Why might the father of the child need snls. What do you need to get SNILS for a child? Use in children - main directions

What is SNILS?

C NILS - the insurance number of a citizen's individual personal account in the system of compulsory pension insurance. SNILS is unique and belongs to individual personal account only one person. On thethisthe account contains all data on the insurance premiums accrued and paid by the employer,as well asinsurance experience during the entire labor activity of a citizen, which are subsequently taken into account when assigning or recalculating a pension.

To whom is an insurance certificate issued?

FROM insurance certificate is issued to all categories of citizens,registeredin the personalized accounting system of the Pension Fund Russian Federation , including children, non-working citizens and the military.

How to get an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance?

You can get an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance on your own or through an employer.

For self-acquisitioninsurance certificate you must contact the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of your registration (residence), present your passport (or any other identity card) and fill out the questionnaire of the insured person. The certificate is issued within one to two weeks.

To register children in the system of compulsory pension insurance and obtaining an insurance certificate, parents (legal representatives) must contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence with a passport or other document proving the identity of the child, and fill out a questionnaire (to register children under the age of 14, have a certificate on the birth of a child and the passport of one of the parents or legal representative).

For working citizens most common way to obtain an insurance certificate - through your employer . If there is no insurance certificate when starting work, the employee must fill out an insured person's questionnaire. Then, within two weeks from the date of conclusion of an employment contract or a work contract, the questionnaire is transferred to the Pension Fund for registration of an employee in the OPS system. The Territorial Department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, within three weeks from the date of receipt of the questionnaire of the insured person, opens an individual personal account and draws up an insurance certificate.

The insured, having received insurance certificates, issues them to employees within a week.

Individual who pays for himself insurance premiums, receives an insurance certificate directly from the territorial department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of its registration.

How long is the insurance certificate issued for?

The insurance certificate is issued for a lifetime.

What documents are needed to obtain an insurance certificate?


For persons under 14 years of age:

Birth certificate of the child;

A document proving the identity of the parent or his legal representative.

For minors over 14 years of age:

Passport or other document proving the identity of the child.


Passport (or any other form of identification).

What to do if the insurance certificate is lost?

If the insurance certificate is lost within a month, it is necessary to apply to the insured with an application for the restoration of the certificate. Non-working insured persons must apply for the restoration of the insurance certificate interritorial body of the Pension Fund at the place of residence, which the within a month from the date of application of the insured person, on the basis of an individual personal account, issues a duplicate of the insurance certificate.

What information is contained on the insurance certificate?

Answer: The insurance certificate contains:

Insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS);

Full Name;

Date and place of birth;


Date of registration in the mandatory pension insurance system.

What to do if personal data changes?

When employees change their personal data (for example, last names), the insured is obliged to submit new information to the Pension Fund in the form of an application for the exchange of an insurance certificate within two weeks. The territorial body of the PFR reflects all changes in the individual personal account of the insured person and issues the latter a new insurance certificate with the same insurance number of the individual personal account.

Non-working insured persons must submit an application to the Pension Fund authority at the place of residence.

Who has access to the information contained in an individual personal account?

Do I need to give the insurance certificate to the employer for safekeeping?

No, it doesn `t need. The insurance certificate should be stored directly with the citizen, the employer only makes a copy for himself and rewrites the insurance number.

Why issue SNILS for a child?

An insurance certificate is the only identifier of personal data of citizens in all federal and regional departments of Russia, an identifier of universal social cards. With the help of cards, you can receive a variety of government services - from medical care to concessionary travel.

Why issue an insurance certificate for military personnel?

If military personnel, along with the service or after its completion, are additionally engaged in paid activities (for example, pedagogical, scientific or creative), then insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance are paid from the remuneration. Information about accrued and paid insurance premiums, as well as the period of work after the end of military service, is recorded on an individual personal account. Upon reaching the generally established retirement age (60 years for men and 55 years for women), the right to the insurance part of the labor pension will be determined.

Is it necessary to have SNILS to participate in the state co-financing program?

Yes. In order to enter the program of state co-financing of pension savings, a citizen must first of all be registered as an insured person in the compulsory pension insurance system according to the above procedure.

What is an EUC? Will SNILS be somehow connected with it?

EUK - electronic universal card (EUK). The project is planned to be launched in 2012. With the help of the card, it will be possible to get access to many services, including the service in the system of compulsory medical and pension insurance, Banking services, transportation. The insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS) in the system of individual (personalized) accounting maintained by the Pension Fund is recognized as a single identifier for the EUC.

My daughters are 5.5 and 4 years old. And I believe that animals should not be started before the youngest is 7 years old. Even at almost 6 years old, the daughter hurts the cat without realizing it. She thinks he's just playing with her. And I also, as the author once lied to the children about the death of a cat, I said that we would take her to the hospital, where they would cure her and give her to good people who did not have pets. I only said that because my daughter got hysterical when we wanted to take the cat into the forest to bury it. She screamed: "Mommy, please don't take her into the forest, the wolves will eat her there." Any mother would be heartbroken by this. Therefore, when, after a little over a year, we again had to experience the death of an animal, I sat the children next to me and tried to explain to them what death is, why the kitten died, how to and how not to act in order to minimize such situations. . There was no hysteria. They understood and accepted the situation.

For a long time, in many state and not so organizations, you have been asked to present SNILS, and to the question: “What to present?”, They explain: “Green plastic card”.

What is SNILS?

For the first time this abbreviation was introduced throughout the Russian Federation on January 1, 1997. federal law dated 01.04.1996 No. 27-FZ “On individual (personalized) accounting in the system of compulsory pension insurance” and stands for “insurance number of an individual personal account”.

As a matter of fact, the notorious "green plastic card”is not correctly called SNILS, but an insurance certificate, which only this insurance number contains, along with the full name, date and place of birth and gender of the insured person.

Does a child need SNILS?

The question of whether an adult has an insurance certificate has more or less been resolved, and everyone who officially works or receives a pension has already been assigned SNILS.

However, many people ask themselves the question: “Does my child need SNILS?”.

After carefully reading this article, you will answer this question in the affirmative.

So, if initially SNILS was introduced solely for the purpose of controlling the payment of insurance premiums, on the amount of which the size of the pension depends, then with the passage of time, the value of SNILS expanded.

A feature of SNILS is that it is assigned to a person once and no longer changes, regardless of the change, for example, or the facts of replacing the insurance certificate.

If you carefully follow the trend in the use of SNILS, then you can say with a high degree of certainty that in the future SNILS will replace other personal identifiers, such as, for example, TIN, or even passport data.

Currently, SNILS, in addition to the actual purpose of calculating a pension, is needed for the following:

How to get SNILS for a child?

The only structure that assigns SNILS to a person is the Pension Fund of Russia.

Based on this, the child can:

1. By personal appeal:

  • In its territorial division of the Pension Fund. For persons who have permanent registration at the place of residence or temporary registration at the place of stay, such a division is the Pension Fund department at the place of registration.

    If a person does not have registration at all, then he can apply for the assignment of SNILS to the Pension Fund department at the place of actual residence.

  • In the multifunctional center (MFC). You can apply to any MFC, regardless of the place of residence, but, however, only within the subject of the Russian Federation where you live.

2. Without personal appeal:

  • Through preschool institutions (nursery, kindergartens), where the responsible employee collects documents for obtaining SNILS for a sufficiently large number of children at a time, and himself transfers them to the PFR department;
  • When issuing a universal electronic card, the assignment of SNILS occurs automatically;
  • Through the first employer. This is the case if the child began his working career at the age of 14.

What documents are needed to apply for SNILS?

I would like to remind you that a child under the age of 14 cannot independently perform legally significant actions, therefore, all actions, including personal appearance at the FIU or MFC, signing an application in kindergarten, etc., necessary for the child to receive SNILS, are performed by a parent or legal representative.

What’s more, you don’t even need to be there.

That's why the list of documents for obtaining SNILS for a minor child will look like this:

  • An identity document of the parent (other representative);
  • A questionnaire signed by the parent (representative) in the ADV-1 form;
  • Document proving the identity of the child.

If the child is already 14 years old, this means that he must apply for a passport, which means that he himself takes the steps to obtain SNILS.

In this case, the documents for obtaining SNILS are as follows:

  • Identification document of the child;
  • Form ADV-1 signed directly by the child
In the most common case, when both a parent and a child over 14 years old are citizens of the Russian Federation, the identity document is a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, and for a child under 14 years old, this is a birth certificate.

However, the rules for filling out an application (ADV-1), approved by the Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund No. 192p of July 31, 2006, provide for a total of 18 types of identity documents.

Here is a list of these documents with the corresponding codes, which are indicated in the application in the ADV-1 form:


Passport of a citizen of the USSR


Passport of a citizen of the USSR


Birth certificate


Officer ID


Certificate of release from prison


Passport of the Ministry of the Navy


Military ticket of a soldier (sailor, sergeant, foreman)


Diplomatic passport of a citizen of the Russian


foreign passport


Certificate of registration of an application for recognition of an immigrant as a refugee


Resident card


Refugee certificate in the Russian Federation


Temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation


Passport of a citizen of Russia


Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation


Sailor's passport


Reserve officer's military ID

Other documents issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Deadlines for obtaining an insurance certificate

Since we need an insurance certificate exclusively for presentation somewhere, it would be useful to indicate the period during which the insurance certificate will be issued in hand.

We are talking about the insurance certificate, and not about SNILS, which at the time of the certificate was already assigned.

So. The insurance certificate will be handed out depending on the submission of documents:

ADV-1. questionnaire of the insured person

There is nothing complicated in filling out the questionnaire, you just need to rewrite the data from the documents without errors.

However, it should be noted that since the child's birth certificate does not contain a record of registration at the place of residence, it is more correct to indicate the address of the child's place of residence as the actual place of residence, and not as the address of registration.

Also, if the identity document is in a foreign language, you should bring a notarized translation of the document into Russian.

In our country, every person must have an insurance certificate of the PFR, which is issued for his entire life and contains all the necessary information on pension insurance. It is best to order it immediately after birth, so parents of babies need to know how to get SNILS for a child so that he can fully exercise his rights.

SNILS performs the function of the insurance personal account number of each person in the FIU, which is recorded on a green form issued by the relevant authority on the basis of a personal application.

In addition to the number, it also reflects the full name. person, date and place of his birth, time of registration with pension insurance authorities.

SNILS is assigned individually to each subject for his entire life. When changing personal data, the number of the insurance certificate is not subject to change.

Its significance lies in the fact that it reflects the number of the personal account where the employee or his employer makes the deduction of insurance premiums. According to SNILS, you can find out not only information about the accumulated amounts, but also the periods of labor activity taken into account in the employee's length of service for calculating a pension. It is paid upon reaching a certain age or insured event(death, disability of the insured). All information is taken on the basis of personal account data.

SNILS is valid together with a passport or other identity document.

Attention! Also, the number is needed when receiving many benefits and social guarantees of the state. Therefore, the number of a personal account in the FIU is often asked to provide when applying to medical institutions, when entering educational institutions or for work.

Many authorities interact with each other in relation to individuals precisely by SNILS numbers, using it as a unique identifier.

Now there is a development of a system for citizens to apply to the services of state bodies "from home" on the basis of the public services portal. People get access there by numbers recorded in SNILS.

Also, a single universal card is currently being introduced, which will provide a number of services in the field of social insurance and medicine, it also uses data from a pension certificate.

Why do children need a witness?

It is advisable to start obtaining a card for a child immediately after receiving a birth certificate.

This is due to the fact that:

  • Medical services will be provided to the baby in full only upon presentation together with the SNILS medical policy.
  • SNILS opens up access to receiving such social guarantees as free medicines, vouchers to sanatoriums, etc.
  • Upon admission to a kindergarten or school and further educational institutions, SNILS for a child allows you to apply for benefits for free meals, a camp and a number of other social privileges.
  • SNILS is an identifier on the public services portal, where you can queue for a kindergarten without leaving your home.

Read also:

How to arrange a child in Kindergarten using an electronic queue

Why get SNILS for a newborn?

It is better not to postpone the receipt of a document for a newborn by relatives for a long time.

SNILS will allow parents to issue and receive in a simplified form:

  • Services medical institutions(polyclinics, hospitals) when servicing a newborn (according to a birth certificate for keeping a child after birth for a year)
  • Receive medicines prescribed by law free of charge (usually for children under three years of age);
  • Receive free, nutritious, age-appropriate meals;
  • Prepare the necessary certificates and documents for the baby;
  • Arrange various benefits (for birth, children, maternal capital etc.).
  • Participate in the inheritance of a pension.

Where to get the document

The question: where to get SNILS for a child can only be answered directly at the FIU, or at the MFC.

The easiest way is the possibility of parents contacting the nearest branch of the MFC. They need to provide the necessary package of documents, an employee of the center will process them, draw up an application and send it to the FIU. Then he will set the time when you need to come up to get your hands on a ready-made PFR certificate.

However, this method is longer in time than a direct appeal to the PFR department. This is explained by the document flow between the MFC and the FIU upon requesting a certificate and receiving it. But the term for issuing SNILS cannot exceed 3 weeks.

Parents of the child can also go to the nearest PFR branch and apply for a personal account number there. As a rule, the application itself is filled out by an employee of the pension fund, the applicant only needs to verify his identity.

The FIU sets a time, and the completed certificate is handed over to the child's parents. The maximum period here is also three weeks, but often the issuance is carried out within 7 days from the date of application.

Attention! Recently, parents have often been interested in how to get SNILS for a child through public services. Today there is no such possibility. On the portal, you can fill out a questionnaire and print it, but you will only need to submit it in person. At the same time, the FIU claims that the personal data of an individual are confidential and cannot be transferred remotely.

How to get an insurance certificate for a child?

Making an insurance certificate for a child is a simple procedure that is not much different from the usual one.


Get this document has the right of any of the parents, or legal representatives of the newly born baby. However, it must be borne in mind that by this time it is necessary to issue a birth certificate at the registry office, since without this document the procedure for obtaining SNILS will be impossible.

A copy of the identity card of one of the parents must be included in the package of documents. Who will act for them - mother or father, does not matter. The presence of the baby when applying for SNILS is optional.

Since since 2013 the registry office is obliged to transfer information about children born to the FIU, a certificate for a baby can be obtained in Moscow and some regions immediately upon application.

Many modern parents are faced with the need to draw up a personal account, aka SNILS, for a child. SNILS is required for admission to kindergartens and schools. We will talk about the benefits of early receipt of SNILS and the features of this procedure.

SNILS is the insurance number of an individual personal account. This is how this abbreviation is deciphered. The number consists of eleven digits and is a guarantee that the person will receive a well-deserved pension. This is an individual set of numbers assigned only one person. SNILS is recorded in a special document - an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, this certificate is a small green card resembling a bank credit card. On the card is personal information owner: last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, city, country, as well as SNILS. During a person’s life, all transfers from the employer are received on the card, which form the future pension.

Previously, SNILS was issued upon admission to the first place of work. Today, the insurance number has become much younger. It is received by schoolchildren, pupils of preschool educational institutions and even newborns.

Why does a child need SNILS?

A counter question arises - is SNILS really necessary for a minor if he is not yet working, and, accordingly, pension income from employers is not credited to his individual account.

In the context of global computerization and systematization, the functionality of SNILS has expanded significantly. In the foreseeable future, each person will become the owner of a universal card, which will contain the most important information about him. The individual number will become the only identifier of the authenticity of the data contained on the card.

SNILS will open wide access to social and medical insurance programs. Parents will be able to receive most of the benefits only if their child has an individual account in the Pension Fund. A card with an eleven-digit number will allow you to streamline the free services that the state provides.

In the foreseeable future, the Russian Federation plans to abolish the medical policy, TIN (identification number), pension certificate. They will be replaced by a single SNILS.

Why does a child need SNILS in the garden?

A mandatory requirement for a child to enter most federal kindergartens is that a young Russian has SNILS. The child is not yet a taxpayer, but to receive money for medical insurance a baby is impossible without a pension certificate with the SNILS indicated in it.

In other words, the preschool educational institution will not be able to conduct document management without indicating the personal account number of its pupils. Only for children registered in the general system will it be possible to receive money for medical services, etc. This innovation came into force in January 2011 under the law of the Russian Federation on medical insurance. Active issuance of insurance cards and SNILS to preschoolers began in 2012.

Why does a child need SNILS to go to school?

The presentation of SNILS upon admission to school has so far been dictated by the same goals as when enrolling in kindergarten. Without registration in the general system, most operations related to the transfer of funds to pupils of an educational institution are not possible.

The school SNILS has far-reaching plans. The individual number is planned to be fixed on the universal electronic card of the future. It will allow the child to pay for meals in the dining room, visit the library, additional circles. The card will function as a travel ticket, insurance, medical card, identity card, school pass and diary. At the same time, even the busiest parents will be able to keep abreast of their child's progress, control his pocket expenses and school attendance.
While multifunctional electronic cards are under development, educational institutions bring their pupils into the system, paving the way for universal passes / diaries / credit cards / insurance.

How long does it take to register a child in the compulsory pension insurance system?

For adults, registration in this system occurs at the time of the first official employment. Since children do not work and do not pay taxes, the legislation of the Russian Federation considered it superfluous to establish specific deadlines for registration.

A child can be assigned SNILS upon admission to a kindergarten / school (if required by an educational institution), in adolescence, after graduation, when the issue of employment becomes more relevant. The best option is to issue SNILS for the baby in the first years of life, then, if necessary, you will not have to deal with these procedures in an emergency mode.

What documents should be provided for registration of a child with SNILS?

Upon receipt of SNILS for a child, you will be required to provide the following documents:

  • application for registration in the Pension Fund with the signature of the accompanying person (parent);
  • birth certificate of the recipient of SNILS (original + copy);
  • passport of the accompanying (parent) minor recipient of SNILS.

A questionnaire form is issued on the spot, which the parent fills out and certifies with his signature.

Who must apply to the FIU to apply for compulsory pension insurance for a child?

When applying for SNILS for a child under 14 years of age, one of the parents must accompany him without fail. At the same time, the presence of the youngest Russian is not necessary.

A 14-year-old Russian who has received a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation independently acts as an applicant. Fills out the questionnaire, writes the application, fastens the documents with personal signatures. One of his parents can accompany the recipient of SNILS.

If your grown-up child, for some reason, cannot be present when receiving SNILS, an individual number can be provided to another person. Wherein prerequisite is a power of attorney. Such a service is not yet available in all regions of Russia. So before the visit, it is better to call the Pension Fund and clarify the controversial points.

Some modern schools and preschool educational institutions issue SNILS for their pupils centrally. This keeps parenting to a minimum. All they have to do is fill out a form and submit a birth certificate.

What are the terms for issuing insurance certificates of compulsory pension insurance?

The terms of registration of the certificate are regulated by the current legislation. After providing all the necessary documents and filling out the questionnaire, SNILS will be handed out in three weeks (no later than). As a rule, the process is much faster. SNILS is issued on average within a week.

In the conditions of mass registration of individual insurance numbers for children in pension funds The country is in real turmoil. The lion's share of time and effort can be spent waiting in line. So before going to the FIU, it makes sense to first find out about the workload of the institution over the phone.

You can apply for SNILS online. It is enough to go to www.gosuslugi.ru, fill in Required documents and plan how to get the card. The individual number itself is provided instantly.

This virtual service is still subject to improvement and simplification, since not everyone will be able to understand the registration procedure. Alternatively, you can print the form from the website and fill it out at home. This will somewhat shorten the procedure for obtaining SNILS in the Pension Fund.

In fact, applying for SNILS for a child is not as troublesome and useless as it seems in the minds of many parents. Every year the functionality of the individual account will expand. It will greatly simplify the lives of parents and open up wide access to state subsidies and benefits.

Video about why a child needs SNILS?

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