innovations - improve individual production or consumer parameters of manufactured models of equipment based on the use of small inventions, which contributes either to more efficient production of these models or to an increase in the efficiency of their use.

M. Walker distinguishes seven types of innovations depending on the degree of use of scientific knowledge in them and wide application:

1) based on the use of fundamental scientific knowledge and widely used in various fields of public activity (for example, computers, etc.);

2) also using scientific research, but having a limited scope (for example, measuring instruments for chemical production);

3) innovations developed using already existing technical knowledge with a limited scope (for example, a new type of mixer for bulk materials);

4) included in combinations of different types of knowledge in one product;

5) using one product in different areas;

6) technically sophisticated innovations that have emerged as a by-product of a major research program (for example, a ceramic saucepan created on the basis of research carried out as part of the space program);

7) using already known techniques or methods in a new field.

A generalized classification of innovations by features is given in Table. 1.1.

Table 1.1.

Generalized classification of innovations by features.

Classification sign Types of innovation
In terms of cyclical development

The largest



Depending on the degree of use of scientific knowledge

Based on:

Fundamental scientific knowledge

Scientific research with a limited scope

Existing technical knowledge

Combinations of different types of knowledge

Use of the same product in different areas

Side effects of major programs

already known technology

In terms of structural characteristics

At the entrance

At the exit

Enterprise structure innovations

From the point of view of linking with individual areas of activity






In the field of management

Product innovation

Process innovation (technological)

Workforce innovation

Management innovations

In terms of purpose

For consumption as a commodity

For industrial consumption in civilian industries

For consumption in the defense complex

By way


By life cycle stage

Innovations introduced at the stage:

Strategic Marketing

Organizational and technological preparation of production



1 2
Depending on the size of the economic effect

Discovery of new applications (increases efficiency by 10-100 or more times)

Use of new principles of functioning (increases efficiency by 2-10 times)

Creation of new constructive solutions (increases efficiency by 10-50%)

Calculation and optimization of parameters (increases efficiency by 2-10%)

By management level




primary management

By terms of management

20 years or more

By degree of coverage of the life cycle

Mastering and applying R&D

By volume




In relation to the previous state of the process (system)




Retro innovations

By appointment

Aimed at:


Improvement of working conditions

Improving product quality

By planning source




By performance

Implemented and fully utilized

Implemented and underused

By level of novelty

Radical and changing or re-creating entire industries



Of course, this classification is not exhaustive, but it should be noted that different types of innovations are closely interconnected.

The classification gives specialists a basis for identifying the maximum number of ways to implement innovations, thereby creating a variant choice of solutions.

1.3 The role of innovation in enterprise development .

The innovative activity of the enterprise is aimed primarily at increasing the competitiveness of products (services).

Competitiveness - This is a characteristic of a product (service), reflecting its difference from a competitor product both in terms of the degree of compliance with a specific need, and in terms of the cost of satisfying it. Two elements - consumer properties and price - are the main components of the competitiveness of a product (service). However, the market prospects of goods are not only related to quality and production costs. The reason for the success or failure of the product may be other (non-commercial) factors, such as advertising, the prestige of the company, the level of service offered.

At the same time, service at the highest level creates a great attraction. Based on this, the competitiveness formula can be represented as follows:

Competitiveness = Quality + Price + Service.

Manage competitiveness - means to ensure the optimal ratio of these components, to direct the main efforts to solve the following problems: improving product quality, reducing production costs, increasing efficiency and the level of service.

In essence, the basis of the modern "philosophy of success" is the subordination of the interests of the company to the goals of developing, manufacturing and marketing competitive products. The focus is on long-term success and on the consumer. Company executives consider profitability issues from the standpoint of quality, consumer properties, products, and competitiveness.

To analyze the position of a product on the market, assess the prospects for its sale, and select a sales strategy, the concept of "product life cycle" is used.

Simultaneous discounts with goods at different stages of the life cycle are only possible for large companies. Small firms are forced to follow the path of specialization, i.e. choose one of the following roles:

* an innovator firm dealing primarily with innovation;

* engineering: a company that develops original product modifications and epgo design;

* a highly specialized manufacturer - most often a sub-supplier of relatively simple mass-produced products;

* manufacturer of traditional products (services) of high quality.

Experience shows that small firms are especially active in the production of goods that are going through the stages of market formation and exit from it. The fact is that a large firm is usually reluctant to be the first to produce a fundamentally new product. The consequences of a possible failure for her are much harder than for a small newly formed firm.

Ensuring the competitiveness of a product requires an innovative, entrepreneurial approach, the essence of which is the search and implementation of innovations.

In this regard, it is interesting to note that one of the classics of economic theory, A. Marshall, considered entrepreneurship to be the fundamental property, the main feature of a market economy.

The main prerequisite for an innovation strategy is the obsolescence of manufactured products and technology. In this regard, every three years, enterprises should carry out certification of manufactured products, technologies, equipment and jobs, analyze the market and distribution channels for goods. In other words, there should be business radiograph.

Chapter 2 Efficiency indicators of new equipment and technology.

2.1 Innovation as an object of enterprise activity

In the process of innovative activity, an enterprise can function with the greatest efficiency only if it is clearly focused on a specific object and guided by the maximum consideration of the impact of external and internal environmental factors. This requires a detailed classification of innovations, their properties and possible sources of funding. Such a classification of innovations as objects of enterprise activity is shown in Figure 1. The most characteristic indicators of innovations are such indicators as absolute and relative novelty, priority and progressiveness, the level of unification and standardization, competitiveness, adaptability to new business conditions, the ability to modernize, as well as indicators of economic efficiency, environmental safety, etc. All these indicators are innovations are in fact the embodiment of indicators of the technical and organizational level of innovation and its competitiveness. Their significance is determined by the degree of influence of these factors on the final results of the enterprise: on the cost and profitability of products, their quality, sales and profits in the short and long term, the level of profitability of economic activity. Indicators of the technical level of innovation determine the technical level of production as a whole. According to the degree of novelty, innovations are divided into fundamentally new, having no analogues in the past in domestic and foreign practice, and innovations of relative novelty. For fundamentally new types of products, technologies and services, the indicator of their patent and license purity and protection is especially important, because they are not only intellectual products of the first kind, i.e. have priority, absolute novelty, but they are also an original model, on the basis of which, by replication, innovations-imitations, copies or an intellectual product of the second kind are obtained. An intellectual product is protected by property rights, which is why an enterprise needs patents, licenses, inventions and know-how to develop innovative activities. and domestic enterprises) and innovations - improvements. In turn, innovations - improvements, according to the subject - content structure, are divided into displacing, replacing, supplementing, improving, etc.

2.2 Management, planning and organization of innovation activities

Successful research stimulates an increase in funding, leading to the complete impossibility of further research.

Innovation management can be considered in three main aspects:

1. R&D management (the object of management is directly research and development).

2. Management of innovative projects (object of management - innovative projects).

3. Management of external conditions affecting the effectiveness of the implementation of innovative activities.

An innovation project covers the life cycle of an innovation from the moment an idea arises to the moment a product or process is discontinued. Such a project includes: R&D, mastering the production of the product and conducting trial sales, deploying mass or serial production and work on the implementation of the product, maintaining production and sales, upgrading and updating the product, stopping its production.

An innovative project is essentially an investment project, the implementation of which requires a long-term binding of fixed material and financial resources. However, in comparison with the "classical" investment project, the implementation of the innovative one is different.

1. Relatively lower reliability of the preliminary economic assessment due to the high degree of uncertainty of the project parameters (terms for achieving the intended goals, upcoming costs, future income), which necessitates the use of additional evaluation and selection criteria.

2. The participation of highly qualified specialists and the use of unique resources, which, in turn, requires careful development of individual stages of the entire project.

4. The possibility of terminating an innovative project without physical binding of investments and, consequently, significant financial losses.

5. The likelihood of obtaining potential commercial value by-products, which, in turn, requires the flexibility of project management, the ability to quickly enter new business sectors, markets, etc.

The list of tasks to be solved in the process of innovation management is extremely wide. In relation to product innovations, it includes:

* market research;

* forecast duration, nature and stages of the life cycle of a new product;

* Research of conjuncture of the markets of resources.

Innovative marketing is a complex of marketing research and activities aimed at commercially successful implementation of products, technologies and services developed by the company.

Marketing in the innovation sphere has the following features:

* intersectoral nature of the result of innovation activity (ie the possibility of implementing innovations in various fields and fields of activity);

* Orientation to an experienced, sophisticated, often collective buyer;

* Mandatory after-sales service (associated with the technological complexity of science-intensive products);

* taking into account the scientific and technical level of a potential consumer, since many engineering innovations do not find a buyer due to the technological backwardness of the consumer.

Naturally, in the process of marketing research, the preliminary effectiveness of innovations is also determined, which means, first of all, economic efficiency, i.e. the ratio of costs and results of the implementation of an innovative project. Since profit is the main criterion for the activity of any enterprise, it is the indicators associated with it that should be decisive in the evaluation and selection of a project.

The effectiveness of innovations is evaluated on the basis of the following indicators:

* the cost of the project, taking into account the sources of its financing:

* net present value;

* the level of return on capital;

* internal rate of return;

* payback period of capital investments.

Innovative projects that go beyond traditional lines of business are difficult to evaluate in terms of return on investment, as they are associated with uncertainty. The problem is whether it will be possible to reduce the uncertainty of the project to risk categories, since the risk can be subject to a certain probability distribution law and therefore, in principle, be manageable.

Any risk can be quantified by the probability of an undesirable outcome occurring.

Each enterprise, regardless of the form of ownership and size characteristics, develops an innovative strategy. The main elements of the innovation strategy of the enterprise include:

Improvement of already manufactured products and applied technologies;

Creation and development of new products and processes;

Improving the quality level of the technical and technological, research and development base of the enterprise;

Improving the efficiency of using the personnel and information potential of the enterprise;

Improving the organization and management of innovation activities;

Rationalization of the resource base;

Ensuring environmental and technological safety;

Achieving competitive advantages of an innovative product in the domestic and foreign markets in comparison with products of a similar purpose.

When developing an innovation strategy, it is necessary to solve the following main problems:

Determining the type of innovation strategy that best suits the goals and market positions of the enterprise;

Ensuring compliance of the innovation strategy with the organizational structure, infrastructure and information management system at the enterprise;

Determination of success criteria at the earliest possible stages of the development of an innovative project;

Selection of the optimal procedure for monitoring and controlling the progress of the project.

2.3 Evaluation of the effectiveness of an innovative project

In a market economy, when developing and implementing innovations, the most common is not a normative, but a project approach.

The basis of the project approach to the activities of the enterprise, including its innovation and investment activities, is the principle of cash flows (cash how). At the same time, the commercial effectiveness of activities both for the project and for the enterprise; determined on the basis of the "Methodological recommendations for evaluating the effectiveness of investment projects and their selection for financing", approved by the State Construction Committee, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Finance and the State Committee for Industry of the Russian Federation.

The following main performance indicators of the innovation project have been established:

* financial (commercial) efficiency, taking into account the financial implications for project participants;

* budgetary efficiency, taking into account the financial implications for budgets at all levels;

* national economic efficiency, taking into account costs and results that go beyond the direct financial interests of the project participants and allow for monetary expression.

Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of the project

The evaluation of the effectiveness of the project is based on a comparative analysis of the volume of proposed investments and future cash flows. Compared values ​​refer in most cases to different time periods. Therefore, the most important; the problem in this case, as well as in determining the economic efficiency of new equipment and technology, is the problem of comparing income and costs and bringing them into a comparable form. The reason for the need to conduct a discounting process (i.e., bringing it into a comparable form) may be inflation, undesirable investment dynamics, a drop in industrial production, different forecasting horizons, changes in the tax system, etc.

Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of the project are divided into for the group, based on:

a) on discounted estimates;

b) on accounting estimates.

Thus, the methods for evaluating the effectiveness of a project based on accounting estimates (without discounting.) Are the payback period (Pau Back Period - PP), the investment efficiency ratio (Average Rate of Return - ARR) and the debt coverage ratio, (Debt Cover Ratio - DCR ).

Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of a project based on discounted estimates are much more accurate, since they take into account various types of inflation, changes in interest rates, rates of return, etc. These indicators include: the profitability index method (Profitability Index - Pl), net worth, otherwise called "net present value" (Net Present Ua1ue) and internal rate of return (Internal Rate of Return - IRR).

Traditional project evaluation methods are widely used in financial practice.

The return on investment method is very common. But its significant drawback is that it ignores the future value of money, taking into account the income of the future period and, as a result, the inapplicability of discounting. In conditions of inflation, sharp fluctuations in the interest rate, and a low rate of internal savings of an enterprise in the real Russian economy, this method is not accurate enough.

Nevertheless, attention should be paid to the methodology for calculating the investment efficiency ratio, understood as the average profitability indicator for the entire period of the project.

This ratio is calculated by dividing the average annual profit by the average annual investment. Of course, this indicator is compared with the rate of return on advanced capital (the result of the average net balance).

However, all three traditional measures based on accounting estimates do not take into account the time component of cash flows. They do not fit with factor analysis and the dynamics of cash flows in economic reality. Therefore, the most complete project can be evaluated using methods based on discounted estimates.

Chapter 3 Nanotechnology

3.1 History of development of nanotechnology.

1905 Swiss physicist Albert Einstein published a paper in which he proved that the size of a sugar molecule is approximately 1 nanometer.

1931 German physicists Max Knoll and Ernst Ruska created an electron microscope, which for the first time made it possible to study nano-objects.

1959 American physicist Richard Feynman gave his first lecture at the annual meeting of the American Physical Society, entitled "Toys on the floor of the room." He drew attention to the problems of miniaturization, which at that time was relevant in physical electronics, mechanical engineering, and computer science. This work is considered by some to be fundamental in nanotechnology, but some points of this lecture contradict the laws of physics.

1968 Alfred Cho and John Arthur, employees of the scientific division of the American company Bell, developed the theoretical foundations of nanotechnology in surface treatment.

1974 Japanese physicist Norio Taniguchi at the international conference on industrial production in Tokyo introduced the word "nanotechnology" into scientific circulation. Taniguchi used this word to describe the ultra-fine processing of materials with nanometer precision, he proposed to call it mechanisms that are less than one micron in size. In this case, not only mechanical, but also ultrasonic processing, as well as beams of various kinds (electronic, ionic, etc.) were considered.

1982 German physicists Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer created a special microscope to study objects in the nanoworld. It was given the designation SPM (Scanning Probe Microscope). This discovery was of great importance for the development of nanotechnology, as it was the first microscope capable of showing individual atoms (SPM).

1985 American physicists Robert Curl, Harold Kroto and Richard Smaley created a technology that allows you to accurately measure objects with a diameter of one nanometer.

1986 Nanotechnology has become known to the general public. American futurist Erk Drexler, a pioneer of molecular nanotechnology, published the book "Engines of Creation", in which he predicted that nanotechnology would soon begin to develop actively, postulated the possibility of using nanosized molecules to synthesize large molecules, but at the same time deeply reflected all the technical problems that are now before nanotechnology. Reading this work is essential for a clear understanding of what nanomachines can do, how they will work, and how to build them.

1989 Donald Eigler, an employee of IBM, laid out the name of his company with xenon atoms.

1998 Dutch physicist Seez Dekker created the nanotechnology-based transistor.

1999 American physicists James Tour and Mark Reed determined that a single molecule is capable of behaving in the same way as molecular chains.

year 2000. The US administration supported the creation of the National Nanotechnology Initiative. Nanotechnology research has received government funding. Then $500 million was allocated from the federal budget.

year 2001. Mark Ratner believes that nanotechnology became a part of human life in 2001. Then two significant events took place: the influential scientific journal Science called nanotechnology the “breakthrough of the year”, and the influential business magazine Forbes called it “a promising new idea”. Nowadays, in relation to nanotechnology, the expression “new industrial revolution” is periodically used.

Compositions and technology for producing new thin-film nanostructured materials based on zirconium and germanium double oxides, which have high chemical and thermal resistance and good adhesion to various substrates (silicon, glass, polycor, etc.), have been developed at Tomsk State University of Russia. The thickness of the films is from 60 to 90 nm, the size of the inclusions is 20-50 nm. The materials obtained there can be used as coatings:

Glasses (solar-protective - well transmits visible light and reflects up to 45-60% of thermal radiation, heat-shielding - reflects up to 40% of solar radiation, selectively transmitting);

lamps (increase in light output by 20-30%);

Tools (protective and hardening - increase the service life of products).

Work is also underway at V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Directions of research: surface phenomena, phase transformations and the structure of condensed films. Research is carried out on films of metals and alloys (1.5 - 100 nm), obtained by condensation in vacuum on various substrates by electron microscopy (SPM), electron diffraction, as well as methods developed in the group (Gladkikh N.T., Kryshtal A.P. , Bogatyrenko S.I.)

3.2 achievements of nonotechnologies.

Liquid armor "will protect better than Kevlar?

A new type of uniform may soon appear in service with the United States, which, in terms of its protective properties and ergonomic characteristics, surpasses modern Kevlar counterparts.
The super-protection effect is achieved thanks to a special Kevlar bag filled with a solution of ultra-hard nanoparticles in a non-evaporating liquid. As soon as there is a high energy mechanical pressure on the Kevlar shell, the nanoparticles gather into clusters, changing the structure of the liquid solution, which turns into a solid composite. This phase transition occurs in less than a millisecond, which makes it possible to protect soldiers not only from a knife blow, but also from a bullet or shrapnel.

And recently, U.S. Armor Holdings, an American holding manufacturer of soldier's uniforms and body armor, licensed the technology<жидкого бронежилета>and plans to start mass production later this year.

Nanotubes in the regeneration of brain tissue and heart muscle

One of the most interesting achievements of scientists in the field of nanomedicine was the technology of repairing damaged nerve tissue using carbon nanotubes.

As experiments have shown, after implanting special matrices of nanotubes in a solution of stem cells into damaged areas of the brain, scientists found the restoration of nervous tissue already after eight weeks.
However, when using nanotubes or stem cells separately, there was no similar result. According to scientists, this discovery will help people suffering from Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.
Nanostructures can also help in rehabilitation therapy after acute heart disease. Thus, nanoparticles introduced into the blood vessels of mice helped restore cardiovascular activity after myocardial infarction. The principle of the method is that self-assembling polymeric nanoparticles help<запустить>natural vascular repair mechanisms.

Nanodiamonds - a new word in nanomedicine

The new nanoparticles, called nanodiamonds by scientists, could be used to efficiently transport healthy genes to diseased body cells, Nano Digest reports. Nanodiamonds are less toxic to the body than carbon nanotubes and are completely biocompatible. According to scientists, their discovery may become one of the promising methods of combating serious diseases, including cancer.

In modern medicine, the most commonly used method of transporting genes with the help of viruses, which in the course of evolution have developed very effective mechanisms for penetrating the cell. The reverse side of this method is the possibility of developing cancerous processes or even cell death.

Another delivery method is based on the use of polymer shells, which are less dangerous, but also much worse penetrating into cells. According to the researchers, nanodiamonds, which are easily dispersed in water and just as easily penetrate into cells, will help solve the problem of gene transport, without causing irritation inside it. Now the team of scientists is developing multifunctional nanodiamonds that can be used for imaging and subsequent drug delivery.

Nanotechnology will save world culture

If until now it was necessary to carry out the most complex operations to remove dust and dirt from ancient paintings, now the works of the masters will be cleaned without harm to art. The revolutionary method was developed on the basis of nanotechnologies, which today find application in the most unexpected areas.
Although nanotechnologies began to develop relatively long ago, until recently they remained in the shadows, as if gaining strength in order to declare themselves at the top of their voices. Today, the new industry is of increased public interest.
Nanotechnology operates with the smallest particles, the dimensions of which do not exceed thousands of nanometers (ten to the ninth meters). It is difficult to predict all the possibilities that new technology will provide us with - effective drugs, unique materials, miniature devices, and, as it turns out, this is not the limit.
Chemist Piero Baglioni from the University of Florence has developed a new method for cleaning works of art. Until now, even the most sensitive modern cleaning methods were accompanied by numerous problems - now all of them will be eliminated. This requires a sponge, a special gel and, oddly enough, a magnet.
Many current methods lead to slow deterioration of paintings. When removing stains, museum workers, despite their best efforts, often leave particles of cleaning agents on the picture.
Piero Baglioni claims to have found a way to solve these problems with a cleaning gel that can be removed with a magnet. "Our development will replace the old method," said Baglioni.
The gel consists mainly of a polymer (polyethylene glycol and acrylamide) impregnated with iron nanoparticles. In the course of work, the painting is cleaned with special detergents, then the place of contamination is covered with a new gel, which absorbs all the remnants of the cleaning agent from the surface of the painting.
The last step is to act on the gel, which is easily removed from the surface of the painting with a conventional magnet without destroying the work of art. Thus, nanotechnologies will make it possible to preserve the cultural heritage for our descendants.

Microorganisms can produce nanotechnology

Can't we live for one day without hearing anything about bacteria and viruses? Maybe not, but we want to hear good news. Our use of the term "microscopic" is not likely to stop, and its use when talking about nanotechnology is just another example.

In 2004, researchers at the University of Texas at Austin tried to use the once-popular E. coli bacterium to create superconducting nanocrystals that may soon appear in a new generation of computers, optical PCs.

Tiny optical computers of the future may use optical signals instead of electronic ones to process data, and superconducting nanocrystals created by bacteria will act as light-emitting diodes (LEDS) needed to drive optical signals.

Viruses can also be obtained in nanotechnology laboratories. In 2006, scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology tackled the problem of making small bacterial viruses or bacteriophages (viruses that can infect bacteria) to create nanowires that can be used in lithium ion nanobatteries.

Some nanomaterials can build themselves

The following example of the use of nanotechnology is perhaps one of the most impressive demonstrations of the potential of nanotechnology. Under certain conditions, molecules can grow and in the process are able to acquire various configurations (depending on their charge and other natural properties of molecular chemistry).

This simple process makes it possible to believe that self-assembling microcomputers are no longer science fiction.

Examples of complex self-formations are quite common. A group of Swedish researchers have literally grown nanowires by building a complex nanotree, which they plan to equip with solar "leaves" and get a kind of solar nanobattery.

In addition to facilitating fabrication, the real advantage of "growing" nanomaterials is that they remain homogeneous and are not affected by the inhomogeneities that can occur during the normal fabrication process.

A potential stumbling block could be the concern of those who fear that the process of self-assembly may become uncontrollable, leading humanity to the way it is shown in the Terminator trilogy.

3.3 Nanotechnology perspectives

1. Medicine. Creation of molecular robotic doctors that would "live" inside the human body, eliminating or preventing all damage, including genetic ones.
Implementation period - the first half of the XXI century.

2. Gerontology. Achieving personal immortality of people through the introduction of molecular robots into the body that prevent cell aging, as well as restructuring and improving the tissues of the human body. Revival and cure of those hopelessly ill people who were currently frozen by cryonics methods.
Implementation period: third - fourth quarters of the XXI century.
3. Industry. Replacing traditional production methods with molecular robots assembling commodities directly from atoms and molecules.
The implementation period is the beginning of the 21st century.

4. Agriculture. Replacement of natural food producers (plants and animals) with similar functional complexes of molecular robots.
They will reproduce the same chemical processes that occur in a living organism, but in a shorter and more efficient way. For example, from the chain
"soil - carbon dioxide - photosynthesis - grass - cow - milk" all unnecessary links will be removed. Will remain "soil - carbon dioxide - milk
(cottage cheese, butter, meat)". Such "agriculture" will not depend on weather conditions and will not need hard physical labor. And its productivity will be enough to solve the food problem once and for all.

The implementation period is the second - fourth quarter of the XXI century.
5. Biology. It will be possible to introduce nanoelements into a living organism at the atomic level. The consequences can be very different - from
"restoration" of extinct species to the creation of new types of living beings, biorobots.

6. Ecology. Complete elimination of the harmful effects of human activities on the environment. Firstly, by saturating the ecosphere with molecular orderly robots that turn human waste into raw materials, and secondly, by transferring industry and agriculture to waste-free nanotechnological methods.
Implementation period: mid-21st century.

7. Space exploration. Apparently, the exploration of space in the "usual" order will be preceded by its exploration by nanorobots. A huge army of molecular robots will be released into near-Earth outer space and prepare it for human settlement - make the Moon, asteroids, the nearest planets habitable, build space stations from "improvised materials" (meteorites, comets). It will be much cheaper and safer than the current methods.

8. Cybernetics. There will be a transition from the currently existing planar structures to volumetric microcircuits, the size of active elements will decrease to the size of molecules. The operating frequencies of computers will reach terahertz values.
Schematic solutions based on neuron-like elements will become widespread.
High-speed long-term memory based on protein molecules will appear, the capacity of which will be measured in terabytes. will become possible
"resettlement" of human intelligence in the computer.
Implementation period: the first - the second quarter of the XXI century.

9. Reasonable living environment. Due to the introduction of logical nanoelements into all the attributes of the environment, it will become "reasonable" and extremely comfortable for humans.
Implementation period: after the XXI century.


Innovative activity - a type of activity associated with the transformation of ideas-innovations into a new improved product introduced on the market; into a new or improved technological process used in practice; into a new approach to social services.

The following main types of innovative activities are distinguished: instrumental preparation and organization of production, start-up of production and production development, including product and process modifications, retraining of personnel for the use of new technologies and equipment, marketing of new products; acquisition of intangible technology in the form of patents, licenses, know-how, trademarks, designs, models and services of technological content; purchase of machinery or equipment related to the introduction of innovations; production design necessary for the development, production and marketing of new goods, services; reorganization of the management structure.

The choice of the method and direction of innovative activity of an enterprise depends on the resource and scientific and technical potential of the enterprise, market requirements, stages of the life cycle of equipment and technology, and features of industry affiliation.

When designing, developing and implementing innovations, it is necessary to determine the necessary costs for their implementation, possible sources of financing, evaluate the economic efficiency of innovations, compare the effectiveness of various innovations by comparing income and costs.


1. Gruzinov V.P., Gribov V.D. Enterprise Economics: Textbook. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2006.

2. Gruzinov V.P. Enterprise Economics: A Textbook for High Schools. – M.: Unity-DANA, 2005.

3. Sergeev I.V. Enterprise Economics: Textbook. – M.: Finance and statistics, 2007.

4. Sheremet A.D. Theory of economic analysis: Textbook. – M.: INFRA-M, 2006.

5. Economics of the enterprise: Textbook. / Ed. Safronova N.A. - M .: "Jurist", 2006.

6. Enterprise Economics: Textbook. / Ed. Semenova V.M. - M .: Center for Economics and Marketing, 2006.

7. Economics of the enterprise: Textbook for universities / Ed. V.Ya. Gorfinkel, E.M. Kupryakova. – M.: UNITI-DANA, 2007.

8. Economic theory: Textbook for university students / Ed. Kamaeva V.D. – M.: VLADOS, 2008.

To determine the economic efficiency of introducing new equipment and technology, first of all, the amount of costs is determined, which in this case is represented by capital investments made during the implementation:

where Kv- amount of necessary capital investments;

C- the price of the introduced equipment;

M - installation cost;

AND - the cost of tools, components;

Tr- transportation costs;

ObSdop- the cost of additional working capital (stocks of raw materials, materials, etc.) associated with the introduction of technology.

If, during the introduction of a new machine, old equipment is replaced, then in the event that this old equipment is sold for scrap or to some other organization, the amount received due to this is deducted from the amount of capital investments. The amount received in this case is called the liquidation value (the value received through liquidation).

In the case when the old replaced equipment is not sold to the side and has not yet paid for itself, that is, it has not yet fully depreciated itself, then its residual value should be added to capital investments, since these are the costs of the enterprise. Thus, the new technology will have to compensate the enterprise for the losses associated with its implementation.

As a rule, capital investments for the acquisition and implementation of new technology are paid off at the expense of additional profits received from rising prices (with improving the quality of goods), by reducing the production costs of these goods. Therefore, the second stage calculates the effect using one of the following formulas.

If we take into account that the profit of the enterprise is formed due to the difference between the price and the cost, then it is necessary to consider the impact of these economic indicators when introducing technology:

1. If only the price changes (the organization is interested in when it rises):

where Ent

tsn- the new price per unit of goods, after the implementation of the measure;

Cs- the old price per unit of goods, before the implementation of the measure;


2. If only the cost changes (the organization is interested when it decreases):

where Ent- the effect of the introduction of new technology;

ss- the old cost of a unit of goods, before the implementation of the measure;

Sn- the new unit cost of goods, after the implementation of the measure;

Q- Quantity of goods sold.

3. If both the price and the cost price change:

where PRn- new profit received after the implementation of the measure;

PRs- old profit received before the implementation of the measure.

The economic effect indicator is calculated on a one-year basis.

At the third stage, the economic efficiency is directly calculated from the introduction of new equipment or technology for the year:

In addition, to evaluate the effectiveness of the measure taken, another indicator is calculated, which is the inverse of economic efficiency, and is called the payback period of capital investments:

Since capital investments must be paid off from the additional profit received by the enterprise, i.e., due to the economic effect obtained from the introduction of new equipment or technology, the number of years for which they will pay off is calculated according to the above formula.

After the indicators have been obtained, i.e. at the fourth stage, it is necessary to assess whether the efficiency is high enough so that the implementation process can immediately begin.

To assess the required level, you can use the so-called normative level of economic efficiency. In different economic situations, in different conditions of implementation and operation of equipment and technology, this normative coefficient of economic efficiency can be set at the level of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation - at the current time - 10.5% per year.

In addition, the criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of capital investments is the alternative efficiency of using funds invested in technology. In this situation, the bank interest offered by the bank for keeping money acts as an alternative. If the calculated economic efficiency is less than the bank interest, then it makes no sense for the organization to introduce this technique or technology, but it is easier and more profitable to put money in the bank.

The use of modern achievements in the field of new equipment and production technologies is important for the development of the national economy of the country. The creation and implementation of new technology is associated with significant material and financial costs. Therefore, the feasibility of mastering and developing new technology, as well as its use in a particular production environment, requires a feasibility study.

A feasibility study for the creation and implementation of new machines and equipment, as well as new technological processes in each industry enterprise has its own characteristics, which are based on the industry specifics of production.

At the same time, there are methodological foundations common to all sectors of the national economy for economic evaluation and justification of the effectiveness of the introduction of new technology.

New equipment and technologies introduced into production include:

1. Structurally new means of labor that have no analogues. Their creation requires significant capital investments and time (5 - 8 years).

2. New types of equipment for a particular enterprise that meet modern scientific and technical requirements, which are used in other industries or abroad and require adaptation to a specific production.

3. Upgraded technology that meets modern scientific and technical requirements. These types of equipment can be created on the basis of existing samples, their creation and implementation does not require significant costs and a long time for development.

4. New or improved technological processes.

5. Fundamentally new or qualitatively improved material resources or objects of labor.

Activities related to the introduction of new technology, as a rule, are less capital-intensive than investment projects involving capital construction, the creation of new industries or a complete technical or technological reconstruction of production.

The solution to the problem of introducing new technology is connected with the desire of the enterprise to increase production efficiency by more accelerated measures. Therefore, when assessing the need to replace old equipment with new or upgrade old equipment, a different approach is used.

The expediency of replacing or upgrading old equipment is determined by the annual economic effect obtained from the introduction of new equipment:

where is the annual economic effect of the introduction of new technology; - annual reduced costs when using old and new equipment, respectively; - current operating costs for old and new equipment; - capital investments associated with the acquisition of new equipment and old equipment; – normative coefficient of efficiency of new technology.

Since the introduction of new technology is subject to increased requirements for its faster payback, the standard payback period is set within 5-7 years and the minimum value of the efficiency coefficient = 0.15.

If the new equipment has a qualitative difference from the existing one in terms of its productivity or power, then the calculation of the annual economic effect is made on the basis of unit costs per unit of production volume.


where is the annual production volume achieved with the use of new technology.

Obviously, if the value of the annual economic effect has a negative value, then the introduction of new technology is not advisable, since its payback period will be higher than the normative one.

When determining the current costs or the cost of production, one can take into account all the elements of costs that are associated with the operation of old and new equipment with the quality parameters or production volume that the new equipment provides. It is possible to take into account only those costs that differ when using different technical devices.

So, for example, if the introduction of new technology provides a reduction in the labor intensity of production, then when calculating current costs, it is imperative to take into account the costs of paying workers for various types of equipment. It is obvious that the amounts of depreciation charges for various types of fixed assets will have differences. If the introduction of a new technique or technology changes the costs of materials or raw materials, then they must also be calculated according to the options under consideration.

Capital costs for the introduction of new equipment are made up of the price of this equipment - C NT, the cost of components - C comp, the cost of installation work - C mon and other costs associated with the transportation and implementation of equipment - C pr.

If during the liquidation of old equipment it is sold, then in capital investments for old equipment its liquidation value is taken into account with the sign (plus or minus) that is obtained when calculating according to the formula:


where K lik is the liquid value of old equipment; Cpok is the replacement cost of acquiring old equipment; t cn is the standard service life of old equipment; t isp - the actual period of use of old equipment until it is replaced.

Economic efficiency of new technology

an indicator that characterizes the national economic results and the economic feasibility of the production of new technology and its application. A distinction is made between fundamentally new technology, the introduction of which is at an early stage (for example, fast neutron reactors, lasers, cryogenic power lines, hovercraft), and new technology that has not been sufficiently introduced (for example, computers, automatic lines with numerical control, etc. .). A fundamentally new technique requires large investments in “finishing”, the transition to mass production, advancement into new areas of application, etc., but in the future it can be expected to have a significant effect. New technology requires less investment in fine-tuning and improvement, and production costs depend on the scale of possible implementation; the effect of this type of new technology can be implemented faster and also depends on the scale of implementation.

Methods for determining E. e. n. i.e., the same as the methods for determining the economic efficiency of capital investments (See Economic efficiency of capital investments). The basis of these methods is a comparison of the costs of new equipment with the effect obtained from it. There are absolute (general) and comparative efficiency of new technology. Absolute - is measured by the ratio of the effect obtained from the new technology (in the form of an increase in output and a decrease in its cost or an increase in profits) to the costs of its creation and implementation. Comparative - used to select the best variant of new equipment from available samples by determining the payback period for capital investments (See Return on capital investments) or comparing the reduced costs (See Reduced costs) by options.

To determine the economic potential of implementation - the effect obtained from the maximum number of units of new equipment under optimal conditions - and the actual (possible) scale of implementation for individual years, the following is calculated: cost reduction for the production of new equipment equivalent in capacity to the old one; increase in output, which can be obtained as a result of the use of new technology; increase in profits for the producer and consumer by increasing production, reducing costs and changing prices. The transition to the manufacture of new products can be associated with additional costs for the manufacturer (in particular, with insufficient experimental and other preparatory work), which at first can lead to a reduction in its profits or even losses. Additional costs in the transition to the use of new technology may be at its consumer. This is offset by the subsequent increase in profits as production increases and costs decrease. In addition, a temporary reduction in profits or losses can be covered by a bank loan. The price of new equipment is set at such a level as to ensure the interest of producers in production, and consumers - in the use of new equipment. In addition to cost, about E. e. n. t. can be judged by such indicators as the release of labor, the facilitation and improvement of working conditions, the reduction in the consumption of scarce materials, the improvement in the quality and reliability of products, which cannot always be reflected in their cost and prime cost.

There are planned and actual E. e. n. t.

Planned - is determined according to planned data on the volume of production, capital investments, cost and payback of capital investments. Data on planned and actual E. e. n. t. are used in determining the desirable directions for its development and in planning its implementation. When planning the effectiveness of new equipment, when the price is not yet known, the costs of new equipment can be determined according to estimates for its manufacture, and in the absence of estimates, according to enlarged standards and taking into account analogues.

Actual - is measured by the ratio of reducing the cost of production or increasing profits from the introduction of new technology to capital investments for these purposes. The costs of new equipment are added to the costs of its delivery and installation, the construction of production facilities (or savings on capital investments due to the freed up space are deducted), as well as the costs of increasing (or savings are deducted) working capital associated with the introduction of new technology. The data obtained are compared with the costs that would be required with the same technical base and the same production volume. In addition to capital investments, the cost of production for new and old equipment is also compared. If the introduction of new technology is associated with an increase in output, then the cost price is recalculated for the increased volume, taking into account the conditionally constant part of the costs and its changes.

Lit.: Methodology (basic provisions) for determining the economic efficiency of using new technology, inventions and rationalization proposals in the national economy, Economic Newspaper, 1977, No. 10; Basic methodological provisions for determining the economic efficiency of scientific research, M., 1964; Mansfield E., Economics of scientific and technological progress, trans. from English, M., 1970; Scientific and technical progress and efficiency of social production, M., 1972; Gatovsky L. M., Scientific and technical progress and the economy of developed socialism, M., 1974; Zaitsev B., Determination of the effectiveness of technical innovations, "Economic Issues", 1977, No. 10.

T. S. Khachaturov.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

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  • Economic efficiency of new equipment and technology in mechanical engineering, Velikanova K. The book discusses methods for determining and analyzing the comparative economic efficiency of the use of new equipment and technology in mechanical engineering, taking into account new developments in this area.…

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