Report on practice in the insurance company guard. Activities of the legal department of the Perm branch of cjsc "insurance group" uralsib "

Introduction. 3

1 General characteristics of the organization of OJSC IC "PARI". 4

2 Production service. eight

3 Marketing service. twenty

4 Personnel service. 31

5 Financial services ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 48

Conclusion. 62

List of sources used. 63

Appendices ………………………………………………………………………… 65


The purpose of the undergraduate practice was to consolidate the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the learning process in practice, as well as to collect information for writing a diploma project.

In accordance with the goal, the following tasks are set:

Study the principles of the organization;

Review the insurance industry;

Examine the structure and functions of the branch;

Analyze the organizational structure of the enterprise;

Define the functions of the HR department, evaluate the human resources of the enterprise;

Assess the financial condition of the enterprise.

The object of pre-diploma practice is a branch of the insurance company OJSC IC "PARI".

This report contains general information about the enterprise, which completed the production pre-diploma practice.

The sources of information for the study are: the annual accounting report for 2007 and 2009, the income statement for 2007 and 2009, regulatory documents and other sources. Particular attention was paid to familiarization with the form of financial statements on the main indicators of economic activity.

1 General characteristics of the organization of OJSC IC "PARI"

OJSC IC "PARI" is engaged in insurance activities. The enterprise, in terms of types of services, provides intangible services. This organization is located at the address: Rostov-on-Don, Krasnoarmeyskaya st. 146. The legal form of the organization is an Open Joint Stock Company. The form of ownership is commercial. The goal of OJSC IC "PARI" in accordance with the Charter is to make a profit.

SC "PARI" was founded on March 3, 1992 in Moscow. Since 1994 he has a permanent license from Rosstrakhnadzor. The largest reinsurance companies are Munich Re, Swiss Re, Hannover Re, SCOR.

Today IC "PARI" is one of the largest universal insurance companies licensed to carry out 49 types of voluntary and compulsory insurance... The company has developed a regional network represented in large Russian cities: Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Perm, Ryazan, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, St. Petersburg, Saratov. IC "PARI" is one of the 100 largest insurance companies in 2009 and ranks 69th.

IC PARI provides a wide range of insurance services for both legal entities and individuals. The company has chosen the following priority types of insurance:

· Insurance of cargo transportation;

· mortgage insurance;

· Property insurance.

Insurance services are designed for any client who understands the need for insurance and its protective function.

PARI IC offers a wide range of different insurance products:

VHI - voluntary health insurance;

OSAGO - compulsory motor vehicle insurance


Auto insurance - CASCO (car insurance against damage and theft), DSAGO (voluntary car insurance civil liability), insurance of drivers and passengers against accidents, insurance against mechanical and electrical breakdowns, insurance of car ownership rights, insurance of the organization's car fleets, comprehensive car insurance.

· Cargo insurance;

· Insurance of containers (standard dry cargo general purpose, open platform containers with end walls, cistern containers, tank containers and others;

Liability insurance (auditors, owners and exploiters hydro technical facilities, owners and operators of hazardous technical structures, medical institutions, appraisers, construction companies, ship owners, travel operators, manufacturers of goods and services, legal entities, warehouse operators, liability for non-performance of government contracts);

· Title insurance - protection of the interests of the owner in the event of the appearance of applicants for his property;

· Insurance of losses from interruptions in production;

· Insurance of risks of non-fulfillment of contractual obligations;

· Environmental insurance - voluntary and compulsory state insurance of legal entities and citizens, objects of their property and income in case of environmental and natural disasters, accidents and catastrophes;

· Insurance of expenses for liquidation of emergencies;

· Insurance of employees against accidents;

· Animal insurance - insurance of sports and breeding horses;

· Insurance of apartments, houses;

· Insurance of bank cells, etc. ...

Most of the assortment is made up of auto and freight insurance packages. This is due to the fact that these types of property insurance are less unprofitable and payments for them occur ten times less often than for OSAGO.

The volume of line premiums of IC "PARI" (Fig. 1.1) has steadily increased in recent years, but in 2009 they decreased due to the economic crisis in the country, which entailed a tendency of deferred consumer demand for various types of services.

Rice. 1.1 - Dynamics of the volume of insurance premiums in OJSC IC "PARI"

The PARI insurance company has set itself 30 priority strategic goals. These goals lie in the areas of finance, economics, relationships with the market, with customers and personnel, as well as in the area of ​​business processes carried out by the company.

In the group of strategic goals in the field of "Finance and Economics", the company, among others, included the increase in its own funds, multiple excess of the level of financial reliability and solvency over the average market level, optimization of the level of costs and others.

As part of the goals of the Market and Clients block, the company intends to increase the share of new clients. The company will also seek to increase the number of regular customers. Other goals include increasing the company's shares in certain insurance submarkets, increasing the level of cross-marketing, and others.

In the block of goals "Business - processes" - improving the quality of underwriting, automation of customer service processes, transferring the corporate customer relationship management (CRM) system to higher levels, etc.

The group of strategic goals "Infrastructure and Employees" includes such goals as increasing labor productivity, achieving compliance of the system of motivation and labor incentives with the set strategic objectives, etc. ...

IC "PARI" is a member of the following professional unions and associations:

· All-Russian Union of Starhovshchikov;

· National Insurance Guild;

· Russian Union of Auto Insurers;

· Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry;

· Rostov Chamber of Commerce and Industry;

· Russian Book Union;

· Volga region logistics association;

Industrial practice diary

Practice base: Rosgosstrakh insurance company

branch in with. Bakaly, Sovetskaya street, 9

  1. 1. Dates of internship

Signature and stamp

Appointed student intern

Official signature

Organization stamp

  1. 2. The calendar plan of the student's educational internship

Practice manager from the enterprise

Practice leader from the department

3. Accounting work

Day month Year

Completed work in a day

Notes and remarks of the head of practice

Acquaintance with the team of the unit, establishing personal contact, familiarization with the regulatory framework for the organization of insurance business in this organization: the charter, the work plan.

No comments

Familiarization with the rules of compulsory insurance of civil liability of owners Vehicle, with instructions for concluding support for compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners, with matters of insurance of animals, property, buildings, apartments, civil liability, etc.

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Filling out applications for concluding a compulsory civil liability insurance contract of vehicle owners, applications for making amendments to the insurance contract, applications for terminating a compulsory insurance contract, insurance policies, compulsory civil liability insurance contracts for vehicle owners, calculating insurance premiums with a limited and unlimited number of drivers

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Filling out contracts voluntary insurance apartments, houses: "Rosgosstrakh -Kvartira Aktiv"; Rosgosstrakh-Dom, insurance contracts Rosgosstrakh Fortuna: Children; "Family"; "Classic"; insurance contracts for animals and civil liability of animal owners, familiarization with the certificate of inspection of the animal.

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Obtaining characteristics, analyzing data for preparing a written report, drawing up a report on the work done

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Official signature

Enterprise stamp

Student's signature

4. Conclusions made by the student on the basis of the practice, his proposals.

During my internship, I got acquainted and studied the activities of insurance in this insurance organization: 1) the work plan of the insurance organization 2) the work of insurance agents 3) the forms and methods of work

I also got acquainted with various types of insurance contracts, paperwork for the main types of insurance. I learned how to fill out applications for concluding a compulsory civil liability insurance contract of the vehicle owner, based on this, I calculated the insurance premium, which depends on various coefficients: the base rate, the driver's age and experience, engine power, etc. OSAGO is compulsory motor third party liability insurance vehicle owners. OSAGO is considered as a measure aimed at creating certain financial guarantees in relations regarding compensation between participants in car accidents. The idea of ​​this type of insurance is not new: it operates in many countries around the world. The peculiarities of "car insurance" in Russia are the state establishment of insurance rules and state regulation of tariffs. The object of OSAGO is property interests associated with the risk of civil liability of the owner of a vehicle for obligations arising from harm to the life, health or property of the victims when using the vehicle on the territory of the Russian Federation. The insurance risk for OSAGO includes the onset of civil liability in an accident. It is important to understand that the cost of damaged property can reach hundreds of thousands of rubles, and the driver who was driving at the time of the accident will have to pay for its repair. Filled out insurance policies for OSAGO with an unlimited number of drivers, issued a receipt for an insurance payment. The OSAGO policy protects the car owner from unforeseen cash expenses. I learned how to fill out OSAGO applications and calculate the insurance premium with a limited number of drivers, as well as the insurance policy. At the same time, I got acquainted with the registration of a voluntary insurance policy for civil liability of vehicle owners.

The practice served as a starting point for me to further engage in the management of the organization, as my future profession. With the help of practice, I realized my skills and abilities for further activities, applied theoretical knowledge in practice, deepened the "baggage" of knowledge in the chosen specialty.

Official signature

Enterprise stamp

Student's signature

Characteristics of the student from the place of practice

This characteristic is given to a student of the Bashkir State University

1. Name of practice: production

2. Place of internship

insurance company "Rosgosstrakh", p. Bakaly, Sovetskaya street, 9

3. The work performed by the student at the enterprise (department)

Study of the internal documentation of the enterprise (documents on personnel, internal procedures, job descriptions), analysis of the activities of the enterprise, familiarity with the reporting and plans of the enterprise.

4. Assessment of the passage of practice (student activities) by the head of the enterprise (department)

during her training practice she showed a good theoretical level of training in enterprise management. She did all the work entrusted to her in good faith. I tried to acquire new knowledge in order to be even more useful. Overall work

can be assessed as "…………."

___________________ /. /

Certificate of practical training

Insurance company "Rosgosstrakh"

certificate issued

It is hereby confirmed that she had an internship at the Rosgosstrakh insurance company from July 1 to July 7, 2013. During the internship, the following tasks were solved:

  1. familiarization with the organizational structure of the enterprise, the work of the main structural divisions;
  2. acquaintance with the functional responsibilities of the manager;
  3. preparation for independent work of a trainee in accordance with the job description of the manager;
  4. acquaintance with the preparation of primary documents in the organization.

In the process of solving the above tasks. proved to be a competent, well-trained specialist. I consider it possible to credit the student's internship.

Director of the insurance company "Rosgosstrakh", a branch in the village. Groceries

___________________ /. /

- 162.45 Kb


1. History of the establishment of the enterprise

2. Company structure

3. Complex of services

3.1 Voluntary health insurance

3.2 Insurance against disability due to accident

3.3 Cargo insurance

3.4 Insurance of property of legal entities

3.5 Personal property insurance

3.6 Vehicle insurance and liability of vehicle owners

3.7 Liability insurance of enterprises - sources of increased danger

4. Organizational and legal form of activity

5.the staff of the insurance company

5.1 Detailed description of the work of the unit

5.1.1 Performer remuneration

5.1.2 Responsibilities of the parties

5.1.3 Final provisions


Insurance appeared a very long time ago, it is even difficult to imagine. Several centuries ago. It looked something like this: when various types of transport did not exist on Earth, but there were only camels, and which were very expensive, but this was the only way to travel and move. Imagine what value a camel was at that time! And God forbid a camel was dying in some family, it was almost impossible to buy it. That is why people decided to collect a certain amount of money from everyone, in case the camel died. This is how insurance came into being.

A civilized society needs insurance coverage. In the Soviet economic literature, insurance protection is understood as a set of distributive and redistributive relations that provide individual citizens, enterprises, institutions and society as a whole with compensation for damage caused by spontaneous and other factors, the possibility of a negative impact of which can be foreseen in advance.

Naturally, a civilized society always, on the one hand, seeks to minimize the possible damage from such events, and on the other hand, to the fullest possible compensation for losses suffered by these events, if the damage cannot be avoided. The first way - minimization of damage from insurance risks, is a combination of organizational and technical measures, the second - the system of accumulation of funds to compensate for possible damage is of an economic nature and is the essence of insurance coverage.

Insurance is very relevant today. Today, insurance ensures the economic interests of the individual and the activities of society as a whole.

Thus, the set of methodological issues of insurance in modern conditions is an urgent problem that needs to be addressed. Consideration of some of these issues is undertaken in this work, which is devoted to both the peculiarities of business insurance in general, and insurance of industries, and much more.

1. History of the establishment of the enterprise

Insurance company "KOMESTRA" (in translation means - medical insurance company) was originally founded in the city of Kemerovo in 1992. Then branches began to open in other cities.

In particular, "YUKS Sibprom - Komestra" in Novokuznetsk.

Insurance company "YUKS Sibprom - Komestra" was founded on May 20, 1993. The company has representative offices in the cities of the Kemerovo region, branches in the city of Tashtagol, Barnaul.

Soon all branches began to move away from the parent enterprise and became independent, including YUKS Sibprom - Komestra.

In May 1993, she was registered in the city of Novokuznetsk. In January 2004, a new law in insurance was passed stating that the head of a company must have an economic education and in the abbreviation one cannot use the words that were previously used. This is how the insurance company "Central" was formed.

The paid up authorized capital of the company is 70 million rubles.

The activity is carried out in accordance with the license issued by the Department of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for the supervision of insurance activities No. 4435D dated 30.08.03.

Central is a full member of the All-Russian Union of Insurers.

Insurance company "Central" is a member of the Union of Insurers "Ural-Siberian Agreement" - a unified system that unites about 30 insurance companies. From each territory, only one company is admitted to the union - the leader of this region. The companies included in the "Ural-Siberian Agreement" jointly develop various types of insurance, maintain scientific and informational ties between insurers in Russia and the world, and carry out joint insurance programs.

This combination makes it possible to increase the range of insurance services provided.

The unified reinsurance capacity operating under the Agreement allows taking any major property risks for insurance.

2. Company structure

Sibprom Insurance Group is the leader in voluntary medical insurance in Kuzbass. It accounts for more than 25% of insurance premiums for this type. The insurance is presented according to the classic comprehensive VHI program. The Sibprom insurance group includes several specialized insurance companies created in accordance with the requirements of the legislation on the specialization of insurers and to ensure financial stability and reliability. It includes SMO BC Sibprom, IC YUKS Sibprom - Komestra, South Siberian Insurance Company ", a branch of the MRCC" Komestra - auto "in Novokuznetsk. In 2003 the companies of the insurance group received insurance premiums of over 370 million rubles for various types of insurance.

SMO BC "Sibprom" is a specialized medical insurance organization working on compulsory medical insurance. Has a license № А390035 from 30.11.98. Works in six cities of Kuzbass; Novokuznetsk, Tashtagol, Osinniki, Leninsk - Kuznetsk, Kiselevsk, Kemerovo. More than 250 thousand people are insured under compulsory medical insurance.

South Siberian Insurance Company (reg. No. 3266), has a license for the right to conduct insurance activities No. 4435D dated 30.08.03, currently specializes in voluntary medical insurance and has an authorized capital of 50 million rubles.

Our pride are our policyholders

The clients of the insurance company are the largest industrial enterprises: West Siberian Metallurgical Plant OJSC, Kuznetsk Metallurgical Plant OJSC, Organika OJSC, Kuznetsk Ferroalloys OJSC, Novokuznetsk Aluminum Plant OJSC, Erunakovsky mine, banks, construction organizations, municipal enterprises, trade enterprises, individual private enterprises and individuals.

Over the years of activity on insurance market the company has entered into insurance contracts with OJSC Novokuznetsk Aluminum Plant, OJSC West Siberian Metallurgical Plant, OJSC Kuznetsk Metallurgical Plant, OJSC Organika, Management Company Yuzhkuzbassugol and many large industrial enterprises in Novokuznetsk, Kiselevsk, Barnaul, municipal organizations, trade enterprises, banks, individual private enterprises, as well as individuals.

In order to coordinate the joint work of the insurance company, the Novokuznetsk city administration, the Health Department, medical institutions, the administration of enterprises and trade unions for the health insurance of workers of the companies, a Supervisory Board was created. Its functions include: tariff policy; approval of new insurance programs; quarterly summing up of work results; consideration and elimination of shortcomings in the service of the insured under the VHI in hospitals; investing in the development of new medical technologies, equipping hospitals with equipment and supplies.

3. Complex of services

YUKS-Sibprom-komestra provides the following types of insurance:

Voluntary medical insurance under various VHI programs;

Disability insurance due to an accident;

Cargo insurance;

Legal entity property insurance;

Individual property insurance;

Insurance of land vehicles;

Third party liability insurance for vehicle owners;

Insurance of civil liability of enterprises - sources of increased danger.

3.1 Voluntary health insurance

Insurance object.

The object of insurance is the insured risk associated with the cost of providing medical care when contacting a medical institution.

Insurance services.

A comprehensive program of collective voluntary health insurance - the whole range of medical, advisory, diagnostic, preventive care requiring provision and payment medical services in medical institutions that have an agreement with an insurance company.

Medical services are provided in the leading institutions of the city, the provision of medical services is organized in specialized medical institutions of the region and Russia

The list of medical institutions is indicated in the special marks of the VHI policy.

To receive assistance under the VHI program in the medical institutions specified in the policy, it is enough to have a referral from the attending physician and an OMI and VHI policy.

If it is impossible to receive medical care in a medical facility in Novokuznetsk, the insurance company organizes medical care in medical institutions in the Kemerovo region and other regions of Russia. To receive medical care in these health facilities, you must contact insurance company.

Sum insured.

The cost of the policy depends on the chosen health insurance program

The insured under the contract can be:

Employees of the enterprise;

Relatives (wife, husband, children under the age of 24) of the insured employees of the company, if they have a compulsory health insurance policy.

Under the comprehensive program of collective voluntary medical insurance, each insured person within a year has the right to receive medical services in the amount of up to 50,000 rubles.

"The text of the work" Report on the practice in the insurance company "



1.1. Formation of the insurance company "Rosgosstrakh"

1.2. Management and organization of activities

1.3. General Provisions


2.2. Scope of insurance liability

2.5. Problems of the development of the sphere of personal insurance and ways to solve them




The industrial practice in the profile of the specialty took place in LLC "Rosgosstrakh" in Novokuibyshevsk, located at the address: Novokuibyshevsk, st. Kommunisticheskaya, 47. The director of Rosgosstrakh LLC in Novokuibyshevsk is Valery Valentinovich **.

The regional office of "Rosgosstrakh" in the Samara region is located at the address: Samara, st. A. Tolstoy, 26/28. The director of the regional office of the company is ** Anzor Galimovich.

Today the company offers 55 insurance products - from popular auto insurance programs to special insurance for the space industry. Insurance products are available to any resident or company in any locality and the city of Russia.

The company strives to include the largest number of covered risks in contracts, while ensuring absolute transparency of the services provided and a high degree of reliability.

At Rosgosstrakh, insurance should not only be reliable, but also simple, so the company's specialists are always happy to tell you everything about our insurance products: how they work, what benefits you get and why insurance is so necessary.

Rosgosstrakh is the only company that has a branch network comparable in coverage to the Russian Post and Sberbank of Russia.

According to the published list of affiliated persons of OJSC Rosgosstrakh (as of 30.09.2012), 52.0% of the company belongs to LLC RGS Holding, and 21.8% belongs to RGS ASSETS LIMITED. The functions of the sole executive body of OJSC Rosgosstrakh are performed by Danil Khachaturov.

Consolidated insurance premiums of the Rosgosstrakh group in 2014 amounted to 120.4 billion rubles, in the Samara region - 1.8 billion rubles, in the city of Novokuibyshevsk - 84 million rubles. (in 2013 - 100.1 billion rubles, in the Samara region - 1.2 billion rubles, in Novokuibyshevsk - 76 million rubles).

In 2014, the Expert RA rating agency and the National Rating Agency confirmed the highest reliability ratings to the Rosgosstrakh group of companies (A ++ and AAA). According to the annual Expert-400 ratings, Rosgosstrakh is consistently included in the top 100 largest Russian companies.

The purpose of the practice is a more complete and in-depth acquaintance with the practical side of insurance.

To achieve the goal in work, I set the following tasks:

Study the organizational structure of the enterprise;

Get acquainted with the regulatory and legal framework of insurance activities;

Find out the essence of the activity of the specialty insurance business;

Get acquainted with the insurance products of the RGS;

Learn to draw up the correct documentation: contracts, poles, certificates, certificates and much more;

Study the features of working with clients.


1.1. Formation of the insurance company "Rosgosstrakh"

It was formed in the form of a joint-stock company, 100% of whose shares belonged to the state, by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 10, 1992 No. 76 "On the establishment of the Russian State Insurance Company" as the legal successor of the State Insurance of the RSFSR, which was created in 1921.

In July 2003, a large stake in the company (78% minus four shares) was privatized.

In 2007-2008, Rosgosstrakh bought out the insurance companies Kapital Insurance, Kapital Reinsurance, Kapital Medical Insurance and Kapital Life Insurance from IFD Kapital. They continue to do business under the Capital brand.

On January 1, 2010, on the basis of territorial divisions of ten insurance companies of the Rosgosstrakh group, a single federal company, LLC Rosgosstrakh, was created. It became the legal successor of all the rights and obligations of the former regional and interregional companies of the Rosgosstrakh group to their clients and partners. As part of the merger, the entire regional branch network was transferred to Rosgosstrakh LLC.

In September 2010, the state sold the remaining 13.1% of the company's shares (at the same time, the state's “golden share” lost its validity).

1.2. Management and organization of activities

Despite its name, Rosgosstrakh is a private company. 100% of the company belongs to its president Danil Khachaturov with partners represented by CJSC [!!! In accordance with FZ-99 dated 05/05/2014, this form has been replaced by a non-public joint stock company] IK Troika Dialog. Danil Khachaturov - General Director of OJSC Rosgosstrakh. Danil Khachaturov is also the president of Rosgosstrakh LLC.

The Rosgosstrakh group of companies includes:

LLC Rosgosstrakh;

OJSC Rosgosstrakh;

LLC IC "RGS-Life" (life insurance and pension insurance);

LLC "RGS-Medicine" (compulsory medical insurance);

Non-state pension fund "RGS" (non-state pension provision and compulsory pension insurance, license No. 407/2 dated December 13, 2007).

The parent company of the group is OJSC Rosgosstrakh.

In total, the group includes 85 branches in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, about 3,500 agencies and insurance departments, as well as 400 centers and points for claims settlement.

The number of personnel is about 100 thousand people (2014), in the Samara region - 1190, in the city of Novokuibyshevsk - 52 people.

The number of insurance agents for 2014 is estimated at 65 thousand people, in the Samara region - 1140, in Novokuibyshevsk - 34.

The list of financial services provided by the Rosgosstrakh group includes insurance, banking services and pension programs.

The company publishes a corporate monthly newspaper "Gosstrakh", organized an insurance museum. According to the monitoring service "Insurance Today" and the service SCAN-Interfax, "Rosgosstrakh", one of the most frequently mentioned insurance companies in the media, "Rosgosstrakh" carries out business in a number of CIS countries - in Armenia ("Rosgosstrakh Armenia"), in Ukraine ( Providna) and in Belarus (JLLC Rosgosstrakh). In August 2014, it was announced the sale of the Ukrainian subsidiary of Providna to an international consortium of investors.

Article 2 of the Charter of the Company defines the following main types of activities:



Investment and other placement of the Company's funds, including insurance reserves;

Protection of state secrets.

The authorized capital of the Company for 2014 is 8 113 433 947 rubles and is made up of the par value of the Participants' shares. The increase in the authorized capital may be carried out at the expense of the property of the Company, and (or) at the expense of additional contributions of the Participants, and (or) at the expense of contributions of third parties accepted in the Company.

As of 12/04/2014: The Company included 85 branches of the Company - Rosgosstrakh Offices in the regions of the Russian Federation.

The priority line of the Company's activity remains servicing the mass segment of individuals, primarily in the field of insurance: real estate (apartments and buildings), household property, against accidents and diseases, voluntary car insurance.

The Company continues to develop modern, and in most cases, unparalleled insurance products and insurance programs, including comprehensive insurance programs. During the period of active presence in the market, the Company has offered policyholders a total of more than 60 original insurance products.

Control over financial and economic activities is carried out in order to:

Protection of assets and investments of the Company's shareholders;

Ensuring investor confidence (including potential investors) in the Company and its governing bodies;

Establishing effective internal control procedures and ensuring compliance with them;

Prevention, detection and limitation of financial, operational and other risks;

Ensuring an efficient and transparent management system of the Company;

Prevention and suppression of abuse by the executive bodies and officials of the Company;

Ensuring the reliability of financial information used or disclosed by the Company.

Thus, Rosgosstrakh LLC has been operating in the insurance market for over 19 years. Over this long period, the company has positioned itself as a stable and reliable company that values ​​its customers. During the period of its activity in the insurance market, the company has offered policyholders a total of more than 60 original insurance products. Moreover, each insurance product is distinguished by its novelty and originality. The financial condition for the reporting year can be considered as stable and promising. The analysts of the company carry out mandatory control over the financial condition of the insurance company both for the reporting year and for the future.

1.3. General Provisions

LLC "Rosgosstrakh" in Novokuibyshevsk was established for the period of the Company's activity.

The insurance department is a separate subdivision of the Company, located outside its location, and carries out all the functions of the Company in accordance with the Company's licenses, as well as decisions of the Company's governing bodies. The branch is not a legal entity, does not have independent civil legal capacity and acts in civil circulation on behalf of and on behalf of the Company.

The Novokuibyshevsk department of Rosgosstrakh LLC generates accounting, management and other reports in the forms established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Company, submits the said reports to the Company and tax authorities. Other interested users in accordance with the procedure established by the Company.

The Department is endowed by the Company with the property necessary to carry out the activities of the Branch. The property is transferred to the Department under the Acceptance Certificate and / or acquired by it at the expense of the Company's funds.

The audit of the financial and economic activities of the Division is carried out by the Internal Control Department of the Company, the Audit Commission of the Company and the Auditor of the Company.

1.4. Production structure

Two categories of employees are used in insurance activities:

Qualified full-time specialists carrying out managerial, economic, consulting, methodological and other activities;

Freelance workers performing acquisition (acquisition) and collection functions (collection and payment of money).

Full-time employees include: general director, executive director (manager), chief accountant, assistants, experts, heads of departments in areas (types of insurance), employees of the computing center, employees of departments, service personnel. The main functional responsibility of full-time employees is to ensure the stable operation of the insurance company, high profitability, solvency, and competitiveness.

Freelancers include insurance agents, brokers (brokers), representatives (intermediaries) of the insurance company, medical experts, etc.

The main functional responsibilities are: carrying out campaigning, propaganda work among organizations, firms, joint-stock companies and the population to involve them in insurance, registration of newly concluded and renewed contracts, as well as ensuring control over the timely payment of insurance premiums (payments) and premiums) by the policyholders and production of insurance payments by insurers upon the occurrence of insured events, i.e. the main task of freelance workers is to move insurance services from insurer to policyholder.

The structure of the insurance company has several departments serving individual elements of the entire business chain. So, in the UK there is an underwriting department that studies risk, makes predictions about the likelihood of a particular negative event, assesses the degree of risk, etc. The insurer cannot do without a claims settlement service, which accepts and processes applications from policyholders, and also carries out insurance payments. The duties of this service include the examination of insured events, which includes checking all statements, establishing the true reasons for what happened and clarifying all the circumstances of the loss.

Today, insurance is usually divided into property insurance and personal insurance. In turn, these types are divided into subspecies, for example, life insurance is included in personal insurance, and apartment and car insurance is included in property insurance. In accordance with this, departments are formed in the IC that are engaged in the implementation of policies for one or another type of insurance. For example, the department of property, cargo, liability insurance, etc. Sales of policies through agent networks are also widespread.
Report on practice in an insurance company using the example of Rosgosstrakh LLC, 2015.


2.1. Organization and range of personal insurance offers in Rosgosstrakh LLC

One of the main directions in the activities of Rosgosstrakh is insurance services of this type as personal insurance.

Personal insurance is a set of types of insurance (insurance industry), where the property interest of the insured, associated with the life, health, events in the life of an individual, acts as an object of insurance.

As mentioned earlier, personal insurance can be divided into three sub-sectors of insurance:

Life insurance - types of insurance, where the object is certain events in the life of the insured person:

Living to a certain age;

Death of the insured;

Events in the life of the insured provided for by the insurance contract:


Admission to an educational institution;

Other events stipulated by the insurance contract.

Accident insurance - types of insurance where an external cause is provided as an insured event, usually of a short-term impact, leading to a temporary or permanent disability or death of the insured. Unlike life insurance, which is usually long-term (from several years to several decades), accident insurance is usually concluded for a period of up to one year. Types of accident insurance:

Passenger insurance;

Insurance for children;

Insurance of employees of the enterprise;

Insurance of citizens (the insurance premium depends on the lifestyle of the insured);

Other types of accident insurance.

Health insurance - types of insurance that provide compensation for the medical expenses of the insured person for treatment in connection with an illness and / or accident. There are the following types of health insurance:

Compulsory health insurance, which covers all categories of citizens;

Voluntary health insurance, which is carried out in a collective (the employer insures his employees) or individual form;

Insurance of medical expenses of citizens, including tourists traveling abroad;

Other types of health insurance.

In personal insurance, mixed life insurance can be applied, which includes several types of personal insurance, for example, life insurance, accident insurance.

The most popular insurance option today for the company I work for is accumulated life insurance.

So, endowment life insurance is a kind of combination of standard life and health insurance of a person with a kind of deposit, which includes a program for accumulating and preserving capital. In other words, this is a type of long-term insurance, according to which the insured person, upon reaching the age specified in the contract, receives the insured amount, and in the event of his death, this amount goes to the heirs of the deceased. Thanks to this system of contributions, you can not only save, but also increase your money, being sure that in the event of an emergency you will not end up penniless.

How does this cumulative insurance scheme differ from the classical, or as it is also called, risk insurance? The fact is that with classic insurance, you make one single contribution, so that, in the event of the occurrence of the insured moment specified in the contract, you can receive a rather large one-time payment, the amount of which is determined based on the amount of the initial payment, the severity of the incident and other conditions negotiated at the conclusion insurance contract.

Moreover, if such a case did not occur, then at the end of the contract, the initial payment remains with the insurance company, i.e. no one returns the money. Moreover, in order to renew or sign a new insurance contract, you will have to make another installment.

With regard to endowment insurance, the situation is completely different. Firstly, you make not one contribution, but several, and you determine their number yourself, based on the size of your current income, as well as the amount that you wish to accumulate in the end. Secondly, the company divides all your contributions into two parts, one of which goes directly to the client's life and health insurance, and the second is accumulated in the client's account.

It is very important that the money you have accumulated does not lie dead weight on the account, but is actively invested by the insurance company in various projects that make a profit. A certain percentage, which is transferred to you annually. It should also be noted that this percentage is also divided into two parts, one of which is your guaranteed income, and the second part is additional income that directly depends on the result of the investment activity of the company, i.e. its size can vary and be either 0 or all 15-20% per annum.

Moreover, in the event of an insured moment, you will be guaranteed to be paid the amount of insurance payments specified in the contract, similar to the traditional insurance scheme, and this will happen regardless of the number of contributions made by you. Thus, you simultaneously do two things at once - insure your life and health, receiving a significant increase in your pension, if you systematically paid contributions throughout the entire period, and the insured event did not occur.

Perhaps you have a question, how can the above-described income be generated? How exactly does the insurance company manage the money and where can it invest it? The answer is very simple, although the choice of investment instruments by a company is limited by law, any company is provided with a fairly wide range of opportunities, according to which an insurance company has the right to make investments of this type:

Purchase of shares and bonds of domestic issuers;

Accommodation Money on deposit accounts of banks and other credit institutions;

Resale of own assets into trust management.

All this allows you to more than provide you with a guaranteed income and an additional certain percentage annually. Further, in order to finally understand the principle of operation of endowment life insurance, consider an illustrative example. To do this, we will use averaged data and the scheme most often used by insurance companies.

So, let's say you have entered into an agreement with an insurance company, according to which your annual total payment is 1000 monetary units (CU). Having received this amount to its account, the company immediately proceeds to the formation of an insurance reserve, dividing the deposited funds into two parts.

The most part, as a rule, makes up 80-90% of the deposited amount of the insurance reserve, in this case, it will be equal to 850 CU. These funds, in turn, will also be divided into two parts. For a cumulative, or as it is also called "long" reserve, for a period of 10-30 years (depending on the conditions fixed in the contract), amounting to CU 700, and a risk reserve formed for emergency payments that may be caused by death, severe illness or disability of the insured person.

In this case, about 150 currency units will go to the risk reserve. Further, the result of the investment activity of the insurance company comes into play. Suppose that the shares in which the firm invested have risen in price and brought in 15% of the income for the year, which in this case will be about CU128. In total, for the first year of endowment insurance, your contribution of 1000 CU will turn into 980 CU resting on the account.

And do not be afraid that the amount has decreased, because this tendency will come to naught, already in the second year of accumulation, for which you will need to deposit one more thousand monetary units. With a stable income from investment activities, by the end of the second year, the contributed 2000 CU will turn into 2066 CU, providing, albeit a meager, but, nevertheless, real profit. And by the end of the tenth year, by the way, the most popular term, when registering accumulative insurance, the 10,000 contributed will turn into 16,400 monetary units, that is, they will grow more than one and a half times. Well worth the risk, isn't it?

And if in the example under consideration we took a random contribution, then when concluding a real contract, its amount will be carefully calculated based on your monthly income. Most of the insurance companies, when determining the amount, forms a so-called "safety cushion", taking as a basis how much you spend during the month. For example, if you spend about 10,000 monetary units a month, then your annual need will accordingly equal CU 120,000, which means that this is the amount that we need to create a "safety cushion".

Perhaps many will ask the question: “Do I really need this specifically? Is it relevant to give now part of the income for the sake of making a profit in the future? " First of all, such people should understand that endowment life insurance is not just a financial instrument for increasing money, and in no case should it be put on a par with such things as a bank deposit, buying stocks, bonds and other securities ...

Because the main task of endowment insurance is not to generate income, but to protect you and your family from the vagaries of fate. Let this tool give a minimum profit, however, you will be sure of the safety of your funds, and also that if something happens you will not go around the world.

Also, the insured provides financial support to his family in case of untimely death. And unlike all bequests, be it an apartment, a car or a bank deposit, which the heirs can receive only after a few months, insurance compensation paid to the relatives of the deceased within one week.

Let us consider in detail some insurance programs of the Rosgosstrakh company related to accumulative life insurance.

For example, the program "Family" (Prestige).

So, citizen I. Svetlana is married and her daughter was born not so long ago. Immediately after her birth, she and her husband decided to participate in the federal program to improve housing conditions for young families. After all, when the baby grows up, in the apartment where they live, it will become very cramped. But getting in line is half the battle. You need money to make an initial payment for housing, pay for repairs, furniture ... After consulting with family and friends, they decided that the best option to accumulate the required amount is a policy of end-to-end life insurance. By making monthly insurance premiums, in 10 years they will accumulate the planned 1,000,000 rubles. plus additional investment income from the insurance company. And throughout this time I. Svetlana will be under insurance coverage.

Svetlana signed a contract for the Family (Prestige) program for 1,000,000 rubles. for a period of 10 years. The monthly installment was RUB 8,781. (scheme).

As of December 31, 2014, 38 agreements were concluded in the insurance department of Rosgosstrakh in Novokuibyshevsk under the Family (Prestige) program (in 2013 - 33).

The next program, the insurance of the child under the program "Children" (Prestige).

For example, citizen I. Maria has an eight-year-old daughter, Anya. Maria always dreams that her daughter Ani would have a memorable wedding, a good education and her own apartment.

Therefore, when Anya was 5 years old, Maria issued her an endowment life insurance policy for 900,000 rubles. for a period of 13 years. She pays monthly insurance premiums in the amount of 5,882 rubles, and at the end of the contract, the insurance company will pay the full insurance amount of 900,000 rubles to Maria's daughter. plus 250,000 rubles. additional income.

Maria signed a contract for the Children program (Prestige) for 900,000 rubles. for a period of 13 years. The monthly installment was 5,882 rubles. (diagram). As of December 31, 2014, 19 contracts were concluded in the insurance department of Rosgosstrakh in Novokuibyshevsk under the Children (Prestige) program (11 in 2013).

Accident insurance is a no less popular type of personal insurance at Rosgosstrakh. Accident insurance is intended to cover damage caused by the loss of health or death of the insured.

It can be carried out in group (for example, insurance of employees of the enterprise) and individual forms, as well as in the forms of voluntary and compulsory insurance (for example, passengers, military personnel and other categories of citizens).

Accident insurance is built on the same principles that blended life insurance is built on. The most important of them is the limitation of the amount of insurance liability by the stipulated consequences of an accident that occurred to the insured during the insurance period. This restriction ensures the availability of insurance rates and promotes the widespread development of accident insurance as a direct complement to social insurance. The most widespread is individual insurance against accidents.

The basis of accident insurance contracts are short-term types. The scope of the insurer's insurance liability under accident insurance contracts includes the consequences of an accident. This does not mean generally any accident in the common sense of the word, but only the so-called "insurance accident", that is, an event that is taken into account by the terms of the contract. Different contracts can list different accidents as insurance. For example, according to the conditions of passenger insurance, only those accidents that occurred with the insured along the route of a certain type of transport are considered insured. For insurance against industrial accidents, the insurance will be accidents that occurred only during, or related only to the performance of professional activities.

2.2. Scope of insurance liability

An important aspect of internship in an insurance company is the study of the scope of insurance liability of the studied organization.

All the variety of consequences of an accident can be reduced to three types:


Temporary disability;

Permanent complete or partial incapacity for work (disability).

The first type of accident consequences is clear and does not require any explanation.

Temporary disability means that as a result of an accident such pathological changes, disturbances in body functions have occurred, which do not allow a person to continue working for a relatively short time. After this period, the victim's ability to work can be fully restored.

Finally, permanent incapacity for work, or disability, occurs only when an accident has caused the victim damage that remains throughout his life, such as loss of vision or an organ. Disability can have different degrees depending on the level of disability of the person. Obviously, with the loss of one finger or leg, the ability to work decreases insignificantly, while with the loss of vision in both eyes, both arms and legs, complete disability occurs.

According to the terms of the contract, all of the listed consequences of an accident can be included in the scope of insurance liability together or in various combinations.

Before the revolution, Russian insurance companies carried out accident insurance options with the condition of payment upon occurrence:

Death, disability and temporary incapacity for work;

Death and disability;

Disability and temporary incapacity for work;

Disability only.

Gosstrakh concluded similar types of accident insurance contracts in the period up to 1942, when all previously existing personal insurance contracts were canceled. In the post-war practice of the State Insurance, temporary disability was excluded from the list of insured events, and upon its occurrence, the payment to the insured was not provided. Some deviations from the established procedure for carrying out work on insurance against accidents have been observed in recent years in a number of former Soviet republics, which began to provide insurance in case of temporary disability. In addition, in order to take into account the interests of insurers more broadly, Gosstrakh included in some types of contracts against accidents a condition for the payment of benefits for cases requiring continuous treatment for a short time (usually up to a month). This practically indicates that temporary disability as one of the types of consequences of an accident becomes the basis for payment under the contract.

2.3. The amount of insurance premium and insurance payment

The task of insurance in general is to compensate for material damage incurred by the policyholder due to various circumstances that led to damage or loss, for example, property or other insurance object. The specifics of accident insurance is such that the insurance object has no value. Funds paid in the form of sums insured cannot always be used to eliminate the direct consequences of an accident in the literal sense. With their help, it is also impossible to restore the income lost as a result of disability or death. This function is performed by funds allocated from the social insurance and security fund. At the same time, payments for insurance against accidents make it possible to overcome the often serious financial difficulties that have arisen in the family in the event of the loss of the breadwinner or disability, and to cover the additional costs of treatment and food. Thus, when insuring against accidents, insurance is practically carried out against the risk of disability or death as a result of an accident. The maximum cost of this risk is determined by the policyholder himself. The amount of premiums as a kind of payment for the services provided by the insurance contract depends on this cost and on the likelihood of an accident for a given policyholder.

Payment under contracts of insurance against accidents, playing the role of material assistance, can be made in the form of:

The insured amount specified in the contract;

Parts of the sum insured specified in the contract;


Insurance benefit;

Daily remuneration.

The form of payment is determined by the terms of the contract and the nature of the consequences of the accident. So, if the result of an insured accident was death or permanent complete loss of ability to work (disability), the payment is made in the form of the sum insured, the amount of which is specified in the contract, at a time. In the event of disability, in addition to a lump sum payment of the sum insured, the contract may provide for the payment of a pension. The period for receiving a pension by the insured is determined by the period of disability. There is a different procedure for the payment of pensions: annual, quarterly, monthly.

In the event of partial permanent incapacity for work, the contract provides for the payment of the insured amount in the amount of a certain part of the insured amount intended to be paid in case of complete incapacity for work. The amount of the paid part is set depending on the extent to which the insured's working capacity has decreased, that is, on the severity of the consequences of the accident. The procedure for determining the degree of disability in order to resolve the issue of what proportion of the insured amount must be paid under the terms of the contract may be different. But in any case, a certificate confirmed by a doctor is required on the cause and nature of the injury that the insured has. In this case, usually in insurance practice, a list of possible injuries is used with an indication of the percentage of disability corresponding to each injury. For example, a fused fracture of the phalanx of one finger means 5% disability, and a fused hip fracture without disrupting its function means 20% disability. The percentage of the insurance sum paid out corresponds to the established percentage of disability.

If the result of the insured accident is temporary incapacity for work, the payment to the insured can be made in the form of an insurance benefit or daily benefit. Both the one and the other payment are made with the duration of temporary incapacity for work during the period specified in the contract. If an insurance benefit is paid under the terms of the contract, its amount, depending on the duration of temporary disability, is fixed in advance.

An oral statement of the policyholder is sufficient to conclude an insurance contract. In this case, he is given the right to appoint any person (or several persons) to receive the sum insured in the event of his death. During the validity period of the contract, the policyholder may change the order given to him earlier on the appointment of a third party by submitting a written application to this directly to the insurer or by drawing up a separate order about it. When submitting such an application, the policyholder must submit an insurance certificate and present a passport or a replacement document.

2.4. List of insured events

Under an accident insurance contract, upon the occurrence of an insured event, the insurer is obliged to pay the insured or his designated person (persons) the stipulated insurance amount or the corresponding part of it, regardless of the amounts due to him (her) for state social insurance, social security and amounts due in the order of compensation harm. The insured amount is established by agreement between the policyholder and the insurer when concluding the contract. The policyholder, who wishes to increase the amount of the insured amount, may conclude, in addition to the current one, a new insurance contract. In this case, the new contract is valid regardless of the previously concluded one.

The following events are insured that take place during the validity period of the insurance contract, confirmed by a certificate from a medical and prophylactic institution and provided for in the "Table of the amounts of insured amounts payable in connection with insured events":

Injury sustained by the insured person as a result of an accident;

Accidental acute poisoning with poisonous plants, chemicals (industrial or household), poor quality food, with the exception of toxic infections (salmonellosis, dysentery, etc.), drugs;

Tick-borne encephalitis (encephalomyelitis) or poliomyelitis;

Abnormal childbirth or ectopic pregnancy leading to the removal of organs (uterus, both or only tubes, ovaries);

Accidental fractures, dislocations of bones, damage to teeth, burns, ruptures (injuries) of organs or their removal as a result of improper medical manipulations;

Death of the insured person during the validity period of the insurance contract from the above reasons, or within a year from the date of this event, accidental ingestion of a foreign body into the respiratory tract, drowning, anaphylactic shock, hypothermia (with the exception of death from a cold).

Does not apply to insurance events:

Injuries received by the insured in connection with the commission of actions in which the investigating authorities or the court have established signs of an intentional crime;

Injuries sustained by the insured in connection with driving in a state of alcoholic, drug or toxic intoxication with any self-propelled vehicle with an internal combustion engine or an electric motor (car, motorcycle, scooter, moped, motorized bicycle, tractor, harvester, trolleybus, tram, etc.) by boat or motor boat, as well as in connection with the transfer of control of them to a person who is in a state of alcoholic, drug or toxic intoxication;

Injury or poisoning as a result of an attempted suicide by the insured;

Intentional infliction of bodily harm by the insured;

Death due to the reasons listed above;

Adverse consequences of diagnostic, therapeutic and prophylactic measures (including drug injections), if they were not associated with the treatment carried out in connection with the insured event that occurred during the validity period of the insurance contract.

If an accident that occurred during the period of validity of the insurance contract led to events for the consequences of which, according to the terms of the contract, payment is provided, the amount of the insurance amount payable is determined according to the "Table of the amounts of insurance amounts payable in connection with insured events" on the basis of a medical certificate. preventive institution without certification of the policyholder.

In the event that the policyholder has received damage to soft tissues, organs of vision, hearing or the genitourinary system, he can be sent by the insurers for examination by a doctor to determine the consequences of such damage.

The accident insurance contract is terminated:

Upon expiration of the insurance period on the day preceding the one on which the contract entered into force;

In case of payment by the insurer of the full insurance amount specified in the insurance certificate;

In the event of the death of the policyholder.

Other grounds for termination of the contract may be provided, for example, in the event of the policyholder leaving for permanent residence abroad.

Accident insurance is carried out in voluntary and mandatory forms. Compulsory state insurance is subject to: law enforcement officers, servicemen of internal troops, servicemen and citizens called up for military training, employees of the State Tax Service, personnel of foreign intelligence, employees of federal state security bodies, judges and some other categories of employees in public service.

Let us consider individual insurance programs of the Rosgosstrakh company related to accident insurance.

So, the Fortuna "Family" program is:

Financial protection in case of injuries, inpatient treatment, disability as a result of the establishment of disability, death as a result of accidents of any of the family members;

Caring for a responsible family breadwinner for the well-being of loved ones in case of unforeseen circumstances.

The policyholder is the main insured person, the policyholder's age is from 18 to 70 years.

Additional insured: family members of the insured (children, wife, parents, etc.), but no more than 7 people, including the policyholder, aged from 1 to 70 years.

The insurance period is 1 year.

The insured or his beneficiaries receive payment in accordance with the main conditions:

Risks Pay
getting injured percentage of the sum insured according to the payment table depending on the severity of the injury
inpatient treatment as a result of an accident2 0.3% of the sum insured for each day of hospital stay, starting from the 7th day
establishment of I, II or III group of disability or category "disabled child" as a result of an accident for group I or category “disabled child” - 100% of the sum insured,
for group II - 80% of the insured amount,
for group III - 60% of the insured amount
accidental death 100% of the insured amount

As of December 31, 2014, 246 contracts were concluded in the insurance department of Rosgosstrakh in Novokuibyshevsk under the Fortuna Family program (in 2013 - 238).

The next Driver program is:

Financial protection of passengers in the event of an accident in case of injury, disability, death as a result of an accident;

Quick purchase: registration of a policy does not require additional certificates of health or income;

Caring for the well-being of the driver and his passengers in the event of an accident.

The policyholder is the main insured person (car driver), the policyholder's age is from 18 to 70 years.

Additional insured: all passengers of the policyholder's car at the time of the accident, but no more than 9 people, including the main insured - the driver.

It is possible to include extended liability if the policyholder is a taxi driver / carrier.

The insurance period is 6 months, 1 year.

The term of the insurance policy is 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, all over the world.

The amount insured is from 100,000 to 1,000,000 rubles.

The insured or his beneficiaries receive payment in accordance with the main conditions:

2.5. Problems of the development of the sphere of personal insurance

And the ways to solve them

Personal insurance, and especially life insurance, is a developed and economically significant insurance industry in European countries. There are a number of problems in Russia that hinder the development of this industry. Difficulties with the development of life insurance are explained by the fact that in Russian practice it is often used as a way to optimize the tax burden on enterprises and is weakly connected with the real protection of the interests of policyholders.

Based on the experience of Western countries, we can conclude that long-term life insurance is the most promising and massive type of insurance: it accounts for 40% to 80% of all collected insurance premiums. For the rapid development of this type of insurance, it is necessary to have at least two conditions: it is necessary to maintain the long-term reliability and stability of the financial system as a whole, which will ensure the safety of investments; the profitability of endowment insurance should be comparable to other investment instruments with a comparable level of risk (for example, a bank deposit).

One of the main problems in the development of life insurance is weak incentives to accumulate, including those of a tax nature. Today tax legislation sets practically prohibitive barriers to the development of this type of insurance. For example, endowment insurance at the expense of the employer is subject to: firstly, a unified social tax, secondly, income tax on insurance contributions (also on payments, if they are made), thirdly, income tax if the amount of contributions exceeds 12 % of the amount of labor costs. In addition, an acceptable return on investment can only be ensured with long-term contracts - from 10 years or more. At the same time, such contracts are not in demand among policyholders due to the high riskiness of long-term investments.

Thus, we can conclude that the main factors contributing to the development of the insurance system in general and personal insurance in particular are: insurance interest, effective demand, effective sales channels, a favorable tax climate, political and economic stability, public confidence in the authorities and financial and economic institutions, the formation of a market attitude to social protection issues.


3.1. Modeling a conditional practical situation

Citizen Ivanova Tatyana Aleksandrovna applied to the insurance company LLC IC "RGS-Life" in order to insure the child's life. She has a daughter - Ivanova Daria Vladimirovna. Citizen Ivanova wants to insure her daughter to reach the age of 16 and chose the insurance period - 15 years.

3.2. Sequence of execution

In the case of Tatiana Aleksandrovna Ivanova, the ROSGOSSTRAKH-LIFE Prestige "Children" program would be a suitable life insurance program. This program provides for an insurance payment when the insured lives up to a certain event in her life (in this case, the child reaches the age of 16). In order to conclude an insurance contract, you must fill out an application for life insurance. In the application for the ROSGOSSTRAKH LIFE Prestige "Children" program, the amount of insurance payment for the survival of a 16-year-old child is 300,000 rubles, in the event of the death of the insured (mother) - 500,000 rubles, in case of bodily harm to the insured - 300,000 rubles. and in case of disability of the insured - 300,000 rubles. This means that in all these cases, the insured will be paid an insurance benefit.

It is necessary to fill out a questionnaire on the state of health of both the insured and the policyholder.

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