Find out your TIN from your passport. How to find out TIN without passport data

TIN of an individual - data of great importance to a person. Everyone has the appropriate combination, but not everyone knows about it. An individual may be required under different circumstances. And that's why it's important to know how to get it. Or rather, where you can see the relevant information. It's not as difficult as it seems. And with the right preparation, it will be possible to cope with a similar task in as soon as possible.

What's this?

What is the TIN of an individual? Before we learn the relevant information, we need to understand what we will be dealing with.

This is an identifier combination that is used to search for data about a citizen in the FTS database. This component is required both during employment and during the opening of an IP / LLC.

How many digits are in the TIN of an individual? 12 digits that are assigned to each person at birth. Only not everyone knows that they have a tax ID. It does not change under any circumstances.

Ways to find information

Finding out the TIN of an individual is offered in different ways. And depending on the circumstances, the algorithm of actions will change.

So, how to get data on an individual taxpayer number? You can go the following ways:

  • study the tax payment;
  • look at the data in the TIN certificate;
  • use the "Public Services";
  • use the "Find out your TIN" service.

All of these options are completely free. Anyone can use them.

What is useful for searching

Is it possible to find out the TIN of an individual from a passport? And in general, what information will be useful to bring the idea to life?

It is worth remembering that it is impossible to find the taxpayer identifier by full name. The citizen will have to have some more information about the person. Ideally - passport data.

That is, according to the passport, the studied identifier can be detected. But only by last name and first name - no.

Depending on who searches the data, they may require:

  • passport details of the person you are looking for;
  • F. I. O. of a person;
  • the region in which the person lives.

That's all. It is advisable to provide registration information. SNILS is not required. It is not possible to find a tax identifier using information from an insurance certificate.

By payment

Everyone can find out the TIN of an individual. Let's start with the simplest option. But it is not always possible to implement it.

We are talking about searching for information in the payment notification from the Federal Tax Service. must be indicated in the corresponding payment. It is enough to look at the "Payer" block. Everything is simple and clear.

The disadvantage of this solution is that payment notifications from the tax authorities are sent at a certain moment. And if a person does not have old copies of papers, he will have to wait for a new payment. And this takes a lot of time. Especially if the deadline for paying this or that tax has not yet come to an end.

Testimony and Data

You can find out the TIN from the passport of an individual. But for this, as a rule, it is necessary to issue a certificate of the established form. After that, a person will be able to see the information of interest to him in full in the issued paper.

The individual taxpayer number is written in the certificate of the established form. This is a combination of 12 numbers which is unique. It is impossible not to notice her.

How to get a certificate

A few words on how to issue a certificate with a TIN. All you need is an ID and an application. The service is completely free. It appears within 3-5 days.

To get a document with a tax ID, you need:

  1. Collect a certain package of documents. We have already talked about it.
  2. Fill out an application for issuing a TIN.
  3. Contact the Federal Tax Service for registration with the appropriate request.
  4. Wait a few days.
  5. Get your hands on a ready-made certificate of the established form.

Fast, simple, convenient. After the actions taken, a person may no longer think about searching for an individual identifier in the Federal Tax Service.

"Public services" and data

With the development of technology, citizens began to offer a variety of state and municipal services via the Internet. Today in Russia there is a portal called "Gosuslugi". With it, anyone can discover information about themselves or other persons.

It is proposed to check the TIN of an individual through the "Find out your TIN" service. It is located on the "Gosuslugi", free of charge and works flawlessly.

To use this technique, you will need:

  1. Register on the Gosuslugi website and go through authorization using your login and password.
  2. Confirm the profile in any convenient way.
  3. Go to the "Catalog of services".
  4. Select "FTS" - "Know your ...".
  5. Click on the "Get..." option.
  6. Fill in the information in the free fields. Usually you need to indicate the full name of the person, his region of residence, as well as registration.
  7. Click on the "Learn" or "Search" button.
  8. Wait for the test results to appear on the screen.

That's all. Within a few minutes, information about the taxpayer will appear on the display. It's not as difficult as it seems.

The most difficult thing is to register for "State Services", as well as confirming your identity. These procedures take about 2 weeks. And therefore, not everyone is ready to take advantage of this kind of reception.

FTS website to help

The tax office for the TIN of an individual can search for data on citizens. This is the main use of an id in real life.

To find out the TIN of an individual absolutely free of charge and without registration, the user can use the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. There is a service "Find out your TIN". It works exactly the same as "Gosuslugi". But in this case, there is no need to register a separate profile.

The algorithm of actions is reduced to the following steps:

  1. Visit the page
  2. Open the "Services" block.
  3. Click on the "Find out your TIN" button.
  4. Fill in all the fields that appear on the screen.
  5. Click on the "Find" button.

It is done. Just a couple of seconds - and the user will see the tax ID. With it, you will be able to find out tax debts, as well as pay them off. Everything is extremely simple and clear.

Personal visits

But that's not all. The TIN of an individual is invited to find out directly at the local authority of the Federal tax service. This is not the most common scenario. It will not be possible to obtain information about third parties in this way. This fact must be taken into account by all citizens.

In general, the applicant needs:

  1. Take your passport with you. It is advisable to have a certificate of registration.
  2. Contact the Federal Tax Service at the place of residence.
  3. Inform employees of your intentions.

Tax officials will inform the person of his TIN. Quite often, a citizen is offered to immediately issue a certificate of the established form. If it exists but is lost, the documentation can be restored.

As already mentioned, third parties cannot obtain a taxpayer ID. But this is possible if the applicant has the passport details of the person. Fraudsters often use this technique to achieve their goals.

Search for taxes

Finding out taxes by TIN of an individual is easier than it seems. In Russia today you can use the following services:

  • electronic wallets;
  • "Public services";
  • website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation ("Personal Account" of the taxpayer);
  • Internet banking;
  • service "Payment of public services".

In all these cases, it is enough to enter the corresponding service, then indicate the taxpayer ID and wait for the scan results.

The simplest layouts are the use of "Gosuslug" and "Personal Account" of the taxpayer. Taxes by TIN of an individual will be displayed in the "LC" after authorization on the relevant sites.

Payment by ID

Now a few words about how to pay your tax debt. This is not the most difficult task. Especially if the citizen already has an individual identifier.

The TIN debt of an individual is checked quickly. It is proposed to repay it through all the previously listed debt verification services. Additionally, you can pay the tax through ATMs or terminals.

Let's consider the procedure for paying off the debt on the TIN of an individual through Internet wallets. In order to complete the task, you need:

  1. Log in to your online wallet.
  2. Open "Products, services".
  3. Click on the "Taxes" or "Search for taxes" button. The inscriptions may differ depending on the payment system.
  4. Specify the identity of the citizen.
  5. Click on the button responsible for searching data.
  6. Select a specific payment on the screen.
  7. Click on the "Pay" button.
  8. Confirm the transaction after reviewing the payment details.

Nothing more needs to be done. After a few days, the transaction will be processed by the tax office.


Checking the TIN of an individual in Russia is much easier than it seems. Every modern person can cope with the task. Just follow the given instructions.

Having decided to check the TIN of an individual, you will need to have the person's passport information. Then the task will bring a minimum of hassle. And even a person who is poorly versed in paperwork will be able to bring the idea to life. The main thing is to remember that you can find out the TIN of an individual absolutely free of charge. You do not need to pay for this service under any circumstances.

Every citizen of our state is registered as a taxpayer with the tax authorities. To identify it, the IFTS uses a number that is assigned to an individual. People should reflect this number in declarations, tax receipts, etc. The TIN is an important requisite, so you need to have an idea of ​​​​how to find out the TIN of an individual from a passport.

Almost every citizen in our country has a universal number called TIN. According to him, he is identified as a taxpayer. TIN is recorded in the certificate, which is issued to an individual in his hands.

It is recommended to issue this certificate immediately from the moment the child is born, especially if he has a basis for calculating tax payments (for example, land or real estate tax). This document is issued to an individual both on his initiative and legal representatives, or at the request of the tax authorities.

This number consists of 12 characters. The first two reflect the subject of the federation in which the individual is registered, and the next two encrypt the inspection that issued the certificate. The numbers 5-10 reflect the unique number in order, which is assigned to each person. 11 and 12 are used as a check number, with the help of which the correctness of the specified identification number is checked.

Attention: if a citizen is not yet registered with the tax, then he can either at the place of permanent or temporary registration. In this case, documents can be submitted to any tax office.

In all documents submitted to the IFTS and received from there by an individual, his TIN is present. Since the tax authority is accruing tax liabilities for this identifier. And when a citizen makes a payment, the TIN inspector monitors whether the debt is fully repaid, whether there are arrears and whether it is necessary to hold the individual accountable.

Also, the individual himself can request the presence of tax debts in the tax office, indicating only his TIN on their website. Therefore, this requisite is of great importance, and everyone should have an idea how to find out the TIN of an individual.

When applying for a job, the administration of an economic entity is asked to present this certificate to a new employee. Although the TIN number is not included in the list of required details by labor standards, the employer must indicate it when sending information to the IFTS and the FIU.

An employee can apply to his employer with a request to obtain a TIN for him. This is done only with the consent of the business entity, because this is not part of his duties. An individual can issue it again as soon as possible.

Since 2016, citizens of foreign countries, when they are in the territory for a sufficiently long time and work here, are required to issue a TIN. The legislation stipulates that in order to obtain a patent for work, foreigners must be registered with the Federal Tax Service.

How to find out the TIN of an individual

There are several ways to find out the TIN number:

  • Via the Internet using the website of the tax service or the portal "Gosuslugi"
  • Through the MFC when requesting the TIN recovery service.

For all methods, you need to know the passport details of the person who owns the TIN code. Therefore, to find out this number just does not work.

According to the passport

Currently, all legal ways to find out the TIN are based on the fact that you can find out the taxpayer number only if you have a passport. There is no other way to find out the TIN number of an individual. The easiest way to find out the code is to use the service on the tax service portal.

On the website of the Tax Tax ru

To obtain a number, it is mandatory to have the following information:

  • Full name the person whose number you need to know;
  • His date of birth;
  • Type of identity document (usually a passport);
  • Its series and number.

This is the minimum information that must be specified without fail.

Also on the page there are fields for affixing:

  • Places of birth;
  • Date of issue of the supporting document.

After specifying the code, you must send a request, and the TIN code will be displayed in response.

Through the website of the State Service

Portal "Gosuslugi" provides many convenient electronic services. Among them is the search for a TIN number.

If there is no registration on this portal, you must do this using the SNILS number. In fact, this is the only way to find out your TIN by SNILS via the Internet.

This procedure is not quick, because after registering on the site itself, it is necessary to verify your identity - this can be done in person at the Federal Tax Service, any of the MFCs or an authorized body for this, by receiving a letter with a code by mail.

Attention: after confirmation of registration, you need to select the “Find out your TIN” tab in the list of services or go to the page There you fill out a request form, and in response, the TIN number is displayed on the page.

Through the MFC

It is possible to get your TIN number by contacting the MFC. However, it should be noted that not all centers provide services in this direction, and before contacting directly, it is best to call the MFC and clarify whether, for example, they can get a TIN.

If the answer is yes, then this is what needs to be done. They will not provide the TIN number immediately, so you need to request a service to restore it if it is lost.

Attention: this procedure is paid - the state duty is 300 rubles in simple situations and 600 rubles for urgent applications. When you arrive at the MFC, you must have your passport with you.

After the agreed period, you must again contact the MFC - they will issue a duplicate certificate, which will indicate the TIN number.

Is it possible to find out the TIN by last name without a passport

All information about individuals is confidential. To exclude access to such information by third parties, a comprehensive check of the right to receive such data is carried out. For these purposes, in order to obtain a TIN of a person, it is necessary to indicate not only your personal data, but also information about a passport or other supporting document.

However, there is an opportunity to obtain some information about a person (including his TIN), but it only works if he is registered as an entrepreneur.

To do this, you need to go to the service of the website of the Federal Tax Service and there on the tab "Individual entrepreneur" indicate the full name. and region of registration. In response, an extract from the state register of individual entrepreneurs will be displayed, or an error stating that information is missing.

Attention: thus, it will not work to find out the TIN by last name about a simple citizen without a passport. In the same way, you cannot get a number by name and date of birth without a passport. A positive result will be achieved only if there is all the necessary information for this.

What information can be found on the TIN

The TIN number is not secret - it is used by tax and other government agencies to identify taxpayers. However, it will not be possible to obtain serious information having only them.

Using the service "Check yourself and your partner" on the website of the Federal Tax Service, you can get extracts with data about a person. You must complete the "Individual Entrepreneur" section. However, this step will only work if the person is registered as an individual entrepreneur. In other cases, the service will show an error.

This way you can find out:

  • Entrepreneur registration codes;
  • date of registration;
  • How regularly does he pay taxes;
  • What activities does it conduct (according to OKVED2 codes).

Important: no other information can be legally obtained by the TIN number. Even the SNILS number cannot be obtained by requesting it using the TIN via the Internet - you need to apply with a passport to the PF or MFC.

The TIN is a taxpayer identification number. In modern life, it is indispensable. It has ordinary citizens, individual entrepreneurs and organizations. It is possible to distinguish the TIN of an individual and a legal entity by its quantitative composition: for organizations, the number contains 10 characters, for citizens - 12 characters. And how to find out your TIN, you will learn from the article. How to find out your TIN

TIN - a unique taxpayer number that was introduced to facilitate the accounting and control over the payment of tax fees. For organizations, it has been applied since 1993, for citizens - since 1999. It is assigned to everyone who is somehow connected with any type of activity and receives income from it.

  1. According to Tax Code of the Russian Federation Article 207 All individuals with income are taxpayers. Article 207. Taxpayers
  2. By Article 29 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation legal entities must also pay taxes to the state treasury if they have their own business or enterprise in Russia. Article 29. Authorized representative of the taxpayer

Each digit that is part of the taxpayer number carries a certain characteristic. The first 2 characters for all taxpayers indicate the region, the 2 digits following them - the number tax office in which the TIN was assigned. For individuals, the next 6 digits are the number itself, and the last 2 are the verification settlement code. For organizations, the characters from 5 to 9 indicate the taxpayer number, the 10th digit is the control number.

Important! The taxpayer number is assigned to both citizens and organizations once ().

Why you may need a TIN

TIN is assigned to both individuals and organizations. You should know under what circumstances a TIN is required. The meaning of the TIN numbers


  1. With any employment, along with a passport and work book, a future employee in the personnel department is usually asked for a TIN. There is no statutory obligation to present a certificate. By Labor Code of the Russian Federation article 65 in the list of documents required for employment, the TIN is not listed.
  2. Filing a tax return, obtaining a loan or filing documents for a refund tax deduction require information about the TIN. For example, if a citizen has been issued a loan or mortgage, then he is entitled to a refund of a certain part of the funds.
  3. Informing about tax debt The easiest way to get it is by knowing your TIN.
  4. If an individual decides to become an individual entrepreneur, then in this case one cannot do without a taxpayer number.
Article 65. Documents presented at the conclusion of an employment contract

Important! Not only the adult population requires a TIN. In some situations, the child may also need it. For example, when receiving an inheritance.

Legal entities

When registering any enterprise, it is assigned a 12-digit TIN, which will be required:

  • when making contracts;
  • when submitting reporting documents to the tax office;
  • when participating in tenders;
  • when receiving loans.

Video - How to find out or get a TIN

How to apply for a TIN

Registration of TIN should be carried out by all types legal entities on one's own. For individuals, they can help in obtaining a taxpayer number only upon admission to the first place of work.

You can issue a TIN:

  1. At the tax office. You need to fill out an application for the assignment of a taxpayer number. Its form is standard (download). You can get it at the tax service or download it online on the website ( You also need to have a passport with you, where there should be a registration. If you have a temporary certificate of registration, then this should also be brought. After 5 working days, the taxpayer will be registered and receive a certificate.
  2. Russian Post. This method requires sending a completed application and a copy of the passport pages, which must be notarized. The shipment must be made by registered mail. Please note that the response time will be slightly increased due to the time spent on the work of the mail.
  3. On the website of the FTS. To register, you must fill out the proposed form No. 2-2 on the official website of the tax service in electronic form. Then select the branch of the Federal Tax Service at the place of residence and send the completed application. You must first register on the website In your personal account, it is proposed to track the readiness of the certificate, for which you need to come to the tax office in person.

How to find out

In practice, there are 3 main ways to find out your identification number.

Site Nalogi.Ru

Requires a device connected to the internet.

You need to enter the official website ( Find in the "Electronic Services" section "Find out the TIN". Find out the TIN number through Nalogi.Ru

You have to fill out a short questionnaire. Data Fill Tab

Information with the taxpayer number will appear on the screen. Information with taxpayer number

Important! When sending a request in the columns where passport data is recorded, it is necessary to enter the information of the passport on which the registration took place. If the document has been changed, then it will not be possible to find out your TIN using the new data.

Website of the State Service

You should enter the website of the State Service ( Select the category "Taxes and Finance" from the catalog and click on the "Find out your TIN" section. Find out your identification number through the State Services

You will need to fill out an application: enter your full name, passport details, date of birth. If the entrance to the State Services occurred through Personal Area, you do not need to fill in any information. The result will be provided in a couple of seconds. Enter the required data

The taxpayer number will be displayed on the screen.

Through the tax office

On the site you can choose the nearest tax office and make an appointment online so as not to stand in queues and not waste time. You should take your passport with you. Online registration in the tax office

other methods

The Internet offers other ways to find out the taxpayer number. For example, bank Tinkoff( invites everyone to get information about the TIN by name, number and series of the passport. You can find out the taxpayer number through Tinkoff Bank

In order to prevent the question of the TIN from arising later, it is better to make a mark on page 18 in your Russian passport. This procedure is carried out in any department of the Federal Tax Service by Government Decree RF No. 32 dated 22/01/2002 article 14. The whole operation will not take more than 15 minutes. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 32 dated 01/22/2002

TIN is an important requisite for any citizen and organization. You can’t do without it when applying for a job, processing important documents: a loan, property or inheritance. It will be impossible to calculate the pension.

Remembering the data of the main identity document - a passport, is useful in certain life situations. It is far from always possible to get a passport within a few seconds and provide the necessary data at the place of demand. Quite often, information may be required when an identity card is simply not within reach. How to determine passport data, series and number of the passport by full name owner?

What not to risk

Usually, in standard situations, all citizens remember that a passport with the coat of arms of Russia is the main document and certificate that not only certifies identity.

Citizenship is confirmed by having a passport Russian Federation and there is an implementation of all constitutional rights and freedoms. Where is series and number of the passport where to look for information about it? On the first page on the side, and then from the 5th to the 20th.

Passport is an opportunity buy real estate, get a certificate of graduation or a university diploma, get married, register a newborn son or daughter in your name, defend yourself in courts and a huge number of functions necessary for life.

Risk factors upon receipt of personal data:

  • Even if it is vital to obtain such information, it should be remembered that the provision of personal information from unverified sources can bring a lot of undesirable consequences. An important fact is that in our vast country you can find hundreds and thousands of namesakes, namesakes by name and patronymic, so there is a fairly high probability of a complete match of all the data, and therefore, obtaining information about the passport data of a completely different person.
  • The series is written and the passport number is not always where they are watched. This is far from a defining category, which allows you to get exceptionally unique information. Citizens of the Russian Federation who have a passport are well aware that on its sheets there is a lot of various information encoded by one method or another, this is a series of passports . How many digits does the serial number include passports? Answer: 10.
  • Passport series by region also has a certain specificity. For example, all regions have codes consisting of several designations and combinations of numbers. The line where the series is written and the passport number also include the year of receipt of the document, which is a specific element of the encoding.
RF passport

Attention! No matter how necessary information regarding personal data is, do not trust promises. Entering a surname, name and patronymic in a questionnaire on a particular site, for the purpose of data , can lead to quite disastrous consequences.

Information about the serial number of the document is located exclusively in the OFMS service databases, is specific and may not be available for extraction by one or another intermediary. How can you avoid leaking information and protect yourself from the fact that someone can get your data and use it. More on this later.

Legislation and regulations

Every day, our compatriots in various situations perform a lot of operations on the Internet, involving the entry into the database of personal data or their use. For the most part, users do not even suspect how dangerous unauthorized interference with databases can be and what consequences it can lead to.

Starting from issuing loans and cards, which today is considered one of the relatively harmless fraudulent activities, to more serious ones. When with just a few clicks of an unknown craftsman, you can lose all your property - from real estate to other material values.

To prevent this from happening, the state and the Government authorized the relevant institutions and bodies to protect the security of data about citizens. Main regulations, which regulate the security of processing and the safety of the information used:

  1. Federal Law No. 152 “On Personal ...” dated July 27, 2006;
  2. Amendments and additions made to the Federal Law as amended on July 29, 2017;
  3. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 828 dated July 08, 1997 No. 828, on entering a personal code into a document - a passport of the Russian Federation;
  4. Decisions of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of August 9, 2011 No. GKPI11-902 and No. GKPI03-927.

Unauthorized use, use for personal purposes and dissemination of data regarding citizens and their personal information strictly limited Federal Law No. 152.

They refer to organizations working with personal information and passport data, processing such information.

The work and actions of a certain nature are not regulated by law. First of all, this applies to the processing of data by other individuals for personal purposes, the organization and filling of archives, the processing of data about persons who may have elements of state secrets.

By law, Federal Law No. 152 cannot restrict the use of personal data related to the activities of court instances or submitted judicial order. Also not regulated court activity regarding personal information.

Collection and use of personal data

Today, a large number of a wide variety of databases have been developed, created and actively used, where specific personal data, passport and other information are collected. But access to them is allowed only to a narrow circle of people. So, not only people with a bad conscience and fraudulent inclinations can be the initiators of studying the passport data of a person. Find out passport details literally necessary in the following situations:

  • Checking the law-abidingness, solvency and business reputation of the tenant, lessee, applicant for obtaining, as well as a new business partner.
  • Getting the right information about the chosen one or the chosen one before entering into marriage. Traditionally, these are the functions of detective agencies and bureaus.
  • The study of the characteristics of the biography of a person applying for a job, especially if the activity will be associated with liability or other specific functions.
  • Thanks to narrowly professional Internet databases, search for debtors service bailiffs or law enforcement agencies.

Note! P Such arrays are available only to those who are engaged in such activities on duty. Everyone who has access to personal information are provided with a non-disclosure agreement.

How to find out the series and number of the passport

Based on the features and specifics of passport data, it is impossible to obtain them only by providing a surname, name and patronymic. At this level of request volume, you can get a response containing a telephone number, place of residence, number of a registered vehicle, the code .

There was a need to request the TIN of a person? In this article, all methods and particular cases of checking the taxpayer identification code, all the necessary concepts and basic information related to this concept are considered as clearly and in detail as possible.

Taxpayer identification number: concept and features

Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN ) - a special code assigned to each citizen of the Russian Federation who pays taxes in the state budget. This code is assigned by the tax authority to individuals and enterprises at the time of registration. TIN helps the Federal Tax Service to monitor the timely payment of taxes. When fixing the number, the citizen is issued a document containing all the necessary information about the person and this identification code. The document is called "Certificate of registration of an individual with a tax authority."

The registration procedure requires the submission of the following list of documents:

  • Application for registration with the tax authority (form 2-2 "Accounting"), a form filled out manually or pre-filled in electronic form and printed.
  • A copy of the Russian Federation passport or other certifying document containing information about the person's registration address.
  • If there is no information about the registration address, it is also necessary to attach a notarized copy of the document containing information about the registration address.
  • If the person receiving the certificate of assignment of the taxpayer code does not live at the registration address, the tax inspector may also require information about the residence address and telephone number for contact.

Copies of documents must be notarized.

Each citizen is once assigned a unique combination of numbers that cannot be found in another citizen. The code is assigned once, and it is impossible to receive several versions of the code for one person.

Upon the initial receipt of a certificate, the state does not charge any payments from citizens, however, if the certificate is lost or the need to obtain a copy, the citizen is obliged to pay the state fee and attach a copy of the receipt for its payment to the above documents. Persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities and civil servants are strictly required to obtain an identification number.

Code decryption

The assignment of a unique code to each taxpayer is due to the exact identification of the person and the elimination of the possibility of repetition or double counting. The code consists of twelve digits, each of which carries certain information. According to the type of information encoding, the TIN number can be designated as

111122222233, where:

  • 1111 - carry information about the subject of the Russian Federation, the tax office of which assigns a code to a person.
  • 222222 - serial number of the entry in the register, under which there is an entry about this individual.
  • 33 - a control number specially calculated by the tax authority.

The difference between the TIN of an individual and the TIN of a legal entity

  1. The taxpayer code of an ordinary citizen consists of 12 digits. For legal entity The code is made up of 10 digits.
  2. The unique combination is based on the information about the address of residence, appearing in the citizen's passport. The organization receives a code in accordance with its legal address, which reflects the location of the organization.
  3. The TIN assigned to the company cannot ever be registered for another organization. In the event of liquidation of the company and its withdrawal from tax accounting, this code is invalid.
  4. Identification code individual entrepreneur who made the decision to terminate the activity, is not recognized as invalid and is not lost, remaining unchanged and assigned to him as an individual until death.

Why is a TIN required for an individual

  1. Carrying out business activities. A citizen is obliged to obtain a Certificate of registration in the event that he decided to carry out entrepreneurial activities. In the future, information about him can be requested in the Unified State Register of IP precisely by the identification number, which does not change if the person has ceased entrepreneurial activity.
  2. Citizen's request for tax deductions.
  3. Submission of a tax return.
  4. Participation in government auctions.

A document on the assignment of a taxpayer code may be required when a citizen submits an application for participation in state auctions, as well as when issuing a qualified digital signature proving a person's identity on state portals.

The applicant may be asked to provide a copy of the TIN certificate, even if the job is not related to the public service. This is required for ease of calculating personal income tax.

The citizen has never received a taxpayer identification code and does not have an appropriate document. Does it have an identification number?

No, as the tax authority will automatically assign the appropriate code to him when paying taxes, for example, on transport, or when receiving benefits.

Can the TIN change?

An identification number is assigned to a citizen once, and is valid throughout his life. Upon the death of an individual, this number is invalidated. However, the question arises whether it is necessary to replace the TIN or tax registration certificate if:

The person moved to a new place of residence and changed the address of registration

In the event of a change of residence, the identification code does not change. A citizen can receive a new certificate containing information about the previous number. The tax authority, having received information about registration at a new address, will notify the tax office, in which the citizen was previously registered, of the change of residence.

To obtain a new certificate, you must have:

  • Completed by hand or electronic form and a printed certificate application.
  • A document containing a mark on the place of residence of a citizen.
  • For individual entrepreneurs: a copy of the certificate of assignment of TIN with a mark of the tax office at the previous place of residence on deregistration.

There was a change of full name, date of birth, place of birth, gender

In this case, a person can receive a new document on the assignment of a TIN with a new taxpayer code. It will contain the former identification number of the citizen.

To replace the Certificate, you need to prepare:

  • A manually completed or electronically completed and printed Application for the issuance of a certificate.
  • Previously received certificate of tax registration.
  • Passport or other identification document.
  • A document containing a note on the place of residence of an individual.

How to find out your TIN

If you have a certificate of assignment of a TIN

The desired combination is twelve digits, reflected in the Registration Certificate under the information about the full name of the document owner, his birthday, place of birth, gender and date of registration with the tax office.

Below is the area code tax authority, consisting of 4 digits.


The request for a unique taxpayer code does not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation, since personal number taxpayer does not apply to confidential information!

To obtain information about the assigned number, you need:

  1. Enter the full name reflected in the documents;
  2. Indicate the type of identity document (for citizens of the Russian Federation - a passport);
  3. Enter the series, passport number;
  4. Enter date of birth

The search will not be carried out in the absence of the above information.

Produced with the help of government sites:

  • State portal "Gosuslugi"
  • Website of the Federal Tax Service:

After entering the security code, the portal will display information about the assigned to an individual TIN, if available.

Procedure for finding out your TIN online

An example of requesting an identification code on the FTS portal:

  1. Go to the site:
  2. Select the appropriate button: find out your TIN / someone else's TIN.
  3. If you need to find out your TIN, the form is found:
    • Surname (required information).
    • Name (required information).
    • Patronymic (in the absence of a mark in the next column, refers to the mandatory information provided).
    • Date of birth (required information).
    • Place of birth (if available).
    • Type of identification document - select from the list.
    • Series, document number (information is required).
    • Date of issue of the document - information is required).
  4. Enter the security code - numbers or letters from the picture.
  5. Press the "Get" button.
  6. Information about the citizen will be displayed on the computer screen.

Similar steps can be done on the public services portal.

How to check someone else's TIN of an individual

To request a taxpayer number, the tax service website sets the following requirements:

  1. Select the type of applicant.
  2. Provide information about the applicant. Mandatory: TIN, full name (in the absence of a middle name, a mark is put), date of birth, identity document, its series and number, date of issue; Place of birth is not required.
  3. Write in the columns information about the requested person.
  4. Enter the security code: numbers or letters from the picture.
  5. Press the "Submit" button.
  6. The information of interest will be displayed on the computer screen.

I need an identification number, but there is no passport data at hand! What to do?

The fact is that the passport data of the requested citizen must be indicated. If a person is engaged in entrepreneurial activities, it is possible to request his TIN number. What should be done:

  1. Go to the state portal ""
  2. Press the button "Business risks: check yourself and the counterparty" (located on the front page of the service)
  3. In the search criteria, indicate "Individual entrepreneur"
  4. Make active search for last name, first name, patronymic and region;
  5. Fill in the columns with data about the individual entrepreneur;
  6. Enter the control code from the picture;
  7. Press the "Find" button.

In the search results, you can see data on the citizen: full name, TIN, date of assignment of the OGRNIP, date of termination of activity (if any). If desired, by clicking on the full name of an individual entrepreneur, you can download the USRIP extract to your computer with full information about the entrepreneur and his activities.

In other cases, a request for a taxpayer code obliges the entry of passport data.

Based on the foregoing, the following conclusion can be drawn:

  1. A certificate of registration and assignment of a taxpayer identification code is issued by the Federal Tax Service within no more than five days from the submission of the required documentation.
  2. Identification does not change when a person's address changes.
  3. The change of the fixed code (with a record of the previous encoding) occurs if at least one type of data specified in the certificate is changed, except for the place of birth.
  4. To request a taxpayer code using the Internet, the passport details of the requested person are required. This can be done using the portal "Gosuslugi" or on the portal of the Federal Tax Service.

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