Profession banking after 11. Banking - what kind of profession is it? Where do you study banking? The learning process at the College of Finance and Economics

38.02.07. Qualification: banking specialist

Getting a promising profession at the College of Economics remotely

You have found the right page! The most important thing in college is a suitable promising profession! The specialty Banking is just one of these, it is a profile for working in a bank, credit or financial institution.

Advantages of distance learning in the College of Economics:

  1. Training is built on new standards.
  2. The teaching materials are relevant and practical.
  3. Not only teachers, but also specialists of the banking industry will work with you.
  4. Upon completion of the training, you will receive a state diploma with the qualification of a banking specialist.

Top 10 Disciplines for Distance Learning in Banking:

  1. Cashless payments;
  2. Accounting in banks;
  3. Activities of a credit organization;
  4. Cash operations of the bank;
  5. International payments;
  6. Organization of credit work;
  7. Right;
  8. Market valuable papers;
  9. Finance and credit;
  10. Economic analysis.

After receiving a secondary education at the College of Economics, majoring in banking, you will learn:

  • Drafting bank account agreements with clients (useful for bank employees);
  • Advise borrowers on the terms of the loan and the procedure for its repayment (a useful skill for specialists in the lending department);
  • Perform international settlements for export-import transactions (important knowledge for a successful financial manager);
  • And this is only part of the necessary knowledge of a bank worker, which you will acquire in our economic college!

Who can work after vocational education in the specialty Banking

After completing your College Banking degree, you will be able to take on positions as a bank teller, loan officer, financial manager, and even an accountant. The college major in banking provides the widest range of specialties for employment. Let's talk about the most promising of them.

What does a bank employee do? Today, banking worker is one of the most demanded specialties. Your responsibilities will include conducting operations on accounts, including their opening and closing, processing payments and working with plastic cards. This work requires attention and the ability to manage paperwork. Do not be afraid, all these banking tricks will be taught to you at the College of Economics.

How much does a bank employee earn? Medium wage from 30 to 100 thousand rubles. With time and experience, your salary will only increase. The beginning of a career will be a secondary education in an economic college, having received the necessary experience, you can always increase your salary and qualifications with the help of higher distance education.

What does a loan officer do? The task of a credit specialist is to skillfully select loan product, suitable for the conditions of the client and profitable for the bank. When applying for a loan, a specialist must check the client's documents for authenticity and calculate interest rate. You can apply for the position of a specialist in the lending department only after graduating from the specialty of banking at the College of Economics!

How much does a loan officer earn? Your expected salary is from 35 to 80 thousand rubles. Do you want to receive more? Be a careerist and aim for department heads! A diploma of secondary education from an economic college will be your lifesaver!

What does a financial manager do? At the bank, a financial manager will advise on managing your account, help you invest money correctly and increase capital. In addition, the financial manager is responsible for coordinating the work of the bank and interbank interaction. A successful financial manager must be experienced, have financial flair and a wealth of knowledge. Start replenishing your knowledge base today - enter the Moscow College of Economics.

Speciality -"Banking".

Specialty code - 38.02.07

Received qualification banking specialist

Diploma of education- state diploma of secondary vocational education, established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

FEC is 24 years old

The learning process at the College of Finance and Economics

Education at the College of Finance and Economics in the specialty "Banking" is conducted by highly professional teachers, practitioners, helping students to gain theoretical and practical skills in the implementation, accounting and control of banking operations to attract and place Money, as well as providing banking services customers in credit institutions.

The College of Finance and Economics does not stand still and constantly improves the educational process with the active and direct participation of social partners - representatives of the banking community. For the purpose of targeted training of specialists in accordance with agreed programs, the Open Department of Sberbank was created at the College of Finance and Economics, whose activities are aimed at training graduates for the West Ural Bank Sberbank. All this makes it possible to fully satisfy consumers with the quality of general and professional competencies of graduates.

The College of Finance and Economics is developing partnerships with banks operating in Perm. In cooperation with the college, banks act as senior comrades - they advise teachers, help to take into account their needs, which should be paid attention to in the process of teaching students. As a result of this attitude, banks receive well-trained specialists, and students of the College of Finance and Economics have excellent job prospects.

The lucky ones who managed to enter the College of Finance and Economics with a degree in Banking are doing internships in such well-known banking institutions as Sberbank, BINBANK, UralSib, VTB 24, Uniastrum Bank, Alfa-Bank, Rosselkhozbank, Home Credit and Finance Bank, Ural FD and many others.

Most graduates of the College of Finance and Economics with a degree in Banking receive higher education at universities in the areas of Economics (profiles Finance and Credit, Accounting, Taxes and Taxation) and Management.

Interesting subjects in the learning process: Economics of the organization, Finance, money circulation and credit, Accounting in banks, organization of credit work, Management.

Forms and terms of training:
full-time on the basis of 9 classes 2 years 10 months
full-time on the basis of 11 classes 1 year 10 months
part-time on the basis of 9 classes 3 years 10 months
part-time on the basis of 11 classes 2 years 10 months
part-time (using distance learning technologies) based on 9 classes 3 years 10 months
part-time (using distance learning technologies) based on 11 classes 2 years 10 months

Specialty Banking after grade 9 . Specialty Banking after grade 11 .

Federal state educational standard in the specialty: Download

Word - teachers

Are there budget places at the College of Finance and Economics?

Dear applicants and parents!

Since the establishment of the college in 1995, recruitment for all specialties has been exclusively on a paid basis. This allows us to form a team of successful and talented students.

At the College of Finance and Economics available tuition fees and monthly fee.

Based on our experience, it is paid training motivates students and their parents to be responsible for the learning process!

College or college? What to choose?

College or college? Where to get an education?

In our opinion, in the modern "table of ranks" the college is much higher than the technical school. Therefore, in our opinion, the choice is quite obvious.

The choice is yours.

Financial and economic

College of Banking: Apply after 11th grade. The Economic Business College of Moscow implements the economic specialty Banking. Complete preparatory courses after the 9th, 10th and 11th grades of the school.

  • Admission without exams
  • Hostel with internet access
  • Flexible payment terms
  • Assistance in education

Specialty 38.02.07 "Banking"

Advantages of specialty Banking

High-level professionals are engaged in teaching students

The profession is quite in demand and prestigious

Practice in well-known banks of the country

Possibility of admission to specialized universities

Qualification: Banking Specialist

The banking sector is constantly evolving and changing, so the need for competent specialists in banking remains at a high level. Professions in the field of banking are considered prestigious and highly paid, and every year more and more people want to get the necessary knowledge in this area in colleges in Moscow.

Our Moscow College of Banking trains basic level professionals. They receive applied knowledge that will help them in performing a number of important banking operations. College students majoring in "Banking" are trained by experienced teachers, specialists from leading banks in Moscow. Graduates of our college will be able to attract and control financial cash flows, serve clients in settlement and credit transactions, and make other banking transactions.

What College Banking Students Learn

  • statistics;
  • audit;
  • financial mathematics;
  • banking;
  • accounting, etc.

Our College of Banking in Moscow not only provides theoretical knowledge, but also provides an opportunity to consolidate it in practice in various banking institutions. Banks where our students do their internship: Sberbank, VTB, Otkritie Bank, LetoBank, Interkommertsbank, Military Industrial Bank and other major banks in Moscow.

Is it possible to go to college for "Banking" in Moscow after grade 9

Students in grades 9-11 can attend preparatory courses that will help them enter the Banking major at our college.

Entering the specialty "Banking" after the 11th grade, a college student will receive the necessary knowledge in 1 year 10 months.

The time for romance is gradually being left behind. Modern youth strives to master practically significant professions. Among them - "Banking".

The profession "Bank worker" is characterized by the presence of competencies in the credit and financial sector. He can work both directly in state and non-state banks, and in the planning departments of enterprises and institutions, financial institutions, stock exchanges, insurance companies, etc.

Banking professions

The structure of banking institutions is quite extensive.

Each department is represented by a large number of positions.

Banking specialists - professions:

Managers, managers, financial analysts, tellers, financial and credit experts, corporate and mortgage lending, treasury specialists, securities specialists, etc.

Banking professions - list

  • Bank Operations Manager,
  • manager-consultant bank branches,
  • clearing specialist,
  • credit: specialists, consultants, inspectors, brokers, etc.
  • maintenance specialists,
  • cashiers,
  • currency tellers.

Banking professions - description

Bank Operations Manager

Functional responsibilities - strategic planning of office activities. Coordinating the interaction of structural units, improving the quality of work of employees. Branch profit growth. Such a position, as a rule, is occupied by specialists with higher specialized education ("Accounting", "Enterprise Economics") and at least two years of experience as the head of a bank's structural unit.

Bank branch manager

Engaged in the search and attraction and customer service. Provides information assistance to legal and individuals in choosing the type of deposit or loan. Implements Bank operations by deposits. Provides reports on the implementation of the plan.

Clearing Specialist

Coordinates mutual settlements between the subjects of the transaction (barter intermediary). Such a specialist is asked for help in assessing the financial benefits of such a transaction, as well as the solvency of the parties. He carries out competent documentation support of the transaction. Such specialists are welcome in central bank RF, clearing banks, chambers or centers.

Loan specialist (expert, manager, consultant, inspector)

Performs search and attraction potential borrowers, drawing up business plans to attract creditors. Organization and implementation of lending operations. Documentation support from the preparation and provision of a loan until the moment of its repayment.

Banking: profession, salary

Profession banking - description

Implementation of cash / non-cash payments. Work on the issuance / return of loans. Issuance/exchange/liquidation of plastic cards. Reporting, including tax. Documentation support of transactions using information technologies.

Professions related to banking

Auxiliary, but very important professions in the banking sector are lawyers, financial analysts, specialists in debt collection, marketing, management, etc.

It should be noted that the work of middle-level employees in the banking sector is paid an order of magnitude higher than the average level for the region, ahead of inflation. Now the salary fluctuates between 15.5 - 30 thousand rubles.

Banking: pros and cons of the profession

The advantages include high demand in the labor market. Opportunity for successful career growth. Fairly high wages. Extended social guarantees that most banks provide to their employees. At the same time, the profession of a bank employee requires special education, high concentration, and responsibility. In addition, at the initial stages of a career, high wages and status are not guaranteed.

Currently, the specialty "Banking" is taught in many colleges in Moscow. The key argument in choosing an educational institution is the level of theoretical and practical training of students and the prospects for further employment.

MGOK offers schoolchildren after finishing 9th or 11th grade to master the specialty "Banking" SPO (secondary vocational education) .

Training period


  • Based on 9 classes: two years ten months.
  • Based on 11 classes: one year ten months.


  • Based on 11 classes: two years ten months.

Future qualification: banking specialist.

Future profession: sales manager of banking products, credit manager, specialist, teller, auditor.

The task of the manager is to study the market of corporate clients and offers from partner financial institutions. Based on the received data, a database of potential customers is formed, which will be offered active or passive in the future. banking products. Active products are loans, guarantees and letters of credit, and passive products are deposits, transfers, cash management services, etc.

What will be taught to students in the specialty "Banking"

Training in the specialty "Banking" implies a comprehensive study of aspects of activity banking organizations. The educational program includes the study of the securities market, the principles of the foreign exchange and credit markets, methods for assessing the financial and economic activities of enterprises and the creditworthiness of legal entities and individuals.

Student practice

The most important part of the educational program is the industrial practice of students. During practical classes, students develop skills:

  • Carrying out credit transactions. This type of activity includes assessing the solvency of customers, processing and issuing loans with their subsequent support, conducting operations in the field of interbank loans.
  • Conducting settlement transactions using various types of payments. Students must learn how to carry out settlement and cash services, interbank settlements, international settlements for export-import operations, and to service settlements using various payment cards.

Employment prospects

MGOK graduates can work in banks, trade and commercial enterprises, financial and credit organizations.

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