Financial carousel to print. OOO Karusel: accounting and financial analysis

Allegedly, they drive us into debt bondage, the consequences of which will be stress, alcoholism, obesity (stress is usually eaten with flour and sweets) and total lack of money. But in the same way, you can call almost everything evil. For example, an axe. If they shred people, then, of course, this item is definitely harmful, but if you use it for chopping firewood, then it's perfect. The question is in whose hands it is.

There is a working recipe for making money on bank credit cards, it does not drive you into debt and allows you to pay for mobile communications and utilities. Tested on myself.

Let's start with the fact that I have a luxurious credit history. There have been no delays for 18 years. Over the years, there were, of course, mistakes in the choice of rates and products. But this is also a positive experience.

The life hack itself, which we will conditionally call "banking carousel", is as follows:

We need two credit cards and one debit card. Better in different banks, but you can, of course, in one. If you have a stable income, at your last job you worked for at least six months, then getting two credit cards and a debit card is not difficult.

Credit card interest doesn't matter. We do not take them in order to pay excess profits to the bank. But the lower the percentage, the better. But such a parameter as a grace period is very important. Best of all, cards with a deferred payment of 50-60 days. The second point: choose cards with free annual maintenance.

The debit card is the most important. This is the key to making money. You need a card with a cashback of 1% or more, plus interest (7% or more) on the balance. The combination of these qualities will be the main generator of our savings.

When we have all three cards in our hands, we launch the "banking carousel". In the first month, for example, March, we pay only for the first credit card. In the second month (April) only on the second credit card. In the third (May) - again on the first credit card and so on. It is impossible to break and confuse, otherwise everything will collapse.

In March, our entire salary lies on debit card on which interest is calculated. In April, the second salary and interest for the first month are added to the first amount on the debit. That is, we are already in the black.

We replenish the first credit card that was used in March with a debit card at the end of April. Thus, for 50 days our salary money worked for us and multiplied. At the same time, in April, a double salary was already working for us. Yes it was 20-30 days (depends on grace period first credit card), but the money worked.

Each subsequent month, the "banking carousel" is repeated, savings grow and income increases.

In addition, a number of banks offer all kinds of credit bonuses in the form of award miles or discounts on purchases by product categories or in certain networks.

This system only works under three conditions:

Don't spend more per month than you earn.

- It is necessary to return money on credit cards without delay, otherwise the system will not work and you will find yourself in debt.

- Review and comply with the terms of the debit card agreement. For example, in my case, I need to spend 3,000 rubles from such a card so that the income is 7% per annum.

There is no violation or deception of banks in this scheme. Everything is legal and legitimate. You fulfill your obligations to the bank, and it provides you with leverage. Yes, banks will not receive excess profits in the form of extortionate interest, but they have other income from these credit cards, which banks receive anyway when you pay with their cards in supermarkets.

Rat Race game for kids

The Rat Race for Kids game presented on our site is not Cashflow for Kids, which was sold in 2005 and disappeared from sale by 2007, because the children were indifferent to it. That game was based on "Cashflow 101" and developed by simplifying the adult game "Cashflow" to a primitive childish level. But it turned out that simple simplification is not enough to get children interested in adult problems, such as the competent investment of their finances. Therefore, the game was discontinued by the authors. This game is a completely new development in 2017, which was originally made for the level of understanding, for the worldview and for the circle of interests of the modern child. Moreover, the game was created with the involvement of especially gifted children and Kiev lyceums. And she is not just successful - she is GENIUS! And this is indeed the rare case when the tongue easily and without a doubt turns to pronounce this big word. The 2017 CASHFLOW for Kids is just a genius toy! I easily give it such a flattering assessment, because I played it, and it turned out to be beyond praise. I do not exaggerate its qualities in order to sell it ... The game is really made competently, talentedly, creatively, funny, sweetly, sincerely, kindly and with love for children.

1399 UAH
Game Corporation

The game "Corporation" is a remake of the world-famous game "Monopoly". Moreover, the remake is very successful! The game is based on the same rather simple idea - you collect all three cards of the same color - and you have a monopoly in this field of activity. From this moment on, you have the right to promote it, open branches for it, raise prices for your products and thereby bankrupt your rivals ... But the new game went further and offers the player to build an entire "Corporation" of several monopolies and become a real monster devouring the businesses of all their rivals… In addition, new functions appeared in the game, such as tax and all sorts of other inspectors who go around the playing field and "smoke" all the businesses in a row. There are also oligarchs who walk around the playing field in the same way, only on the contrary - they litter with money ... An auction has appeared in the game, where the property of bankrupts falls, and then bidding begins among the players, which cause a serious storm of emotions, because sometimes whole monopolies get into the auction, not just individual businesses! Yes, and the auction itself is sometimes open, and sometimes closed, when only one player gets the right to secretly buy all businesses at a low price from other players. In general, the game has a lot of new gags that make this game much more interesting than the classic old "Monopoly"

699 UAH

STOCK!!! Special offer!

Rat Race 2

This is the newest and coolest of all modern business games. In terms of gambling, realism and effectiveness of training, it surpasses all known games. The game has 8 types of cards, different professions and even different rules for men and women! Accordingly, the methods of achieving success are different! Just like in real life! Therefore, the new game is simply unique. There is no other game like this! The game covers the path of a person from working for a salary to fabulous wealth! The theme of the game is: "Start from scratch and become an oligarch!" This is the only game that covers a person's journey from working in a factory to multi-million dollar transactions and living in paradise on their own tropical island! The beginning of the game is very tough. Getting out of poverty is even more difficult than in the game Rat Race 1. Because now you can not do business, and at the same time go to work to keep your pants on. Now, quitting your job and starting your own business is an all-in-one game! If the business doesn’t work, you will have to frantically look for a new job and survive without money at all in debt and cons - you still need to eat something! But therefore the effect of training is much higher! And playing in the world of the rich has become even more interesting than in the previous version. Because in the world of the rich, you can engage in politics and corruption! And this is the most gambling part of the game - corruption at all levels of government, bribery of deputies, illegal land allocation and privatization, bribes and flirting with regulatory authorities, tax inspections and prosecutors. The game clearly shows how the really big money is made and where the really big money comes from! they are not made in business at all... They are made in politics! And the one who will be the first to go from a simple worker to a big businessman and will be the first to understand that he needs pocket politicians for further advancement will become an oligarch! And the oligarchs in this game can own not only cars and apartments, but also yachts, villas, and even planes. The amounts of transactions are no longer in millions, but in tens of millions of dollars!

1399 UAH

Sales leaders:

A modern advanced game created on the basis of Cashflow, but significantly superior to it in gambling and learning efficiency. Imitates the real life of a person in the financial and economic conditions of Ukraine. It gives the opportunity to go from begging to fabulous wealth, providing the player with a huge number of clear and precise recipes for obtaining additional income, creating a small or large business, using various enrichment schemes. In fact, the game gives step by step instructions on liberation from labor slavery and achievement of financial freedom. As a learning tool financial literacy is the best on the market. Develops an entrepreneurial spirit and a business mindset very well. Teaches how to make money literally on everything that comes to hand.

999 UAH

This is a very good offer, because both games are very interesting and together they provide all the necessary amount of knowledge in order to go from poverty and work for a salary to fabulous wealth. Rat Race 1 teaches you how to break out of poverty and move from working for a paycheck to private business. The game "Rat Race 2" will extend your path from private enterprise to big business, politics, corruption and the status of a real oligarch. Both games are the best on the market. It is difficult to advise which one is better to choose. That is why the offer "Two games in one box, and even cheaper by 300 hryvnia than separately" is ideal!

1999 UAH

Expected games:

Rat Race 4

This game was announced and appeared on some sites back in 2012-2013. True, it was written everywhere that the game was “in development”. However, the rat is already there, the box is there, but the game itself is still gone and gone ... And in the yard the year 2016 is already ending ... Now on some sites (I don’t know where they get this information from) it is written that the game will be released in 2018. Well, let's hope ... It's a painfully interesting topic: "Retire young and rich to enjoy life!". In any case, it is clear that the game has not been forgotten and some work is underway on it. In any case, there was no game, and there is no and the design of the box in the announcements has recently changed ... The new box, of course, looks much cooler!

999 UAH

Other games:

The theme of the new game is the global economic crisis! Economic crises happen regularly and take place with a frequency of about once every 4 years. Economic crises are not random occurrences, but planned measures to take away businesses and capital from the highly literate and enterprising. Therefore, for those who want to learn how to survive during crises and not lose, but make huge money on crises, this game will be worth everything. The fate of all the rest is known - go bankrupt and start all over again. How useful is this game? She gives clear and concise advice to businessmen and entrepreneurs on how to minimize their losses during a crisis and how to keep their businesses going. The game clearly shows all smart and enterprising people how to implement their most daring and daring business projects against the backdrop of a crisis, how to capture markets, how to buy up competitors' property for a penny, how to make a fortune out of general panic and confusion. Very brutal and addictive game! It's impossible to break away.

Cashflow 101 (Cashflow 101)

Cashflow 101 is a translation into Russian of the very first American economic game for adults, Cashflow 101, developed and patented in 1993 by American writer and investor Robert Kiyosaki. The game was created specifically for teaching people financial literacy. In a fun way, it conveys to the players the basic principles of successful financial thinking.

Discontinued games:

Financial carousel (Russia, Kazan)

New Russian economic game. It starts from the moment you graduate from high school and are faced with a choice: go to school or get a job earning the minimum wage. The game has a well-thought-out mechanism for transitioning to the status of a "novice entrepreneur" and the banal accumulation of money will not work. The player's task: skillfully using the possibilities of personal capital, find a way and reach a new financial level. The board game features a unique way to play the stock market valuable papers, growth and fall of the exchange rate, prices for gold and goods.

The Ukrainian authorities are doing everything to ensure that the war continues, and Donbass becomes the Ukrainian Gaza Strip with a smoldering conflict, on which money can always be made. And good money at that. Where to get money for the war?

The pleasure with which many of our compatriots savor the juicy details of the tragic events taking place in the country has long been suggestive of the psychological health of the majority of the population of Ukraine.

But if the number of maternal tears and broken destinies is difficult to measure in numbers, then the economic damage from the incessant war game is quite specific, and it is already enough to state that the Ukrainian economy is falling into a coma.

“Every month, the ATO costs Ukraine UAH 1.5 billion,” Finance Minister Oleksandr Shlapak stated on June 21. Do you think the new minister voiced this obviously underestimated figure in order to appeal to someone's conscience, and, like a true professional, decided to ring the bells, calling for a stop?

What are you, everything is just beginning. And Shlapak complained that the money was running out, it would be necessary to allocate more. The reserve fund has already been emptied, it would be necessary to get a miserable UAH 9 billion somewhere in order to feel comfortable. “There are now 520 million left in the Reserve Fund, and much more is needed for defense.

We have calculated that UAH 9.1 billion is needed by the end of this year. I want to remind you that on March 27, when we considered the necessary resources for the ATO, we calculated until July 1. We are already financing from the Reserve Fund. At the moment, it has about UAH 520 million left. And the ATO costs us more than UAH 1.5 billion. per month, ”the busy Shlapak complains.

Arseniy Petrovich, of course, listened to his minister and hastened to prepare the most interesting amendments to the state budget with the leitmotif "everything to the front", demonstrating that the government is trying its best to keep the gunpowder dry.

Where did Arseny Petrovich decide to look for money? In addition to the on-duty “assistance from international institutions”, “creation of a favorable investment climate” and “privatization”, two points are especially touching.

The first is taxes, which the reformer Yatsenyuk proposes to raise again.

But this is just nonsense! How can one hope to receive some additional money from small and medium-sized businesses in the conditions of war and the collapse of the economy? The networks are withdrawing their representative offices from Luhansk and Donetsk, the Donbass business itself has gone deep underground, the words “profitability”, like “timely salary”, have become abusive in small enterprises.

And Yatsenyuk craves patriotic hryvnia... This is a diagnosis. If you look at official sources, then in the first half of the year the economy sank by 3% with an eye to sinking in the second half of the year by the same amount. In fact, this figure is at least twice as high. The level of shadowing is growing every month - people think how to dodge in order to survive, and you need to be a complete hypocrite to condemn them for it.

By the end of the year there won't be a single white scheme left in any industry, and the government won't force anyone to pay taxes for a very long time in a state where every percentage on the tax return turns into a purchased bulletproof vest.

The second is compulsory leave for civil servants. The patriotic party was even indignant. “These creatures should not be sent on vacation, but either to prison or to the trash.” You know, I don't like officials either. These stealing clerical rats, repainted after each change of power.

But I know they won't get hurt. And simple heads of departments and secretaries, in whose place I would have been looking for a new job for a long time and would not humiliate myself, both by running errands from "Svidomo social activists", and by a salary of 1200 hryvnias. Now they will become a symbol of the fight against embezzlers and state economy.

As a result of such very simple measures, the government plans to receive an additional UAH 6 billion. budget revenues and, accordingly, reduce the expenditure side by 1 billion hryvnia. The proceeds, of course, will go to the army, how could it be otherwise?

And where are the promised reforms, which "should be carried out even during the war"? Where is the promised economic effect of the legendary Association Agreement, which will start working "immediately after signing, without waiting for ratification"?

I remember that Tigipko once went bankrupt on the fact that he had a reduction in costs and an increase in income was called the big word "reforms". And in this case, I can’t even say how to characterize Yatsenyuk’s attempts. According to this logic, he has already reformed us for at least the third time, raising taxes, utility bills and freezing social standards, which are depreciating in addition to inflation.

How much has the war already cost Ukraine? Good question, the answer to which no one knows for sure. The Ministry of Defense talks about some UAH 20 billion, which allegedly went to restore the serviceability of military equipment, purchase fuel, financial support, purchase and modernization of military equipment, as well as the purchase of bulletproof vests.

But let's look at things soberly - even a cursory analysis of the equipment and technical equipment of the Ukrainian troops suggests that the war in the East has turned into a real carousel for money laundering. And, of course, there will always be few of them.

In just a few months, the information field has been cleared to such an extent that the seemingly sensational facts of corruption in the power bloc, which seem sensational to any journalist, only seep through the concrete wall of censorship in a thin stream.

But we still know. We know how the National Guardsmen are “thrown” for salaries. We know how low-quality bulletproof vests are bought at initially inflated prices. We know how the money that was collected from Ukrainians through a sentimental video on Ukrainian TV channels is spent.

Naturally, during this time a real “party of war” has formed in the country – hundreds, and maybe thousands of officials and businessmen who earn real fortunes on the Ukrainian crisis. And they want to keep making money. That is why everything is being done so that the war continues, and Donbass becomes the Ukrainian Gaza Strip with a smoldering conflict, on which you can constantly make money.

What can we say about some pawns getting bones from the master's table, when the main cream of the conflict is removed by the oligarchs. Of course, everyone immediately remembers Igor Kolomoisky and his Dnepropetrovsk empire, which is scaling into a nationwide format.

Many colleagues traditionally like to write about oil tenders, on which Kolomoisky's structures earn money, but I would even neglect such small geshefts. Indeed, against the background of 4 billion UAH, which the National Bank, headed by my friend Kubiv, paid to Privatbank at a time, everything else seems to be just small splashes.

Although it is worth paying tribute to Kolomoisky's team - they work extremely systematically and have built bridges almost everywhere. Now they will start making money on the so-called “restoration” of the liberated cities of Donbass, which they themselves gouged. Under this case, of course, it begs to cut the money of "our European partners."

And you say Yanukovych. It was not he who came up with and it will not be the end of the magical effect of the sweet word "rollback". Soon in Slavyansk they will start laying roads from filthy asphalt "according to German technologies."

And now about the prospects. For some nine months, Ukraine has brought itself to the handle. If Yanukovych simply conserved the existing problems, squeezing the juice out of the Ukrainian economy by the “Family” institute (in this mode, Ukraine would have gone for a few more years to collapse, and if Russia supported it, even a good decade), then the democrats who came staggered the country in some six months .

We have yet to realize the potential of how economically important a region is being destroyed by power. These are, in fact, the only territories that produced something in the country - in the rest of Ukraine, let's face it, either services or “buy and sell”.

And the farther to the West, the clearer this trend. How the Ukrainian budget can withstand the payment of social obligations, at least partial restoration of infrastructure, assistance to refugees, and so on, is absolutely not clear. But these are just problems on the surface.

Many do not understand the deep essence of the consequences of what was started. Ukraine is a country that is on the verge of open war with its main trading partner. Entire enterprises will go to scrap metal.

Ukraine, a country unable to secure its energy independence, will sooner or later have to pay Russia more than $5 billion of debt for gas. A country in which the number of pensioners will exceed the number of workers in the coming years.

A country in which public debt increases by billions of dollars annually, making the national government directly dependent on international creditors. This is how Yatsenyuk explains the increase in taxes - the IMF requires. From the country in which we all lived, in economic terms, there was nothing left.

And even if Donbass turns into a deserted desert in the future, now you can still make money on it, so the ATO is, first of all, a business idea of ​​political elites, which, without a doubt, will destroy the main locomotives of the Ukrainian economy.

The record is long - loans for restoration will now go, military and financial assistance will continue, journalists will receive more than one reason for sensations - everything is in chocolate. But know that this is your last money, there will simply be no next.

In this article, I would like to dwell in more detail on the rules of the game, game mechanics and gameplay. If someone is interested in reading about the quality of workmanship, about the composition of the game Financial Carousel, then I refer him to the first article (see the link above) - everything is described in great detail there.

So, all players start on the first track as a Hired Worker. Each is given a card of primary financial accounting, where the initial salary and consumer expenses are affixed. In addition, there are columns for children, the Exchange, loans, additional income, as well as expenses for personal development (in other words, for education). Because the game starts from the "Development" sector, then you can immediately learn, because in the future you can only do this by getting to this sector. Personally, we all studied together in a group, because the salary immediately doubles!

Further, all players take turns throwing a die and walking in a circle, falling into certain sectors. 90% of sectors have their own cards. For example, you get to the "Good News" - take the appropriate card, read and do what is described on it. There is also “Salary” (they give out money), “Change of work” (we change jobs, we get an increase in wages), “Reduction” (alas, fired), “Baby was born” (congratulations! Your expenses increased by 4).

In addition to children, there are several other ways to spend honestly earned money with sense and arrangement.

First of all, it is to play on the stock exchange. How does this happen? The developers have introduced an interesting mechanism: on each event card there is a designation of exchange assets (gold, currency, stocks, goods). Each player can play on the stock exchange - buy, sell, exchange shares at the rate. The rate is tied to the number of icons currently open on the cards: there are 2 gold icons, which means that gold is now expensive and costs 2 fincarus. Because event cards are constantly changing, then the asset rate jumps like crazy. In general, this is a game within a game, and some comrades were too fond of the stock exchange, forgetting that they also need to move up the career ladder.

The second way to quarrel a little with money is to buy a car. A useful thing in everyday life, but expensive - 250 fincarus plus fixed costs for gasoline and spare parts of 5 coins. Usefulness from it - you can throw not 1 die, but 2 at once, which means you can move faster on the field. The thing is extremely useful, because the faster you move, the more money you get.

When you get tired of working for your "uncle" and put together the initial capital, you can choose a business to your liking and go to the Entrepreneur path. If there is not enough money, then you can take a loan from a bank at 3%. The conditions are quite even normal and not predatory. Of course, right at the beginning of the game you will not be able to take a loan and become a businessman, because the maximum loan is equal to 10 of your salaries.

Once the business is purchased, the player takes a new Entrepreneur Financial Accounting card and transfers their data to it. Now this is his main document, which contains the financial history of the player, as well as confirming that the person has risen one step higher on the ladder of financial independence. Congratulations to the whole team.

All businesses are divided into different areas. The more enterprises of the same color you have, the more income they bring (remember how it was in Monopoly?). The only limitation: before you buy a new business, you need to develop staff and “grow” an intelligent executive director for yourself.

In principle, the second track is not much different from the first - the only change is that there is a struggle not for an increase in wages, but for the development of an existing business and the purchase of new assets.

Once a player has owned three businesses and collected more than 1,000 coins in cash, he moves to the third track - the straight and wide road of the Influential Businessman. What is most interesting, you now even have a sheet financial accounting not needed - let others consider! Your business is only to watch how the cash in your pockets increases and spend time looking for entertainment.

By the way, it is worth noting that the third track is cardinally different from the previous two. If we draw analogies, then it is similar to the field of a monopoly or some millionaire: groups of enterprises are similar to the streets, and the rest of the cells resemble a stationary Chance.

And now it's time to talk about the level of interaction between players in the board game Financial Carousel. Yes, I will not argue that business games suffer from a small presence of some kind of action among the players. But in the Financial Carousel, upon careful examination, good inclinations of interaction were found, which developers simply need to take into service.

Everything here is on the rise. At the first level, the interaction was negligible - everyone was on his own, received his salary, but could share cash with another player. At the second level, players could already buy business from each other. On the third, the interaction becomes maximum - the players earn money from each other.

Whether you like the game or not, I don't know. But we can say with confidence that this is a significant step for the Russian gaming industry from the canons of economic games approved in the last century.

Did you like the game?

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