Sogaz of CTP repair station. Only a quarter of car services will be able to work with insurance companies after the CMTPL reform ("tass")

Back in April 2016, the President of Russia instructed the Central Bank (it is he who regulates the OSAGO system in Russia) and the government to prepare their proposals regarding the restructuring of the current OSAGO system. In June 2016, the State Duma considered a bill on replacing payments under OSAGO policies with compensation for losses resulting from an accident with repairs.

Important changes in the OSAGO system

The new bill assumes that from the moment of its signing, insurance companies will be able to choose one of the following methods of compensation for damage:

  • - this option for compensation for damage remains unchanged. The insurance company assesses the damage and gives the money to the victim to repair the car.
  • Repair under OSAGO in 2019 at a service station owned by an insurance company. In this case, the insurer assesses the damage and sends the car to a service station with which the insurer has signed a contract.
  • Repair under OSAGO from an official dealer is possible when the car is not older than two years. The insurance company, at the request of the injured driver, must send the car for repair to an authorized dealer. An appropriate contract must be concluded between the dealer and the insurance company.

In order for the insurance company to offer the owner of the OSAGO policy to repair instead of paying, send the car to a service station, it is important that certain conditions are met. So, the service station should be located no further than 10 kilometers from the city border (over 500,000 people) where the driver lives. Compensation for spare parts is paid taking into account their wear and tear. If the insurance company sends the car for repairs, then spare parts are paid without taking into account wear and tear. The bill does not address the issue of delivery damaged car to the service station.

At the moment, the bill allows insurance companies to send a car to "their" service stations. This can be done only after agreement with the owner of the damaged car.

Car repair after applying for a refund

When applying for damages to the insurance company, the injured party will be able to receive cash for repair and restoration work, or will receive a referral for repairs on compulsory motor third party liability insurance at a dealership or service station. Repair is possible only in cases where it is still possible to carry out restoration work. If the car cannot be restored, then it is sent for recycling. The driver is reimbursed for all damages.

To obtain maximum amount for the restoration of the car or referral to the service station, the driver must contact the insurance company with a corresponding statement. The motorist should proceed as follows:

  1. inform the insurance company about the accident;
  2. draw up and submit to the insurer a written application for compensation for damage within the period specified in the OSAGO policy;
  3. attach documents confirming the fact of an accident to the finished application.

After submitting the application, the driver has to wait for the decision of the insurance company. Before that, a specialist of the company with the appropriate qualifications will assess and indicate the amount required to repair the damaged car. If the driver agrees with the indicated amount, then he will be able to receive monetary compensation and carry out repairs with someone else's help or on his own. The maximum payment for OSAGO that a driver can receive from an insurance company under an OSAGO policy is 400 thousand rubles... This option for compensation for damage under the OSAGO policy is known to drivers from the first days of the existence of the OSAGO system. According to the new bill, after assessing the damage to the car, the insurance company will offer the driver three options for solving the problem:

  1. The driver agrees with the amount for damages assigned by the expert and receives money in his account for further work on the restoration of the car.
  2. The driver agrees to have the car repaired under OSAGO, which the insurance company proposes to carry out in "his" service station and receives a referral for repair work. The amount required to repair the car is transferred to the account of the car service.
  3. The driver himself chooses one of the options for resolving the problem and informs the insurance company about it, which has no right to refuse repairs under OSAGO.

Referral for free repair

If the driver chooses free repairs under OSAGO, then the insurance company issues a referral to the partner's auto repair shop. Insurers have several such workshops, so the driver will be able to choose the most suitable option from the list.

When the owner of the car agrees to the repair instead of money under the OSAGO, an agreement is concluded between the auto repair shop, the owner and the insurance company. The following points must be prescribed in it:

  1. the period for which the car will be repaired at the service station;
  2. calculation of the cost of all work that needs to be done;
  3. list of work on the repair and restoration of the damaged car.

If the driver, picking up the repaired car at the service station, notices that the work has been done poorly, then he should not sign the vehicle acceptance certificate until the repair work is carried out efficiently.

Repair under OSAGO RESO, to which the driver agreed by signing an agreement with an insurance company, is carried out absolutely free of charge.

If you still have questions on the topic, you can ask them in the comments.

We answer the most frequently asked questions about receiving insurance payments (claims settlement).

MTPL payments are not enough for car repairs. Explain how the calculation was carried out.

The calculation of the insurance payment is carried out in accordance with clause 4.15 of the CMTPL rules, according to which restoration costs are paid based on the average prices prevailing in the relevant region, except for cases where the victims receive compensation for harm in kind.

In the event that the victim receives compensation for the damage caused in kind, the restoration costs are paid by the insurer in accordance with the contract providing for the repair of the victims' vehicles, concluded between the insurer and the vehicle maintenance station, to which the victim's vehicle was sent for repair.

When determining the size of replacement costs, the wear of parts, assemblies and assemblies is taken into account. The amount of expenses for spare parts is determined taking into account the wear and tear of components (parts, assemblies and assemblies) to be replaced during refurbishment. Consequently, the lack of funds for the repair of the vehicle may be due to the fact that during the repair of the damaged vehicle, new parts and assemblies were installed at the service station.

Which insurance company should I apply for MTPL payments if I am not the culprit of an accident?

In accordance with clause 14.1 of the Federal Law on MTPL, for compensation for damage caused to property, you can contact your insurer for MTPL in the presence of the following circumstances at the same time:

  1. as a result of a road traffic accident, damage was caused only to vehicles specified in subparagraph b) below;
  2. the road traffic accident occurred as a result of interaction (collision) of two or more vehicles (road accident from 25.09.2017) / two vehicles (road accident until 25.09.2017) (including vehicles with trailers to them), civil liability whose owners are insured in accordance with the Federal Law on Compulsory Motor Third Party Liability Insurance.
How long to wait for the payment of OSAGO?

According to paragraph 21 of Art. 12 of the Federal Law on MTPL The insurer considers the victim's application for insurance payment and the submitted documents within 20 calendar days, with the exception of non-working holidays, from the date of their receipt. It should be borne in mind that the period for making a decision starts from the date of the submission of the last document necessary for making an informed decision, provided for by the rules of OSAGO.

I got into an accident. Application for OSAGO. I refused to provide the vehicle for inspection by the specialists of the insurance company and conducted an independent examination. Will I receive a payment in this case?

In accordance with the Federal Law on MTPL, the insurer can exercise its right to organize an independent technical examination. Thus, the payment will be made on the basis of an independent technical examination carried out by the insurer.

Can I find out the amount of the payment before receiving it?

The insurance payment is based on the opinion of an independent expert on the cost refurbishment taking into account depreciation wear. However, the final decision on the amount of insurance payment is made by the Insurer based on an analysis of the complete set of documents required for payment.

At the same time, we note that information about the amount of payment in the interests of the client and in accordance with Article 946 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation by the company's contact phone number is not disclosed.

I was found guilty of an accident, but I do not agree with the decision of the traffic police. What do I need to do to suspend the payment of my OSAGO policy?
  • The ruling on the conviction must be appealed against within 10 days in a higher instance or in court. The applicant first submits an application to a higher official or a higher authority, and only then goes to court.
  • In case of going to court, the applicant is deprived of the right to appeal to a higher instance.
  • To suspend payments by the Insurer until a final decision is made, the policyholder must notify the insurance company in writing about the suspension of payments to the victim.
Will I receive a CMTPL payment in my company if, in my absence, an unknown vehicle collided with my car?

In this case, you cannot receive a payment, since it is insured under the OSAGO policy yours civil liability to third parties (i.e. Insurance Company as a result of an accident through your fault, you can pay the victims).

How is the amount of damage calculated for OSAGO?

The sum insured, within which the insurer, upon the occurrence of each insured event, must compensate the injured for the damage caused, is:

  • in terms of compensation for harm caused to the life or health of each victim, 500,000 rubles *;
  • in terms of compensation for damage caused to the property of each victim, 400,000 rubles.

* The amount of insurance payment for causing harm to the life of the victim is:

  • 475,000 rubles - to persons entitled, in accordance with civil law, to compensation for harm in the event of the death of the breadwinner;
  • no more than 25,000 rubles for reimbursement of burial expenses - to persons who incurred these expenses.

The amount of losses subject to compensation in the event of damage to the property of the victim is determined:

  • in the event of complete loss of the victim's property - in the amount of the actual value of the property on the day of the insured event. Total loss is understood as cases in which repair of damaged property is impossible or the cost of repairing damaged property is equal to or exceeds its value as of the date of occurrence of the insured event, minus the cost of usable balances;
  • in case of damage to the victim's property - in the amount of expenses necessary to bring the property to the state in which it was before the occurrence of the insured event.
    These costs also include the costs of materials and spare parts required for refurbishment, the cost of payment for work related to such repairs. The amount of expenses for materials and spare parts is determined taking into account the wear and tear of components (parts, assemblies and assemblies) to be replaced during refurbishment.
How is Casco payment made?

Upon recognition of the fact of an insured event, the insurer shall reimburse the insured for losses by making an insurance payment. The amount of insurance payment may not exceed the amount of the insured amount established under the insurance contract.

The specific conditions and procedure for the payment of insurance compensation are determined in the Rules of voluntary insurance, in accordance with which the contract was concluded voluntary insurance.

Where can I get acquainted with the list of service stations for repairs under OSAGO?

The list of service stations where repairs are possible under OSAGO is posted. The possibility of servicing your car at the selected service station can be clarified in the Rosgosstrakh claims settlement center when submitting an application for the occurrence of an insured event.

How is the amount of damage calculated in case of damage to the insured property?

In case of damage to interior decoration and engineering equipment.

The calculation of the amount of damage is made in accordance with clause 9 of the Rules for voluntary insurance of buildings, apartments, home and other property, civil liability owners (owners) of property (standard (single)) No. 167 dated 15.10.2007, on the basis of the Inspection Certificate; destruction, damage or loss of buildings (apartments), home and / or other property, documents of the competent authorities and in accordance with the terms of the concluded Insurance Agreement:

  • The amount of damage in the event of the destruction of the object is determined in the amount of the insured amount of the insurance object
  • The amount of damage in case of damage to interior finishes and engineering equipment is determined based on the average market prices for building materials, taking into account wear and tear and prices for work in force at the time of the insured event at the location of the object.

In case of damage (and / or loss) of household property.

Calculation of the amount of damage is made in accordance with clause 9 of the Rules for voluntary insurance of buildings, apartments, home and other property, civil liability of owners (owners) of property (standard (single)) No. 167 dated 15.10.2007. on the basis of the Inspection Act; loss, damage or loss of buildings (apartments), home and / or other property, documents of the competent authorities and in accordance with the terms of the concluded Insurance Agreement.

  • The amount of damage in the event of the destruction of property is determined separately for each item of property recorded in the Act on the loss of property, as the value of the item of property in a new state minus the percentage of depreciation calculated at the time of the insured event.
  • The amount of insurance compensation is determined in accordance with the terms of the concluded insurance contract. The amount of damage in case of damage to property is determined separately for each item of property recorded in the Inspection Certificate, as the value of the item of property in a new state minus the percentage of depreciation calculated at the time of the insured event, taking into account the percentage of impairment.

The amount of insurance compensation is determined in accordance with the terms of the concluded insurance contract.

In case of damage to the structure.

Calculation of the amount of damage is made in accordance with clause 9 of the Rules for voluntary insurance of buildings, apartments, home and other property, civil liability of owners (owners) of property (standard (single)) No. 167 dated 15.10.2007. on the basis of the Act on the destruction, damage or loss of buildings (apartments), home and / or other property, the competent authorities and the terms of the concluded Insurance Contract.

  • The amount of damage in the event of the destruction of the object is determined in the amount of the insured amount of the object of insurance minus the value of the balances fit for their intended use and sale, taking into account the impairment.
  • The amount of damage in case of damage to the object of insurance is equal to the cost of the cost of its repair (restoration), taking into account depreciation and impairment, to bring the value of the insured object to a state corresponding to its value at the moment immediately before the occurrence of the insured event.

  1. immediately stop the vehicle (hereinafter - the vehicle) and turn on the hazard warning lights.
  2. Set up an emergency stop sign (at least 15 m from the vehicle in locality and at least 30 m outside the village).
  3. Contact Emergency Services: 112 - emergency or 102 - Police (free of charge from a mobile even in roaming) and act according to the instructions of the traffic police officer.
  4. Record the circumstances of the accident using mobile app developed by RSA and providing data transfer to the AIS OSAGO, which is entered by means of ESIA (registration on the "Gosuslugi" portal), for example, "Road accident. Europrotocol ", and (or) with the help of technical means of control (if they provide data transfer to the AIS OSAGO) no more than 10 minutes from the moment of registration of an accident with technical means of control. You can download the application from the Play Market or App Store. Record with the help of photos and videos in relation to each other and the objects of road infrastructure, traces and objects related to the accident, damage to the vehicle, reg. numbers and VIN numbers TS.
    To resolve an accident under the Europrotocol (without calling the traffic police), fixing using a mobile application before 10/01/2019 is mandatory only in case of disagreements or the need for settlement in the amount of 100 to 400 thousand rubles in Moscow, Moscow Region, St. Petersburg, Leningrad Region.
    From 01.10.2019, fixing using a mobile application and (or) technical means of control (if they transmit information to AIS OSAGO) is mandatory for all accidents without calling the traffic police. If it is impossible to fix, a call to the traffic police is required.
  5. Free the carriageway if an obstacle is created to the movement of other vehicles (only if there is no harm to life or health, if any, vehicles cannot be moved without the instruction of the traffic police).
  6. Fill out the Notification form together with the other participant (s) of the accident - instructions.
  7. Call the Ingosstrakh contact center by phone:
    +7 (495) 956-55-55 (Moscow), 8 (800) 100-77-55 (other regions of the Russian Federation) for consultation.

Statement of an insured event

You can declare an insured event in the event of damage to vehicles and other property as a result of an accident in the offices of independent expertise - partners of Ingosstrakh.

You can find a list of independent technical examinations that accept clients under OSAGO in Moscow and the Moscow Region in the "Settlement Offices" section.

Natural form of compensation for harm

Compensation for damage caused to the victim's vehicle can be carried out by organizing and paying for refurbishment at a technical service station (STOA), from among those with which Ingosstrakh has entered into relevant contracts, taking into account the criteria for accepting vehicles for repairs at each service station ...

In the event of damage to vehicles and other property as a result of an accident.

You can declare an insured event at the offices of independent expertise - partners of Ingosstrakh:

Applying to the peer review office will allow you to:

  • inspect the damaged vehicle and conduct an independent examination on the day of application;
  • significantly speed up the process of considering an insured event and making a decision on the implementation of an insurance payment.

You can find a list of independent technical examinations that accept clients under OSAGO in Moscow and the Moscow Region in the section "Settlement Offices".

Natural form of compensation for harm.

Compensation for damage caused to the victim's vehicle can be carried out by organizing and paying for refurbishment at a technical service station (STOA), from among those with which Ingosstrakh has entered into relevant contracts, taking into account the criteria for accepting vehicles for repairs at each service station ...

Terms of payment of insurance compensation: The victim's claim for insurance payment is considered within 20 calendar days (excluding non-working holidays).

IMPORTANT! To receive insurance compensation within 400 thousand rubles. for road accidents that occurred in Moscow, Moscow Oblast, St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region, as well as for obtaining insurance compensation in case of disagreement, the data on the road accident must be recorded by its participants and transferred to the AIS OSAGO through the mobile application RSA "DTP.Europrotokol". The fact of using the mobile application RSA "DTP.Europrotokol" when registering an accident under the Europrotocol should be indicated in the application for the payment of insurance compensation.

A set of documents for processing when contacting Ingosstrakh:

  1. Notification of an accident (original) within 5 working days from the date of the accident must be provided to the address: for Moscow and the Moscow region - Moscow, st. Rochdelskaya, 15, building 35 (directions); the addresses of the branches in the regional network, see the website, see)
  2. Application for payment of insurance compensation.
  3. A duly certified copy of the identity document of the victim (beneficiary).
  4. Documents confirming the victim's ownership of the damaged property: vehicle registration certificate or vehicle passport (PTS). If at the time of the accident the vehicle had transit numbers, the provision of the vehicle is obligatory.
  5. Documents confirming the powers of the person who is the representative of the beneficiary.
  6. The consent of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, in the event that the payment of insurance compensation will be made to the representative of the person of the victim (beneficiary) who has not reached the age of 18 years.
  7. Bank details of the recipient of the insurance indemnity (the transfer is made to the account of the owner of the damaged property or to the account of the person entitled to the insurance indemnity.

Memo on the order of actions at the scene of an accident for claiming a loss under the Europrotocol -.

When contacting Ingosstrakh, you need to submit.

More detailed information on the "Europrotocol" can be obtained on the PCA website.

When contacting Ingosstrakh, you need to provide the following.

On April 28, 2017, amendments to the Federal Law “On compulsory insurance civil liability of vehicle owners ". In the new version of the law, the procedure for compensation for damage caused to passenger cars has been changed. These changes concern vehicles owned by citizens and registered in Russian Federation.

The priority form of compensation for damage will now be refurbishment at a service station.

How will it work?

The car owner chooses a service station (STO) from among those with which the insurance company has a contract. You can choose a service station both when buying a policy and at the stage of settling a loss. The list of service stations indicating the addresses of their location, a list of brands and years of production of serviced vehicles, as well as the approximate timing of the repair should be published on the website of the insurance organization and constantly updated.

Important! During refurbishment, in contrast to a cash payment, the wear of parts and assemblies is not taken into account, and the use of used or refurbished component parts is not allowed (unless otherwise determined by the agreement of the insurance company and the victim).

Can I choose another service station?

To repair a damaged car at a service station with which the insurer does not have a contract, it is necessary to obtain the written consent of the insurance organization. In the application for insurance compensation, it is necessary to indicate the full name of the selected service station, the address of the location and payment details so that the insurer can pay for the restoration repairs carried out.

What are the conditions for refurbishment?

The deadline for the repair is no more than 30 working days from the day the victim presents the vehicle at the service station.

Repair of new cars (not older than two years) must be carried out at the service station of an authorized dealer performing warranty service.

The minimum warranty period for repair work on a damaged vehicle is 6 months, and for body work and work related to the use of paints and varnishes - 12 months.

How to act in the event of an accident?

If, as a result of an accident, damage was caused to only two vehicles and all drivers have valid OSAGO policies, then an application for insurance compensation must be submitted to your insurer.

Important! In cases of harm to the life or health of the participants in the accident, an application for insurance compensation should be submitted to the insurance company of the perpetrator of the accident.

Completed notices of an accident must be transferred by the participants of the accident to their insurance companies (or their representatives in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, on the territory of which the accident occurred) within five working days after the accident.

The term for consideration of an application for insurance compensation is 20 working days.

For failure to comply with the deadlines for issuing a referral to the victim for repairs, a penalty in the amount of 1% of the amount of insurance compensation for each day of delay is provided. For violation of the terms of the repair, the insurer is punished with a forfeit in the amount of 0.5% of the amount of insurance compensation.

In what cases is it possible to receive a refund instead of a repair?

Insurance payment in cash is made in the following cases:

  • death of the victim;
  • infliction of grave or moderate harm to the health of the victim (if such form of insurance compensation is selected in the application for insurance compensation);
  • the victim is disabled and has a car for medical reasons (if this form is chosen in the application for insurance compensation);
  • complete loss of the vehicle;
  • the cost of refurbishment exceeds 400 thousand rubles (50 thousand rubles for cases of registration of an accident according to the European protocol) and the victim does not agree to make an additional payment for repairs at the service station;
  • all participants in the road accident are recognized as responsible for the damage caused ("backbone") and the victim does not agree to make an additional payment for repairs at the service station;
  • as a result of an accident, damage was caused only to property that is not vehicle;
  • the victim refuses to repair at the service station if it does not meet the requirements for the organization of refurbishment;
  • the insurance company does not provide the victim with the opportunity to carry out refurbishment at the service station specified when concluding the OSAGO contract;
  • a written agreement between the insurer and the victim.

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