What you need to know to work in insurance. Work as an insurance agent

At the beginning of their career as an insurance agent, almost everyone asks only one question: "How to become successful in the field of professional activity?"

How to become an insurance agent RESO

In order to answer such a question, it is necessary to clearly assess the advantages that this profession will give you: a high level of income with maximum activity; with the growth of personal professionalism, earnings grow, and the working day decreases; no hard physical labor.

If you are completely satisfied with the advantages and the desire to become a RESO insurance agent has only become stronger, then consider how to achieve this.

The procedure for starting your professional career in this field is quite simple, but still requires some effort.

  • First of all, you should first of all contact the "RESO School" and sign up for an interview or send your resume to an e-mail address and wait for someone to contact you.
  • Secondly, having received an invitation for an interview, you will pass a psychological test, take a mandatory two-week training course, which will acquaint you with trainings on the topic "Sales Technique".
  • Thirdly, having successfully completed all the tasks and completed the training, you conclude an agreement - an order with a convenient branch of RESO-Garantia and acquire a compulsory insurance policy that will make the company responsible for your life for a whole year.

After this procedure is completed, you will become an employee of the RESO company and begin your professional activity.

How to become an insurance agent "Ingosstrakh"

Choosing a career at Ingosstrakh, you should clearly understand that this company needs agents who will move faster than the market.

What does it mean? This means that it is this company that will both put forward high requirements before you and will provide ample opportunities. After becoming an insurance agent for Ingosstrakh, you will always be one step ahead of your competitors.

All employees of this company are in the process of continuous training, both beginners and professionals. Therefore, when you come here, you will take an introductory course for beginners for eight days and get the opportunity to communicate with a client, which will show you all the nuances of your chosen profession.

Then a three-month internship to consolidate the material and acquire work skills. All the while, you will be assisted by a mentor who will assist you in selling insurance products. Throughout the training stage and after it, as we have already mentioned, you continue to attend trainings.

Such trainings are designed specifically for Ingosstrakh agents, which will allow you to create a fairly wide range of your clients in the shortest possible time.

How to become an insurance agent VSK

Among the priorities of such a vacancy should be highlighted prestige (the company is one of the leaders in the insurance market) and prospects.

Having entered the company's website, you can leave a request, after which you will be contacted for further cooperation. You will then need to complete a three-month course of study, which is modularly designed to allow you to concentrate on the aspects of your choice. Such a training system will help you maximize your professional potential.

After completing the training, you will conclude a cooperation agreement with the company.

It should be noted that clients are permanently attached to insurance agents of this particular company, which will speed up the creation of your personal client base.

How to become an insurance agent of OJSC "SOGAZ"

It is the most stable company in the insurance market and is one of the three most famous Russian insurers.

You can receive deductions for sales right after registering on the company's website and receiving an electronic work cabinet. Having studied in detail the order of work of the company, you will be able to work successfully in it and create your own personal website to optimize your activities.

The work is remote, which does not restrict you at all, transactions take place through the "Russian system of auto insurance".

How to become an auto insurance agent

The procedure is pretty standard. On the phone of the company, it is enough to call and sign up for training and an interview. Take training courses, pass tests and conclude an agreement. The rest depends only on you.

One of the most frequent questions, which they write to us in the comments or by email, is “on OSAGO and other insurance products?”, Referring to the activities of an insurance agent.

Therefore, today we will figure it out:

  • how to become an agent from one or a broker from several insurance companies,
  • who can become an insurance agent and who can become an insurance broker,
  • how to become an insurance agent for car insurance (OSAGO, CASCO),
  • how much you can earn on it.

Everything in order ...

Here are 9 steps on how to become an agent or broker

  1. Select one or more insurance companies with which you want to work,
  2. Contact insurance companies. You can call them or go to the central office. You will be scheduled for an interview and given a list of documents to be submitted to the security service,
  3. Provide copies of your passport, SNILS, a special candidate questionnaire and other documents that the company will require,
  4. Prepare information about yourself, your experience in insurance, your existing customer base and your other merits as a partner. The insurance company will assess how you are suitable for it,
  5. Carefully fill out the questionnaire of a candidate for insurance agents (brokers), according to it you will be assessed, and the security service will check the information you provided,
  6. Wait for the interview time. Show your best side on it! Be prepared for questions about your experience!
  7. If you passed an interview, if the security service allowed you to work, wait for the preparation of an agreement stating that you are now an insurance agent of this company,
  8. Follow these steps for each insurance company you want to work with,
  9. You can start your activity!
  10. It will be useful to learn how to find customers and sales technologies. Usually, this is not taught in insurance companies. It is understood that since you want to become an agent or broker, then you have many clients, and you also know how to effectively sell insurance.

How to become an insurance broker or insurance agent through franchising

Can you shorten the steps and make it easier? Yes, there is a ready-made solution! You can open a ready-made insurance business for a franchise!

A franchise is a transfer of a model of a ready-made and well-functioning business, as well as assistance in its implementation, management of this business and the right to use a well-known brand. In other words, instead of trying to figure out what works and how it works, wasting time and missing out on profits, instead of “bumping up” on your own, you can use a ready-made highly profitable business and start making good money in the shortest possible time.

You can take advantage of auto insurance and open your own insurance business according to an already established business model. Let's see what a franchise is.

Details can be found by leaving a request:

Is there a prospect to be an insurance agent, broker?

It is worth noting that quite a few people are wondering how to become an agent of an insurance company, but, unfortunately, there are not so many experienced specialists who can speak in clear language about the "pitfalls" and important nuances of the activities of insurance agents and its prospects. Find out how to become a good, successful or even better insurance agent!

As Oleg Sysuev, First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Alfa-Insurance, explained in his last interview: “Working as an agent today is one of the most promising developing areas of small business in Russia. The insurance market will develop, and all market participants, including agents of insurance companies, will find a worthy place in it ”.

Let's just add that you can be an insurance agent at home, that is, work from home! Or combine with other work or study.

Earnings of insurance agents and insurance brokers

Let's see how much insurance agents and brokers make. On average, representatives of insurance companies earn 100% from one OSAGO policy, 25% from one CASCO policy, 35% from property and health insurance policies. Is it a lot or a little?

For example, you bought a CASCO policy for 50,000 rubles, respectively, your earnings will be 12,500 rubles (50 tr. * 25% = 12.5 tr.). If you bought property insurance for 50,000 rubles, then you earned 17,500 rubles. Agree, this can be a good income! And these are far from the most expensive insurance products that individuals and even more so companies buy.

Who can be an insurance agent or insurance broker?

Any individual over 18 years of age can become an agent. Higher or specialized education is not required for this. To be an insurance broker, in accordance with the law, you must have a license to carry out brokerage activities. Therefore, following practical experience, it is easier to have several contracts with insurance companies and from several insurers.

Auto and other insurance agent

But it is not enough just to say to myself: "I want to be an insurance agent." It is necessary to clearly and specifically define the path of your professional growth.

Before becoming an insurance agent or broker, decide: do you want to become an insurance agent for OSAGO (auto insurance) and not sell other types? If so, then it is worth concluding agency agreements with the best auto insurance companies. Why? Becoming an insurance agent for OSAGO, you will be able to provide a choice of the best insurance companies, for example, working as a broker, and it will be convenient for your clients! If you decide to be a life insurance agent, then, likewise, your clients will fall in love with a professional in a narrow segment. Nobody likes “know-it-all” amateurs.

How to become an agent of an insurance company for OSAGO? The procedure is similar to the standard order - see the beginning of the article.

Rosgosstrakh and other companies for an insurance agent

In addition to the above, decide for yourself: Do you want to become an agent of RosGosStrakh (RGS), RESO Garantia, VSK, Consent, Sogaz, Alfa-insurance, Ingosstrakh and / or other insurance companies, that is, to be a universal insurance broker? Or to issue policies from only one or two partner companies, being an agent?

Simple principle: sell 1-2 types of insurance from all insurance companies OR sell all types of insurance from 1-2 insurers. You can, of course, sell all types of insurance in all insurance companies (and many do this because it is profitable), but this approach has its own tricks and laws.

Do you want to know the insurance business in more detail?

Sign up and become a million dollar agent!

Have questions about how to become an insurance broker or insurance agent? Ask them in the comments below!


Do you want to get a ready-made insurance business? will help you open an insurance company from scratch in 30 days!

An insurance agent is the most important person in any insurance company. Insurance companies are becoming more and more popular every year, and the number of their clients is constantly growing. In our country, work as an insurer is not as highly valued as it is in the West. However, the demand for agents is growing rapidly. In this article, we will tell you how to become a good insurance agent and what the rapid growth of income in this activity depends on.

Being an insurance agent is prestigious

The job of an insurance company employee is similar to that of a sales manager. The main difference is that the insurer's services are not a product that you can pick up and see, but a whole range of insurance services for many risks.
An insurance agent is constantly looking for potential clients, visiting different companies, arranging personal meetings, connecting additional partners to increase the client base. The key goal of meetings, calls, all types of communications and all, as a principle, the activity of an insurance agent is, of course, the conclusion of insurance contracts and an increase in the company's profits.

In case of trouble in the insured company, the agent advises the client on further actions. The agent's duties do not end with the conclusion of the contract and the receipt of the payment of the insurance premium, since he is obliged to maintain close contact with the client for as long as possible.

Working as an insurance agent implies constant development, the study of new programs, types of insurance, he must ideally know about all the features of insurance products, understand what to say to the client and what to keep silent about. The insurance companies teach all about this both at internal meetings of departments and at webinars. This affects the level of professionalism of the insurance agent and its effectiveness. This specialist must have a good ability to analyze any situation, make quick decisions, have a good memory and be familiar with all the active insurance products that he sells.

Everyone has a chance to become an insurance agent

The advantage of this profession is that insurance companies, as a rule, do not require a special diploma from the candidate for the position. Competence and professionalism is assessed in the process of work, most often these specialists are trained practically from scratch. Preference is given to candidates with education in economics, psychology and pedagogy. Work experience in an insurance company is not required. Interestingly, some employers, having the opportunity to choose an experienced insurer, opt for a candidate with no work experience. The reason is that each such company has its own specifics, features of insurance products, as well as other values ​​and mission, sometimes it is easier to train a young specialist than to retrain an inveterate insurer.

Employers provide employees with the opportunity for vocational training, take on an "internship", most often the probationary period for new employees is 1 month. Curators tell the wards all the subtleties that work in St. Petersburg provides. During the internship, potential agents are trained in the correct conclusion of contracts, improve their communication skills, take courses in dealing with objections and necessarily seminars on the presentation of new insurance products. At the end of the internship, the manager evaluates the acquired practical knowledge, work efficiency - the number of contracts concluded and takes an exam from the candidate for knowledge of insurance products.

To become a successful insurer, you need to clearly understand the interests of the "audience", be able to inspire the client's trust and interest in the service, find a common language with a potential client and work according to a predetermined scheme.

Opportunity for career growth

The employer wants to see a respectable employee who knows how to work in a team, is distinguished by a creative way of thinking, stress-resistant, hardworking, not susceptible to negativity, which quite often comes from potential customers. The most important thing in an agent is, of course, activity and dedication. Successful insurance agents have the opportunity to climb the career ladder to become an insurance professional, senior specialist and branch manager. The improvement of the agent as a salesperson and a consultant as a result contributes to both career growth and an increase in his income.

Having considered the vacancies of the insurer, and getting a job, a newcomer in the field of insurance begins to actively study the company's products and the work process itself. Next, we develop our own active client base. Ambitious agents try to join the staff of the company as soon as possible, so that the work is stable and wages grow. Many of them are retraining as managers-consultants, project curators, sometimes even assessors, with additional education. You need to strive for continuous development and become a professional, because finding an insurance agent is easy, but a professional is not easy.

Income Potential for Insurance Agents

Advertisements on job sites indicate that a professional insurer can receive anywhere from $ 500 to $ 2,000. The income is influenced by the amount of the transaction, 10-20% of which the agent receives.

The positive aspects of the profession

Working as an insurance agent helps to improve communication skills and gain sales experience. The advantage is a free work schedule and the possibility of self-development. However, do not relax, since this profession does not imply a stable salary, everything depends only on your own efforts, actively and the number of sales.

Employers can post a vacancy on the website for free, and the applicant, in turn, must treat employment and career development with full responsibility. Being an insurance agent is not just a profession, but a school of life, where every person works on himself, takes the opportunity to gain wonderful experience and learn how to independently organize his day effectively. The level of income of an insurance agent, like that of any specialist, depends on the level of skill and volume of sales, like that of any salesperson. Insurance agents are successful people, and their work in the modern world is in demand and highly paid.

A great way to gain a specialty and additional income opportunity is to learn how to become a home insurance agent to work on behalf of your chosen company. Insurers usually offer free training, as a result of which it remains only to find clients and conclude contracts with them on various types of insurance, receiving an agency fee for this. We will tell you how to get this position and start working directly.

Who can become an insurance agent?

The question of how to become an insurance agent at home will primarily interest those who have a lot of free time, but do not have a permanent job. Insurance companies are ready to accept as agents such categories of applicants as:

  • students and yesterday's graduates;
  • pensioners and retired military men;
  • housewives and young mothers.

The easiest way will be for those who already have experience of communicating with people. Educators, doctors, salespeople, marketers, and networkers can excel in the profession of an insurance agent. It is worth learning how to become an insurance agent for Rosgosstrakh or another similar company, for respected people whose opinion is considered by the neighbors in the microdistrict or in the village. They will go to them not only for advice, but also for a policy.

The main requirements for those who decided to clarify how to become an insurance agent for OSAGO are:

  • easy to learn;
  • sociability;
  • stress resistance.

You need to be able to make simple arithmetic calculations using ready-made formulas, explain the meaning of insurance rules and the content of contracts to clients, as well as fill out the necessary forms and correctly draw up documents. You just need to clarify how to become an insurance agent for Sogaz or another company in your city. This usually requires completion of a specific training course.

Insurance agent training

Since only one who understands insurance products and their conditions can become an insurance agent for auto insurance or in other areas, you must first undergo training. Not a single company will entrust a person “from the street” with representing its interests and processing documents on behalf of the company, therefore, you will need to take training courses directly from a specific insurer.

The duration of such a training course does not exceed several weeks - usually 1-2 months are enough before becoming an insurance agent for OSAGO or other programs. The form of conducting classes can be both individual and collective, and the format of the classes themselves also varies in different companies - training can be carried out in person, in absentia, and remotely.

Are you thinking about how to become an insurance agent for Ingosstrakh? Just search the organization's website for agent training data and sign up for courses. It is only important to pass all the necessary tests with dignity and confirm your knowledge of the range of insurance products in a particular company.

Before becoming an insurance agent for Sogaz, Rosgosstrakh or VSK, you will have to undergo appropriate training and pass a kind of exam. In some cases, there are several steps of access to different insurance programs, and in order to advance and offer a wider range of policies, you need to pass exams at each next stage.

Have you decided not only to clarify how to become an insurance agent for several companies, but also plan to undergo training? Then it is better to get acquainted in advance with the peculiarities of working as an insurance agent.

There are a number of main responsibilities of this specialist:

  • find out the needs of a potential client;
  • assist in the selection of the required insurance product;
  • calculation of policy options;
  • informing about all conditions of insurance coverage and policy options;
  • advice on obtaining compensation and payments in the event of insured events.

In addition, you need not only to become an insurance agent for auto insurance and serve customers who want to get a policy, but also to look for new customers, monitor the current contract and promptly remind you of the need to renew policies. Nothing complicated, it is only important to constantly replenish your portfolio of clients in order to increase the size of your remuneration.

Useful video

Consider what he is doing insurance agent, what is insurance agent work how interesting and promising it is. Today this type of cooperation is in great demand on the part of insurers. Advertisements like “insurance agents are required” or “work in an insurance company” can be found literally everywhere: from poles to job portals.

For companies, this is a fairly convenient option for promoting their services. And what does he represent from the point of view of job seekers - today we will try to figure it out.

Insurance agent profession.

So let's take a look at what an insurance agent does. “Profession” - this is probably said loudly, since almost any person with certain skills (they will be discussed below), who has the desire and ability to sell insurance products of the company on the basis of a partnership agreement, can become an agent of an insurance company.

The main requirements for insurance agents:

- High level of communication skills, ability to communicate with different people and conduct business negotiations;

Now let's look at the main advantages and disadvantages of working as an insurance agent.

Working as an insurance agent: advantages.

1. Undemanding to candidates for vacancies. Almost anyone can become an insurance agent.

2. Training at the expense of the company. As a rule, insurance companies provide training and all kinds of trainings, seminars, refresher courses for their insurance agents. On them you can get useful knowledge and skills free of charge, which will be useful in other work, other life spheres.

3. Free work schedule. Independent, having free time, the ability to combine the work of an insurance agent with another job or own business.

4. Good pay for good work. An insurance agent selling a large number of policies makes good money. In this work, there is always material motivation to achieve high results.

5. Career prospect. The insurance business is an area in which not everyone can work well and earn money, and therefore there is often a high turnover of staff. Thus, an insurance agent with high sales rates can gradually move to work in the company's office, become the head of this office.

6. Rest at the expense of the company and other privileges. This advantage of being an insurance agent applies to those who work for international life companies, which often host international corporate events to which the best employees are invited.

Working as an insurance agent: disadvantages.

1. Dependence of income on sales figures. The lack of a fixed salary is a significant disadvantage for many people. This is especially important for those who do not have other sources of income: the work of an insurance agent, especially at first, may not give the desired level of income.

2. Distrust of the population in insurance products. Today, what can be combined into the concept of "insurance culture" in the post-Soviet countries is at a very low level. There are objective reasons for this: the experience and practice of interaction with insurance companies show that it is often very difficult to receive insurance compensation in reality, and insurers do everything possible not to pay it or to underestimate the payment as much as possible. Accordingly, it is very difficult to convince people to have insurance coverage.

By the way, in developed countries things are different: there the average resident has several different insurances at once.

3. Independent search for clients. The work of an insurance agent “at home” implies the need to independently develop a client base. And this is not so easy, especially in the absence of the necessary knowledge and experience.

4. Personal responsibility. If a person who has issued an insurance product has problems obtaining insurance compensation (which, as we know, is a very common phenomenon), who will be affected by all the negativity? That's right - the insurance agent who sold it to him. Therefore, the insurance agent must also be ready to "settle" all kinds of controversial situations, and his earnings will not depend on this, and he will have to spend a lot of nerves.

Now, seeing the main pros and cons of working as an insurance agent, I think you will be able to form your opinion and decide whether such a job is right for you or not.

In conclusion, some statistics: studies show that the greatest success in the work of insurance agents is achieved by 2 categories of people: students and people over the age of 50. At first glance, they are completely different groups of the population, but if you think about it, you can find a logical explanation for this.

Since the job of an insurance agent is available to everyone, it is often chosen by students with no work experience and looking for part-time jobs to earn money for their studies. Due to their youth, activity and well-developed communication skills, they achieve good success in this matter. And people in adulthood have many of the same old acquaintances, and this is exactly the age when people are already starting to seriously think about insurance, which is a good start to start working as an insurance agent.

Once again, I will highlight an approximate list of categories of people and professions that have the best prerequisites for working as an agent of an insurance company:

- students;

- elderly people, pensioners;

- bank employees;

- employees of auto enterprises;

- healthcare workers;

- people with experience in the field of direct sales;

- employees of large enterprises with a large team.

One insurance agent can work for several insurance companies at once, giving his clients a choice.

I hope this information was interesting and useful to you. In the next article, I will go into more detail on how to become an insurance agent. Stay tuned for updates. Until next time!

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