Regional Economics and Management Kovalenko E. Kovalenko E.G.

Kovalenko Evgeny Grigorievich
Date of Birth October 31(1929-10-31 )
Place of Birth Semyonovka (city)
Date of death March 12(2000-03-12 ) (70 years old)
A place of death Moscow, RF
Citizenship the USSR the USSR→Russia Russia
Occupation professional translator and lexicographer
Spouse Kovalenko Polina Danilovna

Kovalenko Evgeniy Grigoryevich(-2000) - Soviet and Russian lexicographer in the field of English-Russian translation dictionaries, professional translator of scientific, technical and economic literature and documentation.

Author and co-author of more than 20 dictionaries and reference books. He was a member of the Union of Translators of Russia, a member of the board and chairman of the Section of Scientific, Technical and Professional Translation of the Union of Translators of Russia, deputy editor-in-chief of the journal "World of Science, Technology and Education". Over the years, he was vice-president of the All-Union Association of Scientific and Technical Translators (VANTP), chairman of the Moscow branch of VANTP, member of the board of the Inter-Republican Union of Translators, member of the board of the All-Russian Union of Translators.

Translations from English

Over 35 books, including the following:

  1. Saati T. Elements of queuing theory and its applications. - M.: Soviet radio, 1965; 2nd ed., 1971;
  2. Riordan J. Probabilistic service systems. - M.: Communication, 1966;
Hicks Ch. Basic concepts of planning experiments. - M.: Mir, 1966; Hayt F. Mathematical theory of traffic flows. - M.: Mir, 1966; Bukan J., Koenigsberg E. Scientific inventory management. - M.: Nauka, 1967; Prabhu N. Methods of the theory of queuing and inventory control. - M.: Mashinostroenie, 1969; Dickson J. System Design: Invention, Analysis and Decision Making. - M.: Mir, 1969; Khan G., Shapiro S. Statistical models in engineering problems. - M.: Mir, 1969; Bailey N. Mathematics in biology and medicine. - M.: Mir, 1970; Shenk H. Theory of engineering experiment. - M.: Mir, 1972; Drew D. Theory of traffic flows and their management. - M.: Transport, 1972; Hill P. Science and art of design. - M.: Mir, 1973; Kapoor K., Lumberson L. Reliability and system design. - M.: Mir, 1980; Ackoff R. The Art of Problem Solving. - M.: Mir, 1982; Dillon B., Singh Ch. Engineering methods for ensuring the reliability of systems. - M.: Mir, 1984; Phillips D., Garcia-Diaz A. Methods of network analysis. - M.: Mir, 1984; Lord N. et al. Computing machines of the future. - M.: Mir, 1987; Anderson B. et al. Stability of adaptive systems. - M.: Mir, 1989; French standard NF A 49-711. - Steel pipes. Three-layer outer coating based on polypropylene. Application by extrusion. - VNIIgaz, 1967; British Standard GBE/CW6 Part 1 Gas Industry Engineering. Part 1: Requirements for coating materials and test methods. - VNIIgaz, 1968; American Society of Mechanical Engineers Standard for Pressurized Gas Pipelines, B 31. American National Standard. Pipeline systems for transportation and distribution of gas. - VNIIgaz, 1968; Gas Center of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Reform and structural changes in the gas industry of countries with economies in transition. - VNIIGaz, 1998; Gas Center of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Gas price policy in Central and of Eastern Europe. Parts 1-5. - VNIIgaz, 1968; SIPRI Yearbook 1997. Armaments, disarmament and international security. - M.: Nauka, 1997 (Ch. 11, 12, 14, 15); SIPRI Yearbook 1998. Armaments, disarmament and international security. - M.: Nauka, 1998 (Ch. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13); SIPRI Yearbook 1999. Armaments, disarmament and international security. - M.: Nauka, 2000 (Ch. 11, 12, 14, 15).

He has also translated thousands of brochures, articles, reports, contracts, agreements, standards and other documents for government agencies, commercial companies, translation firms, banks, periodicals and many other organizations.


  1. "English-Russian Dictionary of Reliability and Quality Control" (Moscow: Russian Language, 1975, approx. 22,000 words);
  2. English-Russian reliability and quality-control dictionary by Kovalenko E. G., Pergamon Press, 1975;
"English-Russian Dictionary of Reliability and Quality Control", 2nd edition, revised. and add., M .: "ETS", 1999, approx. 32000 words); dictionary "English abbreviations for reliability and quality control" (Moscow: VCP, 1989); "English-Russian terminological dictionary for project management" (M.: "Erika", "ETS", 1993) - a series of dictionaries of new words of the ETS publishing house "Living Language"; "English-Russian Mathematical Dictionary" in two volumes (M.: "Erika" ("ETS"), 1994); "English-Russian Dictionary of Banking Terminology" (M: "Science and Technology", 1994, electronic edition - Polyglossum Dictionary (ETS)); "English-Russian terminological dictionary for planning an experiment" (M .: "ETS", 1995) - - a series of dictionaries of new words of the ETS publishing house "Living Language"; "English-Russian Ecological Dictionary" (M.: "ETS", 1996); dictionary "English abbreviations for oil and gas" - a series of dictionaries of new words "Living language" (compiled on the basis of dictionary databases of the ETS publishing house); "English-Russian Dictionary: Oil and Gas Equipment - Reliability, Standardization, Certification" (M.: Science and Technology, 1997); "New English-Russian Dictionary of Oil and Gas. In two volumes. About 52,000 terms. M.: 1998 (prepared on the basis of the dictionary base of the ETS publishing house "Oil - Gas - Chemistry"); “English-Russian Dictionary of Science of Science” (M.: “ETS”, 1999); co-author of "English-Russian economic dictionary"(M .: "Russian language", 1978; 2nd ed., revised and added., 1981); co-author and editor of the New Dictionary of Abbreviations in the Russian Language (Moscow: ETS, 1995), co-author of the New Dictionary of Abbreviations in the Russian Language. M .: ETS, 1999, co-author of the electronic dictionary "English-Russian and Russian-English Dictionary of New Terms and Abbreviations of Financial, Banking, Credit and Exchange Vocabulary" Polyglossum and others.

Links to books and dictionaries
  • Dictionary "New abbreviations in the Russian language 1996-1999", M .: ETS
  • English-Russian Dictionary of Science of Science (author - E. G. Kovalenko), M .: ETS
  • English-Russian dictionary of business (author - E. G. Kovalenko in collaboration with E. G. Shahidzhanyan), M .: ETS
  • English-Russian dictionary of reliability and quality control (author - E. G. Kovalenko), M .: ETS
  • English-Russian terminological dictionary for project management (author - E. G. Kovalenko), M .: ETS
  • English-Russian Dictionary of Experiment Planning, M.: ETS
  • English abbreviations for oil and gas (printing and electronic publication Polyglossum) (author - E. G. Kovalenko), M .: ETS
  • English-Russian dictionary of oil and gas
  • Russian-English Dictionary of Oil and Gas
  • Electronic dictionary Polyglossum English-Russian-English "Oil-Gas-Chemistry" (team of authors, Kovalenko E. G. - co-author)

The book presents an approach to managing the modernization and development of industrial production systems and proposes the components of the appropriate organizational and economic tools. As a methodological basis for the formation of tools, a set of economic resources necessary for the development of production systems as information carriers. New approaches to managing projects for the development of production systems and venture projects are proposed. For specialists in the field of production and innovation management, industrial economics, as well as graduate students and students of economics and engineering and economic specialties.

The concept of V. Leontiev "input-output" is considered together with the theory of states of dynamic systems. The structure and properties of a symmetrical table (matrix) "input-output" - a component of the System of National Accounts (SNA), which also includes the data of the consolidated budget are described. A regular method for the formation of a system of dynamic equations of the economy in the state space is proposed. Examples of the analysis of the dynamics of economic development according to the intersectoral balance of Russia are given. The principles of the analysis of the economy as a stochastic dynamic system are described. Relationships between the amount of information obtained from periodic assessments of the state of the economy in the process of managing its development and the costs of management that ensure the achievement of the final result are considered. The proposed monograph is intended for researchers, students and graduate students of economic specialties.

The manual is an attempt to aggregate the available world experience in order to identify the advantages and disadvantages of individual models. Contains an analysis of theoretical and practical issues of improving the corporate governance system in developed Western countries, the possibilities of using effective corporate governance methods in present stage development of the Russian economy. For managers and shareholders of Russian companies, as well as for students and university professors studying corporate governance systems, management of enterprises and organizations. It will be useful for consultants providing services to Russian companies in the development of new management systems, as well as for a wide range of specialists and top managers.

On the example of the Khabarovsk Territory, the methodology of building and functioning of the system of indicative planning for the development programs of the region is considered. The formalized procedures used in the development and implementation of indicative plans are described: calculation of equilibrium (balanced) parameters economic development region, a comprehensive assessment of planning objects (projects, events, programs), calculation of scenario forecasts for the economic dynamics of the region. For specialists in management in socio-economic structures, for leaders and administrations of regions; is of interest to students, graduate students, researchers involved in the organization of management.

The book deals with a complex of economic and legal problems of resource support for the processes of functioning and development municipalities. The subject of the analysis is the conceptual and practical issues of the formation and execution of local budgets, local taxation, interbudgetary relations within the subjects of the federation, improving the efficiency of the use of municipal property, organizing municipal loans, and regulating the use of municipal lands. Russian practice compared with the latest foreign experience. For researchers and practitioners in the field of local self-government and territorial development, teachers, graduate students and students of economic, financial and legal faculties.

The textbook considers the university as a management system, sets out the main issues of economics and the organization of its activities: structure, principles, tasks, management features. A description of the functional responsibilities of managers and management units is given. The paper considers the economic features of the existence of state higher educational institutions, their role in the country's economy. The used economic terminology is specified. The principles of financial management in the university are systematized. The elements of the university budget, the composition of operational financial decisions, individual managerial economic decisions are described. The textbook is intended for students of the specialty "Management in social sphere", studying the economics of the public service sector or the economics and management of education, as well as for managers and managers of universities.

The next (fifth) issue of the almanac "Sources" includes the most interesting works of foreign and domestic authors, representing a wide range of trends in economic thought. For the first time in Russian, the famous article by C. Polanyi "Aristotle discovers the economy" and the work by A. Gershenkron "Economic backwardness in historical perspective" are published. The problems of law and economics are represented by articles by J. Stigler and R. Posner, as well as by German researchers K. Kirchner and G.-B. Schaefer. Selected chapters of G. Thornton's little-known book about paper credit and politics are published central bank Great Britain at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. The collection includes new works by Russian scientists: O.I.Ananin, T.I.Zaslavskaya, R.I.Kapelyushnikov and others. For specialists in the field of economic theory, the history of economic thought, economic history, institutional economics, students, graduate students and lecturers in economics, as well as for all those interested in this ...

Articles of scientists and practitioners on various aspects of the processes of planning and implementing transformations of organizational systems operating in various sectors of the national and regional economy are presented. The issues of transformation of the administrative-territorial structure of the state, the systemic regulation of urban development in relation to the complex reconstruction of the existing development, the problems of managing the risks of industrial enterprises, the problems of managing the property complex of academic science, methodological approaches to the placement production facilities in modern market economy, management problems in corporations focused on spatially disparate local markets, etc. For researchers, graduate students and students specializing in management problems, systemic transformations in territorial, social and economic development.

The economic crisis showed the complete failure of market fundamentalism, which denies state regulation of the economy. Transition to innovative economy needs improvement legal regulation production and economic activities. The paper examines business (economic) law as a tool for regulating production and economic activities in the real sector of the economy. The concept of the real sector of the economy is considered, the legal status of economic entities of the real sector of the economy and the problems of legal regulation of their economic relations in modern conditions. The features of the legal organization of intra-economic relations that develop within the framework of corporate and unitary enterprises are shown. For scientific and practical workers in the field of law and economics. Recommended for students, graduate students and teachers of law and economic universities and faculties.

The textbook is aimed at forming a system of knowledge and skills in the field of building the structure of the organization's risk management, implementing methods for diagnosing, assessing and managing risks and anti-crisis management of the organization as a whole. The manual considers: the nature of the economic category of risk; evolution of risk perceptions; approaches to building an organization's risk management system, implementing risk monitoring programs. Detailed modern technologies risk assessment and management; examples of calculations and specific practical situations are given. A separate chapter is devoted to the basics of anti-crisis management. The textbook is intended for students of higher educational institutions studying in the areas of training in the field of economics and finance, employees of consulting firms, risk managers.

Academic degree: doctor economic sciences

Academic title: Professor

participant of the encyclopedia "Famous Scientists"

Academic titles, academic degree and official position: Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of State and Municipal Administration.

Current place of work and field of activity: Teaching experience at the Mordovian State University named after N.P. Ogareva is 36 years old. From 2003 to the present, Head of the Department of State and Municipal Administration

Other public, state or academic activities: member of the UMO under the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, specialty 080504 "State and municipal administration". Since 1997, a member of the doctoral dissertation council D 212.117.05 in the specialty 08.00.05 - Economics and Management national economy at the Mordovian State University. Member of the Humanitarian Section of the Scientific and Technical Council under the Government of the Republic of Mordovia

Other: In 2003-2004 In 2007-2008, she was the head of the state budget scientific work under the grant of the Russian Humanitarian Foundation No. 03-02-00239 a / c “Improving the mechanisms of socio-economic development of municipalities”, in 2007-2008. - Grant of the Russian Humanitarian Foundation No. 07-02-23203 a / c "Study of regional problems of the efficiency of municipal services in the context of reforming local self-government in Russia", in 2009-2010. - grant of the Russian Humanitarian Foundation No. 09-02-23204 a / c "Research of reserves and mechanisms for improving the level and quality of life of the population in the region", by the executor under the grant of the Russian Humanitarian Foundation No. 07-02-23201 a / c "Evaluation of the effectiveness of state support for the development of the agro-industrial complex" , as well as in contractual research projects commissioned by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Mordovia.

Author of more than 220 scientific papers, including seven monographs, 4 collective monographs published in the last 3 years (responsible editor E.G. Kovalenko). Author of more than 100 educational and methodological developments, including more than 50 over the past 5 years. Co-author of the first Russian textbook "The System of Municipal Administration" with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Edited by V.B. Zotov. - St. Petersburg: Peter , 2005. - 486 pp.), which withstood 5 editions and in 2007 became the winner of the RF Government Prize in the field of education. Scientific supervisor of the team of authors teaching aids"Regional Economics and Management" 1st and 2nd editions (St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg, 2005-2010. - 288 pp. (with the UMO stamp)) and "State and municipal management: final state certification of students" ( M: INFRA-M, 2006-2010. - 409 pp. (with stamp UMO)).

Supervisor of successfully defended and approved by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation 3 doctoral dissertations and 37 master's theses, scientific research of 7 graduate students and 3 applicants.

By the Decree of the Head of the Republic of Mordovia dated May 7, 2001, he was awarded the honorary title "Honored Worker of the Higher School of the Republic of Mordovia". By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 7, 2006 No. 1610 / k-n, she was awarded the badge “Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education Russian Federation". By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 2, 2007 No. 497, she was awarded the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education for the creation of the textbook "The System of Municipal Administration".

By the decision of the Presidium of the RANH, she was elected a corresponding member of the RANH (diploma No. 4235 dated March 4, 2011), awarded the honorary title "Honored Worker of Science and Education" RANH certificate No. 00855 dated April 18, 2011, the honorary title "Founder of the Scientific School" RANH No. 302 dated April 18, 2011, was awarded a diploma and a badge "Golden Department of Russia" No. 00774 dated April 18, 2011.

Scientific publications:

1. Development of the food market in the conditions of globalization: monograph / Yu.A. Belova, E.G. Kovalenko. - Saransk: Publishing House of Mordov. un-ta, 2010. - 148 p.

2. Management of the quality of life of the population in the region: problems and priorities: monograph / E.G. Kovalenko, R.S. Chumakov, O.Yu. Yakimova and others - Saransk: Type. Mordovia-Expo LLC, 2010. - 214 p.

3. State and municipal management: final attestation of students: Proc. allowance / Ed. E.G. Kovalenko. – M.: INFRA-M, 2010. – 409 p.

4. Regional economy and management: Proc. allowance. 2nd ed. / Ed. E.G. Kova-Lenko. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010. - 288 p.

Author and co-author of more than 20 dictionaries and reference books. He was a member of the Union of Translators of Russia, was a member of the board and chairman of the Section of Scientific, Technical and Professional Translation of the Union of Translators of Russia, deputy editor-in-chief of the journal World of Science, Technology and Education. Over the years, he was vice-president of the All-Union Association of Scientific and Technical Translators (VANTP), chairman of the Moscow branch of VANTP, member of the board of the Inter-Republican Union of Translators, member of the board of the All-Russian Union of Translators.

Translated from English more than 35 books, including the following: Saati T. Elements of the theory of queuing and its applications.  M.: Soviet radio, 1965; 2nd ed., 1971; Riordan J. Probabilistic service systems.  M.: Communication, 1966; Hicks Ch. Basic concepts of planning experiments. - M.: Mir, 1966; Hayt F. Mathematical theory of traffic flows. - M.: Mir, 1966; Bukan J., Koenigsberg E. Scientific inventory management. - M.: Nauka, 1967; Prabhu N. Methods of the theory of queuing and inventory control.  M.: Mashinostroenie, 1969; Dickson J. System Design: Invention, Analysis and Decision Making. - M.: Mir, 1969; Khan G., Shapiro S. Statistical models in engineering problems. - M.: Mir, 1969; Bailey N. Mathematics in biology and medicine. - M.: Mir, 1970; Shenk H. Theory of engineering experiment. - M.: Mir, 1972; Drew D. Theory of traffic flows and their management. - M.: Transport, 1972; Hill P. Science and art of design. - M.: Mir, 1973; Kapoor K., Lumberson L. Reliability and system design. - M.: Mir, 1980; Ackoff R. The Art of Problem Solving. - M.: Mir, 1982; Dillon B., Singh Ch. Engineering methods for ensuring the reliability of systems. - M.: Mir, 1984; Phillips D., Garcia-Diaz A. Methods of network analysis. - M.: Mir, 1984; Lord N. et al. Computing machines of the future. - M.: Mir, 1987; Anderson B. et al. Stability of adaptive systems. - M.: Mir, 1989; French standard NF A 49-711. - Steel pipes. Three-layer outer coating based on polypropylene. Application by extrusion. - VNIIgaz, 1967; British Standard GBE/CW6 Part 1 Gas Industry Engineering. Part 1: Requirements for coating materials and test methods. - VNIIgaz, 1968; American Society of Mechanical Engineers Standard for Pressurized Gas Pipelines, B 31. American National Standard. Pipeline systems for transportation and distribution of gas. - VNIIgaz, 1968; Gas Center of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Reform and structural changes in the gas industry of countries with economies in transition. - VNIIGaz, 1998; Gas Center of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Gas Price Policies in Central and Eastern Europe. Parts 1-5. - VNIIgaz, 1968; SIPRI Yearbook 1997. Armaments, disarmament and international security. - M.: Nauka, 1997 (Ch. 11, 12, 14, 15); SIPRI Yearbook 1998. Armaments, disarmament and international security. - M.: Nauka, 1998 (Ch. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13); SIPRI Yearbook 1999. Armaments, disarmament and international security. - M.: Nauka, 2000 (Ch. 11, 12, 14, 15).

He has also translated thousands of brochures, articles, reports, contracts, agreements, standards and other documents for government agencies, commercial companies, translation firms, banks, periodicals and many other organizations.

Author of the English-Russian Dictionary of Reliability and Quality Control (Moscow: Russkiy Yazyk, 1975, approx. 22,000 words); English-Russian reliability and quality-control dictionary by Kovalenko E. G., Pergamon Press, 1975; "English-Russian Dictionary of Reliability and Quality Control", 2nd edition, revised. and add., M .: "ETS", 1999, approx. 32000 words); dictionary "English abbreviations for reliability and quality control" (Moscow: VCP, 1989); "English-Russian terminological dictionary for project management" (M.: "Erika", "ETS", 1993) - a series of dictionaries of new words of the ETS publishing house "Living Language"; "English-Russian Mathematical Dictionary" in two volumes (M.: "Erika" ("ETS"), 1994); "English-Russian Dictionary of Banking Terminology" (M: "Science and Technology", 1994, electronic edition - Polyglossum Dictionary (ETS)); "English-Russian terminological dictionary for planning an experiment" (M .: "ETS", 1995) - - a series of dictionaries of new words of the ETS publishing house "Living Language"; "English-Russian Ecological Dictionary" (M.: "ETS", 1996); dictionary "English abbreviations for oil and gas" - a series of dictionaries of new words "Living language" (compiled on the basis of dictionary databases of the ETS publishing house); "English-Russian Dictionary: Oil and Gas Equipment - Reliability, Standardization, Certification" (M.: Science and Technology, 1997); "New English-Russian Dictionary of Oil and Gas. In two volumes. About 52,000 terms. M.: 1998 (prepared on the basis of the dictionary base of the ETS publishing house "Oil - Gas - Chemistry"); “English-Russian Dictionary of Science of Science” (M.: “ETS”, 1999); co-author of the Anglo-Russian Dictionary of Economics (Moscow: Russkiy Yazyk, 1978; 2nd ed., revised and supplemented, 1981); co-author and editor of the New Dictionary of Abbreviations in the Russian Language (Moscow: ETS, 1995), co-author of the New Dictionary of Abbreviations in the Russian Language. M .: ETS, 1999, co-author of the electronic dictionary "English-Russian and Russian-English Dictionary of New Terms and Abbreviations of Financial, Banking, Credit and Exchange Vocabulary" Polyglossum and others.

Links to books and dictionaries

  • English-Russian-English Dictionary of Economics and Finance (co-authored with A. V. Anikin)
  • English-Russian Mathematical Dictionary in 2 volumes (Moscow: ETS, 1994)
  • English-Russian Ecological Dictionary (group of authors under the general editorship of E. G. Kovalenko), M .: ETS)
  • A new dictionary of abbreviations of the Russian language (a team of authors under the general editorship of E. G. Kovalenko), M .: ETS)
  • Dictionary "New abbreviations in the Russian language 1996-1999", M .: ETS
  • English-Russian Dictionary of Science of Science (author E. G. Kovalenko, Moscow: ETS)
  • English-Russian dictionary of business (author E. G. Kovalenko in collaboration with E. G. Shahidzhanyan), M .: ETS)
  • English-Russian Dictionary of Reliability and Quality Control (author E. G. Kovalenko), Moscow: ETS)
  • English-Russian terminological dictionary for project management (author E. G. Kovalenko), M .: ETS)
  • English-Russian Dictionary of Experiment Planning, M.: ETS
  • English abbreviations for oil and gas (printing and electronic edition Polyglossum) (author E. G. Kovalenko), M .: ETS
  • English-Russian Dictionary of Oil and Gas (compiled by E. G. Kovalenko based on the dictionary bases of the ETS Dictionary Publishing House)
  • Russian-English Dictionary of Oil and Gas (compiled by E. G. Kovalenko based on the dictionary bases of the ETS Dictionary Publishing House)
  • Electronic dictionary Polyglossum English-Russian-English "Oil-Gas-Khmiya" (team of authors, Kovalenko E. G. - co-author)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

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