How to store dollars at home. What is the best currency to keep money in? Investing in real estate

Hello! In today's article, we'll talk about the best currency to keep your savings in.

Today you will learn:

  1. About what exist;
  2. About the most profitable ways of storage;
  3. Advantages and disadvantages of each storage method.

The unstable exchange rate of our national currency makes many citizens who have savings think about how to save and protect them. A variety of storage options are being considered, and today we will try to talk about most of them and provide expert recommendations.

Exchange Rate Trends in 2018

What currency to choose for holding funds

You can choose the currency, especially if you have something to store in it. If you have a certain amount of money, then the choice of currency must be approached with all responsibility. This method of storage, although conservative, is one of the most reliable.

Holding funds in dollars

Dollar - the currency in which most of the inhabitants of all countries of the world keep their funds. Many experts admit that so far there is simply no alternative to the dollar. That is why, when choosing a currency for storing funds, many citizens are inclined in favor of the dollar equivalent. The dollar dominates the world economy, although it also depends on the situation in some countries, in particular the United States.

Holding funds in euros

Now let's talk about the euro. In general, although this currency is stable, it still causes a number of concerns. The state of Europe itself at the moment cannot be called stable, and this, in turn, affects the currency. The economic situation in the EU countries greatly affects the euro quotes. If a serious financial crisis occurs in these countries, it will not turn out to be anything good for the euro. In addition, the flow of migrants threatens the very existence of the EU as a whole.

Keeping funds in rubles

The Russian currency is indeed very tied to the level of prices for "black gold". If oil rises in price, the ruble strengthens its position; if it falls in price, the situation becomes diametrically opposite.

Holding funds in exotic currencies

For those who like non-standard solutions, many Russian banks offer to keep money in yuan or Swiss francs.

The Chinese national currency is very attracting the attention of investors. The Chinese economy is growing at a truly gigantic pace, the country holds a serious position in the global economy and is not going to leave them. In this regard, the demand for the yuan is increasing, which means that it is strengthening.

In Russian banks, you can open a deposit in this currency, but the rate will be lower than that of the dollar and the euro.

In our country, you can also find about two dozen banks that can open deposits in Swiss francs. The rate will be about 6 - 6.5% per annum. There is clearly a benefit in this, such a percentage cannot always be obtained on deposits in rubles. Since 2008, the Swiss franc has appreciated by 54% against our national currency.

Despite external benefits, this option cannot be called ideal. If dollars and euros are currencies to some extent understandable, they can be bought and sold, exchanged, and deposits opened in them, then there are more problems with yen and yuan. The main disadvantage of these currencies is that they are not so popular (when compared with the euro and the dollar).

You can buy and sell dollars and euros at a favorable rate, but with exotic currencies the situation is not so transparent.

Multicurrency basket: pros and cons

More and more people who want to keep their funds in foreign currency understand that "you can't put all your eggs in one basket." And large Russian banks offer their clients multi-currency deposits. The deposit is formed in several currencies, in different shares at the request of the client. The most popular composition of the deposit is dollar + euro + ruble. Let's talk about the pros and cons of such deposits in more detail.


  • Without closing the deposit, you can transfer funds from one currency to another;
  • When transferring funds,% are saved;
  • Gives you the opportunity to earn on fluctuations in exchange rates;
  • The rate inside the deposit is more profitable than the standard exchange rate.


  • The interest rate is lower than a number of conventional deposits;
  • To make money on fluctuations in rates, you need to be well versed in the principles of the functioning of the foreign exchange market.

Summarizing all that has been said, we note that a multi-currency deposit is a good banking instrument. With it, you can earn income, or you can lose all your savings. That is, it requires at least a competent approach to itself. Some experts believe that it is better to open 3 different deposits (each in its own currency).

Alternative ways to store savings

Investing in precious metals. Those who make a choice in favor of this option need to decide whether to buy metal in physical form, or purchase it. At the same time, no one guarantees a permanent stable growth in the price of precious metals.

Investing in stocks, bonds. These do cover the growth of inflation, but are quite risky. You need a certain level of financial literacy to do this.

Keeping money at home. Plus - funds are always available, nearby. Cons - the risk that you will simply be robbed.

Buying a property. By the way, about 20% of the working population is considered the most profitable (based on surveys).

Bank deposit. More than a third of our fellow citizens prefer to do . The confidence of potential customers has increased with the introduction of the state deposit insurance system.

  1. Do not rely on one currency, keep money in several;
  2. Don't waste money on items that are unlikely to be needed;
  3. Keep funds that you will constantly use in rubles;
  4. If you travel a lot, keep most of the funds in the currency that you will use in the host country;
  5. To transfer from one currency to another, use the Internet bank. At the same time, take into account the size of the commission that is taken for the transfer of funds.


Summing up, I would like to say that each person decides for himself where and how to store his funds. A lot of them, or a little - is actually secondary. It is important to reduce possible risks, protect your funds from inflation and depreciation, and get some income.

We are often asked what will happen to the dollar, whether it is possible to store savings in it. Below are answers to the most common questions.

Will the dollar be banned in Russia?

The probability that the circulation of foreign currency in Russia will be banned is extremely small, this option can not be considered seriously. In the fall of 2013, the Liberal Democratic Party introduced a bill to ban the dollar, but we all understand that this is not serious, populism, and there are no official movements in this direction.

The worst that can be expected is restrictions on the movement of capital. In modern Russian history, we already had some restrictions, for example, the mandatory sale by enterprises of a part of foreign exchange earnings. But this applies more to large investors, businessmen, and enterprises. It is not worth fearing that citizens will be deprived of foreign exchange savings, it is unlikely.

Will the dollar rise or fall?

Is it dangerous to keep dollars in a bank?

Many are concerned about the question of whether it is dangerous to keep the currency on deposit in a bank. The risks here are:

1. The bank will go bust. It doesn't matter here whether rubles or foreign currency is in the bank. Deposits up to 1.4 million rubles are insured by the state (DIA, deposit insurance agency). The same applies to foreign currency deposits in terms of the exchange rate in rubles.

2. Banks will impose restrictions on the issuance of cash currency. Such a scenario is possible if economic affairs become very bad, our country will be on the verge of default (ie, will not be able to repay its obligations). This will affect all banks: both private and public. As long as the probability of such an outcome is small, it can not be taken seriously.

But in any case, I recommend keeping part of the foreign exchange savings in cash. Preferably not under the mattress, to the delight of burglars, but in a safe deposit box. Unlike rubles, which are actively eaten up by inflation and have to be carried to the bank at interest, the currency is well preserved in the safe. Even in the event of a bank failure, you will certainly receive valuables from the safe, since they do not belong to the bank, but to you (though they say that there have been cases when it came to outright crime, a sinking bank openly devastated the cells of customers).

Conclusion: if the bank gives at least approx. 4% per annum on a deposit in foreign currency, you can open a deposit, put part of the amount into an account (up to 700 thousand in rubles; or divide between banks by 700 thousand). But for the sake of 2%, I would not take risks, I preferred to keep cash in a safe.

What is better to buy, dollars, euros, yuan, yen...?

The choice is between the dollar and the euro. Other foreign currencies are less common in Russia (and in the world), they have a greater difference between the rate of purchase and sale, not all exchangers work with them. When choosing between the dollar and the euro, see detailed advice on which currency is better to buy: dollars or euros. By the way, it is more convenient to store in euros from a purely technical point of view - there is less paper, euro bills for 500, and dollars for 100, plus the euro is more expensive than the dollar.

Is it possible to take loans in dollars, is it not dangerous?

Very dangerous. There were times a few years ago when "currency" debtors felt very good, the currency was declining. But in Russia, the currency decreases weakly and for a long time, and rises in price strongly and immediately. Therefore, you can take a loan in foreign currency only if you receive a salary in this currency. In other cases, you risk never paying off.

Russians are better off trusting the ruble. They must carry their modest savings to banks and make deposits in the national currency. This opinion is shared by the President of Sberbank German Gref. talked to experts and analysts and received some advice on saving savings. There was no place for the ruble in the recommendations of specialists.

Ruble under the pillow

Non-professional investors (that is, the majority of the Russian population) should not play with currencies and seek their fortune in euros or pounds sterling. The best way to save small savings is to leave them in rubles. About this Gref on July 6 in the course of communication with users of social networks.

He also warned Russians against keeping money "under the pillow", as even small amounts must be in motion. The most reliable tool in this case is bank deposits, Gref believes: “Savings in the amount of 100 thousand rubles should be kept in rubles. The ruble still tends to strengthen.

Indeed, the Russian currency has strengthened in recent months from 75.5 rubles per dollar in January to 64 rubles in July. The exchange rate rose by 15 percent (which, by the way, greatly worries exporters and economic recovery).

In such conditions, it seems that the ruble has a margin of safety, that it can grow further. But it is worth remembering that the national currency has been in free float for almost two years. Almost any change in external conditions leads to its fluctuations. To protect yourself from them, you need to work out a personal financial strategy that excludes the ruble, or scatter at least part of the money among other currencies, precious metals, and even securities.

The personal investment program will change depending on the money available.

100 thousand rubles

Holders of such an amount should pay attention to two possibilities: either buy foreign currency or open a deposit (however, both currency and deposits remain relevant with any savings - just the larger they are, the wider the possibilities for choosing different financial products).

First, about games with currency. Experts interviewed by advise making a choice in favor of the dollar. Rubles are needed for everyday consumption, but it is not worth saving in them.

“With small savings, it is better to keep most of the funds in the currency in which you spend. You can buy currency for holidays throughout the year. Otherwise, it may turn out that you were about to leave, and it was at this moment that the ruble weakened greatly, ”recommends Bogdan Zvarich, an analyst at the Finam group of companies. In general, he believes that it is better to break down savings into different currencies - the dollar looks the most interesting, but towards the end of the year it may fall in price and go to the mark of 60 rubles.

“The simplest and safest strategy is diversification. A third of the funds should be kept in rubles, a third - in dollars and a third - in euros. Changes in the exchange rate of one currency will be offset by fluctuations in the exchange rates of others. You won’t make much money on revaluation, but you won’t lose on exchange rate differences either,” comments Daria Kirilochkina, product analyst at Exante investment company. She herself prefers dollars - historically, they look like a more attractive asset than rubles. There are also advantages over the euro - one nation united by common interests stands behind the dollar, while internal conflicts are constantly going on in the EU, reminds Daria Kirilochkina: “If necessary, the Americans will always quickly come to an agreement within the country. Recall, for example, the story of raising the debt ceiling. The European Union will argue and swear for a long time, and the euro is weakening against this background. Brexit is a great example of the realization of such risks.”

“Now is the perfect time to buy dollars. The goal for the American currency is 73-75 rubles,” predicts Mikhail Krylov, director of the analytical department of the investment company Golden Hills-Kapital AM.

Now about contributions. As you know, it is almost impossible to earn something on them, they are created to protect savings from inflation. To date, the annual inflation rate is 7.5 percent. So that the money does not depreciate, you need to look for a deposit with a rate above this level.

The press urges Belarusians to give their money to banks, scaring them with a fungus that corrodes improperly stored dollars.

The authors of the article "Caution, gluttonous invisible!" in the Belarusian "Narodnaya Gazeta" they claim that if you keep dollars at home, they will be eaten by a fungus. There is also an explanation of the candidate of biological sciences, head of the laboratory of mycology of the Institute of Experimental Botany. Kuprevich of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Olga Gapienko.

According to her, the fungus on the dollar bill is a "common occurrence." But the result of this phenomenon can be sad: the affected banknote will not be accepted at the bank. The reasons for spoilage are violation of storage conditions: low temperature, high humidity, lack of ventilation.

What is the right way to store dollars? Gapienko claims that in a ventilated place. And by no means in cellophane. You can’t bury it in the ground - it’s cold and wet there. In addition, the fungus is terribly contagious and can quickly be transmitted from bill to bill, "eating" the paper.

The fungus infects the dollar, because, according to the expert, the technology for manufacturing the euro and the Belarusian currency is somewhat different, it provides for stronger fibers that are inaccessible to destructive processes.

Another scary thing, Gapienko quotes, is that not a single "exchanger" will be able to hide the defeat of banknotes by a fungus - they glow blue under ultraviolet light, although they should remain dark. True, money washed with clothes, as well as those that were exposed to an aggressive environment, can also glow, explained Viktor Sosnovsky, chief specialist of the National Bank of Belarus.

Out of hand!

With a request to comment on the message of the Belarusian friends, the correspondents of "RG" turned to Russian experts.

As Alexei Mamontov, president of the Moscow International Monetary Association, explained, a Russian bank cannot refuse to accept a banknote. According to the instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, they are obliged to accept dilapidated and highly worn banknotes there. Only counterfeit money is not accepted.

True, it is possible that when exchanging "spoiled" banknotes, the bank will set a commission, which can range from one to several percent. There are no clear rules that prescribe the limit of such a "discount", but if the bank values ​​\u200b\u200bits reputation, then the commission is unlikely to be draconian.

“A fungus,” Mamontov agrees with Belarusian researchers, “is a very tenacious, addictive thing. And it’s very difficult to get rid of it. Although chemists are constantly working to ensure that such technologies and materials are used in the manufacture of money, which provide high resistance against microorganisms.”

However, storing dollars in a plastic bag is harmful not only because bills can become a victim of fungus. Cash, regardless, by the way, no matter what currency it is, can "eat up". Since the beginning of the year, it has already amounted to 1.5%, and on an annualized basis - 7.3%. Note that in this case, a dollar deposit for a year can be placed in the bank at 7-8%. Such rates for foreign currency deposits are now offered by many banks. For deposits in euros, rates are literally tenths of a percent lower. But traditionally, ruble deposits have the highest yield. According to the Central Bank, in the top ten banks - the leaders in terms of deposits by March, the rates crept to the mark of 9.97%. This is the highest rate since September 2012.

Rate per ruble

But when choosing a deposit currency, one must focus not only on profitability, but also try to protect oneself from possible exchange rate risks. Experts traditionally advise spreading savings across three currencies.

Mamontov believes that it is most rational to distribute savings "for a rainy day" as follows: 50% in rubles, 25% each in dollars and euros. If the money is set aside for some specific purposes - a trip, study, treatment, it is better to store them in the currency in which payments are to be made.

Financial analyst Sergei Suverov offers a different scenario: in rubles - 60%, in euros - 25%, in dollars - 15%.

At the same time, both experts do not think that the dollar is in for hard times. Including because of the sequestration, that is, a large-scale reduction in the US budget, which began in March and will last for several years. But this will not bring down the dollar and the US economy, Mamontov is sure.

Suverov agrees with him. In his opinion, the dollar may weaken somewhat against the euro, but its exchange rate will most likely not change significantly against the ruble.

But the head of the department of international capital markets at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yakov Mirkin, does not exclude that, on the contrary, the dollar, relative to the ruble, can even jump by 10-15%, that is, up to 34-35 rubles. However, this is just one of the possible scenarios, which is likely with a decrease in oil prices, says Mirkin.

A famous actor from a famous movie recommended that citizens keep in a savings bank, if they have one. But if at the time of the release of this film, people had money that was enough not only for current expenses, but also to put them in a savings bank, now it is more difficult to save money, and even more difficult to decide: where and how best to store savings. We will try to answer this question with the help of the advice of financial experts.

The content of the article:

Where to store savings

You have accumulated or decided to accumulate money and are thinking what is the best way to store the accumulated? - This is a very interesting question, since not only the preservation of savings, but also the possibility of increasing them depends on it. If you have “extra” money, then it is better to invest it in something or spend it on the necessary goods, since the accumulation of money is always, albeit small, but a risk.

First you need to determine how much you plan to accumulate, the frequency and size of replenishment, as well as the purpose of accumulation. If you are saving for the long term and do not plan to withdraw your savings soon, then experts recommend keeping money in gold. Gold is a “currency” that is not afraid of fluctuations in exchange rates, and besides, it is the storage of funds in gold that will help you not only not to lose what you have accumulated, but also to increase it somewhat. But this is all provided that you plan to save this money for the long term. If you have the purpose of any purchase for these savings, and you will save for several years, then gold is not your option.

If you live in abundance, you have an amount of money for a “rainy day” and for any emergency unplanned expenses, then it is best to invest your savings in something, so they will not only accumulate, but also bring profit. This can be either opening a deposit account in a bank or investing in something: investing in your own business or in someone else's, buying shares or securities, etc. Another option is the purchase of real estate, which can later be sold or rented out and receive a monthly profit.

And, of course, the most common way to store your savings is money. The advantage of keeping savings in cash is that you can spend them at any time, without the need to cash out.

What currency to keep money in

What is the best currency to keep money in? It is very difficult to say specifically what to store money in, since the political and financial situation in the world is so unstable that if you name one currency today, it may start having problems tomorrow. Of course, you need to choose the currency in which to keep money from world or national.

Before deciding which currency to keep money in, you need to look at: the dynamics of the exchange rate of a certain currency, world news and news of the country to which the currency belongs. If everything is stable in the country, exchange rate fluctuations are insignificant, and there is even a trend of increasing the value of the currency, then choose it.

Rubles, dollars, euros?

Most often, Russians choose one of the following currencies to store their savings: rubles, dollars or euros. Let's look at each of these currencies and look for even more profitable options.


As a currency for storing savings, rubles are a pretty good option, especially if you receive income in rubles, since you will not incur expenses in the form of interest on foreign exchange. The situation in the country is stable, and oil and gas reserves will last for a long time ...

America is a superpower, and its currency, the dollar, is the currency on which the entire world economy rests. Despite the economic problems in the United States and the colossal public debt, the dollar does not give up its positions, although it is a "soap bubble". It is best to keep savings in dollars for a short time, and then navigate according to the situation. Savings for the long term to invest in dollars is somewhat dangerous, but still possible.


Euro is the currency of the European Union, the most unreliable currency for keeping your savings. First of all, the unreliability of the currency lies in the poor economic situation of some EU member states. Surely you have heard about the difficult economic situation in Greece, which has long been in a state of bankruptcy. There was a large number of assumptions, and even European politicians expressed an opinion about the exclusion of Greece from the European zone, but they do not let go and keep it through loans. If Greece nevertheless leaves the EU zone (whether on its own or by exclusion), then this can cause a chain reaction and threaten the existence of the entire eurozone. Italy and Spain are not far from Greece. The second reason why you should not keep savings in euros is conflicts within the EU itself, between member countries. Based on this, we do not recommend that you keep your savings in euros.

Yuan is the currency of China, where all the world's production is now concentrated. China is indeed a grandiose country, which produces the absolute majority of goods supplied to almost all countries of the world, and it is on China that the world economy is de facto tied. A large number of companies have invested and will invest in assembly shops in China. In addition, the United States itself has debts to China. Based on this, the yuan is a very good currency to store your savings.

What is the best currency to keep money in?

Experts advise keeping your savings in several currencies, for example, in rubles and dollars, or in rubles and yuan. Due to the fact that savings will not be concentrated in one currency, you will not be afraid of fluctuations in the exchange rate.

Many people think about whether to store money in digital currency or not. For our part, we do not recommend doing this, because if you do not have direct income in digital currency, then you will lose a large percentage of your savings on their deposit and withdrawal.

Where is the best place to keep money?

Once you have decided where to keep your savings, you need to decide where it is more profitable to keep money. Today, three options are most often used to store money: an apartment, a bank, and a safe deposit box.

An apartment is the easiest way to store money, because you know that the money is at your fingertips and therefore many people are so calm. But this is the most unsafe way, because if intruders get into your apartment, then there is a high probability that they will be able to find and steal savings if you do not have special means to store them safely.

In a bank, your money savings will be safe, and at the same time you will be able to increase your savings, but there is still a small chance that something can happen to the bank where you keep your savings.

A safe deposit box is a cross between keeping savings in an apartment and in a bank. You pay the bank to rent a cell and keep your money in it. The only downside is the payment for the rent of the cell, the likelihood that something will happen to the bank's vault is very low.

Where and how to keep money at home

Options for storing money: under the mattress, behind the picture, in the sideboard, in the box, etc. - the most wrong option. It is best to keep money at home in a very secret place or in a safe that cannot be moved or opened. The cost of the safe is not so high, but you will secure your savings, and besides, you can store valuables and documents in the safe. Pay special attention to the location of the safe and its locks.

Where to store money according to Feng Shui

But, for example, Feng Shui recommends saving money for a reason, but for certain and specific purposes: the purchase of household appliances, furniture, repairs, an apartment, a car, a vacation, etc. Also, Feng Shui advises to keep money not under the mattress, not in the closet and in other places loved by people, but in special red envelopes. In general, it has long been recommended to keep money in red boxes, but in view of their inconvenience, red envelopes are a more practical option.

These envelopes may contain their own hieroglyph, which will help in matters of accumulating funds. For example, if you are saving money to pay off debts (a loan or a mortgage), then it is best to use an envelope with the hieroglyph for “fairness” for this. If you are saving money for a specific purpose, then for this it is best to put the “wealth” symbol on the envelope. If you decide to save money for certain expenses, such as a trip to the sea, then an envelope with the “prosperity” symbol is suitable for this.

Feng Shui also recommends keeping money in a certain sector - in the southeast or east. As for the place of storage, the Feng Shui philosophy recommends choosing either a safe or a drawer or cabinets that are lockable.

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