Sogaz insurance group. Sogaz JSC Participation in associations

Detailed personal data of the insurer:

110 from 01.07.2006
Short company name:
Full company name:
Open joint-stock company "Insurance company of the gas industry"
Former company name:
Company TIN:
Federal Service license number insurance supervision for carrying out insurance activities of the company and the date of its issue, other licenses:
From No. 1208 77 dated 07/25/2006

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Specify the addresses of the company's representative offices in your city and the places of conclusion of insurance contracts by the specified contact numbers or on the company's website.


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The most up-to-date data on all changes in the activities of the represented insurance company can be found in the Russian Union of Motor Insurers.

Authorized capital (rub.)

15 111 482 640


From 1208 77
from 16.08.2011

Types of insurance


Types of insurance:

  • 1 - accident and illness insurance
  • 2 - health insurance
  • 3 - insurance funds land transport(excluding funds railway transport)
  • 4 - insurance of railway vehicles
  • 5 - air transport insurance
  • 6 - insurance of water transport
  • 7 - cargo insurance
  • 8 - agricultural insurance (insurance of crops, crops, perennial plantations, animals)
  • 9 - property insurance legal entities, with the exception of Vehicle and agricultural insurance
  • 10 - insurance of property of citizens, with the exception of vehicles
  • 11 - insurance civil liability vehicle owners
  • 12 - insurance of civil liability of owners of air transport
  • 13 - insurance of civil liability of owners of water transport
  • 14 - civil liability insurance of organizations operating dangerous objects
  • 15 - insurance of civil liability for causing harm due to defects in goods, works, services
  • 16 - civil liability insurance for causing harm to third parties
  • 17 - business risk insurance
  • 18 - insurance financial risks
  • 19 - civil liability insurance for non-performance or improper performance of obligations under the contract
  • 20 - compulsory insurance of civil liability of the carrier for causing harm to life, health, property of passengers

Insurance group SOGAZ was established in 1993 and includes: universal Insurance companies SOGAZ and SOGAZ-SHEKSNA, a company under compulsory health insurance"SOGAZ-MED", the life insurance company "SOGAZ-LIFE", the agricultural insurance company "SOGAZ-AGRO", CJSC "Leader", the health insurance company "Sheksna-M" and the medical service organization LLC "Gazprommedservis". SOGAZ Insurance Group provides insurance services in all areas of insurance activity. The main direction is the insurance of the corporate sector in various industries.

The company participates in foreign construction projects such as the construction of the North European Gas Pipeline and the gas pipeline linking Russia and Southern Europe. It is also a member of the Business Council of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and participates in many socially significant projects created by the SCO. The regional network of SOGAZ in Russia is represented by more than 600 divisions and sales offices. Since 2008, a new model of offices has been introduced - Unified Insurance Centers, which provide services to all companies included in the group.

SOGAZ is leading financial statements according to international standards. The group's auditor is PricewaterhouseCoopers.

The Russian rating agency "Expert RA" assigned SOGAZ the highest reliability rating - "A++". In the international agency Standard & Poor's rating financial stability group "BBB-". According to data released by the Federal Insurance Service in 2012, the SOGAZ insurance group took second place in the rating of Russian insurance companies.

The companies that are part of the SOGAZ group participate in specialized associations such as the Russian Union of Motor Insurers, the All-Russian Union of Insurers, the Russian Nuclear Insurance Pool, the Russian Association of Aviation and Space Insurers, the Association of Fuel and Energy Complex Insurers and many others.

In 2013, Nikolai Galushin, First Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of SOGAZ OJSC, was awarded the annual Golden Salamander award in the Gentleman of the Year in the Insurance Market nomination.

Insurance of legal entities and individuals.


JSC "SOGAZ" cooperates with a number of major manufacturers of aviation equipment, air carriers of Russia, carries out independently and in cooperation with other insurance companies insurance of space projects.

Certificates and licenses:

Licenses for insurance and reinsurance (No. C1208-77 and No. P1208-77 dated 16.08.2011 - federal Service on financial markets).
- The high level of the quality management system adopted at SOGAZ is confirmed by a certificate of compliance with the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001-2008 (ISO 9001:2008) (No. The validity of the certificate applies to all key activities for the company.

History reference:

Insurance Group "SOGAZ" was founded in 1993 and today is one of the largest universal insurers of federal scale in Russia. The SOGAZ Insurance Group unites the insurance companies JSC SOGAZ, JSC IC SOGAZ-MED, LLC IC SOGAZ-LIFE, SOVAG (Germany), SOGAZ ado Novi Sad (Serbia), SOGAZ International Medical Center , an asset management company CJSC "Leader" and a service medical company LLC "Gazprommedservis" Currently, the Group's regional network includes more than 600 divisions and sales offices throughout Russia.


SOGAZ has international financial strength ratings assigned by AM Best ("B++", "Stable" outlook) and Standard & Poor's ("BBB-", "Stable" outlook); the highest reliability rating is A++ assigned by the Russian rating agency "Expert RA".

Participation in programs and projects (domestic, international):

SOGAZ provides insurance protection for enterprises and corporations representing a variety of industries: fuel and energy, transport, chemical, metallurgical, machine-building, aerospace, banking and others. The Company protects the property interests of such backbone enterprises Russian economy, such as Gazprom JSC, Gazprom Neft JSC, Rosneft Oil Company JSC, nuclear enterprises (Rosatom State Corporation) and electric power industry, Russian Railways JSC, Power Machines JSC, United Machine Building Plants JSC. In addition, SOGAZ actively cooperates with the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Federal Customs Service, as well as the leading financial institutions of the country - Sberbank, Vneshtorgbank, Gazprombank and many others.

Among the foreign projects with the participation of SOGAZ are the Blue Stream (construction of a main gas pipeline from Russia through Turkey to Southern Europe), as well as the construction of the North European Gas Pipeline, designed to directly connect gas fields in Western Siberia with consumers in Germany and other Western European countries.

Participation in associations

The formation of a professionally oriented association of insurers was caused by the need to consolidate aviation insurers in Russia and the countries of the former USSR in order to protect their interests and coordinate activities to develop common rules for insuring aviation and space risks, as well as to represent Russian aviation insurers in the international insurance market. To solve these problems, in 1996 the Russian Association of Aviation and Space Insurers was formed. The use of the name "Russian" in the name of the RAAKS was approved by Decree No. 1699 r of November 11, 2009, which was signed by the head of the Government of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

Companies in the group: 7

Changes in information about the airline Insurance Group "SOGAZ" were made: 09/28/2018. You can supplement the posted information or make changes to it by contacting the AviaPort agency.

Vladimir, Moscow

There was an accident due to someone else's fault. I called the traffic police, wrote out all the papers, then went to Alpha. Repairs were quickly inspected and approved. Was pleasantly surprised! Usually they say that you need to wait 15 business days for review. And then they approved it right in front of me. Before that, I read reviews, I thought it would be the same with me, red tape and so on. An no. And the repair at their service station in Pelican was done pretty quickly, only two weeks of waiting for the fender and bumper, but it's fast. They did a pretty good job. Satisfied. STO is not worse than others, you can apply. Not everyone is bad, a lot is good.

Vladimir Ivanovich Lugovoy, Kaluga

On February 27, 2011, my car was damaged in an accident. The driver of the Opel Astra lost control and drove into the oncoming lane, hitting two cars and mine. He was insured in AlfaStrakhovanie. The emergency commissioner arrived in 40 minutes, and the traffic cops waited another hour. My damage was the bumper, headlight, headlight washer replaced, and scratches on the wing. A total of 41 thousand rubles was estimated by the appraiser Alfostrakhovanie Aenkom. They fiddled with the papers for more than two months, since there were several victims besides me. Sometimes the papers get lost, sometimes they get mixed up, but in the end, the whole amount was paid to me. And they also offered to insure their car at a discount. Well, since they paid, it means they are not working for deceit, and this is now a rarity among insurance companies, nevertheless. Thanks for attention.

Margarita Ushakova

Many thanks to Alpha Insurance! There was an accident, the car was badly damaged, I couldn’t drive it, it’s hard to take the metro to and from work in this crush. I was very worried about this, and all my friends said that they would pay out insurance for a long time and tediously, I would have to run a lot for insurers. As a result, nothing of the kind! Everything was paid in full and on time! The accident happened on March 14, and already on May 2 I was back on wheels. In my experience, this is very good. The car was repaired, the work was not affected, my nerves are intact, I am satisfied, many thanks to the company, I recommend it to everyone!

Oleg, Moscow

A car on credit, insured in Alfa CASCO, on June 14 there was an accident through my fault. Gathered all the documents, took Alfe to the office. A week later they called the car for inspection. After inspection, 3 days later received a referral for repairs. Arrived, did not like the service station, the queue. I asked for a replacement and they replaced it with no problem. Waited 14 days for parts to arrive. While waiting, they called from the service, they found more hidden damage. I went to agree. We agreed, we didn't argue. When everything was brought, after 4 days he took the car. I am writing a review so that they know that they work, pay and repair without problems. Everyone loves to find fault, but they are too lazy to write good things. That is why I am writing.

Sipakov Victor, Moscow

When the deadline for strictly Casco approached in the spring, I did not want to go to the former company. Although she did not apply for payments, her reputation still left much to be desired (I will not name here what kind of company). I thought for a long time where to go. To be cheaper and closer to home. Friends advised Alfastrakhovanie. I called, it turned out that their office is not far from my work. Made an appointment, arrived. We were greeted with courtesy and all questions were answered in a clear and understandable manner. I was pleasantly surprised, by the way, that Casco cost me 10,000 cheaper than in the previous insurance. It also happens. I hope that the company will continue to show itself as a good partner, although I drive carefully, but everything happens in life. In the meantime, everything is just fine, I am satisfied with the conditions, the price, my friends did not deceive me.

Nemtyshkin Alexander, Moscow

On February 4 this year, I had a stupid accident right at the intersection. I stopped at a red traffic light, and Lada Granta, who was driving behind, could not cope with the brakes and drove into me. The Lada driver was insured by Alfa. I had to contact them. The traffic police issued all the documents and we submitted them to Alpha's office. I was pleasantly surprised that the staff were friendly to us, explained everything clearly and did not delay with the design. This is a little like the usual attitude in insurance. It's okay, but the money was transferred to my account exactly one month later, which means March 4th. And fully listed, the money was enough to repair my Tayota with a vengeance. Thanks to such a good company, I have only good impressions.

Elena, Moscow

My Toyota Land Cruiser Prado is still in service for repairs!!! And this is the fourth month since September! The accident happened in August, for a month they approved certificates, photos, argued with me what and how to fix. I wanted to take him to the dealership, but no, they persuaded him to theirs. Some kind of professional is called. They've been repairing it there for the 4th month, then it's not there, then that, then they hang up the phone. Dealer says they'd fix it in a week! There, the headlight is broken and there are only dents on the hood. But this insurance company does not want to pay 48,000 to the dealer, but wants to do it at random and for a long time. I call and get indignant, forwarded from one to another, then generally hang up. I went to the service, they are generally inadequate, they just sit, they don’t fix anything. I wanted to receive money, but a refusal came, supposedly the money had already been transferred to this Professional. Why do I need it?? I regretted a hundred times that I contacted them. I’ll just pick up the car, terminate the contract, although this won’t be easy, I think.

Strakhov Maxim Olegovich, Moscow

In January 2012, my Toyota Camry was badly damaged in an accident. The damage came to 110,000 rubles. After that, the amount was approved in the insurance and I took the car to the service, they started calling from them and demanding some unknown certificates, and they had to be provided by the guilty party, then why did they call me? Am I supposed to look for it myself and collect certificates for it? Then they said that some kind of independent examination had been repeated, and the amount of the payment would not be 110, but 48 thousand rubles. Moreover, in the service itself they don’t know anything about it, they didn’t do any additional examinations, and the amount of their repair is still 110 thousand. As a result, after two months of disputes, swearing and correspondence with the company, the amount of 48,000 was transferred to the account. The question is, who will pay the rest? Sue these scammers and swindlers. This is again nerves and expenses. The lawsuit has been going on since May 10 of this year. And it's already August. In vain I was insured with them, I regret it now.

Maria Sevastyanova, Moscow

The accident was not my fault. I collected all the documents, everything as they require, conducted an examination, they said everything, wait, we will pay. I'm waiting for a month. Rather, I go, I call them endlessly. Either one or the other is answered, they are fed breakfast. Either the accounting department is to blame, wait, then something with documents, then they generally offer repairs instead of money. And I have already repaired them, I don’t need their repair, let the money pay! Tired of this attitude. It doesn't go through any gates. They have already begun to respond boorishly on the phone and in the office, you will never get an exact answer from anyone. Another month they will pull - I will go to court, let him deal with them. We have a law! And then there will not be enough nerves for them, but money is not visible. And they promised when I bought insurance, a completely different attitude. Deceivers!

I have been insured in Alfa for 5 years in a row. Prior to this, there were no cases to apply, and then a car parked in the parking lot was scratched in the yard. I had to contact the insurance company. I have CASCO, I live in St. Petersburg. There is a certificate from the traffic police, there are photos, an assessment, everything is as it should be. Well, the insurance company did not find fault, since all the points were met and all the certificates were on hand. Maybe it's a regular customer, or maybe it's a minor scratch (the amount of damage came out to 3,600 rubles in total), a referral for repairs was issued right there. At the service station, I had to wait in line for painting for two weeks, but it was worth it, they painted it perfectly, nothing was noticeable. So, my advice to everyone is to collect all the papers, keep all the certificates in order, and insure constantly in the same insurance company, then you will have benefits and there will be no delays.

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