Stock quotes bks. Online quotes, currencies, stocks, real mmvb from the exchange

It doesn't matter if you own shares or are just going to buy them - information on quotes allows you to estimate the cost of your acquisition and choose the right moment to buy or sell.

At the same time, not everyone is suitable for official sources, such as the website of the exchange, which provide data with a delay of 15 minutes. Let's figure out how to get quotes from the MICEX online, what options exist, how much it costs and what labor costs it requires.

Why you need real-time quotes

One of the basic tenets of technical analysis is the statement that the current price of an asset includes both an estimate of its current value and all possible positive and negative changes in the future. The equilibrium price of the current moment is the result of a superposition of the opinions of all analytical and financial institutions about the value of an asset.

From this point of view, any change in the share price beyond the established range of volatility indicates the positive or negative changes that have occurred to the company, industry or even the country. Even experienced analysts cannot always explain the very reason for the change in value; often the general public learns about the reasons for the rise or fall in the price of shares, when the market has already begun a correction after a strong movement.

Important! Having operative information about the change in the price of his asset, the investor can make a timely decision on the transaction.

By receiving stock quotes on the MICEX in real time, you can significantly limit losses in the event of a fall in the value of shares, as well as make a profitable deal by buying a growing asset at the beginning of its movement.

The issue of efficiency is in the first place in all scalping strategies, as well as when using robotic trading algorithms, which are used by professionals, both institutional and private traders.

For the competent use of the information received, considerable experience and discipline are required. Otherwise, even the flow of real-time trading information will not be interpreted in the correct way, or it will not lead to a transaction for psychological reasons.

Therefore, first of all, one should understand the duration of one's investments, the possibility of their operational management, formalize a trading strategy, and then look for the possibility of obtaining online quotes.

What ways are there

The MICEX exchange on its website provides quotes for traded instruments with a 15-minute delay. Brokers and major news agencies adhere to the same policy on their websites. At the moment, there are the following ways to get real-time quotes for financial instruments of interest.

Using thematic sites

Sites that position themselves as trading communities provide visitors with an online stock price to generate traffic from users of the resource. In addition to the cost of the resource, you can display price sequences in the form of charts, apply the main indicators and figures of technical analysis to them. Information about quotes is usually available to any site visitor for free and without registering an account. Such sites have a news feed in the form of a blog post, where, under each news release, a discussion of traders regarding its impact on the future of the market begins. This information is sufficient for a quick analysis of the state of one's position or an express assessment of possible risks / benefits when important news data is released. Here are some of these sites:,,

Connecting to trading through the broker's terminal

The overwhelming majority of exchange intermediaries in Russia offer their clients the Quik software package. There are versions for desktop PCs, mobile computers and tablets, as well as a web interface for trading, available in the client's personal account. Any of these methods requires registration of personal keys on the exchange, which is carried out after the conclusion of a brokerage agreement.

In this case, it is assumed that the client will start some assets, for example, cash or securities, into his account with the broker. Although at individual companies you can sign documents, register keys and gain access to trading, but not deposit any funds into your account. This method provides access to the full functionality of the trading system, including the entire set of price and graphical data, analytics, news and technical support. In addition, in the terminals, you can make deals for the purchase and sale of financial instruments traded on organized platforms.

Connection to specialized trading systems

Connection to specialized trading systems with a request for quotes through a direct gateway from the exchange. This option is usually used by professional private traders and institutions. There are a number of software systems for the analysis and execution of transactions with the ability to deeply automate trading processes, such as Metatrader, Ninja Trader, X_trader.

In high-frequency trading, information about the placement and execution of an order must arrive at the terminal with a minimum time delay. Therefore, the standard delay of 50-100 ms is not suitable for such clients, and they connect a direct gateway to the exchange servers, reducing the latency 2-3 times from the normal one. The cost of such a connection depends on the number of transactions made, and starts from 5,000 rubles per month.

The easiest way to find out the value of Russian shares today for investors and those interested in the stock market is free news portals, the exchange website, as well as the RBC TV channel, where the quotation delay is 15 minutes.

Attention! If you want to track quotes in real time, it is more convenient to work with a broker. In addition to making transactions, the client receives newsletters and all relevant statistical data.

How to connect to quotes

Finding real-time quotes on the Internet is easy. It is enough to enter the corresponding query in the search bar and select the appropriate site.

When connecting to a broker, you first need to choose a company with good financial performance and look at the reviews. Then call the customer service office and drive up to draw up a contract with a passport. The connection diagram is modular, i.e. it will be possible to subsequently add additional sites and services to the basic contract.

The broker's support includes analytical packages and services with the provision of trading recommendations, up to the connection of a personal financial advisor. The choice of a particular service implies various monetary commissions, as well as a mandatory, minimum amount of assets on the client's account.

Note! Connecting direct gateways is usually in demand by professional traders who have gone a long way of self-training or work in specialized financial companies such as banks or investment funds.

Pros and cons of different options

Let's consider the distinctive features of various options for obtaining quotes.

When using specialized sites, the benefits are as follows:

  • easily find a resource and save it to your browser bookmarks;
  • there is no need for registration, information is provided in the minimum required volume;
  • there is a community of traders on the resource, which helps the user to make a decision in a particular case.

At the same time, to complete a transaction, you need to call the broker or go to the issuer to conclude a purchase / sale agreement, which reduces efficiency.

When using a brokerage account with a connected terminal, the advantages are as follows:

  • the ability to save individual settings for charts and technical analysis tools;
  • analytical and technical support;
  • efficiency in managing funds.

At the same time, among the minuses, one can single out the presence of direct and hidden commissions, the need to spend time concluding an agreement and registering the keys of the trading system.

In general, we can say that the option of connecting an account with a broker to find out how much the MICEX shares cost online is preferable. The financial market is complex, so any outside help will save time and money by reducing the number of inevitable beginner mistakes.

The current economic situation opens up ample opportunities for investors to obtain potential profit from investing money in securities of Russian companies. Otkritie Broker clients get full access to a wide range of securities traded on the Moscow Exchange and can buy shares of the largest Russian companies:

  1. Yandex 1 (Yandex N.V.);

In the long term, the currently purchased shares of Russian companies can bring potentially high profits to the investor, not only in the form of dividends, but also due to the growth in the value of securities. Especially when it comes to companies that are export-oriented, receive income in foreign currency, or have benefited from import substitution. This primarily applies to air carriers, exporters of chemicals, petrochemicals and precious metals.

Also, with the help of Otkritie Broker, you will be able to buy shares of Russian retail companies such as PJSC Magnit, PJSC Dixy Group and PJSC Lenta and other issuers.

Benefits of cooperation with Otkritie Broker:

  1. Variety of rates for brokerage services depending on the volume of transactions and trade turnover.
  2. Operations for the sale and purchase of shares can be carried out through programs installed on PCs and smartphones or "from voice".
  3. Free access to convenient trading platforms in Russian - QUIK 2 and MetaTrader 5 3.
  4. Absence of a threshold to enter the market: in order to buy shares of Russian companies through Otkritie Broker, it is not necessary to have a large initial capital.
  5. Opportunity to take advantage of the comprehensive support of professional analysts 4.
If you want to buy shares of Russian companies or learn more about cooperation with Otkritie Broker, fill out the feedback form below. We will call you back as soon as possible and answer all questions.

Price of shares of Russian issuers

PJSC "Rosinter Restaurants Holding" - ROST

PJSC Rosinter is the leading Russian operator of the public catering market in the segment of family restaurants.

Buy shares of PJSC "Rosinter Restaurants Holding"

Hals-Development - HALS

The Hals-Development company is one of the largest developers in Moscow. The total volume of development projects of Hals-Development is 1.6 million m 2. For 2014-2015 the company has commissioned more than 200,000 m2 of real estate.

Buy Hals-Development shares


FESCO (FESCO, Far Eastern Shipping Company) is one of the largest private transport and logistics companies in Russia with assets in the field of port, railway and integrated logistics business.

Buy FESCO shares (FESCO)

Polymetal International plc - POLY

Polymetal International plc is a Russian mining company.

Buy shares of Polymetal International plc


PJSC ALROSA is one of the largest groups of diamond mining companies in Russia.

Buy shares of PJSC ALROSA

Bank Vozrozhdenie (PJSC) - VZRZ

Bank Vozrozhdenie (PJSC) was founded in April 1991 and today is one of the leading financial institutions in the country, ranking 41st in terms of assets, 3 in terms of the number of loans issued to SMEs, 16 in terms of the volume of mortgage loans issued, and 23 in terms of the volume of deposits of the population.

Buy shares Bank Vozrozhdenie (PJSC)

Bank Saint Petersburg - BSPB

Bank Saint Petersburg is one of the largest regional banks in Russia, founded in 1990. The Bank renders services on the territory of St. Petersburg, Leningrad Region, Moscow and Kaliningrad. The priority areas of Bank Saint Petersburg's activities are lending, settlement and cash services, servicing legal entities and individuals, operations in the foreign exchange market, the market for interbank loans, and operations with securities. Over the past years, Bank Saint Petersburg has been demonstrating sustainable development in all major business areas.

Buy shares Bank Saint Petersburg

Bank "Uralsib" - USBN

PJSC Bank Uralsib is a large federal universal bank with a developed regional network and supporting the united ATM network ATLAS. The bank is the main asset of the financial corporation of the same name.

Buy shares of Bank Uralsib


VTB Bank (PJSC) is a Russian financial group that includes more than 20 companies operating in all major segments of the financial market. VTB Group is built on the principle of a strategic holding, which provides for a unified development strategy for the group's companies, a unified brand, centralized financial management and risk management.

Buy shares of VTB Bank (PJSC)


PJSC Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port (NCSP) is the third port operator in Europe and the undisputed leader in the Russian stevedoring market in terms of cargo turnover. The group includes the largest ports in Russia - the port of Novorossiysk on the Black Sea, the port of Primorsk on the Baltic Sea, and the port of Baltiysk in the Kaliningrad region. The ports of the group are embedded in international transport corridors connecting Russia with the countries of the Mediterranean, the Middle East, North Africa, Southeast Asia, North and South America, which makes them key transit channels for Russian import and export cargo.

What is the stock market?

The stock market is a market in which transactions for the purchase and sale of securities (stocks, bonds, financial derivatives, etc.) take place. The meaning of the market is in the circulation of securities between participants: whoever has free money buys securities in order to receive income in the future; who needs money - he sells securities.

The stock market should not be confused with the stock exchange - a trading platform for securities transactions where the seller and the buyer meet.

What are dividends?

Dividends are a part of the profit of a joint stock company, which is distributed among shareholders in proportion to the number of securities. The amount of dividends is not constant, it is determined by the meeting of shareholders and the charter. Dividends can be paid several times a year, once a year, or not paid at all. Usually no dividends are paid if shareholders decide to redirect profits to development. In this case, the market price of the company's shares may rise.

Most often, dividends are paid in cash, but can also be paid in shares.

What is a promotion?

A share is a (issued) security issued by a company, which secures the owner the right to receive a part of the profit of the issuing company (dividends), to participate in the management of a joint-stock company and to a part of the property in the event of liquidation. In fact, this is the acquired share of ownership of the company. The scope of rights depends on the type of shares: preferred and ordinary.

A share has a par value (indicated on the security) and a market value formed during trading on the stock market. The market value of shares reflects how much the company is valued at and is formed speculatively based on the demand for the asset. It is she who is of interest to the investor.

What time can I trade?

It all depends on which site you perform operations on. Accordingly, the conclusion of transactions is possible only during the opening hours of the site. If you have securities in your portfolio that are traded on different platforms, you need to take this into account.

The main time of trading in shares on the Moscow Exchange.

09:50:00 - 09:59:(31-59)* Opening auction (RUB, USD settlement)
10:00:00 - 18:39:59 Trading period (RUB, USD settlement)
18:40:01 - 18:50:00 Closing auction (RUB, USD settlement)

* "Glass T0" for all bonds, except OFZ, as well as Eurobonds of the Ministry of Finance, corporate Eurobonds, nominated not in US dollars (Main trading mode)

What constitutes a stock's return?

Stock returns have two components.

  1. Income received in the form of dividends is a periodic payment to the holder of the shares. In fact - a part of the company's profit, distributed in proportion to the investor's share in the company.
  2. Income received from transactions of purchase and sale of shares. The basic principle is simple: buy at a lower price, sell at a higher price. While working on the stock market, you can buy and sell stocks any number of times, thus turning around and increasing your money.

How do I deposit money into a brokerage account?

There are two ways to deposit money into a brokerage account.

  1. Transfer funds to your brokerage account in cash at the cash desk of BCS Bank.
  2. Carry out a non-cash transfer of money to a brokerage account from an account of any bank (in the case of BCS Bank, no commission).


Additional information and services

Additional options are provided below, items are revealed by clicking. If you have any difficulties or questions, you can find answers to the most frequently encountered questions, as well as solutions to problems that may arise when using exchange information and other services on this page.

In the upper part there is a block with the official exchange rates of the Central Bank of Russia for today and tomorrow. The data is updated daily on weekdays, on weekdays from 13:00 to 15:00. Dollar exchange rate January 31, 2020 calculated on the previous day based on the weighted average exchange price at 11:30 and published on the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Official exchange rates are broadcasted from the server of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for the following instruments:

USD - dollar rate, EUR - euro exchange rate, UAH - hryvnia exchange rate, BYR - Belarusian ruble exchange rate.

Please note that the exchange rate of the Ukrainian hryvnia is published by the Bank of Russia at the rate of 10 hryvnia, and the rate of the Belarusian ruble is calculated at 1000 units. You can see the full list of exchange rates of the Central Bank of Russia for today and tomorrow in the table of the currency informant

Letters. the code Units Currency Course for 30/01Course on 31/01 The change
USD 1 U.S. dollar 62.39 63.04 +0.64
EUR 1 Euro 68.68 69.42 +0.74
UAH 10 Ukrainian hryvnia 25.12 25.26 +0.13
BYN 1 Belarusian ruble 29.34 29.49 +0.16
KZT 100 Kazakhstani tenge 16.48 16.61 +0.13
JPY 100 Japanese yen 57.17 57.90 +0.74
AUD 1 Australian dollar 42.18 42.42 +0.23
AZN 1 Azerbaijani manat 36.78 37.16 +0.38
GBP 1 British pound sterling 81.20 81.83 +0.63
AMD 100 Armenian drams 13.04 13.17 +0.13
BGN 1 Bulgarian lev 35.11 35.51 +0.39
BRL 1 Brazilian real 14.87 14.90 +0.03
HUF 100 Hungarian forints 20.31 20.50 +0.19
DKK 10 Danish crowns 91.90 92.93 +1.03
INR 100 Indian rupees 87.66 88.08 +0.41
CAD 1 Canadian dollar 47.39 47.69 +0.30
KGS 100 Kyrgyz soms 89.29 90.21 +0.92
CNY 10 RMB 89.95 90.87 +0.93
MDL 10 Moldovan lei 35.55 36.04 +0.49
NOK 10 Norwegian kroner 68.34 68.47 +0.13
PLN 1 Polish zloty 16.07 16.20 +0.13
RON 1 Romanian leu 14.38 14.53 +0.15
SGD 1 Singapore dollar 45.91 46.25 +0.34
TJS 10 Tajik somoni 64.36 65.02 +0.66
TRY 1 Turkish lira 10.50 10.54 +0.05
TMT 1 New Turkmen manat 17.85 18.04 +0.18
UZS 10000 Uzbek soums 65.24 66.12 +0.88
CZK 10 Czech crowns 27.23 27.50 +0.27
CHF 1 Swiss frank 64.07 64.92 +0.85
ZAR 10 South African rand 42.85 42.93 +0.07
KRW 1000 Won Republic of Korea 52.98 53.00 +0.02

In the center of the page there is an interactive chart where you can view hundreds of financial market instruments in real time. The selection of the most popular instruments is presented in the "watchlist" column, which is located to the right of the chart; when you hover the cursor, a tooltip with a description of the selected instrument will pop up.

The Traders Forum provides its users with real-time interactive information in collaboration with Tradingview. Online stock charts. Forex, RTS, CME quotes on our forum, you can always monitor all world markets online.

Convenient tools for technical analysis allow you to make calculations on the web page without using a trading terminal or additional software. Flash display technology streams data with the lowest possible latency for a web interface. Online stock charts. RTS index chart, EURUSD, SP500 online. Online quotes

The list of instruments contains the most liquid and demanded indices, stocks and currencies. Using the window for manually entering the ticker of an instrument, you can independently select the instrument you need.

Ticker USDRUB- the exchange rate of the dollar online on the exchange
Ticker UKOIL- online Brent oil quotes
Ticker SPX500- online quotes for the S & P500 index
Ticker RTS- graph of the RTS index traded on the Moscow Exchange
Ticker DXY- online dollar index chart
Ticker NAS100- online chart of the NASDAQ 100 index
Ticker GBPUSD- online chart of quotations of the pair British pound / US dollar
Ticker EURUSD- online chart of quotes of the EUR / USD pair
Ticker XAUUSD- quotes of gold on the exchange in real time

You can always overlay technical analysis tools on the chart and save the chart as a graphic image to your computer, or get a link to the file. This way you can insert graphics directly into forum posts. To save or share an image, click on the camera in the green square in the upper right corner and follow the instructions

The Moscow Exchange, as well as other exchanges and the interbank Forex market - broadcast quotes on weekdays on weekdays, trading is not held on Saturday and Sunday. Therefore, these days the charts are static and reflect the state of the market at the close on Friday.

If graphs are not displayed at all or errors appear, make sure that you have enabled Java Script and Flash technologies in your browser. If that's okay, try refreshing the page a few times. If the page is not displayed correctly, you need to clear the cache of your browser. If all of the above methods did not help to solve the problem, write about it in the chat or on the forum. The administration constantly monitors and eliminates any problems that have arisen.

In world practice, the most common type of displaying exchange information on charts is considered to be Japanese candlesticks. The advantage of this type is that the chart displays the maximum information about the price behavior in the specified time interval (time interval). To draw a candle, four price values ​​are taken - the opening price, the maximum price, the minimum price, and the closing price. The body of the candlestick (rectangle) is constructed as follows: the opening price is a horizontal dash, the closing price is also a horizontal dash, but depending on whether the closing price is lower or higher, the body of the candlestick starts to draw and if the quote goes down, the candlestick is filled in red if quotes on the exchange are growing, the candlestick turns green.

A very important point in Japanese candlesticks is information about the highs and lows (price spikes) that leave “tails” on the candlestick or they are also called “candlestick shadows”. These shadows show the value to which the quote reached in the selected time interval, but the quote rolled back to the close of the candle and we only draw a “shadow” in the form of a vertical line on the chart.

Thus, Japanese candlesticks on stock charts allow you to visually see the direction of movement of quotations and their highs and lows, which is impossible to see on a regular line chart, which is built on only one point - the closing price.

The dollar exchange rate, as well as the quotes of Brent oil, other currencies and financial instruments - very often differ on different sites, there are several reasons for this. First of all, you need to understand on which website the dollar exchange rate is broadcast online. For example, very often, on sites, quotes are broadcast with a delay of 15 minutes - this is one of the main reasons why quotes may not coincide with the values ​​on our site.

It is also important to understand from which source the data is being broadcast. For example, on our website you can see the dollar exchange rate online 24 hours a day, even when trading on the MICEX is not being held. This is due to the fact that the page displays the weighted average dollar rate from the interbank foreign exchange market, which operates around the clock and is not an exchange market. When currency trading begins on the MICEX, quotes on Forex and on the Moscow Exchange become almost identical, due to the work of algorithms and arbitrage strategies of traders, which extinguish inefficiencies in the market and quotes on Forex and on the MICEX take identical values. You can see a similar thing if you look at currency trading on the spot market and on futures, the charts will be the same, there will only be a difference in quotes due to the specifics of the futures contract.

There is another important point that explains why quotes can vary significantly for Brent oil and other futures. The fact is that futures are traded in series that differ in delivery date, for example, futures with delivery in December, March, June and September can be traded at the same time, while their quotes will have different values, since they reflect price expectations in different calendar periods ... It follows that if it is December now and the date is approaching the expiration of the futures December oil contract, then on one site you can see the price of $ 70 per barrel, and on the other $ 72, because on the first site the quotes of the current old contract, and the other site updated the contract and is already showing March futures.

So, let's summarize. Quotes may differ on different sites for several reasons: the broadcast is delayed, different data sources, different futures contracts, technical failures. As for the quotes of currency pairs in the interbank market, it is worth remembering that the forex market is not centralized and is not regulated by the exchange, quotes are formed by banks and liquidity providers independently, according to different sources and filtering systems, so forex quotes obviously cannot be the same in different sources, in contrast to exchange instruments, the correctness of which can always be checked on the official websites of the exchanges where this or that exchange financial instrument is traded.

Dollar exchange rate online

Instrument ticker on USDRUB charts. To understand the formation of the dollar exchange rate online, you need to familiarize yourself with the following definitions. There are two main instruments traded on the Moscow Stock Exchange in the MICEX currency section. USDRUB_TOD - an instrument that is traded from 10:00 to 17:15 (Moscow time), upon purchase and sale of which cash is bought and sold in US dollars in lots for Russian rubles during trading in US dollars for Russian rubles with a maturity date on the day of the auction. The second instrument is USDRUB_TOM - the ticker of the trading time, which is from 10:00 to 23:50 (Moscow time), when buying and selling which, money is bought and sold in US dollars in lots for Russian rubles during trading in US dollars for Russian rubles. rubles with the deadline for the fulfillment of obligations on the first business day in the country where the settlement bank is located and in the Russian Federation, following the day of trading. Thus, at the exchange trading in Russia, the dollar rate turns around in these two instruments.

Exchange rates for today January 31, 2020 is updated daily on working days of the Moscow Exchange and is published, among other things, on our website, on this page. A fixed dollar rate from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is most often needed by companies that make settlements in foreign currency, while ordinary individuals and private traders are more interested in exchange prices. The fact is that when opening a brokerage account, the investor gets direct access to trading on the currency section, where he gets the opportunity to make buy / sell transactions not at the set price of the Central Bank, but at the current exchange quotes, which gives a number of advantages for making money on the exchange.

After the close of the exchange, trading continues on the interbank forex market, trading in the USD RUB currency pair around the clock, this allows you to form a stream of quotes in real time and provide page visitors with the dollar rate online 24 hours a day from Monday to Friday. During the opening of trading on the MICEX, traders in banks begin to conduct transactions already on the currency section of the exchange from 10:00 to 23:50 (Moscow time), at this time the quotes on the charts are the most accurate due to the high liquidity and the work of algorithmic strategies. Nevertheless, in the Asian trading session, traders begin to dissolve USD RUB, and observing the numbers before the opening of the MICEX, it is possible to predict the opening levels of trading on the Moscow stock exchange with a fairly high degree of probability. Also, using the dollar rate in real time, you can independently calculate the Central Bank rate, which is calculated based on the price at the exchange currency trading at 11:30 Moscow time.

The events taking place in the foreign exchange market in December 2014, when the dollar rate rose rapidly to a historical maximum, at the moment reaching the level of 79 rubles, attracted the attention of citizens who were not previously interested in trading on the stock exchange. Brokerage companies working with the Moscow Exchange, as well as forex dealers, began to actively offer services to the public for opening accounts for independent trading on the exchange. In 2015, exchange rates traded in a wide range from 49 to 70 rubles, the last day of trading of the year closed at a historical maximum of both the fixed rate of the Central Bank dollar and the non-exchange market, the dollar reached 75 rubles, and the euro rate was 80 rubles. The first full working day of 2016, January 11, was also remembered by traders as the day of new highs in the foreign exchange market and the collapse in the stock market, exchange rates reached 76 and 83 rubles, respectively, the MICEX index lost more than 3% at the opening, but by the end of the trading session, the drop narrowed and remained at the level of 2.5%.

Euro exchange rate online live chart

Instrument ticker on EURRUB charts. Euro is a means of payment of the member states of the European Union, and is also in circulation in 9 other European countries that are not members of the European Union. Thus, about this money, it can be argued that it is the same for the whole of Europe. It is a fairly young currency, but since 2006 it has surpassed the dollar in value. The currency is managed by the ECB, the central bank of Europe. The ESCB, the system of central banks in Europe, has similar rights. The system is made up of the central banks of the EU countries. There are not significant, but important differences between them in that the ESCB is engaged in the issue of coins and banknotes, and the ECB determines the financial policy.

To look at the Internet exchange rate of the euro online at Forex, you can use various platforms. If you trade in forex and are interested in EURRUB quotes, then you have the opportunity to follow the course in real time right on the website. The site also contains a variety of charts that allow you to trace the dynamics of price changes and make forecasts for further changes in quotations. The exchange is equipped with all the tools for convenient trading that will help you understand the market situation online. It is also possible to track the euro exchange rate online on the website of the Moscow Currency Exchange (MICEX). Currency rates here are also updated in real time and there are charts of changes in EURRUB quotes.

Sberbank of Russia. If you are an individual and decide to buy or sell foreign currency, you can carry out this transaction at the Sberbank of the Russian Federation. The bank provides preferential quotes for those who subscribe to the appropriate service packages, which can be found in more detail on the official website of Sberbank. There is also a small nuance in that the online euro exchange rate is constantly changing, and the purchase / sale is carried out at the rate that is in effect at the time of the actual withdrawal of funds, and not at the one that you saw at the time of this operation. As with any self-respecting resource, there are graphs of course changes.

Oil price online in real time

Instrument ticker on UKOIL charts. By the price of oil, it is possible to determine trends in investor sentiment in the commodity market, in turn, the price of oil affects exchange rates, especially those countries that produce mainly raw materials, and not finished products, but this is far from always the case. For example, the Russian ruble strengthened in March 2015, although Brent oil prices were going down during this period. The online oil course allows you to understand the situation on the market, predict further events, since in modern realities everyone is interested in how much oil costs at the moment and what its cost will be in the future.

Oil production. Russian Brent crude is considered to be of inferior quality compared to American WTI crude, it is distinguished by its high density and high percentage of sulfur. At the moment, the sale of oil is carried out on the basis of futures contracts, their introduction was initially met with rejection, but when buyers and sellers felt all the advantages of this system, this system gained sympathy from many manufacturing companies. After the introduction of futures contracts, oil pricing left the hands of OPEC (the organization of oil exporting countries), which monopolized this right until the mid-eighties of the last century.

Pricing. There are many factors influencing the change in oil prices. The most important, as is the case with any product, is the ratio of supply and demand, but this is not all. The oil price is also undergoing changes due to investor sentiment. Of the most influential reasons for the price change, the growth of the world economy and geopolitical risks can be singled out, but the online oil exchange rate can be influenced by the world oil reserves, the weather on the territory of the fields, the change in exchange rates (the influence is also in the opposite direction), the discovery of new sources of production, the influence of OPEC ...

Online oil course. Changes in oil prices in real time can be traced on many resources, a full picture with many charts can be given by the website of the forex exchange. Here you can follow the dynamics of price changes, forecasts for the near future, and draw conclusions about what awaits tomorrow.

Dollar Index Online

On our chart, the dollar index is broadcast in real time under the ticker USDOLLAR, this financial instrument is traded on the international currency exchange and is the equivalent of the DXY stock index. As a rule, stock quotes are publicly broadcast with a delay of 10-15 minutes, therefore, for your convenience, we have chosen the USDOLLAR streaming chart, which is completely identical to the dollar exchange index and has only a difference in points. The dollar index allows you to visually observe the behavior of the American currency rate against all major currency pairs on one chart, which can undoubtedly have a positive effect on your trading on the USDRUB pair.

Instrument ticker on DXY charts. Any market index used in stock, derivatives or other securities markets should be understood as a tool for averaging prices for all traded instruments. The presence of the index allows you to determine the state of the market trend at a given time in order to make decisions on transactions for individual assets. Therefore, such an index serves as a valuable predictive trading tool. For the Forex market in 1973, when floating exchange rates were used against the US dollar and the gold price after the collapse of the Breton Woods system, the USDX (Unated States Dollar indeX) dollar index was developed, also denoted by the DXY ticker. From that time on, for the entire period of trading in the Forex market from Monday to Friday, a continuous round-the-clock DXY calculation is performed based on data on the exchange rates of the Forex market.

The dollar index is usually calculated as a weighted geometric moving average of the rates of the single European currency - the euro and the monetary units of Canada, Great Britain, Japan, Switzerland and Sweden against the US dollar. The predictive value of USDX as an analytical tool that allows you to determine the total movement of the Forex market is unusually high and should be the result of a synthesis of a fundamental and technical approach to the analysis of the market situation. Using the USDX index as a predictive tool for analyzing the exchange rate on Forex is a synthetic combination of technical and fundamental analysis. The fundamental component of the method of using the USDX as an analytical tool is to determine the “absolute” price of the dollar in terms of its relationship with other currencies. The technical side of the issue is that graphically the dollar index is a curve to which all known methods of technical analysis are fully applicable. The DXY index, therefore, is an average indicator of the general market movement, the more familiar name for which is the term "trend". Then currencies should move in line with this trend movement and, therefore, the dollar index should rightfully be considered a trend indicator. Let us explain this with the example of two European currencies - the Swiss franc and the euro.

Practical use of USDX. Every practicing trader knows about the existence of a correlation between the rates of individual currencies, which can be either direct or inverse. With a direct correlation, exchange rates move in the same direction, with a reverse - in the opposite way. The euro and the Swiss franc are in a state of inverse correlation and with the growth of the euro against the US dollar, the Swiss franc, on the contrary, decreases. The exchange rate of the dollar as a whole, demonstrated by its index, in this case shows a downward, "bearish" trend. When the US dollar appreciates, everything happens exactly the opposite.

Another side of the USDX application in practice is its use as an independent trading instrument - a futures on this index. The maximum volume of togrs for the DXY instrument differs, at the same time, the ICE exchange (short for the English Intercontinental Exchange), located in Atlanta. In conclusion, we can give an example of another dollar index that exists alongside the USDX. Such an index is TWDI, also called the trade-weighted index, which is calculated by the US Federal Reserve. Its difference from the DXY is based on the fact that the exchange rate value of the American currency is calculated in relation to a wider currency basket consisting of the national currencies of the states - trade partners of the United States. However, due to the fact that the composition of this basket of currencies is not constant, the TWDI index itself is a variable value and cannot, for this reason, serve as a tool for technical analysis.

Gold course online

Instrument ticker on XAUUSD charts. Acquiring precious metals is a great way to preserve and increase your wealth. At the moment, the dollar has reached its highest level in the last quarter of a century, but is still growing. The online gold rate does not undergo major changes, there are no jumps in it, which means that the risk of all kinds of risks when investing is significantly reduced. XAUUSD price quotes are stable and predictable, which predisposes to long-term investments in order to save and increase their resources.

Factors affecting the course. Although the gold rate is stable, and demonstrates stable growth, small irregularities still occur, because the market cannot exist without risks, but they are so small compared to other rates that they are easy to neglect. Gold prices are affected by changes in global economic growth, and prices are also affected by changes in investor sentiment. You can track the rate of gold online on various resources, if you are a forex player, you can easily follow the rate thanks to the numerous statistical calculations provided by the exchange. Due to the stability of gold prices, quotes are easily predicted for several days, and sometimes weeks in advance.

Investment feasibility. As mentioned more than once above, oil prices are stable, so investing in this precious metal is relatively safe and most expedient, especially if you are looking for material for a long-term investment. Gold is of little interest to traders and speculators, because speculative tactics and strategies work little here due to the high stability of the exchange rate. The yellow metal prefers a conservative approach, only in this case you can get a benefit, even if it is not as big as when playing actively in the foreign exchange market, but stable, you are unlikely to lose your savings when investing in gold - for this you need a lot try. Investing in gold guarantees that you will stay where you are anyway, as gold prices are one of the few stable things in this volatile world.

The day of many Russians begins and ends with a search for information about the current exchange rate. Its value affects our financial capabilities. It determines the cost of imported goods and medicines, the cost of travel abroad, the cost of foreign cars and much more. The formation of the rate occurs as a result of trading on currency exchanges. With them, money plays the role of a commodity that is bought and sold. Supply and demand form the value of currencies in relation to each other. It was she who received the name of the exchange rate. This value is not constant. It changes its value throughout the entire trading session.

Until the 30s of the last century, the exchange rate of national currencies depended on the gold reserves of states. Each currency corresponds to a certain gold equivalent. This approach to assessing the national currency has changed with the introduction of the gold-currency system. Gold was replaced by a reserve currency, in the role of which the US dollar was chosen by the financiers. The ratio of the value of national currency units to the dollar has become a fundamental factor in determining the exchange rate of national currencies.

Foreign exchange interventions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in the foreign exchange market

Issues related to currency regulation are under the jurisdiction of the Central Bank. He chooses the option of establishing the rate of the national currency, which can be fixed or "floating". The first is established officially. It means how much the state is willing to pay for a particular national currency of other countries. This rate is taken into account when concluding international treaties.

To maintain a fixed rate, the Central Bank has to conduct constant trading operations to buy or sell foreign currency within the limits of its reserves. This regulation of the exchange rate is called the motto policy. A "floating" exchange rate implies its regulation through exchange trading. In practice, there is no absolutely free market formation of the exchange rate. The Central Bank always keeps its finger on the pulse of exchange rate fluctuations and, by its intervention, tries to keep them within a certain corridor.

Methods such as discount policy, devaluation, currency dumping or revaluation are used as currency regulation. The essence of the discount policy is to change the discount rate, which affects the inflow or outflow of capital from the country. Increase the discount rate in cases when they want to strengthen the national currency and ensure its growth.

Every year, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation develops a strategy for its monetary policy, which determines the form and methods of currency regulation. It takes into account the state of the domestic economy and the processes taking place in the global financial system. In 2016, the Central Bank plans to raise the discount rate and maintain inflation at 4%. A decrease in the rate of the ruble's fall can be slowed down by a reduction in capital outflow from the country and a decrease in demand for currency. Many international analysts predict the beginning of the rise in oil prices in 2016. This could have a serious impact on the strengthening of the ruble exchange rate.

Impact of the dollar exchange rate on the Russian economy

Settlements under international agreements are carried out in foreign currency. Payments with the EU countries account for about 53% of the foreign trade turnover. This determines the need for the Russian economy in euros. Together with the US dollar, the euro is the second reserve currency. The tangible dollar impact on the Russian economy is associated with oil prices, which are pegged to this currency. The state of the Russian economy largely depends on the fluctuations in the exchange rate of these two major currencies.

The low exchange rate of the dollar against the ruble reduces budget revenues and the competitiveness of the products of Russian producers. The fall in the ruble exchange rate stimulates domestic producers. The prices of imported goods and raw materials are increasing and they are becoming less affordable for buyers and producers.

The negative consequence of the depreciation of the domestic currency is the inevitable rise in inflation. It is associated not only with an increase in the price of imported goods, but also with other factors. Many domestic goods have an imported component. It can be raw materials, materials, components or packaging. They contribute their percentage of the rise in price to the price of the product. Domestic manufacturers and retailers are also taking advantage of the moment. With the growth of the dollar, they seek to raise the prices of their products to the level of imported goods and receive additional income.

The impact of the price of Brent oil on the ruble exchange rate and the Russian economy

The exchange rate of the Russian currency is significantly dependent on the price of oil. Profits from the sale of oil and gas account for almost half of the country's budget and a third of GDP. The fall in oil prices leads to a decrease in the revenue side of the budget. A weak ruble allows them to compensate for their losses when oil prices decline. When converting dollar earnings, they receive, with a fall in the rate of the domestic currency, the same income in ruble equivalent as at a higher price and a lower dollar exchange rate.

By lowering the exchange rate of the national currency when the oil price falls, the state seeks to “collect” the missing ruble budget revenues. The instability and unpredictability of oil prices makes it impossible to make long-term forecasts of the ruble exchange rate and implement serious programs for the development of the country's economy. Since 2016, the Government has switched to annual budget planning.

Many economic experts believe that a severe decline in oil prices could lead to the collapse of the financial system. Not all resource economies, whose budgets were filled with oil revenues, will be able to survive the protracted oil crisis. Russia will face difficult times. The only way to stabilize the domestic economy can be its structural changes. It is extremely difficult to carry them out in a short time without long-term, cheap investments. Time will show whether Russia will cope with the challenges of world crises.

Good afternoon dear friends. In almost every article devoted to the stock market and working on it, I mentioned the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange (MICEX), where most of the shares of Russian and foreign issuers are traded and with which a domestic trader is most convenient to work with.

Today we will continue our acquaintance with it and discuss the question - where to find stock quotes on the MICEX in real time and how to analyze them, selecting securities for purchase, right on the exchange. Fortunately, its creators kindly provided traders with such an opportunity. Let's get started.

So, online quotes of shares of domestic and foreign issuers are presented on the MICEX in a special section, this is how it looks.

As you can see, there is everything that traders and investors need here: the current price of securities, the dynamics of its change, the volume and timing of trading, and much more.

Information on any asset that interests you can be expanded and reviewed in all details.

Moreover, the figure shows a short version of the description. The complete one allows you to disassemble any asset literally into molecules, having learned all the information about it inside and out.

You can also open a chart of an asset for any period you need in order to get more detailed information about its value in a convenient form.

Or even conduct a technical analysis of quotes using indicators built into the platform.

In general, all the preliminary work related to the selection of assets for purchase, their analysis and comparison can be done directly on the official website of the exchange, opening the working terminal only for filling out a purchase order.

In addition to shares, the MICEX presents data on a variety of other instruments, including minor ones. Particular attention is paid, moreover, to all groups of securities.

There is even an index calculator for calculating the total value of an investment portfolio for the index you are interested in, indicating the number of lots and a list of assets included in it.

All the listed instruments can also be viewed on the chart and analyzed their dynamics, investing in them in order to diversify risks and obtain higher profits.

Here, for example, are the online quotes of the shares of the MICEX itself in real time. MICEX Index:

And the equally well-known RTS index, which you can learn to work with.

All these tools can also be analyzed using indicators and other technical analysis tools.

Best regards, Nikita Mikhailov

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