Which company is better to insure a car. Where and how to insure a car without additional insurance? Legislative framework for OSAGO

Auto insurance is practiced in most developed countries world, acting as its original financial protector. It significantly helps the driver in those undesirable cases when he gets into an accident and the car gets damaged. In domestic automotive practice, there are several different types insurance, the most common of which are OSAGO and CASCO. Their names are two abbreviations, which stand for, respectively, as " Compulsory insurance motor third party liability” and “Comprehensive motor insurance, except for liability”. They have similar features and are fundamentally different. Many drivers, before making a decision, think about how important CASCO and OSAGO differ.

Choice of insurance: CASCO or OSAGO?

What is OSAGO

There is a widespread belief that both Insurance companies act solely for their own purposes, only defrauding drivers of money, enriching themselves at their expense. However, this opinion is erroneous. In force majeure cases, these companies, with all their differences, each help out due to their own characteristics and other nuances.

It can be difficult for car owners to independently determine the differences between these companies, let's analyze in detail in simple language, and OSAGO. The main purpose and operation of OSAGO will be considered in the following rather typical example. Suppose a driver accidentally gets into an accident. Dismantling begins, he is recognized as the culprit of the accident, by virtue of which he must make up for the losses for the damaged someone else's car. If this is an expensive foreign car, the cost of its repair can be quite considerable, and sometimes even unbearable for a penal. In such sensitive cases: if the driver owns this policy, the insurers will compensate for the damage caused to someone else's car and make money in required amount. The driver will not pay a penny out of his own pocket to the victim. Note the key point of this example: OSAGO will do this only when the driver who owns his insurance policy was at fault for the accident. And vice versa: if your car was damaged, but the culprit has an OSAGO policy, then insurance will cover the repair.

In practice, the third option also happens: the perpetrators of the accident are both drivers. Then each of them receives, as a rule, 50% of the amount of damage caused to his car. Figuratively speaking, the purchase of an OSAGO policy is the protection of your own finances in case of trouble for your car. And one more thing: the OSAGO policy is mandatory for all, without exception, drivers. If it turns out that it is not there, questions will arise for the driver.

What is CASCO

Compared to the previous insurance, CASCO has some differences. First of all, insurance is different in its essence: this format applies only to yours, but not to someone else's car. Say, after the theft, the CASCO company will reimburse the cost of the car. She will repair it if you have an accident, regardless of who is responsible, or when the car was damaged due to bad roads, weather incidents, etc. That is, it is beneficial from the point of view that it will save you money in unforeseen circumstances . Owning such a policy, you can drive without fear of any emergency.

The main differences between CASCO and OSAGO

It is important to understand what is the key difference between CASCO and OSAGO. The fact that CASCO is an exclusively voluntary car insurance, but not mandatory,. Secondly, CASCO is more expensive, especially for prestigious cars. Thirdly, for CASCO, each company sets its own tariffs, while for OSAGO the cost is the same everywhere. Fourthly, the maximum amount of payments under OSAGO has its own ceiling. In addition, CASCO practices the so-called franchise - the amount by which it reduces the amount of compensation for damage caused.

For its part, something wants the best in the CASCO line. Sometimes insurers do not show, for example, a special interest in those cars whose age is more than 3 years, they require to document all insurance incidents in the traffic police, they delay the payment of compensation in case of theft, etc. And yet, if compared as a whole, the comparison is unambiguous can not.

Do policies replace each other?

Drivers also ask this question quite often. In order to save money, they want to make an unambiguous choice in favor of one or another insurance. However, such a formulation of the question is inappropriate, because OSAGO and CASCO have significant differences, starting with the fact that the first is strictly mandatory, the second is purely voluntary. They differ markedly in their functional goals. Therefore, the conclusion follows that these insurances do not replace one another in any way, but only organically complement each other.

Damage and payments under OSAGO and CASCO

This question is also different. For example, OSAGO involves limited compensation payments. In case of damage to a car, the amount is limited to a ceiling of 400 thousand rubles, and for compensation for harm caused to health - 500 thousand rubles. If desired, the driver can issue the so-called "", however, it will cost, of course, more expensive.

There are no restrictions on payments in CASCO, but it is almost impossible to buy a car without it. In addition, it can be insured in various forms: in case of fire, flooding and other types of natural disasters, against theft, to protect against hooligan attacks, etc.

About the cost of insurance. For OSAGO, the cost ranges from 3.5 to 5 thousand rubles. CASCO is not tied to a specific amount, since it focuses on the price of a car: its rate is about 5% of the insurance for an accident and 7% for theft. But the size of a full CASCO will not exceed 11% of the price of a car, so not everyone can afford the cost of such insurance. On top of that, there may be "cheat" due to the storage of the car in the parking lot and other unforeseen moments.

Thanks to a change in the methodology for calculating the cost of OSAGO, for the first time since the existence of the "avtocitizen", the possibility of market competition between insurers has appeared. As planned by the specialists of the Central Bank, the introduction of a tariff corridor was supposed to motivate insurance companies to fight for customers.

More than six months have passed since the change in the procedure for determining the price of "autocitizenship", that is, auto insurers had enough time to apply new opportunity on practice. Consequently, the base rates used by a particular company are unlikely to change any time soon.

It should be noted that at the moment auto insurers have the opportunity to set an individual base rate in certain localities or regions, which they actively use. As a rule, information about in a particular city is posted on the website of the insurance company. This information can be used to conduct a small comparative analysis of the offers of the leading players in the insurance market. So, which insurer is ready to sell mandatory auto insurance at the lowest price?

The price of "autocitizen" in large cities

We must immediately make a reservation that when compiling the table, only companies included in the top ten market leaders in terms of the volume of collected insurance premiums were taken into account. Leading insurers with an extensive network of branches and branches, better see the full picture of what is happening. Therefore, it can be assumed that it is their tariff policy that more accurately reflects the realities of the domestic compulsory auto insurance market. Unfortunately, it was not possible to obtain information on the size of the base rates used by UralSib and Soglasie, therefore these organizations were not included in the table.

Table 1. Base rates in major Russian cities*.

table scrolls to the right

Rosgosstrakh4 118 4 118 3 432 3 432 3 535 3 551

RESO3 604 3 604 4 118 4 118 4 118 3 775

VSK4 118 4 118 4 118 4 118 4 118 4 118

Ingosstrakh3 432 4 118 4 118 4 118 3 912 4 118

3 432 4 118 3 432 4 118 4 118 3 432

SOGAZ4 118 4 118 4 118 4 118 4 118 4 118

MAX3 432 3 432 4 118 4 118 4 118 3 432

Renaissance4 118 4 118 4 118 4 118 4 118 4 118

* - for cars of private individuals.

As follows from Table 1, three large auto insurers set the maximum value of the base rate at once. Probably, such a tariff policy is dictated by the negative statistics of the unprofitability of these companies under OSAGO agreements. Although in the case of SOGAZ, the high tariff is most likely explained by the desire of the insurer with a significant portfolio corporate clients reduce the number of private customers.

Capital rates

Three companies from among the leaders of the insurance market have set the minimum allowable cost of OSAGO for Moscow motorists. It is quite possible that in this case it is not at all in the statistics of unprofitability. Both Ingosstrakh, MAKS, and AlfaStrakhovanie are actively working in the capital market voluntary insurance transport, therefore, low prices for "autocitizenship" may be part of a strategy to increase sales of CASCO policies. In addition to the mentioned auto insurers, only one company is ready to issue an OSAGO contract for an amount below the maximum possible. But the underwriters of RESO-Garantia did not lower the bar to the minimum level. The insurer has set a tariff of 3,604 rubles for motorists in the capital.

Prices in the northern capital

Almost the largest players in the insurance market have set the highest base rate for St. Petersburg motorists. Only MAKS and RESO-Garantiya companies offer compulsory auto insurance cheaper than other large organizations. The first firm uses when calculating OSAGO the minimum bid base rate. The underwriters of the second company set the same rates for residents of the Northern capital as for motorists registered in Moscow (3,604 rubles).

The cost of the policy in the regions

In the vast majority of cases, the leading insurers are not ready to offer residents of large regional centers cheap "autocitizen" policies. So, in Rostov-on-Don, you can purchase an OSAGO policy for a minimum amount only in the "RGS". But residents of Samara have the opportunity to draw up a compulsory car insurance contract at a bargain price either in the same Rosgosstrakh or AlfaStrakhovanie.

It is noteworthy that none of the leaders in the OSAGO market has reduced the tariff for motorists from Chelyabinsk to the minimum mark. In general, this is natural, because one of the largest industrial centers of the Urals is famous for its high accident rate. Not without reason, during the last adjustment of the calculation method, the specialists of the Central Bank set the highest territorial coefficient for this city.

The most interesting situation has developed in the Far East. Four insurers have set the maximum base rate for residents of Vladivostok, but the remaining four companies have decided to sell policies at a more competitive price. The lowest base rate is offered by AlfaStrakhovanie and MAKS. This is followed by Rosgosstrakh, and the company RESO-Garantiya closes the quartet. Most likely, the pricing policy of these insurance companies is built on the basis of payout statistics. However, it is possible that insurers have set low base rates in order to increase the flow of customers.

Other cities

Unfortunately, given the number of settlements included in the tariff guide for "autocitizen", it is not possible to provide data for each city. However, policyholders can always conduct independent work on the analysis of proposals from insurers in their region. In this case, you should adhere to the following sequence of actions:

  1. Calculate the maximum and minimum price of a policy in the OSAGO calculator. Negligent insurers may offer the policyholder to purchase compulsory auto insurance cheaper than the lower price threshold or more expensive than the upper bar. The car owner should not agree to such an offer, as there is a risk of acquiring a fake or invalid policy.
  2. Make a list of auto insurers that the motorist trusts. To do this, you can study the reviews of insurance organizations, and it is also useful to ask for advice from familiar car owners.
  3. Visit the website of each company included in your individual list from Point 2. Typically, insurers post information about base rates in the OSAGO section.

Unlike voluntary auto insurance, compulsory OSAGO is strictly regulated by law. There are strict principles for calculating the cost of a policy, common to all insurers. Nevertheless, among the current year's offers, you can choose the best offer with a minimum overpayment and a high degree of reliability. The question of where it is cheaper to insure a car under OSAGO depends on several parameters. You should study what the final price consists of before paying for insurance.

The main parameters affecting the price of OSAGO

The cost of any motor third party insurance policy is determined according to the base rate set by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, using various increasing and decreasing coefficients. It would be wrong to assume that all insurers will have the same policy prices. The fact is that each company determines the estimated tariff based on the range determined by the Central Bank.

At the beginning of the current year, the single base rate applied by all companies varies between 3,432 and 4,118 rubles. By applying the calculated coefficients to the tariff, the final price is formed.

The insurance calculation formula includes the following parameters:

  • general driving experience;
  • safe driving;
  • driver's age;
  • territorial coefficient;
  • the amount of horsepower in the engine;
  • transport category;
  • machine age.

Each of these coefficients can significantly change the final costs of a motorist, both up and down. If some parameters (for example, the year of manufacture of a car) cannot be changed, then each policyholder can influence other indicators.

  1. In the list of admission of drivers, indicate only those whose experience and age will allow you to get rid of the multiplying factor. Ideally, the policy includes drivers with experience exceeding a three-year period, at the age of 22 years.
  2. If the car is registered to an experienced driver with a neat driving experience, significant cost savings are possible. The most preferred option for a novice motorist is to register a car for someone close with extensive experience in successful driving, with other people who will operate the car included in the list of admissions.
  3. Insurance in each region will cost differently. This is due to the application with the coefficient of preferential use of the vehicle in a certain area. For each subject of the Federation, in each locality own situation with by car, varying degrees of traffic saturation and accident rates. If the car is registered in a small settlement where there are few cars and the probability of an accident is minimal, the coefficient of the region will be lower. In the metropolitan area and metropolitan areas, an increased rate is applied.
  4. Choosing a company with a minimum settlement rate. Even within the established corridor, the initial tariff will be different. To reduce the cost of insurance will allow the choice of a company where the minimum rate is applied.

When determining the insurer, one should not rely only on the criterion of a low settlement rate. There are a number of requirements that will allow you not only to purchase a cheap policy, but also to use the insurance service without much difficulty.

Which company to choose

Each company operating in the auto insurance market has its own reliability rating, statistics of insurance payments, reviews of people who have already used the services of this insurer. Avoid problems if they happen insured event will allow a preliminary assessment of which insurance company offers profitable terms and loyalty, with mandatory analysis for sufficient experience, degree of loyalty, financial stability on the market.

IMPORTANT! The safest approach is to companies operating on insurance market not the first year. Recommendations from acquaintances and friends will help determine the insurer with whom it is most comfortable and profitable to cooperate.

Further, the list of selected companies is studied according to reviews on the Internet, on forums, specialized Internet resources. You should not make a decision based only on positive reviews - not all comments on the network are true, but negative reviews should be carefully researched. The predominance of negative reviews serves as a signal to abandon this SC.

An important parameter that negatively affects when choosing an insurance company is the presence of an imposed service in the form of additional insurance services. It should be remembered that refusal to issue insurance without including extra options is illegal. The insurer has no right to insist on purchasing a paid service that the driver does not need.

On the video about the registration of OSAGO without overpayment

  1. AlfaInsurance.
  2. Ingosstrakh.
  3. Max.
  4. RESO.

Of those who apply a higher tariff of 4118 rubles, it is worth noting no less reliable insurers with a high rating: Renaissance, SOGAZ, Rosgosstrakh, VSK, etc.

You should not choose the company that sells the cheapest insurance. It is important that with the least overpayment, the insured is really financially protected in the event of an accident.

To calculate the cost of auto insurance, you need to consider a number of factors. The main ones are length of service and experience, whether the driver got into an accident, the term of insurance, statistics, the power level of the car's engine, in which geolocations the car will be used. When calculating the price of auto insurance, the correction factors are multiplied by the base rate.

The cost of OSAGO varies between 3,432 - 4,118 rubles. In this range, insurers set the price for insurance. Therefore, before choosing an insurance company, it is necessary to study all possible offers, call the offices of companies, where you need to clarify the size of the basic insurance rate.

Another useful article from our expert, answering the question,.

List of companies with cheap insurance

There are quite a few companies in which you can insure a car under OSAGO. Among them are those who offer quite low rates according to the basic coefficient of insurance. Choosing an insurer only on this parameter is wrong. It is also necessary to take into account the stable position of the insurance in the market: this will be the probability of receiving timely payments.

Such companies offering inexpensive registration of auto citizenship include the following companies.

  1. MAX.
  2. Alpha insurance.
  3. Ingosstrakh.
  4. Rosgosstrakh.
  5. SOGAZ.
  6. Renaissance.
  7. RESO.

Of these, the first three companies are cheaper. They offer a minimum base rate of 3,432 rubles. The rest occupy the maximum allowable limit - 4,118 rubles.

You can also buy an insurance policy via the Internet, it does not contradict the law. His rights are the same as the usual, only it costs a little cheaper.

The list of companies offering a profitable purchase of OSAGO via the Internet is large:

  • Eutoins;
  • Muscovy;
  • Hyde;
  • Ingosstrakh;
  • Rosgosstrakh;
  • Hoska;
  • Liberty Insurance;
  • other.

An electronic policy is purchased on the official websites of these companies. Do not forget that fraud is also possible in the insurance industry. It is undesirable to use the services of unverified organizations.

Ways to reduce the price of OSAGO

There are a number of tricks that allow you to issue an OSAGO cheaply.

  1. It is better to insure in a cheap region, but you need to be registered in it. These regions include Dagestan, Tyva, Chechnya, the Trans-Baikal Territory and others. In them, the coefficient will be 0.6. In Murmansk or Chelyabinsk, for example, it is 2.1, so it is difficult to get cheap insurance there.
  2. City or town. Most often, it is easier to buy cheap OSAGO in a small town or village. Therefore, to get a cheaper policy, you should think about registration in a small town. It is difficult to buy cheap insurance in St. Petersburg or Moscow, but in a nearby settlement this is more likely.
  3. The number of people on the policy. It is believed that the cheapest OSAGO will be if it contains up to 5 drivers with a driving experience of up to 3 years and an age of over 22 years. In this case, the coefficient for length of service and age is 1. If, however, it is necessary to write down a young driver who does not have sufficient experience in the policy, then you can immediately take out insurance for several people, since in both cases the coefficient will be equal to 1.8 .
  4. It is better to arrange for an experienced driver. If a policy needs to be issued to a novice who was previously involved in an accident, then most likely the cost of an auto citizen will be high. But even in such a situation, cheap registration is possible if a trusted experienced driver is included in the policy. It is advisable to re-register the car for this person, and when registering OSAGO, enter either all drivers, or the novice himself.
  5. Reduction of the term of insurance. This item is necessary if you need to make a short-term policy. If the machine will be used constantly, then it is better to draw up for the maximum possible period.
  6. The most cheap insurance car under OSAGO will be at a CBN discount. If a driver has never been in an accident for 12 months, then for such accident-free driving he can count on a 5% discount when applying for OSAGO.

How much is, you can find out by carefully reading the article of our specialist.

Beware of scammers

Auto insurance can be offered not only by the respective companies, but also by scammers or brokers. The latter make it possible to choose the company where the client wants to purchase OSAGO. But brokers are intermediaries and, accordingly, additional money will have to be paid for insurance.

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