Financial literacy basic concepts. Financial literacy for students - A

It has been proven that people who know how to properly plan their personal budget are more efficient at work, regardless of what positions and in what area they work. Therefore, increasing the level of financial literacy is the key to the financial well-being of citizens and increasing labor productivity and the key to the healthy development of the Russian economy as a whole. The realization of the urgent need to improve the financial literacy of people has become one of the main lessons of the current financial crisis. From my point of view, this is one of the most important conditions for building a new global economy that will be protected from the repetition of such losses.

Live in modern world impossible to imagine without money. Everything you touch - food, treatment, clothing, entertainment - everything requires money. For some, they become a measure of happiness, for someone - a vital necessity. Have you ever caught yourself thinking that there is not enough money all the time? Thousands of rubles a month is not enough. It seems that when I earn ten thousand, it will be much easier for me. And when I get a hundred thousand, then I will live for real. But in practice they are still few.

The one who lives one day runs the risk of being left with nothing, like an old woman from a fairy tale about a goldfish. Our health and strength are not unlimited, and therefore we need to have a reserve that will protect us in case of loss of income, illness, etc. This means that we must limit our consumption and put aside part of the income in reserve for a rainy day. But even this is not enough. We must also constantly think about additional sources of income, realizing that at any moment we can lose our jobs, falling under a layoff or an economic crisis. And it is hardly worth relying on a scholarship or a state pension.

Additional income can be brought to you by investments made in advance. And here it is worth thinking about where you can invest at least a tenth of your monthly income. It can be getting additional education, starting your own business or investing in financial instruments. It is important to understand what it can be a small amount- a thousand or ten thousand rubles. Having a large amount of free money is not a guarantee of financial success. Only with a combination of three most important factors, namely: mind, energy and then money, will investments become successful. There are many examples. Head Hunter, Yahoo, Skype were also once created by students from scratch.

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Year of issue: 2009

Genre: Finance

Publisher: Citi Foundation

Format: PDF

Quality: OCR

Number of pages: 106

Description: It has been proven that people who know how to properly plan their personal budget are more efficient at work, regardless of what positions and in what area they work. Therefore, increasing the level of financial literacy is the key to the financial well-being of citizens and increasing labor productivity and the key to the healthy development of the Russian economy as a whole. The realization of the urgent need to improve the financial literacy of people has become one of the main lessons of the current financial crisis. From my point of view, this is one of the most important conditions for building a new global economy that will be protected from the repetition of such losses. Knowing the basics of the “personal economy” allows people not only to avoid a number of mistakes and financial losses, but also provides an opportunity to see new advantages and interesting opportunities. After all, the lack of financial education can manifest itself not only in excessive gullibility, but also in excessive skepticism, closeness to everything new. It took the Russians more than ten years to accept and master bank cards. The same thing happened with credit cards. Banks have been pushing for the removal of legal restrictions on the introduction of grace period lending. But when it did, it took a few more years for most customers to overcome distrust and see the benefits. new service.
The book "Financial Literacy" is a clear example of the synergy of the scientific team, financial and non-profit organizations in creating the first full-fledged academic manual on personal finance in Russia. This book not only talks about important things in an easy and interesting way, but also draws on a very specific Russian experience in developing financial literacy, coupled with proven international practice, which makes it truly unique. Book's contents

Personal financial planning
The role of money in our life
Consumption or investment?
Assets in three dimensions
Enemies of personal capital
Three capital model
Deposit terms
Risks and their management
Features of a deposit in Russia
Types of loans
Loan conditions
Risks and their management
Loan repayment methods
Settlement and cash operations
Currency exchange
safe deposit box
Bank transfer
Travel check
Bank cards
Bank card selection
Risks and their management
Debt securities. Bills and bonds
Bond risks and management
Specifics of Russia
Equity securities. Stock
Equity risk and management
Hybrid tools
Stock Indices
Exchange and brokers
Taxation of transactions with securities
Mutual funds
Mutual funds open and closed
Categories of mutual funds
Index mutual funds
Risks and their management
How to choose a mutual fund
Investment Principles
Stage one. Investment profiling
Stage two. Formation of an investment portfolio
Stage three. Review of the investment portfolio
Typical investor mistakes
Participants of the insurance market
Insurance for individuals
State pension insurance
Choosing a financial intermediary
Choosing a financial intermediary
Legal aspects of relations with a financial intermediary

It has been proven that people who know how to properly plan their personal budget are more efficient at work, regardless of what positions and in what area they work. Therefore, increasing the level of financial literacy is the key to the financial well-being of citizens and increasing labor productivity and the key to the healthy development of the Russian economy as a whole. The realization of the urgent need to improve the financial literacy of people has become one of the main lessons of the current financial crisis. From my point of view, this is one of the most important conditions for building a new global economy that will be protected from the repetition of such losses. Knowing the basics of the “personal economy” allows people not only to avoid a number of mistakes and financial losses, but also provides an opportunity to see new advantages and interesting opportunities.

After all, the lack of financial education can manifest itself not only in excessive gullibility, but also in excessive skepticism, closeness to everything new. It took Russians more than ten years to accept and master bank cards. The same thing happened with credit cards. For many years, banks have been seeking the removal of legislative restrictions on the introduction of a grace period for lending. But when it did, it took a few more years for most customers to overcome distrust and see the benefits of the new service. The book that you are holding in your hands is a clear example of the synergy of a scientific team, financial and non-profit organizations in creating the first full-fledged academic manual on personal finance in Russia. This book not only talks about important things in an easy and interesting way, but also draws on a very specific Russian experience in developing financial literacy, coupled with proven international practice, which makes it truly unique.


The rajah had three sons, but according to the laws of the family, only one could become the heir. The old rajah was fabulously rich and before his death he thought about who to leave his wealth to. The Raja decided to test his sons. He ordered the three most valuable tea bushes to be dug up, gave each son one, and sent them on a journey. The eldest son thought: "The father has accumulated great wealth and wants his children to be in need of nothing." He took the most tender leaves and brewed fragrant tea. Gradually, he used all the tea leaves and returned home the very first, empty-handed. The middle son thought: "Father was always frugal and cared about tomorrow." He made himself a tea from the top leaves, and dried the rest thoroughly and kept them in reserve. The supply of tea was enough for a long time, but one day it ran out. The middle son also returned home with nothing. The younger son thought: “Father devoted his whole life to increasing his wealth. I will plant this bush and start growing tea. But before that, I will take a few leaves and make tea for today so that I have strength. And I will dry a few more leaves in reserve, because I risk planting a bush. And so he did. And when he returned home, he said to his father: “Leave the wealth to one of the older brothers. I don't need. I can become rich myself.”

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Due to ignorance in the field of economics and money, people are often unable to provide themselves with a decent life even with a good salary. In addition, other people often take advantage of our financial illiteracy, which leads to sad consequences. It is for these two reasons that it is worth studying the basics of financial literacy. As you will see below, the ability to earn a lot does not mean a comfortable life. If a person earns money only with the help of certain skills (musical, medical education), then this is not enough. The ability to manage earned money requires completely new skills and knowledge - and it is this that can lead you to financial independence.

We are not taught to manage personal money at school and even at the university - and this is the biggest omission for any state, and for you and me. We are faced with money issues several times a day and at the same time we do not understand at all what money is and how to become a financially wealthy person. Moreover, if you ask almost any person what a financially wealthy person is, the answer will be one: "The one who has a car and a good house." In our course, you will understand that this is an incorrect definition of a wealthy person for many reasons and you will find out what kind of thinking you need to develop in yourself in order to achieve a stable financial position in a few years, or at least acquire some habits that will help you save money wisely and not throw money away .

What is financial literacy?

This is not a very simple question, because different people understand it differently, and this concept itself is rather philosophical and purely subjective. But if we still try to give direction to our course, we can say that:

Financial literacy is a clear understanding of how money works, how to earn and manage it. There are two main characteristics of a financially literate person. First, his expenses never exceed his income. Second, any positive difference between monthly income and expenditure is invested in any form.

Surely you know many people who have been earning quite well for several years and at the same time barely making ends meet. They are great at what they do - it can be programming, art, science, . However, some of them even manage to get into debt. And it would be nice if they also bought important things for themselves, with the help of which they. As a rule, these goods are completely meaningless and their purchase becomes burdensome.

It may seem strange, but in fact it does not matter how much you earn at the moment. In the history of mankind there are thousands of stories about how a completely poor person became a millionaire. There are also reverse stories - people who had wealth falling on their heads managed to lose everything in a short time. Therefore, it is very important to understand that your current income is not a sentence. That is why you need financial literacy. She shows how, by acquiring some financial habits, anyone can climb out of the financial hole and stand firmly on their feet.

Economics is a complex tool to understand. This is evidenced by financial crises, when even the best economists in the world were not able to predict things that now seem obvious. Economists now use the phrase about cycles, disclaiming responsibility: "There are cycles, there will always be world crises." No one can predict the exact date of the crisis, but everyone can prepare for them.

Can a millionaire be financially illiterate? Maybe. For example, such is a Hollywood actor who can receive several million dollars for one role. After some time, his fame passes, and with it his financial condition disappears. Therefore, he is forced to play low-paid roles for the rest of his life, to sell his property in order to make ends meet. This is a perfect illustration of the importance of financial literacy.

Applying Financial Literacy to Life

Learning theory, growing a conscious attitude to money and financial thinking - these three things will help any person to get settled in life.

The most important is financial thinking, but it is very important to constantly learn and supplement knowledge with practical skills. Someone thinks that you need to work as hard as possible to become financially secure. On the one hand, this is true, but on the other hand, it is necessary, first of all, to work reasonably. Once you start your financial journey, you are forced to work as hard as possible. But there is one important point: The more money you have, the more intelligently you should approach your work. It makes no sense to become rich and work hard. A financially literate person, as capital increases, works less and at the same time manages more. For example, when you get to the point where you become an investor, you can work less. Money will work for you. Of course, in this case, no one forbids you to do what you love and continue to work, but now you will decide for yourself how much and where.

Remember that you can apply financial knowledge now. Everything you do with finances today affects your future. When you stop buying things you don't need, you have new opportunities. You begin to form a simple thought - money should make new money. Just spending your income gives immediate results and does not move you forward.

Any book on financial independence will first of all make you understand the importance of optimizing expenses in your life. Spending everything you earn is the worst strategy, only worse than living on credit.

Our course will help you change your life and attitude towards money. You will learn to think in terms of decades. In any area of ​​life, the satisfaction of momentary desires does not lead to anything good. In finance, this can lead to the most disastrous consequences. The financial literacy course is designed to change your mindset and help you become a more adult and human being.

How to learn financial literacy?

No one is born financially literate. It is possible to be born into a wealthy family, but this does not guarantee you a great financial future.

To grow financial thinking in yourself, you need to devote many months to this. However, many positive changes you can develop in yourself within a few days. You can learn the theory of money quickly enough, you can also understand how the stock market or the bank works. And only by understanding how finances work, you will begin to move forward little by little.

In the past, financial literacy was even worse. The man was forced to work from morning to night in order to at least survive. Financial culture existed in its infancy. To become a wealthy person, one had to use force. In our time, much has changed and this is a great chance for each of us to succeed in life. There are a lot of materials in the public domain: books, courses and videos. Any information is available here and now. However, as we know, the availability of information simultaneously devalues ​​it. You must clearly understand that you already have everything you need for financial prosperity, it remains only to find the right materials.

Perhaps the most important skill for developing financial literacy is. More than 90% of people in the world spend money completely thoughtlessly, and it is for this reason that none of them will become a wealthy person. No one guarantees anything to the remaining 10%, but they still have more chances. By developing discipline in your financial habits, you increase your chances a thousandfold of being retired in ten years, having passive sources of income, and doing whatever you want.

Do you want to test your knowledge?

If you want to test your theoretical knowledge on the topic of the course and understand how it suits you, you can take our test. Only 1 option can be correct for each question. After you select one of the options, the system automatically proceeds to next question.

Lessons in financial literacy

After studying a large number of literature and biographies of rich and successful people, we came to the conclusion that financial literacy is a skill. Any skill can be learned. We have developed six lessons for you, each of which will touch on a specific aspect of financial literacy. The good news is that we didn't have to target different types of people, as financial literacy is not unique to every financially successful person. This is a certain set of knowledge and simple skills that everyone can acquire. All great businessmen had approximately the same philosophy, only the ways to achieve the goal differed.

Purpose of the course: to acquaint our reader with planning, financial analysis and investment.

Course objective: to develop in the reader financial thinking, which is not taught in school and university.

We present you a short overview of each of the lessons.

How to take classes?

At times, this course may not seem very easy, but we have tried to mix simple and complex things. The economy is somewhat complex, but it is worth getting to know it better and you will understand that it has its own completely understandable laws. There are also completely illogical things in it, but you will understand this and do everything to be prepared for the unexpected.

The first, third and fifth lessons are more about theory than practice. You can choose this order of study. The theory takes the least amount of time. Lessons 2, 4 and 6 are mostly practical and take more time to learn and implement. However, you can study the lessons in order. The symbiosis of theory and practice is the right approach and any professional in his field knows about it. You can think a lot and not act, or you can act thoughtlessly and make a lot of mistakes. When you think and act, you get the best result.

You can take our course in two ways related to time periods. For example, if you have time, a week may well be enough for you. However, we recommend that you take the course more thoughtfully and return to it from time to time. Once you've completed the course, return to it and consolidate your skills, review the recommended reading list, and move on. However, our course is self-sufficient in itself and will help open your eyes to many things. We tried to make it fun and easy to understand.

All courses in Russian or English language from this selection are available on request or are regularly reissued.

Courses in Russian

1. The Science of Wealth

Volume: 11 video lectures.
Organizer: Friedrich von Hayek Institute.

The course is intended for those who aspire to fundamental knowledge economic theory. Pavel Usanov will talk about the main economic models - from Aristotelian catallactics to socialism - and explain how they are reflected in the real life of people.

2. History of economic thought

Volume: 11 modules.
Area: coursera.
Organizer: High School of Economics.

For a deep understanding of modern economic processes the historical aspect is important. HSE professors will not only tell you what Marx meant by surplus value and why Smith advocated a free market, but they will also develop critical economic thinking in you.

3. Economics for non-economists

Volume: 10 modules.
Area: coursera.
Organizer: High School of Economics.

For those who do not want to delve into economic science, this course is suitable. Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory Igor Kim plain language explain the basic concepts of micro- and macroeconomics. Learn what is supply and demand, what is the mechanism of competition and monopoly, what is GDP and where does inflation with unemployment come from - take financial literacy to a new level.

4. Financial markets and institutions

Volume: 9 modules.
Area: coursera.
Organizer: High School of Economics.

This course presents lectures by Professor Nikolai Iosifovich Berzon: the structure of the financial market (from stock to currency), stocks, bonds, the banking sector and much more. What you need for novice investors. If you learn to invest money, then from the best!

5. Theories of money. From shell to bitcoin

Volume: 8 modules.
Organizer: European University at St. Petersburg.

If life is a game, then money helps keep score. So it was at a time when people exchanged ingots of precious metals. So it is now, when the world is going crazy on. Professor of Economics Yulia Vymyatnina will tell you what can be considered money and what is not, and what is the value of money. In 2015, her course won second place in the EdCrunch Award in the Humanities category.

6. ABC of finance

Volume: 6 modules.
Organizer: Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics.

If you think that the budget, financial plan and investments are the destiny of economists, then you are mistaken. Any modern person should skillfully invest money and analyze the economic situation. The candidate will teach you economic sciences Valeria Tsibulnikova. Focus is on .

7. Financial Literacy

Volume: 6 modules.
Area: 4brain.
The authors: Grigory Ksheminsky and Evgeny Buyanov.

Many people cannot secure a decent life even with a good salary. Paradox? Hardly! This is a natural consequence of financial ignorance. The authors of this text course are convinced that well-being begins with a conscious attitude towards money and financial thinking.

8. Fundamentals of financial literacy

Volume: 13 modules.
Area: Zillion.
Organizer: Moscow Academy of Entrepreneurship under the Government of Moscow commissioned by TemoCentre.

What taxes do citizens pay? Why are we denied loans? And how to ensure a comfortable old age? More than six and a half thousand listeners have already received answers to these and other questions about the formation of a personal budget and planning expenses. You also have the opportunity to improve your financial literacy.

9. Fundamentals of finance for youth

Volume: 5 modules.
Organizer: Center for Continuing Education of Novosibirsk State University.

This course is interactive. It consists of 100 mini-tasks, which, in turn, are divided into thematic modules (personal, household, global, corporate finance and financial institutions). By completing tasks, you earn points and move from level to level.

10. Business for Dummies

Volume: 14 video lectures.
Yuri Milyukov, founder of the Moscow Commodity Exchange.

How did certain organizational and legal forms for business appear? How are banks, stock exchanges, insurers and logistics arranged? What are auditors, consultants, appraisers, experts and analysts for? The answers to these and many other questions are in the speeches of the well-known businessman Yuri Milyukov.

Courses in English

1. Financial Literacy

Volume: 4 modules.
Area: open2study.
The authors: Peter Mordaunt, Paul Clitheroe.

What is the difference between life goals and financial goals? How to make sure that income prevails over expenses? What is the 10% rule? How is investment different from saving? How not to break firewood and not run into scammers? The answers to these and many other questions will be given to you by teachers at Macquarie University.

2. Finance for All: Smart Tools for Decision Making

Volume: 6 modules.
Area: edX.
Organizer: University of Michigan.

What is more profitable: to rent or to take a mortgage? Buy a used car or a new one? Open a deposit or invest in securities? Making such important decisions is easier if you are familiar with basic financial principles. Learn them in this course. Its peculiarity is in the abundance of examples from life.

3. Financial mathematics

Volume: 2 modules.
Area: Alison.

Money loves an account. This short course will teach you how to reduce debit with credit. You will understand the difference between profit and margin, you will be able to calculate lost profits and adopt various strategies.

4. Finance for non-financiers

Volume: 5 modules.
Area: coursera.
Organizer: Rice University.

Professor James Weston is a respected expert in corporate finance. As part of this course, he explains how financiers make certain decisions. Very useful lectures for entrepreneurs who want to take their business to a whole new level.

5. Behavioral finance

Volume: 3 modules.
Area: coursera.
Organizer: Duke University.

Behavioral economics studies how social and psychological factors affect market variables. For example, commodity prices. This course will explain why people invest in pyramid schemes and not investment funds, make unnecessary purchases and other financial mistakes.

6. Financial planning for youth

Volume: 8 modules.
Area: coursera.
Organizer: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

A course that will not only teach you how to set the right goals, plan a budget and invest, but also allow you to try on the role of a financial advisor. Why not make solving financial problems your profession?

7. Introduction to personal finance management

Volume: 2 modules.
Area: Alison.
Christine Williams.

In this course, Chartered Lawyer Christine Williams teaches you how to get rid of . First, she suggests creating a debt table and prioritizing it based on timing and interest rates. This will help you choose the right strategy and keep your monthly payments to a minimum.

8. Personal and family financial planning

Volume: 9 modules.
Area: coursera.
Organizer: University of Florida.

Professor Michael S. Gutter teaches students how to navigate their own path to financial independence. The tax and credit modules may seem uninteresting to you, as they are focused on America. But the general principles of financial literacy are universal.

9. Manage your money

Volume: 8 modules.
Area: OpenLearn.

This course will help you get your finances in order. First, they will explain to you how to create a personal budget. You will isolate useless or overly expensive items of expenditure and will be able to optimize them. And then get acquainted with the basics of lending and investing.

10. 5 keys to investing

Volume: 1 module.
Area: Udemy.
Steve Bollinger.

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