How to fill out an application form for a loan product in Sberbank. Application form for a home loan from Sberbank Sberbank loan application form

The lending procedure at the bank begins with the process of filling out a questionnaire. The questionnaire is designed to collect information about the client and allows the bank to check basic parameters, such as the validity of documents, the presence of an official place of work and the amount of income. Next, we will study what an application for a loan to Sberbank is.

Features of filing an application to the bank

Before you apply for a loan, you need to study the features of lending at Sberbank. To do this, you can visit the institution's website, which presents all currently operating credit programs. You can also download the borrower's questionnaire on the official server.

Credit programs are divided into:

  • mortgage;
  • consumer;
  • car loans;
  • refinancing.

A mortgage application form requires targeted confirmation. Therefore, the application must be accompanied by documents on real estate.

There are many loan programs in Sberbank

The peculiarities of applying for a loan are:

  • the questionnaire can be submitted online or with the help of a bank specialist;
  • Sberbank's application for a consumer loan is submitted only if there is a complete package of documents, which includes a passport, a second document of your choice: TIN, SNILS, driver's license, income certificates, education documents;
  • if the loan is targeted, then it is necessary to provide documents for the property, for the car;
  • a loan can be received in cash or transferred to a card, about which a corresponding note is also made in the questionnaire;
  • information in the questionnaire must be entered accurately and reliably, since any error, typo or inaccuracy will lead to an automatic refusal;
  • The term for consideration of the questionnaire depends on the amount of the loan and the program: the larger the amount, the more complex the program, the longer the application will be considered. On average, the terms are about 1 day. If the loan amount is up to 50,000 rubles, then a scoring check of the application is possible, and a decision on it - within 15 minutes;
  • the questionnaires for regular and salary clients are shortened, since the bank already has information about this person.

In general, the process of filling out the questionnaire is quite simple, but you need to prepare for it. A correctly completed application form is a 50% approval guarantee. Therefore, before visiting the office of the institution, you must write down all the required phones, prepare documents and copies.

In the application, it is better to indicate a large number of landline phones (personnel department, accounting department). This increases customer confidence.

Filling out the questionnaire, sample

Filling out the questionnaire is carried out either by a bank specialist or by the client independently online. The main blocks of the questionnaire:

  • personal information: surname, name, patronymic, date of birth, place of registration;
  • information about the documents (number, series of the passport, as well as data of other documents provided by the borrower);
  • data on work: phone numbers, surname, name, patronymic of the chief, full name of the organization;
  • information about contact persons: phone numbers and surnames, names, patronymics of friends and acquaintances with whom the bank will be able to contact if it does not get through to the borrower;
  • information about the pledge and the guarantor, if any.

Thus, the loan application form is quite simple and is completed within 10-15 minutes. The questionnaire is printed out and added to the client's dossier, therefore, when taking a loan again, you do not need to submit a new one. This will significantly save time on applying. The approval procedure will take no more than 10 minutes.

Sample loan application

Is it possible to do without a statement

An application is not a questionnaire. An application for a loan is called an offer. It comes only after the client's profile is approved. The loan application contains individual and general conditions. The main parameters of the loan are prescribed in individual conditions: rate, term, amount.

General conditions contain general parameters for using a loan, for example, where you can pay off the debt, how to act in case of unforeseen circumstances, conditions for early repayment of the loan, and so on.

It is impossible to do without an application, since, according to civil law, an offer is the basis for a transaction. Accordingly, both the client and the bank are signed at the end of the offer. After signing the contract, the client has obligations to the creditor.

Since after signing the contract, the loan is considered issued, then before signing it is worth carefully studying the conditions. The main nuances that may be specified in the agreement, but not announced to the borrower:

  • increased interest rate. Sometimes the bank in its advertisements indicates low interest rates, which can change upon application. In Sberbank, the rate is set individually and depends on the category of the borrower, therefore, after receiving approval, it should be clarified what amount of overpayment awaits the client at the end of the term;
  • the term of the loan or the amount has been reduced. These parameters can also be changed, since the bank sets the amount and term depending on the borrower's solvency. If the income is not enough for the specified amount, then the bank sends approval, but with a lower loan amount;
  • availability of insurance. This increases the chances of the application being approved, increases the loan amount, but lowers the interest rate. The presence of insurance is a guarantee for the credit institution to pay off the debt.

Thus, a client who has reached the age of 23 can fill out a loan application. Online submission of an application is not a basis for a client to have obligations, but is only a preliminary application for a loan. And the decision obtained in this way is preliminary. For the final one, you need to contact the bank's specialists with a full package of documents.

Sberbank is the leader in the majority of banking services among Russian financial institutions.

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It is here that people most often turn to in order to get a loan or card. The registration of a loan at Sberbank begins with the registration of an application form.

Although this document has a rather simple form, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances that are not always obvious.

Important points

Sberbank offers various types of loans, including mortgages, consumer loans, credit cards and other products.

The choice of a particular loan option will depend on many conditions - the required amount of funds, the desired term, the purpose of obtaining a loan and the preferences of the borrower himself.

Sberbank specialists can help you choose the right option in the branches and by calling the contact center.

You can choose a loan product yourself, based on information from the official website or documents received at the office.

Registration of any loan begins with the registration of an application. At Sberbank, it is an application form.

The credit organization carefully checks all the data specified in the application and analyzes them.

The documents attached to the application also undergo various checks.

Only after the necessary procedures have been carried out, a decision is made about the possibility of issuing a loan, which is communicated to the client.

The client must sign the application, its submission means consent to the processing of personal data, verification of information and the implementation of requests to the Credit Bureau.

But the application does not actually impose any obligations on the client or the credit organization.

Sberbank has every right to refuse to issue a loan or to approve it on other conditions, while the financial institution is not obliged to explain the reason for the decision, and in most cases it will not.

Comment. When making a decision, the bank takes into account many parameters from the borrower's income and his credit history to activity on social networks or the cost of paying for cellular communications.

Not a single credit institution, including Sberbank, discloses exact data on what information the decision on the loan application is based on. Otherwise, various scammers could take advantage of this.

In turn, the client is not obliged to receive a loan, even if it is approved on the requested terms.

For example, many people prefer to apply for a loan from Sberbank and at the same time to other financial institutions.

And after approval of several applications, such customers choose the best offer.

This is their full right, although banks do not like it when a client has frequent inquiries in connection with loan applications in the BKI report.

Too many loan applications submitted at the same time can lead to rejection in all banks.

The decision on the application is valid for a limited period of time. Usually from 10 to 180 days, depending on the type of loan.

During this time, the client must sign a loan agreement, otherwise the decision will be canceled and he will have to start all over again.

Main concepts

A loan application is a written application from a client to a bank requesting a loan.

It can be issued both in paper and electronic form. Usually the credit institution itself develops a special form for such documents, since they are not established by law.

The application must contain all the basic information about the client, his property, etc., necessary for making a decision on the possibility of providing a loan.

If necessary, the bank can request additional data, documents and explanations.

The main part of the loan application is made up of the client's personal data - this is actually all information related to a specific person (name, phone number, document data, etc.).

Data are processed and stored by credit institutions in accordance with the Federal Law "On Personal Data".

The client's consent to the processing of his personal data by the bank must be indicated in the loan application.

A client who is not a debtor to the bank can withdraw consent to the processing of personal data without any problems.

The credit organization will have to stop processing them and, in cases provided by law, destroy them.

How to submit

For quite a long time, Sberbank, like other lending organizations, allowed applying for a loan only by contacting the office in person.

But this is not convenient for clients, as it requires additional time to visit the branch, where queues are created due to the large number of people who applied.

But modern technologies have made it possible to submit applications online, and virtually all banks today offer such online application forms through the official website.

Applications for some types of loans, for example, with a guarantee of third parties, can still be submitted to Sberbank only through a branch.

Sberbank accepts applications from existing customers for consumer and most other types of loans through the Internet banking system Sberbank-Online.

If a potential borrower also receives a salary through Sberbank, then they can provide a loan to him online.

For new clients, it is also possible to submit applications on the official website of Sberbank.

New and existing clients of Sberbank can also apply for home loans via the Internet. For this, the credit institution has created a special service DomClick.

Video: how to get a loan from Sberbank

Application for a loan from Sberbank

In order to receive a loan, each client must fill out a special application in paper or electronic form.

You can get a ready-made form for filling out at any branch of Sberbank, and its example is available for review.

Before filling out the application, it is best to consult with the specialists of Sberbank to provide all the necessary data.

Comment. All co-borrowers / guarantors must fill out similar applications, if they are provided for by the terms of the selected loan product.

The completed application form must be handed over to Sberbank employees, who will verify the data in the application with the documents and submit the document to work.

The term for making a decision can vary significantly for different products and categories of borrowers.

For example, salary clients of Sberbank on a consumer loan receive a decision on an application in a maximum of 2 hours, and it may take up to 10 days or more to check a mortgage application.


Various home loans from Sberbank are very popular among the population.

These are mortgages, loans for the construction of housing, the purchase of garages or parking spaces, etc. In fact, the application form for a home loan from Sberbank is no different from the standard one, except for the section on the loan product.

Additionally, here you will need to indicate data on the real estate planned for the acquisition (construction), the availability and desire to use maternity capital to repay the loan, the availability of the right to receive special rates on the loan.


A sample application for a consumer loan from Sberbank can be downloaded. It should be borne in mind that Sberbank has several consumer lending programs and some points when filling out an application will differ.

It will be possible to apply for a loan with a guarantor only through the branch, but the chances of its approval are much higher. When registering it, the questionnaire is filled out by both the borrower and his guarantor.

Features of entering information

All information entered into the application must be correct. It will not be difficult to check any information to the bank and an attempt to deceive will be easily detected, and as a result, a loan will be refused.

There is no need to try to indicate additional income, which in reality does not exist, or otherwise improve your solvency or good faith in the eyes of the bank.

If the application is filled out in paper form, then an ordinary ballpoint pen should be used for this. No corrections or adjustments to the application are allowed.

If a mistake is made, it is better to immediately rewrite the entire sheet of the document, this will save you from unnecessarily delaying the procedure. With the corrections, the application will simply not be accepted in any case.

The procedure for filling out the questionnaire

First of all, the borrower must indicate his personal and passport data, registration and residence address, as well as contact information.

After that, you need to fill in information about income (main place of work and additional income), as well as family composition and marital status.

At the last stage of filling out the questionnaire, you must specify the parameters of the desired loan, as well as data on salary (pension) cards.

Required documents

Together with the questionnaire, the borrower (guarantor, co-borrower) must necessarily present his passport, as well as, preferably, SNILS.

In the current unfavorable situation in the country, people are increasingly taking loans in order to live better, pay off current debts, buy housing, cars, and study. A wide variety of offered loan products allows you to borrow funds for almost any purpose today. That is why many people ask how to fill out a loan application form at Sberbank.

I would like to clarify once that Sberbank is the largest bank in Russia. It primarily serves private clients - citizens. There is an opportunity to get a loan from business entities, however, the procedure for obtaining money and filling out a questionnaire in this case looks somewhat different. Small business provides many additional supporting documents, on the basis of which funds are issued.

But back to individuals. To become a loan applicant, a client must first fill out an application for a loan from Sberbank. This can be done in two ways:

  • remotely (if you have a personal account in the Sberbank Online system);
  • directly at the bank branch (you can fill out the questionnaire in advance by printing the form at home, or get the necessary document from a Sberbank specialist).

Remember, the questionnaire must be filled out as accurately as possible. There should not be any false information in it. Otherwise, you can get into the black list of Sberbank and lose hope of receiving borrowed funds even in the future.

Filling out a questionnaire at a bank branch

The questionnaire can be filled in in this case, not necessarily at the bank branch. If it is more convenient for the client to enter information in electronic form and then print it out, then this option is also possible. You can find the form on the official website of Sberbank. Here you will find filled. It will help you avoid mistakes and inaccuracies. By entering the information correctly, you will protect yourself from having to do it again directly in the department.

Some clients think that the questionnaire is not such an important document. This is not true. The data from it is checked by specialists of the security service of Sberbank. If any information is indicated incorrectly, it will be recorded and noted. Such incidents are perceived negatively by the loan officers themselves. Mismatches and errors will result in a failure.

The most detailed and truthful information will increase the chances of obtaining credit funds. It is very important, if possible, to indicate what the money will go to: the more serious and material the goal, the better. You can specify that the funds are needed to buy a home, a car, other real estate, education.

We must not forget that Sberbank does not give out large sums of money to everyone. For confirmation of solvency, you may often need a pledge or guarantors. If the client provides collateral, then all documents for it must be available. Real estate should not be involved in any gray schemes.

Remember that property can only become a pledge if it is registered in your name, and other owners are either absent or agree to pledge obligations.

If, as a security, a potential borrower settles on a surety, then it is worthwhile to first clarify how many of them are needed to receive a specific amount. On such persons, you will have to additionally collect information, fill out a questionnaire, also painstakingly entering all the data.

If the borrower has a co-borrower, then all the information is provided on him, his signature is affixed. You will have to go to the Sberbank branch together.

You need to pay attention to accurately filling out the information in your work. The amount of income should be confirmed by a certificate in the 2-NDFL form, received no later than 2 weeks before contacting a bank branch. To clarify information about the salary, you will need a working phone number (preferably accounting).

If there are other obligations to banks, this must be indicated in the questionnaire. It will still not be possible to hide such information, it will pop up when checking the client's credit history.

All data in the form must be entered legibly. The ideal option is to fill in the information on a computer.

Sending a questionnaire via the Internet

Today it is not at all charming to go to Sberbank to submit your application for a loan. This can also be done via the Internet. Such a service is available to active users of Sberbank who have access to the Sberbank Online system - it is through it that information will be sent.

Sberbank Online is becoming more and more popular. It is now used to arrange loans, order cards, pay off debts, make payments. One of the significant advantages is faster service than in a bank branch, and a lower commission on operations.

As great as this service is, you won't be able to get final loan approval through it. The bank will make a preliminary decision after reviewing the data sent in the questionnaire by the borrower. In any case, the final verdict is made directly at the Sberbank branch by a loan officer.

Getting a preliminary decision is not always a guarantee of approval. It is very important to submit all supporting documents on time.

Consideration of applications via the Internet takes place the next day after it is sent. The filling time is not limited to the operating mode of the department. You can send information at any time.

Waiting for a response

The loan officer, having considered the information provided, makes a decision regarding the applicant's questionnaire. In any case, the client is informed, even if he is refused.

After approval, you must responsibly approach the collection of additional documents, if necessary. Moreover, this must be done in a short time. The further course of events will depend only on the actions of the client himself.

To submit an online application, the client visits the Sberbank website and is authorized in the personal account. After entering the login and password, the user goes to the lending section. The third step is filling out the form and submitting the application. After that, it remains only to wait for consideration.

New clients apply at a bank branch, which means they need a printed questionnaire. Forms for mortgages and car loans are presented on the lender's website and are available for download. To obtain a consumer loan, you will need to visit a bank branch and take a questionnaire there. After filling out, the forms are handed over to the employee along with the documents.

Samples of questionnaires and loan applications

Conveniently, you can view a sample application form for a home loan in Sberbank on the Internet in advance. This will help you understand what information you need to provide to the bank and prepare it. Examples of filling out the most popular types of questionnaires:

To fill out, you will need a blank loan application form. It is enough to download and print it, and then fill it out in accordance with the samples provided for different types of loans.

The procedure for filling out the questionnaire

Before visiting the bank to submit an application, make sure that you have the necessary documents with you. In addition to a passport, you will need:

  • 2-NDFL certificate - confirms the client's solvency;
  • a copy of the work book - indicates that the borrower has a job;
  • TIN certificate and details of the employer.

You can see a sample application for a home loan in Sberbank above, but here you need to understand in detail how to fill out printed forms. First, details are entered in block letters with a pen in the blank fields, including:

  • type of loan product - consumer, car or mortgage;
  • personal, passport and contact information, as well as the role in the registration process;
  • place of permanent or temporary registration, address of actual residence;
  • information about relatives and marital status, information about education;
  • information about the place of employment, income, employer, position, length of service;
  • property (if any) that is owned directly by the borrower.

The next step is to check the forms and place signatures. After that, the documents are provided to the bank employee, and the application is sent for consideration. You can also submit an online application form on the bank's website. It includes much fewer items, and its registration takes a minute or two at most. In the future, this will make it easier to issue a loan.

When a client submits a package of documents for a loan at Sberbank, it is mandatory to have a questionnaire in it. For its correct filling, refer to the sample.

The loan application form is the main document on the basis of which the credit commission will have to make a decision to open a credit line to the client who has applied, or to refuse a loan. That is why it is extremely important to fill it in correctly.

Before going to the bank, you should take into account the content of the sections of the loan application form and familiarize yourself with the sample.

Who enters data and in what way

Both an application for a home loan and an application for a consumer loan can be completed either by the borrower in person or by another person (a relative or bank employee) in handwritten or printed form. The main condition is to indicate exclusively reliable and up-to-date information.

Submission of an application is possible only with a personal visit to a banking institution. Online submission of the document is not provided.

Filling rules

All the necessary information is divided into 6 blocks, which in turn have separate sub-items.

Block No. 1

Participation in the transaction. Since the data is entered by the borrower, co-borrower, guarantor and pledger, a check should be made next to the appropriate field.

Personal information. Full name, date and place of birth, gender.

Passport registration data. Information about the series and number, organ and place of issue. If you have a foreign passport, you should put a mark on its presence.

Previous surname and reason for changing it... The field is filled in only when the surname is changed.

Contact details... A valid phone number, work email address is entered.

The level of education. A check mark is placed in the corresponding field.

Block No. 2

The permanent or temporary registration address, place of residence, marital status and information about relatives (if they act as co-borrowers or guarantors) are indicated. If the client is married, it is necessary to fill in the items about the spouse and children (if any).

Block No. 3

Designated for data on the place of work, income level and property owned by the right of ownership.

The presence and place of employment in the future will need to be confirmed by a light copy of the work book.

Block No. 4

The section contains supporting information materials for applicants who receive a salary or pension at Sberbank. The field contains the bank account or card to which credits are made.

The field with the insured event must be filled in only when the applicant's income is included in the borrower's income!

Block No. 5

Designed for the code assigned to the credit dossier. Thanks to this identifier, you can track where the history of the co-borrower's loan is located.

Block No. 6

The applicant displays the amount of the loan that he is counting on, the number of the account or bank card, where the monetary resource will be transferred in the future.

It should be borne in mind that the bank may provide an amount less than the borrower requested. This is due to the fact that the amount of the loan is determined based on the solvency of the borrower and guarantors (if any).

The application also contains sub-clause 6.1, which is filled out if the application is submitted for refinancing a credit line.

Where to get an electronic example

The application form can be downloaded by going to the tab of the loan product of interest on the official website of Sberbank and clicking the "Fill in the application form" button. The site will redirect the client to download the document to the user's computer.

A preliminary acquaintance with the fields and rules for filling out the application form for the issuance of a loan will minimize the chance of making a mistake and cause the bank to doubt you.

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