Health insurance policy card. Registration of an electronic OMS policy

How to get a policy for a child

Where to get a policy

Important (!)

On policies of a single sample.

What does an OMS policy of a single sample look like?

with an indefinite duration.

The procedure for obtaining a policy

    SNILS (if available).

4) for :

    resident card;

    SNILS (if available).

5) for :

    resident card;

    SNILS (if available).

6) for :

    SNILS (if available).

7) for :

    SNILS (if available);

8) for :

9) for :

10) for

11) for

    change of name, patronymic,

    change of residence.

    present your passport.

Where to get a policy:


CHI policy of a new sample

What you need to know about the CHI policy of the new sample

The procedure for obtaining (issuing) a CHI policy of a new sample

Documents required to obtain a compulsory policy health insurance

When do I need to replace (renew) the policy

How to get a policy for a child

Where to get a policy

What medical assistance can be obtained for free

What you need to know about the CHI policy of the new sample

From January 1, 2011, in accordance with the Law "On Compulsory Medical Insurance in Russian Federation"No. 326-FZ dated November 29, 2010 (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 326-FZ), each citizen can independently choose insurance company and get a CHI policy.

Compulsory medical insurance policies issued to persons insured under compulsory medical insurance prior to the date of entry into force of Law No. 326-FZ on compulsory medical insurance are valid until they are replaced by compulsory medical insurance policies of a single sample.

Important (!)

All CHI policies issued to citizens before May 1, 2011 continue to remain valid until they are replaced on policies of a single sample.

What is a plastic compulsory medical insurance policy?

Under these "old" policies, you are required to provide the necessary medical care under OMS programs.

There are no deadlines for replacing old policies with new policies by law. When to make this replacement - you decide on your own, and there should be no unrest in this matter (we will have time, we will not have time). Therefore, there is no need to rush to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy of a single sample.

The exchange will be carried out gradually over several years until 2014.

CHI policies of a single sample are produced centrally by the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, they are registered, with high parameters of protection against forgery and changes or distortions of the data that are placed on it. For citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens permanently residing in Russia, as well as stateless persons, policies of a single sample are issued with an indefinite duration.

Insurance companies have begun issuing new electronic compulsory health insurance (CHI) policies.

The electronic compulsory medical insurance policy resembles a regular bank card, is equipped with a similar chip, contains the personal data of the insured (full name, date of birth, place of residence, insurance company, etc.). On the reverse side - a photo and a personal signature of the owner.

For getting electronic policy OMS, you need to apply with your insurance company. It will be made in 30 business days. The circulation of electronic policies does not cancel the validity of old-style policies that are valid until the owner replaces them, for example, in connection with a change in surname, place of residence or a change in insurance company.

The procedure for obtaining a policy

To obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy of a single sample, you must contact the insurance company. At the same time, you must first decide which medical insurance organization (HIO) to apply to, because Law No. 326-FZ gives you the right to choose a HMO. Thus, the first legal action that you must take is choose an insurance company.

The choice of an insurance company is confirmed by filling out an application, the form of which will be provided to you by the insurance company. When applying to an insurance medical organization, you must present a document proving your identity (passport), as well as an insurance number of an individual personal account (if any) assigned to you in pension fund RF (SNILS).

If necessary, the insurer's specialist will help you fill out an application, and after it is completed, he is obliged to verify the accuracy of the data entered into it on the basis of the documents you submitted. It is necessary to fill out the application very carefully, corrections in it are not allowed. The accuracy of your personal data specified in the application is confirmed by your signature on the application, as well as the signature of an insurance company specialist.

The choice of an insurance company for children until they have reached the age of majority is made by their legal representatives: parents and guardians who are required to submit their passport, birth certificate of the child and his SNILS (if any) to the SMO.

It is also necessary to know that a citizen can choose or replace an insurance company no more than 1 time during a calendar year. An exception to this rule are situations related to the change of your place of residence or the termination of the activities of the insurance company in which you were previously insured.

On the basis of your application for choosing an insurance company, on the day of your application, you will be issued a temporary certificate confirming the issuance of a policy of a single sample. The temporary certificate has a limited validity period - 30 working days from the date of its issuance. Why is it being issued? Why is it impossible to immediately get a compulsory medical insurance policy of a new uniform sample? There are two main reasons for this.

    Each citizen can have only one CHI policy of a single sample. Therefore, before ordering such a personalized policy for you, the insurance company is obliged to check whether you have already received this policy by contacting another insurance company earlier. This verification takes 5-10 days from the date of issuance of a temporary certificate. If it turns out that you have already received a CHI policy of a single sample from some other insurance company, you will be denied a reissuance of the policy. The insurance company that issued you the temporary certificate is obliged to inform you about this.

    If you have never received a policy of a single sample, and this is confirmed by the audit, then such a policy will be ordered for you. Territorial Fund will include information about you in the application for the issuance of policies, and send the application to the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. However, for the production and execution of registered policies of a single sample and their subsequent delivery to the regions from the Federal CHI fund some time is required.

According to the calculations of experts, 30 working days is exactly the period that is necessary for all the above procedures. Throughout this period, you will be able to receive medical assistance under the territorial CHI program at the place of residence or the basic CHI program in any other region of the Russian Federation, presenting the temporary certificate issued to you. Well, after the policy of a single sample, made for you, arrives at the insurance company you have chosen, the CMO is obliged to inform you about its delivery and the possibility of receiving it.

The temporary certificate and the MHI policy itself of a single sample are strict reporting forms, therefore, when you receive them from the insurance company, you must sign in a special journal, confirming with your signature that you really received them.

Documents required to obtain a compulsory health insurance policy

The application for the choice (replacement) of an insurance medical organization shall be accompanied by the following documents or their certified copies required for registration as an insured person:

1) for children after state registration of birth and up to 14 years who are citizens of the Russian Federation:

2) for citizens of the Russian Federation aged fourteen years and older:

    identity document (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation, issued for the period of registration of a passport);

    SNILS (if available).

3) for persons entitled to medical care in accordance with the Federal Law "On Refugees": a certificate of a refugee or a certificate of consideration of an application for recognition as a refugee on the merits, or a copy of the complaint against the decision to deprive the status of a refugee to the Federal Migration Service with a note on its acceptance for consideration.

4) for foreign citizens permanently residing in the Russian Federation:

    passport of a foreign citizen or other document established federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identity document of a foreign citizen;

    resident card;

    SNILS (if available).

5) for stateless persons permanently residing in the Russian Federation:

    a document recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as a document proving the identity of a stateless person;

    resident card;

    SNILS (if available).

6) for foreign citizens temporarily residing in the Russian Federation:

    passport of a foreign citizen or other document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as a document proving the identity of a foreign citizen, with a mark on a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation;

    SNILS (if available).

7) for stateless persons temporarily residing in the Russian Federation:

    a document recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as a document certifying the identity of a stateless person, with a mark on a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation;

    or a document of the established form, issued in the Russian Federation to a stateless person who does not have a document proving his identity;

    SNILS (if available);

8) for representative of the insured person:

9) for legal representative of the insured person:

10) for persons without a fixed place of residence and occupation(including children) in the absence of identity documents, social assistance institutions submit an application for registration as an insured person, containing:

    information about the insured person (last name, first name, patronymic (if any), gender, date of birth, place of birth, citizenship, place of residence);

    information about the applicant organization (name, contact information, last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the representative, seal);

    name of the territorial fund;

11) for persons not identified during the treatment period, the medical organization submits an application for identification of the insured person, containing:

    estimated information about the insured person (last name, first name, patronymic (if any), gender, date of birth, place of birth, citizenship, place of residence);

    information about the applicant organization (name, contact information, last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the representative, seal);

    name of the territorial fund.

When do I need to replace (renew) the policy

The law defines the following circumstances, in the presence of which it is necessary to replace the policy:

    last name change (for example, if you got married and changed your last name)

    change of name, patronymic,

    change of residence.

In the latter case, we are talking about moving to a permanent or temporary place of residence (subject to the availability of temporary registration) in another subject of the Russian Federation (region, republic, territory).

It is also necessary to renew the policy when:

    change of date of birth, place of birth

    establishing inaccuracies or erroneous information contained in your CHI policy.

In the presence of these circumstances, the citizen must notify his insurance company of the change within 30 days.

How to get a policy for a child

Compulsory medical insurance of children from the date of birth until the day of state registration of birth is carried out by the insurance company in which their mothers or other legal representatives are insured.

After the day of state registration of the birth of a child (after receiving a birth certificate) and until he reaches the age of majority, compulsory health insurance is provided by an insurance company chosen by one of his parents or another legal representative.

The child's insurance company can be any insurance company operating in the region.

To obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy for a child, you must:

    fill out an application in the insurance company;

    present a birth certificate of the child, his SNILS (if any);

    present your passport.

Where to get a policy:

What medical care is available for free


Useful links on the topic "CMI policy"

Tags: compulsory medical insurance policy, get a compulsory medical insurance policy, get a new compulsory medical insurance policy, compulsory medical insurance policy

CHI policy of a new sample

What you need to know about the CHI policy of the new sample

The procedure for obtaining (issuing) a CHI policy of a new sample

Documents required to obtain a compulsory health insurance policy

When do I need to replace (renew) the policy

How to get a policy for a child

Where to get a policy

What medical assistance can be obtained for free

What you need to know about the CHI policy of the new sample

From January 1, 2011, in accordance with the Law "On Compulsory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation" dated November 29, 2010 No. 326-FZ (hereinafter - Law No. 326-FZ), each citizen can independently choose an insurance company and receive a CHI policy.

Compulsory medical insurance policies issued to persons insured under compulsory medical insurance prior to the date of entry into force of Law No. 326-FZ on compulsory medical insurance are valid until they are replaced by compulsory medical insurance policies of a single sample.

Important (!)

All CHI policies issued to citizens before May 1, 2011 continue to remain valid until they are replaced on policies of a single sample.

Under these "old" policies, you are required to provide the necessary medical care under compulsory medical insurance programs.

There are no deadlines for replacing old policies with new policies by law.

What does an OMS policy look like?

When to make this replacement - you decide on your own, and there should be no unrest in this matter (we will have time, we will not have time). Therefore, there is no need to rush to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy of a single sample.

The exchange will be carried out gradually over several years until 2014.

CHI policies of a single sample are produced centrally by the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, they are registered, with high parameters of protection against forgery and changes or distortions of the data that are placed on it. For citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens permanently residing in Russia, as well as stateless persons, policies of a single sample are issued with an indefinite duration.

Insurance companies have begun issuing new electronic compulsory health insurance (CHI) policies.

The electronic MHI policy resembles a regular bank card, is equipped with a similar chip, contains the personal data of the insured (full name, date of birth, place of residence, insurance company, etc.). On the reverse side - a photo and a personal signature of the owner.

To obtain an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy, you need to apply to your insurance company. It will be made in 30 business days. The circulation of electronic policies does not cancel the validity of old-style policies that are valid until the owner replaces them, for example, in connection with a change in surname, place of residence or a change in insurance company.

The procedure for obtaining a policy

To obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy of a single sample, you must contact the insurance company. At the same time, you must first decide which medical insurance organization (HIO) to apply to, because Law No. 326-FZ gives you the right to choose a HMO. Thus, the first legal action that you must take is choose an insurance company.

The choice of an insurance company is confirmed by filling out an application, the form of which will be provided to you by the insurance company. When applying to an insurance medical organization, you are required to present a document proving your identity (passport), as well as the insurance number of an individual personal account (if any) assigned to you in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (SNILS).

If necessary, the insurer's specialist will help you fill out an application, and after it is completed, he is obliged to verify the accuracy of the data entered into it on the basis of the documents you submitted. It is necessary to fill out the application very carefully, corrections in it are not allowed. The accuracy of your personal data specified in the application is confirmed by your signature on the application, as well as the signature of an insurance company specialist.

The choice of an insurance company for children until they have reached the age of majority is made by their legal representatives: parents and guardians who are required to submit their passport, birth certificate of the child and his SNILS (if any) to the SMO.

It is also necessary to know that a citizen can choose or replace an insurance company no more than 1 time during a calendar year. An exception to this rule are situations related to the change of your place of residence or the termination of the activities of the insurance company in which you were previously insured.

On the basis of your application for choosing an insurance company, on the day of your application, you will be issued a temporary certificate confirming the issuance of a policy of a single sample. The temporary certificate has a limited validity period - 30 working days from the date of its issuance. Why is it being issued? Why is it impossible to immediately get a compulsory medical insurance policy of a new uniform sample? There are two main reasons for this.

    Each citizen can have only one CHI policy of a single sample. Therefore, before ordering such a personalized policy for you, the insurance company is obliged to check whether you have already received this policy by contacting another insurance company earlier. This verification takes 5-10 days from the date of issuance of a temporary certificate. If it turns out that you have already received a CHI policy of a single sample from some other insurance company, you will be denied a reissuance of the policy. The insurance company that issued you the temporary certificate is obliged to inform you about this.

    If you have never received a policy of a single sample, and this is confirmed by the audit, then such a policy will be ordered for you. The Territorial Fund will include information about you in the application for the issuance of policies, and will send the application to the Federal CHI Fund. However, it takes some time to produce and issue personalized policies of a single sample and their subsequent delivery to the regions from the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.

According to the calculations of experts, 30 working days is exactly the period that is necessary for all the above procedures. Throughout this period, you will be able to receive medical assistance under the territorial CHI program at the place of residence or the basic CHI program in any other region of the Russian Federation, presenting the temporary certificate issued to you. Well, after the policy of a single sample, made for you, arrives at the insurance company you have chosen, the CMO is obliged to inform you about its delivery and the possibility of receiving it.

The temporary certificate and the MHI policy itself of a single sample are strict reporting forms, therefore, when you receive them from the insurance company, you must sign in a special journal, confirming with your signature that you really received them.

Documents required to obtain a compulsory health insurance policy

The application for the choice (replacement) of an insurance medical organization shall be accompanied by the following documents or their certified copies required for registration as an insured person:

1) for children after state registration of birth and up to 14 years who are citizens of the Russian Federation:

2) for citizens of the Russian Federation aged fourteen years and older:

    identity document (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation, issued for the period of registration of a passport);

    SNILS (if available).

3) for persons entitled to medical care in accordance with the Federal Law "On Refugees": a certificate of a refugee or a certificate of consideration of an application for recognition as a refugee on the merits, or a copy of the complaint against the decision to deprive the status of a refugee to the Federal Migration Service with a note on its acceptance for consideration.

4) for foreign citizens permanently residing in the Russian Federation:

    passport of a foreign citizen or other document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as a document proving the identity of a foreign citizen;

    resident card;

    SNILS (if available).

5) for stateless persons permanently residing in the Russian Federation:

    a document recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as a document proving the identity of a stateless person;

    resident card;

    SNILS (if available).

6) for foreign citizens temporarily residing in the Russian Federation:

    passport of a foreign citizen or other document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as a document proving the identity of a foreign citizen, with a mark on a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation;

    SNILS (if available).

7) for stateless persons temporarily residing in the Russian Federation:

    a document recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as a document certifying the identity of a stateless person, with a mark on a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation;

    or a document of the established form, issued in the Russian Federation to a stateless person who does not have a document proving his identity;

    SNILS (if available);

8) for representative of the insured person:

9) for legal representative of the insured person:

10) for persons without a fixed place of residence and occupation(including children) in the absence of identity documents, social assistance institutions submit an application for registration as an insured person, containing:

    information about the insured person (last name, first name, patronymic (if any), gender, date of birth, place of birth, citizenship, place of residence);

    information about the applicant organization (name, contact information, last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the representative, seal);

    name of the territorial fund;

11) for persons not identified during the treatment period, the medical organization submits an application for identification of the insured person, containing:

    estimated information about the insured person (last name, first name, patronymic (if any), gender, date of birth, place of birth, citizenship, place of residence);

    information about the applicant organization (name, contact information, last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the representative, seal);

    name of the territorial fund.

When do I need to replace (renew) the policy

The law defines the following circumstances, in the presence of which it is necessary to replace the policy:

    last name change (for example, if you got married and changed your last name)

    change of name, patronymic,

    change of residence.

In the latter case, we are talking about moving to a permanent or temporary place of residence (subject to the availability of temporary registration) in another subject of the Russian Federation (region, republic, territory).

It is also necessary to renew the policy when:

    change of date of birth, place of birth

    establishing inaccuracies or erroneous information contained in your CHI policy.

In the presence of these circumstances, the citizen must notify his insurance company of the change within 30 days.

How to get a policy for a child

Compulsory medical insurance of children from the date of birth until the day of state registration of birth is carried out by the insurance company in which their mothers or other legal representatives are insured.

After the day of state registration of the birth of a child (after receiving a birth certificate) and until he reaches the age of majority, compulsory health insurance is provided by an insurance company chosen by one of his parents or another legal representative.

The child's insurance company can be any insurance company operating in the region.

To obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy for a child, you must:

    fill out an application in the insurance company;

    present a birth certificate of the child, his SNILS (if any);

    present your passport.

Where to get a policy:

What medical care is available for free


Useful links on the topic "CMI policy"

Tags: compulsory medical insurance policy, get a compulsory medical insurance policy, get a new compulsory medical insurance policy, compulsory medical insurance policy

CHI policy of a new sample

What you need to know about the CHI policy of the new sample

The procedure for obtaining (issuing) a CHI policy of a new sample

Documents required to obtain a compulsory health insurance policy

When do I need to replace (renew) the policy

How to get a policy for a child

Where to get a policy

What medical assistance can be obtained for free

What you need to know about the CHI policy of the new sample

From January 1, 2011, in accordance with the Law "On Compulsory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation" dated November 29, 2010 No. 326-FZ (hereinafter - Law No. 326-FZ), each citizen can independently choose an insurance company and receive a CHI policy.

Compulsory medical insurance policies issued to persons insured under compulsory medical insurance prior to the date of entry into force of Law No. 326-FZ on compulsory medical insurance are valid until they are replaced by compulsory medical insurance policies of a single sample.

Important (!)

All CHI policies issued to citizens before May 1, 2011 continue to remain valid until they are replaced on policies of a single sample.

Under these "old" policies, you are required to provide the necessary medical care under compulsory medical insurance programs.

There are no deadlines for replacing old policies with new policies by law. When to make this replacement - you decide on your own, and there should be no unrest in this matter (we will have time, we will not have time). Therefore, there is no need to rush to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy of a single sample.

The exchange will be carried out gradually over several years until 2014.

CHI policies of a single sample are produced centrally by the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, they are registered, with high parameters of protection against forgery and changes or distortions of the data that are placed on it. For citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens permanently residing in Russia, as well as stateless persons, policies of a single sample are issued with an indefinite duration.

From May 1, 2017, new CHI policies began to be issued

Insurance companies have begun issuing new electronic compulsory health insurance (CHI) policies.

The electronic MHI policy resembles a regular bank card, is equipped with a similar chip, contains the personal data of the insured (full name, date of birth, place of residence, insurance company, etc.). On the reverse side - a photo and a personal signature of the owner.

To obtain an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy, you need to apply to your insurance company. It will be made in 30 business days. The circulation of electronic policies does not cancel the validity of old-style policies that are valid until the owner replaces them, for example, in connection with a change in surname, place of residence or a change in insurance company.

The procedure for obtaining a policy

To obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy of a single sample, you must contact the insurance company. At the same time, you must first decide which medical insurance organization (HIO) to apply to, because Law No. 326-FZ gives you the right to choose a HMO. Thus, the first legal action that you must take is choose an insurance company.

The choice of an insurance company is confirmed by filling out an application, the form of which will be provided to you by the insurance company. When applying to an insurance medical organization, you are required to present a document proving your identity (passport), as well as the insurance number of an individual personal account (if any) assigned to you in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (SNILS).

If necessary, the insurer's specialist will help you fill out an application, and after it is completed, he is obliged to verify the accuracy of the data entered into it on the basis of the documents you submitted. It is necessary to fill out the application very carefully, corrections in it are not allowed. The accuracy of your personal data specified in the application is confirmed by your signature on the application, as well as the signature of an insurance company specialist.

The choice of an insurance company for children until they have reached the age of majority is made by their legal representatives: parents and guardians who are required to submit their passport, birth certificate of the child and his SNILS (if any) to the SMO.

It is also necessary to know that a citizen can choose or replace an insurance company no more than 1 time during a calendar year. An exception to this rule are situations related to the change of your place of residence or the termination of the activities of the insurance company in which you were previously insured.

On the basis of your application for choosing an insurance company, on the day of your application, you will be issued a temporary certificate confirming the issuance of a policy of a single sample. The temporary certificate has a limited validity period - 30 working days from the date of its issuance. Why is it being issued? Why is it impossible to immediately get a compulsory medical insurance policy of a new uniform sample? There are two main reasons for this.

    Each citizen can have only one CHI policy of a single sample. Therefore, before ordering such a personalized policy for you, the insurance company is obliged to check whether you have already received this policy by contacting another insurance company earlier. This verification takes 5-10 days from the date of issuance of a temporary certificate. If it turns out that you have already received a CHI policy of a single sample from some other insurance company, you will be denied a reissuance of the policy. The insurance company that issued you the temporary certificate is obliged to inform you about this.

    If you have never received a policy of a single sample, and this is confirmed by the audit, then such a policy will be ordered for you. The Territorial Fund will include information about you in the application for the issuance of policies, and will send the application to the Federal CHI Fund. However, it takes some time to produce and issue personalized policies of a single sample and their subsequent delivery to the regions from the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.

According to the calculations of experts, 30 working days is exactly the period that is necessary for all the above procedures. Throughout this period, you will be able to receive medical assistance under the territorial CHI program at the place of residence or the basic CHI program in any other region of the Russian Federation, presenting the temporary certificate issued to you. Well, after the policy of a single sample, made for you, arrives at the insurance company you have chosen, the CMO is obliged to inform you about its delivery and the possibility of receiving it.

The temporary certificate and the MHI policy itself of a single sample are strict reporting forms, therefore, when you receive them from the insurance company, you must sign in a special journal, confirming with your signature that you really received them.

Documents required to obtain a compulsory health insurance policy

The application for the choice (replacement) of an insurance medical organization shall be accompanied by the following documents or their certified copies required for registration as an insured person:

1) for children after state registration of birth and up to 14 years who are citizens of the Russian Federation:

2) for citizens of the Russian Federation aged fourteen years and older:

    identity document (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation, issued for the period of registration of a passport);

    SNILS (if available).

3) for persons entitled to medical care in accordance with the Federal Law "On Refugees": a certificate of a refugee or a certificate of consideration of an application for recognition as a refugee on the merits, or a copy of the complaint against the decision to deprive the status of a refugee to the Federal Migration Service with a note on its acceptance for consideration.

4) for foreign citizens permanently residing in the Russian Federation:

    passport of a foreign citizen or other document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as a document proving the identity of a foreign citizen;

    resident card;

    SNILS (if available).

5) for stateless persons permanently residing in the Russian Federation:

    a document recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as a document proving the identity of a stateless person;

    resident card;

    SNILS (if available).

6) for foreign citizens temporarily residing in the Russian Federation:

    passport of a foreign citizen or other document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as a document proving the identity of a foreign citizen, with a mark on a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation;

    SNILS (if available).

7) for stateless persons temporarily residing in the Russian Federation:

    a document recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as a document certifying the identity of a stateless person, with a mark on a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation;

    or a document of the established form, issued in the Russian Federation to a stateless person who does not have a document proving his identity;

    SNILS (if available);

8) for representative of the insured person:

9) for legal representative of the insured person:

10) for persons without a fixed place of residence and occupation(including children) in the absence of identity documents, social assistance institutions submit an application for registration as an insured person, containing:

    information about the insured person (last name, first name, patronymic (if any), gender, date of birth, place of birth, citizenship, place of residence);

    information about the applicant organization (name, contact information, last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the representative, seal);

    name of the territorial fund;

11) for persons not identified during the treatment period, the medical organization submits an application for identification of the insured person, containing:

    estimated information about the insured person (last name, first name, patronymic (if any), gender, date of birth, place of birth, citizenship, place of residence);

    information about the applicant organization (name, contact information, last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the representative, seal);

    name of the territorial fund.

When do I need to replace (renew) the policy

The law defines the following circumstances, in the presence of which it is necessary to replace the policy:

    last name change (for example, if you got married and changed your last name)

    change of name, patronymic,

    change of residence.

In the latter case, we are talking about moving to a permanent or temporary place of residence (subject to the availability of temporary registration) in another subject of the Russian Federation (region, republic, territory).

It is also necessary to renew the policy when:

    change of date of birth, place of birth

    establishing inaccuracies or erroneous information contained in your CHI policy.

In the presence of these circumstances, the citizen must notify his insurance company of the change within 30 days.

How to get a policy for a child

Compulsory medical insurance of children from the date of birth until the day of state registration of birth is carried out by the insurance company in which their mothers or other legal representatives are insured.

After the day of state registration of the birth of a child (after receiving a birth certificate) and until he reaches the age of majority, compulsory health insurance is provided by an insurance company chosen by one of his parents or another legal representative.

The child's insurance company can be any insurance company operating in the region.

To obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy for a child, you must:

    fill out an application in the insurance company;

    present a birth certificate of the child, his SNILS (if any);

    present your passport.

Where to get a policy:

What medical care is available for free


Useful links on the topic "CMI policy"

Tags: compulsory medical insurance policy, get a compulsory medical insurance policy, get a new compulsory medical insurance policy, compulsory medical insurance policy

CHI policy of a new sample

What you need to know about the CHI policy of the new sample

The procedure for obtaining (issuing) a CHI policy of a new sample

Documents required to obtain a compulsory health insurance policy

When do I need to replace (renew) the policy

How to get a policy for a child

Where to get a policy

What medical assistance can be obtained for free

What you need to know about the CHI policy of the new sample

From January 1, 2011, in accordance with the Law "On Compulsory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation" dated November 29, 2010 No. 326-FZ (hereinafter - Law No. 326-FZ), each citizen can independently choose an insurance company and receive a CHI policy.

Compulsory medical insurance policies issued to persons insured under compulsory medical insurance prior to the date of entry into force of Law No. 326-FZ on compulsory medical insurance are valid until they are replaced by compulsory medical insurance policies of a single sample.

Important (!)

All CHI policies issued to citizens before May 1, 2011 continue to remain valid until they are replaced on policies of a single sample.

Under these "old" policies, you are required to provide the necessary medical care under compulsory medical insurance programs.

There are no deadlines for replacing old policies with new policies by law. When to make this replacement - you decide on your own, and there should be no unrest in this matter (we will have time, we will not have time). Therefore, there is no need to rush to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy of a single sample.

The exchange will be carried out gradually over several years until 2014.

CHI policies of a single sample are produced centrally by the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, they are registered, with high parameters of protection against forgery and changes or distortions of the data that are placed on it. For citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens permanently residing in Russia, as well as stateless persons, policies of a single sample are issued with an indefinite duration.

Insurance companies have begun issuing new electronic compulsory health insurance (CHI) policies.

The electronic MHI policy resembles a regular bank card, is equipped with a similar chip, contains the personal data of the insured (full name, date of birth, place of residence, insurance company, etc.). On the reverse side - a photo and a personal signature of the owner.

To obtain an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy, you need to apply to your insurance company. It will be made in 30 business days. The circulation of electronic policies does not cancel the validity of old-style policies that are valid until the owner replaces them, for example, in connection with a change in surname, place of residence or a change in insurance company.

The procedure for obtaining a policy

To obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy of a single sample, you must contact the insurance company. At the same time, you must first decide which medical insurance organization (HIO) to apply to, because Law No. 326-FZ gives you the right to choose a HMO. Thus, the first legal action that you must take is choose an insurance company.

The choice of an insurance company is confirmed by filling out an application, the form of which will be provided to you by the insurance company. When applying to an insurance medical organization, you are required to present a document proving your identity (passport), as well as the insurance number of an individual personal account (if any) assigned to you in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (SNILS).

If necessary, the insurer's specialist will help you fill out an application, and after it is completed, he is obliged to verify the accuracy of the data entered into it on the basis of the documents you submitted. It is necessary to fill out the application very carefully, corrections in it are not allowed. The accuracy of your personal data specified in the application is confirmed by your signature on the application, as well as the signature of an insurance company specialist.

The choice of an insurance company for children until they have reached the age of majority is made by their legal representatives: parents and guardians who are required to submit their passport, birth certificate of the child and his SNILS (if any) to the SMO.

It is also necessary to know that a citizen can choose or replace an insurance company no more than 1 time during a calendar year. An exception to this rule are situations related to the change of your place of residence or the termination of the activities of the insurance company in which you were previously insured.

On the basis of your application for choosing an insurance company, on the day of your application, you will be issued a temporary certificate confirming the issuance of a policy of a single sample. The temporary certificate has a limited validity period - 30 working days from the date of its issuance. Why is it being issued? Why is it impossible to immediately get a compulsory medical insurance policy of a new uniform sample? There are two main reasons for this.

    Each citizen can have only one CHI policy of a single sample. Therefore, before ordering such a personalized policy for you, the insurance company is obliged to check whether you have already received this policy by contacting another insurance company earlier. This verification takes 5-10 days from the date of issuance of a temporary certificate. If it turns out that you have already received a CHI policy of a single sample from some other insurance company, you will be denied a reissuance of the policy. The insurance company that issued you the temporary certificate is obliged to inform you about this.

    If you have never received a policy of a single sample, and this is confirmed by the audit, then such a policy will be ordered for you. The Territorial Fund will include information about you in the application for the issuance of policies, and will send the application to the Federal CHI Fund. However, it takes some time to produce and issue personalized policies of a single sample and their subsequent delivery to the regions from the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.

According to the calculations of experts, 30 working days is exactly the period that is necessary for all the above procedures. Throughout this period, you will be able to receive medical assistance under the territorial CHI program at the place of residence or the basic CHI program in any other region of the Russian Federation, presenting the temporary certificate issued to you. Well, after the policy of a single sample, made for you, arrives at the insurance company you have chosen, the CMO is obliged to inform you about its delivery and the possibility of receiving it.

The temporary certificate and the MHI policy itself of a single sample are strict reporting forms, therefore, when you receive them from the insurance company, you must sign in a special journal, confirming with your signature that you really received them.

Documents required to obtain a compulsory health insurance policy

The application for the choice (replacement) of an insurance medical organization shall be accompanied by the following documents or their certified copies required for registration as an insured person:

1) for children after state registration of birth and up to 14 years who are citizens of the Russian Federation:

2) for citizens of the Russian Federation aged fourteen years and older:

    identity document (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation, issued for the period of registration of a passport);

    SNILS (if available).

3) for persons entitled to medical care in accordance with the Federal Law "On Refugees": a certificate of a refugee or a certificate of consideration of an application for recognition as a refugee on the merits, or a copy of the complaint against the decision to deprive the status of a refugee to the Federal Migration Service with a note on its acceptance for consideration.

4) for foreign citizens permanently residing in the Russian Federation:

    passport of a foreign citizen or other document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as a document proving the identity of a foreign citizen;

    resident card;

    SNILS (if available).

    Medical policy of a new sample: its types and design features

5) for stateless persons permanently residing in the Russian Federation:

  • a document recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as a document proving the identity of a stateless person;

    resident card;

    SNILS (if available).

6) for foreign citizens temporarily residing in the Russian Federation:

    passport of a foreign citizen or other document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as a document proving the identity of a foreign citizen, with a mark on a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation;

    SNILS (if available).

7) for stateless persons temporarily residing in the Russian Federation:

    a document recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as a document certifying the identity of a stateless person, with a mark on a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation;

    or a document of the established form, issued in the Russian Federation to a stateless person who does not have a document proving his identity;

    SNILS (if available);

8) for representative of the insured person:

9) for legal representative of the insured person:

10) for persons without a fixed place of residence and occupation(including children) in the absence of identity documents, social assistance institutions submit an application for registration as an insured person, containing:

    information about the insured person (last name, first name, patronymic (if any), gender, date of birth, place of birth, citizenship, place of residence);

    information about the applicant organization (name, contact information, last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the representative, seal);

    name of the territorial fund;

11) for persons not identified during the treatment period, the medical organization submits an application for identification of the insured person, containing:

    estimated information about the insured person (last name, first name, patronymic (if any), gender, date of birth, place of birth, citizenship, place of residence);

    information about the applicant organization (name, contact information, last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the representative, seal);

    name of the territorial fund.

When do I need to replace (renew) the policy

The law defines the following circumstances, in the presence of which it is necessary to replace the policy:

    last name change (for example, if you got married and changed your last name)

    change of name, patronymic,

    change of residence.

In the latter case, we are talking about moving to a permanent or temporary place of residence (subject to the availability of temporary registration) in another subject of the Russian Federation (region, republic, territory).

It is also necessary to renew the policy when:

    change of date of birth, place of birth

    establishing inaccuracies or erroneous information contained in your CHI policy.

In the presence of these circumstances, the citizen must notify his insurance company of the change within 30 days.

How to get a policy for a child

Compulsory medical insurance of children from the date of birth until the day of state registration of birth is carried out by the insurance company in which their mothers or other legal representatives are insured.

After the day of state registration of the birth of a child (after receiving a birth certificate) and until he reaches the age of majority, compulsory health insurance is provided by an insurance company chosen by one of his parents or another legal representative.

The child's insurance company can be any insurance company operating in the region.

To obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy for a child, you must:

    fill out an application in the insurance company;

    present a birth certificate of the child, his SNILS (if any);

    present your passport.

Where to get a policy:

What medical care is available for free


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Tags: compulsory medical insurance policy, get a compulsory medical insurance policy, get a new compulsory medical insurance policy, compulsory medical insurance policy

Registration of an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy

SOGAZ-Med invites citizens of the Russian Federation to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy in the form of a plastic card with electronic media(electronic policy).*

The electronic compulsory medical insurance policy in the form of a plastic card with electronic media, as well as the compulsory medical insurance policy on a paper form, allows you to receive free medical care under the state guarantees program throughout the Russian Federation. However, a plastic card (“electronic” CHI policy) has a number of advantages.

Compulsory Medical Insurance Policy

It is more compact and durable, which is all the more important, given that the CHI policy is issued indefinitely. This form of compulsory medical insurance policy is especially convenient for citizens who often apply to medical institutions or go on business trips around Russia.

The procedure for obtaining an "electronic" MHI policy also consists of two stages: issuing a temporary certificate and issuing a finished policy within 30 working days. A plastic compulsory medical insurance policy contains an electronic chip, a unique compulsory medical insurance policy number, a photo of the owner, his full name and signature. When applying for a compulsory medical insurance policy, you must take a picture and leave an electronic signature on a special tablet. This is done directly at the insurance office. medical company at the time of application, and you do not need to bring your photos. For children under 14 years old, plastic compulsory medical insurance policies are issued without a photograph, so parents can apply for compulsory medical insurance policies for children without their presence at the office of the insurance company.

When applying for an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy, it is necessary to present documents, as well as when applying for a compulsory medical insurance policy in the form of a paper form:

For an adult:

- the passport;

For a child:

SNILS child(for children under 14 years old - subject to availability).

Electronic CHI policies are issued free of charge and are valid throughout Russia within the scope of the basic program of state guarantees.

* Registration of an electronic policy for CHI SOGAZ-Med is not available in all regions of the Russian Federation. To clarify the possibility of issuing an electronic policy on the territory of your region, you can call the contact center 8-800-100-07-02.

To make changes to the electronic compulsory medical insurance policy, a pin code is required.

Changes to the electronic CHI policy are made when replacing the medical insurance organization (IMO), in which the citizen was previously insured, for the following reasons:

- in accordance with the right to replace the QS once during the calendar year no later than November 1;

- in case of change of place of residence;

- in the event of termination of the contract financial support compulsory health insurance.

To replace the CMO, the following documents must be submitted to the newly selected CMO:

For an adult:

- the passport;

— Electronic compulsory medical insurance policy (if available).

For a child:

— birth certificate/passport (for children over 14 years old);

- passport of the parent / legal representative;

- SNILS of the child (for children under 14 years old - if available);

— Electronic compulsory medical insurance policy (if available) .

When providing an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy a pin code is required (issued in an envelope along with an electronic CHI policy).

Those who often use the services of medical institutions know how inconvenient a paper insurance policy is. Not everyone knows how to change a paper policy to a plastic one, although they have been changing them for a long time.

Frequent wearing of a paper policy quickly turns it into a state of unreadable paper, and for some reason it cannot be laminated or folded. The idea of ​​making an insurance policy in the form of a plastic card is great. We have long been accustomed to bank cards, discounts, business cards and so on. The new plastic policy has the same format and can be carried in the business card holder in the same way as other plastic cards.

Where can I exchange a paper policy for a plastic one?

You can change a paper MHI policy to a plastic one at your insurance company at any time (working, of course). Paper policies are still in effect, and the replacement is only for the convenience of citizens. Replacing a paper policy with a plastic card is free of charge.

Gather your documents: passport, SNILS, OMS paper policy, brush your hair, and go to your insurance company.

Employees of the insurance company will help you fill out the application form, take a sample of your signature and take a photo. You can not bring the finished photo, it will be made for you on the spot. Therefore, take care of your appearance so as not to hide the policy from people later.

A plastic policy is made within 2-3 weeks, depending on the load and the number of people who want to exchange a paper MHI policy for a plastic one. Periodically, there are rumors that paper policies are no longer valid, but these are just rumors.

To reduce the waiting time a bit, submit a request for insurance policy Compulsory medical insurance can be found on the website of public services:
You can't see the link
Personal presence is required in any case for photographing and signing.

After replacing a paper policy with a plastic one, a different serial number will be indicated on it and, if necessary, you will need to go to your clinic to make changes to their documentation. There is no need to re-attach, since it is only about entering a new MHI insurance policy number into the database of a medical institution.

366 10/16/2019 4 min.

A plastic MHI policy is one of the types of a document, along with paper and electronic ones. Such a card is practical, it is durable and compact. You can get it at the branch of the insurance company, which has permission to issue plastic cards. Existing paper insurance can be changed to plastic.

The plastic OMS presents all the same possibilities as the paper version. In the article we will consider in detail its advantages and disadvantages, design features.

What is it and what does it look like

CHI insurance policy made of plastic is a functional form of insurance. Since 2014, a program has been in place to replace old policies with plastic cards. Similar in size to a bank card, it is convenient to carry it in your passport. The front side of the card is made in white-blue-red colors. It indicates a unique policy number, the name of the insurer company, a chip is knocked out. The reverse side contains information:

  • surname, name and patronymic of the owner;
  • Date of Birth;
  • photo;
  • policy action lines.

For kids a plastic card done without photography. A plastic policy is issued for an indefinite period of time.

The plastic policy does not contain information about the place of work. This is convenient because it does not require replacement of the policy when changing activities.


A plastic policy has functional differences with a paper one:

  • more convenient to use and compact (paper cannot be folded in half, since it is in this place that the barcode is located);
  • convenient to store(the paper form cannot be laminated for greater durability);
  • small size compared to paper.

As in the case of the paper version, all citizens of Russia, as well as permanently resident foreigners, can receive it.


The disadvantages of a plastic policy include:

  • the issuance of a document is not possible everywhere (only in the branches of insurance companies that have permission to issue them;
  • if replacement is necessary after the move, only a paper policy will be issued (this is due to the inability to make changes to the information stored on the chip).

The plastic version makes it possible to make an appointment with a doctor, not yet in all medical institutions. This is due to the lack of special devices that read information from the chips.

And here's how to change medical policy read on the new CHI.

The policyholder must memorize the information encrypted on the chip. This is the name of the insurer company, last name, first name and patronymic of the owner. It is advisable to remember the policy number indicated on the front side.

How to get a

Citizens of Russia of any age, citizens of other states and stateless people permanently residing in the country can apply for a CHI policy. It is issued in the insurance medical company, at the choice of the client. For a plastic policy or replacing it with a paper one, you will need the following list of documents:

  • applications for the issuance of a plastic card;
  • the passport;

To get a newborn:

  • birth certificate;
  • passport of one of the parents;
  • SNILS child.

Upon receipt of a document by foreign citizens:

  • passport of a citizen of another country;
  • permanent residence permit;
  • SNILS (if available).

Almost the same list for people who do not have citizenship.

Find out what operations are done for free under the MHI policy.

Find out the address and phone number of the nearest insurer to obtain a plastic policy, preferably in a medical institution.

Algorithm for obtaining a policy:

  1. Submit an application to the selected insurance company.
  2. On the same day, a temporary, paper version of the policy will be issued. Along with it, a handy memo-instruction on how to use insurance is issued.
  3. After 30 days, a permanent, plastic version will be issued.

Replacing an existing policy with a new one is mandatory in the following cases:

  1. Has the same functions as paper and electronic views. You can still do it. Valid throughout the country.
  2. Issued by the insurer chosen by the client. It should be able to issue plastic policies.
  3. Available as a compact card with electronic media.
  4. The plastic policy has the following advantages: strength, compactness, durability.
  5. The main disadvantage of a plastic card is the impossibility of obtaining it at any branch of the insurer. When changing the place of residence, it is possible to change the policy only to a paper one.
  6. Citizens of Russia can get insurance, foreigners permanently residing in the country and stateless people. Be sure to do it regularly.
  7. When applying for insurance, a temporary option will be issued immediately. A month later, it changes to a permanent, plastic one.

It's no secret that the Constitution of almost every country guarantees its citizens the right to receive quality and affordable medical care. Russia is no exception in this matter, using the system of insurance medicine. In order to improve it, since 2011, the replacement of the medical policy with a new document was organized. How to make such an exchange and why it is needed is the topic of today's article.

What is OMS

A mandatory medical insurance policy (OMS policy) is a document confirming the right of every citizen to timely and free medical care in the territory of the Russian Federation. You can learn more about all the rights and obligations of the policy holder by studying the laws of the Russian Federation in the field of medicine:

  • No. 323-FZ of November 21, 2011, “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”;
  • No. 326-FZ of November 29, 2010, “On Compulsory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation”;
  • some other laws and regulations.

Having studied these documents, you can see that not all medical problems can be solved with the help of such a policy - for this there is a certain list of issues called the basic CHI program. You can issue a policy by contacting any insurance company, while providing a minimum of documents.

Why did they replace policies?

A natural question arises: if the health insurance program has been operating for so long, then why change something? The fact is that the old medical policy was valid only in the region where it was issued - this created considerable difficulties. If a person went on vacation or on a business trip, for example, from Magadan to Sochi, then in cases where the help of a doctor was required, he was forced to either go to a private clinic or endure until he returned to his native land.

In addition, earlier the employer was responsible for issuing a compulsory medical insurance policy for a working person - this also created some inconvenience. The fact is that in this case, it was possible to receive insurance services only in the company with which the contract was concluded with the enterprise, and this was not always profitable and convenient. Replacing the medical policy completely eliminated this injustice.

Now a person is free to determine which insurance company to entrust his health to. Moreover, if the service in a particular insurance company does not suit the client, he has the right to change the service organization once a year. But, on the other hand, the obligation to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy is now assigned to the citizen himself, and if at the right time it turns out that such a document was not issued, there will be no one to blame.

Who needs to change the policy

Until mid-2014, old insurances were quite relevant, and citizens were in no hurry to change them to newer ones. Today, the replacement of a medical policy is carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation without fail. A new document is required in such cases:

  • the old document has lost its readable appearance as a result of damage or physical deterioration;
  • the policyholder has changed his surname, name and patronymic or other personal data;
  • the previous document has been lost;
  • the insurance company has changed;
  • the policy was issued before 07/01/2014.

"High tech

Today, everyone is offered a choice of a new medical policy of two types: regular and electronic. The first option can be obtained both on paper and in the form of a small plastic card. As the second, a universal electronic citizen card (UEC) is proposed. On it, among other information, the number of the policy itself will be registered, which can be presented when visiting a medical institution, as well as a small chip containing information about compulsory medical insurance is embedded.

It is assumed that soon the UEC will generally replace all the documents necessary for a person to live, because such a card provides a citizen with access to a huge list of services. It contains not only the personal data of a person, but also all information about him:

  • availability and number of pension certificate;
  • the right to receive benefits and their list;
  • information about the CHI policy;
  • other.

UEC will replace pensioners social card, and for the younger generation - an ordinary bank (settlement) card. According to the owner, you can list there wages, pension or allowance and use it to pay for anything: utility bills, subway fares, and so on. In addition, with the help of UEC, you can even make an appointment with a doctor, using a Sberbank ATM for this.

Where to apply for a new document

Replacing a medical policy is very simple - for this you need to contact any insurance company of your choice and submit an appropriate application. What kind of policy you want to receive - paper, plastic or electronic - decide for yourself, it does not matter much.

If you decide to issue a universal card, then you can also do this in some branches of Sberbank. An application for obtaining such a document (UEC) must be taken to special collection points, the addresses of which can be found, for example, on the website After 20 days, you will receive the coveted card, which will already be "sewn" and new policy OMS.

Remember: until you receive a new document, you are required to provide medical care on the basis of the old policy!

Prepare documents

In order to obtain a new medical policy, you must provide the following documents:

  • for teenagers and children under 14 - the original birth certificate, pension certificate (if the child has one) and the passport of one of the parents, adoptive parents or guardians;
  • adults and adolescents who already have the main document of a citizen - a passport and SNILS;
  • foreigners - a passport or other equivalent document, SNILS and a residence permit (if any);
  • stateless persons - any document that allows you to confirm your identity, the same applies to persons who do not have a passport;
  • refugees - any document confirming the assigned status, a passport.

As you can see, if you have at least some document confirming your identity, you will receive a new medical policy. If you are not receiving a medical insurance certificate for the first time, but are replacing it, then, in addition to the above documents, you need to bring the old medical policy.

How long can the procedure take

Replacing compulsory health insurance is not a very long process. Usually the procedure takes from 10 to 20 days, but in any case it cannot last more than a month. For this period insurance organization is obliged to issue a temporary document equal in strength to the main CHI policy.

Be sure to replace your medical policy. Moscow, Rostov, Tyumen - who knows where you will be tomorrow? And the new compulsory medical insurance policy guarantees you receiving high-quality medical care in any corner of vast Russia.

The procedure for replacing the OMS policy with a new model policy started several years ago. Get a policy oms new a sample will help a personal appeal to a company specializing in health insurance, or to the MFC. Alternatively, it can be ordered through a trustee. Be sure to indicate the preferred form of the received document, which is available for:

  • people with Russian citizenship;
  • people who are citizens of other states but reside in Russia on a permanent or temporary basis;
  • refugees;
  • persons without citizenship.

It is required to provide its owner with medical care without payment throughout the territory of the Russian Federation, giving the right to choose a medical institution, calling on polyclinics, hospitals, medical centers to work efficiently and efficiently.

What does he look like?

A new policy can be obtained at:

  • in the usual form - a paper document with data placed on both sides;
  • compact form of a plastic card;
  • as part of a universal electronic card (prospective option).

What does a new OMS policy look like in paper form? The format of the new document is A5, it is not recommended to bend it, and it is strictly forbidden to laminate it. The only thing that can be done is photocopies on both sides, which will help extend the life of the original. On the front side there is information about the owner (name, date, month and year of birth), date of receipt, a unique barcode. On the reverse side, information about the place of residence, the insurance company and its coordinates is printed.

The electronic form is similar to a bank card. All data about who issued it is stored on the CHIP, for this reason, the owners plastic insurance you should remember the name of your insurance company in order to provide information at hospitals and clinics. There is also a unique number here. On the reverse side there is a photograph and signature of the owner, the date until which the card is valid. The answer to the question of where to get a new type of OMS plastic policy requires additional preparation related to calling organizations whose activities are related to health insurance. The reason is that not everyone has the technical ability to issue a plastic version.

You can check the authenticity of the paper or plastic version of the policy issued to you on the official resource by entering a unique number in a special search bar. You will need to turn the document face to face, where the OMS policy number of the new sample is printed, regardless of whether it is made on paper or plastic.

List of documents

The documents for obtaining a new OMS policy are, in principle, the same for everyone:

  • a correctly executed application to an organization whose specialization is medical insurance;
  • a certified copy of a document by which you can unambiguously verify your identity;
  • certified copy of SNILS (if available).
  • a certified copy of the document confirming the status of "refugee" (certificate of consideration of the application on this issue), residence permit, identity document of a stateless person, where there is a mark confirming the legality of residence in the territory of the Russian Federation for foreign citizens, refugees and stateless people respectively.

By submitting an application for a medical insurance document of a single sample, the applicant receives a certificate in his hands that replaces the policy and gives the right to receive medical assistance until the registration procedure is completed. This certificate can be used no longer than thirty working days, after which the original medical insurance document in the form chosen by the applicant must be received in hand.

Regardless of whether you are a citizen of the Russian Federation or not, getting a new OMS policy is quite simple and fast.

Do I need to renew or order a reissue

First of all, it should be emphasized that all medical insurance documents received on hand, dated January 1, 2011 and earlier, are required to be accepted by any medical institution. Whether or not to change the old version is the business of its owner.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that having received a new document in your hands, you will not find an expiration date on it. Therefore, to the question: “Do I need to renew the OMS policy of a new sample?” the answer will be negative with some caveats:

  • there are no restrictions on the validity of this document for citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • for people who have received the status of "refugee", the policy will be valid until the person leaves the country;
  • for people who have a temporary residence permit on the territory of the Russian Federation, he will help to receive medical care free of charge as long as the permit is valid.


A single OMS policy of a new sample is valid on the territory of all subjects of the Russian Federation, regardless of the residence permit or registration of the owner. For this reason, on any trip within Russia, you must take it with you. A single OMS policy of a new sample gives the right to choose not only a doctor who provides medical services but also a medical institution.

Nuances of obtaining a new sample document

As in any case initiated by the Russian authorities, upon receipt single policy guaranteeing medical care, there are a number of nuances for which you need to prepare.

You can change the insurance company once during the calendar year and strictly until November 1. The exception is the owner's new registration address.

Insurance is carried out by one organization at a time. Accordingly, a person can be the owner of one policy.

If the plastic format was lost or damaged, then only its paper counterpart can be issued to replace it.

The plans of the government of the country over time to move massively to a universal electronic card, which will replace policies (not only old, but also new), acting as an identity card, certificate of pension insurance, etc., opening up access to a variety of state and municipal services in any region Russian Federation without payment.

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