Cultural tourism as a factor in the socio-economic development of the region rakhmaleva olga valerievna. Collection of articles - tourism as a factor in the development of human potential Tourism as a factor in the development of the region

Criteria that determine the development of tourism. Factor in the tourism industry

The tourism industry is one of the most dynamic industries in terms of the global economy. It represents the largest export sphere of trade and market relations. The tourism industry is also a very profitable industry. But at the same time, it should be noted that tourism is a very plastic phenomenon, subject to events and interventions of various kinds. The success of the tourism business is influenced by the following indicators:

  • growth in the volume of inbound tourist traffic;
  • reducing the level of imbalance between the resource supply of the tourism industry and its use;
  • promotion and advertising of a territorial tourist product;
  • active state support.

Tourism is directly or indirectly associated with many related economic sectors and interacts with almost all government agencies. For example, the tourism industry involves legislative and regulatory frameworks, international tourism is inextricably linked with the work of customs and consular services. Tourist activity is provided by the work of insurance companies, enterprises responsible for the taxation system, banks. In the training of personnel specialists in the field of tourism, the educational field is used. The modern tourism industry is also closely interconnected with scientific developments and research.

Monitoring shortcomings in the tourism industry system and finding ways to eliminate them is the primary goal of modern scientific tourism. Particular attention is paid to various types of factors. At the same time, it is concluded that insufficient attention is paid to their study. It should be noted that the formation of the tourism industry depends on many conditions. These include natural-geographical, historical-political, socio-economic, demographic.

Definition 1

Factor in tourism- this is a condition, an essential circumstance that affects tourism activities.

Classification of factors in tourism

In the modern theory of tourism, it is customary to distinguish two large groups of factors: external and internal.

The first group of conditions includes the geographical location of the host territory, the level of cooperation between states, the principles of the international distribution of labor resources, the level of prices in the international market, and so on. This group of factors, as a rule, either does not depend on the state, or depends to a small extent. Therefore, the region can influence these conditions only indirectly.

Internal factors are decisive and can be actively influenced by the host State. These include natural and climatic resources and the level of their involvement in the tourism industry, the country's economy, the political and social system, the overall development of the state's productive forces, the level of income of the population, the development of social tourism and the provision of benefits, the availability of modern tourism infrastructure, the level of education in the country.

The conditions actively influencing the general tourist activity include factors of attraction and factors of differentiation of demand. The first group is due to the attraction directly to the route itself. These include the natural, social and cultural features of the host territory. The second group includes tourism resources, the state of infrastructure and social economic development states that influence the choice of a place for a trip.

Remark 1

Considering the mechanism of influence on the tourism industry, one can single out objective factors that are historically formed - factors of the first group and public policy, features of the legislative framework in tourism, the educational sphere - factors of the second group.

From the point of view of the temporal principle, factors are usually divided into static and dynamic. Static ones do not change for a long period of time, while dynamic ones are subject to many processes of change. The first type includes the following:

  • demographic factors - imply population growth, the level of urbanization, the characteristics of the population in terms of the age principle;
  • social - due to the level of income of the population, the presence of a large number of paid holidays, reduced working hours, an increase in the proportion of single people, late marriages, an increase in childless couples in the population, a decrease in immigration, earlier retirement, an increase in awareness of tourism opportunities, etc.;
  • economic - reflect an increase in the need for service and the dominance of services over goods
  • cultural - show the dependence of the tourism industry on the cultural level of the population and the need to study the cultural values ​​of other states;
  • scientific and technological progress - affects the general state of the material and technical base of tourism, the creation and involvement of new techniques and technologies;
  • international factors - implies the creation of good neighborly relations and the creation of new economic and political ties.

Development international tourism depends on a number of important factors discussed below:

  • a special place is occupied by state programs aimed at promoting and supporting the tourism industry;
  • increase in the level of well-being of the population;
  • reduction in the number of working hours;
  • urbanization;
  • features of consciousness and outlook of the population.

Tourism theorists have developed a set of conditions that increase the attractiveness of the region and the demand for tourism services in a particular area:

  • advantageous geographical location, favorable climate, friendly attitude towards tourists from the local population;
  • developed tourist infrastructure, prices for tourist services, the level of retail trade;
  • opportunities to improve the sports and educational level, developed recreation;
  • social and cultural features.
  • frequency of tourism;
  • advantage in choosing a tourist destination region;
  • features of the formation of the tour;
  • customer's assumption about prices for services;
  • opinion about the trade mark of the tourist enterprise;
  • the level of sociability of the tourist;
  • the value of external irritating factors at the time of purchasing a tourist voucher.

Remark 2

Thus, personal-behavioral factors also significantly affect the state of tourism. They involve motivating customers and encouraging them to travel, as well as matching the actual services to the requirements of the tourist.

The increase in the well-being of tourists leads to the fact that among all the motives, the psychological comes to the first level. The assessment of the quality of the tourist product is made only after it is received, because before the trip, the tourist can only model a certain image based on the information studied.

The purpose of tourism is the rational organization of the consumer's free time. Accordingly, the development of tourism can be due to the presence of two main points: free time and financial resources for its rational organization.

Favorable and negative factors of tourism

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that there are a variety of factors affecting the tourism industry. Favorable factors promote specific regions, while negative factors reduce the level of demand. These conditions are formed in various areas, such as the peculiarities of the political situation, the legal framework, the socio-economic situation at the regional and global levels.

The positive factors in the development of the tourism services market include:

  • stability of the political and economic situation;
  • increase in the well-being of the population;
  • reduction in working hours;
  • improvement of transport provision, communication means and information technologies;
  • growth in the level of urbanization;
  • the development of society in intellectual terms;
  • increasing investment in the tourism industry;
  • strengthening Russia's position in the global tourism market;
  • simplification and harmonization of tax, currency, customs, border and other forms of regulation;
  • stimulating tourism for children, youth, the elderly, the disabled and low-income families through the provision of incentives;
  • promoting the development of the priority tourism industry.

Negative factors in the development of the tourism services market include:

  • tension in international relations;
  • political instability and closed economy;
  • stagnation of the economy and falling welfare of the population;
  • unsettled tourism resources;
  • underdevelopment of the tourism industry;
  • irrational use of cultural - historical and religious heritage and the environment;
  • low income of the population and lack of free time;
  • environmental pollution and environmental hazard;
  • underestimation of the role of tourism in the intellectualization of society;
  • lack of effective investment incentives for the development of the tourism industry on a level and world standards;
  • underestimation of the role of the tourism business in filling the budget.

Remark 3

These factors of influence on the development of tourism should determine the goals of state regulation and priority areas for the development of the tourism business.

There are different points of view on how tourism affects the level of regional economic development and its pace. One of them, as will be shown in more detail below, is that the development of tourism does not have a positive impact on regional development. Supporters of the other, on the contrary, are trying to prove that the development of tourism makes a significant contribution to the development of the territory. In fact, this discussion would make sense only if the region, the country has an economically more profitable alternative to the development of tourism. More important is the question of how to most effectively, with the benefit of the region, organize its tourism specialization, if it is already developing or starting to develop.

In most developing countries, all investment in tourism development comes from outside, and, accordingly, most of the income from tourism goes abroad. So tourism is main industry economies in such island states as Antigua (the share of tourism in GDP is 58%), the Bahamas (52%), Bermuda (38%). But the gross domestic product per capita here are much inferior to developed countries (although they are superior to many developing countries where tourism is less developed).

In economically developed countries But the situation is different: many countries receive large incomes from tourism. And even if on initial stage large foreign investments are attracted to tourism, they can become an incentive for such development of related sectors of the economy, which provides high incomes in the national sector and allows local capital to be invested in the development of tourism, and not only in their own country, but also abroad.

A typical example is the development of tourism in Spain. Having received significant foreign capital in the 60-80s, invested mainly in tourist accommodation facilities in the coastal zone, Spain has now become a significant investor in the development of tourism abroad, in particular in Cuba.

The relationship between tourism development and regional development as a whole is two-way. On the one hand, tourism can become a significant factor in regional development. On the other hand, a competent state or regional policy can stimulate the development of tourism, thereby improving the overall socio-economic situation in the region.

In a transitional economy, its specific features are clearly manifested in tourism. Analyzing the features of transformation in relation to the market created in the conditions of the administrative-command economy of the tourism sector, French researchers emphasize two important circumstances. On the one hand, we are talking about outdated infrastructure, the insufficiency of the “know-how” introduced for the modern market economy and other obstacles; on the other hand, about the ongoing changes in the international tourism market (consumer behavior is changing, some tourism models in developed countries are becoming obsolete and new competitors are emerging). The former makes it difficult for tourism to have a positive impact on economic development. The second gives a potential opportunity for the tourism sector lagging behind in the world market, focusing on advanced models, to successfully compete with traditional tourist regions.

Typical barriers include market failures and the inflationary nature of the tourism sector. The asymmetric distribution of information between providers and consumers of tourism services in favor of the former creates conditions for dishonest behavior on the part of tourism service providers. As a result, there is a threat of either narrowing or complete “closure” of the market. This is why the asymmetric distribution of information is referred to as market failure. To neutralize such negative trends, such tools as market signals and the reputation of tourism service providers are used.

In the tourism sector, inflationary factors are more pronounced. An explanation for the emergence of inflation and the role of tourism in this process is proposed in the work of L. Bensael and I. Samson. Fundamental to this is that the cost of most tourism services increases twice as fast as the general consumption price index, and prices in tourist areas are higher than in other areas, which is especially pronounced in high season. This allows us to conclude that tourism is an inflationary sector of the economy. The difference between the inflationary processes associated with tourism in countries with market and transitional economies is that today inflation in Western economies has already become manageable, which countries with transitional economies are still quite far from.

In order to overcome the serious obstacles to the development of tourism existing in countries with economies in transition, a special mechanism of state support for it should be developed. Unfortunately, in Russia, although a law on tourism activities has been adopted, a federal target program "Tourism Development in the Russian Federation" has been developed, but the implementation of the main (system-forming) program activities of the first stage (1995-1997) was not carried out in full according to reasons for limited funding. Among the unrealized activities: work on the creation of a modern system of training for the tourism sector; implementation of a set of measures to promote the modernization of the material base of tourism; deployment of a large-scale advertising campaign to promote the domestic tourism product on the world market of tourism services. And without carrying out these events, it is difficult to realize the possibility that, by developing new types of tourism activities and advanced forms of service, Russia will take a strong position in the world market of tourism services. It is possible that the second stage of the Program implementation (1998-2005) will be able to resolve the tasks that were not implemented during the first stage and to carry out new planned activities.

In recent years, Western literature is increasingly talking about the evolution of the consumer model of tourism. This evolution is characterized by the transition of standard tourism, based on an international industry, largely depersonalized by the processes of globalization, to a more diverse, nature-oriented tourism that takes into account the needs of the local population. “Accompanying this evolution, based on the model modern tourism, regional development is one of the subjects of a new approach in Western countries, which is associated, on the one hand, with the evolution of the tourism model and, on the other hand, with the reorganization of the territory. We are talking about "integrated tourism" or "alternative tourism". This type of tourism is aimed at alternative (sustainable) development of the tourism industry, widely promotes the local population and its needs, and minimizes the unforeseen effects of tourism.

Since tourism is included in market relations, all its components, including the organization of tourist reception, the infrastructure of tourist regions, etc., must function according to market schemes. The rate of development of market relations in the countries of the former administrative-command system determines the rate of evolution of tourism. And vice versa: the accelerated development of tourism in a particular territory

contributes to the formation and development of the regional market. In this regard, tourism should be considered as a complex of services associated with other regional institutions, as well as a special kind of activity, correlated with national tourism policy and with the international market.

Tourism is an important tool in the development of the territory. It allows you to create a number of professions and secure the population in regions that are depressed in terms of the existence of other types of activity (for example, old industrial, agricultural, remote, etc.). So, since the beginning of the 60s, France has been implementing a program to revive stagnant regions. And while differences between regions still remain (four regions of France continue to experience the most significant influx of tourists - Paris, Languedoc-Roussillon, Rhone-Alpes, Brittany), the hinterland has also received a significant influx of tourists (primarily as a result of the development agritourism).

Tourism is a space-time system. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the sequence of historical stages of tourism, during which its impact on the natural, economic and social environment is manifested. At the same time, it should be taken into account that tourism will receive accelerated development only when it is accepted by the local population. As noted earlier, there is an ambiguous attitude towards tourism as a factor in the development of the regional economy. For example, in the course of a study conducted within the framework of the Tacis project "Global Development Plan for Kaliningrad - Prometheus 11", it was emphasized that in the so-called "industrial" market economy the tertiary sector is currently the main provider of employment and GNP revenue, in post-socialist economies the growth of services is one of the main features of economic transformation and the tertiary sector can also play a leading role in providing employment. At the regional level, the development of services can sometimes even become the only possible way to reduce unemployment by providing jobs to people previously employed in agriculture or industry.

J. Briden notes the following advantages of tourism for any developing country:

1) receipts in the balance of payments in hard currency;

2) dispersion of development in non-industrial regions;

3) general economic development through the multiplier effect;

4) creation of opportunities for employment of the population;

5) social benefits due to the expansion of people's interest in world events in general, and in a new understanding of "foreigners and their taste" in particular.

Some others can be added, such as the growing role of the service sector in the economy as the most obvious effect of the expansion of tourism. Countries with economies in transition, having qualitative differences in the tourism economy from developed countries, also differ from developing countries.

One of the features of tourism development in developing countries is that there is practically no national (domestic) tourism and the tourism industry that is being created here from the very beginning is aimed at meeting external demand. In countries with economies in transition, domestic demand is relatively high (and was even higher in the recent past). The similarity lies in the underdevelopment of the tourist complex, as well as - in relation to international tourism - in low revenues from it compared to the incomes of developed countries participating in the organization of this business (in servicing tourists from countries with economies in transition visiting developed countries, and equal image of Western tourists visiting Eastern European countries).

According to the World Travel and Tourism Council (Table 2, Fig. 5), the best results in the export of tourism goods and services were achieved by Poland and the Czech Republic (10,460 and 9,191 million US dollars, respectively). The same countries are leading in outbound tourism. The role of tourism is most significant in the economy of Bulgaria (5% of GDP), Hungary (4.7%), Slovenia (3.6%). The role of tourism in the economy of selected countries of Central and Eastern Europe, 2004

Rice. 5.

Since tourism is an important type of economic activity and, together with other types of services, makes a significant contribution to GDP (in developed countries with market economies, the share of services in GDP is 60% and even more: for tourism this figure is 7-10%), its share in countries with economies in transition can increase significantly (from today's average of no more than 49% for Russia and 46% for the Kaliningrad region). In case of development of foreign inbound tourism this growth will be presented in hard currency.

The role of tourism in countries with economies in transition was studied by a number of scientists: S. Bosiasky (1991), M. Zawadsky (1992) and others - for Poland, R. Benke (1992) - for Hungary, L. Butovsky (1992) - - for the Czech Republic, L. Bensael and I. Ge-deshi (1997) - for Albania, V. Khrapko (1997) - for Ukraine, V. Ralian and N. Ralian - for Moldova, V. Gordin, A. Tatarinov (1997, 1999, 2000) - for Russia, etc.

Despite the differences in the share of each of the post-socialist countries in the total volume of tourist flows (Fig. 6), one can find similar features that are inherent in all these countries in the transition period. For example, if we consider outbound tourism, then one of the most popular travel goals was shopping tours (from Hungary to Austria, from Poland to Germany, Russia, Turkey, etc.). Similar behavior can be observed on the part of the Russians - shopping tours to Turkey, China, Poland.

At a time when industry and agriculture are suffering from an economic downturn, when there is an increase in unemployment (in Kaliningrad it exceeds 10%, and even higher in small towns of the region), the growth of the service and tourism sector makes it possible to solve some of these problems. It stimulates the creation of new jobs (in the field of tourism, in service and related industries: the production of food for tourists, souvenirs, accommodation services, transport services, etc.). In the highly developed countries of the world, two-thirds of the population is employed in the non-productive sector (service sector), while in Russia it is still one-third. But at the same time, it leaves good growth prospects and even some advantages, since the countries with economies in transition are distinguished by highly qualified human resources - so much in demand in the service and tourism sectors.

Rice. 6.

This is also of interest from another point of view. At a time when Europe is experiencing agricultural overproduction, rising rural unemployment is a particularly pressing issue. Using rural labor resources for specialized types of tourism (eg rural tourism), this type of activity can fill an empty niche, contributing to the development of rural areas. As an example of how the expansion of tourism and recreation in rural areas contributed to the growth of income and employment and the spatial dispersion of tourism, D. Diamond, R. Richardson describe Britain in the 90s.

Consumer services, trade and tourism, developing in the absence of competition and a centralized distribution system, administrative command methods of management, could not produce services of proper quality and a wide range. These sectors were based not so much on the needs of the population, but on the directive orders of economic entities. The closed nature of the Russian economy, its weak external economic ties also did not contribute to the development of services. Thus, from the point of view of quantitative and qualitative relations, the service sector in Russia was based on market standards different from European and world ones.

It is easier to move to a market economy, starting with the transformation of services and tourism, since they are less capital-intensive (compared to other sectors of the economy), secondly, they require both high-skilled and low-skilled human resources, and thirdly, services can be produced by enterprises small and medium-sized businesses (the development process of which has already begun - at present, more than 100 such enterprises operate in Kaliningrad alone in the tourism sector).

At the same time, tourism needs a variety of services and from this position can produce a multiplier effect in the form of creating more services and even some new activities.

The tourism industry is one of the most dynamic and rapidly developing industries in the world economy. Tourism is one of the top three export industries, behind the oil industry and the automotive industry. Currently, tourism is the most profitable area of ​​the world economy. The following essential points form the basis for the development of the tourism industry:

— Increasing the share of inbound tourism;
— Reducing the disproportion between resource provision and the degree of its use;
– Promotion of the national tourism product;
— State support for domestic tourism.

The tourism industry functions as an intersectoral complex thanks to established links with almost all government departments and services. In particular, there are links with such structures as legal (covers the legislative and regulatory framework, customs and consular services), financial and economic (taxation and insurance systems, financial relations), personnel (training for tourism, scientific research, etc.). ). State support is to stimulate the needs of the population in tourism services. A manifestation of the effectiveness of the state tourism policy is the profitability of the tourism industry and its contribution to the national economy.

The scientific works of many domestic and foreign scientists are devoted to the study of the problems and features of the development of the tourism services market under the influence of various types of factors. In their works, scientists pay attention to the methodology for the development and implementation of state and regional tourism policy, which determine the economic and organizational levers of the regulatory policy for the development of tourism, the prerequisites for the emergence and principles of operation of enterprises of the recreational and tourist complex, the classification of their forms and types, the planning of financial and economic activities of tourism enterprises. sphere, forecasting the development of the regional market of tourist services, the mechanism of economic evaluation and regulation of the tourist attractiveness of the territory.

The study of published works on the problem of the development of the tourism services market allows us to conclude that the issue of the influence of factors in the tourism industry has not been studied enough, which negatively affects the development of tourism in general and makes the issue of solving this problem very relevant.

The development of tourism as a whole depends on a set of conditions: natural-geographical, historical-political, socio-economic, demographic, prevailing in society and the factors that determine them. Factors of development of the market of tourist services are usually divided into external and internal.

Factor in tourism- this is a moment, an essential circumstance of tourist practice.

External (exogenous) factors affect tourism through demographic and social changes; economic and financial development; political and legal regulation; technological changes; trade development; transport infrastructure and travel safety. External factors include geographical position region, political relations between countries, international division of labor, price levels in the international market and in different countries, etc..

The determining factors are internal factors in the development of the tourism services market. Among them are the natural and geographical features and climatic conditions of the country, the availability and quality of natural resources and the possibility of their convenient use, the economic situation in the country, domestic politics countries, political stability social system, level of development of productive forces, structure and level of well-being of the population, the possibility of obtaining benefits and discounts on tourism services at the expense of the state and public organizations, enterprises and institutions, the state of development tourism infrastructure, transport networks, the standard of living in society, the educational and cultural level of the population.

From the point of view of influence on tourism activities, all factors are divided into attraction factors (encourage travel - natural, cultural and social conditions in the country where tourist flows are formed) and demand differentiation factors (affect the choice of travel destination - tourism resources, infrastructure development, level of socio-economic development of the country).

From the point of view of the mechanism of influence on the development of tourism, it is possible to determine objective factors that have already been formed by the historical development of society, and such that purposefully regulate tourism activities - the factors of the first group. The second includes state policy in tourism, the existence and content of tourism legislation, tourism education in society, etc.

The factors influencing the development of tourism are diverse and multifaceted. The presence of favorable factors leads to the leadership of individual regions and countries in world tourism, and vice versa, undesirable factors reduce the tourist flow.

The main factors influencing the development of tourism can be divided into two groups: static and dynamic.

Static ones have a value that does not change over time (natural climatic, geographical, cultural and historical factors). Dynamic factors include:

- Demographic (general population growth, urbanization, i.e. an increase in the share of the urban population due to a decrease in the number of rural residents, a change age structure population (the increase in average life expectancy in many countries means that more and more people have free time and the means to enable them to travel abroad);
- Social (the growth of the well-being of the population of developed countries actively participate in tourist exchange, an increase in the duration of paid holidays and a reduction in the length of the working week, an increase in the number of working women and an increase in income per family (household), an increase in the proportion of single people, a trend towards later marriage and creation families, an extremely rapid increase in the number of childless couples in the population, a decrease in immigration, earlier retirement, an increase in tourism awareness.)
- Economic (they consist in changing the structure of consumption of goods and services in the direction of increasing the share of various services in the consumer basket of the population, including tourism);
- Cultural (the growth of the cultural level of the population of many countries and, in connection with this, the desire of people to get acquainted with foreign cultural values);
- Scientific and technological progress (causes the rapid development of the material and technical base of the tourism industry, creates the necessary conditions for mass tourism);
- International factors (mitigation of the international climate, the transition to the id of confrontation between individual states towards cooperation and mutual understanding, the processes of globalization, the solution of controversial international issues through the negotiation process.

The most important factors that determine the development of tourism abroad include:

- Support from government agencies (the experience of different countries shows that the success of tourism development directly depends on how this industry is perceived at the state level, how much it enjoys state support);
— Growth of social wealth;
— Reduction of working hours;
- Urbanization (the concentration of population in cities, isolation from nature makes it necessary to spend free time outside the zones permanent residence);
- The level of public consciousness.

According to Western experts, the main factors that determine the attractiveness of a tourist region are: the accessibility of the region, its nature and climate, the attitude of the local population to the visitor; the infrastructure of the region, the price level, the state of retail trade; sports, recreational and educational opportunities; cultural and social characteristics. The latter factor, in turn, attracts tourists for the following reasons: work, national dress, architecture, crafts, history, language, religion, education, traditions, recreation, painting, music, gastronomy.

A combination of factors determines the emergence and nature of the behavioral characteristics of consumers of tourism services, which can be expressed by indicators such as:

— Frequency of tourism;
– Preferences in choosing a tourist center and the geography of tourism;
– Form of organization of the tour, preferred;
- Tourist's idea of ​​the price of the tour;
— Representation of the trade mark of the travel agency;
— Communicative behavior of the tourist;
— The role of external stimuli in the process of making a decision to purchase a tour.

Another type of factors influencing the development of the tourism services market is personal-behavioral factors. It should be noted that among all the factors influencing the development of tourism, personal-behavioral factors play a leading role in modern world. They consist of motives that provide consumers with the desire to travel, while meeting the requirements of the tourist. Analyzing the role of psychological factors in the formation of the tourism services market, it is proved that only a few tourists come back to those places where they have already been before, excluding cases of the presence of economic, medical and preventive or sentimental motives. As incomes rise, a person begins to give preference to psychological motives when choosing a new trip. The opinion about the quality of the consumed tourism product is formed some time after the trip, since before the trip the consumer can only model his expectations based on the available information. Therefore, the importance of the situation lies in the fact that the idea of ​​the product gives rise to certain expectations in the consumer, and if they are not justified by the real quality of the product, the consumer is easily disappointed in it. The purpose of tourism is the rational organization of consumer's free time. Accordingly, the development of tourism can be due to the presence of two main points: free time and financial resources for its rational organization.

So, in our opinion, the development of tourism is influenced by both positive and negative factors related to the political, legislative, legal and socio-economic situation in the country and in the world. The positive factors in the development of the tourism services market include:

— Stability and openness of politics and economy
— Growth of social wealth and incomes of the population;
— Reduction of working hours and increase of free time;
— Development of transport, means of communication and information technologies;
— Increasing urbanization;
— Building an intellectual society;
– Encouragement of national and foreign investments in the development of the tourism industry;
— Strengthening Russia's position in the global tourism market;
— Simplification and harmonization of tax, currency, customs, border and other forms of regulation;
— Stimulating tourism for children, youth, the elderly, the disabled and low-income families by providing incentives;
— Promoting the development of the priority tourism industry.

Negative factors in the development of the tourism services market include:

— Tensions in international relations;
— Instability of politics and closed economy;
— Stagnation of the economy and falling welfare of the population;
— Unsettled tourism resources;
— Underdevelopment of the tourism industry;
— Irrational use of cultural, historical and religious heritage and the environment;
— Low income of the population and lack of free time;
— Environmental pollution and environmental hazard;
— Underestimation of the role of tourism in the intellectualization of society;
– Lack of effective investment incentives for the development of the tourism industry on a level and world standards;
- Underestimation of the role of the tourism business in filling the budget.

These factors of influence on the development of tourism should determine the goals of state regulation and priority areas for the development of the tourism business.

Tourism has an impact on the economy in almost every aspect of the fundamental definition of this area of ​​society. In economic terms, tourism is considered:

  • 1) as a certain set of social relations in the sphere of production, exchange and distribution of products;
  • 2) a part of the national economic complex of a given country, including certain sectoral types of production and economic activity;
  • 3) economic science that studies tourism as a branch of the economy of a country or region (tourism economics);
  • 4) social science that studies behavior in the areas of production of a tourist product, its consumption, distribution and exchange. Economists analyze the processes taking place in these areas, predict their consequences for individuals, organizations and society as a whole;
  • 5)modern economic theory, studying the behavior of people as economic entities at all levels of the tourism economic system in the processes of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of tourism services in order to meet human needs with limited resources of the family, firm and society as a whole.

The tourism business is one of the fastest growing sectors of the world economy. According to some estimates, international tourism is among the top three export industries, behind the oil industry and the automotive industry. World Council travel and tourism industry group, headquartered in London, estimates travel and tourism economic activity in 2000 at $3.6 trillion, or approximately 11% of gross world product, making it the largest industry in the world. economy. Modern income from tourism is estimated at trillions of US dollars, which is comparable to the GNP of the "great" powers.

However, the importance of the tourism and hospitality industry in the global economic system should not be overestimated. This industry is not a manufacturer of modern means of production that determine scientific and technological progress. In addition, if the economy becomes too dependent on tourism, it can enter a crisis phase due to changes in tourism preferences. Countries, as a rule, contribute to the development of inbound tourism, since it is associated with a significant inflow of foreign currency into the country and a multiplier effect for the development of the economy and, thanks to tourism, the service and transport infrastructure. In addition, tourism can become a factor in the development of backward and depressed areas, small and medium-sized historically significant cities, which is especially important for Russia.

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Rakhmaleva Olga Valerievna Cultural tourism as a factor in the socio-economic development of the region: dissertation... candidate of economic sciences: 08.00.05. - St. Petersburg, 2000. - 186 p. : ill. RSL OD,


Chapter 1. Modern trends in tourism management 10

1.1. Fundamentals of territorial and sectoral tourism management 10

1.2. The current state of the tourism industry 26

1.2.1. The main global trends in tourism development 26

1.2.2. Cultural tourism as one of the most promising areas for the development of modern tourism 40

Chapter 2 Fundamentals of cultural tourism destination management (on the example of St. Petersburg) 67

2.1. Assessment of the current state of the tourism industry in St. Petersburg 67

2.2. Development of cultural tourism in St. Petersburg 81

2.2.1. Prospects for promotion of St. Petersburg to the world market of cultural tourism 81

2.2.2. Evaluation of the effectiveness of cultural tourism products 94

Chapter 3 Management strategy for a company operating in the cultural tourism market 109

3.1. Organizational and economic mechanism for managing a travel company 109

3.2. Methods for improving the efficiency of management of a travel company 122

Bibliography 168

Applications 181

Introduction to work

Relevance of the topic

Currently, the tourism industry in many countries of the world is emerging as one of the leading industries. National economy. It accounts for about 10% of the world's gross national product, all jobs and global consumer spending. In addition, the constant emergence of new types of tourism contributes to a gradual transition to more and more new rounds of development of the industry.

Cultural tourism, as a phenomenon that was formed in ancient times, is now experiencing a new stage of development, having been revived due to a change in the interests and nature of the needs of the overwhelming majority of tourists. Currently, cultural tourism already accounts for about 37% of international tourism and generates about 35 million annual international tourist trips in Europe. In the Russian Federation, the development of this type of tourism has not yet reached a significant size. It should be noted that Russia, having a huge tourism potential, still occupies a very modest place in the world market of inbound tourism, it accounts for only about 1.5% of the world tourist flow. At the same time, it is impossible not to admit that a significant share of the tourist potential available in Russia is the potential within the framework of cultural tourism, this is due, first of all, to the city that has the status of the cultural capital of Russia, namely the city of St. Petersburg. The development of this type of tourism in our city is facilitated by such factors as a huge cultural heritage, which is the object of display for a still insignificant

tourist flow, as well as the proximity of the city to the main world centers for sending tourists under the programs of the type of tourism in question, most of which are located in the countries of the European Community.

The prospects for the development of this type of tourism in our city are confirmed by the fact that in addition to the direct growth of the tourist flow, cultural tourism will greatly contribute to the tourism development of the region as a whole, as well as the improvement of the social situation in the city, the creation of new jobs, and the inflow of investments. In this regard, a detailed study of all aspects of the impact of cultural tourism on the world economy as a whole, on the economy of a particular destination, as well as directly researching the specifics of the activities of enterprises engaged in this type of tourism, is becoming increasingly relevant.


The main purpose of this work is to form a mechanism for effective management of the development of the destination within the framework of cultural tourism based on the study modern stage its development, as well as the formation of the basic principles of effective management of the cultural tourism industry.

Main goals

In accordance with a specific goal in the dissertation research, the following tasks are set and justified:

1. To study and summarize the main global trends in the development of the tourism industry, incl. aspects of the development of the cultural tourism industry.

    To analyze the system of measures that contribute to the development of tourism within the destination, to investigate the effectiveness of the modern structure of the state management of tourism in the Russian Federation.

    Determine the main advantages of using cultural tourism within the destination, as well as ways to develop it.

    To assess the effectiveness of the use of this particular type of tourism for St. Petersburg as a destination of cultural tourism, taking into account the economic and social effect obtained from its development.

    Develop a strategy for managing the development of cultural tourism in the city as one of the most promising areas for its development in today's transitive economy.

    To assess the level of use of modern management tools at cultural tourism enterprises in St. Petersburg and the possibilities for their improvement using economic, social and other methods.

    To form a rationally operating system for stimulating the work of personnel within the framework of firms operating in the cultural tourism market of our city, as one of the most important components of the developed management strategy.

Development of the research topic

Analysis of research in the field of theory and practice of the development of the cultural tourism industry showed that in order to solve problems

dissertation research, there are certain scientific prerequisites. The relevance and insufficient degree of development of the problems of managing the sphere of cultural tourism, especially in the Russian Federation, urgently require that they become the object of a special scientific research, wherein


theoretical aspects would be combined with practical ones and would be aimed at improving the process of managing the cultural tourism industry.

The object of the dissertation research

The objects of the dissertation research are the sphere of cultural tourism as a whole, the cultural tourism industry within the city of St. Petersburg, as well as companies operating in the cultural tourism market of our city.

Subject of study

The subject of the study is the methodological and methodological problems of developing a mechanism for the effective management of the developing cultural tourism industry within the city, as well as the effective management of a company operating in the cultural tourism market of St. Petersburg.

Theoretical and methodological basis of the study

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the modern theory of tourism, the works of domestic and foreign scientists and practitioners devoted to the development of the cultural tourism industry, as well as the creation of an effective management system at the regional level and

a specific company, regulatory legal acts, statistical data, as well as materials obtained as a result of the author's analysis of the management activities of tourist companies in our city.

The methodology used in the study is based on

application of general scientific methods of a systematic approach, economic and statistical analysis of the information received, expert assessments, economic modeling.

Scientific novelty

The scientific novelty of the study is as follows:

about proposed mechanism effective use
cultural objects of the region, taking into account the concept
sustainable development of tourism in the region,
contributing to the formation of optimal

functional and spatial structure of the region;

o studied and systematized the existing

definitions of the concept of "cultural tourism" and for the first time proposed a procedure for calculating the criterion for classifying a destination as a cultural one;

o formulated the main historical stages in the development of cultural tourism in the world along with the development of other types of tourism;

o the expediency was substantiated and new approaches to the development of cultural tourism within the destination were developed;

o proposed a mechanism for calculating the economic

effectiveness of budget investments directed to

development of the tourist infrastructure of St. Petersburg, subject to the development of cultural tourism in it;

about the analysis of possible strategies

the functioning of the company in the cultural tourism market of St. Petersburg and the optimal strategy was identified;

o For the first time, a system of operational accounting was developed and proposed for implementation in the practice of functioning of companies operating in the field of cultural tourism, which allows for a detailed analysis of the activities of the specified company at different levels of management, to identify negative trends in a timely manner and make effective management decisions to eliminate them;

The participation of the author consists in determining the goals and objectives of the dissertation research, searching for sources of information, choosing and studying the object and subject of research. The analysis of the cultural tourism industry showed the exceptional importance of this type of tourism for our city, and made it possible to formulate the main ways of its development in the future. In addition, the work proposes a fundamental

a new approach to the issue of building an effective management system for an enterprise operating in this market.

The practical significance of this work lies in the fact that the conclusions and results obtained in the course of the study can be used by various management structures both at the level of a specific destination and at the level of a tourist company itself. In addition, the proposals contained in the work can be used in the preparation of curricula for the courses "Economics and management of tourism activities" and "Management of a tourism company".

Structure and scope of work

The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusions and recommendations, bibliography, applications; contains 180 pages, 18 figures, 11 tables, 4 appendices.

Fundamentals of territorial and sectoral tourism management

Tourism, being an integral part of the social sphere of a particular region, involves the creation of a territorial and sectoral structure. It is understood as the existing spatial unity of multifunctional service facilities within the boundaries of an administrative-territorial entity. In relation to the social sphere, depending on the frequency of visits and the breadth of coverage of various contingents of the population, a stepped system of social services is formed with the allocation of objects of micro-district, district-city, regional and national significance. The process of tourism management also involves the allocation of three levels of government in the country - local (local), regional and federal.

The main functions of the social sphere are as follows: o Bringing tangible and intangible benefits to the consumer; o maintenance of the consumption process; o creating conditions for changing activities and recreation; o ensuring health protection; o formation of the general educational and cultural-technical level of the population. The functions of the tourism sector largely coincide with the functions of the social sphere, while assuming the satisfaction of the needs, first of all, of visitors. However, here it should be noted some differences that exist in the issue of determining the functions of tourism and the social sphere. So, if the social sphere, as already mentioned, as a rule, mediates the consumption of a product, or produces and mediates at the same time, then these functions of tourism depend on its type. Inbound tourism in the region meets the diverse needs of incoming tourists, while outbound tourism satisfies a narrow range of needs of local residents. certain types tourist services (transport services, insurance, sales). Satisfaction of other tourist needs is carried out at the place of visit.

As society develops, the management of the social sphere acquires an increasingly pronounced territorial character. This is explained primarily by the economic features of the very concept of a service (not subject to storage, provided at the time of consumption, etc.). In this regard, the solution of most social problems cannot be shifted only to the level of the enterprise, but must be carried out either on a regional scale or at the state level. All this predetermines the current state of the social sphere management system in the regions. However, the complexity of the development of the region can only be achieved by combining the efforts of the industries included in the territorial complex with the help of local government structures in the region, which will optimize the costs of creating complexes of social services for the population.

Since tourism is an integral part of the social sphere of the region, it is rightfully possible to apply the same management principles to it. Thus, for the development of the sphere of inbound tourism, it is obvious that it is necessary to create territorial and sectoral complexes of tourist services that will allow uniting the efforts of various components of its sub-sectors. That is why in the management of tourism development an important place is occupied by the development regional programs. As experience shows in the development and implementation of regional development programs in social sphere, the presence of a comprehensive strategy provides a number of undeniable advantages, which makes it possible to make management in this area much more effective.

Tourism, in accordance with the recommendations of the WTO, should be considered in terms of development and management in a controlled, integrated and sustainable manner, taking into account the application of basic planning principles. Such an approach is possible only if a territorial-sectoral approach is applied to the management and planning of tourism development in the region. Tourism development planning is recommended to be carried out at all levels - international, national, regional, local (local), as well as in relation to specific areas and objects. National and regional planning lays the foundation for the development of tourism in the country and its individual regions.

The current state of the tourism industry

Currently, the tourism industry is the most dynamically developing sector of human activity. According to the unanimous assessment given by the UN General Assembly, the UN Economic and Social Council and the World Tourism Organization, “tourism by the end of our century will become the leading branch of the world economy. Being an extremely important tool in improving the economic and social situation of many states, in particular developing ones, it has become an important factor in the development of the national economies of states.

According to WTO sociological studies, at present, in the structure of personal consumption of the population of industrialized countries, a tourist trip occupies one of the main places, and more and more often it is given preference over the purchase of individual goods.

The role of international tourism in the global economy is growing rapidly. In 1948, only 14.5 million were registered, in 1958 - 55.3 million, in 1970 - 168 million, in 1981 - 290 million, in 1992 - 476 million, and in 1999 - 657 million tourists. Foreign exchange earnings from international tourism increased even more rapidly. In 1958 they amounted to almost 5.5 billion, in 1970 - 17.4 billion, in 1981 - 106 billion, in 1992 -279 billion, and in 1999 - already 446 billion US dollars. According to the share of income from tourism in the total amount of proceeds from the export of goods and services among European countries in 1999, Spain occupies the first place, Austria second, Switzerland third, followed by Italy, France, etc. .

In 1998, the WTO noted an increase in the number of tourist arrivals compared to 1997 - by 2.5%. However, this figure was mainly due to an increase in the number of tourists in East Asia and the Pacific region. If the average annual increase in foreign exchange earnings from tourism for the period 1989 - 1993. was fixed at the level of 10%, then for the 5th anniversary of 1994-1998. it was only 5.7%. However, it should be noted here that the factor of the decline in the value of the US dollar - the base currency for statistical research in tourism - which, undoubtedly, could have an impact on the reduction in income from this type of activity. Thus, for example, a 0.3% increase in tourism receipts in 1998 compared to 1997 was an obvious consequence of the strengthening of the dollar in the main tourist destinations of this period, namely Spain, France and Italy; but by no means represented a continuation of the purposeful and effective financial policy for the development of the tourism industry pursued in these countries. Without taking into account the impact exerted by the dollar exchange rate on the current exchange rates of the national currencies of these countries and thus adjusting the amount of calculated tourism receipts, we will be able to see a more objective picture and conclude that the amount of tourism receipts in 1998 compared with 1997 on a global scale has not changed.

The data on the number of tourists also confirm the reduction in the growth rate in the global tourism industry. So, if in 1989-1992. In 1994-1998, during the next 5 years (1994-1998), the average annual increase in the number of tourist visits was only 3.5%, which was the result of a steady increase in unemployment in a number of industrialized countries, with one on the other hand, and the outbreak of the financial crisis in Asian countries, on the other (see Figure 1.1.).

Data on the reduction in the growth rate of the number of tourist travels are also confirmed by the statistics of the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization), which also record a slowdown in the growth in the number of passengers who have made air flights. Absolute data on the number of tourist visits and receipts from tourism are presented in Annex 1.

In addition, it seems quite interesting to consider the changes taking place in various regions of the world. For example, the largest increase in the number of visits in 1998 was recorded in Africa (6.5%), while the largest decline (by 1.6%) - in East Asia and the Pacific region. What is particularly interesting is that it was in this region that

an unprecedented high growth (9.4%) in 1996, while in 1997 a decline of 1.1% was already recorded. The most objective reason for this phenomenon seems to be the financial crises that broke out in these regions, which by no means contributed to increasing their attractiveness as tourist destinations. The average world increase in the number of tourist visits for the period 1997-1998. amounted to 2.5%, as shown in Figure 1.2.

Assessment of the current state of the tourism industry in St. Petersburg

The successful development of tourism has a huge impact on such key sectors of the economy as transport, communications, trade, construction, agriculture, culture, etc. The main goal of tourism management in cities - historical and cultural centers is to achieve balance and constancy in the development of cultural tourism by integrating the following economic, social and cultural goals: o economic goals: create new jobs, promote the attraction of financial, investment and credit funds received through tourism for the development of the city as a whole, optimize the economic efficiency of budgetary and other financial resources attracted for the development of the city, etc.; o social goals: to promote understanding by residents of the importance of the development of cultural tourism for the city and the establishment of a positive attitude towards visitors, improving the state of the city's environment, harmonizing cultural interests with new social relations, etc.; o cultural goals: promoting the city as the largest cultural center on the international market of cultural tourism, increasing the number of cultural events, promoting the uniqueness of the city at the national and international levels. It should be noted that at present the level of development of cultural tourism in our city is not high enough, although even in the materials of the Hague Tourism Conference in 1987 it was noted that it is the unspoiled, cultural and human environment that is the main condition for the development of tourism. Despite the fact that, according to some authors, only less than 10% of the entire area of ​​Russia has a set of favorable natural, climatic, historical and cultural resources to attract tourists, most of them are located in the North-West region, the center of which is St. Petersburg. According to the current UNESCO rating, St. Petersburg ranks 8th in the world in terms of potential opportunities for the development of cultural tourism, ahead of such generally accepted centers of world cultural tourism as Vienna, Prague, Munich, Berlin and a number of others. However, the number of tourists actually arriving in our city is far from adequate to its popularity in the world. Let's consider some statistical data on the quantitative composition and structure of the flow of tourists arriving in St. Petersburg and try to analyze them.

According to official statistics, in 1999 the North-West region and our city were visited by 3,321,168 people, which is 21.5% more than in 1998. Moreover, as can be seen from the data below, having sharply decreased in 1994, then the number of visitors began to increase sharply again, the growth of this indicator by 1999 was about 330% compared to the base year 1991. As can be seen from the above data, the largest percentage of the number of visitors are tourists precisely under the programs of cultural tourism. However, out of 34% that make up the share of this type of tourism, I 1% are tourists who come to the city during the white nights and only 23% are really on cultural tourism programs. Thus, it becomes obvious that within the framework of this type of tourism, the seasonality factor is quite high, which reduces its importance for the city and does not allow the entire process of tourism development to be oriented exclusively to this type of tourism. Nevertheless, it seems appropriate, on the basis of the data presented and the formula proposed by the author in Chapter 1 of the work, to calculate the criterion for classifying a region as a cultural tourism destination, to determine this indicator for St. Petersburg. By simple calculations, we obtain the coefficient of cultural tourism destination for St. Petersburg according to 1999 data and equal to 23% However, as mentioned above, the possibility of classifying a destination as oriented towards cultural tourism appears only when the values ​​of this indicator are at least 40%, thus , at the present stage, St. Petersburg, having a sufficiently high cultural potential, cannot yet be attributed to the destinations of cultural tourism according to objective indicators. This fact indicates the urgent need to promote the city to the world market of cultural tourism, in order to increase visitors within the framework of the logo type of tourism, given the potential for this.

Organizational and economic mechanism for managing a travel company

As has been shown above, in Russia, and in St. Petersburg in particular, there is a fairly large potential for the development of the cultural tourism industry. However, in the context of the ongoing financial and economic crisis, only a few of the travel companies operating in this market manage to maintain a stable position. The crisis also initiated the process of natural selection in tourism in general and cultural tourism in particular; only highly professional and fairly efficient firms were able to survive it. In this regard, competition in the market has intensified, working conditions have become more complicated, new organizational forms and directions of commercial activity have appeared.

Tourist activity in Russia (according to the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities") is an activity to promote and sell a tourist product, carried out on the basis of a license legal entity or individual entrepreneur. Accordingly, relations in the field of tourism cover a wide range of interested and directly involved persons. The issue of defining the concept of cultural tourism was discussed in detail above, in Chapter I of this work. As is customary in world practice, within the framework of this type of tourism, persons operating in the market are divided into two categories: tour operators and travel agents. Cultural tourism, both internal and inbound, involves the creation within the city, as a destination of this type of tourism, first of all, a sufficient number of competitive operators. First of all, this is due to the insufficient degree of development of the market in question, in comparison with the market of other types of tourism. In addition, promotional activities for the promotion of the proposed cultural tourism products, carried out outside the destination, in the intended markets, in many cases, especially in relation to international tourism, turn out to be quite expensive, which is beyond the power of small travel agencies. That is why the tour operator form of activity will be taken as the basis for further research in the framework of this work.

Any firm that is already functioning, or just entering the cultural tourism market, sets itself certain strategic tasks. As a rule, the main goal for a company operating in the cultural tourism market, as well as for other tourism companies, is to make a profit for further functioning. Based on this, the product that provides the company with the predicted profit can be considered commercially successful. The competitiveness of a cultural tourism product is determined to a large extent by the level of service quality, which requires high professionalism, versatile and systematic training of personnel, taking into account constantly changing requirements. tourist market and improving the quality of tourism services. At the same time, I would like to note that in the cultural tourism market, to a much greater extent than in other types of tourism, the factor of high quality of service is important, which is primarily associated with a certain contingent of consumers of this type of product, whose level of education is usually quite high. , as well as with the specifics of the consumption process. When the main attention is paid to the level of preparedness of guides, their erudition, and the degree of saturation of the program with excursions. At the same time, this fact is given preference over other components of the tourist product and their level of quality. Note that according to the survey of foreign tour operators, given in Chapter 2, this factor is decisive when choosing our city for travel. Thus, the requirement for the high quality of the services provided concerns not only the employees of the tour operator itself, but also all the employees invited by it within the framework of contractual and other relations, namely tour guides, transport organizations, etc. Thus, the quality of this component of the tourism product becomes the main means of economic struggle for markets for cultural tourism. Moreover, as a rule, the volume and quality of this type of service have an impact on buyers both during the initial purchase of a tourist product and when deciding whether to re-apply to this company. Therefore, a rather interesting question arises regarding the need for a company to specialize in a certain market segment, we are talking about the options offered by the company for tourism products. In addition, the issue of specialization in a certain segment of product consumers is quite important.

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