The process of creating divisions in a reso-guarantee insurance company. Director of the reso-guarantee branch in yekaterinburg headed the regional insurance community Director of reso insurance company

Dmitry Rakovshchik, general director of the RESO-Garantia insurance company, in an interview with Delovoy Peterburg, told about the main competitors, how you can substitute your network, and what portfolio the company has lost.

"DP": From the outside it is completely unclear what the structure of work is "" in St. Petersburg.

Dmitry Rakovshchik: RESO-Garantia began to actively develop in St. Petersburg in 1998, when the North-West Branch was created and I was offered to head it. In 2000, we were approached by a group of agents and managers headed by Dmitry Bolshakov, who decided to move to "". We found a non-standard form of interaction: the second RESO branch was opened. Now in St. Petersburg there are two powerful selling branches. The first, the North-West Regional Center (NWRC), is twice as large in terms of premiums: it has 3 billion rubles a year against 1.5 billion for the second branch.

In 2005, we brought general support services, including payments, into a separate regional administration in the Northwestern Federal District. Thus, we have eliminated the possibility of a dispute between branches (who pays better), because a structure independent of them pays.

DP: Does this unusual format lead to unhealthy competition?

Dmitry Rakovshchik: Indeed, St. Petersburg is the only successful experience of normal competition. In all other regions we have tried a similar scheme, but it did not work. In St. Petersburg, we do not assign territories, clients and types of business to one or another branch. A dispute between two agents over one client is easily resolved, since if an agent went to a client, then he recorded his service with his curator. Whoever started working first has priority.

"DP": And who is your chief in St. Petersburg? Someone who makes more fees?

Dmitry Rakovshchik: All three divisions are equivalent, and their heads Dmitry Bolshakov (branch), Konstantin Kudryavtsev (SZRTs) and Alexander Kholopov (regional department) are my deputies. So far, I do not see the need to change anything in this scheme of work. And there is no purpose to merge everything into one branch.

DP: How negatively centralization affects the company's reputation? After all, payments in this case are coordinated longer.

Dmitry Rakovshchik: We got centralization probably earlier than other insurers - in 2006. But we do it so professionally that clients do not notice the inconvenience. There is a system of quotas: the branch makes a decision on the payment of up to 250 thousand rubles.

DP: RESO-Garantia traditionally has a strong agent network, but now fewer and fewer agents work for only one company: they sell competitors' policies or become legal intermediaries. Are you preparing to reduce the share of agency sales, either in favor of direct sales or sales through intermediaries, who, by the way, regularly leave the market?

Dmitry Rakovshchik: There are problems with intermediaries if they are not aimed at insurance, but at theft. It is technologically simple to organize the sale of policies via the Internet or by phone call. But the money that "agentless" companies save on intermediaries, they spend on advertising, otherwise it is simply impossible to sell. The loyalty of agents depends on the motivation system. If an agent is only interested in selling, then after some time he will work for several companies. Unless, of course, there is a legislative assignment of the agent to one company, as in some countries.

Loyalty rises if a motivation system has been built, which provides for bonuses associated with the agent's increasing his portfolio in the company. I don’t want to disclose the details, since this is know-how.

DP: It is very important in the competition with direct sales channels that the agent has to prove to the policyholder all the time that he needs him. The agent must advise, help the client in paying, in other words, work off his commission.
And when will the Russian market grow to direct insurance?

Dmitry Rakovshchik: It is difficult to say how it will develop in Russia. For example, in the UK direct sales account for 40%, and in Germany - only 5% of the market. Moreover, throughout Western Europe, the situation is similar to Germany. We are not selling a product, but a promise of compensation. It is difficult, so you need to communicate with the buyer. Yes, direct sales through the office can be made cheaper as the costs are lower. But by doing so, you substitute your network. Therefore "RESO-Garantia" keeps the same prices for direct and agency sales. 95% of our sales go through an agent network and brokers, and 5% through offices. And there is no task to reduce agency sales.

DP: You are in first place in terms of training camps in St. Petersburg. How much has your agent network increased due to the takeover of Russkiy Mir by Rosgosstrakh?

Dmitry Rakovshchik: Based on the employees of the "Russian World", we opened six selling structures in St. Petersburg. About 100 agents joined us. In total, up to 1500 agents came to RESO-Garantia last year; we had a special program to attract sellers from all companies. It successfully coincided with the takeover of Russkiy Mir. Moreover, "Rosgosstrakh" added well at the expense of "Russian World", especially in the regions, but not in St. Petersburg.

DP: Who are your main competitors in St. Petersburg?

Dmitry Rakovshchik: Of course, Rosgosstrakh, then Renaissance Insurance, VSK. The main feature of St. Petersburg is Ingosstrakh's weak position. Which cannot but please us.

DP: Why didn't you name local companies among your competitors?

Dmitry Rakovshchik: Insurers with premiums of up to 1 billion rubles per year will not be able to exist in the future. Or they can, but they will keep some narrow segment. For example, insure works of art by French authors. Or the rolling stock of the trolleybus fleet # 8. These are understandable homogeneous risks, and the correct reinsurance system will allow you to sit on such a portfolio for a long time and receive guaranteed money. Small companies are always tempted to keep the entire premium for themselves and hopefully not to reinsure the risk. About 90% of small companies work on wheels, that is, if the issuance of forms suddenly stops, the sales of OSAGO will stop and small players can leave the market.

DP: Your colleagues say that St. Petersburg is a terrible city in terms of unprofitability. This is true?

Dmitry Rakovshchik: I have lived in St. Petersburg for many years and I am sure that this is not so. Cars steal everywhere. Yes, in St. Petersburg there was a surge in thefts in 2004-2005, and then we sharply increased tariffs, in particular for Toyota. And we have lost this portfolio. But now St. Petersburg for us is the most profitable region after Moscow. Moreover, the most profit comes from hull insurance, but OSAGO is also profitable. Moreover, we do not have a single unprofitable type of insurance in St. Petersburg. There should be a reasonable tariff policy.

As for OSAGO, then, by giving intermediaries 40% commission, you are doomed to losses. Although the regional coefficient in St. Petersburg allows you to work with a profit on OSAGO. In terms of property, our unprofitability is higher than in Moscow, since the housing stock is older, but we do not fall into the red.

Biography of Dmitry Rakovshchik: was born in 1965 in Moscow. From 1993 to 1998 he was in charge of the insurance medical company ASKO-Med (since 1997 - ASK-Med). From 1998 to 2004 - Deputy General Director for North-West "RESO-Garantia", since 2004 - General Director. In St. Petersburg, despite the crisis, RESO-Garantia's fees are growing annually by 15%.

According to Dmitry Rakovshchik, accidents most often happen due to disregard of traffic rules. Also, accidents occur due to the "ugly" organization of traffic in large cities. The road system is not adapted to this kind of traffic. Another 10-12% loss ratio is added by fraud, theft and the lack of a tradition of selling policies with a franchise.

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Ivan Kosmin was elected the acting chairman of the Union of insurers of the Sverdlovsk region "White sable". Also, the Deputy General Director of RESO-Garantia heads the Working Group of Insurers to Combat Fraud in the Sverdlovsk Region. Both professional communities were created to address pressing issues and develop the insurance industry in the region.

The Union of Insurers of the Ural Region "Bely Sobol" is one of the oldest professional associations of the Sverdlovsk Region, created to develop the insurance business, create infrastructure insurance market region, creating optimal conditions for insuring the property interests of its population. The place of the head of the union became vacant after the death of the previous chairman of the union, Oleg Tsypulin, who died at the end of June.

At the general meeting, the members of the non-profit organization by general vote elected the acting chairman of the union, as well as three members of the audit commission. In the near future they will analyze the current activities of "White Sable" and think over a strategy for the further development of the association. In three months, the organization will have permanent leadership. Ivan Kosmin plans to nominate himself in the upcoming elections. “I will work in the interests of the entire regional insurance market and I hope that colleagues from other insurance organizations will support the development program of our professional community,” says the acting director. head of the union. “White Sable is an important link between insurers and authorities.”

The organization plans to develop the regional insurance market, attract new members, more actively promote and protect the interests of insurers and policyholders at the regional level. The members of the union want in the future, that in the future the "White Sable" will include not only insurance companies, but also representatives of government agencies, law enforcement agencies, the Russian Union of Auto Insurers. One of the most urgent tasks is to popularize insurance among the population, to convey the economic benefits of insurance protection to consumers of services.

Deputy General Director of RESO-Garantia Ivan Kosmin believes that his participation in the professional community of insurers will help to draw more attention to the problems of insurance from the authorities and the population.

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Sergey Sarkisov left the operational management of the company, remaining the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company and President of the RESO Group.

- The change of the General Director is logical, - said then Sergey Sarkisov answering questions related to changes in the company's management. - We have become big, matured. We are growing not only in Russia, but also abroad - RESO-Garantia has opened branches in a number of countries. To this must be added two leasing and reinsurance companies. It turns out to be big insurance group which must be taken seriously.

Any growth of the organization must be accompanied by an improvement in the management system. Otherwise, we become hostages to our own growth. We do not want to lag behind the movement of life, we do not want the company to lose control.

The management of the group of companies is entrusted to me. This means that henceforth I will have to lead not the employees, but the ideas, be responsible for the strategy of the group's divisions.

We invited Dmitry Grigorievich Rakovshchik to replace the General Director - he is an experienced, energetic and rather young man. For a federal company, regional development is a priority. And our new CEO knows this problem better than anyone else. Dmitry Grigorievich practically from scratch turned our branch in St. Petersburg into the number one company in the North-West.

- He, doing a lot in his own way, without having any resources, created the St. Petersburg branch exactly as I saw it, - Sergey Sarkisov explains his decision to appoint Dmitry Rakovshchik as CEO. - I liked his attitude towards agents, employees, family. He is a decent person and treats work like me. In general, everything coincided. It seemed to me that Rakovshchik would give more dynamism and would go further, creating a very good tandem with Igor Cherkashin.

Sergey Sarkisov's decision to withdraw from the operational management of the company came as a surprise to everyone. Until the last day, only he and Dmitry Rakovshchik knew about the upcoming changes.

- I received an offer to move to Moscow from Sergei Sarkisov in April 2004, - says Dmitry Rakovshchik... - It was completely unexpected. Not long before that, we discussed plans for the development of a branch in St. Petersburg. And suddenly a call from Sergei Eduardovich: "Let's take care of the company as a whole."

Of course, the first thing I asked was: "Why me, if there are other people nearby, more worthy?" But I received no answer. And I confess: it took me 30 seconds to make a decision - it is clear that such proposals are made once and you cannot refuse them, especially to ambitious people, to whom I consider myself. The branch was already cramped for me.

For me, the move was an easy movement - I know Moscow well, I grew up in it. But the family had a hard time - they love Peter, a lot connected, and still connects, his wife and daughter with this city. Unless the son took the news easily - he was six years old, and at this age the change of scenery is easier to bear. But my relatives still supported me, for which I am very grateful to them.

In general, there was no doubt about it. The decision was made quickly. All doubts began later. It was a rather difficult story, because it was necessary to explain why it was me.

Manager without office

- Sergey Eduardovich gave us the opportunity to regulate relations ourselves, - Dmitry Rakovshchik continues. - And it was the right decision. Normal people will always agree. And so it happened. We managed to avoid conflicts and keep the team. In the end, everyone found their niches, and we built a normal interaction. And now we will have a hard time without each other.

Frankly, the early days as General Director were not easy. My presentation took place in August in the office on Hasek at a scheduled meeting. My appearance was an absolute surprise for everyone - the meeting was dedicated to the move to Nagorny, what does St. Petersburg have to do with it? And so Sergei Eduardovich says: “Moving is good. And now I will introduce you to the new General Director ”. A dumb scene. That was where the meeting ended, because what kind of move is there when this happens?

And then it turned out that all of them have offices, but the General Director does not. Because if he had been taken care of in advance, then there would not have been such a powerful intrigue. Well, they put me in some tiny office on the same floor with Igor Cherkashin. The office of the Deputy for the Household Department was much cooler than mine.

At first I sat in complete isolation - the phone did not ring, no one came. Nobody knew the number. Everyone went as usual to Cherkashin - he had all the powers to make decisions. Taking away these powers meant going into conflict, and I did not want it. It took about a month to work in such a vacuum. But then people started calling slowly, coming. Everything fell into place.

And what about Petersburg?

As head of the North-West Regional Center, Dmitry Rakovshchik replaced Konstantin Kudryavtsev, until that moment held the position of deputy general director.

- This is an absolutely technical person, - says Dmitry Rakovshchik... - He has a long experience of work in banks, where he developed payment systems. We complemented each other - he is well versed in the intricacies of the information system, I - in the psychological nuances of communicating with agents. Fortunately, Marina Khmyrova is in charge of the network in the North-West Center, and she helps Konstantin a lot in working with agents.

And here, too, I had to solve the problem of relations - how they would develop between Kudryavtsev and Dmitry Bolshakov, the head of the Second Branch in St. Petersburg. Making one of them more senior would be a big mistake. For Peter, that would be a devastating move. And we left two branches. This is perhaps the only completely successful experiment of this kind. The experience of other regions shows that such structures do not last long.

I was very worried about how the relationship between Kudryavtsev and Bolshakov would develop, whether centrifugal movements would begin. Moreover, in 2004, work in St. Petersburg required not squabbling, but painstaking work. Both branches then moved from a phase of rapid development to a phase of business retention and its full-fledged and progressive development. And this is a much more difficult situation than just development. Fortunately, everything worked out - two bears got along in one den, and their ambitions helped them in a healthy competition. As a result, when we say that RESO-GARANTIA has the first place in the city, we take into account the cumulative result of the two branches.

At the highest level of management - the General Director of JSC RESO-Garantia and his deputies develop strategic decisions affecting the organization's policy in the field of development of insurance activities.

When creating divisions, the management of the RESO-Garantia insurance company identified the main tasks that need to be solved in the process of the insurance company:

· Forecast the market by types of insurance;

· Develop operational plans and strategies for the types of insurance;

· Manage and control the creation of an insurance product;

· Plan and monitor the implementation of the plan for the promotion of insurance products;

Plan and control insurance rates;

· To monitor the implementation of the sales plan;

· Plan the implementation of the plan for the loss ratio of insurance products.

In addition, managers coordinate the activities of their deputies - department heads and other subordinates.

Therefore, in the process of creating divisions in the RESO-Garantia insurance company, the front and middle offices were combined. That is, the departments of these divisions were formed in such a way that the efficiency of the company's profit making did not affect the insurance fund and reserves. The middle office is focused on risk management, calculation of profit and loss, and is responsible for information technology. And the middle office also takes over the functions of a front office, namely: control over all RESO-Garantia activities.

And also a back office was formed, which complements the activities of these divisions and deals with accounting, documenting, document circulation, control of execution and settlement of transactions, orders and contracts in the insurance market in accordance with the requirements of legislation and internal regulatory documents.

In the structure of RESO-Garantia divisions, the divisions are represented that are part of their component (Appendix B on page 32).

Appointments of departments of JSC RESO-Garantia

Each department in the RESO-Garantia company has its own specific purpose, which are aimed at improving the company's activities and attracting a large number of customers.

Marketing department at RESO-Garantia JSC.

In RESO-Garantia, marketing is aimed at increasing the insurer's profits or maximizing the sale of insurance products by taking into account the needs of policyholders more fully.

Insurance marketing of RESO-Garantia includes:

· Research of markets and own insurance portfolio;

· Development of requirements for insurance products (services);

· Promotion of insurance products to the market.

Market research is the study of potential clientele with the aim of identifying consumer groups that are attracted to insurance company as policyholders, RESO-Garantia will bring the greatest profit. The study of the insurance market implies its segmentation, the selection of target (most preferred) segments and is carried out taking into account the properties of the potential clientele, namely:

· Her insurance needs;

· Geographical and socio-economic distribution;

· The solvency of consumers;

· The possibility of influencing the clientele through advertising and in other ways in order to convince them to purchase an insurance product;

The cost of attracting clients to the company:

· Possible directions of evolution of insurance needs and preferences of customers;

· Competitiveness of insurance markets and possible actions of competitors;

· Assessment of the level of risk of occurrence of insured events for various types of policyholders;

· Estimation of the average cost of an insured event for various groups of potential policyholders.

The study of the insurance portfolio is an analysis of the probabilities of occurrence of insured events and the cost of insured events for the company, depending on the various characteristics of the clientele (policyholders): geographic location; profession; the nature of the activity; floor; age; the nature of the insured risks and the property taken for insurance or other interests, etc.

The development of requirements for insurance products is the process of determining their properties that best meet the needs of policyholders and correspond to consumer preferences in terms of the form of organization of the insurance product. This list includes:

· Interests accepted for insurance (objects of insurance);

· Insured risks (insurance coverage);

· The price of the insurance product;

· Additional services provided by RESO-Guarantee, in addition to compensation for damage (legal service, repair of damaged property, etc.);

· Quality and completeness of customer service at the stage of the insurance contract.

Promotion of insurance products to the market (product commercialization) is:

· Informing potential consumers about the available insurance product and its positive qualities, convincing the potential policyholder of the need to purchase insurance coverage (targeted advertising of the insurance product);

· Stimulation of sales of insurance products by increasing the attractiveness of the image of the insurance company as a whole (image advertisement of RESO-Garantia);

· Creation of a sales system for insurance products, ensuring the highest sales efficiency;

· Promotion of sales through a system of discounts to policyholders, premiums to sellers of insurance services, advertising at the point of sale.

Marketing of RESO-Garantia OJSC is based on the analysis of potential and existing insurance markets (clientele), i.e. insurance marketing is mainly a preliminary analysis of the profitability of clients and markets, a methodology for their conquest and retention.

The insurance marketing system for RESO-Garantia is a tool to achieve certain goals that the company faces in new market conditions, characterized by increased market competition and consumer demand for the quality of services. Such goals for RESO-Garantia are:

· Maximizing the company's profits;

· Receipt of sufficient profit by the insurer along with the performance of any additional functions;

· Survival of the company with the main emphasis in its activities on the implementation of goals not related to making a profit through insurance activities.

Profit maximization is the main goal for the management of RESO-Garantia and insurance intermediaries (brokers and agents) interested in their own income.

Department of claims settlement in JSC RESO-Garantia.

In order to provide comprehensive, complete and prompt service to RESO-Garantia clients, a claims settlement department was created, which is a department of the middle office.

In RESO-Garantia OJSC, there is a separate department for claims settlement mainly in auto insurance (OSAGO and CASCO), since in most other types of insurance claims are settled by the same employees of the company who are involved in the conclusion of insurance contracts.

Therefore, in RESO-Garantia, the structure of the claims settlement department is divided into acceptance of documents and consideration of insured events.

RESO-Garantia employees, engaged in the acceptance of documents, communicate directly with the policyholders, explain which documents must be submitted in order to receive compensation, then accept these documents, and then submit the finished package of documents for consideration.

And the employees involved in the examination of the documents check the completeness of the set of documents and their content for compliance with the insurance rules and make a decision on the payment of compensation, after which the loss is submitted for signature to the management of RESO-Garantia. The head of the claims department finalizes the payment case and signs it for payment to the company's accounting department.

The number of employees of the claims settlement department at RESO-Garantia OJSC varies between 3-10 people.

Underwriting department at RESO-Garantia OJSC.

Underwriting of RESO-Garantia is a creative process on which all the main work of the company depends (Appendix D on page 33).

In the course of risk analysis, the RESO-Garantia underwriter establishes the entire set of risks affecting the insurance object of the company, classifies it according to the characteristics of insurance and non-insurance; assesses insurance risks in terms of probability and expected loss and separates from this set those risks that can be accepted for insurance, taking into account the current insurance rules (conditions) and tariff guidelines. Primary information about the object and risks is taken from the insurance application and the questionnaire, the surveyor's opinion, the pre-insurance examination report, and the direct study of the object by the underwriter.

RESO-Garantia conducts a pre-insurance examination, which is the most important stage of the company's activity - the success of all subsequent stages of concluding and executing an insurance contract depends on its quality. RESO-Garantia applies both standard and individual expertise. Pre-insurance expertise includes the study of the object and the subject of insurance according to documents and, if necessary, a direct examination and drawing up an opinion. The expert performing the pre-insurance expertise has the appropriate training. The analysis of the insurance object is carried out on the basis of familiarization with the documents of the insured and their study and direct examination of the objects claimed for insurance. A pre-insurance examination can be carried out by the seller, if the object is not very complicated.

In RESO-Garantia, in difficult cases, the inspection is carried out by the underwriters together with the seller, and in the most difficult cases - by the surveyors or reinsurers together with the underwriter (and already without the seller). Based on the opinion of the surveyor, the insurer decides on the conclusion of an insurance contract. In RESO-Garantia, taking into account external and internal circumstances, taken in their unity and interaction, allows a surveyor or other expert to assess the natural state of the insurance object and the environment in which the object is located, to predict a favorable or unfavorable outcome of risk insurance for the insurer and, accordingly, to give proposals according to the tariff.

Inspection of an object in RESO-Garantia leads to two main results:

1) referring the object to the risk category (at least one of three: good, average and bad);

2) identification of problem areas (including for use in bargaining with a client).

The relationship between underwriters and surveyors in RESO-Garantia is based on personal trust.

Three groups of situations in which an independent surveyor is involved in risk assessment:

1) when assessing a large risk;

2) for image purposes or at the direction of the policyholder;

3) in cases when the RESO-Garantia insurer first encounters an uncharacteristic risk for itself, but for business development reasons wants to accept this risk.

The results of the classification of the selected risks in RESO-Garantia are the basis for further work with them - for making decisions on the conditions of insurance and the size of tariff rates and deductibles. The RESO-Garantia underwriter assesses the risks declared for insurance, taking into account all their inherent subjective factors and must make sure that the factors inherent in a particular object are not lower than the level laid down in the tariff calculations. The required level of subjective factors is set by the underwriting policy, insurance rules (conditions) and the RESO-Garantia tariff guide. Subjective factors differ significantly depending on the objects of insurance and are manifested individually for each object.

If, as a result of the pre-insurance examination, the fact of compliance by the insured with all technical, technological, organizational, medico-social and other standards is established, in RESO-Guarantee the underwriters can assume that the expected damage will correspond to normal or favorable conditions for calculating insurance rates and, therefore, it is possible to apply lowering coefficients to the tariff. If violations are detected in RESO-Guarantee, increasing coefficients are applied or insurance is denied. For unique objects or their operating conditions (storage, etc.) that do not correspond to actuarial calculations, additional research is carried out with the involvement of specialists to assess the likelihood of occurrence of insured events for the stated risks.

The most important stage of RESO-Garantia underwriting is the formulation of specific conditions of the contract, the size of tariff rates and deductibles, recommendations to the insured on risk reduction. The RESO-Garantia underwriter determines the technical parameters of the contract being prepared and formulates the obligations that the insurer will undertake, and also estimates the future volumes of the insurance premium.

After the conclusion of the insurance contract, the RESO-Garantia underwriter participates in its support, monitoring the condition of the insurance object (subject) and monitoring the implementation of the risk mitigation action plan, and, in case of changes in the parameters of the risks accepted for insurance, recalculates the insurance rate and prepares changes to the contract. In case of violation by the insured of its obligations under the insurance contract, the underwriter prepares an opinion on the termination of the contract or on the reduction of the insurance payment upon the occurrence of an insured event.

The head of the underwriting service at RESO-Garantia is primarily:

provides detailed knowledge and understanding by all specialists of the insurance and reinsurance operations service and the formulation of terms of reference for a team of underwriters to assess specific risks;

forms a structured database that allows you to find an answer to any queries of the underwriter.

The results of the work of the RESO-Garantia underwriting service are drawn up in the form of the following documents and materials:

a) underwriting and tariff policy of the insurer by type of insurance and by portfolio as a whole;

b) the methodology of underwriting work;

c) underwriting and tariff guidelines for mass types of insurance;

d) standard underwriting opinions on individual insurance contracts;

e) standard forms of conditions of contracts, policies in terms of sections falling within the competence of the underwriting service;

g) limits of liability by types of insurance for one contract (subject) of insurance and the procedure for agreeing contracts with limits of liability in excess of the established limits;

i) analytical materials for the management of RESO-Garantia:

operating forecast financial result(net premiums minus payments);

forecast of the dynamics of changes in insurance reserves;

j) decisions of the underwriting service;

k) draft decisions of the executive body of the insurance company.

Sales Department of RESO-Garantia OJSC

The activity of the RESO-Garantia sales department is characterized by a certain set of properties: focus on results (expressed in increasing sales volumes), constant and comprehensive control, as well as the rapid acquisition of experience by the members of the department.

In order for the RESO-Garantia sales department to recognize as many positive indicators as possible, a local receipt of results was organized.

The allocation of RESO-Garantia resources, such as human resources and financial resources, allows the department, which receives them on an ongoing basis, to achieve great results.

If the head of the RESO-Garantia department is able to create a single team of his subordinates, despite external and internal barriers, then this kind of policy will not go unnoticed and will increase the interest of recruiters (if the head of the sales department wants to move to another company) or the head of the company (if the head of the department wants to make a career in this insurance organization).

Inventory department of JSC RESO-Garantia

The investment policy of RESO-Garantia complies with the principles of diversification, repayment, profitability and liquidity. This fully applies to both assets covering insurance reserves and free assets.

The principle of investment diversification is to distribute investment risks to achieve greater stability of the RESO-Garantia investment portfolio. According to this principle, the prevalence of any type or object of investment is not allowed: regional, sectoral and other concentration is not allowed.

The principle of repayment implies the most reliable placement of assets, ensuring their return in full.

The principle of liquidity presupposes such a structure of investments that at any time there is a sufficient amount of liquid funds or capital investments that can be easily converted into liquid funds.

The principle of profitability is to maximize the return on investment, while ensuring the remaining principles, taking into account the situation in the capital investment market. In other words, RESO-Garantia OJSC in its investment activities while managing insurance reserves ensures a high return on investment, which allows you to maintain the real value of the invested funds during the investment period, and, if necessary, be able to easily and quickly sell assets.

When considering the possibilities of using RESO-Garantia funds as investment resources, it is important, first of all, to analyze the structure of the funds mobilized by the company for these purposes in terms of requirements for investment objects.

RESO-GARANTIA has its own and attracted investment resources. RESO-Garantia's own financial resources are mainly its authorized capital, and its attracted investment resources are the company's reserves.

Insurance reserves are the largest source of RESO-Garantia investment resources. Insurance reserves account for more than half of the company's sources of funds.

The funds received by RESO-Garantia under insurance contracts other than life insurance can be invested mainly in highly liquid, medium and short-term assets. These investments must meet the urgent and unexpected needs of the company for funds, for example, for making insurance payments.

The situation is different with insurance premiums received by RESO-Garantia under life insurance contracts (in cases when this insurance is not used for the purposes of optimizing the taxation of policyholders). The peculiarities of life insurance are, firstly, the long term of contracts: 5-10-15 years or more, and, secondly, the onset of obligations for insurance payments in the main part only after the expiration of the contracts or at other pre-agreed terms, significantly related in time from the date of commencement of payment of insurance premiums. This allows RESO-Garantia, on the one hand, to invest a significant part of life insurance reserves in relatively long-term investment projects, moreover, the longer the contracts are concluded, the more long-term investments can be, and on the other hand, significantly reduce the requirements for the liquidity of such investments. As a result, life insurance operations ensure the accumulation of long-term cash capital, and life insurance reserves are the main and most important source of investment for the company.

In addition to insurance reserves (attracted resources) RESO-GARANTIA also has its own funds that are used in investment activities (authorized, reserve, additional capital, as well as retained earnings).

Information technologies of JSC "RESO-Garantia"

The RESO-Garantia information space, represented by an automated information processing system, is subdivided into its constituent objects. RESO-Garantia distinguishes the main categories of objects and the technology of their functioning.

The central office of RESO-Garantia has several high-speed local area networks (LAN) connected to each other through high-performance bridges or routers. A LAN can be considered as an information center of the entire company, including powerful computing resources - file servers, database management systems, etc. remote network devices located in branch offices.

Regional offices of RESO-Garantia (branches) are equipped with their own large LAN and powerful computing systems that have guaranteed reliable and fairly high-speed communication. Some of them require a round-the-clock high-speed connection to the central office, which is usually provided by dedicated communication channels. A connection organized in this way has a noticeably lower cost compared to a dedicated one.

RESO-Garantia branches usually have a small local network, including several personal computers. Communication with the regional office takes place according to a predetermined schedule at certain times, however, the need for unplanned urgent access is not excluded.

Representative offices or agencies of RESO-Garantia are most often equipped with one, less often several computers. Communication with the branches occurs as needed and is provided throughout the day.

Remote network users - inspectors, RESO-Garantia agents, who, due to their duty, spend their working day outside their own office, for example, with clients, as well as managers who are on a business trip, vacation - use a laptop with a modem. The communication session of remote users of the insurance company with the LAN of the offices is most often short-lived and can be established at any time.

The main feature of the organization of information support for the automated information system (AIS) RESO-Garantia is the need to have a complete database of all contracts of the company for the longest possible period. This is due to the fact that when concluding a new contract with a client, it is necessary to have complete information about his previous insurances (availability and nature of payments) and ensure that all documents related to these cases are viewed. Such information should be stored in a database, constantly updated and received immediately after a request. So, when calculating, for example, the contribution rate or tariff, it is necessary to remove the necessary statistics from the database and perform the calculation actions under insurance contracts for a significantly long past period, while each contract is processed.

Hence follows the requirement for the completeness of the database of the information system of the RESO-Garantia central office. In other large divisions of the company (regional branches, divisions), there is no need to have a database of the entire company, because each division has a database of its policyholders. The own database of each division of RESO-Garantia covers its own insurance field, formed on a territorial basis, therefore, there are no intersections of policyholders for single-level divisions. The need to request information from the entire base of the company arises only when the insured moves, or when the insured is a large organization and its divisions are located in more than one region.

The described objects of databases, reference books, users of the automated information system RESO-Garantia are carriers or sources of information as such, but information as a static entity is not of particular value. The value of information lies in the possibility of obtaining it for any needs of the company's activities. The company's network complex should provide such access and make it efficient (fast, reliable, secure, inexpensive).

For each division of RESO-Garantia, a network corresponding to its scale is created with the requirement to provide the proper efficiency of access to internal information. These networks are fast enough as the amount of internal data transferred can be large. The connection between the individual branches of the insurance company ensures the transfer of a significantly smaller amount of data, because in such a network requests for specific information occur, as well as the reconciliation and transmission of changes to the databases of departments of various levels.

New technology requires the integration of information processes:

Attracting high-performance software tools for the development of automated information systems for the insurance business, such as Oracle Reports 4/5 (a language for creating screen forms), Oracle Reports 2.5 (allows you to create reports of various formats using text and graphic objects), Oracle Graphics 2.0 (allows build applications of the class "multimedia"), which are part of the integrated development system Developer 2000 by "Oracle";

· Orientation towards the use of the "client-server" architecture in homogeneous and heterogeneous computer networks;

· Implementation of modern insurance business in real time (it should be noted that real real time is provided only by systems using a network DBMS based on the architecture of a database server - Clarion, Oracle, Paradox, etc.);

· Ensuring the possibility of the company's database operation in the "client-server" mode with interaction with the client and the server in the SQL query language, and for the workplaces of the insurance company branches, providing communication with the server of the central office through the TCP / IP protocol over communication lines.

Human Resources Department of JSC "RESO-Garantia"

The personnel department of RESO-Garantia is aimed at recruiting, retraining employees and improving their qualifications.

The main typical goals of personnel training in RESO-Garantia:

1. Providing employees with the knowledge and skills necessary for effective work. The presence of even a very good specialized education does not guarantee lifelong successful work of a specialist in this professional field. An employee who does not receive regular training is aging in terms of his ability to successfully perform his duties. Aging of knowledge and skills is a natural and rather fast process.

2. Maintain the professional level of personnel and acquaint them with modern technological advances, changes in the socio - economic situation and legal conditions. Traditionally, the term "professional development" is used to denote this goal, the employee must regularly update his knowledge and skills in accordance with the profile of the work performed and its changes.

3. Prepare workers for relocation or promotion. Among the mass of the company's employees, there is a certain percentage of people with high growth potential (in English, high-po). These people are the gold fund of the organization and ensure its successful progressive development. The organization should carry out planned work to train promising employees in order to prepare them for possible promotion.

4. Prepare employees for possible replacement of colleagues during vacation, illness, business trip or in case of dismissal.

5. To create and maintain a sense of involvement in the activities of the organization among the personnel, to acquaint employees with the strategy, structure of services, technology of activity. Any employee needs not only relevant knowledge and skills, but also constant receipt of information from management for a better understanding of the processes taking place in the company.

6. Maintain a positive attitude towards work among employees. The very fact of employee training, which is carried out in the organization, as a rule, helps to improve his mood and increase motivation in relation to work. This approach means that the company takes care of its employees and looks forward to long-term cooperation with them.

7. Learning objectives as defined by applicable law. The current Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws provide for the compulsory training of a number of categories of workers in the rules of occupational safety and health. In addition, for representatives of a number of professions and specialties, regular certification is required.

Ways to identify the need for personnel training in RESO-Garantia:

1.Analysis of the results of interviews and testing when hiring new employees;

2. analysis of the performance results of new employees during the induction period (adaptation);

3. analysis of the results of regular assessment (adaptation) of employees;

4. questionnaire survey of department heads and employees;

5. interviewing department heads and employees;

6. analysis of special external information;

7. analysis of changes in technology;

8. analysis of decisions of the governing bodies of the company;

9. analysis of changes in the state of human resources within the company.

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