Murder Mystery in GTA V. Storyline Endings In addition to Lester's Missions

To get gold for this mission you need:
1. Kill the target with a sniper rifle.

This is the first task after passing which you can make very good money by buying and selling shares. How to do it? And it's very simple: BEFORE before accepting this quest, buy all three characters shares of the company BettaPharmaceuticals for all money. In my case, it turned out like this: Franklin bought 428 shares on 196.893$ , Michael 2543 pieces per 1.169.857$ , Trevor 350 grand on 156.411$ . The price per share was $460.02. Now we switch to Franklin and take the task from Lester.

1. We go to the multi-level parking near the Von Krastenburg hotel and go up to the top floor. We take a position with a sniper rifle with a silencer on the roof of the car in which we arrived (see screenshot below).

2. Our goal is a man in a pink shirt. When you see him, shoot.

3. Now get into your car and jump down from the springboard with acceleration.

4. This completes the mission. Literally in half a minute, Lester will call Franklin and say that he bought a house in Vinewood Hills. And to minimize tax payments, you need someone to live there. So this house will be given to Franklin.

5. We go to our new home, go down to the lower floor and sleep on the bed 3-4 times until the percentage of income of our shares reaches 49.99$ . Now you can sell them. Franklin's profit will be 98.444$ , Trevor will earn 78.203$ , and Michael will accordingly receive 584.915$ .

6. Now again we spend all the money on securities. This time we buy shares of the company Bilkinton on the LCN exchange at a price of about $ 80 apiece. You will need to sell them after completing the next mission.

Next mission: "

Multi-Target Assassination is a mission in GTA 5. This is Lester Franklin's second assignment, in which the hero must destroy three targets at once. In addition, Franklin can make good money by investing in the LCN stock market.

Kill - 4 targets

You must complete four kills in a limited time. Take the car and look on the minimap for the bodybuilder who is posing on the corner of the street. If he sees you, he will run away. Sniper rifle to help you.

Head to your next destination. Point your rifle at the yacht, which is standing next to the shore, and kill the number two target - the jury.

Once at the next waypoint, look up and kill the window cleaner.

The last target is riding a motorcycle through the hills. Catch up and hit the motorcycle, then kill the motorcyclist.


To earn extra money, invest more money in Debonair Cigarettes in the LCN stock market before completing the mission. After the end of the mission, go to the LCN website and you will see that your income was 80-90% of the invested amount. Exchange Debonair Cigarettes shares for cash and immediately invest in Redwood Cigarettes shares (on the LCN). In just a few days, Redwood Cigarettes shares will rise by 300%.
- In this mission, you will have to ride a lot, so it's better to choose a motorcycle. They are easier to manage, maneuver in the stream of cars and avoid clumsy drivers. In addition, on a motorcycle, you can easily deal with the last target, you just need to drive up from behind and shoot.
- If you chose a motorcycle, be patient, drive slowly and let Franklin put on his helmet in front of the road (just wait five seconds and he will do it automatically). With this approach, collisions will be less painful.

If you have previously played Grand Theft Auto V on PS3 or Xbox 360 and, being connected to the PSN or Xbox Live network, respectively, completed at least the prologue, then in gta v on PC and modern consoles, you can feel like Sherlock Holmes and take part in the unraveling of a mysterious murder on behalf of Michael.

Unlike other similar tasks, the game does not tell you anything about finding clues. You will also not receive parting words along the way, so follow our guide and completing this task will not take you much time.

Graffiti on the walls

First you need to find four incriminating inscriptions scrawled on various buildings in Los Santos. All of them, of course, are marked on ours. You don’t need to take pictures or do anything else with them, just get closer and you will hear a sound signaling a find. You can visit them in any order.

Then get a bathyscaphe (one will appear at the Sonar Collections Dock after purchase, the other in Cape Catfish after performing on animals) or a scuba boat (Los Santos) and go to the west coast of the state south of the Fort Zancudo military base.

Here, in the coastal waters, the tugboat Olifantus sank, not far from the bow of which the following evidence rests at the bottom. This is the body of a woman hands tied and a head bag. Her legs are encased in a concrete block. You don't have to be a detective to understand that she was not here of her own free will.

Letter in the office

To complete the next stage of the investigation, the Meltdown story mission must be completed. If this condition is met, go to the office of Solomon Richards on the territory of his film studio after 21:00. A yellow marker will be lit on the steps, as when receiving a standard mission. Enter it and you will find yourself in the director's office. On the table is a letter of confession addressed to his father.

It features Fred Quincy, owner of Fred's Pictures ( GTA- an analogue of Walt Disney Pictures), tells his friend David Richards (Solomon's father and founder of Richards Majestic Productions) about the atrocity he committed. He confesses to the murder of actor Isaac: he allegedly did not give his all on the set of the film "Bip the Dog" and was ready to defect to work in another studio. Fred admits that he got drunk and dealt with the traitor, and hid the body in an old abandoned mine among the hills.

The woman whose body we found earlier at the bottom must have been Quincy's secretary. The letter suggests that she knew about the murder and tried to blackmail Fred. We already know the result.

Body in an abandoned mine

All this is a matter of bygone days, but it is still worth completing the investigation. Go to the mine, which was reported by Quincy in his message. The entrance to it is boarded up, so grab sticky bombs, grenades or something like that. Planks can also be destroyed with firearms, but it will be faster to blow them up.

It is dark in the mine, so a flashlight on the weapon will not hurt. Run straight to the fork, where you will stumble upon the body of the actor. As long as you are near him, you can press a button / on the gamepad or "E" on the keyboard to switch image filters in the noir style. There are two of them, the third press will return the standard display of the game.

In one day countless crimes occur, ranging from petty theft to murder. Yes, it's a metropolis! Our gaming "trinity" is far from being a saint, and they also have a lot of crimes on their account that are included in the general criminal statistics of the city. However, could you ever imagine that one of our gangsters will take on a case where you need to solve a crime, and not commit it? Of course, it's hard to imagine our criminal heroes in the form of a detective, but it happened! Now everyone who moved from the old PS3 and Xbox 360 consoles to the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC will have a unique opportunity to play Michael, but in a completely new guise of a private detective, where you will have to investigate a real murder! And now in order.

As I mentioned above, the mission will only be available to a character named Michael. You can start your grandiose investigation immediately after completing the mission of Solomon Richards called. It must be remembered that you will not have any clues for completing this quest - you are now a real detective!

To get started, head to the "Gentry Manor Hotel" in West Vinewood. In the place where Franklin and photographer Beverly performed. It is here that the first clue lies - an inscription scratched with something sharp on the wall of one of the mansions. It says: "Old Fred acts nice, but it ain't so!"

This message does not need to be photographed or sent to someone via SMS - just get closer to the evidence and you will hear a specific signal that will notify you that the evidence has been found.

North of Vinewood Hills is the Galileo Observatory. In order to get to the inscription located on the wall of the observatory, use the path that goes along the left side of the building. This inscription reads: "David Richards knows" (David Richards knows).

Apparently, this is the same Richards who scattered scraps of a letter all over the state in which his friend confesses to the murder.

Fred makes cartoons for kids, funny thing considering what he hid

The administration building is located on Power Street. Carefully look for a clue on the corner of the building, it is located in a small depression in the building.

The last clue scrawled on the wall is on Vinewood Boulevard. Look for the Oriental Theater building. The inscription is hidden behind a large palm tree, to the left of the entrance to the building. The clue reads: "Ain'tno mystery. They drowned her because of what she knew!" (It's not a secret. They drowned her because she knew!)

We find all the inscriptions on the walls. It becomes clear that the criminals drowned the poor woman or girl because she knew something about which the criminals chose to remain silent. Remember, there must be a specific signal that will notify you of the discovery of evidence!

Next, we are preparing a bathyscaphe and scuba gear, because we will have to dive to the very bottom of the ocean to find the next piece of evidence, and to be precise, the body of that woman who knew too much. Her legs are concreted, her hands are tied, and there is a bag on her head. The dive point is located nearby (Fort Zancudo) on the western coast of San Andreas. A ship sunken near the coastline can serve as a reference point under water.

When you find the body of a woman, the next stage of your investigation will begin. Head to the Richards Majestic film studio. You have to get into the office of Solomon Richards, but Michael will have such an opportunity at 21:00 game time. A yellow marker will appear near the entrance to the film studio office. Standing on it, Michael will be inside, in the office of Solomon Richards.

Take a close look at his desktop. There you will find a letter from Fred Quincy addressed to David Richards. Fred Quincy is the founder and owner of Fred's Pictures and an old friend of David Richards. In the letter, Fred confesses to the murder of a certain Isaac - an actor who starred in the film "Bipthe Dog" on which the film studio "Fred's Pictures" worked.

The author of the letter accuses the actor of not taking the filming of the film seriously and has recently seriously thought about leaving for another film studio. Fred took the news painfully and that fateful evening got pretty drunk. He was very angry with Isaac and decided to have a serious talk with him, but he could not control himself and killed the actor. Fred hid the body of the poor fellow in an abandoned mine in the Great Chaparral. Quincy's secretary found out about the perfect act of Quincy and tried to blackmail him with this. He had no other choice - he killed her, and drowned her body, having concreted her legs.

Judging by the graffiti left on the wall, there is someone else who knows about the crime committed. Some gaming resources on the Internet suggest that these inscriptions were left by the deceased secretary, but there are two significant inconsistencies here. First: the last inscription says that she was drowned. How could the secretary know how Fred would get rid of her body. Secondly, the inscription on the observatory says that David Richards knows about the crime committed, but he learned about it from a letter that Quincy sent him, and the killer wrote the letter when the actor and secretary were already dead. This means only one thing - there is someone else who knows ...

After you read the letter, head to the mine mentioned in Quincy's letter. Since the shaft has not been used by anyone except Fred for a long time, the entrance to it is tightly boarded up with boards that will have to be removed. To do this, you can use firearms, but the easiest way is to blow everything to hell! To do this, take a few grenades or explosives ... more powerful!

Entering inside the mine, you will find yourself in pitch darkness, so before traveling to this place, be sure to purchase a weapon with a flashlight. Move deep into the mine along the rails, when you come across a fork - you will find the body of the murdered actor Isaac. Stand next to him and press the key "E"(for PC) - two more "noir" style will be added to the usual style of play.

After that, Isaac will appear in the contacts of your phone. Calling for the first time - you activate the filter with yellow noise.

The second call will turn on the black and white game mode.

The third call will return the game to its previous form.

Also, new filters will appear in the "Snapmatic" application.

Congratulations! A murder mystery has been solved and you are the perfect replacement for Sherlock Holmes!
Good luck!

Video walkthrough of the mysterious murder in GTA 5:

Hello, young (and not so young) stockbrokers. The Gamebizclub team is on the air. Today we will teach you how to increase your gaming capital with the help of the stock markets, which Rockstar Games so kindly gave us. At some point, all players have a question - how to make money on the stock exchange in GTA 5? We have prepared for you a detailed guide on this topic, which you will now read.

To begin with, we note that you can earn quickly and a lot, however, this will require start-up capital, and the more it is, the better the end result will be. Thus, if you follow all our recommendations from the article about that, and then from the current guide, then the final balance of each of your characters will be one and a half, and possibly all two billion dollars.

Let's take as a starting point the moment when the missions with robberies have already been completed, and the tasks for Franklin that Lester gives are just waiting for you to start them, because it is at this moment that you have to retrain from charismatic gangsters to skillful scammers, but both all in order.

From this article you will learn:

Lester Cross Quests

This time we beat around the bush for a long time, but we hope for your understanding - it is very important to convey to all players that the actions we describe can and even need to be performed by each character from the trinity at our disposal.

Another important point is the following: in the process of performing the actions from our guide, a lot of time is spent waiting, so here's a little life hack for you - you can sleep, and it is noteworthy that each of the characters spends different times in bed.

Franklin needs 8 hours of sleep, Michael only 6, and Trevor crumples his sides for 12 hours in a row. Now let's get down to business.

Mission #1: Assassination - Hotel Assassination

Go online using the characters smartphone or laptop, go to exchange BAWSAQ and then consistently and methodically acquire BettaPharmaceuticals (BET) shares. Now choose Franklin and start the task.

You have to destroy some rogue (he may be a good guy, but it's better not to think about it) in a pink shirt, who leaves the hotel surrounded by security. Completing the task does not cause any difficulties, since you have to choose a convenient point on the multi-level parking opposite.

To do this, after arriving at the parking lot, at the indicated point, go to the highest level and park near the wall, which is located closer to the hotel exit.

As a reward, Franklin will have his home in Strawbery replaced with a mansion in Vinewood Hills, and he will also be given nine thousand dollars, but this is only a small part of what you will receive after the following steps.

Since you destroyed Brett Lowry, who was the CEO of Bilkinton Research (which is the main competitor of the guys whose shares you bought), you need to wait. After four in-game days, the growth will reach a peak - 80% or a little less - sell the acquired shares.

Mission #2: Assassination - 4 targets (The Multi Target Assassination)

First of all, buy shares of Debonaire Cigarettes on stock market LCN and then take the quest. You have to deal with four jurors who were paid by the board of directors of Debonaire Cigarettes in order to help them win in court.

You have to destroy a bodybuilder on the beach, a yachtsman floating on his ship, a window cleaner (if you can't find him, look up, he washes the windows of the building), as well as a motorcyclist - all in 9 minutes.

After that, you will be rewarded with seven thousand dollars, and you will again go to make money out of thin air: since even black PR is useful, at first the prices for Debonair will jump - after four game hours you will see an increase in the rate (on a PC it will be from 45 to 55%, and for consoles – 80%).

Note, however, that while you're not selling anything, wait until Redwood shares hit $50 before getting rid of valuable papers Debonair and buy Redwood. Now it's up to the small thing - to wait.

After 3-4 days, by gaming standards, of course, on PC the cost will jump by 295-305%, and on consoles and even cooler - 327%. Now sell all securities.

Task #3: Assassination - Panel (The Vice Assassination)

You again need to visit BAWSAQ.COM and buy iFruit Corporation shares there. After the purchase is made by all the characters, we switch to Franklin and proceed to the task, the purpose of which is Jackson Skinner, head of the development department at Facade.

You need to watch for him and figure it out. Make it with bombs, a sniper rifle or a third way - it's up to you, however, the reward is the same - $ 5,000. After completing the mission, wait for the iFruit assets to rise in price (24% on PC, 48% on Xbox and PS) and sell them.

Now invest in Facade and wait for it to rise - usually it takes 8 in-game days and brings up to 35% of revenue.

Mission #4: The Bus Assassination

Do not make any investments until you complete the task in which you need to destroy the underground millionaire. Steal a bus and follow the rules of the road, follow the set route from stop to stop, as there will be a lot of cops on the streets wanting to fulfill the plan to fill the cells of Los Santos.

Soon a target will enter your salon, however, following the instinct of self-preservation, the man will try to escape. But, since even a super-athlete will not be able to compete with an internal combustion engine, with the help of a bus you can easily catch up with him and get a well-deserved seven thousand dollars for this.

Now go to the BAWSAQ that made us rich, and buy Vacid shares at a time when the price of them has almost halved. After that, you need to wait until the company stabilizes, and the value of securities returns to its previous level, which, after five to seven days, will usually bring double profit.

Mission #5: The Construction Assassination

Before you start the quest, visit the LCN and spend all your money on GoldCoast Corporation securities. In this mission, it is necessary to destroy the bribe-taking businessman Enzo Bonelli, but the action is complicated by the fact that Enzo knows about the impending threat and is hiding at a construction site, surrounded by security.

You have to scatter all of Mr. Bonelli's guards, and then shoot down the helicopter with a rocket launcher. The $10,000 reward won't keep you waiting, and then you'll go on vacation for one in-game day, as that's how long it takes for prices to skyrocket by 60 and 80 percent for PC and consoles, respectively.

Additional earnings on the LCN and BAWSAQ exchanges

In addition to the tasks from Mr. Cross, there is another event in the game thanks to which you can fill your pockets with money - go to your favorite BAWSAQ and invest in the Tinkle company (as before - with all characters) and go on a trip to the Chumash region. There, near the Great Ocean Freeway exit on Inneseno Road, a business analyst who is missing his plane is voting.

We pick up a guy and find out that we have two and a half minutes to deliver him to the airport, if you manage, he will give valuable advice about a company whose stock prices will soon jump.

After a random fellow traveler is delivered to their destination, we take a short break - one in-game day, as a rule, during this time the shares will jump by 28-30 percent (about 50% on consoles), and when the peak is reached, we sell all the shares.

We also add that you can just play on the stock exchange. Go to the "Markets" tab and find an investment object - it is best to choose those companies whose asset prices are growing, which is marked with a green arrow pointing up, and wait for the maximum profit - immediately after the price starts to decrease (red arrow down ), sell shares.

Sometimes you can provoke an increase in the price of the assets of a particular company yourself - for example, you can buy AirEmu shares, and then steal a FlyUS plane. After you notice an increase in prices, sell shares.

Or you can buy shares of the insurance company AugeryInsurance, and start blowing up public transport, after which prices will fly up and it will be possible to profitably get rid of the company's securities.

In addition, it should be noted that BAWSAQ is an exchange that works only with the Internet connected, and online you can even cooperate with other players in order to raise money - buy Ammunation shares and a huge crowd of gamers fall into the store of the same name, buying up there ammunition. Thus, the company's assets will skyrocket, and it will be very profitable to sell shares.

As for the LCN, listen to the radio more carefully, sometimes they say good things, but still, do as the saying teaches - trust, but verify. Before investing, look at the charts.

And make it a rule - you can not invest in LifeInvander - their assets do not rise in price.

To know which corporations to interact with, here is a list of companies and their competitors:

Company Competitor
Clucking Bell TacoBomb
Pisswasser logger
CoolBeans BeanMachine
Go Postal PostOP
Slaughter, Slaughter & Slaughter Bullhead
Radio Los Santos WorldwideFM
eCola Rain
MazeBank BankOfLiberty
burger shot Up-An-Atom
Bilkington DollarPills
Fly US AirEmu
Redwood Debonaire

That's all we have for today, and if you have followed all our recommendations, then your characters will have nowhere to spend money, since for three you will have from 4.5 to 6 billion dollars, depending on the platform on which the action takes place.

Stay in touch. Bye everyone and see you soon.

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