Organizational and economic characteristics of SOAO VSK. Property insurance in VSK Insurance House

Chapter 2

2.1. Organizational and economic characteristics of the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky branch of SOAO "VSK"
VSK Insurance House (VSK SOJSC) carries out insurance activity since 1992 and currently occupies a leading position in the Russian insurance market.

VSK is the largest all-Russian universal insurance company that sells more than 100 types of modern insurance services, provides insurance coverage for over 125,000 enterprises and organizations, as well as 9 million Russian citizens.

The authorized capital of the company is formed in the amount of 3.2 billion rubles.

At the end of 2013, the Company is included in the TOP-20 largest insurance companies in Russia, ranking seventh. VSK collected insurance premiums in the amount of 37.81 billion rubles and paid out 18.12 billion rubles insurance compensation to their clients.

AT national ranking insurance companies of Russia, conducted by the rating agency "Expert RA", in 2001 SOJSC "VSK" became the first company to receive the highest reliability rating A ++ "Exceptionally high level of reliability" and has consistently maintained it to this day.

The high level of the VSK quality management system is confirmed by the GOST R ISO 9001-2011 (ISO 9001:2008) certificate and complies with international standards.

Insurance House VSK was recognized as the winner of the national award in the field of business "Company of the Year 2013" in the nomination "Insurance Company".

VSK has the most extensive regional network among Russian insurance companies operating within a single legal entity - more than 840 branches and branches in the main administrative and industrial centers of our country (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Regional network of SOAO "VSK"

Petropavlovsk - Kamchatka branch of the Insurance Open Joint Stock Company "VSK" (hereinafter referred to as the Branch) was established on the basis of the decision of the Board of Directors of the Company dated October 8, 1992 No. 4.

The branch carries out its activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Company and other regulatory and administrative acts of the Company.

The branch is a separate subdivision of the company and performs its functions. The branch is not a legal entity, acts on behalf of and in the interests of the company. The branch has seals, stamps and forms with its name and the short name of the company.

The purpose of the branch's activities is to achieve a positive financial result in the performance of the Company's functions.

The branch, within the framework of the powers granted, carries out on behalf of the Company the insurance activities provided for by the license issued to the company by the insurance supervisory authority.

The subject of activity and functions of the branch:

  • conclusion of insurance, reinsurance and co-insurance contracts;

  • protection of property interests of individuals and legal entities upon the occurrence of insured events at the expense of monetary funds formed from paid insurance premiums;

  • assessment of insurance risks;

  • determination of the amount of loss or damage;

  • making insurance payments;

  • realization of subrogation rights, etc.
The property of the branch is an integral part of the Company's property, belongs to it by right of ownership and is reflected in single balance sheet Companies.

The branch will fulfill the obligations of the Company for settlements with the budget and extra-budgetary funds, as well as for other obligatory payments arising in connection with the Company's tax registration in tax authorities at the location of the Branch of the Company.

General management of the activities of the Branch is carried out by the Management Board and the General Director of the Company.

The management of the current activities of the Branch is carried out by the director of the Branch, appointed by order of the General Director of the Company, on the basis of a power of attorney.

The organizational structure of the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky branch of SOAO "VSK" is shown in diagram 1.

Scheme 1. Organizational structure of the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky branch of SOAO "VSK"

Accounting, reporting and document flow in the Branch is carried out in the manner determined by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, other regulatory and administrative acts of the Company. The results of the insurance and financial and economic activities of the Branch are reflected in the statistical and accounting reports and are included in the balance sheet and profit and loss statement of the Company, accounting and statistical reports of the Company.

In the Kamchatka Territory as of January 1, 2014, according to the statistics of the Department insurance market Bank of Russia insurance activities are carried out by 35 insurance companies. TOP-10 companies in terms of revenues of the Kamchatka Territory at the end of 2013 are shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. TOP-10 largest insurance companies

Kamchatka Territory, 2013

According to the results of 2013, the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky branch of SOAO VSK occupies 13.63% of the Kamchatka insurance market in terms of the volume of collected insurance premium, yielding the championship to OJSC IC Alliance (20.31%).

Let's consider information about the collected insurance premium and payments of the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky branch for 2011-2013. (Table 1).

Table 1. Dynamics of receipts and payments of the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky branch of VSK in 2011-2013, thousand rubles



Deviation (+/-)

Growth rate,%









79 965

105 465

112 316

25 500

6 851




20 299

24 048

79 714

3 749

55 666



The dynamics of the receipt of bonuses and payments of the branch is clearly shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Dynamics of receipts and payments of the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky branch of "VSK" in 2011-2013

According to the analytical table 1, the total amount of collected insurance premiums under insurance contracts in 2012 compared to 2011 increased by 25.5 billion rubles. (31.889%), in 2013 this trend continues - the growth rate was 106.496%.

Insurance payments in 2012 compared to 2011 increased by 3.749 billion rubles (18.469%). In 2013 growth rate of insurance payments in comparison with 2012. amounted to 231.479%.

In this regard, it is necessary to conduct a more detailed analysis of insurance receipts and payments by types of insurance for 2012-2013.

Information on insurance premiums and payments by types of insurance for 2012-2013 are presented in table 2 (Appendix M).

Table 2 shows that in 2013 the total amount of collected insurance premiums increased by 6 billion 851 thousand rubles (6.5%). This was due to an increase in the share of premiums received for such types of insurance as personal insurance and OSAGO.

The share of each type of insurance is shown in Figure 4.


012 2013

Figure 4. The structure of the insurance portfolio of the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky branch for 2012-2013

The share of obligatory OSAGO insurance (33.263%) in the total volume of collected insurance premiums of the Company increased by 1.5 times (by 55.3%) compared to 2012, which ensured an increase in premiums by 13.330 billion rubles.

At the same time, compulsory car insurance civil liability, as in the past year, occupies the largest share in terms of insurance payments (46.466%).

An increase in insurance premiums of 2 billion 843 thousand rubles. secured by an increase in the share of voluntary personal insurance. This factor, in turn, caused a significant increase in insurance payments in 2013. In comparison with 2012, the volume of personal insurance payments increased from 4.416 to 14.929 billion rubles (338.066%).

As can be seen from Table 2, the Company's property insurance portfolio includes property insurance (25.52%) and civil liability insurance (2.4%). At the end of 2013, the shares of both types of insurance decreased by 7.497% and 2.056%, respectively. If the Company had kept the results of 2012 in this segment, the growth of premiums received from policyholders would have amounted to 8.163 billion rubles.

It should be noted that the decrease in income under property insurance contracts is accompanied by an increase in the volume of insurance payments on them. For 2013 the branch of the Company paid 27.531 billion rubles of insurance compensation, which is 22.617 billion rubles and 5.6 times more than in 2012.

In 2012 in terms of revenues property insurance occupied the largest share in the insurance portfolio of the Kamchatka branch of SOAO "VSK" 37.479%. In 2013 it fell to 27.925%. At the same time, the unprofitability of the sum insured with insurance payments of 4.914 billion rubles. was 12% in 2013. - increased to 88%.

In order to identify the reasons for the decline in income and a sharp increase in insurance payments, as well as to determine economic consequences of these events, it is necessary to analyze the property insurance of the branch in the context of each type of insurance carried out: property insurance and civil liability insurance.

2.2. Analysis of the main performance indicators of the Kamchatka branch of SOAO "VSK" for property insurance and civil liability

  1. Property insurance.
Property insurance in the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky branch of SOJSC "VSK" is carried out on the basis of legislative regulations governing insurance activities in the Russian Federation, as well as on the basis of local regulations of SOJSC "VSK" ("Rules No. 14/4 of insurance of property of enterprises (organizations and institutions) of all organizational and legal forms”, “Regulations No. 12/3 for hull insurance of watercraft”, “Regulations No. 13/1 transport insurance cargo”, etc. and underwriting guidelines for these types of insurance).

According to the licenses obtained by the Company, the branch carries out the following types property insurance:

  • funds insurance land transport(excluding funds railway transport);

  • air transport insurance;

  • water transport insurance;

  • cargo insurance;

  • (insurance of crops, agricultural crops, perennial plantings, animals);

  • property insurance of citizens, with the exception of vehicles;

  • insurance of property of legal entities, with the exception of vehicles and agricultural insurance.
For each type of property insurance, the Company has developed product lines that include several variants of insurance policies with the most convenient combinations of insurance risks, sums insured and tariffs for policyholders. An individual approach to each client provides quality service and takes into account all the needs of the insured.

The property insurance structure for 2013 is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Structure of property insurance by types for 2013

In the structure of the insurance portfolio of the Company's branch in terms of insurance proceeds in 2013, property insurance occupies 27.92%, which is 9.5% lower than in 2012.

In order to determine by how much and due to what types of insurance the share of property insurance as a whole has decreased, let us consider the dynamics of property insurance by types for 2012-2013.

Table 3. Dynamics of the collected insurance premium of the Kamchatka branch of SOAO VSK by types of property insurance for 2012-2013

Insurance type

Insurance premiums



Deviation (+/-)

Growth rate,%

Thousand rub.

in % of the total amount

Thousand rub.

in % of the total amount

8 617


5 515


-3 102


means of air transport

1 488


4 197


2 709


means of water transport

6 785


3 762


-3 023









agricultural insurance







11 725


8 279


-3 446


other property of citizens

4 912


5 661





34 825


28 666


-6 159


Table 3 shows that in 2013, compared to 2012, there were negative structural shifts in property insurance. For 4 out of 7 types of insurance, a decrease in the occupied share is observed. Compared to the previous year, the following types of insurance lost their positions:

  • water transport insurance - share decrease by 6.36%;

  • land transport insurance – share reduction by 5.5%;

  • insurance of other property of legal entities – decrease in the share by 4.79%;

  • agricultural insurance – reduction of the share by 0.5%.
Negative result in the collection of insurance premiums in the amount of 9.830 million rubles. by types of insurance, the share of which in 2013 decreased, could not cover the increase in the share of insurance of air transport (by 10.3%), other property of individuals (by 5.65%) and cargo (by 1.14%) in total quantitative terms of 3 million 671 thousand rubles. rubles.

The increase in fees for air transport insurance (2.709 million rubles) was ensured by the conclusion of insurance contracts with new aviation companies and an increase in the number of insured objects with the former main partners SUE Kamchatka Aviation Enterprise and LLC AK Kamchatka Airlines.

Increase in the amount of premiums for cargo insurance by 231 thousand rubles. was provided by the expansion client base for this type of insurance, and, accordingly, the conclusion of an additional number of insurance contracts, as well as an increase in insurance amounts for insured objects, which also leads to an increase in insurance premiums per one insurance contract.

The interest of the population in saving their household property in 2013 was the reason for the increase in the share of insurance of television, video equipment, household appliances; also, compared to the previous year, there is an increase in the number of contracts, the objects of which are individual buildings (houses, summer cottages, bathhouses) . In total, the amount of insurance premiums paid by insured individuals for property insurance, except for vehicles, amounted to 5.661 million rubles (an increase of 15.25% compared to 2012).

Policyholders - legal entities, on the contrary, have reduced their activity in insuring their property. In 2013 the growth rate for this type of insurance amounted to only 70.61%, the absolute deviation from the previous year amounted to 3.446 million rubles.

Table 4 (Appendix H) presents the types of insured property of enterprises, their share in the total volume of premiums for insurance of other property of legal entities, the number of contracts concluded, as well as average sums insured and awards.

It can be concluded that the volume of insurance has decreased in almost all types of insurance objects. Despite the fact that the average sums insured per one insurance contract for almost every type of property increased, and the average insurance premiums, the almost 1.5-fold decrease in the number of insurance contracts caused a decrease in total insurance revenues.

However, property insurance of legal entities still occupies a leading position among the types of property insurance, its share is 28.88%. The branch maintains long-term partnerships with the largest banks in the region. As part of insurance real estate, equipment, inventory and specialized machinery, the insurer actively cooperates with such financial and credit institutions as Open Joint Stock Company "Sberbank of Russia", Closed Joint Stock Company "Solid Bank", Joint Stock Kamchatka Commercial Agroprombank "KAMCHATKOMAGROPROMBANK", Joint Stock Commercial Bank "Municipal Kamchatprofitbank" and etc. More than 70 enterprises are under the insurance protection of VSK in the Kamchatka Territory.

More than 60% of water transport insurance accounts for fishing enterprises of the Kamchatka Territory. Yunia LLC, Loyd-Fish LLC, Sunrise LLC and other companies insure their fishing vessels, bringing in 2013. branch 3.762 million, rub. This figure is lower than the previous year by 3.023 million rubles. The number of concluded insurance contracts decreased due to new tariffs adopted by the Company's underwriting center, some clients of the branch moved to other insurance organizations.

The situation of reduction in insurance revenues is also observed in the CASCO insurance of land vehicles. The volume of premiums in 2013 amounted to 5 million 551 thousand rubles, which is 36% less than the same indicator of the previous year. Shares of insured vehicles owned by individuals and legal entities, compared to 2012 and 2013 are presented in table 5.

Table 5. Land vehicle insurance, 2012-2013

Vehicle owner



Deviation (+/-)

Growth rate, %

thousand roubles.


thousand roubles.



3 601 906


1 560 745


- 2 041 161


Legal entities

5 015 094


3 954 255


- 1 060 839



8 617 000


5 515 000


- 3 102 000


As can be seen from Table 5, despite the quantitative decrease in the amounts of receipts from legal entities, their share in the structure of CASCO CU increased. This was made possible by a significant reduction in premiums from individuals.

The vast majority of CASCO agreements are concluded when buying a new car, especially if it is purchased on credit or at a dealership. The type of insurance itself is quite expensive, moreover, it is accompanied by an increase in tariffs by 5-15%, which is associated with the extension of the law on the protection of consumer rights to insurance and an increase in prices for car repairs. Therefore, most customers prefer to save on CASCO and refuse voluntary insurance policies after the loan period expires.

It should also be noted that when understanding the need and advantages of this type of insurance without coercion by loan agreement or conditions of the dealership complicates the conclusion process or even leads to refusal of the conclusion insurance contract the fact that the modern Russian car market mainly consists of used cars, the life of which to a greater extent exceeds 10 years.

The situation of the insurer in this type of insurance is complicated by the increase in the number of insurance payments for 2013 by 54.96%. In 2012, the volume of collections of insurance premiums amounted to 8.617 million rubles, which is 70% higher than in 2011. Therefore, most of the losses in 2013 fell on contracts concluded in 2012, the effect of which extended to 2013.

The volume of insurance payments for other types of property insurance, their share in the total amount of payments, as well as growth rates are presented in Table 6.

Table 6. Insurance payments for voluntary property insurance, 2012-2013

Insurance type

Insurance payments



Deviation (+/-)

Growth rate,%

thousand roubles.

in % of the total amount

thousand roubles.

in % of the total amount

means of land transport (except for means of railway transport)

1 261


1 954




means of air transport



20 050


20 050


means of water transport














agricultural insurance







other property of legal entities

1 021


4 322


3 301


other property of citizens








2 494


27 001


24 507

1 082,64

The largest payout in 2013 was for air transport insurance. An insured MI-8 helicopter fell on its side while landing on a helipad in the UZON valley. The helicopter received damage to the tail boom and tail rotor. In the event of an insured event, the Company paid LLC AK Kamchatka Airlines an insurance indemnity in the amount of 20.05 million rubles.

For property insurance of legal entities most often insured events come on such objects of insurance as cars, equipment, special equipment. According to Table 4, the average sums insured for these types of property increased by 15.705 million rubles, which in turn caused an increase in insurance payments.

The amount of insurance payments for insurance of property of individuals as a whole is justified by the increase in the number of insurance contracts concluded in 2013.

To date, the state of property insurance in the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky branch of SOAO "VSK" is characterized by a negative trend in almost all types of insurance. In previous years, the leaders were insurance of legal entities, insurance of land and water transport. Today they are rapidly losing their positions. "Motor" types of insurance are in a state of crisis, clients of the corporate sector are reducing their budgets and, accordingly, insurance costs.

According to the results of 2013, the air transport and property insurance segment showed active growth. However, in general, the branch has practically ceased to increase volumes, and insurance payments continue to increase, so it becomes more and more difficult to make a profit.

  1. Civil liability insurance.
Article 929, paragraph 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation states that under a property insurance contract, the risk of liability for obligations arising from damage to life, health or property of other persons can be insured, and in cases provided for by law, also liability under contracts - the risk of civil liability.

SOJSC "VSK" according to the available licenses has the right to carry out the following types of civil liability insurance:

  • civil liability insurance of motor vehicle owners;

  • civil liability insurance of air transport owners;

  • insurance of civil liability of owners of railway vehicles;

  • civil liability insurance of water transport owners;

  • civil liability insurance of organizations operating dangerous objects;

  • insurance of civil liability for causing harm due to defects in goods, works, services;

  • civil liability insurance for causing harm to third parties;

  • civil liability insurance for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the contract;

  • carrier civil liability insurance.
When insuring civil liability in accordance with Article 4 of the Federal Law “On the Organization of Insurance Business in the Russian Federation”, “the object of insurance is property interests associated with the risk of liability for causing harm to life, health or property of citizens, property of legal entities, municipalities, subjects of the Russian Federation or the Russian Federation; as well as the risk of liability for breach of contract.”

Civil liability insurance can act both in the form of voluntary and compulsory insurance.

Types of compulsory insurance of civil liability is a measure of state coercion used to restore the violated rights of the victim (third parties), to satisfy him at the expense of the violator. They are established by the relevant laws (FZ No. 40-FZ "On Compulsory Insurance of Civil Liability of Motor Vehicle Owners", Federal Law No. 225-FZ "On Compulsory Insurance of Civil Liability of the Owner of a Hazardous Facility for Causing Harm as a Result of an Accident at a Hazardous Facility", FZ No. 67- Federal Law "On Compulsory Insurance of the Carrier's Civil Liability for Causing Harm to Life, Health, and Property of Passengers and on the Procedure for Compensating Such Harm Caused During the Transportation of Passengers by the Subway", etc.).

An example of the documents required for concluding a contract of compulsory insurance of civil liability of the owner of a hazardous facility for causing harm as a result of an accident at a hazardous facility is presented in the annexes section (Appendix P "Application for insurance of civil liability of owners of hazardous production facilities”, Appendix R “List of insured hazardous production facilities”, Appendix C “Information (questionnaire) on hazardous production facilities”, Appendix T “Contract of insurance of civil liability of owners of hazardous production facilities”).

Voluntary insurance includes insurance for damage caused by defects in goods, works, services; for causing harm to third parties, for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the contract; as well as insurance of civil liability of owners of vehicles (land, rail, air, water) and organizations operating hazardous facilities in excess (additionally) of the limits established by the relevant federal laws.

The essential conditions of voluntary civil liability insurance are reflected in the application and civil liability insurance contract (Appendix U "Application for insurance of civil liability of builders due to shortcomings in work", Appendix F "Civil liability insurance policy that may occur in case of damage due to shortcomings in work that have impact on the safety of capital construction projects”)

In the structure of the insurance portfolio of the Company's branch, according to Table 2, compulsory civil liability insurance in 2013 occupies about 36%, voluntary civil liability insurance accounts for 2.4% of collected insurance premiums.

Let us consider the dynamics of compulsory civil liability insurance by types for 2012-2013, presented in Table 7 (Appendix X "Insurance premiums and payments for compulsory civil liability insurance, 2012-2013") in order to determine which types and how much its share has changed compared to the previous period.

Collection of insurance premiums for compulsory types of civil liability insurance in 2013 compared to 2012 increased by 11.806 million rubles. (40.84%).

This became possible due to an increase in the amount of proceeds from civil liability insurance of vehicle owners by 13,300 thousand rubles, the growth rate was 155.28%.

However, the negative dynamics of proceeds from civil liability insurance of HIF owners (growth rate of 69.18%) reduced the total amount of fees by 1.494 million rubles. This is due to the fact that most of the previously concluded contracts are extended in the reporting year, and accordingly, if there are no insurance payments on them, a discount is given. There are also enterprises that have withdrawn some hazardous facilities from the State Register of Hazardous Production Facilities, as a result of which insurance premiums under such contracts have decreased accordingly.

In 2013, one insurance payment was made in the amount of 214 thousand rubles. as a result of an accident on a hazardous production facility. In general, insurance payments increased by 22.536 million rubles compared to the previous year. The main reason for this was the increased amount of insurance indemnities for OSAGO.

In 2013, MTPL insurers received 2.5 times more insurance compensation than in 2012.

Comparing receipts and payments under OSAGO, one can see that the loss ratio of the type of insurance in 2013 was 99.1%, while in 2012 this figure was 60%. Taking into account the emerging trend, it can be assumed that in 2014 this type of insurance may become a detrimental factor for the Company's branch to worsen its financial position.

Such a tense situation with OSAGO has developed in the Russian Federation as a whole. The combined loss ratio in 2013 was above 100% in 11 regions of the country. In 2013, the Kamchatka Territory became the leader among the regions in terms of unprofitability in CTP in 2013, this indicator in it reached 139%.

Since OSAGO obligatory view insurance, then the problem can be solved only at the legislative level. Particularly acute is the issue of calculating insurance rates, and in particular the incorrect calculation of territorial coefficients.

In order to insure additional risks, increase the sums insured that are not covered by compulsory insurance, or insure their liability for causing harm to third parties or failure to fulfill obligations under contracts, policyholders resort to voluntary civil liability insurance.

Insurance premiums and payments for voluntary civil defense insurance are shown in Table 8 (Appendix C "Insurance premiums and payments for voluntary civil defense insurance, 2012-2013").

As can be seen from table 8 total amount insurance revenues from voluntary civil liability insurance in 2013 decreased by almost 2 times. Compared to the previous year, fees decreased by 2 million rubles. This was due to a decrease in insurance premiums for almost all types of insurance. Only voluntary insurance of civil liability of HIF owners increased from 4 to 32 thousand rubles.

The main contribution to the reduction in premiums was made by the reduction in revenues from voluntary insurance of civil liability of owners of air transport vehicles (-1 million rubles). Most insurers include civil defense risks in the scope of insurance coverage when insuring aircraft, so not everyone considers it economically feasible to insure it additionally.

The reduction in the volume of premiums under DSAGO is associated with the actions of the insurer itself, which reduces activity in its promotion due to its high unprofitability. If in 2012 for 1 rub. insurance premiums accounted for 1 kopeck of insurance compensation, then in 2013. RUB 2.84 The unprofitability of the sum insured is 284%.

At the same time, it should be noted that losses in 2013 decreased by 80%. Such types of insurance turned out to be break-even: civil liability insurance of owners of air transport vehicles, owners of water transport vehicles, organizations operating hazardous facilities, insurance for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the contract.

Loss ratio under insurance of civil liability for causing harm to third parties amounted to 3.04%, despite the fact that last year this figure reached 129.75%.

Voluntary civil liability insurance is quite a profitable type of insurance. At the end of 2013, only 19.64% of the received insurance premiums were used to cover losses in insured events.

If the branch had kept the volume of receipts at the level of 2012, then with current payments, the profit on this type of insurance would have amounted to 4.172 million rubles.










There are several tasks that were set at the beginning of the practice:

consolidate the knowledge gained by students in the course of studying the basic disciplines in the specialty "management of the organization", in particular in the disciplines in the field of Insurance;

acquisition of skills and abilities to independently and efficiently perform work related to the preparation of various kinds of documents, with the ability to cooperate with clients, with the preparation of reports and analysis;

acquisition of practical skills in working with computer and organizational equipment, etc.


insurance company planning motivation

"VSK" is the largest all-Russian universal insurance company and has licenses to carry out insurance activities for more than a hundred types of insurance for individuals and legal entities, and also provides reinsurance services. enterprises. sells more than 100 types of modern insurance services, provides insurance coverage for over 125,000 enterprises and organizations, as well as 9 million Russian citizens.

VSK has the most extensive regional network among Russian insurance companies operating within a single legal entity - more than 700 branches and offices in the main administrative and industrial centers of our country. The presence of a large number of representative offices gives VSK the opportunity to provide modern insurance services and make payments to its customers throughout Russia, regardless of the place where the insurance contract is concluded.

3,200 million rubles authorized capital, formed insurance reserves, a well-established system of risk reinsurance in the world's largest reinsurance companies, a balanced insurance portfolio ensure high reliability of VSK operations.

Per huge contribution in the development of the insurance business, the President of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin announced two thanks to the staff of VSK in 2002 and 2007.

In order to ensure financial stability insurance operations VSK pays special attention to reliable reinsurance protection of its own insurance portfolio. In the course of cooperation with leading insurance and reinsurance companies, reliable reinsurance programs for 2013 were created.


The organizational structure of this enterprise includes:



Deputy Director

Insurance Department

Head of Department

General manager


Operations department

Legal Department

Claims Department


Chief Accountant


Directorate - persons exercising operational management of the insurance company.

Insurance Department - promotes the company's insurance product (advertising, sales promotion, personal sales, public relations), prepares commercial offers, concludes insurance contracts, etc.

The legal department provides legal support for the activities of the insurer related to filing claims, representing the interests of the insurer in court and arbitration, developing internal regulatory documents of the insurance company, etc.

The operational department prepares insurance documentation, accepts and issues standard insurance policies, and records insurance contracts.

The Claims Department deals with the review of insured events and making decisions on the payment of insurances.

Accounting - keeps accounting records of business operations of the insurer. Prepares current and annual financial statements. Interacts with the external audit service.

Table 1. Organizational structure of SOAO "VSK" branch of Omsk

This insurance company uses a linear - functional management structure. The basis of such a structure is, in addition to the linear principles of management, the specialization of management activities in the functional subsystems of the company. For each functional subsystem, a hierarchy of services is formed, penetrating the entire company from top to bottom.


The structure increases the responsibility of the head of the organization for the final result of the activity;

2. Helps to improve the efficiency of the use of labor force of all kinds;

3. Simplifies professional training;

4. Creates opportunities for career growth of employees;

5. Allows you to more easily control the activities of each unit and performer.


Personal insurance:

Life insurance with delayed payment of capital and return of premiums:

This contract provides for a delayed payment of capital in the event that the insured survives until the end of the contract, i.e. the sum insured is paid in a lump sum after a certain period - the term of the contract. If the insured does not survive until the end of the contract, the beneficiary is paid a part of the insurance premiums (net rate).

Accident insurance:

This contract provides for the payment by the insurer of a certain amount to the insured or the beneficiary (upon the death of the insured), if an accident occurs with the insured, which will lead to temporary disability, temporary or permanent disability, or to the death of the insured. The amount paid in this case depends on the severity of the physical injury. In case of disability or death, 100% of the sum insured is paid.

Life insurance in case of death with reimbursement of premiums:

This contract provides for the payment of the sum insured to the beneficiary after the death of the insured, if the death occurs during the term of the contract. If the insured continues to live after the expiration of the contract, then a part of the insurance premiums is paid to him

Endowment insurance. Marriage insurance:

This contract provides for payment upon the occurrence of an event - the marriage of the children / grandchildren of the insured. Premiums are paid before the end of the insurance period or until the day of death of the insured, if it occurs earlier.

Life insurance:

This contract is valid until the end of life of the insured. In the event of the death of the insured, the beneficiary is paid the sum insured throughout his life.

Property insurance:

property liability insurance contract

Car insurance against theft and damage:

The age of the car is not more than 5 years.

Tariff rate - 9%

Insurance event:

Collision, collision, overturning, fire as a result of an accident

glass breaking

fire, explosion and lightning strike

Malicious illegal actions of third parties, if the third party is to blame

Theft of individual elements of the car

Individual apartment insurance (bearing structures):

In addition to an apartment in disrepair, with an average area of ​​up to 100 m2, in a house that is at least 8 years old.

Contract duration - 1 year

The average contract amount is 1,000,000 rubles. (from 800,000 to 3,000,000 rubles)

Tariff rate - 0.7%

The procedure for paying insurance compensation: after the establishment of an insured event, at a time

Insurance event:

Accidents resulting in damage to load-bearing structures;

· Illegal actions of 3 persons.

Insurance during the construction and reconstruction of industrial buildings:

Objects of insurance: construction site equipment and materials

Contract duration - 1 year

The average contract amount is 5,000,000 rubles. (from 3,000,000 to 10,000,000 rubles)

Tariff rate - 0.20%

The procedure for paying insurance compensation: after the establishment of an insured event, at a time

Insurance event:

Damage to materials, equipment, machinery, parts under construction and finished parts of the facility as a result of:

Natural disasters;

Design errors;

Staff mistakes.

Illegal actions of 3 persons.

Warehouse inventory insurance:

Contract duration - 1 year

The average contract amount is 400,000 rubles. (from 150,000 to 1,000,000 rubles)

Tariff rate - 4.5%

The procedure for payment of insurance compensation: after the establishment of an insured event, at a time

Insurance event:

Theft with illegal entry and robbery;

Breakage of window panes

Malicious actions of 3 persons (hooliganism, vandalism, terrorism)

Building insurance ( country houses and baths):

In addition to the building, which is in disrepair.

Contract duration - 1 year

The average contract amount is 450,000 rubles. (from 150,000 to 900,000 rubles)

Tariff rate - 0.3%

The procedure for paying insurance compensation: after the establishment of an insured event, at a time

Insurance event:

· illegal actions of 3 persons;

earthquake, natural disasters.

Liability Insurance:

Construction company insurance:

Construction company №2.

Object of insurance: cranes.

Insured events: collapse of a part of structures during construction work.

The sum insured is 1,000,000 rubles.

Insurance rate - 0.5%

Carrier Liability Insurance:

Insured events: loss and/or damage to cargo, delay in delivery of cargo.

The sum insured is proportional to the value of the cargo, the average is 700,000 rubles.

Insurance rate - 0.25%

The term of the contract is for the duration of the flights.

Architect liability insurance

Insured events: causing material damage to 3 persons due to improper design of the building,

The sum insured is 900,000 rubles. (from 500,000 - 2,000,000)

Insurance rate - 2.9%

The term of the contract is 3 years after the commissioning of the object.

The procedure for payment of insurance compensation - at a time in case of an insured event.

Notary Liability Insurance

Insured events: infliction of losses in case of an unintentional error when certifying a transaction, registration of inheritance rights, documents accepted for storage.

The sum insured is 450,000 rubles. Insurance rate - 0.5%

The term of the contract is professional activity.

The procedure for payment of insurance compensation - at a time in case of an insured event.

Physician liability insurance

Insured events: causing harm to the health of third parties.

The sum insured is 250,000 rubles. (from 50,000 - 300,000 rubles)

Insurance rate - 1.1%

The term of the contract is the doctor's medical practice.

The procedure for payment of insurance compensation - at a time in case of an insured event.

Hired Driver Liability Insurance:

Special conditions: driving experience of at least 5 years

Insured events: damage to the health of third parties caused by an employee driver.

The sum insured is 250,000 rubles.

Insurance rate - 0.89%

The term of the contract is 1 year.

The procedure for payment of insurance compensation - at a time in case of an insured event.


Planning and control:

Information about business processes and financial results activities of the enterprise, control over the presence and movement of property is provided, accounting of fixed assets is organized, Money and etc.

The planning and economic department of SOJSC "VSK" carries out economic analysis economic activities of the organization to ensure economic efficiency and identify reserves, prevent losses and non-production costs. Performs payroll processing for workers and employees.

The financial department is responsible for correct, timely accounting and reporting. Manages the spending of funds.

At the level of the Omsk branch, the functions of planning and control are carried out by the directorate and accounting department. The Directorate develops certain plans for the sale of insurance products, controls the actions of the insurance departments, as well as the actions of the accounting department. Accounting plans and controls the movement of funds, accounting for income and expenses, etc.

Organization: at the level of the Omsk branch, it is carried out directly by department managers. General managers receive plans for the sale of insurance products from the management, and organize the active work of their subordinate managers and agents as well. And those, in turn, organize their work directly with consumers, the sale of insurance products, via telephone, the Internet, in the office itself, as well as on the territory of the consumer (carried out by agents).

Consider the motivation of staff and consumers:

Staff motivation:

The main incentive for employees of the insurance company are bonuses. SOJSC "VSK" sets a goal aimed at the profit of the company and every quarter, based on the results of the work of employees, a general analysis of actual and planned indicators is made, based on the implementation of the plan, and a quarterly bonus is calculated.

The next incentive is training at the expense of the company. Paying for studies in the conditions of fierce competition in the labor market is a very strong stimulant. An important role is played by the exchange of experience and training abroad.

An important role is played by free medical care for the company's personnel, partial payment for vouchers to sanatorium and resort institutions, and the acquisition of voluntary medical policies for employees at the expense of the company.

Employees have the opportunity to receive insurance for themselves and benefits for all types of insurance.

A full social package (paid annual and additional vacations, employee disability pay, payroll according to the staffing table, pay for training and advanced training, i.e. works in accordance with the Labor Legislation, and this is quite an important factor in stimulating).

The benevolent attitude of the manager towards employees and respect in the team - this incentive contributes to a healthy working atmosphere.

A free work schedule is very important for young people who are given the opportunity to combine work with on-the-job training. And for other employees to devote more time to family and children.

Certification in the workplace, which leads to promotion and higher wages.

The company has a personnel reserve, which means that anyone who wishes has the opportunity to work in this company.

SOJSC "VSK" gives its employees the opportunity to prove themselves not only in insurance, but to solve creative problems (creating advertising, designing stands, preparing reports and presentations).

The management of the company constantly organizes sports and cultural events. This is manifested in the following: collective trips to the theater, a picnic outside the city, a mass skiing trip, etc.

Consumer motivation: in a competitive environment, the insurance company tries to attract consumers to use their services.

SK tries to make better insurance offers, such as higher accident payments or lower rates.

Also, a consumer can become a VIP client, for such clients the company offers big discounts, as well as gifts for certain holidays.

The company has several offices in Omsk, as well as a lot of agents who come directly to where it is convenient for customers to make a deal, which certainly gives a certain advantage, some consumers are focused on convenience rather than the difference in insurance payments.

It can be concluded that there are not enough departments in the Omsk branch to carry out planning, organization, motivation and control at the local level, for example, as at the head office, therefore these functions are carried out by the management, accounting departments, and insurance departments, the motivation system is being introduced and implemented marketing department from the head office, which is located in Moscow.


At the first stage of my internship at SOJSC "VSK" branch of Omsk, I got acquainted with the organizational and legal form of an economic entity, types of services provided, objects of activity insurance, studied the volume of the insurance field, and the insurance portfolio, forms and systems of remuneration, management structure and etc.

I also studied the dynamics of insurance payments and insurance payments, the formation of insurance and reserve funds and compiled the corresponding tables (Table 1).

Table 1. Dynamics of insurance premiums (contributions) and insurance payments under insurance contracts and contracts accepted in reinsured

Insurance type

Total volume of insurance premiums (contributions) (thousand rubles)

Voluntary insurance:

Life insurance

Personal insurance

property insurance

Liability Insurance

Compulsory insurance

Total premiums

Insurance type

Total volume of insurance payments (thousand rubles)

Voluntary insurance:

Life insurance

Insurance other than life page:

Personal insurance

property insurance

Liability Insurance

Compulsory insurance

Total payouts

In 2013, the total volume of insurance premiums (contributions) amounted to 22,148 million rubles. The largest part of insurance premiums falls on property and personal insurance. In 2013, insurance premiums (contributions) under insurance contracts and contracts accepted for reinsurance amounted to: for insurance other than life insurance - 22,143 million rubles, including

voluntary personal insurance - 6,290 million rubles;

voluntary property insurance - 11,937 million rubles;

voluntary liability insurance - 864 million rubles;

compulsory insurance - 3,052 million rubles.

SOJSC "VSK" timely and fully fulfills its obligations to policyholders. The total volume of insurance payments in 2013 amounted to 12,748 million rubles. The greatest growth in insurance payments was noted under contracts accepted for reinsurance.

When studying the financial foundations of insurance activities, I calculated the main coefficients characterizing the activities of the insurance company (see below, the coefficients are calculated based on the results of the company's activities as of December 31, 2013), got acquainted with the investment activities of the insurance company, its efficiency and results, estimated the amount of profit of the insurance company company, its dynamics, sources and purpose.

So, let's calculate some of the most important indicators characterizing the activities of an insurance company.

Capital adequacy ratios (financial stability).

Share of Equity in Liabilities (Autonomy Ratio) = Equity (Line 490 of the Balance Sheet)/Total Liabilities and Equity (Line 700 of the Balance Sheet). Consequently, the share of Equity in liabilities = 7,456,767 thousand rubles / 33,425,783 rubles. = 0.22 or 22.3%

The indicator determines the overall level of financial stability of the insurance company. The higher the value of the indicator, the higher the level of financial stability.

Sufficiency of the actual solvency margin = Actual solvency margin (f.6, p. 001) / Normative solvency margin (f.6, p. 007). Therefore, the sufficiency of the actual size of the solvency margin = 6,888,230 thousand rubles / 2,246,465 thousand rubles. = 3.07 or 307%.

Profitability indicators

Profitability of insurance and financial and economic activities (except for life insurance) \u003d Profit or loss from ordinary activities other than life insurance (f. 2 p. 250) / Income of the insurance company (Insurance premiums (contributions) total f. 2 p. 081 + Income from investments f.2 line 180 + Operating income, except for those related to investments f.2 line 210 + Non-operating income, except for revaluation financial investments f.2 p. 230). Consequently, the profitability of insurance and financial and economic activities (except for life insurance) = -2,219,222 thousand rubles / 26,083,582 thousand rubles. = - 0.085 or - 8.5%.

The indicator determines the profitability of insurance and financial and economic activities (the ratio of the profit of the insurance company from ordinary activities by types of insurance other than life insurance to the total income of the insurance company from insurance and investment activities (except life insurance) in the reporting period).

Return on equity \u003d Profit or loss from ordinary activities (f. 2 p. 250) / Average equity for the period (f. 1 p. 490). Therefore, return on equity = 2,219,222 thousand rubles / 7,410,617 rubles. = - 0.3 or - 30%.

The indicator determines the return on equity involved in the business.

Loss ratios of insurance operations

Indicator of the level of insurance payments (Claims Level Ratio), except for life insurance = Paid losses in total (f. 2 p. 111) / Insurance premiums (contributions) in total (f. 2 p. 081) = 12,048,345 rubles / 22,713,135 rub. = 0.53 or 53%

The indicator simply defines the overall level of unprofitability of insurance operations of insurance companies, taking into account reinsurers.

Loss ratio - Net (Net Loss Ratio), except for life insurance = Paid losses - net reinsurance (f. 2 p. 110) / Earned premium - net reinsurance (Collected premiums - net reinsurance for reporting period f.2 line 080 + Unearned premium reserve at the beginning of the period f.1 line 520 + Share of reinsurers in the unearned premium reserve at the beginning of the period f.1 line 162 + Unearned premium reserve at the end of the period f.1 line 520 + Share reinsurers in the reserve of unearned premium at the end of the period f.1 p.162). Therefore, Claims Level Ratio, except for life insurance = 11,602,634 thousand rubles / (19,050,049 thousand rubles + 8,496,328 thousand rubles + 7,921,130 thousand rubles + 959,156 thousand rubles + 1,139,558 thousand rubles) = 0.32 or 31.61%.

The indicator determines the own level of unprofitability of the insurance operations of the IC without taking into account the participation of reinsurers in the premiums received and payments made. As a rule, this indicator is always higher than the indicator of the level of payments, which takes into account the participation of reinsurers due to the presence in the practice of the analyzed insurance company of such reinsurance conditions as "reinsurance based on excess of loss", when losses below those specified in the reinsurance contract are paid by the insurance company itself. At the same time, extremely low values ​​of the indicator mean that the insurance company "does not pay" under insurance contracts, which cannot characterize the insurance company from a positive side. Too high values ​​of the indicator may indicate an unbalanced insurance portfolio of the insurance company, possibly a non-optimal risk reinsurance policy or catastrophic losses of the insurance company caused by objective reasons. Depending on the specialization of the insurance company, an indicator that takes a value ranging from 5% to 60% is considered optimal.

Cost indicator (Expenses Ratio), except for life insurance = Expenses of the insurance company (Expenses for conducting insurance operations - net reinsurance f.2 line 160 + Management expenses f.2 line 200 + Operating expenses, except for those related to investments f.2 p. 220 + Non-operating expenses, except for the depreciation of financial investments f.2 p. 240) / Earned premium - net reinsurance. Therefore, Expenses Ratio = (2,981,006 thousand rubles + 5,027,736 thousand rubles + 1,074,562 thousand rubles) / 36,702,981 thousand rubles. = 0.25 or 24.7%.

The indicator determines the level of expenses of insurance companies on insurance operations in relation to the amount of premium earned minus reinsurance. The lower the level of expenses, the higher the margin of safety of the insurance company. The optimal expert is considered an indicator, the value of which is in the range of 5-30%.

Combined loss ratio - net (Net Combined Ratio) \u003d (Loss ratio - Net) + (Expense level indicator). Hence Net Combined Ratio = 31.61% + 24.7% = 56.31%.

The indicator determines the overall level of unprofitability of insurance operations, combining the unprofitability of insurance payments and the level of expenses for insurance operations. The optimal value of the indicator is less than 100%.


Continuing to follow the strategy of a conservative approach in order to ensure maximum reliability and liquidity of investments, the IC places insurance reserves and its own funds in banking instruments of the largest and financially stable banks, as well as in government securities and corporate bonds with a high reliability rating. Banking instruments with fixed income, as before, occupy the main share of the portfolio and account for 63% (as of the end of the 4th quarter of 2012 - 64%).

Along with control over the credit quality of the investment portfolio, the company pays great attention to the diversification of its investments, creating a balanced ratio of public and corporate investments in the portfolio and limiting the maximum share of investments in the instruments of one issuer.

The size of the profit of the insurance company, its dynamics, sources and purpose

The results of 12 months of 2013 reflect the profitable growth strategy of VSK Group. The operating profit of the Group for 12 months of 2013 increased by 213% and amounted to 1346 million rubles, which is 916 million rubles. more than in the same period last year (Table 2).

Table 2. Contribution of VSK companies to operating profit

Ensuring the profitability of the auto insurance portfolio and increasing the profitability of VSK's business led to a decrease in the combined ratio in insurance other than life insurance in Q4 2013 to 96.8% (Q4 2012 - 98.7%). The indicator of the general loss ratio (the ratio of completed losses to earned insurance premium) in insurance other than life insurance in the 4th quarter of 2013 amounted to 57.68% (4th quarter of 2012 - 57.95%).

Table 3. Contribution of VSK companies to consolidated net income

Net profit, million rubles

Growth, million rubles


SK "VSK-Med"

SC "VSK-Mercy"

Other subsidiaries

The total insurance premiums of VSK Group for 12 months of 2013 amounted to 22.9 billion rubles (for 12 months of 2012 - 24.7 billion rubles). Against the backdrop of an 8% decline in the insurance market, the decrease in the Group's total fees in 2013 is within the expected range, and the volume of contracts concluded remained at the same level (2013 - 3,871 thousand contracts; 2012 - 3,906 thousand contracts).

The decrease in collected premiums in 2013 was due to a deliberate decrease in sales volumes in the auto insurance segment due to the planned optimization of the auto insurance portfolio in the most unprofitable segments, the general market trend to reduce the costs of medical insurance in client companies, as well as a decrease in the volume of VSK-Med insurance premiums ( by 53.7%.

Table 3. Segmentation of insurance premiums by VSK companies

The share of IC "VSK" in the total collections of the Group for the 4th quarter of 2013 amounted to 93.9% (4th quarter of 2013 - 90.3%).


I, Aleynikova Ekaterina Sergeevna, did pre-graduation practice at SOAO VSK, a branch of Omsk, from February 17, 2014 to April 12, 2014.

The main goal was to acquire practical skills in the field of Insurance.

During my practice, I:

got acquainted with the organizational and legal form of an economic entity, types of services provided, objects of activity insurance, studied the volume of the insurance field, and the insurance portfolio, forms and systems of remuneration, management structure, etc.;

studied the structure and functions of the enterprise;

got acquainted with the insurance products of SOJSC "VSK";

got acquainted with the list of documents required for the conclusion of contracts, requested from the client or executed in the organization;

gained practical skills in drawing up Insurance Contracts and Policies;

gained practical skills in dealing with clients;

participated in the preparation of reports and various registers, etc.

The implementation of all processes related to the documentation support of management was based on the widespread use of computer technology and office equipment.

The skills gained during the internship will certainly help me in my future work. I do not rule out the possibility that my future career will be related to insurance. I am attracted to work in society and constant communication with clients. In my opinion, this is an interesting type of activity, unlike other types in its functional purpose. Plus, insurance is a fairly profitable activity, in particular with regards to sellers. The services of insurance companies are used by private individuals, state and commercial structures, businessmen, large corporations. That is why insurance is one of the most powerful financial institutions and plays an important role in the socio-economic life of their countries.


Accounting balance sheet of SOAO VSK as of December 31, 2013

Profit and Loss Statement of SOAO VSK as of December 31, 2013

Solvency report of SOJSC "VSK" as of December 31, 2013

Instructions for the conduct and conclusion of contracts.

Instructions for the preparation of insurance documentation for motor transport insurance.


Description and marketing strategy for the combined non-standard insurance product "VSK-Med"

Description and marketing strategy for the combined standard insurance product "VSK Formula"

Description and marketing strategy for the combined standard insurance product "VSK-Avtopark"

Rules for voluntary insurance of vehicles dated October 01, 2013. No. 475 (APPROVED by the Order of the General Director of SOAO VSK)

Rules for compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners.

Insurance rates for non-standard insurance product "VSK-Med"

Insurance rates for the insurance product "VSK-Avtopark"

Insurance rates for the insurance product "VSK-Formula"

Work description

The purpose of the report is to analyze the financial condition credit institution and offering recommendations to improve the efficiency of the insurance company.
To achieve these goals, it is necessary to solve a number of interrelated tasks:
- to study the general principles of organization and functioning of SOAO "VSK";
– to consider the history of the emergence and development of the company;
– consider the main activities of the company and the types of insurance services provided;
– to analyze the financial condition of SOJSC “VSK” for 2008-2010 according to the balance sheet data;

Chapter 1. Organizational and legal basis for the activities of the VSK Insurance House…………………………………………………………………………………………..5
1.1. General information about the company…………………………...…….……....….5
1.2. The history of the company……………………..……...........…..9
1.3. Kursk branch of SOAO VSK………………………………………...16
Chapter 2. The main activities of the insurance company and the types of services provided…………………………………………………..………..……..19
2.1. Auto insurance ………………………………………………….……..19
2.2. Personal insurance……………………………………. .........................23
Chapter 3 The financial analysis SOAO "VSK" for 2008-2010……….....27
3.1. Horizontal and vertical analysis of the property of SOJSC "VSK"...27
3.2. Ratio analysis……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3.3. Recommendations for improving the efficiency of the company … ..38
List of used sources and literature………………………….……42

SOJSC "VSK" is the largest all-Russian universal insurance company, which sells more than 100 types of modern insurance services, provides insurance coverage for over 125,000 enterprises and organizations, as well as 10 million Russian citizens.

SOJSC "VSK" has the most extensive regional network among Russian insurance companies operating within a single legal entity - more than 600 branches and departments in the main administrative and industrial centers of our country. The presence of a large number of representative offices gives VSK the opportunity to provide modern insurance services and make payments to its customers throughout Russia, regardless of the place where the insurance contract is concluded.

650 million rubles of authorized capital, formed insurance reserves, a well-established risk reinsurance system in the world's largest reinsurance companies, a balanced insurance portfolio ensure high reliability of VSK operations.

For a great contribution to the development of the insurance business, the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin announced two thanks to the staff of VSK in 2002 and 2007.

In order to ensure the financial stability of insurance operations, VSK pays special attention to the reliable reinsurance protection of its own insurance portfolio. In the course of cooperation with leading insurance and reinsurance companies, reliable reinsurance programs for 2013 were created. The main ones (general limit of liability):

  • Reinsurance of property of legal entities ($ 1,100,000)
  • Reinsurance of construction and installation risks ($ 125,000,000)
  • Reinsurance of aviation risks (casco) ($ 20,000,000)
  • Aircraft operator liability reinsurance (up to $650,000,000)
  • Reinsurance of watercraft (casco) (up to $ 30,000,000)
  • Cargo reinsurance (cargo) ($ 160,000,000)
  • Reinsurance of civil and professional liability ($ 10,000,000)
  • Reinsurance of property of individuals ($ 10,000,000)
  • Reinsurance against accidents ($ 10,000,000)

VSK is a member of non-profit and public organizations such as:

All-Russian Union of Insurers (VSS)<#"justify">A round-the-clock Call-Center has been created in VSK, which enables the company's customers to quickly receive the necessary information all 24 hours a day.

In order to increase the awareness of employees of federal ministries and departments about the progress of consideration of their insurance cases, the company has also created a round-the-clock information service, the presence of which allows insured military personnel and civil servants, by making a phone call to the VSK branch of the given region at the local rate, receive on-line an exhaustive information on the progress of consideration of their insurance cases at the Central office of VSK in Moscow, including the date of crediting to the Sberbank account of the sums insured due for payment. Today, the services of such a service are already used by VSK insurers in 45 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In order to meet modern standards for the provision of insurance services and increase popularity among individuals and legal entities, the company's management changed the name of the Military Insurance Company to VSK in early 2011.

Page 2

The military insurance company is included in the list of insurers recommended for work with enterprises servicing government contracts. Moreover, VSK Insurance House is a repeated winner of the competition of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for the right to insure its property interests.

After receiving a new version of the license, which combined all licensed types of insurance, VSK Insurance House offers its customers 103 insurance products.

Returning to the structure of the insurance portfolio, I would like to note that without taking into account contracts for mandatory health insurance based on the results of the first half of 2007, the share of compulsory insurance is 38.74%; the share of voluntary insurance reaches almost 60%, and the share of incoming reinsurance (that is, contracts accepted from reinsurers for assignment) barely exceeds 1.7%. The gap between VSK Insurance House and the undisputed leader - the Rosgosstrakh group of companies - in terms of the total contributions of policyholders (and reinsurers) is 268% (that is, the premiums received by Rosgosstrakh exceed the corresponding indicator of VSK by 2.68 times), however this does not prevent VSK for many years from taking a strong position in the first lines of the rating of the largest insurance companies in Russia (see Table No. 1).

According to Table No. 2, in the structure of voluntary insurance, almost 2/3 of the concluded contracts fall on property insurance. It is closely followed by personal insurance other than life insurance (19.4%). VSK's life insurance is only 0.46%, which is one of the lowest figures in this table. The remaining approximately 6% is accounted for by liability insurance.

An analysis of the dynamics of the structure of the insurance portfolio in terms of the loss ratio of each type of insurance separately allows us to draw conclusions about how competently the company's insurance portfolio is balanced, and about which types of insurance bring loss and which potential profit. The results obtained during the analysis are summarized in the table below:

Table number 3. Receipts and payments of VSK for 2005, 2006, 2007.


VOLUNTARY INSURANCE, thousand rubles


Total insurance premiums (contributions)

Insurance payments

Loss ratio


(except life insurance)



Loss ratio




Loss ratio




Loss ratio

MANDATORY INSURANCE, thousand rubles




Loss ratio




Loss ratio




Loss ratio




Loss ratio




Loss ratio

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