Profession maintenance of buildings and structures. Education in colleges in the specialty "construction and operation of buildings and structures

Specialty code: 44.02.06

The level of education: specialist

Relevance of training

Today it is impossible to imagine a city, settlement, village that would not be developed, built, modernized and repaired. Therefore, the profession of a builder is always respected and honored.

The builder is a mass and demanded profession, its representatives are in stable demand in the labor market.

What only epithets do not reward this profession! It is the most peaceful, and eternal, and severe, and heavy, and ancient, and noble, and creative. And all these definitions, no doubt, are suitable for this amazing profession, which appeared at the dawn of civilization.
The builder is one of the oldest professions. Many archaeological sites, through which we learn about the past of mankind, are ancient buildings. Thanks to those who hewed and laid stones, erected columns, decorated and finished buildings, we know today about the people and events of that distant time. Many buildings are still standing, although their age is measured in thousands of years. The secrets of the building craft have been accumulated over the centuries, carefully kept and passed down from generation to generation, from masters to students.

When we hear the word "builder", we imagine a man with a helmet on his head and with an invariable trowel in his hands. But the builder is not only a worker who lays bricks. This is a foreman at a construction site, and a foreman, and a designer, and an estimator, and an engineer, and a teacher at a construction technical school, as well as many other specialties that are also builders.

The profession of a builder is being improved year by year, the latest technology, which simplify the construction process and improve the quality of work performed. But only three things remain the same:

  • at all times the work of builders was honorable,
  • never been easy
  • but always necessary.

The construction industry is now taking on a new lease of life. Housing construction has been given the status of a priority national project "Affordable and Comfortable Housing for the Citizens of Russia". And this means an increase in the pace of construction. Therefore, construction professions are in high demand in the labor market.

The builder is one of the oldest professions. Many archaeological sites, through which we learn about the past of mankind, are ancient buildings. Many buildings are still standing, although their age is measured in thousands of years. The secrets of the building craft have been accumulated over the centuries, carefully kept and passed down from generation to generation, from masters to students.

The technician must know:

  • classification building materials, their properties, scope, rules for acceptance and storage;
  • structures of civil, industrial and agricultural buildings and the basics of their design;
  • basics of calculation of foundations of structures;
  • classification and physical and mechanical properties of soils;
  • types and purpose of the main construction machines, equipment and mechanized tools.

The technician must be able to:

  • perform calculations and design building structures;
  • realize preparatory work at the construction site, construction and installation, repair work and work on the reconstruction of construction sites;
  • carry out activities to assess the technical condition of structures and elements of buildings, to control the quality of work performed;
  • plan and ensure control of the activities of subordinate employees during the construction and operation of buildings and structures.

He analyzes the design and estimate documentation and participates in its development, applies Information Technology, recommends machinery and equipment for use, performs construction and installation, repair work during the reconstruction of construction sites and the erection of buildings and structures, reads drawings, draws up estimates in accordance with building codes. And he can also perform work in one or more professions: bricklayer, painter, tiler, carpenter, plasterer.

Requirements for the individual characteristics of the technician:

Frequent change of construction objects makes it necessary to adapt each time to new conditions. Therefore, the profession of a builder is suitable for mobile people, “easy-going”, able to easily endure temporary difficulties and inconveniences of an unsettled life. However, the achievements of a builder depend not only on professional skills, but also on the ability to work in a team, to find a common language with colleagues. It is even more important that the specialist strive for continuous professional growth.

A builder is a creative profession and if you have a craving for creation - a direct road to builders!

Medical contraindications:

  • Visual impairment (severe myopia);
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Diseases of the nervous system;
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Predisposition to frequent colds.


Base Term
Form of study
Vocational training (by industry). Industry: Construction and operation of buildings and structures

Qualification - master of industrial training (technician)
based on 9 classes 4 years 10 months Full-time education

The state educational standard in the specialty "Automation of technological processes and production" for the training of a specialist in this profile provides study of many professional and special disciplines:

As a rule, practices are organized in design, construction, construction and installation and repair and construction organizations.

Future professions:

Builder is a mass and demanded profession, its representatives are in stable demand in the job market. The graduates of our college have a wide field of application of the acquired knowledge.

Employment prospects

A standard career path for a graduate of a secondary vocational school may look like this: foreman, foreman, head of the construction site, head of the planning and technical department, chief engineer. Each graduate decides on his own whether he will become a low-ranking leader (foreman, foreman) or engage in individual entrepreneurship, providing diverse construction services.


In details

The field of professional activity of graduates in the specialty "Construction and operation of buildings and structures": organization and performance of works on design, construction, operation, repair and reconstruction of buildings and structures.

The objects of professional activity of the graduate are:

  • Construction objects (civil, industrial and agricultural buildings and structures);
  • Building materials, products and structures;
  • Construction machines and mechanisms;
  • Normative and production-technical documentation;
  • Technological processes of design, construction and operation of buildings and structures and their structural elements;
  • Primary labor groups.

Advantages of the specialty:

Disadvantages of the profession:

  • constant physical activity
  • difficult working conditions associated with the variability of weather conditions (sometimes hot, sometimes cold, sometimes windy, sometimes rainy).

A technologist prepares for the following activities:

Participation in the design of buildings and structures:

  • Select building structures and develop simple assemblies and parts of structural elements of buildings.
  • Develop architectural and construction drawings using information technology.
  • Perform simple calculations and design of building structures.
  • Participate in the development of a project for the production of works using information technology.

Execution of technological processes in the construction, operation, repair and reconstruction of construction sites:

  • Organize and carry out preparatory work at the construction site.
  • Organize and carry out construction and installation, repair work and work on the reconstruction of construction sites.
  • Conduct operational accounting of the volume of work performed and the consumption of material resources.
  • Carry out activities to control the quality of work performed.

Organization of activities structural divisions when performing construction and installation works, operation, repair and reconstruction of construction objects:

  • To carry out operational planning of the activities of structural units during construction and installation works, current maintenance and reconstruction of construction sites.
  • Ensure the work of structural units in the performance of production tasks.
  • Monitor and evaluate the activities of structural units.
  • Ensure compliance with the requirements of labor protection, life safety and environmental protection when performing construction and installation works, repair and reconstruction works of construction objects.

Organization of types of work during the operation and reconstruction of construction sites:

  • Take part in the diagnostics of the technical condition of the structural elements of the buildings in operation.
  • Organize work on the technical operation of buildings and structures in accordance with the regulatory and technical documentation.
  • Perform activities for the technical operation of structures and engineering equipment of buildings.
  • Carry out activities to assess the technical condition and reconstruction of buildings.

Most high school graduates are going to enter universities after graduation. This choice is often explained by the fact that it is fashionable and prestigious. But is it really necessary in each specific case? Does a young man need such a specialty or does he just pay tribute to fashion? At present, such professions as economist, manager, lawyer, etc. are prestigious in our country.

But in reality, it turns out that the labor market is very oversaturated with representatives of these specialties. And the higher the competition, the more difficult it will be to get a well-paid and decent job. The same category of graduates, who, for various reasons, could not get into the institute, most often goes immediately to work either at a construction site as an auxiliary worker or as a seller.

Labor Market Trends

At the same time, young people do not take into account at all that there are a huge number of truly demanded professions that are considered to be unpopular.

At the moment, the scale of production has begun to increase, and the development of industrial partnerships is also observed on the international market. To implement all the projects that result from this progress, technical specialists and engineers are needed, which are sorely lacking in the existing labor market.

That is why we can safely call the technical specialty "Construction and operation of buildings and structures" one of the most popular.

Graduates educated in this direction, are fully prepared to perform all the tasks that arise in front of them in the course of work. At the end of training, young specialists are awarded the qualification of "technician".

Prospects for the specialty

They can work in the following areas: operational - calculate the service life of structures and buildings; production and technological - construction of structures according to existing projects, etc. And this is not a complete list of activities that are suitable for this specialty. Each graduate with a similar profession will be welcome, both in simple repair companies and in large construction companies.

Modern employers give preference to those employees who have the practical skills they need. And secondary specialized education consists of a large amount of practical training, enabling students to become truly intelligent, sought-after specialists.

Every young person, at the end of school, makes a very important decision what to do next. As a rule, preference is given to economic, banking, computer specialties. But it must be taken into account that there is an overabundance of specialists in this field in the labor market.

AT modern conditions In the economy of the country there was a shortage of specialists in the construction industry. A construction technician receives a secondary specialized education, the training period is about three years. A civil engineer has been studying for five years.

Due to increased health requirements, there are medical contraindications: diseases associated with loss of consciousness, dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system, dysfunction in the organs of hearing and vision, diseases of the nervous system.

There are requirements for personal development: attentiveness, responsibility, mental stability, mathematical abilities, perseverance. The main divisions of the profession by qualifications are given below.

Specialty construction and operation of buildings and structures

People of this qualification will be able to carry out construction and installation work on the construction of general civil facilities: residential buildings, enterprises, trade facilities. After graduation, they will acquire knowledge in the areas of civil engineering:

  • design drawings;
  • normative documents;
  • building materials and structures;
  • mechanisms and equipment;
  • procedure for design, construction and operation of buildings and structures;
  • measures to organize the operation of buildings and structures;
  • planning and preparation for repair work.

Specialty construction and operation of engineering structures

Those who have chosen this specialty will be able to carry out and organize construction and installation work on the construction and operation of engineering structures. Gained knowledge and skills:
construction of bridges, overpasses, subways, pipelines, hydraulic structures;

  • application of building mechanisms and equipment;
  • reading and analysis of design and estimate documentation;
  • security;
  • organization of maintenance activities;
  • damage determination and measurement;
  • development and planning of repair work.

Specialty installation and operation of internal plumbing devices

Specialists of this qualification are responsible for comfortable conditions inside buildings and structures, their competence includes sewerage and water supply systems, ventilation, air conditioning, and heating. Gained knowledge and skills:

  • the use of various life support systems and their features;
  • reading design drawings;
  • finding and repairing damage;
  • installation and operation of equipment;
  • emergency recovery work.

Specialty installation and technical operation of industrial equipment

Specialists of this profession work in the main industries: metallurgy, material processing, mechanical engineering.

These are the main branches of any economy and therefore are always in demand. The responsibilities of these professionals include:

  • organization of the production process;
  • competent choice of equipment, tools;
  • technological discipline;
  • calculation and planning of equipment repair work;
  • rules for the safe operation of machines and mechanisms.

Specialty installation and operation of gas supply systems

The gas industry is one of the most dynamically developing, it includes thermal stations, gas pipelines, gas filling and gas distribution stations, repair and maintenance services. Experts will acquire knowledge:

  • repair and operation of gas equipment;
  • reading and checking design decisions;
  • emergency recovery work;
  • production and installation of gas pipeline units.

Specialty construction operation gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities

The dominant position of oil in the global economy will provide a decent job for the future specialist.

During the training, students study the following disciplines: drawing, technical mechanics, applied informatics (study of computer graphics), building materials, geodesy, engineering and technical equipment of buildings, electrical engineering and electrical equipment of buildings, construction of buildings and structures, labor protection, construction machines and means of small mechanization, the basics of calculating building structures, the technology of organizing construction and installation production, the basics market economy and production management.

Graduates of construction specialties have long been and remain in great demand in the labor market. Therefore, the most "running" specialty of secondary vocational education is "Construction and operation of buildings and structures." All construction colleges offer to master the specialty. School graduates are accepted for training. After 9 classes, you have to study for 3 years 10 months, after 11 - a year less. Students of the specialty "Construction and operation of buildings and structures" study general humanitarian disciplines, mathematics and computer science, fundamentals of economics and technical mechanics, electrical engineering and electronics. The educational program provides for internships at real facilities. Graduates of the specialty "Construction and operation of buildings and structures" are able to develop design and estimate documentation; erect buildings, structures, engineering communications and sanitary systems; reconstruct construction sites.

The construction technician must know:

  • technology and organization of construction production, design and estimate documentation for objects under construction and reconstruction, building codes and rules for the production and acceptance of construction, installation and repair work;
  • rational scope of construction machines, small-scale mechanization, mechanized tools, technological equipment;
  • basics of calculation and strengthening of building structures;
  • the fundamentals of a market economy, the organization of labor, the basics of managing the workforce, the current regulations on wages;
  • the main tasks of labor protection, the basics of legislation on labor protection, the basics of the safety of technical processes and the operation of construction machines and mechanisms;
  • advanced domestic and foreign experience in construction production and scientific organization of labor;

The construction technician must be able to:

  • ensure the production of construction, installation and repair work in accordance with the project for the production of works, working drawings, the requirements of regulatory documents and the lines for the delivery of objects;
  • organize work at the construction site for the acceptance and storage of building materials and structures;
  • control the technological sequence of work and ensure the quality of construction and installation works;
  • conduct geodetic control in the course of technological operations;
  • determine the volume of construction, installation and repair work;
  • determine the timing and scope of the current and overhaul buildings and structures.

Who to work?

Graduates of the specialty "Construction and operation of buildings and structures" receive the qualification of "technician", and, as a rule, become superintendents. The starting salary of an assistant foreman with minimal experience is about 20 thousand rubles a month. A site manager or foreman leading a large project earns $2,000-3,000 per month or more.


Foremen can work in construction companies, repair firms, contractor organizations. Do not be afraid of high competition with colleagues with higher education. According to representatives of colleges, their graduates are highly valued in the labor market, since secondary specialized education is more focused on practical training. And most employers prefer to deal with practitioners.

A graduate of the college, having a diploma of a building production technician, can literally work in all construction professions: Plasterer, finisher, tiler, painter-decorator.

Specialty 08.02.01

Specialty presentation

basic education: 9, 11 grades / initial vocational education

qualification: technician

Interested in construction training?

Do you want to study construction?

Builders training now offered in many centers focused on short-term courses. But you can become a truly qualified specialist by passing builders training in college. Learn to be a builder in college, it means to gain theoretical knowledge in the field of environmental protection, structural calculations, economics, building design and much more. As well as study to be a builder is to gain practical skills in the framework of training in educational and practical practices.

General characteristics of the specialty"Construction and operation of buildings and structures":

  • Technician performs the following types activities:
  • Participation in the design of buildings and structures.
  • Implementation of technological processes in the construction, operation and reconstruction of construction sites.
  • Organization of activities of structural divisions in the performance of construction and installation works, operation and reconstruction of buildings and structures.
  • Organization of types of work during the operation and reconstruction of construction sites.
  • Performance of work in one or more professions of workers, positions of employees.

Benefits of training a builder:

  • Demand in the ore market (a technician will never be left without a job).
  • High salary level.
  • Opportunity for career growth.
  • The prestige of the specialty.
  • Realization of creative potential.
  • Continuing education in the specialty at universities.

Opportunity for professional growth:

  • building site foreman
  • construction foreman
  • design technician
  • design engineer
  • construction manager
  • Surveyor Technician
  • estimator
  • safety specialist
  • middle manager

Requirements for the individual characteristics of a specialist who wants to study as a builder:

  • good coordination of movements;
  • excellent vision and hearing;
  • strong nerves;
  • accuracy;
  • a responsibility;
  • good eye;
  • physical endurance;
  • technical thinking;
  • dexterity;
  • Attention;
  • memory;
  • communicative
  • organizational skills.

Area of ​​professional activity:

Organization and performance of works on design, construction, operation, repair and reconstruction of buildings and structures.

Scope of the specialty"Construction and operation of buildings and structures":

Professional activity technique is carried out at enterprises of housing and communal services, in construction companies of the city, design institutes, private organizations.

Every modern person, after graduating from school, seeks to enter universities. But it is worth noting that today young people do not think at all about whether they need this specialty or not. And, as a rule, most young people prefer such prestigious professions as lawyer, economist, etc.

However, they do not think about the fact that modern world There are a lot of them in the labor market. This means that the competition is strong, so it will be very difficult to find a decent, well-paid job.

As for the category of graduates who do not have the opportunity to enter a university, they, as a rule, immediately after school go to work in the market as sellers, at a construction site as helpers, etc. But young people again do not take into account the fact that today a large number of popular specialties are considered unpopular.

For example, due to the fact that the scale of production is growing, as well as the intensive development of international industrial partnerships, at the moment there is a particular shortage of engineers, technical specialists, etc. It is for this reason that in the modern world one of the most sought-after technical specialties is "Construction and operation of buildings and structures".

Thus, I would like to note that the graduates of this direction are fully prepared to fulfill the tasks assigned to them in this area. After graduates finish their studies, they receive the qualification of "technician". As a result, they can work in such areas as: production - technological, i.e. construction of buildings and structures according to projects, operational - miscalculations of the service life of buildings and structures, etc.

What are the prospects for this specialty?

Moreover, these are far from all the activities that this specialty includes. Each graduate of an urban planning college can be sure that he is expected in various construction companies and repair firms.

But it must be remembered that modern employers tend to choose those employees who have practical skills. And since secondary specialized education is mainly focused on practical training, then, as a rule, intelligent specialists will be out of competition.

In conclusion, I would like to say with confidence that the profession of a builder is important. After all, everything that surrounds us: houses, factories, shops, everything is made by the hands of professionals and the category of people who know their business. Having studied the elementary rules, and you can make the right choice and become an indispensable specialist in this profession. You can be sure of this.

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The builder is one of the oldest professions. Many archaeological sites, thanks to which we learn about the past of mankind, are ancient buildings. Thanks to those who hewed and laid stones, erected columns, decorated and finished buildings, we know today about the people and events of that distant time. Many buildings are still standing, although their age is measured in thousands of years. The secrets of the building craft have been accumulated over the centuries, carefully kept and passed down from generation to generation, from masters to students.

Characteristics of the professional activity of graduates of the specialty

"Construction and operation of buildings and structures"

Field of professional activity of graduates: organization and performance of works on design, construction, operation, repair and reconstruction of buildings and structures.

The objects of professional activity of graduates are:

construction objects (civil, industrial and agricultural buildings and structures);

building materials, products and structures;

construction machines and mechanisms;

normative and production-technical documentation;

technological processes of design, construction and operation of buildings and structures and their structural elements;

primary workforce.

Diploma qualification - technician.

The technician prepares for the following activities:

participation in the design of buildings and structures;

implementation of technological processes in the construction, operation and reconstruction of construction sites;

organization of the activities of structural divisions in the performance of construction and installation works, operation, repair and reconstruction of buildings and structures;

organization of types of work during the operation and reconstruction of construction sites;

performance of work in one or more professions of workers, positions of employees.

The builder is a mass profession, its representatives are in stable demand in the labor market. Our graduates have a wide area of ​​application of their knowledge and practical experience, they can work effectively:

  • foreman, foreman, head of the construction site;
  • safety specialist;
  • design engineer;
  • real estate agent;
  • the technician of housing and communal services;
  • surveyor in construction;
  • accounting specialist;
  • logistics technician;
  • manager;
  • construction materials consultant.

A builder is a modern specialty, in demand and quite well paid - from 25 to 80 thousand rubles.

Among all professions there is one, the demand for which was, is and will always be. This is a builder. What only epithets do not reward this profession! It is the most peaceful, and eternal, and severe, and heavy, and ancient, and noble, and creative. And all these definitions, no doubt, are suitable for this amazing profession, which appeared at the dawn of civilization.

When we hear the word "builder", we imagine a man with a helmet on his head and with an invariable trowel in his hands. But the builder is not only a worker who lays bricks. This is a foreman at a construction site, and a foreman, and a designer, and an estimator, and an engineer, and a teacher at a construction university or technical school, as well as many other specialties that are also builders.

Main responsibilities

Depending on which company or firm, in which area of ​​work the specialist works, the scope of his duties may be different. In general, the foreman of the construction site analyzes the design and estimate documentation, selects construction machines, equipment, vehicles, performs construction and installation work during the construction of buildings and structures in accordance with working drawings, estimates, building codes, calculates and checks rigging equipment.


The foreman of the site must not only know the classification of building materials, their properties, scope, rules for acceptance and storage; structures of civil, industrial and agricultural buildings and the basics of their design; classification and physical and mechanical properties of soils; bases of calculation of the bases of constructions; geodetic instruments and production of geodetic stakeouts in the construction of buildings and structures; types and purpose of the main construction machines, equipment and mechanized tools, but also constantly improve their knowledge.
Professionally important qualities: an accurate eye, a sense of responsibility, organizational skills, communication skills, accuracy. But more importantly, he must be ready and strive for continuous professional growth.

Advantages and disadvantages

As in any profession, builders have their pros and cons. The main advantage is that the builder will never be left without work. Working specialties are currently the most in demand in the labor market. In addition, the builder has a lot of opportunities to apply their skills and abilities. He can choose not only a specialty that he likes, but also acceptable working conditions for himself: from repairing an apartment and a country cottage to building a modern house. A construction worker always has a choice: work as part of a team or deal with individual orders. He also has the opportunity to master several additional related specialties for which there is a demand.
Of the disadvantages of the profession, one can note constant physical exertion, a lot of harmful technological factors that adversely affect the health of those who work at a construction site. It is also necessary to take into account that builders are constantly working on the street, and the weather somehow does not really take into account the desires of people: sometimes hot, sometimes cold, sometimes windy, sometimes rainy. And if we add constant dust and dirt to this, then no one, we think, will have the desire to call the work of a builder easy.

Builders in our country are trained at all levels of education. There are short-term courses that allow you to master some kind of working construction profession (mason, plasterer, painter, etc.). For those who want to master the profession more perfectly, there are colleges and technical schools. Finally, for the most solid there is a higher education.
Having received a secondary vocational education, a graduate of a technical school can work as a foreman, foreman and in other positions that do not require higher education.
In addition to working construction specialties, the construction industry also requires specialists for managerial positions: engineers, heads of sections and entire architectural and construction departments, foremen. To occupy such posts, a higher construction education is already required.
Some technical school students consider their education as the first step on the path to a profession: a graduate of a secondary vocational school can enter a university in a specialized specialty for the second or even third year.

Experience and practical skills in construction are valued more than fundamental theoretical knowledge.
Firstly, you can gain work experience in your specialty while still in the learning process. After the third and fourth years, all students have the opportunity to have an internship - to consolidate their theoretical knowledge and acquire practical skills on real construction sites.
Secondly, it is possible to successively undergo a technological, and then pre-diploma practice in the same organization, and then, having previously proven yourself on the positive side, receive an invitation to work in this organization.
A standard career path for a graduate of a secondary vocational school may look like this: foreman, foreman, head of the construction site, head of the planning and technical department, chief engineer.

A graduate of this specialty from the Yoshkar-Ola Construction College is ready for production activities in design, construction, construction and installation organizations of any form of ownership for the construction, operation and reconstruction of residential, public and industrial facilities.

The profession of a builder is like looking into the future. You seem to become a participant in the creative process. It would seem that there is nothing, an empty place, and then the project appears first, then issues are resolved financial support, then with your active participation, the object itself is born.

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