Accounting for financial results in construction organizations. Accounting for financial results at enterprises of the construction complex Formation of financial results in a construction organization

Construction as a branch of the economy implies both the construction of new facilities and the restoration of existing ones through their current and major repairs, as well as reconstruction works.

Currently, the legal regulation of contractual relations between construction participants and, as a result, the features of accounting and tax accounting have acquired particular importance for business entities.

In connection with the change in Russian legislation, a lot of mistakes made by accountants of construction organizations, which is confirmed by audit practice, the topic of the thesis becomes especially relevant.

The relevance of the topic chosen for research at the present time is beyond doubt.

The activity of any business entity is determined by the final financial indicator. The financial result of the organization's activities is profit that meets the needs of the enterprise itself and the state as a whole, or a loss.

There are several interpretations of profit, depending on the methods of calculation: accounting, economic and tax.

Accounting profit - profit from entrepreneurial activity, calculated according to accounting documents, excluding the documented costs of the entrepreneur himself, including lost profits.

Economic profit is the difference between income and economic costs, including, along with total costs, alternative (imputed) costs; calculated as the difference between the accounting and normal profit of the entrepreneur.

The discrepancy between accounting and economic profit is expressed in the fact that the first does not reflect the economic content of profit, and therefore, the real result of the organization's activities for the reporting period. The economic nature of the profit reveals what will be received in the future.

Reporting data on the economic profit of the organization will help users obtain useful business information.

Accounting, or accounting method of measuring the final results is based on the calculation of profit or loss on accounting documents. According to N.V. Lipchin, “the current financial statements do not allow obtaining an objective assessment of the activities of organizations, since it is to some extent an expression of the subjective opinion of economists who form it, which is manifested in the choice of one or another variant of accounting policy. The discrepancy between accounting and tax accounting further complicates the formation of profits. There are significant differences in the definition of income, expenses and profits. "

Information about the types of income that affect the formation of the company's net profit is quite important for users of the reporting, despite the fact that at present it is practically unavailable.

Profit serves as a criterion for the efficiency of the enterprise and the main internal source of the formation of its financial results.

An economically justified determination of the amount of profit is of great importance for an enterprise, it allows one to correctly assess its financial resources, the size of payments to the budget, the possibility of expanded reproduction and material incentives for workers. In addition, the implementation of the dividend policy of the joint-stock company depends on the amount of profit.

In a market economy, accounting issues are of great importance. The main advantage of accounting can and should be considered that only thanks to its data it is possible to determine the indicators of profitability and profitability of the enterprise and thereby assess the effectiveness of decisions made by its management.

All of the above objectively necessitates a close scientific and practical study of the algorithm for the formation of financial results of activities and their reflection in the external financial statements of the organization.

The purpose of this thesis is to develop recommendations for improving the setting of the accounting system at Teplostroy LLC. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved in the work:

1.the subject, method, tasks and forms of accounting are disclosed;

2. shows the statutory regulation of accounting in the current Russian legislation;

3. the features of accounting in construction are shown;

4. the rules of reflection in the accounting of construction organizations of capital investments and sources of their financing have been disclosed; fixed assets and material values; costs under a construction contract; the cost of construction work and the determination of the financial result of construction activities;

5. the main indicators of the activity of Teplostroy LLC were assessed;

6. the accounting system at Teplostroy LLC has been described;

Thus, the subject of the research is the accounting system; object - LLC "Teplostroy".

The thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters, divided into paragraphs, a conclusion, a bibliography and annexes.

1.1 Methodology for accounting for the financial results of the contractor and reporting

One of the main sources of enterprise development in market conditions is profit. Hence, there is an interest in information about the financial results of an enterprise, and there is a problem of finding a way to form and disclose information about the profits and losses that it receives in the implementation of its activities.

The main volume of information on the financial results of the activities of enterprises is provided by accounting. To meet the needs for this information in accounting, several categories of profit are distinguished (gross profit, profit from sales, profit from ordinary activities, taxable profit, net profit, retained earnings, etc.). Depending on a particular category of profit, one or another method of calculating it is used.

The normatively fixed methodology for calculating the financial result is represented by a certain set of accounting actions, which are presented in table. 1.1.

Table 1.1

Accounting actions for the formation of the financial result of Russian organizations

Accounting action

Regulatory normative document

Setting goals for determining the financial result of the organization

Federal Law of 21.11.1996 N 129-FZ "On Accounting"

Regulations on the maintenance of accounting and financial reporting in the Russian Federation, Regulations on accounting "Income of the organization" PBU 9/99, Regulations on accounting "Expenses of the organization" PBU 10/99

Distribution of income and expenses by type (from core activities and others)

Regulation on accounting "Income of the organization" PBU 9/99, Regulation on accounting "Expenses of the organization" PBU 10/99

Transfer of income and expenses to the corresponding accounting accounts (account 90 "Sales", account 91 "Other income and expenses")

Comparison of income and expenses by type of activity and determination of the financial result by type of activity

Chart of accounts for accounting of financial and economic activities of organizations and Instructions for its use

Determination of the financial result of the organization as a whole by comparing financial results by type (the action is carried out on account 99 "Profits and losses"), determination of accounting profit

Chart of accounts for accounting of financial and economic activities of organizations and Instructions for its use

Adjustment of the financial result taking into account the requirements of the tax authorities (determination of taxable profit)

Accounting Regulations "Accounting for Profit Tax Calculations" PBU 18/02, Ch. 25 Tax Code

Accounting for tax payments from profit

Chart of accounts for accounting of financial and economic activities of organizations and Instructions for its application, Regulation on accounting "Accounting for calculations of income tax" PBU 18/02, ch. 25 Tax Code

Determination of the difference between accounting profit and tax payments from profit (determination of net profit (loss) of the reporting period)

Transfer of the balance of net profit (loss) of the reporting period to account 84 "Retained earnings (uncovered loss)"

Chart of accounts for accounting of financial and economic activities of organizations and Instructions for its use

Presentation of financial results in reporting forms

Federal Law of 21.11.1996 N 129-FZ "On accounting", Regulations on accounting and financial reporting in the Russian Federation, Regulations on accounting "Financial statements of an organization" (PBU 4/99), Regulations on accounting "Income organizations "PBU 9/99, Regulation on accounting" Expenses of the organization "PBU 10/99

In accounting and reporting, profit is understood as a measure of the excess of income over expenses of the reporting period.


State educational institution of higher professional education

Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Department of "Financial Management in Construction"


in the discipline "Accounting in construction"

Samara 2010

Introduction 2

Topic 16: Formation and accounting of financial results, their use 3

Conclusion 13

List of used literature 14

Practice 15

Turnover list for January 2010 34


Test items 39


The most important place in the system accounting of a construction organization is occupied by the identification and accounting of financial results.

In market conditions, the financial result is the most significant indicator of the efficiency of a construction organization. The presence of profit creates a financial basis for the implementation and expansion of its production activities, meeting the material and social needs of the owner and employees. In addition, through the tax system, the financial result of an individual construction organization affects the formation of budget revenues at different levels.

In modern conditions of the formation of market relations in the Russian Federation, the main task of a construction organization is to make a profit. Most of the profit of a construction organization is formed from the sale of construction products, which is calculated as the difference between the cost of construction work and the funds received from the customer for the work performed and handed over.

The concept of "income of an organization" for accounting purposes is defined in PBU 9/99 "Income of an organization", where, in particular, it is noted that the income of an organization is recognized as an increase in economic benefits as a result of the receipt of assets (cash, other property) and (or) repayment liabilities leading to an increase in the capital of this organization, with the exception of contributions from participants (property owners). In other words, financial results represents the difference from comparing the amounts of income and expenses of a construction organization. The excess of income over expenses means an increase in the organization's property, profit, and expenses over income means a decrease in property, a loss. The financial result obtained by the organization for the reporting year in the form of profit or loss, respectively, leads to an increase or decrease in the capital of the organization. It should be noted that the following receipts are not recognized as income of a construction organization:

the amount of value added tax;

export duties and other similar mandatory payments.

Topic 16: Formation and accounting of financial results, their use

The procedure for the formation of financial results of the construction organization, their accounting accounts

Currently, the content and form of construction works are characterized by the terms of the construction contract. The subject of the contract can be commissioned objects, types, complexes of construction and installation works, as well as parts of an object under construction or individual volumes of construction and installation work. Thus, the volume and properties of construction products, which are the object of a construction contract, are determined for the timing of settlements under the contract construction contract.

An essential point affecting the accounting scheme for the financial result of a construction organization for the reporting period is the content of construction contracts concluded between participants in the construction process (contractor, customer, developer, investor, etc.). At the same time, the most priority aspects are:

the subject of a building contract;

the moment of transfer of ownership of finished construction products;

the timing of settlements under a construction contract.

The organization of the accounting system for the financial result of a construction organization largely depends on the choice of the subject of the construction contract. At the same time, this significantly affects the total amount of taxes paid by the organization to the budgets of different levels (VAT, corporate profit tax, property tax).

In accordance with Art. 740 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation under a construction contract, the contractor undertakes to build a specific object on the instructions of the customer or perform other construction work within the time period established by the contract, and the customer undertakes to create the necessary conditions for the contractor to perform the work, accept their result and pay the agreed price. Thus, the customer (developer) accepts the work or the construction object from the contractor on the basis of the acceptance certificate, followed by registration in the prescribed manner. The moment of transfer of ownership of the completed construction work may be the moment:

acceptance of finished construction products by the customer;

payment, i.e. the receipt of funds to the contractor.

If the moment of transfer of ownership is not specified in the construction contract, then it is assumed that it will be the moment of implementation, that is, the moment of signing the corresponding act.

Since the terms of a construction contract may be different, the accounting of the financial result of a construction organization must be organized based on a specific situation.

Here are the possible options:

construction in progress can be accounted for the production cost on the balance sheet of the contractor construction organization as part of the work in progress until its complete completion, and the ownership of it passes to the customer as all work is completed;

the option of monthly delivery of structural elements and types of work, reflected in the credit of account 90 "Sales", subaccount I "Revenue", in correspondence with account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers", and the cost of work performed is debited from account 20 "Main production" in debit of account 90, sub-account 2 "Cost of sales";

the contractor writes off the cost of the work performed from account 20 "Main production" to account 90, subaccount 2 "Cost of sales", and reflects the proceeds on account 90, subaccount 1 "Revenue", in correspondence with account 46 "Completed stages of work in progress" and forms financial result as the launch complexes or queues are handed over to the customer. The accounting methodology for the financial result of a construction organization should be developed in accordance with the applicable options for the terms of construction contracts.

In the event that an option is used when an unfinished construction project is recorded on the contractor's balance sheet until its complete completion, and the ownership of it passes to the customer as all work is completed, the contractor's costs are formed from all actually incurred costs associated with the implementation of construction work under a construction contract. Costs are generated for accounting objects from the beginning of the execution of the construction contract until the moment of its completion, that is, until the complete calculation of the completed construction project and its transfer to the customer. Thus, in accordance with PBU 2/94 "Accounting for Agreements (Contracts) for Capital Construction", a contractor can use two methods for determining the financial result for the reporting period at cost:

the construction object as a whole;

individual completed works as they are ready.

It follows from this that the contractor carries out accounting of the financial result based on the terms of the construction contract. The contractor, which determines the financial result according to the method "Income at the cost of the construction object", maintains accounting records of the costs incurred as part of the work in progress on account 20 "Main production" until the delivery of the construction production object to the customer. The contracting organization keeps records in this way, if the construction contract does not provide for the intermediate delivery of the volume of construction work to the customer.

The financial result of a contractor construction organization from the sale (delivery) of construction products (construction work) is revealed on the synthetic accounting account 90 "Sales" and is calculated as the difference between the amount of proceeds (excluding indirect taxes and payments - VAT, etc.) reflected in the credit of account 90, and the amount of the actual cost of the sold construction products (work), reflected in the debit of the same account. In this case, other income and expenses from operations that are the subject of the organization's activities are also taken into account. It should be noted that on account 90, subaccounts 1 "Revenue", 2 "Cost of sales", 3 "Value added tax" and others are accounted for on an accrual basis (cumulatively) during the reporting (tax) period.

The realized financial result from sales is determined at the end of each reporting period.

Accounting for profit and loss from ordinary activities

In construction, income from ordinary activities is recognized as proceeds from the sale of construction products and other receipts associated with the performance of construction and installation works, the provision of services.

In accordance with PBU 9/99 "Income of the organization", the proceeds are accepted for accounting in the amount calculated in monetary terms, equal to the amount of cash and other property receipts and (or) the amount of receivables. If the amount of the receipt covers only part of the revenue, then the revenue accepted for accounting is is defined as the sum of receipts and receivables in the part not covered by receipts. In this case, the amount of receipts and (or) accounts receivable is calculated based on the price established by the construction contract between the construction contractor and the ordering organization.

The profit of a construction company is formed mainly from two components:

the result obtained from the sale of construction products, that is, from the main activities of the organization;

the result obtained from operating activities not related to the main activity of the construction organization, as well as non-operating income.

The financial result from the delivery of construction and installation work to the customer is determined on account 5610 "Total profit (loss)." The credit of account 5610 "Total profit (loss)" reflects the contractual value of completed objects or work performed under construction and subcontracting agreements, determined according to documents serving as the basis for settlements between customers and contractors or subcontractors.

On the basis of eligibility, expenses directly attributable to the sale of construction products should be recognized as an expense during the reporting period in which income attributable to the sale is recognized. For accounting purposes, it is difficult to bring some expenses into line with income from the implementation of construction and installation works. For example, advertising, research and development expenditures are made with the aim of expanding the possibilities for the quick implementation of construction and installation works. However, it is difficult to establish a direct relationship between these costs and specific revenues, so such costs are considered expenses when they arise.

In accordance with the Standard Chart of Accounts of Accounting, organizations have the opportunity to reflect and determine income and expenses from core and non-core activities.

Accounts 6 of the Income section are intended to reflect income. The credit of the accounts reflects income from the sale of finished products, goods, works, services; income received in the previous period, but related to the reporting period; income from secondary activities, foreign exchange gains, subsidies received and other income. At the end of the year, accounts in section 6 "Income" are closed by account 5610 "Total profit (loss)".

Correspondence of income accounting invoices

Table 17

Contents of operation Correspondence of invoices
debit credit
1. Reflected the cost of the implemented construction and installation works 1210,1010,
2. Reflected income received in the previous period, but related to the reporting period
3. Reflected the cost of assets sold
4. Overvalued financial investments
5. For the amount of dividends on shares and interest on purchased securities, loans granted, as well as long-term lease agreements
6. Reflected income from the purchase of securities (bonds) at a price below their par value
7. Reflected positive exchange rate difference 1210,1010,
8. Subsidies from executive bodies received 1010, 1030
9. Received income from the transfer of non-current assets to the current lease 1030,1260
10. Assets received free of charge from legal entities and individuals 1010,1030, 1330, etc.
11. For the amount of fines, penalties, penalties and other compensations attributed to legal entities and individuals 1250,1280,
12. At the end of the year, income from core and non-core activities was written off 6010, 6250, 6280, etc.

Accounts in Section 7 "Expenses" are intended to reflect the cost of construction and installation works sold, as well as other expenses associated with the implementation of construction and installation works and other assets of the enterprise. During the year, all expenses are reflected in the debit of accounts in section 7 “Expenses”, and at the end of the year are written off to account 5610 “Total profit (loss)”. The standard chart of accounts of accounting fundamentally changes the procedure for determining financial results, since The production cost will be formed on the accounts of production accounting without including general and administrative expenses, expenses for the implementation of construction and installation works and expenses on remuneration.

Correspondence of expense accounting invoices

Table 18

Thus, the write-off of income from the sale of construction and installation works and other income is made to increase the total income (on credit 5610), and the write-off of expenses is made to decrease the total income (to the debit of account 5610). By comparing the debit and credit turnovers on account 5610 “Total profit (loss)”, the result of the financial and economic activities of the construction organization is determined. In the event that the debit turnover is greater than the credit turnover, a loss has been received, which must be written off by posting.



1.1 The concept and structure of the formation of the financial result.

1.2 Analysis of the composition and dynamics of balance sheet profit. Analysis of financial results from ordinary activities

1.3 Analysis of financial results from other activities

1.4 Financial performance management

1.5 Technical and economic characteristics of the company "STROY-INVEST"


2.1. Accounting for income and expenses from ordinary activities

2.2. Accounting for operating income and expenses.

2.3. Accounting for non-operating income and expenses

2.4 Reflection in the financial statements of the financial results of the enterprise.


3.1 Analysis of the composition and dynamics of profit before tax

3.2. Analysis of operational and non-operating financial results

3.3. Analysis of the profitability of the enterprise




The gradual transition of Russia from a centrally planned economic system to a market one in a new way raises the question of the methods of conducting the enterprise's economy. The transition to a market economy requires enterprises to improve production efficiency, competitiveness of products and services based on the implementation of scientific and technological progress, effective forms of management and production management, overcoming mismanagement, enhancing entrepreneurship and initiative.

The market economy orients firms to meet the demand and needs of the market, to the needs of specific consumers and to organize the production of only those types of products that are in demand and can bring the company the profit necessary for development. The market is characterized by a constant desire to improve production efficiency, assumes freedom of decision-making by those who are responsible for the final results of the firm and its divisions; requires constant adjustments to the goals and planning programs of the company, depending on the state of the market. This requires a special management system that is characteristic of market conditions.

Financial management means the management of monetary funds, financial resources in the process of their formation and movement, distribution and redistribution, as well as use; it is a conscious and purposeful impact on economic relations, due to mutual settlements between economic entities, the movement of funds, money circulation, the use of money in order to direct them to obtain the optimal final economic result.

To meet the general needs of interested users in accounting, information is generated about the financial position of the organization, the financial results of its activities and changes in its financial position.

Information about an entity's financial performance is required to assess the potential changes in resources that the entity is likely to control in the future in predicting the ability to generate cash flows based on the available resources, while justifying the effectiveness with which the entity can use the additional resources.

Based on the above, the topic of the thesis was chosen "Methodological aspects of accounting and analysis of the financial results of the enterprise LLC" Stroy-Invest ", the relevance of which is explained by the following:

profit is an important indicator of production efficiency;

profit is a part of the net income that business entities receive directly after the sale of products;

on the one hand, profit is the main source of enterprise funds, on the other hand, it is a source of income for the state and local budgets;

profit is the most important source of coverage of expenses and payments to the budget provided for in the financial plan.

The purpose of writing the thesis is to disclose the accounting for the formation of the financial result and the analysis of receipts from the economic activities of the construction organization LLC "Stroy-Invest".

Based on this goal, the tasks of the course work are determined:

to characterize the economic essence of financial results in a market economy;

to characterize the accounting system and the formation of the financial result.

analyze the financial results of the enterprise.

The object of the study of this course work is the company "Stroy-Invest". The company is engaged in the construction of residential and industrial facilities in the city of Zhigulevsk and Togliatti.

When writing a term paper, the main regulatory documents related to financial results, the latest literature on economics, accounting, statistics, audit, financial management were used.


1.1 The concept and structure of the formation of the financial result

The formation of financial results is of fundamental importance in a market economy, since profit is an incentive and goal of entrepreneurial activity. Profit is a generalizing (integral) result of activities and acts as an absolute indicator of the effectiveness of production and trading activities.

The financial result of the enterprise is expressed in the change in the value of its equity capital for the reporting period. The ability of an enterprise to ensure a steady growth in equity capital can be assessed by a system of indicators of financial results.

Indicators of financial results characterize the absolute efficiency of the enterprise in all areas of its activities: production, sales, supply, financial and investment. They form the basis of the economic development of the enterprise and the strengthening of its financial relations with all participants in the commercial business.

Profit growth creates a financial basis for self-financing, expanded reproduction, solving problems of social and material incentives for personnel. Profit is also the most important source of formation of budget revenues (federal, republican, local) for repayment of the organization's debt obligations to banks, other creditors and investors. Thus, profit indicators are the most important in the system for assessing the performance and business qualities of an enterprise, the degree of its reliability and financial well-being as a partner.

The question of determining the financial result of an enterprise is one of the fundamental and most difficult issues facing accounting. Numerous studies on the subject of studying the correspondence of profit calculated in accounting to its economic content have led to the differentiation of such concepts as "accounting" (previously it was called balance sheet) and "economic" profit.

Accounting profit is usually understood to mean profit calculated in accordance with the current accounting rules and shown in the income statement as the difference between income and expenses recognized in the reporting period. The concept of "accounting profit" in Russia has been introduced since January 1, 1999 by the Regulation on accounting and financial reporting in the Russian Federation, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 29, 1998 N 34n (as amended by the Orders of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of December 30, 1999 N 107n, dated 24.03.2000 N 31n) (clause 79).

According to this Regulation, accounting profit is the final financial result revealed for the reporting period on the basis of accounting for all business transactions and an assessment of the balance sheet items. Despite the fact that in different countries the method of calculating the profit indicator may differ, all these methods are united by the use of the accrual method and (with rare exceptions) the principle of historical cost (cost of purchase) when assessing expenses.

The definitions of accounting profit have traditionally been based on two main concepts: the concept of wealth maintenance, or capital preservation, the concept of efficiency, or capital accumulation.

According to the first concept, the financial result (profit) is an increase during the reporting period of equity capital (funds invested by the owners) of the enterprise and is the result of improving the welfare of the company. This concept goes back to the thought expressed by Adam Smith that profit is the amount that can be spent without encroaching on capital, as well as to the statement of John Hicks, who clarified this idea, according to which profit is the amount that can be spent over some period of time. period of time and at the end of this period have the same wealth as at the beginning.

This concept is sometimes also called the concept of profit based on changes in assets and liabilities (a static balance sheet model, where assets are represented in assets and sources in liabilities). This is because, under this approach, revenue or other income can only be recognized as a result of an increase in an asset or a decrease in a liability, and, accordingly, an expense cannot be recognized unless it is caused by a decrease in an asset or an increase in a liability. In other words, profit is an increase in the economic resources at the disposal of the enterprise, and a loss is a decrease in them.

According to the second concept, profit is the difference between the income and expenses of the enterprise and a measure of the efficiency of the enterprise and its management. Profit, according to this concept, is the result of the correct allocation of revenue and expenses for the respective reporting periods, and the majority of non-cash assets and liabilities are the result of such allocation. The correct separation of income and expenses implies the correlation in a given reporting period of "effort" (ie expenses) and the corresponding "achievements" (ie income). With this approach, income and expenses related to future periods will be recognized as an asset or a liability, regardless of whether such an asset or a liability represents a real future inflow or outflow of economic resources (dynamic balance sheet model, where an asset is treated as an expense that passes into costs, and liabilities - as incomes that should become values). On this approach, in essence, the concept of double entry in accounting is based, through which a double financial result is identified: as an increase in equity capital (statistical model of the balance sheet) and as the difference between income and expenses (financial model of the balance sheet).

In world practice, the concept of maintaining welfare is currently recognized as the dominant concept, and profit is determined through changes in assets and liabilities. However, the second concept is also used. This is evidenced by the use of two types of accounting profit: "total" (comprehensive) profit, as a result of changes in the capital of the enterprise due to all transactions, except for transactions with owners, and "operating" profit (i.e., profit from current, or operating, activity), reflecting the efficiency of the main activity of the enterprise for the reporting period.

The accounting profit indicator is not without its drawbacks. The main ones are the following:

There is no unambiguous and clear formulation of the concept of accounting profit in both domestic and foreign literature;

Due to the assumption by accounting standards of different countries (and often within the same country for different enterprises) the possibility of using different approaches in determining certain income and expenses, profit indicators calculated by different enterprises may be incomparable;

The change in the general price level (inflationary component) limits the comparability of data on profit calculated for different reporting periods.

The amount of profit reflected in the financial statements does not allow assessing whether the company's capital was increased or wasted for the reporting period, since all the economic costs of the enterprise for attracting long-term resources are not fully reflected in the financial statements at the moment. The reporting does not directly recognize the "cost of capital" factor, i.e. the fact that the use of long-term resources for the enterprise from an economic point of view is more expensive than the arithmetic sum of paid interest and dividends.

Thus, despite the fact that the cost of using long-term borrowed resources may be close to the amount of interest paid on them (taking into account the effect that interest payments have on the company's tax liabilities), the cost of using share capital is not limited to the amount of dividends paid.

From an economic point of view, the capital of an enterprise increases when the economic benefits received by the enterprise from the use of long-term resources exceed the economic costs of attracting them (whether it be debt or shareholders' funds). The converse is also true: if the economic benefits received are less than the estimated value of the "cost of capital", the company actually squanders capital.

This provision is actively used in investment analysis and by the majority of investors when making investment decisions, including decisions on the acquisition of shares of a particular enterprise. However, it should be noted that it is currently impossible to obtain such information directly from the financial statements.

In other words, the company can be profitable according to the accounting data, but "eat up" its capital. The desire to assess the efficiency of capital use has led to the active use of the indicator of economic profit in foreign practice.

Economic profit is usually understood as an increase in the economic value of an enterprise. There are many discrepancies in determining how to calculate such an economic value, but all of them are united by a fundamental difference compared to the accounting interpretation in the understanding of what value after the reporting period is considered to correspond to the "level of wealth" at the beginning of the period.

Economic profit is usually defined as the difference between the return on invested capital (the tangible expression of which is net operating assets) and the weighted average cost of capital multiplied by the amount of invested capital:

EP = Invested capital H (ROIC - WACC), (1)

where: EP - economic profit;

R - return on invested (invested) capital, which is calculated as the ratio of net operating profit after tax to the amount of invested capital;

W is the weighted average cost of capital calculated by the formula:

W = (Rf + b "Rem) H E + (Rf + Rdm)" (1 - T) H D, (2)

where: Rf - risk-free rate of return;

Rem is the market risk premium for investments in shares;

b - the degree of riskiness of the asset;

Rdm - market risk premium for debt obligations;

T is the effective tax rate;

E - the share of equity (equity) capital in the total capital of the company in percent;

D - the share of borrowed capital in the total capital of the company as a percentage.

Taking into account the fact that in Russian conditions, due to the underdevelopment of the information base, it is rather difficult to determine many of the indicators necessary for calculating the weighted average cost of capital, in practice the following algorithm is often encountered that uses basic indicators for a developed economy, but introduces certain adjustments for Russian specifics:

The risk-free rate at the beginning of the reporting period is determined based on the data on the yield to maturity of long-term Eurobonds of the Russian government;

The market risk premium is taken equal to 8.5% (a value usually taken for countries with "transitional economies", including countries of Eastern Europe and Russia) and adjusted by the coefficient b, set for a similar industry (i.e. analogues in the USA);

The premium on ruble obligations versus dollar obligations is determined based on data on three-month deposits in the respective currencies;

The results obtained are summarized.

In addition, the calculation of the weighted average cost of capital in Russia is characterized by a certain degree of conventionality, including due to the instability of the economic situation, which is expressed in strong fluctuations in interest rates.

It is necessary to distinguish the indicator "net operating assets", which characterizes the amount of invested capital, from the concept of "net assets", as they are indicated by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated August 5, 1996 N 71 "On the procedure for assessing the value of the net assets of joint stock companies." In comparison with the indicator of "net assets" used in domestic practice, the concept of "net operating assets" also includes assets whose funding source is short-term and long-term interest-bearing liabilities.

Thus, economic profit allows you to compare the return on invested capital of a company with the minimum profitability required to meet investors' expectations and express the resulting difference in monetary units. Using the formula above, economic profit can also be defined as the difference between net operating income after tax and capital invested multiplied by the weighted average cost of capital. Such a calculation of economic profit will be more suitable for its interpretation as the difference between what the company earns over a specific period of time, and the minimum that it must earn in order to satisfy its investors.

We can say that economic profit differs from the indicator of accounting profit in that when calculating it, the cost of using all long-term and other interest-bearing obligations (sources) is taken into account, and not only the cost of paying interest on borrowed funds, as is the case when calculating accounting profit ... In other words, accounting profit exceeds economic profit by the amount of opportunity costs or costs of rejected opportunities.

It is economic profit that serves as a criterion for the efficiency of resource use. Its positive value means that the company earned more than is required to cover the cost of the resources used, which means that the company created additional value for those who provided it with their capital.

If the situation is the opposite, then this indicates that the organization was unable to cover the cost of using the resources involved, or, in other words, that it wastes away the capital provided to it. Thus, the lack of economic profit can cause the flow of capital to other areas of use.

The existence of the concepts "accounting" and "economic" profit does not mean the possibility of direct comparison of their values. Each indicator can have its own scope.

It seems more correct to characterize them as complementary methods of analyzing the activities of economic entities. The use of an indicator of economic profit can both confirm and deny conclusions drawn from the indicator of accounting profit, and become the reason for further analytical work.

From the point of view of evaluating the effectiveness, the indicator of economic profit gives a more complete understanding of the efficiency of using the existing assets by the enterprise, in comparison with the indicator of accounting profit, due to the fact that it compares the financial result obtained by a particular enterprise with a result that will provide it with real, and not only nominal, preservation. invested funds. In this regard, it is the indicator of economic profit that is seen as more capacious and useful when an investor makes a decision about his actions in relation to the company's securities.

1.2 Analysis of the composition and dynamics of balance sheet profit. Analysis of financial results from ordinary activities

In the process of analysis, it is necessary to study the composition of profit from ordinary activities, its structure, dynamics and implementation of the plan for the reporting year. When studying the dynamics of profit, it is necessary to take into account the inflationary factors of changes in its amount. To do this, the proceeds must be adjusted for the weighted average growth in prices for the company's products on average in the industry, and the cost of goods, products (works, services) must be reduced by their growth as a result of an increase in prices for consumed resources for the analyzed period. To analyze profits in terms of composition and dynamics, an analytical table is drawn up. Where the indicators for the base period and the reporting period are considered, these balances from operating, non-operating expenses and income, profit from sales and ordinary activities are compared.

The main part of the profit of the enterprise is obtained from ordinary activities, which include the profit from the sale of products (works, services).

Profit from sales of products as a whole for the enterprise depends on four factors of the first level of subordination: the volume of sales of products (VPP); its structure (LE i); cost (Z i) and the level of average selling prices (C i).

Product sales volume can have a positive and negative impact on the amount of profit. An increase in sales of profitable products leads to a proportional increase in profits. If the product is unprofitable, then with an increase in sales, the amount of profit decreases.

The structure of marketable products can have both positive and negative effects on the amount of profit. If the share of more profitable types of products in the total volume of their sales increases, then the amount of profit will increase, and vice versa, with an increase in the share of low-profit or unprofitable products, the total amount of profit will decrease.

The cost of production and profit are inversely proportional: with an increase in the price level, the amount of profit increases and vice versa.

Figure 1. Scheme of factor analysis of profit

The calculation of the influence of these factors on the amount of profit can be performed by the method of chain substitutions, sequentially replacing the planned value of each factor with the actual value

Change in the amount of profit due to:

sales volume (3)

structure of marketable products (4)

average selling prices (5)

cost of products sold (6)

First, you need to find the amount of profit with the actual sales volume and the planned value of the remaining factors. To do this, calculate the percentage of the plan for the volume of product sales, and then adjust the planned profit by this percentage.

The fulfillment of the plan in terms of sales is calculated by comparing the actual volume of sales with the planned in kind (if the products are homogeneous), conditionally in kind and in value terms (if the products are heterogeneous in their composition), for which it is desirable to use the base (planned) level of the cost of individual products, so as the cost price is less influenced by the structural factor than the revenue.

Then you should determine the amount of profit at the actual volume and structure of products sold, but at the planned cost and planned prices. To do this, deduct the notional amount of costs from the notional revenue:

Table 1.2

Calculation of the influence of factors of the first level on the change in the amount of profit from sales

Indicator Terms of calculation

Calculation procedure

Profit amount,

volume of sales structure of marketable products price cost price
Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan
CON1 Fact Plan Plan Plan
USL2 Fact Fact Plan Plan
USL3 Fact Fact Fact Plan
Fact Fact Fact Fact Fact

If an enterprise produces heterogeneous types of products, then the structure of products sold is determined by the ratio of each type of product in the assessment at the planned cost to the total sales of products in the same assessment. In this situation, the model is used to calculate the influence of the structural factor on the change in the total amount of profit.

where R ipl - planned profitability i-x types of products (the ratio of the amount of profit to the total cost of goods sold).

It is also necessary to analyze the fulfillment of the plan and the dynamics of profit from the sale of certain types of products, the value of which depends on three factors of the first order: the volume of sales of products (VРП i), the cost price (З units) and average sales prices (Ц i). The factor model of profit from the sale of certain types of products has the form


1.3 Analysis of financial results from other activities

The fulfillment of the profit plan largely depends on the financial results of activities, not related to the sale of products. These are financial results obtained from operating, non-operating transactions and contingencies.

The analysis comes down mainly to the study of the dynamics and reasons for the resulting losses and profits for each specific case. Losses from the payment of fines arise in connection with the violation by certain services of contracts with other enterprises, organizations and institutions. The analysis identifies the reasons for unfulfilled obligations, and takes measures to prevent mistakes.

A change in the amount of fines received may occur not only as a result of breach of contractual obligations by suppliers and contractors, but also due to weakening of financial control over them. Therefore, when analyzing this indicator, it should be checked whether the appropriate sanctions were imposed on suppliers in all cases of breach of contractual obligations.

Losses from the write-off of bad accounts receivable usually arise in those enterprises where the setting of accounting and control over the state of settlements is at a low level. Profits (losses) of previous years, revealed in the current year, also indicate deficiencies in accounting.

Special attention should be paid to income from securities (stocks, bonds, bills of exchange, certificates, etc.). Companies holding securities receive certain income in the form of dividends. In the process of analysis, the dynamics of dividends, stock prices, net profit per share is studied, the rates of their growth or decline are established.

At the end of the analysis, specific measures are developed to prevent and reduce losses and losses from these types of activities.

In the conditions of market relations, as evidenced by world practice, there are three main sources of profit.

The first source is formed due to the monopoly position of the enterprise for the production of a particular product and the uniqueness of the product. Keeping this source at a relatively high level implies constant product updates. Here, one should take into account such opposing forces as antimonopoly policy of the state and growing competition from other enterprises.

The second source is directly related to industrial and business activities. Practically it applies to all enterprises. The effectiveness of its use depends on knowledge of the market conditions and the ability to adapt the development of production to this constantly changing market situation. The amount of profit in this case depends, firstly, on the correct choice of the production direction of the enterprise for the production of products (the choice of products that are in stable and high demand); secondly, from the creation of competitive conditions for the sale of their goods and the provision of services (price, delivery time, customer service); thirdly, from production (the larger the volume of production, the greater the mass of profit); fourth, from the structure of reducing production costs.

The third source comes from the innovative activity of the enterprise. Its use presupposes a constant renewal of manufactured products, ensuring its competitiveness, an increase in sales volumes and an increase in the mass of profits.

1.4 Financial performance management

Under the management of financial results, an enterprise is understood as a set of measures for managing the monetary relations of an enterprise, implemented in a certain order by a responsible structure to solve the interrelated tasks of restoring, strengthening and expanding finances.

In general terms, the current tasks for the management of financial results are determined by the economic activities of the enterprise, fixed in almost every charter: - improving financial results or maximizing profits.

Specific tasks to improve financial performance include:

cost optimization (assessment of the size and structure, identification of reserves, recommendations for reduction, etc.);

optimization of income (ratio of profit and taxes, distribution of profits, etc.);

restructuring of enterprise assets (selection and provision of a reasonable ratio of current assets);

provision of additional income for the enterprise (from non-core sales and financial activities, restructuring of the property complex - "dumping" unnecessary types of property, fixed assets, long-term financial investments);

improving settlements with counterparties (increasing the monetary component in the volume of sales);

improving financial relationships with subsidiaries.

The correlation of these tasks by building a "tree of goals" and highlighting priorities should be determined based on the results of financial policy.

Thus, it is possible to broadly define the main objects in the management of financial results:

Regulation of the financial results of production activities, i.e. determination of optimal options for the formation of individual elements of production costs, cost allocation, pricing, taxation, etc.

Asset management is an activity related to the formation of the property of an enterprise.

Property processes are primarily associated with investments directed by the enterprise for technical development (reconstruction, renovation of technological equipment, development of new types of products, construction and repair of immovable industrial property, etc.), financial investments (purchase of securities, creation of subsidiaries etc.), financing of current production activities, maneuvering with temporarily free funds, as well as with reverse processes - use, liquidation of objects of the property complex, their implementation, etc.

In this regard, the financial manager faces interrelated and multidirectional tasks - on the one hand, the choice of the most profitable investment option, and on the other, constant control over the effective use of the existing property complex.

Indeed, the management of financial results cannot be called effective if, even in the implementation of successful current investment activities, attention is not paid to the ballast in the existing assets of the enterprise: financial investments that do not generate income, unused fixed assets, surplus inventories, frozen capital construction, etc. Excessive material assets must be disposed of by all possible means, since, firstly, their implementation provides an additional inflow of funds, which, as a rule, are not enough, and secondly, this leads to a decrease in the cost of their maintenance and, thirdly, reduces the tax burden in terms of property tax.

Management of sources of financial resources - management of equity and debt capital.

As sources of financial resources at any enterprise, both its own and borrowed funds are used. The financial manager must select sources, having previously estimated the cost of these resources, the degree of financial risk, possible consequences on the financial condition of the enterprise.

Attraction of paid financial resources is associated with the analysis of production efficiency. If the profitability of production is higher than the bank interest, then the attraction of loans is profitable, since the expansion of production in connection with the attraction of borrowed capital increases the total mass of profit. And vice versa, if the bank interest is higher than the level of profitability of production, then not only all the profit received, but also part of its own funds is used to pay off the payment for the use of borrowed funds. Therefore, for low-profit enterprises, it is advisable to attract borrowed funds not to solve current problems, but as long-term investments for really effective projects.

The same applies to the enterprise's debt to the budget and off-budget funds - after the due date of payments, the debt can be considered as paid lending to the enterprise by the state.

Accounts payable to personnel and suppliers (due to the established contractual practice, contracts, as a rule, do not stipulate penalties for late payments) can be regarded as relatively cheap sources of financial resources. Relativity is determined by indirect consequences.

In the first case, when the debt accumulates, suppliers may stop supplying, and the enterprise will have to look for alternative, often more expensive, suppliers. With an increase in the delay in the payment of wages, social tension increases, the likelihood of a strike movement, disruption of the production program, an outflow of qualified personnel, etc., increases.

From a financial point of view, the most secure source of additional financial resources can be considered an additional issue of shares. But this process is significantly extended in time, besides, payment for the issued securities is of a probabilistic nature with significant costs for the issue itself.

Thus: for better management, profits are classified as follows:

total profit (loss) of the reporting period - balance sheet profit (loss);

profit (loss) from the sale of products (works, services);

profit from financial activities;

profit (loss) from other non-operating transactions;

taxable profit;

net profit.

All indicators are contained in the form No. 2 of the quarterly and annual financial statements of the enterprise - “Profit and Loss Statement”.

Profit is the most important indicator characterizing the financial result of an enterprise. Profit growth determines the growth of the potential of the enterprise, increases the degree of its business activity. According to the profit, the share of the income of the founders and owners, the amount of dividends and other income is determined. The profitability is also determined by the profitability of equity and borrowed funds, fixed assets, all advanced capital and each share. Characterizing the profitability of investments in the assets of a given enterprise and the degree of skill in its management, profit is the best measure of the financial health of an enterprise. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly outline the tasks and objects of management in order to achieve the best financial result.

1.5 Technical and economic characteristics of the company "STROY-INVEST"

Limited Liability Company "Stroy-Invest" was created on the basis of the decision of the general meeting of participants on 10.11.2002 and registered by the decree of the mayor of Togliatti on 14.12. 2002, No. 3489. Construction organization "Stroy-Invest" was founded in 2002.

O main field of activity:


production of building materials and structures,

special, finishing, design work,

technological equipment,

road transport,

construction mechanization

investment activities

O scope of activity:

Construction of buildings and structures at industrial and civil facilities.

A distinctive quality of the construction company "Stroy-Invest" when performing the functions of a general contractor was the company's focus on meeting deadlines, a decent quality of finishing the premises handed over to the customer and a guarantee for the operation of all engineering systems and structures made by subcontractors at the facility.

LLC "Stroy-Invest" operates in the market of construction services and today occupies its own niche among specialists specializing in the creation of modern interiors from idea to turnkey implementation of an object.

The main indicators of the technical and economic characteristics of the activities of LLC "STROY-INVEST" should be entered into the table

Table 2.1

Technical and economic characteristics of STROY-INVEST LLC

Indicator name Fac. for last year Fac. for the report. year Deviations
Abs. Rel.
1.Revenue from the sale of products, rub. 1691800 567402 -1124398 -66,46
2.Cost of products sold, rub 1683745 444661 -1239084 -73,59
3. Average number. working people 8 8 0 0
4. Fund for salary of workers, rubles 86400 92200 +5800 +6,71
5.Average annual cost of OPF, rubles 25789 19342 -6447 -24,999
6. Balance sheet profit (loss), rub. 15860 21453 +5593 +35,26
7 net profit 11554 15787 +4233 +36,63
Estimated indicators
8. Average annual output of the worker, rub. 281966,66 94567 -187399,6 -66,46
9.Costs for 1 rub. Comrade products, rub / rub 0,995 0,78 -0,21 -21,25
10.Average monthly salary of a worker, rubles 1200 1280,55 +80,55 +6,71
11. The cost of salary for 1 rub. product. products, rub. / rub. 0,051 0,16 +0,111 +218,2
12.Stock return, RUB / RUB 65,60 29,33 -36,26 -55,2
13. Fund intensity, rub / rub 0,015 0,03 +0,018 +123,6
14. Stock-to-labor ratio, thousand rubles / person 4298,16 3223,6 -1074,5 -24,9
15. Overall profitability 0,941 4,82 +3,88 +412,2
16. Calculated profitability 0,68 3,55 +2,86 +417,3

Based on the indicators and calculations of the table of technical and economic indicators, we can say that the proceeds from the sale of products, works, services decreased by -1124398 rubles. or -66.5%. The cost of goods sold, services rendered decreased by –1239084 rubles. or 74%. Accordingly, the costs decreased by 1 ruble. marketable products by -0.21 rubles / rub. or by 21%. The decrease in revenue and cost reduction was not proportional, there is a decrease in cost to a greater extent than a decrease in revenue. At the same time, for the reporting period, there is an increase in the balance sheet profit by +5593 rubles. or + 35%. The net profit also increased by 4233 rubles. or + 37%.

The average number of employees at the LLC STROY-INVEST has not increased and is 6 people both in the last year and in the reporting year. The payroll increased by +5800 rubles. or + 7%. At the same time, the average annual output of an employee decreased by -187399.6 rubles. sludge by -66%. The cost of wages increased by 1 rub. marketable products by + 0.111 rubles / rub. The average annual cost of OPF decreased by -6447 rubles. Due to the decrease in revenue, which is not proportional to the decrease in the average annual cost of OPF, the capital productivity decreased by -36.26 rubles, which is -55%. Accordingly, the capital intensity increased by + 0.018 rubles / rub. The capital-labor ratio has decreased due to a decrease in the cost of open-ended funds and the unchanged number of employees at the LLC STROY-INVEST, the decrease is 25%. The overall profitability increased by +3.88 points, while the calculated profitability increased by +2.86 points, which is + 417% and + 412%, respectively. Thus, the financial and economic activities of the company "STROY-INVEST" can be considered satisfactory.


2.1 Accounting for income and expenses from ordinary activities

In accordance with the accounting policy of the organization LLC STROY-INVEST, the balance sheet profit and use of profit are reflected in account 99 Profits and losses. " For tax purposes, the proceeds from the sale of goods and services are considered as payment is made, which is reflected in account 90 "Sales". All current production costs are reflected in the cost of selling services and accounted for on account 40. The costs for the sale of purchased materials are reflected on account 20 "main production"

The method for determining the proceeds from the sale of works (services) is established by the construction organization for the reporting year based on the terms of business and concluded contracts and is an element of the accounting policy of the construction organization.

In accounting, profit or loss from the sale (sale) of construction products is determined by a procedure similar to determining the profit from the sale (sale) of products (works, services) of organizations of other industries in the sphere of material production

Debit 90 "Sales", subaccount "Cost of sales"

For the amount of the actual cost of construction and installation work handed over;

Debit 62 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors" "Settlements with buyers and customers"

Credit 90 "Sales", subaccount "Revenue"

For the amount of the contractual cost of the completed construction and installation works;

Debit 90 "Sales", subaccount "Profit / loss from sales"

Credit 99 "Profit and Loss"

For the amount of profit from the sale (sale) of construction and installation works

Proceeds from the performance of construction work are for construction organizations income from ordinary activities on the basis of clause 5 of the Accounting Regulations "Income of an organization" PBU 9/99, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 06.05.1999 N 32n. At the same time, according to clause 13 of PBU 9/99, an organization can recognize in accounting the proceeds from the performance of work as soon as the work is ready (i.e., in stages) or upon completion of the work as a whole.

A similar procedure for recognizing revenue by construction organizations (contractors) is provided for by the Accounting Regulations "Accounting for Agreements (Contracts) for Capital Construction" PBU 2/2008, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 20.12.1994 N 167. According to clause 16 of PBU 2/2008, the contractor may apply two methods of determining the financial result, depending on the accepted forms of determining income. When determining income as individual works on structural elements or stages are completed, the method "Income at the cost of works as they are ready" can be applied.

When applying the method "Income by the cost of work as it is ready", the financial result of the contractor is revealed for a certain reporting period of time after the complete completion of individual work on structural elements or stages provided for by the project, as the difference between the volume of work performed and the costs incurred by them (p. .17 PBU 2/2008).

According to the Chart of Accounts for the accounting of financial and economic activities of organizations and the Instructions for its application, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 31, 2000 N 94n, the amount of the advance received for the first stage of work is reflected in the accounting according to the debit of account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" in correspondence with cash accounts, in this case with account 51 "Settlement accounts". In this case, advances are accounted for on account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" separately.

To summarize information about completed in accordance with the concluded contracts stages of work that are of independent importance, the Chart of Accounts provides account 46 "Completed stages of work in progress". The debit of account 46 "Completed stages of work in progress" takes into account the cost of the customer paid for the stages of work completed by the organization, accepted in accordance with the established procedure, in correspondence with account 90 "Sales", subaccount 90-1 "Revenue". At the same time, the amount of costs for the completed and accepted stages of work is debited from the credit of account 20 "Main production" to Debit 90 "Sales", subaccount 90-2 "Cost of sales".

The amounts of funds received from customers as payment for the completed and accepted stages are reflected in the accounting records of the LLC STROY-INVEST by the debit of cash accounts in correspondence with account 62 “Settlements with buyers and customers”. The indicated amounts are advance payments for the organization and are also recorded on account 62 separately.

At the end of all work in general, the cost of the stages paid by the customer accounted for on account 46 "Completed stages for work in progress" is written off to Debit 62 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors" "Settlements with buyers and customers", i.e. account 46 is closed after the delivery of the completed construction object to the customer.

When recognizing proceeds from the performance of work in stages, the delivery of a separate stage of the work performed for tax purposes is considered as the implementation of these works with the accrual and payment of taxes established by law on such implementation.

In the above table 2.1 the name of sub-account 62-1 "Settlements with customers on advances received".

Table 2.1

Content of operations Debit Credit Primary document
Advance payment received for the first stage of construction work 51 62-1
Accrued for payment to the budget the amount of VAT from the advance 62-1 68 Invoice
The contractual cost of the 1st stage of construction work performed by the organization is reflected 46 90-1 Acceptance certificate of work performed
Calculated the amount of VAT payable to the budget 90-3 68 Invoice
Accepted for deduction the amount of VAT accrued upon receipt of an advance 68 62-1 Accounting information
Written off the cost of the 1st stage of construction work accepted by the customer 90-2 20 Accounting reference-calculation
Received the remaining amount of payment from the customer for the completed stage of construction work 51 62-1 Bank statement on current account
Reflected the financial result from the implementation of the first stage of construction work 90-9 99 Accounting reference-calculation

Receipt of funds in the form of an advance on account of the forthcoming work is executed by the construction organization by drawing up an invoice and corresponding entries in the sales book. When the completed work is handed over against the received advance or other payments, an adjustment entry is made in the sales book, which reduces the previously accrued tax on these payments.

The financial result from the sale of other assets of the organization (including objects of intangible assets) is reflected in a similar manner and is also formed on account 91 “Other income and expenses”.

In accounting, the financial result from these operations is drawn up by entries:

Debit 90 "Sales"

Credit 23 "Auxiliary production"

For the amount of the actual cost of work and services of auxiliary industries;

Debit 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers"

Credit 90 "Sales"

For the amount of the contractual cost of the sold works and services;

Debit 90 "Sales"

For the amount of profit received

The financial result from the sale to third-party organizations of products and services of ancillary and auxiliary industries is determined as the difference between the cost of these products (services) at sales prices without value added tax and other deductions provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and its cost.

2.2 Accounting for operating income and expenses

The composition of operating income and expenses is determined by PBU 9/99 and PBU 10/99. The main part of operating income and expenses is made up of income and expenses from the disposal of property (except for the sale of finished products (works, services and goods)) and from participation in other organizations (income and expenses associated with the provision for temporary use of the organization's assets, rights, arising from patents for inventions, industrial designs and other types of intellectual property, income and expenses associated with participation in the authorized capital of other organizations, profit or loss from participation in joint activities).

Accounting for income and expenses from the sale of assets (excluding finished goods and goods). When depreciable property is retired due to sale, write-off due to the end of its useful life and for other reasons, gratuitous transfer, the amount of depreciation of fixed assets and intangible assets is written off to the debit of accounts 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets", 05 "Depreciation of intangible assets" from the credit of accounts 01 "Fixed assets" and 04 "Intangible assets". The residual value of fixed assets and intangible assets is written off from the credit of accounts 01 and 04 to the debit of account 91 "Other income and expenses". The debit of account 91 also writes off all expenses associated with the disposal of the depreciable property (including VAT on the property sold).

When determining the profit (loss) from the sale of fixed assets and other property of a construction organization, the difference (excess) between the sale price, excluding value added tax and other deductions provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and the initial (replacement) or residual value of these funds and property is taken into account increased by the inflation index in the prescribed manner. In this case, the residual value of the property is applied to fixed assets, intangible assets.

In the accounting records of LLC STROY-INVEST, the formation of profit (loss) for this group of operations is reflected by the following entries:

Sub-account "Other expenses"

Credit 01 "Fixed assets"

For the amount of the value of the objects of fixed assets being sold;

Debit 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets"

Credit 47 - for the amount of accrued depreciation;

From the credit of account 01 subaccount "Disposal of fixed assets" is already written off the residual value of the objects being sold, which is formed on this account (subaccount);

Debit 91 "Other income and expenses" credit of accounts for accounting of production costs - for the amount of the cost of expenses related to the sale of fixed assets;

Debit 62 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors"

Subaccount "Other income"

For the amount of the contractual value of the sold (sold) fixed assets;

Debit 91 "Other income and expenses", subaccount "Balance of other income and expenses"

Credit 99 "Profits and losses"

For the amount of profit received

Debit 99 "Profits and losses"

Credit 91 "Other income and expenses"

For the amount of the resulting loss.

Upon disposal of materials and other non-depreciable property as a result of sale, write-off due to damage, free transfer, their value is written off to the debit of accounts 91 "Other income and expenses". The amount owed by buyers for the property sold is reflected in the debit of account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" and the credit of account 91 "Other income and expenses".

When carrying out transactions on contributions to the authorized capital of other organizations and on contributions of members of a simple partnership to the common property of partners in non-monetary funds, a difference usually arises between the value of the transferred property and the agreed assessment of the contribution. This difference is reflected depending on its value on the credit or debit of account 91 "Other income and expenses" (the excess of the agreed value over the accounting one is reflected in the debit of account 58 "Financial investments" and credit of account 91; the inverse ratio is on the debit of account 91 "Other income and expenses "and the credit of account 58).

Income from participation in other organizations can be taken into account:

on the actual receipt of funds;

on preliminary accrual of income and entries on accounts.

In the first option, as the funds are received, accounts 50, 51, 52, 55 are debited and account 91 "Other income and expenses" is credited.

In the second option, the accrued income is drawn up with the following accounting entry:

For the amount of income from contributions to the authorized capital of other organizations, rent and dividends

Credit 91 "Other income and expenses" - for the entire amount of accrued income

The received payments on income of the enterprise LLC "STROY-INVEST" reflects on the debit of the accounts of accounting of funds (50 "Cashier", 51 "Settlement account") and the credit of account 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors".

Deductions to estimated reserves (for depreciation of material assets, for securing investments in securities, for doubtful debts) are reflected in the debit of account 91 "Other income and expenses" and credit of accounts 14 "Provisions for depreciation of material assets", 59 "Provisions for impairment of investments in securities ”and 63“ Provisions for doubtful debts ”. Unused reserves in the period following the period of their creation are debited to accounts 14 "Provisions for depreciation of tangible assets", 59 "Provisions for impairment of investments in securities" and 63 "Provisions for doubtful debts" from the credit of account 91 "Other income and expenses ".

2.3 Accounting for non-operating income and expenses

In accordance with PBU 9/99 and 10/99, non-operating income and expenses are:

Fines, penalties, forfeits for violations of the terms of contracts received and paid;

Assets received and transferred free of charge, including under a gift agreement;

Receipts for reimbursement and reimbursement of losses caused to the organization;

Profit of previous years, revealed in the reporting year, and losses of previous years, recognized in the reporting year;

Amounts of accounts payable, accounts payable and receivable for which the limitation period has expired;

Exchange differences;

The amount of revaluation and depreciation of assets;

Transfer of funds related to charitable activities, expenses for sports events, recreation, entertainment, cultural and educational events and other similar events;

Other non-operating income and expenses.

Proceeds from the payment of fines, penalties, various penalties and other types of sanctions are reflected in the credit of account 91 "Other income and expenses" and in the debit of accounts for accounting for funds and settlements with debtors.

The amounts of fines, penalties, penalties and amounts from other sanctions paid by the LLC STROY-INVEST company are reflected in the debit of account 91 “Other income and expenses” from the credit of cash accounts. In this case, the amounts entered into the budget in the form of sanctions are not included in the structure of expenses on non-operating transactions, but are attributed to a decrease in profit on account 99 “Profits and losses”.

The profit of previous years, revealed in the reporting year, is reflected in the debit of account 51 "Settlement account" and the credit of account 91 "Other income and expenses", losses are drawn up by a reverse accounting entry.

The amounts of accounts payable and accounts payable for which the limitation period has expired are written off to Debit 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors" and Credit 91 "Other income and expenses". Accounts receivable for which the limitation period has expired are debited from the credit of account 76 to the account of the reserve of doubtful debts (63) or to Debit 91 "Other income and expenses".

Positive exchange rate differences, depending on the accounting object, are drawn up with the following accounting entries:

Debit 58 "Financial investments"

For the difference on transactions with financial investments

Debit of accounts 50 "Cashier", 52 "Currency account"

For the difference in cash in foreign currency

Debit 71 "Settlements with accountable persons" (on operations of issuing currency for the report) and other accounts

For debts to suppliers and contractors, a positive exchange rate difference is reflected on the credit of account 91 and the debit of account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors."

Negative exchange rate differences are drawn up by reverse accounting entries in relation to positive exchange rate differences.

The sums of the revaluation of assets are written off from the credit of account 91 to the debit of the asset accounting accounts, the amount of the depreciation of assets is drawn up by a reverse accounting entry.

In Debit 91 "Other income and expenses" expenses related to charitable activities, the implementation of the following activities: sports, recreation, entertainment, cultural and educational nature and other similar ones are written off from the credit of various accounts.

Other non-operating expenses and losses are written off from the debit or credit of the corresponding accounts at the time of their detection to account 91 "Other income and expenses".

Credit 20 "Main production"

The costs for canceled production orders were written off (for the cost of unused semi-finished products, parts and assemblies), 97 "Deferred expenses" (for the amount of preproduction costs related to canceled orders), etc.

Analytical accounting for account 91 "Other income and expenses" is kept for each type of other income and expenses. At the same time, the construction of analytical accounting for other income and expenses related to the same financial, business transaction should ensure the ability to identify the financial result for each transaction.

In the accounting records of LLC STROY-INVEST, the funds due to the receipt are reflected by the entry:

Debit 76 "Settlements with different debtors and creditors"

Credit 91 "Other income and expenses"

income from renting out property -

Debit 76 "Settlements with different debtors and creditors"

Credit 91 "Other income and expenses"

Amounts received to pay off accounts receivable written off in previous years at a loss as uncollectible -

Debit 51 "Settlement accounts"

Credit 91 "Other income and expenses"

Fines, penalties, penalties and other types of sanctions awarded or recognized by the debtor for violation of the terms of business contracts, as well as compensation for damages caused

Debit 76 "Settlements with different debtors and creditors", subaccount "Settlements on claims"

Credit 91 "Other income and expenses"

profit of previous years revealed in the reporting year -

debit of unaccounted receipts accounts

Credit 91 "Other income and expenses"

Other income from operations not directly related to the production and sale of products (works, services) -

debit of receipts accounting accounts Credit 91 "Other income and expenses".

Non-operating (other) expenses are recorded, respectively, in the debit of account 91 "Other income and expenses".

Non-operating expenses include:

The costs of canceled construction contracts, canceled production orders, and production costs that did not produce products.

In accounting, such a write-off is reflected by the entry:

Debit 91 "Other income and expenses"

Credit 20 "Main production"

The costs of maintaining mothballed production facilities and facilities (except for costs reimbursed from other sources)

Debit 91 "Other income and expenses"

Losses from downtime due to external reasons that were not compensated by the culprit were written off

Debit 91 "Other income and expenses"

Credit 10 "Materials" (or 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors")

Losses on operations with packaging -

Debit 91 "Other income and expenses"

Credit 60 or 76

Awarded or recognized fines, penalties, forfeits and other types of sanctions for violation of the terms of business contracts, as well as costs of compensation for damages -

Debit 91 "Other income and expenses"

Credit 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors" or 76;

The amount of doubtful debts on settlements with other enterprises, as well as individuals, subject to reservation in accordance with the legislation -

Debit 91 "Other income and expenses"

Credit 63 "Provisions for doubtful debts";

Losses from writing off accounts receivable for which the limitation period has expired, and other debts that are unrealistic for collection -

Debit 91 "Other income and expenses"

Credit 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" (or 76)

Losses on operations of previous years revealed in the current year -

Debit 91 "Other income and expenses"

credit of accounts for accounting of expenses incurred;

non-compensated losses from natural disasters (destruction and damage to inventories, finished products and other material assets, losses from stoppage of production, etc.), including costs associated with the prevention or elimination of the consequences of natural disasters (except for construction organizations that form a reserve fund in accordance with the legislation order or receiving special funds for this purpose); non-compensated losses as a result of fires, accidents, other emergencies caused by extreme conditions -

Debit 99 "Profit and loss" credit of accounts of property and production costs;

losses from embezzlement, the perpetrators of which have not been established by court decisions -

Debit 91 "Other income and expenses"

Credit 94 "Shortages and losses from damage to valuables"

other expenses for the payment of certain types of taxes and fees paid in accordance with the procedure established by law at the expense of financial results, as well as for operations related to the receipt of non-operating income -

Debit 91 "Other income and expense", 99 "Profit and loss"

Credit 68 "Calculations of taxes and fees"

PBU 9/99 refers to extraordinary incomes revenues arising as a consequence of the circumstances of economic activity (natural disaster, fire, accident, nationalization, etc.): insurance compensation, the cost of material assets remaining from the write-off of assets unsuitable for restoration and further use, etc.

Receipts arising as a consequence of extraordinary circumstances come on the debit of material, settlement and other accounts from the credit of account 99 "Profits and losses". For example, the cost of tangible assets remaining from the write-off of property that has become unusable due to extraordinary circumstances is received on the debit of account 10 "Materials" from the credit of account 99 "Profits and losses".

In accordance with PBU 10/99, the structure of extraordinary expenses reflects expenses that arise as the consequences of extraordinary circumstances of economic activity (natural disaster, fire, accident, nationalization of property, etc.).

Losses and expenses related to extraordinary circumstances are written off to Debit 99 "Profits and losses" from the credit of material assets accounts (lost or expended in the elimination of the consequences of emergency circumstances), payments to personnel for remuneration (for employees engaged in the elimination of the consequences of natural disasters) , cash, etc.

When writing off the value of property lost as a result of extraordinary circumstances, the depreciable property is charged to Debit 99 "Profits and Losses" at its residual value (from the credit of accounts 01 and 04), and the rest of the property - at its actual cost (from the credit of accounts 08, 10, 11 , 20, 21, 23, 29, 41, 43, 50, 58, etc.). At the same time, organizations that take into account materials at accounting prices make up an additional accounting entry for writing off deviations attributable to lost materials to the accounting entry for writing off materials at accounting prices (Debit 99 "Profits and losses", Credit 10 "Materials"). The amounts of deviations are written off to account 99 "Profits and losses" from account 16 "Deviation in the cost of material assets" by the method adopted in the organization.

Debit 99 "Profits and losses" is written off not compensated by insurance indemnities losses from insured events (from account 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors"), as well as the cost of animals killed or slaughtered in connection with epizootics, natural disasters and other emergencies (from the credit of account 11 "Animals for growing and fattening").

2.4 Reflection in the financial statements of the financial results of the enterprise

The main documents that regulate the procedure for drawing up and submitting reports are Federal Law of 21.11.1996 N 129-FZ "On Accounting" and the Regulation on Accounting "Financial Statements of an Organization" (PBU 4/99, as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 18.09.2006 N 115n).

In order to bring the reports prepared by organizations in accordance with the new regulatory acts on accounting, by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 22, 2003 N 67n "On forms of financial statements of organizations", new samples of forms of interim and annual financial statements were proposed, which organizations based on RAS 4/99 it is recommended to use it when developing your reporting forms.

The financial statements consist of the Balance Sheet (Form No. 1), Profit and Loss Statement (Form No. 2), Statement of Changes in Equity (Form No. 3), Cash Flow Statement (Form No. 4), Appendix to the Balance Sheet (Form 5), an explanatory note, an auditor's report confirming the reliability of the organization's financial statements, if it is subject to mandatory audit in accordance with federal laws.

Financial statements are a set of reporting forms compiled on the basis of financial accounting data in order to provide external and internal users with summarized information about the financial position in a form that is convenient and understandable for these users to make certain business decisions.

Reporting is the final element of the method of financial (accounting) accounting. The reporting can contain both quantitative and qualitative characteristics, cost and physical indicators. The requirements for information disclosure in the reporting provide that the financial statements must provide a reliable and complete picture of the property and financial position of the organization, as well as the financial results of its activities.

The financial statements formed on the basis of the rules established by regulatory enactments on accounting are considered to be reliable and complete.

The new sample of the balance sheet form has undergone significant changes. The shape is noticeably shortened. It no longer contains references to account numbers, the balances of which are reflected in a particular section.

Section I "Non-current assets" provides generalized data for each type of non-current assets: intangible assets (code 110); fixed assets (code 120); work in progress (code 130); profitable investments in material assets (code 135); long-term financial investments (code 140); other non-current assets (code 150).

A separate position in the section is occupied by data on the amount of deferred tax assets at the beginning and end of the reporting period, determined in accordance with the Accounting Regulations "Accounting for Income Tax Calculations" (PBU 18/02, as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 11.02.2008 N 23n), approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 19, 2002 N 114n (indicator code 145).

Section III "Capital and reserves" has also undergone significant changes.

The articles "Social Sphere Fund" and "Target financing and receipts" were excluded from the section. The exclusion of the first article is due to the introduction of a new Chart of accounts for accounting of financial and economic activities of organizations. The second article was excluded from the sample form due to the fact that the balances of unused earmarked funds cannot be considered as part of the capital of the organization. The funds received must be spent for the intended purpose, credited to the income of the organization or returned.

As provided for in clause 20 of the Accounting Regulations "Accounting for State Aid" (PBU 13/2000), approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 16, 2000 N 92n, the balance of funds on account 86 "Target financing" in terms of budgetary funds provided to the organization is reflected in the Accounting the balance sheet under the item "Deferred income" or separately in the section "Short-term liabilities".

Data on retained earnings (uncovered loss) of both the reporting year and previous years are shown in the Balance Sheet as one indicator (code 470). It summarizes the data on account 99 "Profit and loss" and account 84 "Retained earnings (uncovered loss)".

If the organization does not have data on any item provided for by the sample form of the Balance Sheet, then this line is excluded from the printed form, which is presented to the addressees (tax authorities, statistics authorities, etc.).

The new version of the sample form of the Profit and Loss Statement has also undergone changes.

Row numbering and division into sections are excluded, and data on operating and non-operating expenses are combined into the "Other income and expenses" section.

The sample form No. 2 does not provide for the decoding of proceeds from the sale of goods, products, works, services and the cost of goods sold, products, works, services by type of activity.

Between the indicators "Profit (loss) before tax" and "Net profit (loss) of the reporting period" there are three new indicators "Deferred tax assets", "Deferred tax liabilities" and "Current income tax".

The indicators "Extraordinary incomes" and "Extraordinary expenses" as atypical types of income and expenses in most economic entities were excluded from the sample of Form No. 2. If they arise, the organization can independently enter them into Form No. 2 (there is a free line for this).

The composition of indicators in the "Reference" section has been changed. Here are data on the amount of permanent tax liabilities (assets), and in the report for the year - the values ​​of basic and diluted earnings (loss) per share, calculated in accordance with the Methodological Recommendations for the disclosure of information on earnings per share, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 21.03.2000 N 29n.

In the section “Breakdown of individual gains and losses”, instead of the indicator “Decrease in the cost of inventories at the end of the reporting period”, the indicator “Allocations to estimated reserves” is given.

All indicators that reduce profits are indicated in the report in parentheses. This means that in the calculation they must be taken into account with a minus sign.

Deferred tax assets;

According to clause 1 of PBU 18/02, its application makes it possible to reflect in accounting and financial statements the difference between the tax on accounting profit (loss) recognized in accounting from the tax on taxable profit generated in accounting and reflected in the tax return for tax on profit.

The difference between accounting profit (loss) and taxable profit (loss) arises due to differences in qualifications, valuation and the moment of recognition of assets and liabilities, income and expenses in accounting and tax accounting. Thus, first of all, it is necessary to determine for which transactions there are differences in accounting and tax accounting.

As stated in Section II of PBU 18/02, the difference between accounting and tax profit is made up of permanent and temporary differences.

Permanent differences are those income and expenses of the organization that are never taken into account when taxing profits.

Temporary differences are those income and expenses of the organization that are not accounted for in the current reporting (tax) period, but can be accounted for in other reporting periods.

To account for the effect of a permanent difference on the amount of profit, PBU 18/02 introduced the concept of a permanent tax liability, which means the amount of tax, which leads to an increase in tax payments for income tax in the reporting period.

A permanent tax liability is equal to the value determined as the product of a permanent difference that arose in the reporting period by the income tax rate established by Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and effective at the reporting date (i.e. multiplying the constant difference by the income tax rate, we obtain a constant tax liability). In accounting, a permanent tax liability is reflected by the entry:

Debit 99 "Profit and loss", subaccount 99.2.3 "Permanent tax liability"

Credit 68 "Calculations of taxes and fees", subaccount 68.4.2 "Calculation of income tax".

Deductible temporary differences lead to the formation of deferred income tax, which should reduce the amount of this tax payable to the budget in the next reporting period or subsequent reporting periods.

Taxable temporary differences give rise to deferred income tax, which should increase the amount of income tax payable to the budget in the next reporting period or subsequent reporting periods. In other words, if there are more expenses in accounting than in tax accounting, then these are always deductible temporary differences. If there are more expenses in tax accounting than in accounting, then these are always taxable temporary differences.

To account for the effect of deductible temporary differences on the amount of profit, PBU 18/02 introduced the concept of a deferred tax asset. It is equal to the value determined as the product of deductible temporary differences arising in the reporting period by the income tax rate established by Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and effective at the reporting date.

The profit and loss statement is the most important source of information for analyzing indicators of profitability of products sold, profitability of production, determining the amount of net profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise and other indicators.

As you can see, for a full and comprehensive management of financial results, it is necessary to set up an effective financial management service. , since almost all areas are involved in the management of financial results, and this is correct, since the financial result is the end result of the activities of all divisions of the company. It is the development of financial management at the micro level that should become key to stabilize the state of each enterprise and the Russian economy as a whole, since it is rationally organizational financial flows, like the blood of a living organism, that allow the economic structure to function in all spheres of economic activity - supply, production, sales, labor relations.

In accordance with clause 24 of PBU 18/02, the Profit and Loss Statement reflects:

permanent tax liabilities (assets);

Deferred tax assets;

deferred tax liabilities;

current income tax (current tax loss).

Tax accounting has changed - it has become a special discipline and completely separated from accounting. Now it makes no sense to show extraordinary income and expenses in isolation from other types of income and expenses of the organization. The financial result (profit / loss before tax), formed without taking into account extraordinary income and expenses, is incomplete. Therefore, when introducing new lines in Form No. 2, it would be logical to arrange them together with the rest of the income and expenses. Thus, extraordinary income and expenses will participate in the formation of the financial result for the reporting period.

Confirmation of this can be found in PBU 9/99 and PBU 10/99. According to clause 4 of PBU 9/99, extraordinary income is related to other income. And clause 4 of PBU 10/99 contains a similar rule: extraordinary expenses are related to other expenses. Therefore, in Form No. 2, extraordinary income and expenses should be reflected in the section “Other income and expenses”.

Deferred tax assets and liabilities

After the financial result of the organization's activities for the reporting period has been calculated, it is necessary to proceed to filling out the section with tax values.

In the new form of the income statement, next to the line "Current income tax", two new lines have appeared - to reflect deferred tax assets and liabilities. These indicators are calculated according to the norms of the Accounting Regulations “Accounting for Profit Tax Calculations” (PBU 18/02), approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 19.12.2002 N 114n. They have a direct impact on the amount of the company's net profit (loss) for the reporting period.

In contrast to the balance sheet, Form No. 2 is based not on the balances of accounting accounts, but on the basis of turnovers. If the balance sheet shows the financial and economic state of the organization at the end of the reporting period, then in the form N 2 - the financial results for a specific reporting period, that is, for a certain range of time. The balance is continuous throughout the entire life of the enterprise, and form N 2 is formed anew every year, that is, "from scratch". Therefore, form No. 2 reflects not the balances of accounts 09 "Deferred tax assets" and 77 "Deferred tax liabilities", but the results of the turnover of these accounts for the reporting period. The income statement should reflect the difference between the accrued and written off deferred tax assets and liabilities. Namely: on the line "Deferred tax assets" show the difference between the debit turnover of account 09 and the credit turnover on this account for the reporting period, and on the line "Deferred tax liabilities" - the difference between the credit and debit turnovers on account 77 "Deferred tax liabilities" ...

The main problem of filling out in Form No. 2 is formed on the line "Deferred tax liabilities", where brackets are not put down. This is based on the fact that the indicators of the lines "Deferred tax assets" and "Deferred tax liabilities" in Form No. 2 in certain cases may change their sign.

When accrued, deferred tax assets increase profit (reduce loss) before tax. Deferred tax liabilities, on the contrary, reduce the amount of profit or increase the loss. When the deferred tax assets or liabilities are extinguished, the process is reversed. Deferred tax assets are written off from profit (that is, profit decreases), and the settlement of deferred tax liabilities results in an increase in the entity's profit.

The indicator of deferred tax assets is reflected in Form No. 2 as a positive value if the debit turnover on account 09 "Deferred tax assets" (the amount of accrued tax assets) for the reporting period was more than the credit turnover (the amount of repaid tax assets). If the credit turnover on account 09 "Deferred tax assets" is greater than the debit one (that is, more deferred tax assets have been repaid than accrued), then the difference between the turnovers will be with a minus sign. And a negative indicator of deferred tax assets will appear in the income statement.

The situation is reversed with deferred tax liabilities. If the turnover on the credit of account 77 "Deferred tax liabilities" is more than the debit turnover on this account, then this means that for the past period more tax liabilities were charged than paid off. Then in the form No. 2 on the line "Deferred tax liabilities" an indicator with a "minus" sign will be reflected, which will reduce profit (increase loss) before tax. But if during the reporting period in the organization more deferred tax liabilities were paid off than accrued (that is, the debit turnover on account 77 "Deferred tax liabilities" exceeds the credit one), then in the profit and loss statement the indicator of the line "Deferred tax liabilities" will change its sign from minus to plus.

A change in the sign for the lines “Deferred tax assets” and “Deferred tax liabilities” in the income statement for 2003 may occur in rare cases, and only for those organizations that formed an opening balance in accordance with RAS 18/02. However, since 2004, this situation is possible in any organization. In 2003, all organizations first began to apply PBU 18/02, and many did not begin to form an opening balance. Next year, all organizations will form deferred assets and liabilities not from scratch, but with a certain "reserve" in the form of balances on accounts 09 "Deferred tax assets" and 77 "Deferred tax liabilities". Thanks to this “backlog” in the organization, more deferred tax assets or liabilities can be settled than accrued.

The next issue concerns the need to properly qualify income and expenses. According to the well-established tradition, it is generally accepted that these are:

Income and expenses from ordinary activities fall into the form N 2 from the turnover on account 90 "Sales";

Operating and non-operating income and expenses - from the turnover on the corresponding subaccount of account 91 "Other income and expenses";

Extraordinary income and expenses - from turnovers on the corresponding sub-accounts of account 99 "Profits and losses".

This division of income and expenses into accounting accounts is convenient, as it helps to quickly generate a profit and loss statement. But, blind copying of the turnovers formed on the accounting accounts, when filling out form N 2, leads to deadlocks.

The most striking example of this is the reflection in Form No. 2 of the amounts of fines and penalties for taxes and fees. The problem is on which line of the profit and loss statement to show these amounts? According to the Chart of Accounts, the amounts of accrued tax sanctions are reflected in the debit of account 99 "Profits and losses" and credit of account 68 (on the corresponding subaccount in the context of tax). If, following the Chart of Accounts, the amount of tax fines and penalties on the debit of account 99 "Profits and losses" is reflected, then when filling out Form No. 2, an unsolvable situation appears.

The situation worsened in the fall of 2003 after the release of the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. 67n and the appearance of a new form of the income statement. In it, the line showing the amount of income tax is called unambiguously: "Current income tax". Now, with all the desire, it is impossible to reflect in this line the amount of tax sanctions. In which line of Form No. 2 to indicate the amount of accrued tax sanctions?

If you turn to PBU 10/99, which provides a grouping of expenses for accounting purposes. Tax sanctions are not directly indicated in any of the lists of expenses given in this PBU. First of all, it should be noted that the sanctions for taxes and fees are certainly not related to expenses for ordinary activities and extraordinary expenses. It remains to make a choice between operating and non-operating expenses.

PBU 10/99 does not contain a clear definition of operating and non-operating expenses. There are only approximate lists of such costs. The list of non-operating expenses indicates fines and penalties payable under the terms of business contracts. Since fines under economic contracts were not included in operating expenses, it can be concluded that tax penalties, all the more, cannot be operating expenses. Nevertheless, tax sanctions are included in non-operating expenses.

Thus, despite the fact that in accounting, penalties for taxes and fees are reflected in the debit of account 99 "Profits and losses", this does not turn them into extraordinary expenses. In the income statement, tax sanctions should be included in non-operating income and expenses.

The organization has the right to make a decision and prescribe in the accounting policy that the sanctions for taxes and fees will be reflected not on account 99 “Profits and losses”, but on account 91 “Other income and expenses” subaccount “Non-operating expenses”. In this case, there will be no problems with reflecting tax sanctions in Form No. 2.

The financial statements developed by the organization on the basis of the samples of the forms recommended by the Ministry of Finance of Russia must meet the requirements of timeliness, completeness, reliability and neutrality. From this point of view, the organization must decide on the inclusion (or non-inclusion) of this or that indicator in the reporting.


3.1 Analysis of the composition and dynamics of profit before tax

The final financial result of the economic activity of the enterprise is the balance sheet profit. Balance sheet profit is the amount of profit from the sale of products (works, services), fixed assets, other property of the enterprise and income from non-sale operations, reduced by the amount of expenses on these operations:

Pv = Prp + Prf + Pvn, (6)

where Пв - gross (balance) profit;

Prp - profit from the sale of products, works, services;

Prf - profit from the sale of fixed assets, other property of the enterprise;

Пвн - profit from non-sale transactions.

Balance sheet profit as the final financial result is revealed on the basis of accounting for all business operations of the enterprise and the assessment of balance sheet items. The use of the term "balance sheet profit is due to the fact that the final financial result of the enterprise is reflected in its balance sheet, compiled at the end of the quarter, year.

Balance sheet profit includes three consolidated elements: profit (loss) from sales of products, performance of work, rendering of services; profit (loss) from the sale of fixed assets, from other disposal, sale of other property of the enterprise; financial results from non-operating transactions.

It is necessary to analyze the composition of the balance sheet profit, its structure and dynamics.

The calculation values ​​are reflected in table 3.2.

Table 3.2

Analysis of the composition and dynamics of balance sheet profit

As can be seen from table 3.2 in the reporting year, the balance sheet profit at the LLC STROY-INVEST increased by +5593 rubles. or + 35.26%. The growth in the balance sheet profit was due to an increase in profit from other sales by +24,118 rubles. or + 309.00%. At the same time, their share in the balance sheet profit increased from 49.22% to 148.80%. Profit from product sales decreased by –10525 rubles. or by -130.66% and its share in the balance sheet profit decreased from 50.78% to -11.51%. That is, in other words, losses from the sale of products, works, services and non-operating results were offset by profit from other sales (other operating income and expenses).

Let's graphically depict the structure and dynamics of the balance sheet profit in Figure 2.

3.2 Analysis of operational and non-operating financial results

Financial results from non-operating transactions are profit (loss) on transactions of various nature that are not related to the main activities of the enterprise and are not related to the sale of products, fixed assets, other property of the enterprise, performance of work, provision of services. The financial result is defined as income (losses) less expenses on non-operating transactions.

The list of non-operating profits (losses) is heterogeneous and rather extensive. A significant proportion can be income from long-term and short-term financial investments and income from renting out property. Long-term financial investments are understood as the costs of an enterprise for the contribution of funds to the authorized capital of other enterprises, the acquisition of shares and other securities. The forms of short-term financial investments include the purchase of short-term treasury bonds, bonds and other securities. Rental income is generated from the rent received, which the lessee pays to the lessor.

Income from non-operating transactions includes: income received from equity participation in the activities of other enterprises, from the lease of property, income (dividends, interest) on shares, bonds and other securities owned by enterprises, as well as other income from operations, not directly related to the production of products, works, services and their sale, including the amounts received and paid in the form of sanctions and damages.

Profit from non-operating transactions is:

Пвн = Дв - Рв, (9)

where D - income from non-sale transactions;

Рв - expenses for non-operating transactions.

In the process of analyzing operational and non-operating financial results, the composition and dynamics of losses and profits obtained for each source of operating and non-operating financial results are studied.

The data for the calculation are taken from Form No. 2 “Profit and Loss Statement”. The calculation values ​​are summarized in table 3.3.

Table 3.3

Analysis of the composition and dynamics of operating and non-operating financial results

Based on the calculations made, a conclusion can be drawn. During the analyzed period, other operating income increased by + 18218 rubles. or + 119.58%, but other operating expenses decreased by -5900 rubles. or -79.41%. Non-operating expenses increased by + 8000 rubles. which is 100% of last year's level, i.e. Last year, the company STROY-INVEST did not have such expenses. Income tax and other obligatory payments in the reporting year increased by + 1360 rubles, or + 31.58%.

Profit (loss) before tax increased by + 5593 rubles, which is + 35.26% from the level of the previous year.

Net profit (loss) increased by, respectively, + 4233 rubles. or + 36.63%.

The analysis of operating and non-operating financial results is shown in Figure 3.

3.3 Analysis of the profitability of the enterprise

The profitability of an economic entity is characterized by absolute and relative indicators. The absolute indicator of profitability is the amount of profit (income). The relative indicator is the level of profitability. Profitability is the profitability (profitability) of the production and trading process. Its value is measured by the level of profitability. The level of profitability of economic entities associated with the production of products (goods, works, services) is determined by the percentage of profit from sales of products to the cost of products:

Р - the level of profitability,%;

P - profit from the sale of products, rubles;

С - production cost, rubles.

The level of profitability of trade and public catering enterprises is established by the ratio of profit from the sale of goods (public catering products) to turnover.

In the process of analysis, the dynamics of changes in the volume of net profit, the level of profitability and the factors that determine them are studied. The main factors affecting net profit are the volume of proceeds from sales of products, the level of prime cost, the level of profitability, income from non-sales transactions, expenses on non-sales transactions, the amount of income tax and other taxes paid from profit.

The analysis of the profitability of an economic entity is carried out in comparison with the previous period. In conditions of strong inflationary processes, it is important to ensure comparability of indicators and exclude the influence of price increases on them. The analysis is carried out according to the work data for the year. The indicators of the last year are compared with the indicators of the reporting year using price indexation. Planned indicators are developed by a business entity independently for internal use.

An analysis of the profitability of an economic entity is given in Table 3.4.

The analysis of the profitability of an economic entity given in Table 3.4 shows that for the reporting period, the proceeds from the sale of products decreased by -1349277.6 rubles or by -66.46%. In this regard, the value added tax decreased by -224879.6 rubles or -66.461%, which is -0.01109 points as a percentage of the proceeds. There is also a decrease in the cost of production by –1113373 rubles or –66.124%, which as a percentage of revenue is a decrease of –1.6 points.

Table 3.4

Analysis of the profitability of a business entity


Last year Reporting year Deviations
Absolute %,
1 2 3 4 5
1.Revenue from product sales, rubles 2030160 680882,4 -1349277,6 -66,46

2. Value Added Tax:

as a percentage of revenue

3.Excise taxes, rubles - - - -

4. Production cost:

thousand rubles

as a percentage of revenue

5. Profit from product sales, rubles 8055 -2970 -11025 -136,87
6.The level of profitability,% 0,478 -0,521 -0,999 - 208,99
7. Profit from sales of products, as a percentage of revenue 0,396 -0,436 -0,832 - 210,101
8. Profit from other sales, rubles 7805 31923 +24118 +309
9.Income from non-operating transactions, rubles - - - -
10.Expenses on non-operating transactions, rubles - 7500 +7500 -
11.Balance profit, thousand rubles 15860 21453 +5593 +35,26
12.Taxes paid out of profits, rubles 4306 5666 +1360 +31,58
13.Net profit, rubles 11554 15787 +4233 +36,63

The decrease in proceeds from the sale of products led to the fact that the profit from sales also decreased by –11025 rubles or –136.87%, there is a loss from the sale of products, works, services in the amount of –2970 rubles. The relative indicator of profitability, showing the ratio of profit and cost, decreased by -0.999 points or -208.99%.

Profit from other sales for the analyzed period increased by +24,118 rubles or + 309%. At the same time, expenses on non-operating results increased by +7500 rubles, but to a lesser extent than profit from other sales. Ultimately, this influenced the increase in the balance sheet profit.

During the analyzed period, the balance sheet profit increased by +5593 rubles or by ++ 35.26%; net profit also increased by + 4233 rubles or + 36.63%.

The indicators of profitability of the enterprise are shown in Figures 4.5.

Let's trace the influence of factors on performance indicators (according to table 3.1)

Decrease in proceeds from sales of products by -1349277.6 rubles reduced profit by:

= -5343.13 RUB

Decrease in the level of cost price as a percentage of revenue by -1.6 points decreased the amount of costs by:

= -11526.04 rubles, which

accordingly reduced the amount of profit by -11526.04 rubles.

A decrease in the level of value added tax as a percentage of revenue by -0.01 points increased the amount of profit by:

= 5809.824 rubles.

Total profit from product sales:

(-11526.04) + (- 5343.13) + 5809.824 = -11025 rubles. = p. 5 gr. 4

There is no growth in income from non-operating transactions

Increase in expenses on non-operating transactions by +7500 rubles. reduced the amount of profit by -7500 rubles. (p. 10 column 4)

Total on balance sheet profit:

(-11025) +24118 + 0 + (-7500) = + 5593 rubles. = p. 11 gr. 4

Total net profit:

5593 + (-1360) = +4233. rub. = p. 13 gr. 4

Thus, the amount of lost profits (i.e. the amount of lost profits) was compared to the previous year

= RUB 1,112,259.627

The decrease in the level of profitability of the enterprise was due to an increase in the level of production costs


Accounting occupies one of the main places in the management system. It reflects the real processes of production, distribution and consumption, characterizes the financial condition of the organization, serves as the basis for planning and analyzing its activities. Accounting not only reflects economic activities, but also provides important information that allows you to control its strategy and tactics, make optimal use of resources, measure and evaluate the results of the organization's financial and economic activities, and eliminate subjectivity in decision-making.

The formation of financial results is of fundamental importance in a market economy, since profit is an incentive and goal of entrepreneurial activity. Indicators of financial results characterize the absolute efficiency of the enterprise in all areas of its activities: production, sales, supply, financial and investment.

Based on the above, the topic of the thesis was chosen "Accounting and analysis of income from economic activities and the formation of financial results of the company" STROY-INVEST "LLC.

The object of research in this thesis was the company "STROY-INVEST", which is classified as a small business.

Limited Liability Company "Stroy-Invest" was created on the basis of the decision of the general meeting of participants dated 09.04.2001 and registered by the decree of the mayor of the city of Zhigulevsk dated 31.05. 2001, No. 475.

The construction organization "Stroy-Invest" since its foundation in 2001 has been carrying out a full range of works related to the design and construction of turnkey facilities. And also performs work and provides services for the installation and completion of sanitary facilities.

In the first part of the thesis, the economic essence and the concept of financial results, as well as the features of the formation of financial results in construction organizations, were characterized.

In the second part of the thesis, the practice of accounting for financial results and the procedure for reflecting them in the financial statements were described.

Summarized, the most important indicators of the financial results of the enterprise are presented in the form No. 2 of the annual and quarterly financial statements.

Accounting profit is usually understood to mean profit calculated in accordance with the current accounting rules and shown in the income statement as the difference between income and expenses recognized in the reporting period.

According to this Regulation, accounting profit is the final financial result revealed for the reporting period on the basis of accounting for all business transactions and an assessment of the balance sheet items.

According to the Regulation on accounting "Income of organizations" PBU 9/99, income consists of three main types of activities, depending on the nature, conditions of receipt and direction of activity:

income from ordinary activities;

operating income;

non-operating income.

The financial result of an economic entity from the sale of products, works, services is determined by account 90 "Sales". This account is intended to summarize information on income and expenses associated with the ordinary activities of the organization, as well as to determine the financial result of them. From account 90, profit or loss is monthly debited to account 99 “Profits and losses”.

The financial result from the sale of property, operating and non-operating income and expenses are first reflected in account 91 "Other income and expenses", from which they are monthly written off to account 99 "Profits and losses".

In addition, the debit of account 99 “Profits and losses” reflects the accrued payments for income tax and the amount of due tax sanctions in correspondence with account 68 “Calculations of taxes and fees”.

At the end of the reporting year, account 99 “Profits and losses” is closed. With the final record in December, the amount of net profit is written off from the debit of account 99 "Profit and loss" to the credit of account 84 "retained earnings (uncovered loss)". The amount of the loss is debited from the credit of account 99 "Profits and losses" to the debit of account 84 "retained earnings". At the same time, analytical accounting for account 99 “Profits and losses” should provide the formation of the data necessary for drawing up a profit and loss statement (form No. 2).

Thus, according to the existing methodology, the amount of net profit is identified by business entities on account 99 “Profits and Losses” during the reporting year, and they use it next year in accordance with the charter and the decision of the competent authority of the business entity.

When organizing work to determine the financial result in contracting construction organizations, it should be borne in mind that two main terms are used in relation to construction products: estimated profit and profit from the sale of products.

Estimated profit is a normative part of the cost of construction products and is not included in the cost of work.

As the basis for calculating the estimated profit, the amount of funds for the remuneration of workers (builders and machine operators) in current prices is taken as part of the estimated direct costs.

The estimated cost of construction products (and free prices for it) includes not only purely production costs, but also amounts that will subsequently be used for purposes that are not of a production nature.

In accounting, the accrual and receipt of the estimated profit by separate entries is not reflected, since this profit is included in the price of construction products, it is automatically detected on the sales (sales) accounts - as the ratio of estimated (and not actual) costs and the contractual price of products.

The difference between actual costs and planned (estimated) costs forms the financial result along with the estimated profit.

The final financial result (profit before taxation or loss) of the construction organization's activities consists of the financial result from the delivery of objects, works and services provided for by contracts to the customer, the sale to the side of fixed assets and other property of the construction organization, products and services of ancillary and auxiliary industries located on the balance sheet of the construction organization, as well as income from non-sale operations, reduced by the amount of expenses on these operations (other income, reduced by the amount of other expenses).

Profit (loss) from the delivery to the customer of objects, completed construction and other works stipulated by the construction contract, is determined as the difference between the proceeds from the sale of these works and services performed on our own, at the prices established in the contract, excluding value added tax and other deductions provided by law, and the costs of their production and delivery.

In case of taxation, the proceeds from the delivery of objects, construction and other works and services to the customer are determined either as they are paid in full at the contractual cost (in case of non-cash payments - as funds for the work (services) are received on the accounts of banks, and in the case of payments in cash - upon receipt of funds at the cashier), or as the objects are handed over, work and services are performed and they are transferred to the customer in accordance with the contract.

The third part of the thesis describes the analysis of financial results and the methodology for its implementation.

Analyzing the financial results of the company "STROY-INVEST" LLC, we can conclude the following:

in the reporting year, the balance sheet profit at LLC STROY-INVEST increased by +5593 rubles. or + 35%. The growth in the balance sheet profit was due to an increase in profit from other sales by +24,118 rubles. or + 309%. At the same time, their share in the balance sheet profit increased from 49.22% to 148.80%.

Profit from product sales decreased by –10525 rubles. or -130.66% and its share in the balance sheet profit decreased from 51% to 12%. That is, in other words, losses from the sale of products, works, services and non-operating results were offset by profit from other sales (other operating income and expenses).

During the analyzed period, other operating income increased by + 18218 rubles. or + 120%, but other operating expenses decreased by -5900 rubles. or -80%.

Non-operating expenses increased by +8,000 rubles. which is 100% of last year's level, i.e. Last year, the company STROY-INVEST did not have such expenses. Income tax and other obligatory payments in the reporting year increased by + 1360 rubles, or + 31.58%.

Profit (loss) before tax increased by + 5593 rubles, which is + 35% from the level of the previous year.

Net profit (loss) increased by, respectively, + 4233 rubles. or + 37%.

Analyzing the profitability of the company "STROY-INVEST", you can do the following:

Decrease in proceeds from sales of products by -1349277.6 rubles reduced profit by: -5343.13 rubles.

A decrease in the level of prime cost as a percentage of revenue by -1.6 points reduced the amount of costs by: -11526.04 rubles, which accordingly increased the amount of profit by +11526.04 rubles.

A decrease in the level of value added tax as a percentage of revenue by -0.01 points increased the amount of profit by: + 5809.824 rubles

Increase in profit from other sales by +24,118 rubles. increased the balance sheet profit by +24,118 rubles. (p. 8 column 4)

There is no growth in income from non-operating transactions

Increase in expenses on non-operating transactions by +7500 rubles. reduced the amount of profit by -7500 rubles.

Increase in the amount of taxes paid out of profit by +1360. rub. reduced the amount of net profit by -1360. rub.

A negative result of the enterprise's work is a decrease in the level of profitability compared to last year from 0.478% to -0.521%. This means that the company incurred losses for every ruble of production costs.

Thus, the amount of lost profits (i.e. the amount of lost profit) amounted to 1,112,259.627 rubles compared to last year.


1. Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Parts 1 and 2.

2. Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Parts 1 and 2

3. Federal Law "On Accounting" dated November 21, 1996 No. 129-FZ

4. Federal Law "On Auditing" (as amended on 03.11.2006 N 183-FZ)

5. Federal Law of Russia dated 08.12.2003 No. 173-FZ "On foreign exchange regulation and foreign exchange control" (as amended on 22.07.2008 No. 150-FZ)

6. Federal Law of Russia of 08.12.2003 No. 164-FZ "On the Foundations of State Regulation of Foreign Trade Activity" (as amended by Federal Laws of 22.08.2004 N 122-FZ, of 22.07.2005 N 117-FZ, of 02.02.2006 N 19-FZ)

7. Federal Law of 22.05.2003 No. 54-FZ "On the use of cash registers in the implementation of cash settlements and (or) settlements using payment cards."

8. Regulations on the procedure for conducting cash transactions and the rules for storing, transporting and collecting banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia in credit institutions on the territory of the Russian Federation "(approved by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on 24.04.2008 N 318-P)

9. Regulations on the rules for organizing cash circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation "dated 05.01.1998 N 14-P (as amended on 31.10.2002)

10. Regulations on the procedure for reissuing by authorized banks of non-resident accounts in the currency of the Russian Federation opened in authorized banks in connection with the adoption of the Bank of Russia Instruction No. 116-I dated June 7, 2004 "On types of special accounts of residents and non-residents" (approved by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation 07.06.2004 N 259-P) Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 17.06.2004 N 5858

11. Regulations on accounting and financial reporting in the Russian Federation. Approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 07/29/98 No. 34-n

12. Chart of accounts for accounting of financial and economic activities of the organization and Instructions for its use. Approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of October 31, 2000 No. 94-n

13. Regulations on accounting "Accounting policy of the organization" (PBU 1/2008) ", Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 27, 2008 N 12522

14. Regulations on accounting "Accounting for construction contracts" (PBU 2/08) revised from 24.10.08

15. The regulation on accounting "Accounting for assets and liabilities, the value of which is expressed in foreign currency" (PBU 3/2006) has been revised twice recently - by the Orders of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 27, 2006 N 154n and dated December 25, 2007 N 147n.

16. Regulation on accounting "Financial statements of the organization" (PBU 4/99) of the Order of the Ministry of Finance of July 6, 1999 N 43n (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 18.09.2006 N 115n)

17. Regulation on accounting "Accounting for inventories" PBU 5/01 (as amended by the Orders of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 27.11.2006 N 156n, of 26.03.2007 N 26n)

18. Regulation on accounting "Accounting for fixed assets" PBU 6/01 (as amended by the Orders of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 18.05.2002 N 45n, of 12.12.2005 N 147n, of 18.09.2006 N 116n, of 27.11.2006 N 156n)

19. Regulation on accounting "Events after the reporting date" (PBU 7/98), approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 25, 1998 N 56n.

20. Regulations on accounting "Conditional facts of economic activity" PBU 8/01 (as amended by the Orders of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of September 18, 2006 N 116n, of December 20, 2007 N 144n)

21. Regulation on accounting "Income of the organization" PBU 9/99 (as amended by the Orders of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2006 N 156n)

22. Regulation on accounting "Organization expenses" PBU 10/99 (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2006 N 156n)

23. Regulation on accounting "Information on related parties" (PBU 11/2008) dated April 29, 2008 N 48n.

24. Regulation on accounting "Information by segments" (PBU 12/2000) order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of January 27, 2000 N 11n (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 18.09.2006 N 115n)

25. Regulation on accounting "Accounting for state aid" PBU 13/2000 dated October 16, 2000 N 92n (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 09/18/2006 N 115n)

26. Regulation on accounting "Accounting for intangible assets" PBU 14/2007 (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 23, 2008 N 10975)

27. The regulation on accounting “Accounting for loans and credits and their servicing costs” PBU 15/08 was approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated August 2, 2001 N 60n (as amended on 06.10.08).

28. Regulation on accounting "Information on discontinued operations" PBU 16/02 (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of September 18, 2006 N 116n)

29. Regulation on accounting "Accounting for expenses for research, development and technological work" PBU 17/02 (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 18.09.2006 N 116n)

30. Regulation on accounting "Accounting for calculations of corporate income tax" PBU 18/02 (as amended by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 11.02.2008 No. 23n).

31. Regulations on accounting "Accounting for financial investments" PBU 19/02 (as amended by the Orders of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 18.09.2006 N 116n, of 27.11.2006 N 156n)

32. Regulation on accounting "Information on participation in joint activities" PBU 20/03 (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of September 18, 2006 N 116n)

33. Regulation on accounting "Changes in estimated values" PBU 21/2008 (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 27, 2008 N 12522)

34. Instruction of the Central Bank of Russia dated March 30, 2006 No. 111-I "On the obligatory sale of a part of foreign exchange earnings in the domestic foreign exchange market of the Russian Federation" U, dated March 29, 2006 N 1676-U)).

35. Methodical instructions for the inventory of property and financial obligations: Approved. By order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated June 13, 1995 No. 49.

36. Resolution of the Goskomstat of Russia of 18.08.1998 No. 88 "On the approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for recording cash transactions, for recording inventory results" (subject to subsequent changes and additions).

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Accounting for financial results at enterprises of the construction complex

1. Theoretical foundations of accounting and audit of financial results from core activities
1.1. The concept and composition of the financial result, methods and sources of its analysis
1.2. Legal regulation of accounting and audit of financial results from core activities
1.3. Comparative characteristics of IFRS, PBU and ISA for accounting for financial results
2. Accounting and analysis of financial results from core activities on the example of the enterprise CJSC "Mezhgorsvyazstroy" (MGSS)
2.1. Technical and economic characteristics of CJSC "Mezhgorsvyazstroy" (MGSS)
2.2. Accounting for financial results from core activities and their reflection in financial statements
2.3. Analysis of financial results from core activities
3 ... Audit of financial results and development of measures to improve them at Mezhgorsvyazstroy CJSC (MGSS)
3.1. Purpose, objectives, plan and program of audit of financial results
3.2. Conclusion and errors of audit of financial results
3.3. Measures to improve the financial results of CJSC Mezhgorsvyazstroy (MGSS)
List of used literature


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