Get a health insurance card. How to draw up a plastic OMS policy

A compulsory medical insurance policy is an opportunity to receive free qualified assistance at any state medical institution in Russia. You can apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy in person by contacting the selected insurance company, or through online public services. In the article, we will consider how to obtain, change or restore this important document.

What is an OMS policy and why is it needed?

Free healthcare for citizens in the Russian Federation is provided through the allocation of budgetary funds for each person attached to a particular medical institution. To receive free medical care, it is enough to get a compulsory medical insurance policy.

This document is a guarantee that when applying to any state medical institution in the country, a citizen of the Russian Federation will be provided with the necessary medical services free of charge. They treat under the policy of adults, as well as newborns and young children as part of health insurance.

How and where to apply for an OMS policy?

You can apply for a CHI insurance policy for an adult or a child in Moscow during a personal visit to the insurance company, through the MFC or via the Internet.


Adult citizens can take out free medical insurance on their own or get the necessary document at the place of employment. You will need the following papers to get it:

  • self-filled;
  • identity document;
  • SNILS.

When if insurance is carried out by a foreign citizen, you will need to additionally submit a residence permit.

An application for obtaining a Moscow policy can be filled out online on the website:

Important! The service is available to users who have passed the full registration procedure.(personal identification through, MFC, EIRC or departments of housing subsidies).

To kid

The Moscow City Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund allows parents to independently choose an insurance company for their baby. To get a new plastic MHI policy (electronic policy) you need:

  1. Document your parental rights.
  2. Write the appropriate letter to the selected insurance company issuing the CHI policy.
  3. Provide the necessary documents (your passport, birth certificate of the baby, SNILS of the child and parent).

You can get an electronic CHI policy on the official website of the Mayor of Moscow. This will require prior go through the registration procedure and check the parental rights of the applicant.

How to change or restore the CHI policy?

Replacing or obtaining a duplicate policy is a standard procedure carried out for the following reasons:

  • change in passport data (full name, place of residence, etc.);
  • damage or loss of the document;
  • errors in the information specified in the insurance;
  • replacement of an old document with a new or electronic one.

To replace or restore a document, you will need to contact your insurance company, write an application and submit the necessary papers. The document is produced within 1 month, therefore, a temporary policy is issued to the applicant for this line.

Where to check the CHI policy?

If you have not used medical services for a long time and there are doubts about the relevance of insurance, you can use the help of the CHI verification service.

The algorithm of actions is simple:

  • go to the verification site;
  • select the type of document (old (1) or new sample (2));
  • enter the series and number (there are tips on the page that will help you correctly determine which numbers to enter where);
  • press the button " Verify».

If the policy has not expired, and it is issued and registered in accordance with all the rules, the system will provide information about the citizen and the insurance company in which he is insured.

Points of issue of CHI policies in Moscow

After submitting an application for free medical insurance, the applicant can independently choose (- xlsx file), where and how to receive the finished document:

  • with home delivery (many companies practice this, for example, SOGAZ-MED);
  • in person (issue a CHI policy of a new sample can be issued by employees of points of issue).

The latter option is the most popular, as there are a large number of pickup points. Finding the address of the nearest one in Moscow is quite simple even for a non-resident applicant, if you have access to the Internet at hand:

  1. Follow the link
  2. Select the required insurance company (Rosno, REKO, VTB, Max-m, Rosgosstrakh, etc.).
  3. Enter the desired district of the capital (for example, for those living in Mitino - SZAO, in Domodedovo - South Administrative District, etc.).

List of medical services that you can get for free

To once again emphasize the importance of this medical document, we will compose list of free services that are available to insured citizens.

Under the OMS policy

CHI allows insured citizens to receive free services in medical institutions:

  • Ambulance;
  • outpatient type;
  • polyclinics;
  • hospitals.

The list of services includes:

  • diagnostics and treatment of infectious diseases (except for HIV, AIDS, STDs, tuberculosis);
  • management of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period;
  • any pathologies and diseases in newborns;
  • lesions of the musculoskeletal system;
  • diseases of the main vital systems;
  • birth defects and pathologies, etc.

Important! The list of available services may vary depending on the region of residence, so it is better to check with your insurance company.

Without a compulsory medical insurance policy

If a citizen does not have health insurance, he will be provided emergency medical care free of charge. All other services, including examinations and treatment, will be provided for a fee.

Why else would you need a policy?

In addition to direct presentation in medical institutions, a document on the availability of medical insurance will be needed in the following situations:

  • when placing children in a preschool or educational institution;
  • to make an appointment with a doctor;
  • to join the clinic.

A compulsory medical insurance policy is a document confirming the owner's right to receive the necessary free medical care. Obtaining this document is available for citizens of the Russian Federation and foreigners who have been staying in the country for a long time. The insurance company chosen by the user is responsible for paying off the costs. Not so long ago, a plastic analogue of the CHI policy appeared, the article shows the main advantages of its use, identifies the existing shortcomings of the system and presents an algorithm for obtaining it.

What is a plastic compulsory medical insurance policy?

In its content form, the plastic analogue completely duplicates its paper predecessor, it stores the same data about the insured person and provides them with the same opportunities to receive medical care, including making an appointment with a doctor at a medical institution via the Internet. This document is valid throughout the territory of the Russian Federation.

In case of refusal to provide you have the right to contact law enforcement agencies or representative offices of insurance companies. It is important to know that the actions of medical workers in this case are illegal.

As for the advantages over the previous version, this is primarily the reliability of data safety. They cannot be forged, it is impossible to use the electronic policy by third parties.

For those who do not have time or those who for some reason do not feel like getting a plastic version, the policies of the previous samples (green plastic card and blue sheet of A5 format) are still valid.

Note that in order to preserve the validity of paper versions compulsory medical insurance policy one rule must be observed: the personal data of the insured persons must not be changed.

If it is necessary to make changes, the owner will be issued a new electronic analogue. Also, a new version will be issued to you in case of detection of errors, typos or inaccuracies in the document. If the document is stolen or lost, you will also be issued a document in a new format.

When bringing the MHI policy into an improper state (erasing data, wrinkling or other damage to its appearance), it must also be replaced.

What is an externally electronic analogue?

This is an electronic plastic card that has a specialized chip that stores information about the insured user. In fact, this is a substitute for the paper version of policies that have been issued to users over the past time, but in a more practical version, it does not deteriorate over time and is more convenient to use. It is a card similar to a standard bank card.

A mini-chip is installed on the front side and the following data is displayed:

  • number of the insured person, consisting of 16 characters;
  • State Emblem of Russia;
  • the official logo of the CHI system.

The reverse side includes the following:

  • photo;
  • personal signature of the owner;
  • Date of Birth;
  • the duration of the policy;
  • telephone hotline of the insurance company;
  • holographic sign confirming the authenticity of the document;
  • policy number.

The chip inside the card stores the data of its owner (personal information, the name of the insured company, etc.).

Important! When changing personal data, whether it is full name. or the address of permanent or actual residence, the insured person must apply to the insured company and receive a new document with the changed data within a month.

What can be attributed to the main advantages and disadvantages of the new format?

  1. There is no need to carry additional documents with you. Now, an electronic card is enough to contact the registry, which is very convenient.
  2. The time spent on recording in terminals located in medical institutions is reduced to a minimum.
  3. The electronic format is more practical during operation, it cannot be torn or wrinkled, which is one of the main competitive advantages over analogues.
  4. The size of the electronic policy is smaller, which simplifies the process of its storage and use for its holder.

Among the shortcomings, the following can be distinguished:

  1. The necessary equipment for its use has not been supplied everywhere, but it is only a matter of time.
  2. If you change the region of residence, you must also change the card.

Note that it will take some time to reform the system for using electronic versions of the document, so do not be surprised that for some time you will have to present, for example, a passport during the registration process or that terminals are not installed somewhere or are installed, but not are working properly.

We emphasize that these are only temporary shortcomings, overcoming which users will receive a practical tool that is not afraid of wrinkling, does not need lamination and meets the requirements of convenient operation. The process of converting data into an electronic format is relevant in many areas of life.

Who has the right to issue a plastic MHI policy?

The following categories of persons can apply to an insurance company for a policy:

  • citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • persons who have been living in the Russian Federation for a long time;
  • stateless persons who live in the Russian Federation;
  • refugees temporarily staying in the country.

The presented groups of persons have the opportunity to change the previously selected insurance company. To do this, you need to apply before November 1 of the current year to a new insurance organization. This procedure is available once a year.

Where can I get a plastic CHI policy?

To obtain an electronic plastic card, the user can apply to any insurance company, branches of insurance companies work in city clinics and hospitals. You can get additional information of interest to you, a list of your rights, and learn about the specifics of the work of the company you have chosen from insurance employees.

There you can also fill out an application form with personal data to receive a document. In most cases, the procedure for filling out the application will not take you more than 5-10 minutes. This segment, however, does not include the waiting time in the general queue. Therefore, try to avoid "peak hours" when planning to visit an insurance agent.

The term for the manufacture of the policy is about a month, at which time the applicant will be issued a temporary duplicate, which can be used as the main one if necessary, in other words, it performs all functions, up to the possibility of attaching to the clinic.

Necessary documents for obtaining a plastic MHI policy

In addition to the completed form, the following set of documents must be submitted to the insurance company:

For citizens of the Russian Federation:

  • statement;
  • the passport;
  • birth certificate (up to 14 years old);
  • passport of the father or mother (under 18 years old);
  • SNILS.

For foreign citizens:

  • passport of your state with a mark confirming temporary stay in the Russian Federation (if there is no residence permit);
  • resident card;
  • SNILS.

Documents for registration of an electronic policy do not have to be submitted by yourself. This procedure can be performed by your authorized representative, but we note that in addition to the set of documents described earlier, he will need to submit a notarized power of attorney on your behalf for the right to perform such an operation.

In case of loss or theft of a plastic card, you must contact the insurance company, which will make a duplicate of the missing document.

The introduction of new samples will eliminate many of the inconveniences associated with the use of their paper equivalents. This format has stood the test of time, as Muscovites have been using this format of policies for more than a decade.

You should not rush headlong to get an updated form, but you should also not delay the moment. This is at least practical, convenient and will ultimately save you the time you spend at the reception. Do not miss the opportunity to use the progress available to you.

Goznak started issuing electronic MHI policies with a chip: Video

The compulsory medical insurance policy refers to the documents without which a citizen will not be able to receive qualified free assistance. The meaning of issuing such a document is that a citizen of the Russian Federation receives a package of honey. services free of charge, that is, the state bears the cost of treatment and maintenance of health.

The history of the emergence and development of policies

Insurance medical documents were issued in various variations. Seven years ago, such varieties were considered the norm and had legal significance. The most common type is the plastic green card, introduced in 1988. Over time, the situation required streamlining in matters of medical insurance, so after 2011 a law was issued calling for compulsory medical insurance. According to it, every resident in the Russian territory can independently choose their own company that provides health insurance services.

Plastic medical policy

A distinctive feature of the documents has become a single form of issue, valid throughout the country, regardless of which territory a person is attached to, that is, where he is registered.

Reforms in the field of healthcare have decided since 2011 to issue a policy to all citizens in the form of an A5 document (half of a landscape sheet), made in blue tones.

Note! The policy of the new sample was issued to citizens without the need for replacement, that is, indefinitely.

During the period when the policy of the new sample appeared, the old copies with the current term continued to be valid until its expiration.

A paper policy has shown over time that its use is not practical. Folding the paper document was a prohibited act due to the fact that the important applied barcode, which reads information about the patient, is located in the middle of the paper. Numerous folds could cause the number to be damaged or erased. Carrying a document in full circulation was too inconvenient, and from the slightest dirt, tears and rubbing, the document was prematurely aging. It was also forbidden to laminate the policy, since hidden state signs were not read.

According to numerous complaints, it was proposed to produce not paper versions of POMS, but plastic counterparts equipped with electronic transmitters - chips. The elimination of shortcomings made it possible to carry the policy with you always in case of unforeseen situations.

Paper health insurance policy

Improvements in technology have led to the issuance of more practical CHI policies. They are an electronic card similar to a bank card, which, in addition to medical care, can be used as a pension certificate, a bank card. The new upgraded policy allows you to find out more information about its owner and is aimed at creating a single document containing maximum information about its owner.

Additional Information! Any citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of issuing a passport, that is, fourteen years old, can get a policy of a new sample. In this case, the person must express his desire in person.

Types of health insurance policies

A citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to independently choose the type of his policy: paper, electronic, universal electronic card. All options entitle their holder to a free medical certificate. on plastic is considered the most profitable.

You can change the policy to a plastic one at any branch of the multifunctional center (MFC) "My Documents".

The policy of the new sample in paper form is paper with a title and back page. The title contains the following information about the citizen:

  • full name, surname and patronymic of the patient;
  • gender of the representative (male/female);
  • date of birth in DD/MM/YYYY format;
  • policy number of sixteen digits;
  • policy barcode located at the top of the document;
  • the symbol of the Russian Federation is the state emblem;
  • holographic security sign;
  • expiration date.

Insurance Company

The reverse side contains the following information:

  • information about the place of provision of insurance medical services to the person to whom he was attached, indicating the contact details of the organization and its address;
  • personal signature of the representative of the organization;
  • the main seal of the health insurance organization.

Each person has the right to independently choose an insurance company. Among the most common are MAX, INGOSTRAKH-M. Many are interested in the question of how to change the OMS insurance company. There are several nuances. So, if the policy was issued in one region, and the actual location of the citizen and, accordingly, the need for medical care arose in another region, then you need to contact the office of any insurance company. You must have a passport, policy and snls with you. On the spot, an employee of the organization changes the data and puts a mark on the paper policy on the back. Pre-registration is not necessary, service is on a first-come, first-served basis. The service is provided within 30 minutes.

Note! The change of the organization providing medical insurance to a person can occur no more than 10 times. That is how much is provided by the fields on the back of the policy. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible for a person to change the insurance company under compulsory medical insurance can be answered in the affirmative.

As for the electronic version of the policy, it looks like a bank card made in three colors. The advantage of this form is the ability to always carry it with you. Thanks to the built-in chip, readers can easily get all the information about the owner.

The title page contains the following information:

  • sixteen-digit policy number;
  • state symbols - emblem;
  • full name of the insurer;

Note! Personal information about a person cannot be changed.

The reverse side contains the following:

  • contact information about the insurance company (telephone for communication);
  • photo of the cardholder;
  • signature of the cardholder;
  • contact information about the owner (full name, gender, date of birth);
  • card validity period;
  • holographic sign.

How can a person change an OMS policy to a plastic one? To do this, you need to contact the specialists of the insurance company, inform about your intention and order a compulsory medical insurance policy.

MFC bodies

A universal plastic card, which is one of the multifunctional ones, can be used as a medical policy. However, its capabilities are not limited to this: it is used to open a bank account, as a social card for travel in transport, like snils and others. It does not take up much space and is designed for daily wear.

Typical data that is displayed on the map are:

  • information chip;
  • the logo of the insurance company;
  • bank logo;
  • document and card number;
  • state symbols in the form of a coat of arms;
  • payment system;
  • protection figures;
  • contact details of the insurance company;
  • personal photo of the owner;
  • signature of the card holder;
  • personal data of the owner;

On a note! You can get it at the request of the person, that is, its presentation is not mandatory.

  • validity period of the card (up to what month and year it works);
  • policy, bank card and snils numbers;
  • magnetic strip for the ability to issue cash, transfers, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages of a new policy

Different types of health insurance have their own advantages and disadvantages. The main disadvantage of the paper form of the medical policy is its fragility and impracticality in general. In this regard, many prefer to change paper to plastic.

Most insured persons notify specialists in advance of their desire to have a plastic card. You can also order it online on the website of public services. Similar actions are also carried out when a person has lost a document. You can also replace the paper version when a person is interested in the full protection of their personal data.

Insurance company MAKS

The disadvantages of electronic cards include the fact that such documents are new, and not all insurance companies are ready to provide them. It is undesirable to receive a plastic card if a person plans to change personal data in the near future, since any adjustment of information is impossible.

Thus, on the territory of the Russian Federation, every citizen has the right to free medical insurance. The gradual improvement in the type of OMS issued poles has led to the fact that at present most people have switched to plastic cards of a single sample. Only a few have preserved paper versions.

It is mandatory for a newborn child to receive a plastic card if there is a birth certificate. The procedure takes no more than 10 working days. At the same time, a new document is issued to replace the lost or damaged one.

Regardless of whether the policy has a paper, universal or plastic form, they are equally valid in the country when receiving free medical care.

How to issue a plastic MHI policy of a new sample in 2020 is detailed in Russian legislation. It also indicates the nuances that you need to know about in order to minimize the risks of rejection.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to solve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


It's fast and IS FREE!

Starting from January 2014, a program to replace paper forms of compulsory medical insurance with a plastic counterpart came into legal force. All information regarding its content is stored by an electronic chip.

All residents of Russia have the right to obtain a document. The new form belongs to the next type of health insurance policy and is on the same level of significance as a standard form or an electronic card.

Important Points

The policy in question can be issued in such cases as:

  • if the owner of the previous policy has changed his surname or other personal data (for example, he has replaced his internal passport);
  • any errors were found in the previous document;
  • the paper form of the document has been lost;
  • the previous document became unusable due to damage.

In the presence of such circumstances, you can contact the authorized body in order to issue a new document.

What you need to know

The policy in question has the same legal significance as the usual paper version.

According to the Russian legislation on social insurance, these are provided by authorized insurance companies.

The types of services provided are sponsored by the funds of insurance organizations. The plastic form of the document is issued for an indefinite period.

In other words, it has no expiration date. An exception is a policy for foreign persons who have:

  • temporary residence permit;
  • resident card.

This kind of documentation establishes the status of foreign persons on the territory of Russia, which is why they are limited by time periods.

The right to issue a plastic medical policy has:

  • all citizens of Russia without exception;
  • citizens of foreign countries who permanently live in Russia;
  • citizens who do not have citizenship, but live in the territory of the Russian Federation.

It should be noted that refugees and citizens who are temporarily on the territory of Russia also have the legal right to issue a temporary policy.

The medical policy must be available to Russian citizens, therefore it is recommended to issue it even for newborn children.

What is its purpose

The policy in question is valid throughout Russia, so it is recommended to carry it with you and take it on various trips to other regions.

Thanks to this, you can count on receiving free medical care in any locality of the country.

In the absence of a policy, you can count on receiving the necessary assistance in emergency situations.

It is extremely important to learn your personal health policy number, because in some situations it can really help.

At the same time, the plastic policy of the new sample has such a function as the possibility of choice.

This implies that if for any reason the patient is not satisfied with the medical institution, the attending physician or the quality of the services provided, then he has the legal right to choose another clinic.

To do this, it will be sufficient to write an appropriate application addressed to the head physician.

In the event that the patient has a policy, but he was refused, then there is a need to form in the name of the clinic management.

  • to the local government;
  • to law enforcement agencies;
  • to an insurance company.

When drawing up numerous complaints at the same time, with a high probability, which was refused, it will not only be fired, but also brought to justice for exceeding official duties.

Important - a plastic medical policy is of the same legal significance as the old format.

Legal regulation of the issue

The main regulatory document on the issue of issuing a plastic medical policy is considered to be.

It is in this regulatory act that the mechanism for issuing a policy and the list of necessary documentation that must be submitted to minimize the risks of rejection are displayed.

How to get a new plastic medical policy

As in any other case initiated by the Russian Government, during the period of obtaining a single policy that provides guarantees of medical care, there are some nuances that require special attention and preparation, namely:

You need to know about these nuances in order to minimize the risks of various kinds of misunderstandings.

What does this plastic card look like?

The new form of the document implies a plastic card of the same size as a bank card.

A plastic CHI policy of a new sample, where the series and number is displayed on the front side, includes all the necessary information about the owner.

The front side on a three-color background additionally includes:

  • information about the insurance company;
  • broken chip.

On the opposite side there is a photo of the owner and additionally the following information:

  • full initials;
  • date of birth and time until which the document is valid.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that a plastic policy for children is made without a photograph.

What are its advantages

The key advantages of the new plastic medical policy in comparison with the paper one are that it is not only practical, but additionally:

  • is more compact;
  • made of durable materials;
  • cannot be torn or wrinkled;
  • convenient not only to store, but also to wear.

In terms of its functionality and legal significance, the plastic form of the document is no different from the old model. There is no difference in the quality of services provided.

Of the shortcomings of the considered form of the document, only one is singled out - the lack of the possibility of registration in various branches of insurance companies.

In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that when changing the place of residence, a plastic document will need to be handed over, and a paper form is provided in return.

It will be enough for the owners of the paper form of the policy to contact one of the branches of the insurance company in order to make all the amendments to the corresponding register.

This is largely due to the fact that the corrected information that is in the chip cannot be changed.

List of required documents

According to Russian legislation on compulsory insurance, the package of required documentation varies depending on who is the applicant.

In particular, for children aged 0 to 14, you must submit:

  • original ;
  • internal passport of the Russian Federation of the legal representative of a minor child. For guardians, it is necessary to prepare a document capable of confirming the legality of representing the interests of the child;
  • - if available.

For minors over the age of 14, you must submit:

  • internal passport of the Russian Federation + copies of all completed pages;
  • SNILS.

If foreign persons are involved in issuing a compulsory insurance policy, then they need to submit:

  • a document proving their identity with a mandatory mark in it of a permit for temporary residence on the territory of Russia;
  • SNILS - if available.

For foreign citizens who live in Russia, and on an ongoing basis, you need to prepare and submit:

  • a document that certifies the identity of a foreign person;
  • residence permit - can be provided at the territorial representation of the migration service.

It is not necessary to provide any other documentation as the packages indicated are exhaustive.

Where can I get

Regardless of what form of policy a citizen draws up (made on a paper form or plastic), the rules and procedure for obtaining remain unchanged.

To be able to issue a plastic policy, you must contact your own or other medical insurance company in accordance with Federal Law No. 326 “On Compulsory Medical Insurance in Russia” with a corresponding application and a complete package of necessary documentation.

Video: plastic card instead of the usual paper medical policy

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that each insured citizen has the legal right to replace a previously issued paper policy with an electronic one.

This procedure is free, but there are some nuances that you need to know about.

Is it possible to replace the paper version with a plastic one?

Due to the fact that in January 2014, medical insurance companies began issuing plastic varieties of policies, many citizens began to raise questions about the validity of old models.

Old forms of the document are to be replaced with plastic ones in stages. It is for this reason that there are no specific periods that could limit their validity.

Replacement is carried out on a voluntary basis. The only exceptions are such situations as:

  • there were correction entries in the passport data (for example, the address of residence has changed, or the owner has registered a marriage, and so on);
  • errors were identified in the previous issued policy;
  • the old compulsory insurance policy was lost;
  • improper condition of the previous policy (the information indicated on it on the front or back is poorly readable or it is impossible to read the necessary information from the chip).

In order to be able to change the previous compulsory insurance policy, its owner needs to contact his insurance agent directly with a request to issue a new copy.

Replacement is carried out exclusively free of charge, you do not need to pay for anything. Funds under the program are evenly distributed between compulsory medical insurance funds and authorized medical insurance organizations.

For example, if some situations required paying about 120 rubles to issue a paper form, then the plastic form of a document costs about 50% more.

If the owner of the policy has changed the place of residence, then it becomes necessary to change the policies for all family members (who else has it issued).

If the insurance company does not work at the new place of residence, then you need to choose any other one.

Finally, we can say that a new type of document is valid throughout Russia, so it makes sense to regularly take it with you on trips, and in the event of an insured event, use the document for its intended purpose.

In Russia, there is a system of compulsory medical insurance - MHI. An electronic policy is something that is now being actively implemented by insurance companies. What kind of document is this? How to use it? What are the pros and cons of it? Understanding all this is actually not as difficult as it seems. It is enough to understand what format we are talking about. And, of course, to understand the procedure for obtaining this paper.

Compulsory health insurance

In the Russian Federation, the government allows the population to participate in the so-called CHI program. It provides compulsory health insurance to everyone. Why participate in this system?

It allows you to receive free medical care in public institutions. That is, people will not have to pay for visiting a particular doctor, for tests and other studies. It is enough to present a paper certifying participation in the CHI system. An electronic policy is one of the options for certification.

Paper and card

Previously, insurance companies offered a slightly different document. It was a paper one. It indicated the number assigned to the citizen, as well as information about the owner. And, of course, the mention of the service company.

Only the paper MHI policy wears out pretty quickly. Yes, and the service to the population in this way is slow. Progress does not stand still, all systems are becoming automated or computerized. Technological innovations and the CHI system have not bypassed. An electronic policy is a replacement for a paper certificate for the right to receive free medical care. It is presented in the form of a small plastic card (such as a bank card). The same information is published on it as on the paper version of the document. Only plastic has its advantages.

Customer opinions

What exactly? What do visitors think about getting an e-policy? How good is this interpretation? There is no clear answer here. After all, everyone has their own view on certain objects. Attention should be paid to this.

The population says that compactness has become the unsurpassed convenience of electronic policies. The size of such a "document" does not exceed the usual banking plastic. So, you can always carry the policy with you. Very comfortably!

Also, numerous reviews indicate that among the advantages that the electronic policy gave to the CHI system, there is the actual durability of the "document". It is much more difficult to damage a plastic card than a paper one. So, damage to the policy is practically excluded.

According to citizens, the document under study also has shortcomings. But they can be fixed in the future. The first point is that not all clinics accept electronic policies yet. Many require paper documents. All this is due to the fact that medical institutions do not yet have either software or equipment that are designed to work with electronic policies. The second point is that many citizens point out that the service for plastic so far takes longer than for paper documents. All this, again, is due to the fact that the electronic form was developed and introduced quite recently. Reviews like this are all over the place. The CHI policy of electronic format has no more criticism of one nature or another.

Promised Benefits

But these are all just opinions. They often do not reflect reality. Therefore, the government independently indicates a number of advantages of using such a document as an electronic MHI policy. Where to get it? More on this later. First you need to find out how the upcoming paperwork is justified.

What are the advantages of a plastic card replacing a paper one? The State provides the following information:

  • actual absence of wear;
  • compactness;
  • confidentiality of client information;
  • rate of service under the policy;
  • possibility of use throughout Russia;
  • ease of use;
  • indefinite action.

Accordingly, if you believe all the advantages, you can really think about ordering the document under study. Particularly pleasing is the lack of wear compared to the paper counterpart, as well as the compact size. The main advantage of the electronic policy is its simplicity and ease of use. For this alone, you should think about ordering plastic.

Where to get

Another question that interests many is where you can get an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow and other cities. It's actually easy to answer. Citizens themselves can choose exactly where to go to bring their ideas to life.

There are several options here. A citizen is interested in electronic or any other city - this is not so important. The main thing is that the answer will not change much. Only the addresses of the places will be different. But institutions are similar. Among them are:

  • insurance companies operating in the region;
  • portal "Gosuslugi" (not everywhere);
  • points for issuing compulsory medical insurance policies (may be located in polyclinics and hospitals).

You can't get this document anywhere else. In general, the compulsory medical insurance policy can be issued through multifunctional centers. Just keep in mind that we are talking about a paper format. An electronic card at the MFC is currently not issued in any city, even in the capital there is no such possibility.

Who has the right

The next question that interests the population is who is entitled to receive free medical insurance under the CHI system? After all, not everyone can order an electronic policy! What are the restrictions on this?

Everything is simple. All citizens who have certain documents can participate in the compulsory health insurance system. Among potential recipients, the following categories of persons can be distinguished:

  • adult citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • children under the age of 18;
  • foreign persons staying on the territory of Russia.

Accordingly, everyone has the right to receive a medical policy. But in the case of foreigners, you will have to try - you will need a lot of documents. In any case, more than for citizens of the Russian Federation.

In several stages

An electronic compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow and other cities can be obtained in several stages. They are not very difficult. The main thing is to choose in advance the body to contact. For example, a specific insurance company. After that, there are several steps on the way to obtaining the document:

  • collection of a package of papers;
  • preparation and submission of an application of the established form;
  • receiving a plastic card.

Nothing else is needed. The waiting time for the card is 30 days. You will have to wait about a month from the moment of submitting the application before returning to the insurance company or the policy issuing point to pick up the finished plastic.

Documents for adults

Now we should pay attention to more important points. It is clear what constitutes an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy. Where to get it in certain cities? It's no longer a secret! But what documents will be required from a citizen in order to submit a request for the manufacture of plastic?

Among all the necessary papers, several categories can be distinguished - for children and for adults. First of all, adult citizens are interested in the task. Therefore, you should start with them. To obtain an electronic policy, citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 18 must bring with them:

  • application of the established form (optional);
  • Russian passport;
  • SNILS;
  • medical policy (if any).

The application is not mandatory. Usually it is filled in by employees of the insurance company and given to the citizen for signing and checking the correctness of the entered data. No paperwork!

Foreign citizens also have the right to receive a compulsory medical insurance policy. Even electronic. To do this, you need to bring to one of the previously listed bodies:

  • passport of a citizen of a foreign state;
  • SNILS (if any);
  • documents indicating legal stay in the country (it is with them that there may be problems);
  • residence permit or temporary registration documents (if any).

Of course, an application of the established form must be attached to the entire list of the above. If a foreigner already has a policy, it is advisable to provide it too.


How to get an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy for a child? Here you need to take into account some nuances. First, the application must be filled out on behalf of the parents, indicating information about the child. Secondly, it is required to provide a larger list of documents. In connection with the latest changes, the issuance of the CHI policy is carried out after citizens bring with them:

  • identity card of one of the parents;
  • birth certificate of the child;
  • SNILS of a minor;
  • MHI policy in paper format (if any).

The announcement has already been made. It's all. The main problem occurs in newborns. Even such citizens must have SNILS. Without this document, the compulsory medical insurance policy is not issued in principle. This is what the latest changes say.

Where to go in Moscow

Interested in an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy? Where can I get it if the person is in Moscow? The exact addresses of insurance companies can be found on the interactive map of the city. But if we talk about specific organizations, the following firms offer to submit an application of the established form:

  • SogazMed.
  • UralSib.
  • MSK "Medstrakh".
  • "RESO-Med".
  • "Consent-M".
  • "Rosgosstrakh-Medicine".
  • "Ingosstrakh-M".

Now it’s clear how to get an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow and other cities. Everything is not as difficult as it seems. The most difficult choice is the determination with the insurance company. Everyone chooses which organization he will turn to for insurance!

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