Insurance of tour operator activities insurance companies. Domestic and inbound tourism insurance

In accordance with Art.

What does it protect from?

  • 10,000,000 rubles no more than 10 thousand people
  • 50,000,000 rubles

Where to insure?

  • Actual calculation
  • Quality service

Liability insurance for travel organizations

In many countries of the world insurance professional responsibility is mandatory by law for a number of professions: doctors (dentists, ophthalmologists, surgeons, lawyers (lawyers, notaries, judges); pharmacists; stock brokers (brokers); employees of financial institutions (auditors, accountants who assist their clients in preparing balance sheets), and also for homeowners, owners of hotels, casinos, restaurants, sports and entertainment facilities, private owners of pets and wild animals.

At the same time, in connection with the increasing flow of domestic tourists abroad, more and more claims are received against travel organizations in connection with violations of contractual obligations and contracts by foreign travel companies serving our tourists (for example, settling not in a 4-star hotel, but in 3 or 2 stars

Tour operator liability insurance

not in a private or double room, but in a 4-bed room. room; in a room with a view not of the sea, but towards the disco).

All this causes quite legitimate claims on the part of tourists to the organizers of tours with claims for compensation for material damage incurred. The only way out of this situation may be only insurance civil liability tourist organizations engaged in the implementation of tour packages. This type of insurance is called a country. hooving from the impossibility of making a trip. For example, a client purchases a travel voucher in advance, but unforeseen circumstances arise several days before departure, due to which the trip may not take place. According to penalties from the travel company, it can lose 100% of the value

vouchers, and in this case the insurance company comes to the aid of the failed tourist, compensating for his losses. The company will also indemnify for losses if the trip is disrupted for the following reasons1:

Death, illness, injury of the insured or close relatives (spouse, parents, children, sisters or brothers);

A court proceeding during the period of a trip abroad, in which the insured participates by a court decision;

Receiving an urgent call to perform military duties;

Damage or loss of property of the insured as a result of fire or deliberate actions of third parties;

Failure to obtain an entry visa upon timely submission of documents for registration.

These and other types of insurance services are offered by a number of well-known service companies in Europe and around the world, such as Elvia, GESA (Groupe Europen S.A.), Roland assistance, CORIS, SOS Assistance, Mercure Assistance, etc. 2

The Swiss company Elvia is a partner of Rosgosstrakh to provide medical and car insurance services, as well as the repatriation of the deceased tourist and the transportation of family members accompanying the body. In the event of a car theft, as well as an accident in which vehicle becomes unsuitable for further movement, the company pays for the return of the driver and passengers to their homeland.

The largest and oldest (operating since 1959) French company GESA, in addition to health insurance policies, provides a tourist additional services, such as:

- evacuation of children left without supervision (if necessary, with an accompanying person);

- organizing and paying for the early return of a tourist to his homeland or an emergency visit of a relative;

o providing legal assistance in case of unintentional violation of the laws or administrative regulations of the host country (for example, violation of an unmarked border of private property or states, say, France - Switzerland);

- provision of administrative assistance in the event of loss or theft of documents, tickets or baggage dispatch to the wrong address, if an urgent message needs to be sent, etc.

One of the most reputable European health insurance companies Roland assistance (Germany) is the guarantor of high-quality service for AS K “Eventa” clients abroad. JSIC Iventa's policy is reliably reinsured in the ISG (ESG) transnational insurance pool with a capital of over $ 100 billion. Having concluded a reinsurance agreement with such a powerful insurance pool, JSIC Iventa is able to offer its clients international standard policies with exceptionally high insurance coverage - from 65 to 155 thousand dollars, low daily rates, a wide age range (from 0.5 to 75 years), 50 percent discounts for children under 16 years old. Toll-free phones are available in 50 countries around the world to contact ESG-Roland assistance. When an insured event occurs, it is enough to call the Russian-speaking operator (the phones are indicated in the policy). At the same time, the client does not participate in material calculations for medical care, transportation and repatriation of a sick tourist, evacuation of vehicles, etc.

4.2. Environmental liability insurance.

Insurance protection of environmental risks is a sub-sector of liability insurance and provides for the liability of policyholders for risks associated with environmental pollution, which include: and liability insurance for oil leakage; pollution of recreational areas by landfills, industrial waste, radiation and chemical waste; air poisoning by chemical emissions. This insurance is based on the current environmental legislation. Its main purpose is to cover the insured's losses associated with the need to 'reimburse third parties for damage that they have suffered as a result of environmental pollution resulting from the activities of the policyholder. In this case, the policyholders can be both legal and individuals, and the scope of insurance coverage may include both direct and indirect losses associated with harm to the health and property of third parties, excluding cases of planned or intentional environmental pollution. When insuring liability for environmental risks, there is a likelihood of very large payments of insurance compensation for one insured event, therefore, in the conditions of insurance, as a rule, the maximum amount of payments is stipulated.

Thus, environmental insurance is insurance of the liability of enterprises, the tourism industry and other sources of environmental risk for causing losses to citizens and legal entities as a result of environmental pollution. Environmental insurance provides an opportunity to compensate for some of the losses caused to the environment and creates additional sources of financing for environmental protection measures. Loss in environmental insurance, economic damage is considered as a result of an accidental situation that caused environmental pollution, and manifested itself in the deterioration of public health, the productivity of agriculture and forestry, and a decrease in the usefulness of recreational resources.

In accordance with Art.

Tour operator liability, insurance

17.2 of the Federal Law "On the Basics of Tourism Activities" in the Russian Federation, all Tour Operators of the Russian Federation are required to have financial support in case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations to customers of tourist services.

What does it protect from?

Tour operator liability insurance covers cases related to the infliction of real damage to Tourists or customers of travel services, as a result of:

  • Failure to fulfill the obligations included in the contract for the provision of tourist services. For example, the bankruptcy of a Tour Operator
  • The presence of significant shortcomings in the service provided that caused real damage. In accordance with Art. 17.1. FZ No. 132 the tour operator's liability insurance contract guarantees the injured
  • Return Money, for services paid for by tourists, but not provided by the tour operator
  • Payment of real damage, including: monetary funds for the expenses incurred for evacuation, transportation, accommodation, other expenses that the tourist has made or will have to make (including expenses for compensation for loss or damage to property) if the damage was caused by non-performance / improper performance by the Tour Operator their obligations

Activities of tour operators

A tour operator's civil liability insurance contract is required for companies that are engaged in domestic, inbound and outbound tourism. For each of these groups, different conditions of financial support are provided, if the tour operator carries out tour operator activities in several areas of tourism at once, the largest amount of financial support is applied.

Domestic tourism insurance

The internal trism of persons permanently residing in the Russian Federation within the territory of the Russian Federation. Domestic tourism tour operators must be insured for at least 500,000 rubles.

Insurance of inbound tourism tour operators

Inbound tourism includes tour operator activities aimed at serving guests Russian Federation who are not its citizens or do not reside in its territory. Insurance of tour operators for inbound tourism should be carried out for at least 500,000 rubles, the amount is equal to the coverage for financial support of domestic tourism.

Outbound tourism insurance

Outbound tourism is the tourism of persons permanently residing in the Russian Federation to other countries. For outbound tourism insurance, the law provides for the following amounts of financial security:

  • 10,000,000 rubles- for tour operators whose number of tourists in the field of outbound tourism amounted to no more than 10 thousand people, and the total price of a tourist product (in the field of outbound) is not more than 40 million rubles
  • 5% of the price of a tourist product, but not less than 50 million - for tour operators whose number of tourists in the field of outbound tourism for the year exceeded 10 thousand and / or the total price in the field of outbound tourism exceeded 40 million rubles
  • If the company has not carried out activities in the field of outbound tourism before or during the last year, then the insurance coverage must be at least 50,000,000 rubles

Cost cost of insurance

With professional liability insurance for tour operators, rates will depend on experience, financial sustainability, sales volumes and other factors. In some cases, to calculate the cost, you will need to provide financial statements.

Where to insure?

The last few years, with the insurance of the liability of tour operators Insurance companies are extremely reluctant to host the risks of non-performance of travel services. This is due to a series of bankruptcies of the country's largest tour operators since 2014. Then the insurers made huge payments of losses to tourists from bankrupt tour operators. Now the majority of insurers have introduced a moratorium on this type, however, we are successfully working with those of them who continue to insure tour operators.

Taking out insurance for tour operator activities, with the assistance of McBroker, you get:

  • Actual calculation
  • Execution of documents as soon as possible
  • Placement of risks in a reliable insurance company
  • Free delivery of documents within the Russian Federation
  • Quality service

In accordance with Art. 17.2 of the Federal Law "On the Basics of Tourism Activities" in the Russian Federation, all Tour Operators of the Russian Federation are required to have financial support in case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations to customers of tourist services.

What does it protect from?

Tour operator liability insurance covers cases related to the infliction of real damage to Tourists or customers of travel services, as a result of:

  • Failure to fulfill the obligations included in the contract for the provision of tourist services. For example, the bankruptcy of a Tour Operator
  • The presence of significant shortcomings in the service provided that caused real damage. In accordance with Art. 17.1. FZ No. 132 the tour operator's liability insurance contract guarantees the injured
  • Refunds for services paid by tourists, but not provided by the tour operator
  • Payment of real damage, including: monetary funds for the expenses incurred for evacuation, transportation, accommodation, other expenses that the tourist has made or will have to make (including expenses for compensation for loss or damage to property) if the damage was caused by non-performance / improper performance by the Tour Operator their obligations

Activities of tour operators

A tour operator's civil liability insurance contract is required for companies that are engaged in domestic, inbound and outbound tourism.

Why tour operator liability insurance is so popular

For each of these groups, different conditions of financial support are provided, if the tour operator carries out tour operator activities in several areas of tourism at once, the largest amount of financial support is applied.

Domestic tourism insurance

The internal trism of persons permanently residing in the Russian Federation within the territory of the Russian Federation. Domestic tourism tour operators must be insured for at least 500,000 rubles.

Insurance of inbound tourism tour operators

Inbound tourism includes tour operator activities aimed at serving guests of the Russian Federation who are not citizens of the Russian Federation or do not live on its territory. Insurance of tour operators for inbound tourism should be carried out for at least 500,000 rubles, the amount is equal to the coverage for financial support of domestic tourism.

Tourist travel is always associated with a number of personal and property risks. Hot visitors fear the risk of getting a dangerous disease, losing their own luggage.

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The risks of non-provision or incomplete provision of services that a company offers in a specific product are the most common.

Air travel can be called a continuous risk, given the state of the airspace and the abundance of accidents in this direction.

These risks do not have to be in the tour operator's liability insurance contract, but they may well become an addition to the general list if the tourist decides to insure his own life separately.

What it is

Tour operator liability insurance is a type of mandatory insurance that has replaced the licensing of tourism activities.

Insurance acts not only as a guarantee of activities, but as a form of financial security for the policyholder. Insurance companies and banks provide liability guarantees for tour operators.

They can be positioned as insurers in this case. The main task of the insurers is to cover the damage caused to the traveler due to the inadequate quality of the services provided.

Policyholders can be:

  • travel agent;
  • tour operator with any form of ownership.

An insured person can be any responsible person if, by law, she is obliged to be responsible for violation of the obligations of the tour operator.

The beneficiaries are the clients of the travel company - travelers or other persons who have drawn up an agreement with the insured.

The object of insurance is the material interests of the travel agent, operator, which are associated with compensation for damage caused in the course of work. The parties to the contract are the insurer, the policyholder and the beneficiary.

The cost of insurance always depends on the insured amount and the base rate of the insurer. Estimated cost is in the percentage range from 0.5 to 10.0%.

The final amount of the insurance premium will depend on the terms of the specific agreement and the specifics of the tour operator's activities.


Relationships to ensure the obligations of the travel company to the clients are drawn up in writing.

The main document is the insurance agreement, despite the fact that this type of insurance is mandatory. The contract must indicate the risks and insured events that the insurance covers.

The following risks cannot be included in the contract:

  • damage caused by the insured, exempted by law from liability for non-fulfillment or incomplete fulfillment of obligations under the travel agreement;
  • risks related to the impact of a nuclear explosion, radiation and man-made disasters;
  • illegal actions or inaction of government agencies;
  • military and civil clashes;
  • seizure or destruction of property at the initiative of state bodies;
  • deliberate actions that were aimed at the occurrence of an insured event.

The risk of causing losses in case of incomplete implementation of the product by the tour operator, non-fulfillment or incomplete fulfillment of obligations may be included. But this should be indicated in the contract as its essential condition.

A significant violation of the contract for the sale of an insurance product is that, as a result of which a person is deprived of what he had the right to count on when it was concluded. The injured party is always the tourist or the customer of the tourist product.

Significant violations of the agreement on the sale of a tourist product are:

  • failure to fulfill obligations regarding the transportation and accommodation of clients in a hotel, boarding house, if this is included in the tourist product offered by the company;
  • the presence in the tour package of significant shortcomings, including the violation of requirements regarding the safety and quality of the offered product.

An insured incident in the tour operator's liability insurance rules is considered as a confirmed fact of an event that has occurred with an arising obligation on the part of the insurer to pay monetary compensation to the injured client.

Only real damage is subject to compensation, which is why the occurrence of an insured event is documented, before the act is drawn up by an employee of the insurance company.

Losses that were provoked by an unintentional mistake or omission in the course of the tour operator's professional activity are indemnified, namely:

  • when processing visa documents;
  • when drawing up / executing a transfer agreement;
  • when ordering transport documents;
  • when booking a hotel, settling people and making arrangements for tourists' meals;
  • when organizing excursions;
  • in case of providing incomplete or inaccurate information regarding the services that are included in the vacation or travel program.

In order for the losses to be reimbursed, it is initially necessary to file a claim with the insurer. It can be submitted personally by the tourist, with confirmation from the travel agent or operator. The court also has the authority to confirm the claim.

Tour operator liability insurance contract

One of the essential conditions of a tour operator's liability insurance contract is the amount of insurance. It depends on many factors, but primarily on the focus of the tour operator.

Thus, the minimum insurance amounts for companies that offer travel within the Russian Federation are as follows:

The amounts of the annual financial statements play an important role in increasing the amount of insurance:

The insurance amount is established by agreement of the parties, taking into account the existing limits. It can be general or set for each specific insured event separately. The amount of compensation in the event of an insured event each time is also negotiated separately.

The amount of insurance cannot be less than the amount of security provided by law. This means that the minimum amount is 500,000 rubles.

The range of the base rate for insurance is usually in the range of 0.3% -6%, which are calculated from the limit of liability under the contract.

When calculating the real tariff rate under the contract, correction factors are used, which depend on:

  • the time of the tour operator's work in the market;
  • the duration of cooperation with the parties to the agreement;
  • tourist destination and the period of its appearance on the market;
  • the presence in the past of justified claims, their number, from customers and other other factors that can change the degree of risk.

Depending on the consequences that have arisen if the policyholder makes mistakes, the following losses may be reimbursed:

  • related to the renewal of visas;
  • purchase of new travel documents;
  • transportation costs to the place of residence from the airport and back.

The amounts that were paid in excess of the program limit are also refunded.

What features

If we legally analyze the norms of the Law on the Fundamentals of Tourism Activity, we can say that in practice a lot will happen with precision, on the contrary, with respect to everything stipulated by the regulatory document.

Insurers cannot cover the risks associated with criminal or deliberate actions of agents and operators, but they will be forced to pay the amounts that customers who are dissatisfied with the fulfillment of the terms of the travel product agreement will be required.

The peculiarity of this type of insurance is that no one can compensate for the real damage caused to tourists by the disappearance of travel agents or their improper fulfillment of contractual conditions. The insurance does not cover cases that have arisen from willful acts.

The evasion of the tour operator or agent from admitting the fact of violation does not deprive the client of the right to claim insurance compensation.

At a formal reading of the law, at first glance, everything looks like this. But with a deeper assessment of the norms, it becomes clear the difference in the practical implementation of the provisions of the legislation and the inconsistency of the original approach.

Tour operators and insurers themselves should not rely on the fact that by manipulating provisions of the agreement that are incomprehensible to an ordinary client and through other legal tricks, they will be able to avoid fulfilling their obligations.

Most often, the courts, which clients turn to in search of the truth, almost always find themselves on the side of the beneficiaries.

Judges do not welcome casuistry, especially if it is aimed at turning insurance activities into fiction.

No matter how strange it may seem, most of the problems that are associated with the insurance of liability of tour operators are generated by the main industry regulation.

In order to realize this, it is enough to look at how unnecessarily detailed the registration process is. insurance contract and the question of its formally filling.

Everything is regulated, but by those norms that are contradictory and do not have sufficient practical justification.

For example, many problems are created not only by the norms of laws, but also by the Rules of insurance of liability of tour operators.

The main problems today are considered:

  • a conflict between the norms of sectoral legislation and the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
  • inconsistency of norms within individual legislative acts;
  • uncertainty and inaccuracy of a number of articles;
  • legal incorrectness of certain norms of the law;
  • displacement of the norms of public and private law;
  • the lack of a precise definition of the types of insurance regarding guaranteed protection of the tour operator's obligations;
  • application of incorrect methods of solving insurance problems in practice;
  • the artificiality of the constructed model of financial support of the tour operator's obligations.

It should be noted that most of the problems that arise when insuring tour operators are global and affect the problems of insurance in the Russian Federation as a whole.

It is the large number of problems that arise for all parties to the contract during its implementation, taking into account the norms of the law, that can be considered the main feature of insurance in this area.

Adverse Event Payouts

The basis for receiving the payment is the establishment of the fact of the occurrence of the insured event by the insurer or the court.

The Beneficiary reserves the right to make a claim for compensation during the limitation period (3 years general, 1 year special).

The policyholder undertakes to provide a complete set of documents in Russian for payments. If necessary, the translation can be arranged by the insurance company.

The decision on the provision of insurance payment is made only after receiving all required documents and making an assessment with respect to establishing the real extent of the damage.

After the assessment, the insurer makes a decision on the provision or refusal to pay the insurance indemnity. The provision of payments usually takes from 15 to 30 calendar days. Disputes between the insurer and interested parties are resolved in the pre-trial and judicial order.

Companies where you can get a policy

Tour operator liability insurance services are provided by the following prestigious insurance companies:

  • Rosgosstrakh;
  • Ingosstrakh;
  • RESO-Guarantee;
  • SOGAZ;
  • Alfa Insurance;
  • VTB Insurance;
  • Allianz.

Tour operator's liability insurance is a prerequisite today, which has replaced licensing. The amount of insurance always depends on the direction of the trip.

A tourist's vacation is inextricably linked with all sorts of risks and unforeseen situations that can spoil the positive experience of the trip. Often in such situations, the tour operator is unable to solve the problem, but negative reviews about the events that have occurred can ruin the reputation and scare away customers. The purpose of insurance of organizations providing travel services is to protect the interests of customers and increase confidence in travel agencies.

The tour operator gets acquainted with the offers of insurance companies that issue policies in the field of tourism activities. After choosing a partner, the insurance guarantees that will be able to cover the costs of reimbursing the losses of all clients on vacation.

If the parties agree with all the conditions, an insurance contract is concluded. According to it, the travel agency regularly pays insurance premiums. Subsequently, there is a systematic review of the amounts contributed and the list of insurance risks (optional).

Who is the insured

Policyholders in this area are individuals or entity, engaged in the organization of travel and recreation in the field of tourism. That is, it is a tour operator or travel agent who has signed an appropriate contract with the insurance company.

In addition, it is permissible to insure the liability of another person whose details are specified in the contract.

A prerequisite is his responsibility for causing harm to the clients of the travel agency in accordance with the legal framework.

Object of the contract

These are the financial interests of the travel company, which may suffer due to compensation for harm caused to customers. The civil liability of the company is activated in case of violation of obligations:

  • for the delivery of clients to the place of rest;
  • for the resettlement of tourists;
  • by the quality of the services provided (the amount paid for the rest exceeds the package of services);
  • in different situations specified in the contract.

What cases can be included in the contract

This is the recognition by the insurance company, in agreement with the insurance company, of its error in the field of services provided, related to customer claims or a court decision obliging the policyholder to compensate for damage caused to third parties. Consider the most common insurance claims arising from omissions, negligence in the work of a travel operator:

  • unintentional mistakes made when applying for visas;
  • mistakes that have arisen during the formation of the transfer agreement;
  • problems with issuing tickets for a plane, train, bus;
  • illiterate and incorrect information about the services provided;
  • troubles when booking rooms in hotels and settling clients;
  • not carrying out planned excursion tours;
  • problems with catering for vacationers.

Compensation for damage

V insurance compensation includes a number of expenses of the clients of the travel company associated with the non-professional activities of the latter. This is an additional payment for services that, according to the signed contract, should be included in the tour, but by mistake of the operator are shifted to the shoulders of the client:

  • for renewal of visas;
  • on moving from the airport to the destination and in the opposite direction;
  • to buy new plane and train tickets;
  • for services that were included in the tour, but were not provided;
  • for hotel rooms that had to be paid for when concluding a travel contract;
  • loss of money due to cancellation of the tour or the cost of paying for it;
  • for the purchase of food, payment for meals at food points.

The insurance indemnity includes the expenses of the insurance company associated with the reduction of harm caused to customers in the event of the events specified in the policy.

The cost of the policy and the amount of the tour operator's liability insurance

Price insurance policy usually varies in the range from five tenths to ten percent of the amount insured. The final version is calculated taking into account the type of activity of the travel agency and the conditions of insurance.

Sum insured depends on the direction of tourism (table 1).

Table 1 - Sum insured

Type of tourism Conditions Sum insured, rub.
Interior 500 000
Entry 10 000 000
  1. The company's turnover according to the accounting department is up to one hundred million rubles.
  2. Tourist activities under the simplified taxation system.

SA "Persona Grata" issues financial guarantees in the form of civil liability insurance for tour operators operating in the field of domestic and inbound tourism... The insurance rate is from 4% per year.
For outbound tourism, liability insurance is carried out for 10 million rubles and the insurance rate is from 1.6%.

We guarantee a low interest rate in Moscow for civil liability insurance of tour operators for domestic and inbound tourism, as well as entry into the Unified Federal Register of Tour Operators as soon as possible!

SA "Persona Grata" provides assistance in registration of the status of a tour operator for all types of tourism:

  • Stage 1. Registration of financial security:
    - receipt, re-registration of financial security at minimum rates from 1 day
    Request an insurance application[email protected]
  • Stage 2. For outbound tourism
    Joining the Association "Turpomosch":

    - Payment of the entrance fee to the Reserve Fund in the amount of 100,000 rubles.
    - Payment of the entrance fee to the Fund personal responsibility RUB 100,000
  • Stage 3. Entering information into the Unified Federal Register of Tour Operators
    - preparation and submission of documents in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Tourism Agency

Term of registration of the status of a tour operator: from 5 working days

List of required documents:

  • For registration of financial security in the form of civil liability insurance (an application for insurance is sent upon request, which we ask to send to the address [email protected] or use the "Feedback" form on our website)
  • follow this link.
  • To make changes to the information about the tour operator in the Unified Federal Register of Tour Operators (copies of documents are provided confirming the changes that must be entered into the register)

Cost of services:

Insurance rates:

  • for the amount 10 million rubles for outbound tourism - from 1.6% per year
  • for the amount 50 million rubles for outbound tourism - from 1.1% per year
  • for the amount 500 thousand rubles for domestic tourism - 4% per year

Questionnaire statements


Insurance of tour operators is one of the priority types of insurance of our company. The employees of our company have unique experience of interaction with tour operators, insurance companies and regulatory authorities in the field of insurance of tour operators, such as: the Federal Agency for Tourism and central bank Russia. As of the spring of 2016, we have more than 150 tour operators in our portfolio. international tourism, and on inbound and domestic tourism.

We provide the following types of insurance for tour operators:
  • Tour operator liability insurance (within the framework of the obligation under Federal Law N 12-FZ). Liability Insurance - obligatory view insurance. Without liability insurance, the tour operator cannot collect a complete travel product, which must provide the tourist with flights to and from the vacation spot, transfers from the airport to the hotel and back, hotel accommodation, as well as protection of the tourist's financial interests in case of failure to fulfill his own obligations;
  • Travel abroad insurance (VZR). This type of insurance protects tourists in case of need for medical assistance. When introducing a system for the implementation of TCD policies, we provide a comfortable level of interaction between the insurer and the tour operator (adaptation to 1C, Master-Tour, b2b), as well as the necessary agency fees.
  • Voluntary health insurance for employees of tour operators.
  • Insurance of offices of tour operators (property and civil liability during the operation of non-residential premises).

The activity of a tour operator is a very complex type of business, which depends on a number of micro- and macroeconomic risks, which are very difficult to foresee and assess. But it is on them that the success or fiasco of a particular tour operator depends. In connection with the above, liability insurance of tour operators has been mandatory for a fairly long time. Without liability insurance, the tour operator cannot obtain an activity permit from the Federal Tourism Agency.

Over the years of working with tour operators, we have seen them, both the dawn of business and difficult times of crisis for them. The peak of this crisis was the summer and autumn of 2014. At this time, both tour operators and insurance companies suffered, which very frivolously approached the underwriting of the tour operator's liability insurance. At the moment, it is quite difficult for a tour operator to independently find an insurance company that is ready to insure his liability. This is where we are ready to help!

Contact us and see for yourself in practice!

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