And Casco what is in common. What is Casco and OSAGO in simple terms: purpose and characteristics

Which is better: CASCO or OSAGO? This question is faced by most car owners who need to insure a car. Both policies have a number of advantages and disadvantages.

It is much cheaper, but does not cover the entire list of risks. In addition, it will be severely limited. Get more 160 000 rubles fail.

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The CASCO protection list is much wider. A client who has bought a policy will be able to sleep peacefully, knowing that he will receive compensation even in the event. The use of insurance allows you to perform minor repairs at the expense of the organization during the entire period of cooperation. Companies can offer a number of additional bonuses.

For example, some institutions are ready to change the glass in a client's car every year at their own expense. However, you will have to pay well for using the policy. The price can reach up to 10% of the value of the car.

To make the final choice, a person must carefully study the nuances of providing a policy and choose the appropriate service. Varieties of insurance have their own characteristics, which may have a different level of utility for customers.

Services Comparison

Before making a choice, a person must understand what OSAGO and CASCO are, and how service packages differ from each other. The name of 1 policy stands for Compulsory Auto Insurance civil liability.

The insurance affects only the interests of a property nature, which arise due to the responsibility of the driver who has left the road to 3 persons.

An insured event occurs if damage has been caused:

  • life;
  • health;
  • property.

By purchasing a policy, a person insures not a car, but liability to other road users. If the owner of the vehicle becomes the culprit of the accident, the insurance company will pay compensation to the victim.

In this case, the driver will have to repair his own car at his own expense. The current legislation obliges every motorist to have an OSAGO policy.

It is required for:

  • passing the control procedure during a stop by a traffic police officer;
  • vehicle registration;
  • passing a technical inspection.

A person cannot refuse to purchase OSAGO, even if he decides to buy additional service packages.

CASCO customer service is based on other principles. A person voluntarily buys a policy and can refuse to perform an action. The traffic police do not check the presence of CASCO.

Insurance can fully cover the damage that will be caused to a person’s property during an accident, or compensate for only part of the damage.

The list of insured events includes:

  • theft;
  • crash;
  • drowning;
  • damage due to failure of the road surface;
  • receiving damage due to the actions of 3 persons or wild animals;
  • elemental damage;
  • complete destruction of the machine;
  • damage due to heavy objects falling into the vehicle.

A person can choose the entire list of options or insure the car only from a part of the cases. The price of the policy depends on the decision made.

If you compare OSAGO and CASCO, you can find the following differences:

  • OSAGO insures the responsibility of the driver on the road, and CASCO protects the car of a person;
  • OSAGO is mandatory, and CASCO is purchased at the request of the car owner;
  • CASCO costs much more than OSAGO;
  • CASCO allows you to select a list of services from which the user's car will be protected, but OSAGO does not provide such an opportunity.

The choice of package should be made taking into account the purpose for which the insurance is purchased. If a person wants to save money, it is better for him to choose OSAGO. For beginners who have only recently received a license and purchased a car, it is better to give preference to CASCO.

Basic standards

Compensation Benefits

It is difficult for a person who did not become the culprit of an accident to figure out what type of policy allows you to receive decent compensation. OSAGO protects only the responsibility of the driver, and CASCO - the car.

This means that in the event of an accident, the organization will reimburse the driver who used voluntary insurance for the cost of repairing the car or will independently perform the procedure. It differs from OSAGO CASCO in a shorter period of consideration of the case and transfer Money.

The amount of payment that a person can receive under OSAGO is established by current legislation. If the damage to the car exceeds the maximum insurance threshold, the organization will not exceed the limit and pay more.

The current legislation allows you to claim an amount exceeding the CASCO limit from the person who caused the damage. CASCO compensation is much higher. The payment is able to compensate for a stolen or destroyed car.

Unlike OSAGO, CASCO implies the presence. The service allows you to reduce the cost of insurance, however, in case of an accident, a person will have to compensate for part of the damage on their own. It is not necessary to purchase a franchise.

If a person who is innocent in an accident has a CASCO, he can also involve the insurance company of the driver who caused the damage to compensate for the damage, and in this case, payments will be made on the terms of compulsory insurance

Situation options

The procedure for obtaining a payment can vary significantly depending on what type of insurance each party to an accident has.

To facilitate the procedure for receiving funds, a person must familiarize himself in advance with the procedure that must be performed in all cases:

A package of CASCO services was purchased from both participants in the incident This is the easiest case for both sides. In order to receive compensation, the owners of affected vehicles must contact their company representatives and receive a CASCO payment. If an innocent motorist wants to involve the company of the offending driver, the amount of compensation will be limited.
Both parties have only OSAGO A person innocent of the accident must apply to the insurance company of another participant in the accident and receive payment according to the rules of compulsory insurance.
For the victim - CASCO, for the one who caused the damage - OSAGO
  • The guilty driver will have to restore the car on their own. An innocent motorist will be able to decide for himself how best to receive compensation. The choice is influenced by the amount of damage, the presence of a CASCO franchise and the insurance company in which the policy was purchased.
  • If the amount of damage does not exceed the OSAGO limit, and the car owner's package of services implies a franchise, it is better to receive compensation in accordance with the provisions of compulsory insurance. If the cost of car repair will be significantly higher than the maximum OSAGO threshold, it is better to give preference to CASCO.
The victim - OSAGO, the one who caused the damage - CASCO An innocent driver in this case will be able to receive payment only within the framework of compulsory insurance. The driver who caused the damage will be able to receive compensation under CASCO, but the next year the cost of the policy will increase significantly.

You need to make a decision based on the individual nuances of the situation.

Where is more practical

When deciding what is better to choose: CASCO or OSAGO, a person must evaluate insurance options from the point of view of practicality.

The choice of policy should be made taking into account:

  • availability of a guarantee for the car;
  • the amount of damage that the owner of the car may suffer;
  • Availability additional conditions and CASCO benefits.

For warranty cars, experts recommend purchasing CASCO. However, if the amount of damage as a result of an accident does not exceed the maximum sometimes, you need to make a choice in favor of saving and buy OSAGO. Estimation of the expected damage must be done, taking into account the cost of the vehicle. OSAGO is suitable only for inexpensive cars, the repair of which does not require enormous costs.

The decisive factor in choosing a policy may be the presence of additional bonuses and benefits for CASCO. So, some companies are ready to perform annual car maintenance and replace glass in a vehicle. Bonuses will allow the driver to save significantly.

What is better in case of an accident: CASCO or OSAGO

If a person has a CASCO, he will be able to count on compensation, regardless of whose actions led to the accident. OSAGO compensates for damage only to an innocent driver.

CASCO payments are much higher. A person will be able to count on full coverage of the cost of repairs after an accident. MTPL payments are limited. Man can't count on getting more 120 000 rubles regardless of how badly the car was damaged.

Many drivers prefer to purchase CASCO, despite the high cost of the policy. It is more profitable to have a package of services in case of an accident. However, the presence of a franchise may reduce the benefit of the policy if the amount of damage does not exceed the OSAGO limit.

The owner of CASCO will have to compensate part of the cost of repairs from his own pocket, while the owners of the mandatory package of services will cover all the damage through payments from the insurance company.

How to make the right choice

Many vehicle owners use 2 policies at once. Having a full package of services allows you to protect yourself and your car as much as possible.

However, the cost of a full set of options will be high. For this reason, in most cases, the driver must make a choice between CASCO and OSAGO.

This is the system transport insurance, which provides for various situations that a car owner may encounter in everyday life. For example, in case of an accident, the damage will be paid regardless of which of the participants is actually designated as the culprit of the accident.

Such insurance allows you to receive a repair allowance without a conclusion and certificates from the traffic police. There are also cases of car theft (unlike OSAGO, which will not protect your property from theft).

Please note that CASCO is an optional system, therefore it is not strict for registration. That is, such insurance is bought exclusively at the request of the owner of the car, as well as at the request of the bank, if the car is issued on credit.

Insurers in their activities are always guided by the approved regulation "CASCO Rules", which is drawn up in accordance with the following legal acts:

  • , and ;
  • Federal Law "On Compulsory Insurance of Civil Liability of Vehicle Owners";
  • Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights" dated February 7, 1992 No. 2300-1;
  • Law of the Russian Federation of November 27, 1992 No. 4015-1 (as amended on July 3, 2016) “On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation”.

What is OSAGO

OSAGO is a mandatory type of auto insurance. Institutions that provide such insurance services to vehicle owners provide equivalent conditions for insurance. The main feature of OSAGO is to ensure liability to the injured party. That is, if in an accident the insured person causes damage (transport or bodily) to the second participant, the company will assume the obligation to pay compensation to the injured party. But the client will have to repair his car on his own and he will not be provided with any financial assistance.

Compulsory OSAGO insurance is regulated by the following documents:

  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation chapter 48 "Insurance";
  • Law of the Russian Federation No. 4015-I dated November 27, 1992 “On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation”;
  • Federal Law No. 40-FZ of April 25, 2002 “On Compulsory Insurance of Civil Liability of Vehicle Owners”.

What is the difference between OSAGO and CASCO

The main criterion, in which CASCO and OSAGO differ, is the range of insured events. As mentioned above, OSAGO insurance is aimed at indemnifying third parties, and not the client who has concluded the contract.

CASCO insurance provides for a wider range of circumstances under which the insured person can count on material compensation equivalent to the full estimated cost of the damage caused. These include:

  • theft;
  • road accident (regardless of the initiator of the emergency);
  • fire;
  • harm caused by third parties;
  • damage resulting from the impact of various objects (for example, falling trees, icicles, etc.).

Material payments

All types of financial compensation are specified in the insurance contract.

The maximum amount for OSAGO is 125,000 rubles, the recipient can only be the injured person (third party).

CASCO provides for 2 types of benefits. So, depending on the damage received, the driver who appears in the contract can receive up to 500,000 rubles (insurance assistance is calculated in each case individually after assessing the condition of the car and the health of its owner).

The cost of CASCO and OSAGO

Another difference between CASCO and OSAGO is the price criterion. Upon receipt of an OSAGO policy, the car owner must pay a certain amount, the base rate is set by the Central Bank.

CASCO, on the other hand, is more expensive insurance, prices for it are constantly changing, and there is no fixed rate. To calculate the final cost, factors such as:

  • general driving experience;
  • power, brand of car;
  • client's age;
  • number of users of the insured transport.

To find out the tariff and make a preliminary calculation of CASCO - OSAGO, everyone can use a special online calculator. There is an online OSAGO and CASCO calculator on the website of almost any insurance company. We have also provided one such calculator at the end of our article. Enter the required data into it, after which you can instantly find out the approximate amount of insurance.

Consider, using a specific example, how much OSAGO and CASCO will cost when insuring the same car:

If there is CASCO, is it necessary to do OSAGO

Necessary. The conclusion of the CASCO policy does not relieve the car owner from the need to issue an OSAGO and does not cancel it. For failure to comply with this requirement provided for in the law, the driver will be.

The term OSAGO first appeared in the USA in the state of Massachusetts back in 1925. OSAGO obliges every driver in the state to take out an insurance policy. After a while, drivers of all US states were supposed to receive insurance. At present, the idea of ​​universal insurance has spread in many countries of the world.

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What is OSAGO

Compulsory Third Party Liability Insurance. The object of OSAGO insurance is property interests associated with the risk of civil liability of the owner of the vehicle for obligations arising as a result of causing harm to the health, life or property of victims in the territory of the Russian Federation.

What is CASCO

Voluntary motor vehicle insurance. Abbreviated - .

CASCO insurance is not mandatory and is issued by car owners on their own.

Features of CASCO and OSAGO insurance

By purchasing an OSAGO policy, the car owner protects himself from the problems that arise in case of emergencies. It is especially useful and necessary for OSAGO in the event of an accident (more about). In this situation, the insurance company is obliged to pay for the damage caused by the car owner. Registration of OSAGO allows the car owner injured in an accident to receive monetary compensation for the repair of the vehicle.

In case of mutual fault of a number of drivers, the amount of payments is made after determining the damage suffered by each driver.

An insured event is recognized as all accidents in an accident that occurred at the time of the contract concluded between the owner of the car and the insurance company. Also, insurance cases are recognized as a result of which harm was caused to the health and life of participants in an accident. In the latter cases, as a rule, the case goes to court and obliges the insurer to make the appropriate insurance payments.

CASCO allows you to repair the car in all cases provided for by law, and also allows you to compensate the owner in the amount of the cost of the car in case of theft or destruction.

How much does OSAGO cost

Tariffs for the purchase of OSAGO are the same for all car owners and are regulated in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

When applying for insurance, the insured company takes into account previous driving experience - all insured event car owner and the degree of his guilt.

In case of long-term operation of the car without accidents, the car owner receives a 5% discount on insurance.

How much does CASCO cost

The price of CASCO is, by definition, more expensive and does not have a single billing. Insurance companies set their own rates.

The cost of CASCO insurance depends on a number of indicators:

  • type of ownership;
  • region of vehicle registration;
  • age and driving experience of the owner of the vehicle;
  • type of vehicle;
  • vehicle power;
  • timing of the insurance.

The CASCO agreement has nuances:

  • the owner may be denied insurance if the car does not have enough security equipment or the car is old;
  • when issuing a policy, the method of transferring funds for insured events is determined.

Why draw up OSAGO if there is CASCO

CASCO is voluntary insurance. The advantages of the policy are that in case of guilt in an accident, the car owner has the opportunity to repair his car at the expense of the insurance company. It turns out that CASCO applies to all emergency cases,.

If the CASCO policy is so good, why do you need OSAGO

OSAGO - mandatory at the legislative level. Without an OSAGO policy, the car owner does not have the right to use the car.

The disadvantage of compulsory insurance is that it covers the repair of the injured party's car. And in the event that the car owner’s car suffers through his own fault, the car will have to be repaired independently.

What to choose between CASCO or OSAGO

Not every car owner knows the difference between the two types of insurance. Having received a compulsory OSAGO insurance policy, the car owner must take into account that he insures not the car, but the responsibility of the citizen for the damage caused.

This means that as a result of an accident, the insurance company, on the basis of an agreement concluded with the owner of the car, is responsible for the citizen responsible for the accident and is obliged to compensate for the damage to the damaged property of others or the harm caused to the health of the victim in the accident.

In accordance with the Federal Law "On OSAGO" provides maximum amount coverage of 400 thousand rubles. In certain cases, the insurance company has the opportunity to refuse to pay compensation to the victim.

For instance:

  • in case of alcohol intoxication of the car owner;
  • if the perpetrator of the accident leaves the scene of the accident without permission;
  • failure to provide the affected vehicle for damage assessment.

In these cases, recourse requirements are applied to the culprit of the accident - a claim for compensation to the victim.

OSAGO disadvantage:

  • OSAGO does not compensate for the damage caused to the car of the culprit of the accident.

The advantage of OSAGO:

  • The insurer is the state, and CASCO is issued by commercial organizations.
  • The price for an OSAGO policy is set according to certain coefficients established by law and it does not depend on the owner's driving experience, age and cost of the car.
  • Affordable price insurance policy. For example: the cost of OSAGO insurance for a C-class car ranges from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles, the price of CASCO insurance for this car reaches 100,000 rubles.
  • OSAGO provides discounts for accident-free driving.

If OSAGO insures motor third party liability, then CASCO insures the property of the car owner - the car (its damage, total loss or theft). Carrying out CASCO insurance is optional by law.

Advantage of CASCO:

  • CASCO will allow, regardless of the degree of guilt in an accident, to compensate for damage to the car of the owner of the insurance. The owner of CASCO, injured in an accident, must contact his insurer for this. It should be noted that the insurance company will also not remain at a loss - it will recover the amount paid to the victim from the culprit of the accident.

Disadvantage of CASCO:

  • The procedure for insurance and CASCO payments is not regulated by law and operates exclusively within the framework provided for by the Civil Code, special regulatory legal acts and the Federal Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”.
  • CASCO is much more expensive in value.
  • There is no clear regulation of the price of insurance.
  • The cost for each case is individual and depends on many factors: car model, cost, age, statistics on the frequency of theft of the model, statistics of accident violations of the car owner and other factors.

Similarities between CASCO and OSAGO

Everything Insurance companies who issued a CASCO or OSAGO policy, have the right to refuse to pay insurance to persons at the time of the accident who were in a state of intoxication.

Differences in CASCO and OSAGO payments

If the owner of the OSAGO is the culprit of the accident, the victim must contact the company that issued the insurance to the offender. The insurance company undertakes to evaluate and compensate the cost of all repairs. The violator repairs his car using his own funds.

If the car of the OSAGO owner was damaged due to the fault of another driver, the victim can recover the damage by contacting the offender's insurance company, which, in turn, is obliged to evaluate and compensate for an amount equivalent to the cost of repairs.

Assessment of the amount of compensation for OSAGO:

  • the amount of damage incurred is calculated taking into account the wear and tear of the car affected by the accident according to the standard formula for the ratio of the age and mileage of the car;
  • maximum payment for OSAGO: 400,000 rubles;
  • if the cost of repairing the car exceeds the amount of more than 400,000 rubles, the victim can recover the difference from the culprit in the accident.

If at the time of the accident the insurance company that issued the policy to the culprit of the accident ceased to exist, the victim must contact the PCA, which is responsible for OSAGO insurance obligations, or file a claim for damages with the judicial authorities.

RSA in this case is not responsible for CASCO. In the event of termination of the activities of the company that issued CASCO, the issue of compensation for damage is resolved exclusively through the court.

Assessment of the amount of compensation for CASCO:

  • the cost of repairs should not exceed the value of the car;
  • in the event of a complex accident, the repair of two cars must also not exceed the value of the car that caused the accident.


OSAGO is required to issue every car owner, whether he wants it or not. To issue or not CASCO - the car owner decides. When refusing additional insurance it must be remembered that OSAGO protects only civil rights and cannot protect the owner's car from damage and theft.

OSAGO or Casco what to choose? This often worries both novice motorists and experienced drivers. But not all of them clearly understand the essence of such a question, since in some cases it is relevant. And in the other, it has no informational significance due to incorrect formulation.

This situation often creates confusion, which complicates the choice of insurance company (IC) products and can ultimately lead to significant losses.

With you, Ilya Kulik, and in today's article I will dispel the fog of a number of speculations around the two main types of auto insurance and talk about the nuances of choosing when purchasing them.

The choice of insurance policy directly depends on the goal pursued by the driver.

If a motorist wants to have the right to travel on public roads, then he does not have a free choice between any insurance. For in Russia (and in most countries of the world), only the OSAGO format is used - without any options.

Drivers often confuse the purpose of the following insurance products:

  • Open OSAGO;
  • CASCO;
  • Green map.

There is also a separate version of compulsory insurance called the Green Card. It is used for admission to the movement on the roads of countries foreign Europe and some other states. This policy will not be able to replace OSAGO in Russia.

By the way: for admission to travel on the roads of the countries of the post-Soviet space, the Russian OSAGO policy is also not suitable - you need a Green card or a national temporary policy. But for the states that are members of the EAEU, it is planned to introduce general compulsory insurance, so this problem will partially disappear in the future.

What is cheaper - OSAGO or Casco

Novice motorists often have a question about the ratio of the cost of an auto citizen and Casco. After the CMTPL price increase, some believe that the price of this policy is only slightly inferior to Auto-Casco. But this is not so - in fact, Casco is always much more expensive.

  • OSAGO- 4.5 - 6.5 thousand rubles.
  • CASCO- 30 - 40 thousand rubles.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the prices for a car citizen are regulated by the state. And for CASCO, which is a purely commercial product, this is a complete freedom of the market - that is, the price can be any, relatively speaking.

Also, in OSAGO the price is not tied to the market value of the vehicle, while in Casco it is directly proportional to it and varies from 5 to 11% of the residual market value for the insured car. This is a lot. That is, with a car price of 500 - 700 thousand rubles. the cost of an auto-hull policy will be 25 - 77 thousand rubles.

For example, for the most popular segment of passenger cars - Medium cars (class "C"), in the case of products of the Japanese automobile industry, the ratio of insurance prices will be as follows:

  • OSAGO- 7.5 - 13.5 thousand rubles.
  • CASCO- 45 - 150 thousand rubles.

There is an opinion that the cost of Casco pays off by the possibility of paying the full market value of the vehicle if it is lost entirely - stolen or completely damaged. In fact, this is only permissible in theory, but in reality, you can only hope for a refund of most of the cost of the car.

By the way: recently, some insurers generally refuse CASCO insurance for especially expensive cars (sports cars, etc.). They attribute this to the high accident rate on the roads and the unjustified risk of large payments to insurers.

When you need to make a choice between OSAGO and Casco

So, you figured out that auto insurance involves one mandatory policy, which is a motor citizen, and several additional commercial products, which include auto-hull insurance.

Therefore, the choice between OSAGO and CASCO is valid only in two cases:

  1. Buy Casco in addition to OSAGO?
  2. What policy receive compensation in case of an accident?

That is to compulsory insurance you can add auto-Casco, and then, if an insured event occurs during an accident, you will also need to select a policy under which it is more profitable for you to receive compensation.

Should I buy Casco in addition to OSAGO?

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, because individual factors play a big role here. In some cases, the acquisition of Casco will be justified, while in others it will be more expedient for you to save money or spend it on DSAGO, open OSAGO, life and health insurance, etc.

For those who are planning to buy Casco, the choice usually depends on the following circumstances:

  1. Financial position of the insured;
  2. expediency insurance;
  3. Terms offered by the insurance company.

Is it profitable to choose Casco in case of financial difficulties?

When a novice driver buys a new car and comes to the insurer for auto citizenship, the manager almost always tries to impose additional company products, including auto-Casco.

At the same time, the manager uses psychological tricks and turns things around in such a way that the client begins to believe that Casco is beneficial to him. After all, it is really better to part with a substantial amount, but to insure yourself against the risk of damage to the transport, for which money has been collected for so long.

In reality, things are somewhat different. The fact is that the concept of benefit is generally inapplicable to insurance services in relation to the insured. The mechanism is this:

  • The client receives certain guarantees from the insurer to compensate for some part of the possible harm and pays for it;
  • The insurer gets paid(including benefit) for the partial acceptance of the risks of the insured.

That is, the auto-hull policy for the insured is a mitigating buffer for possible losses residual value TC, but not a profitable investment, unless you are an insurance fraudster, of course. After all, even the passenger car itself, used for personal needs, brings convenience, but it is unlikely to increase your bank account.

Therefore, in case of financial difficulties, the advice is unequivocal - it is more profitable not to “get out of your skin” to buy CASCO, but to focus on more careful driving. And if it is budgetary, then in most cases, in case of an accident through no fault of your own, payments from OSAGO will be enough to compensate for the damage received.

By the way: the autocitizen can be considered as a conditionally profitable investment, given the fact that in any case you have to pay for it, the risk of an accident on the roads is high, and the cost of this policy is within affordable limits.

Is it advisable to add Casco to the CMTPL policy

Dealt with profit. Now you need to find out the feasibility of buying Casco in addition to autocitizen.

From the previous sections, you learned that Auto-CASCO:

  • Significantly more expensive compulsory policy;
  • Doesn't bring benefits in material terms.

Why buy it then?

The attractive side of this policy is that it provides not only payments regardless of the driver's guilt, but also a wider list of insured events.

Among other things, this list includes:

  • Theft or other types of theft;
  • Vandalism(deliberate damage by third parties);
  • Corruption from the impact of objects (falling of an object, collision with an obstacle, etc.);
  • Fire, drowning;
  • Element.

How to understand the expediency of buying CASCO for a single driver?

Much depends on the following conditions:

  • Characteristics of the car;
  • Features of the operation of the vehicle;
  • Car storage conditions;
  • territorial conditions.

Vehicle characteristics

The make/model of the car, as well as its year of manufacture and general condition, play a significant role in the expediency of purchasing a Casco car.

If you have a transport of budgetary cost, a Chinese or domestic brand, then with careful driving, one auto citizen will be enough for you.

The same applies to popular, but age models / brands, or those that are in poor technical condition. Thus, insurance companies provide auto-hull services for vehicles over the age of 5 years reluctantly and under worse conditions, and 7-year-olds are often refused.

If you have a new expensive car, or a budget, but popular model (for example, Kia Rio or Hyundai Solaris are leaders in auto theft), then it makes sense to purchase CASCO.

Features of vehicle operation

If you are a novice or “old man” driver, but with a sloppy driving style, then CASCO can be safely added to OSAGO, not particularly paying attention to everything else.

The fact is that the accident rate on the roads of the Russian Federation, especially in large cities, is very high in itself, and the statistics for novice motorists are even more sad - in the first year of driving experience, 80% of newcomers get into accidents of varying severity. And mostly because of their own fault.

Therefore, for beginners, the Casco policy can be said to be mandatory for the first year of driving, and highly desirable in the next two.

If the driver has many years of experience and a neat driving style with, then in most cases a mandatory policy is enough for him. After all, the risk of getting into an accident here is many times lower, and the cost of an auto Casco is still unlikely to be less than 25-30 thousand rubles.

You can also note the commercial component of the operation of the vehicle. If you actively use transport for commercial purposes, for example, for a taxi, then at the initial stage Casco minimizes the financial risks of the enterprise due to the possibility of getting into an accident.

And vice versa - when a car "recaptured" its value, then for many enterprises it is more profitable not to spend money on additional policies, and in case of serious damage, sell the car as a used fixed asset.

Car storage conditions

Not all motorists have a reliable and safe place to store vehicles - their own garage or yard of a private household. Even if there is a garage and a yard, they are often located far from the main place of residence of the motorist and the place of his daily work.

As a result, drivers use paid parking lots or free parking spaces adjacent to houses. In the latter case, it is advisable to buy Casco, because parking storage gives a whole bunch of all kinds of risks:

  • Theft;
  • Damage to an unknown vehicle;
  • Vandalism (yard hooligans);
  • Theft of components (wheels, glazing);
  • Risk of falling heavy objects (tree branches, fragments of buildings, etc.).

If your car out of operation is under reliable protection, then you can limit yourself to auto citizenship.

Territorial conditions

Here, it is not so much the densely populated place of residence that plays a big role, but the intensity of car traffic and the level of its organization.

In cities where there are a lot of cars, and the arrangement and provision of highways does not correspond to this number, the risk of getting into an accident is many times higher than the average.

Territorial factors also include the risk of vehicle theft. For example, in the country, the following cities have the highest risk of theft (from 0.27 to 0.18% per 1 thousand cars):

  • St. Petersburg – 0.27%
  • Kemerovo – 0.24%
  • Moscow – 22%
  • Murmansk – 0.22%
  • Novosibirsk – 0.20%
  • Vladivostok – 0.19%
  • Orenburg – 0.19%
  • Novgorod – 0.18%

According to the territorial factor in Moscow and St. Petersburg, it is best to spend money on Casco, because the risk of accidents and theft is high. The same applies to areas with low traffic congestion, a favorable situation for theft, but where the conditions of movement are in a deplorable state - the risk of hitting an obstacle, rolling over, etc.

What is the impact of the conditions of the UK on the choice of comprehensive insurance as an addition to OSAGO

The conditions for purchasing a car Casco play a very significant role - unlike a car citizen, there are many more options and factors, since the offer of this product is not controlled by government regulation.

That is, the insurance conditions for CASCO are invented by the insurers themselves, depending on market conditions.

There is a standard set of conditions here:

  • Information about the car owner- driving experience, age, gender, place of actual residence, insurance history, OSAGO option (DSAGO, open policy);
  • vehicle data- brand / model, class, year of manufacture and period of operation, technical condition.

And special terms:

  • Policy option– full or partial coverage;
  • Term insurance period;
  • Insurance franchise- its type, if any;
  • Purchase method- Installment policy and car loan.

There are other specific conditions that can be different, but the most common of them are as follows:

  • aggregation insurance payments;
  • Vehicle depreciation accounting during the insurance period;
  • Mandatory anti-theft system- taking into account the manufacturer;
  • Parking exception vehicle storage forms.

What conditions should be considered when choosing a casco

Depending on the configuration of the package of insurance conditions, the price of a Casco policy can vary significantly even within the same company. As a rule, each insurer for a given product has several different packages with basic conditions at different prices.

If you have chosen a package, then you can further reduce its cost by refusing to fully cover the damage. This means that the compensation will be paid only for the damage associated with the accident, and everything else (theft, vandalism, etc.) does not apply to payments.

The policy will be significantly cheaper if any type of insurance deductible is applied to it (there are conditional, unconditional, etc.). In general terms, a deductible is a certain agreed level of damage below which payments to the UK do not apply.

For example, if the amount of the conditional deductible is 50 thousand rubles, then the insurer is not obliged to pay for damage in an amount less than this figure. The amount of the deductible is chosen by the insured.

Insurance aggregation can also be used, which also makes it possible to save on the cost of the policy. Aggregate is a certain agreed insurance limit within which payments are made. Each insured event with compensation reduces the amount of the limit.

Also, the age of the car has a great influence on the price of the policy. Look at the table, which shows the average policy prices for cars up to 9 years old (as a rule, CASCO is not issued for 10-year-old cars).

2008 86.52
2009 80.56
2010 72.50
2011 71.31
2012 68.32
2013 69.59
2014 67.2
2015 63.4
2016 56.7

OSAGO or Casco after an accident - what to choose

In the event of an accident, motorists often find it difficult to choose a policy under which it will be more profitable for them to receive insurance compensation- by auto-Casco or by auto-citizenship. Here the main principle is the guilt of the policyholder.

If the driver is guilty of an accident, then he has only one choice - CASCO payments. But here it should be borne in mind that with several accidents, with minor damage to the vehicle, and plans to renew the policy for the next year, it may be more profitable to spend money on repairs out of your own pocket, because usually each payment over one per year increases the future price of the policy.

If the driver is not guilty of an accident, then he has a choice between payments for auto-citizenship and auto-hull insurance. Here you need to look at the circumstances. If the damage is significant, and CASCO was purchased with full coverage, then you can make a choice in his favor.

But if the damages fit into the amount of compensation under OSAGO, then you can refuse to pay Casco. In this case, you save the OSAGO KBM, and do not spoil the “questionnaire” for auto-Casco, remaining at your own.

You can also use the combined option, when the main payment comes from the OSAGO limit, and the excess part is covered by CASCO. Insurers like this scheme.

Is it possible to receive payments for OSAGO and Casco at the same time?

This question is very interesting and is often asked by motorists. One forum even became a real battle on this issue between drivers and insurers. Indeed, logically speaking, the driver has the right to receive 2 refunds for both policies.

After all, Casco is a purely commercial product, and it has nothing to do with OSAGO. Insurance payments are made from the IC fund, filled by the payment of policies by insurers. In this case, there are 2 amounts of payment - which means there should be two payments.

But it was not there! In auto insurance, everything is arranged differently than in the classic one - I would even say it is arranged cunningly.

Subrogation and loss of the policyholder's right to recover damages from the culprit

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 965 (Civil Code of the Russian Federation), the right of the insured to claim compensation from the tortfeasor in the amount of payments made passes to the insurer.

So, look what happens:

  • The IC charges you a scientifically calculated amount (based on all risks) for the policy;
  • And when an insured event occurs, then payments to you are made not from the fund for the receipt of insurance premiums (customer payments for policies), but from the pocket of the culprit of the damage.

That is, the UK puts your fee for the policy into your pocket immediately without any risk! The perpetrator of the damage is at risk for the SC.

Moreover, since you have ceded the right to recover to IC, you no longer have the right to receive compensation for damages from any other sources, except in cases of exceeding the insurance limit. This right now belongs to the UK.

And if you, having received a CASCO refund, then apply for a CMTPL refund, you will thereby commit a criminal offense - theft. Theft of what belongs to the UK - the right to compensation under the scheme of subrogation of its payment to you at the expense of the company that issued the OSAGO policy to the culprit of the accident.

Personally, I see clear signs of Art. 1102 (Civil Code of the Russian Federation - unjust enrichment). After all, if you take an accident insurance policy, for example, then there are no subrogations after payments to Nature, and compensations do not come from the Lord God (the culprit), but from the insurance premium fund, as it should be.

But according to the law, the driver is entitled to only one reimbursement of his choice between OSAGO and CASCO.

  • The insured is entitled to discounts if he buys OSAGO and CASCO in one company. If there are no discounts, demand them from your manager, as this is a common insurance practice.
  • If the car was stolen, then the UK will pay you its market value at the time of theft, and not at the time of conclusion insurance contract– for new vehicles, this can significantly affect the amount of payments.
  • Additional terms from IC for CASCO can amount to an amount of expenses equal to 4 - 6% of the cost of a car (average expert assessment), not counting the main fee for the policy. Keep this in mind.


So, now you clearly understand the nuances of choice related to the acquisition of OSAGO and CASCO - this will give you an advantage when dealing with an insurance manager and save your wallet from unreasonable waste.

Do you issue CASCO for your car? In what way do you usually do it? Have you had problems with insurance payments? Have you ever had to choose reimbursement between OSAGO and CASCO? Share your insurance experience with me and readers.

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Every car owner faces car insurance. A huge selection of insurance services, as well as companies dealing with these issues, often misleads car owners.

The right choice is the key to your peaceful life. Increasingly, the question arises: which option of insurance coverage is better - CASCO or OSAGO? It is wrong to compare them, as they are two completely different types of insurance.

The difference between CASCO and OSAGO

Consider the features and identify the difference between these types of auto insurance:

  • The most important difference between these types is that OSAGO is a compulsory car insurance. Thus, you cannot refuse to issue or further extend the policy of a mandatory type of insurance protection, as is the case with CASCO.
  • CASCO or OSAGO during an accident are responsible for different insurance objects. V compulsory insurance is the responsibility of the driver. Remember: in the event of a traffic accident, the company will reimburse the cost of restoring the car only to the victim. If you created an emergency situation, then you don’t have to wait for payment. With a complex non-coercive type of protection, compensation is paid to you, regardless of the degree of guilt in the incident.

On this point, of course, voluntary insurance protection wins, but then who will pay the damage to the second party:

  1. Defense difference. Compulsory auto insurance only protects you in an accident, provided you are the injured person. There are no other sub-clauses in this insurance. Casco guarantees compensation in situations such as theft, natural disasters, arson, driving into an obstacle, illegal acts of third parties.
  2. Policy cost. Autocitizen, despite the annual increase in prices, is much lower than the cost voluntary insurance. This is especially true for motorists who decide for the first time to insure their equipment with the help of voluntary insurance. Since the calculation of the cost of the policy also takes into account the duration of continuous insurance.
  3. Fixedness of calculations. When applying for a compulsory insurance policy, the price depends on standard uniform coefficients. With voluntary - the cost will vary depending on the whim of the companies.
  4. The amount of payments. The maximum amount of compensation for compulsory insurance is 400 thousand rubles and up to 500 thousand rubles for causing harm to health. The volunteer can pay the entire cost of the car. And all other points of payments are negotiated specifically when drawing up the contract. If your car is half a million or even more expensive, then in this case a voluntary type of insurance will be very beneficial.
  5. Factors affecting payout. In case of a motor vehicle citizen, compensation in case of an accident includes damage, minus the wear and tear of the car. A voluntary insurance contract, most often, does not take into account the age of the car, but reimburses funds for a specific restoration of the car.
  6. Insurance program. Mandatory type of auto civil liability protection - has a standard type, volunteering offers many variations of insurance coverage - with and without a deductible, taking into account all possible factors of damage to the car or selective issuance of a policy. Therefore, at comprehensive insurance You decide how much money you spend.

Is it possible to insure a car only under OSAGO or CASCO?

Since OSAGO is a necessary general compulsory auto insurance, regulated by paragraph 1 of article 4 of the Federal Law-40 of 04/25/2002, it is impossible to refuse it.

It entails the imposition of certain sanctions, namely a fine of 800 rubles, at each stop by the traffic police.

Comprehensive auto insurance is insurance of your own free will, therefore, either you have both types at once, or only OSAGO.

Attention! Registration of CASCO without OSAGO is considered an illegal act of a motorist.

In the bills, the question of merging two types of auto insurance is increasingly being raised, so in the near future we will be able to see a combined policy, but with a different abbreviation.

In case of an accident, which type of insurance payments to choose - CASCO or OSAGO?

A more detailed study of the options for a traffic accident will help to better understand the benefits of these types of auto insurance:

  1. If you are the culprit of a traffic accident, then, clearly, you need to apply for an insurance payment only under a voluntary comprehensive policy. Here there is a possibility of full payment of damage to your car.
  2. If you are the injured party, the decision is individual. Of course, a comprehensive volunteer will pay you more, and will not take into account the wear and tear of your transport. But the cost this policy will be higher next year. Compulsory state insurance will offer a smaller amount of compensation, but will keep your rating in the autocitizen bonus system, and will also give you the opportunity to receive a discount when applying for voluntary insurance coverage for the next year.

The main thing, during the paperwork after an accident, is to be extremely careful and make sure that all damage is clearly indicated in the notice of the incident.

Which policy to choose depends only on you - each presented insurance protection has its own advantages and disadvantages. Leave your choice on what suits you.

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