Duties of a cashier. What is the difference between the tasks of a cashier in different areas of service? Job description of a bank teller What does an operator do in a bank

The cashier operator of a banking institution is a specialist in servicing the client flow. It conducts transactions with the funds of individuals and legal entities. The work is more technical than intellectual, and requires great care, perseverance and accurate knowledge of job descriptions and resolutions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The list of functions of a teller-cashier in a bank has long gone beyond the "give-accept money". Now he must monitor the status of clients' bank accounts, communicate with visitors, carry out various operations in different currencies, verify the authenticity of signatures and the correctness of orders and other payment documents, transfer funds in cash and non-cash methods, open, replenish, close deposits, accept, issue or exchange currency. The operator-cashier is obliged to report on all financial transactions, hand over the accepted cash to the cash desk, draw up the relevant cash documents.

Bank teller salary.

The average salary is about 30,000 rubles. The highest level of payment in megacities: from 40,000 rubles. In the regions, tellers receive from 12,000 rubles. Income consists of:

  • Salary. This is a fixed payment, paid every month. Less than this set amount will not be paid.
  • Premium payouts. This is a variable reward. It is paid after a fixed period (monthly or quarterly). The bonus depends on the fulfillment of the set plans of the entire office, since tellers usually do not have individual plans. It is paid at the discretion of management.

Requirements for a bank teller:

  • Higher education. This is a mandatory item for applying for a job in a bank. The specialty should preferably be specialized: economic or accounting.
  • Experience. Work experience may be required, but sometimes they can be hired without experience in a similar position with mandatory training in a bank. Tuition may be paid, or it may be free.
  • Knowledge of foreign languages. If the bank serves foreign clients, then knowledge of languages ​​will be a mandatory requirement so that the specialist can speak freely and understand what the client wants. In ordinary banks, this quality is optional, but welcome.
  • Knowledge of the provisions of the Central Bank and the rules of the cash register. Since the teller works with cash, knowledge of all the provisions and instructions is necessary. The bank teller also serves bank accounts, monitors the movement of funds on them, and this is all based on the provisions of the Central Bank.
  • Confident PC user. Knowledge of standard Office programs, including word and excel, will help with quick maintenance and reporting. Typing speed and literacy are also needed, because you will have to fill out a lot of documents and check them.
  • Cash handling skills. Working with money is one of the most difficult, because you need to clearly distinguish between real and counterfeit bills. Sometimes you will have to work with large amounts, so a quick account and instant identification of authenticity will come in handy.
  • Availability of currency certificates. The bank can accept certificates issued by other banks and allow a specialist to work with foreign currency. But most often, the teller-cashier must confirm his knowledge and receive a certificate from the bank in which he works.

Responsibilities of a Cashier:

  • Customer service. The operator conducts all financial transactions, advises clients. The service should be polite and competent, because this gives the impression of the bank.
  • Opening and maintenance of accounts, deposits. The operator is engaged in opening current accounts of individuals and current accounts of entrepreneurs. He also deals with the opening and further maintenance of deposits.
  • Implementation of incoming and outgoing transactions. The cashier-operator draws up cash documents for depositing and withdrawing funds. All transactions must be carried out in accordance with the established rules of the bank and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
  • Carrying out money transfers. Money transfers are carried out through payment services. The operator must accurately fill out all the documents so that the payment reaches without problems.
  • Counseling clients. The cashier operator must be able to advise customers on almost all types of products. To do this, you need to know the main aspects of each service. If the product is too complex, or the client requires an explanation of the intricacies, then he should be politely redirected to the appropriate specialists.
  • Cross selling. All bank products are linked. Cross-selling means an offer to the main product of additional ones. For example, if a client opens a deposit, then he can be offered to issue a bank card in order to transfer interest there.
  • Working with currency. The operator must be able to recognize the authenticity of banknotes, conduct transactions in foreign currency in accordance with the rules.
  • Reception and issuance of cash. Clients carry out various operations: they deposit cash into accounts, withdraw money, open and close deposits, so the operator must quickly and correctly count so as not to make a mistake. For all shortages and surpluses, he is financially responsible.
  • Card transactions. The operator issues new cards, closes them at the request of customers, makes card statements and other operations.
  • Cash reconciliation at the end of the day, collection of funds. All cash collected during the day is subject to recalculation, collection from the machine and transfer to the main cash desk of the bank. All funds must correspond to the posted documents of income and expenditure.

A bank teller is an employee of a bank. His responsibilities include the following range of tasks: receiving and communicating with clients, controlling accounts, making changes to the database if funds are received on the account or the client withdraws them. These are the functions that should be performed bank teller. The employee is an unofficial face of the bank. The first visitors encounter it. Therefore, the position of the teller is considered very important in the bank. Usually this position is occupied by young and promising employees of the bank. For them, the position of a bank teller will be the first step on the career ladder.

Job Description Bank teller

This profession involves the performance of a number of functions - this is the organization of the transfer and issuance of money from the client's account, maintaining monetary settlement documents, checking the correctness of checks, orders and other documents, verifying the authenticity of signatures in receiving money and valuables. Also, the bank operator constantly keeps cards of collection transactions, calculates penalties and interest, and writes off collection documents from personal accounts. The specialist must take part in the audits based on the results of each quarter.




In the list of qualities necessary for this profession, I would also mention sufficient qualifications, because, unfortunately, many such bank employees simply lack the necessary knowledge.

cashier-operator- the face of the bank, because he is the first to meet visitors. In our job description cashier-operator The Bank has prescribed the duties of this specialist, which include: communication with customers, monitoring the status of accounts, making changes to the database when receiving and withdrawing money. Many of those who today have reached certain heights in financial structures once started with work in the payment acceptance window.

Job description of a bank teller

General manager
Surname I.O. ________________
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1. General Provisions

1.1. A bank teller belongs to the category of technical specialists.
1.2. Appointment to the position of a bank teller and dismissal from it is carried out by order of the bank manager.
1.3. The cashier-operator of the bank reports directly to the head of the shift or the head of the department.
1.4. During the absence of the cashier-operator of the bank, his rights and obligations are transferred to another official, who acquires the relevant rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.
1.5. A person who has primary professional education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary (complete) general education and special training according to an established program without presenting requirements for work experience is appointed to the position of a bank teller-operator.
1.6. The bank teller must know:
- regulatory legal acts, regulations, instructions, other guidance materials and documents on conducting cash transactions;
- forms of cash and bank documents;
- rules for acceptance, issuance, accounting and storage of funds and securities;
- the procedure for processing incoming and outgoing documents;
- limits on cash balances established for the enterprise, rules for ensuring their safety;
- the procedure for maintaining a cash book, compiling cash statements;
- basics of labor organization;
- rules for the operation of computer technology;
- Fundamentals of labor legislation;
- internal labor regulations;
- Rules and norms of labor protection.
1.7. The cashier-operator of the bank is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- the charter of the bank, internal labor regulations, other regulatory acts of the bank;
- orders and directives of the management;
- this job description.

2. Functional duties of a bank teller

The bank teller performs the following duties:

2.1. Carries out operations for the receipt, accounting, issuance and storage of funds and securities with the obligatory observance of the rules ensuring their safety.
2.2. Serves clients on accounts, deposits, transfers, bank cards.
2.3. Conducts foreign exchange transactions.
2.4. Carries out settlements with clients, sale of banking products.
2.5. Maintains a cash book on the basis of income and expenditure documents, checks the actual availability of cash and securities with the book balance.
2.6. Makes inventories of old banknotes, as well as relevant documents in order to replace them with new ones.
2.7. Prepares cash reports.

3. Rights of a bank teller

The bank teller has the right to:

3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the bank's management regarding its activities.
3.2. Submit proposals for improvement of the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for consideration by the management.
3.3. Within the limits of its competence, inform the immediate supervisor of all shortcomings identified in the course of activities and make proposals for their elimination.
3.4. Receive from structural divisions and specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties.
3.5. Require the management of the institution to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

4. Responsibility of the cashier-operator of the bank

The bank teller is responsible for:

4.1. Failure to perform or improper performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. Causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.3. Offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal, civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

With whom you have to meet any client of an institution in the financial sector. It is from his behavior and manner of conversation with visitors, as well as the speed and quality of service, that the impression of the bank itself, its stability indicators and rating in the financial market depends. It largely depends on this specialist whether the client will turn to this particular financial institution again or not.

The teller-cashier is enough However, among the specialists of this category there is a strong main reason for the emergence of such a negative fact - low wages. However, there is also a positive aspect of the constant change of personnel of this level - moving up the career ladder.

Basic rules of the operator

The basic rules of the cashier-operator include: providing answers to all their questions, maintaining accounts with making appropriate changes to the database of a banking institution. The work of these specialists requires enormous efforts, since constant contact with people can cause certain psychological stress. We should not forget about the fact that they often have an irregular work schedule due to large volumes of workflow, and it is also their responsibility to keep the databases up to date. It is worth mentioning the high financial responsibility.

It is on the behavior and endurance of the cashier that the organization of the work of a banking institution depends, therefore, these employees must have calmness and concentration. Unfortunately, not all clients are friendly when they contact, and this leads to scandals in the operating room.

To work at this place, those who wish need to get a special education, in extreme cases, they need to complete the courses of a cashier-operator. When carrying out transactions with foreign currency, it is necessary to obtain a special currency certificate. Also, the cashier operator must know the various forms of both cash and bank documents with the procedure for their execution. The specialist must have knowledge of the current legislation in terms of management, be able to carry out transactions in the field of securities and cash, correctly use the procedure for generating reports on the cash register and the corresponding order journals, have skills in working with computer equipment and related software.

Specialization of cashiers

Most often, for cashiers, the area of ​​​​work is associated with the circulation of cash. However, there are specialists responsible for all other operations associated with it.

Successful career with cashiers

Operations cashier - this is the position with which a young specialist can successfully develop his career in institutions. It was modern leaders who began their careers as bank tellers. Also, young professionals holding the position of an operator have the opportunity to combine work with training to receive higher education.

What are the main functions and duties of a cashier? This is a specialist whose main task is to conduct cash transactions, with plastic bank cards. It accepts and issues cash, securities, electronic money. Without cashiers, it is now simply impossible to imagine the work of trading companies, banking structures, transport companies and other institutions.

A bit of history

The beginning of the cashier's profession was laid by treasurers and clerks, who described and distributed the property seized by the troops. Cashiers, as we imagine them now, appeared in the 19th century, when the Ritty brothers, Americans, invented the prototype of the modern cash register. Since then, of course, much has changed, and now the job of a cashier rarely consists only in receiving and issuing money. Most often in modern companies, the position of a cashier is combined with the position of an accountant, teller, controller, bank employee. The requirements for such financial specialists are different. The general requirement is increased attentiveness, because their work is connected with money.

Job Responsibilities of a Cashier

For example, there is such a position as a cashier-operator. This is such an employee who, in fact, is the face of the bank, because it is he who is the first to be seen by customers.

Cashier-operator conducts transactions with customer deposits. The list of what a bank teller should do is quite extensive:

In addition, some banks may impose additional requirements. Job responsibilities of a cashier in a bank may include knowledge of foreign languages, the presence of specialized education, knowledge of the orders of the Bank of Russia. Much depends on the specifics of the bank. The cashier can maintain, open and close deposits of both individuals and legal entities, execute money transfers, verify the authenticity of the signature and the correctness of the execution of documents, and maintain daily documentation. If the cashier conducts transactions with foreign currency, the employer will require the employee to have a certificate of a foreign exchange cashier.

Bank teller. Pros and cons of work

Of course, being a bank teller is quite prestigious. For some, the very fact of working in a bank gives a feeling of confidence. For others, such a job is just the first step in starting a fast-paced, ambitious career. After all, history knows a huge number of examples when the most famous bankers and financiers began to rise up the career ladder precisely from the position of a cashier. But despite the fact that being a bank teller is an honor, such work has a number of disadvantages. Cashiers bear a great responsibility for the safety of funds, including material ones. At the workplace - constant rush jobs, tight schedule, large amount of work, high workload, negative psychological background. There is also the risk of a raid by robbers, which should not be forgotten.

Responsibilities of a cashier in a store

In other organizations, the job description of a cashier looks a little different. For example, a cashier in a store combines the functions of a cashier and a salesperson. It also requires maximum attention. But, in addition to this, the employer will require him to have knowledge of a computer, office programs, 1C, cash discipline, and the procedure for processing cash documents. Although experience is often not required, cashier skills will only be a plus. In general, the main job responsibilities of a cashier in a store are as follows:

To get a job in a trading company as a cashier, it is enough to take specialized courses to obtain the necessary skills. It is not necessary to graduate from a specialized university. But if the employee's arsenal includes the specialties "Economics and Accounting", "Finance and Credit", "Banking", "Commodity Research and Examination of the Quality of Consumer Goods", he can apply for the position of a cashier.

Senior cashier. His job responsibilities

There are a lot of cashiers in large retail grocery stores or household appliances stores. In shopping centers there is such a position as a senior cashier. His job responsibilities are to organize the work of other cashiers. He does the following:

Clean water cashier

In the understanding of the majority, the "classic" position of a cashier is a cashier-controller. He is engaged in cash settlements with buyers, sells and issues subscriptions and tickets. The work of such a specialist is not always carried out in a certain place; controllers with a portable cash register may accept payment for services from the population, for example, for electricity and other utility bills.

Job responsibilities of the controller-cashier - to determine or calculate the appropriate fee, accept cash, issue a check. Cashiers are financially responsible people, so they will be responsible for every mistake with a fine from their salary.

Cashier - a female profession?

The profession of a cashier is considered quite common, and it is believed that it is most suitable for women. Maybe because the profession is rather monotonous and monotonous? Cashiers are often the face of the company, because it is they who meet and see off guests, and women are better at being friendly. Be that as it may, both men and women, with their pleasant appearance and goodwill, are able to create a favorable impression of the company. Therefore, when choosing for this position, employers will give preference to a sociable person.

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