Groups of assets and liabilities of the balance sheet. Grouping of asset and liability items for balance sheet liquidity analysis

According to balance sheet let's group the assets according to the degree of their liquidity and liabilities according to the urgency of payment (table 9). In table 10, we calculate the indicators for assessing the liquidity of the balance sheet and predict the expected state of solvency.

Table 9

Grouping of assets according to the degree of their liquidity and liabilities according to the urgency of their payment


Balance line

Amount, thousand rubles

Change (+, -)

A-1: Most liquid assets

A-2: Marketable assets

A-3: Slow-moving assets

1210 + 1220 + 1260

A-4: Hard-to-sell assets


P-1: Most urgent commitments

P-2: Current liabilities

P-3: Long-term liabilities

1400 + 1530 + 1540

P-4: Own funds


A1 = Cash+ short-term financial investments = 16111+1081 = 17192

The balance sheet is considered absolutely liquid, and the company is solvent if the following ratio of asset and liability groups of the balance sheet takes place:

where: A 1 - the most liquid assets (cash, short-term financial investments);

A 2 - quickly realizable assets (short-term receivables);

A 3 - slow-moving assets (stocks; value added tax; long-term receivables; other current assets);

A 4 - hard-to-sell assets (non-current assets);

P 1 - the most urgent obligations (accounts payable);

P 2 - short-term liabilities (short-term borrowed funds, debts to participants for the payment of income, other short-term liabilities);

P 3 - medium-term and long-term liabilities (long-term obligations, deferred income, reserves for future expenses and payments);

P 4 - permanent (sustainable) liabilities (own capital).

Comparison of indicators of groups A 1 and A 2 with groups P 1 and P 2 allows you to determine the current liquidity of the enterprise, which indicates the solvency (insolvency) of the organization in the next period of time.

Comparison of A 3 , A 4 with groups P 3 , P 4 reflects the ratio of payments and receipts in a relatively distant future.

According to table 2, we determine the solvency of the analyzed enterprise for 201X:

Thus, the first inequality is satisfied, i.e. the organization is able to repay the most urgent obligations at the expense of highly liquid assets.

In accordance with the principles of the optimal structure of assets by the degree of liquidity, fast-selling assets should be sufficient to cover short-term liabilities, while slow-moving assets will not be enough to cover long-term ones.

The last inequality is satisfied, i.e. the amount of equity capital is greater than the value of hard-to-sell assets.

The current liquidity ratio expresses the ability of the enterprise to carry out its calculations for all types of short-term liabilities.

Current liquidity ratio \u003d Current assets - Debt of the founders on contributions to the authorized capital / Short-term liabilities

The critical liquidity ratio characterizes the expected solvency of the enterprise, equal to the average duration of one turnover of accounts receivable, provided that settlements with debtors are carried out in a timely manner.

Critical (intermediate) liquidity ratio = Cash + Short-term financial investments + Short-term receivables + Other current assets / Short-term liabilities

The absolute liquidity ratio shows what part of short-term borrowings can be repaid immediately if necessary.

Absolute liquidity ratio = Cash + Short-term financial investments / Short-term liabilities

Solvency recovery (loss) ratio = (K t.l. + 6 / T (K t.l. 1 - K t.l. 0)) / 2,

where T is the reporting period, months.

The need for balance sheet liquidity analysis arises in market conditions due to increased financial constraints and the need to assess the creditworthiness of an enterprise. The liquidity of the balance sheet is defined as the degree of coverage of the obligations of the enterprise by its assets, the period of transformation of which into cash corresponds to the maturity of the obligations. The liquidity of assets is the reciprocal of the liquidity of the balance sheet by the time the assets are converted into cash. The less time it takes for this type of asset to acquire a monetary form, the higher its liquidity. Analysis of the liquidity of the balance sheet consists in comparing the funds of the asset, grouped by the degree of their liquidity and arranged in descending order of liquidity, with the liabilities of the liability, grouped by their maturity and arranged in ascending order of maturity.

Grouping assets and liabilities of the balance sheet for liquidity analysis

Depending on the degree of liquidity, i.e. the rate of conversion into cash, the assets of the enterprise are divided into the following groups:
  • A1 - the most liquid assets, the company's cash and short-term financial investments (securities);
  • A2 - quickly realizable assets, receivables and other assets;
  • A3 - slow-moving assets, stocks and costs;
  • A4 - hard-to-sell assets, fixed and other non-current assets.
Liabilities of the balance are grouped according to the degree of urgency of their payment:
  • P1 - the most urgent obligations ( accounts payable, as well as loans not repaid on time);
  • P2 - short-term liabilities ( short-term loans and loans)
  • P3 - long-term liabilities (long-term loans and borrowed funds);
  • P4 - permanent liabilities (sources of own funds minus the amount under the item "Deferred expenses" and the amount of immobilization of working capital under the items of section III of the asset plus lines 630-660 of the balance sheet liability).
Depending on the industry in which the company operates, the liquidity of assets and the maturity of liabilities, the grouping of assets and liabilities is carried out according to different methods.
For example, if short-term financial investments can be converted into money no earlier than six months later, then they should be classified in group A3, not A1. If, in accordance with the accounting policy, long-term loans and borrowings include liabilities that must be repaid in less than a year, then they should be classified in group P2 or P1.

New forms of balance sheet (balance sheet after 2011)

Assets. Method 1
Assets. Method 2
Assets. Methodology 3 code 12605 "Deferred expenses".
Assets. Method 4
Liabilities. Method 1
Liabilities. Method 2
Liabilities. Methodology 3 code 12605 "Deferred expenses".
Liabilities. Method 4

Balance until 2011

Method 1
Assets Calculation Liabilities Calculation
A1 Most liquid assets code 250 + 260 P1 Most urgent liabilities code 620
A2 Marketable assets code 240 P2 Current liabilities code 610 + 630 + 660
A3 Slowly realizable assets code 210 + 220 + 230 + 270 P3 Long-term liabilities code 590+640+650
A4 Hard-to-sell assets code 190 P4 Permanent liabilities code 490

Method 2
Method 3
Assets Calculation Liabilities Calculation
The most liquid assets A1 code 260 + 250 The most urgent obligations P1 code 620 + 630
Fast selling assets A2 code 240 + 270 Short-term liabilities P2 code 610 + 650 + 660
Slow selling assets А3 code 210 + 220 - 216 Long-term liabilities P3 code 590
Difficult-to-market assets A4 code 190 + 230 Permanent liabilities P4 code 490 + 640 - 216

To determine the liquidity of the balance sheet, one should compare the results of the above groups for assets and liabilities. The balance is considered absolutely liquid if the following ratios take place: A1 ≥ P1, A2 ≥ P2, A3 ≥ P3, A4 ≤ P4.
In the case when one or more inequalities have a sign opposite to that fixed in the optimal variant, the liquidity of the balance to a greater or lesser extent differs from the absolute one. At the same time, the lack of funds in one group of assets is compensated by their excess in another group, although compensation takes place only in terms of value, since in a real payment situation, less liquid assets cannot replace more liquid ones.
Comparison of the most liquid funds and marketable assets with the most urgent liabilities and short-term liabilities allows you to find out the current liquidity. Comparison of slow-moving assets with long-term and medium-term liabilities reflects prospective liquidity. Current liquidity indicates the solvency (or insolvency) of the enterprise for the next period of time. Prospective liquidity is a forecast of solvency based on a comparison of future receipts and payments (of which only a part is presented in the respective asset and liability groups, so the forecast is quite approximate).

Formation of financial financial statements- a direct obligation of all economic entities conducting accounting. Some companies and organizations have the right to keep records in a simplified form, and some are completely exempted. For example, individual entrepreneurs has the right to refuse to conduct accounting. But if accounting is kept at the enterprise, then reporting becomes inevitable.

Reporting is necessary to obtain up-to-date information about the activities, property status and obligations of the subject. Analysis of the information received allows you to quickly and timely make the right management decisions, thereby allowing the enterprise to function smoothly, make a profit, perform the functions and powers for which it was created.

In fact, reporting is a reflection of property and capital, as well as the sources from which they were received, only in monetary terms. The key form of financial reporting is the balance sheet, the unified form of which is approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 66n. For public sector institutions, there are other forms of reports: Orders of the Ministry of Finance No. 33n and 191n. However, regardless of the type of organization, the structure of the balance sheet is practically the same, that is, the forms include assets and liabilities of the balance sheet.

Balance sheet structure

Let's reflect the structure of the balance sheet indicators in the table of assets and liabilities of the balance sheet.

This grouping of indicators is defined for reporting forms by Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 66n, which regulates forms for commercial firms and non-profit organizations. Now let's look at the balance sheet in more detail.

active part


Intangible assets

Tangible Exploration Assets

fixed assets

Financial investments

Deferred tax assets

Other noncurrent assets


Reserve capital


Accounts receivable

Other current assets


Borrowed funds

Estimated liabilities

Other liabilities


Borrowed funds

Accounts payable

revenue of the future periods

Estimated liabilities

Other liabilities

What is included in the active part of the balance sheet

This is any property of the institution. For example, cash on hand, inventories, fixed assets, buildings, machinery and other material and financial assets that are directly owned by the company.

The assets of the balance grouped current and non-current assets of the enterprise. When preparing reports, it should be borne in mind that the asset of the balance sheet is a grouping of property according to its useful life, as well as according to the speed (time) of their turnover, that is, liquidity.

In the form of a balance sheet, values ​​are grouped according to their degree of liquidity. At the beginning, the resources of the enterprise are indicated, which are the least liquid, and then in ascending order. In other words, the balance sheet asset is a grouping economic resources by the speed of their circulation in the means of payment.

Note that the most liquid values ​​are, of course, cash: cash on hand and on the company's settlement accounts. And the least liquid are fixed assets of the institution, objects of intangible assets and long-term financial investments that cannot be realized quickly and without losses.

The assets of the balance sheet in a grouped form presents accounting indicators as of the reporting date. Analysis of these accounting indicators allows us to draw a conclusion about the solvency of the enterprise.

What are liabilities and their classification in the balance sheet

The liabilities of the balance sheet include all the obligations of the organization that were accepted by it in reporting period, as well as sources of formation of material values ​​and resources of the institution. In other words, the liability of the balance sheet is a grouping of assets according to the sources of their formation, that is, liabilities are the sources of the formation of material values, cash, intangible assets.

The main classification of liabilities in the balance sheet is the division of liabilities into capitals and liabilities.

The funds allocated by the founders for the implementation of activities, for example, for the acquisition of property, for providing guarantees to creditors, and the creation of reserve funds, are recognized as capital. Liabilities can be owned or borrowed. Own funds are capitals that belong to the founders, creators of the company. And borrowed capital liabilities are funds received from third-party organizations and individuals for temporary use.

Liabilities of the balance sheet are the company's debt to third parties to fulfill certain financial or property requirements. In turn, liabilities are divided into long-term (more than 12 months) and short-term debts, which should be fulfilled 12 months or earlier.

Balance sheet rules

We will analyze what accounting indicators to reflect in the active part of the balance sheet. Here is a breakdown of the accounts and indicators of the reporting form:


What to include


Intangible assets

This should reflect the residual value of intangible objects of the enterprise. Define the value as the difference between account 04 "Intangible assets" and 05 "Depreciation of intangible assets".

When calculating, exclude values ​​corresponding to data on the results of research and development, as well as information on intangible exploration assets.

Research and development results

If an organization conducts research activities, and the results of R&D are listed on the balance sheet, then in this section balance sheet, reflect the residual value of R&D on account 04.

Intangible search assets

To be filled in by organizations that are developing natural resources, intelligence activities.

Economic entities reflect information about such objects on account 08. If an object has a material-material shell, then this is a material search asset, intangible ones - without a form, shell, structure.

Please note that exploration assets are subject to depreciation on accounts 02 and 05.

Tangible Exploration Assets

fixed assets

residual value objects of fixed assets. Determine the difference between the initial cost on account 01 and the accrued depreciation, the balance on account 02.

Profitable investments in material values

Reflect the difference between the balances of account 03 and the accrued depreciation for the corresponding accounting objects (account 02).

Financial investments

These are long-term financial investments, the term of which is not less than 12 months. For example, show the balance of account 55 if there are deposits open for more than 12 months.

Also reflect long-term investments in accounts 58 (financial investments) and 73 (loans to employees of the institution).

Reduce the balance of account 58 if the organization has formed a reserve for account. 59.

Deferred tax assets

Reflect the balance on the account. 09. Indicators are reflected in accordance with PBU 18/02.

Other noncurrent assets

Reflect other types of non-current assets that are not included in the grouping presented above. Also in this section, you can reflect those objects, information about which is optional, but the company considers it necessary to include information in the balance sheet.

Total for Section I

A summary is generated for the corresponding section.


Reflect the amount of balances on accounts 10, 11 (minus the reserve recorded on account 14), 15, 16, 20, 21, 23, 28, 29, 41 (minus account 42, if goods are recorded with a margin), 43, 44, 45, 46, 97.

Value added tax on acquired valuables

Include information about the closing balance of the account. 19 VAT.

Accounts receivable

To get an indicator, sum up debit balances on accounts 60, 62 (both accounts net of reserves formed on account 63), 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73 (net of data recorded under the item “Financial investments”), 75, 76.

Do not include the credit balance in the calculation.

Financial investments (excluding cash equivalents)

These are deposits, financial investments, loans to employees with a maturity of less than 12 months. We form the balances according to the account. 55, 58, 73. We take into account the reserve for the account. 59, we subtract it if there is a balance.

Cash and cash equivalents

The actual money of the company on accounts 50, 51, 55 (except for the deposit), 52, 57 as of the reporting date. Show the amount of the debit balance.

Other current assets

Reflect other types of current assets that are not included in the grouping presented above. Also in this section, you can reflect those objects, information about which is optional, but the company considers it necessary to include information in the balance sheet.

Total for Section II

The total value of the section indicators.

Sum of section 1 and 2.

How to draw up a liability balance sheet

Let's present the information in a table.

What to include in the liability lines of the balance sheet


Authorized capital(share capital, authorized capital, contributions of comrades)

The liability line is formed as information on the credit of account 80.

Own shares repurchased from shareholders

It is reflected in the amount of account 81 balances formed as of the reporting date.

Revaluation of non-current assets

Information is reflected if in the reporting period the organization carried out a revaluation of fixed assets and intangible assets. The balance is formed on the account. 83.

Additional capital (without revaluation)

When forming additional capital, the company reflects information on the balances of account 83.

Please note that the amount is indicated without taking into account the revaluation of fixed assets and intangible assets.

Reserve capital

In the liability line of the balance sheet, include the balance of account 82 at the end of the reporting period. Reflects information on the formed reserve capital for the organization.

Retained earnings (uncovered loss)

When forming the liability of the annual balance sheet, use the data on the balance of account 84. When generating interim reporting, this figure is two balances on account 84 ( financial results previous years) and 99 (financial result of the current period of the reporting year).

Please note that if the result is a loss, then the amount is shown with a minus.

Total for Section III

The total value for the corresponding section of the liabilities side of the balance sheet.


Liabilities with maturities exceeding 12 months.

Borrowed funds

We reflect the balance of account 67 in the liabilities side of the balance sheet if the term of obligations exceeds one year.

Note that interest on loans must be included in the current liabilities section.

Deferred tax liabilities

It is an indicator of the balance on account 77, is filled in on the basis of the provisions of PBU 18/02.

Estimated liabilities

We reflect the balance of account 96 “Reserves for future expenses” for a period of more than one year.

Other liabilities

In this line, disclose information about other types of long-term liabilities that were not detailed in other lines of the balance sheet.

Total for Section IV

Summarizes the scores of the section rows.


Liabilities with a maturity of less than 12 months.

Borrowed funds

The balance of account 66 is reflected. At the same time, interest paid on long-term loans should be included in this line of the balance sheet liability.

Accounts payable

The indicator is formed as the sum of credit balances on accounts 60, 62, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 75, 76.

revenue of the future periods

The indicator is equal to the sum of balances on accounts 86 (received targeted financing) and 98 (deferred income).

Estimated liabilities

Form a balance on account 96 (reserves for future expenses) in terms of those reserves whose use period is less than 12 months.

Other liabilities

Here, decipher short-term liabilities that are not included in other lines of the balance sheet liability.

Section V total

Sum of rows by section.

The total value by sections of the liabilities side of the balance sheet.

The values ​​of assets and liabilities are always reflected in monetary terms. Moreover, transactions are recorded exclusively in rubles. If calculations are made in foreign currency, then the transaction is subject to recalculation in rubles. The exchange rate approved central bank Russia at the time of the fact of economic activity.

balance and other financial statements is drawn up in rubles or in thousands of rubles. If the company's turnover is significant, then it is permissible to indicate the amounts in the balance sheet in millions of rubles.

The principle of equality of balance

The basic principle of compiling the balance sheet is that the total value of assets is always equal to the total liabilities of the report. Of course, arithmetic differences are allowed in exceptional cases. But all identified discrepancies must be justified economically.

The equality of assets and liabilities of the balance sheet is due to the fact that all entries in accounting are reflected according to the double entry method. The essence of this method lies in the fact that when reflecting any fact of economic activity on the balance sheet accounts of the enterprise, an entry is formed in the debit of one account and simultaneously in the credit of the corresponding account, but in the same amount.

The principle of double entry expresses the pattern that when one side of the balance sheet, asset or liability changes, a similar movement should be reflected on the other side. If the amount of an asset in an institution increases, then at the same time the indicator of liabilities or capitals - sources, due to which property values ​​were acquired, should increase. Or a decrease in other types of assets is reflected.

For example, an increase in the value of fixed assets. If the company paid the cost of property, then with an increase in the indicators of non-current assets, the indicator of current assets (cash) decreases. It turns out: the non-current asset has increased and at the same time the current asset has decreased. For example, a company purchased and paid for materials. In this case, the dynamics of indicators is reflected within one section of the balance sheet "Current assets". The value of inventories increases, but the amount of cash decreases.

If a company has received fixed assets (equipment, machinery), but has not yet paid for them, then an accounts payable is formed in the company's accounting. The value of a non-current asset increases, and the amount of debt obligations in the liabilities side of the balance sheet also increases. Short-term or long-term - depending on the term of the settlements.

In we gave the definition of the liquidity of the company's assets. We will talk about the grouping of assets by the degree of liquidity in the balance sheet in this material.

Liquidity groups

When talking about the liquidity of the balance sheet, they mean the liquidity of assets and liabilities. However, in relation to liabilities, the term "liquidity" is not entirely appropriate. Speaking of liquidity and liability balance, they mean the urgency of paying obligations.

The assets and liabilities of the balance sheet are combined into 4 groups in terms of their liquidity and maturity:

Asset liquidity ratio

The distribution of assets and liabilities of the balance sheet by groups is important for analyzing the liquidity of the balance sheet of an enterprise. So, by correlating groups of assets and groups of liabilities of the balance sheet, the liquidity ratios of assets are determined.

So, for example, the absolute liquidity ratio (K AL) characterizes the organization's ability to repay its current liabilities at the expense of the most liquid assets:

K AL \u003d A1 / (P1 + P2)

Standard value K AL ≥ 0.2.

The ability of an organization to pay off its current liabilities through the sale of liquid assets is called the quick liquidity ratio (K BL) and is determined as follows:

K BL \u003d (A1 + A2) / (P1 + P2)

The concepts of asset and liability are the main components of the balance sheet of the organization, which summarizes the materials on the activities and economic situation of the enterprise. Let us consider in more detail what sections and articles of the balance sheet show, as well as what is reflected in the assets and liabilities of the balance sheet.

The sections of the balance sheet of the enterprise are displayed in tabular form: the left side is Asset, the right side is Liabilities.

To provide form 1 of financial statements to the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Finance dated 02.07.2016 N 66n, the balance sheet of the enterprise is detailed by articles. Detailing by articles allows you to highlight the main types of property and liabilities of the enterprise.

In essence, balance sheet items are indicators of the asset and liability of the balance sheet, which characterize by certain types economic means and sources of formation. Using the list of balance sheet items, you can always get summary indicators for statements for analysis financial activities enterprises.

To fill in data on balance sheet items, enterprises use balances on accounting accounts as of the reporting date, in accordance with PBU 4/99.

An important rule in compiling the balance sheet of an enterprise is that the value of the asset should always be equal to the value of the liability.

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The assets of the balance sheet of the enterprise reflect economic assets:

  • fixed assets on account 01;
  • intangible assets on account 04;
  • investments in non-current assets on accounts 07 and 08;
  • receivables on accounts 62; 76; 73 etc.;
  • financial investments on account 08;
  • inventories on accounts 10; 26; 41; 43, etc.;
  • cash on accounts 50; 51; 52; 55 etc.

In the liabilities side of the balance sheet of the enterprise, the sources of formation are shown household funds:

  • profit on accounts 84 and 99;
  • authorized capital on account 80;
  • reserve capital on account 82;
  • additional capital on account 83;
  • long-term credits and loans on account 67;
  • short-term loans on account 66;
  • accounts payable on accounts 60; 76; 70; 68 and 69.

It is important to note that the assets and liabilities of the balance sheet reflect different aspects of accounting for economic assets, they are interconnected. That is, when an asset is increased by a certain amount, it is also necessary to increase the liability by the same amount. This principle of increasing amounts also applies to liabilities.

How is the asset and liability of the balance sheet formed?

Let's take a closer look at an example.

Example 1. Let's say an enterprise has acquired a fixed asset worth 500,000 rubles. for the production of semi-finished products.

Fixed assets are reflected in the asset, that is, the amount of the enterprise's asset has increased by 500,000 rubles. The other side - for the fixed asset, you must pay the supplier 500,000 rubles. The debt to the supplier is reflected in the liability, that is, the liability of the enterprise also increased by 500,000 rubles. Therefore, the main condition is fulfilled: Active = Passive

Example 2. Let's say an enterprise has issued a loan in a bank in the amount of 750,000 rubles.

The enterprise's debt to the bank is reflected in liabilities, that is, the enterprise's liability increased by 750,000 rubles. The other side - after the transfer of the received loan, the amount on the current account increased by 750,000 rubles. Cash on the current account of the enterprise is reflected in the asset, that is, the asset of the enterprise increased by 750,000 rubles. Therefore, the main condition is fulfilled: Active = Passive

Conclusion: Assets participate in the economic activity of the enterprise for profit, and liabilities are sources of increasing assets, and should always be equal.

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