Advertising of insurance services. Advertising of insurance companies and services Banner insurance

Advertising based on showing the consequences of an accident creates a strong consumer experience. But, as a rule, not the ones that the advertiser would like to see. When a person is told "This can happen to you," on the one hand, a child's defense mechanism is triggered: "No, this cannot happen to me," tries to quickly forget what he saw, get rid of negative information. That is, a potential consumer somehow tries not to take such advertising into his head.

To avoid this customer reaction, ads based on the consequences of an accident are often softened with humor. But a person, after smiling, still experiences negative feelings, most often fear, tension, etc.

Advertising based on showing the positive aspects of life has a more positive impact. These ads usually feature illustrations of cheerful and healthy children, happy married or single couples, happy retirees, etc. The text usually explains that such a (good) life is only possible if there is insurance. The image of happy insured people, despite their seeming simplicity, works win-win, because in this case, advertising is based on the most important human physiological need - safety.

Insurance advertising usually focuses either on an insured event or on a typical representative of the insurance audience. If the readers' attention is focused on the insured event, then the ad lists typical insurance cases (life, health, car, real estate, etc.). Usually a specific example is given insured event with a happy ending. By studying this example, a potential consumer finds a similarity between the originally described in the advertisement and his own circumstances. He is inclined to continue to act by analogy - to insure.

When focusing on a typical representative of the insurance audience, the advertisement describes not a case, but a person who, in terms of his external data (age, material and social status, etc.), is similar to the reader. This approach is usually used in cases where the impact is on the audience, which is difficult to decide on a purchase without firm confidence in the correctness of the action. “If a similar person, depicted in the advertisement, used the offered service and was satisfied, then,” the potential consumer thinks, “the purchase has been tested and approved by people of my circle”.

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Insurers are increasingly using different marketing tools every day, trying to achieve constant growth in sales, but not everyone knows how to promote insurance services. After all, such services are massive, and the market itself is highly competitive. How to be?

Specificity of advertising

Actually, the same resources are suitable for advertising auto insurance services as, in fact, for advertising consumer goods. Of course, there are resources that are available exclusively to the giants of the market - these are radio, television, billboards, as well as article and image advertising in magazines of various directions. But in order to present your brand in such sources, you need to spend at least one million dollars a year on promotion.
Of course, there are resources that are less expensive and more affordable - all kinds of reference books, small publications for motorists, “yellow pages”, etc. On the streets of cities you can see Gazel minibuses on which advertisements for such services are pasted. Also for advertising OSAGO and CASCO they use BTL mechanisms - distribution of leaflets.

Where can you promote auto insurance services online?

If we talk about Internet resources of "economy class", then it is worth mentioning various Internet forums and other auto themes created for communication between motorists among themselves. On such resources, you can place ads for OSAGO and CASCO completely free of charge. The downside of car sites is the highest competition between different companies that sell the same services on the same terms. Therefore, the likelihood that your post will be noticed is tiny.
One of the most effective tools for promoting auto insurance services is contextual advertising and banners. Although these tools are often ineffective and very expensive in a market with many competitors.

It is very important to stand out from the competition by offering your customers convenient services directly online, on the website. A handy calculator on the website would be a good option.

So, the way out has been found!

With that said, it's worth trying the other, more advanced options. For example, the promotion of the actual site advertising auto insurance services. But the creation of such an Internet resource requires investment of certain funds and an integrated approach that only professionals can do. Only experienced professionals know how to promote auto insurance services and take first positions in search engines. By focusing on online promotion, you will definitely not regret it, as it provides many more new tools and more opportunities that are quite affordable for the money.

Advertising of insurance services is the main element of attracting clients for insurance companies of any level. The image component of advertising for insurance companies, which even before the crisis could not boast of high efficiency, in post-crisis conditions reached almost zero level. Moreover, experts say that advertising insurance is a very difficult task, since the insurers themselves have to make significant efforts in the future to sell their own services even after contact with an interested client.

Press advertisements, flyers and brochures

The most effective advertising for such a complex type of business as insurance. Significant circulation and a detailed, intelligible presentation of the essence of the service and its main positions are the main weapons of advertising in print. Not only advertising layouts, but also articles, interviews with managers and specialists of the insurance company, its satisfied clients - all this has a positive effect on the sales of a particular service. Placing articles in specialized business publications allows you to attract a target audience with a high purchasing power (as a rule, corporate clients).

Outdoor advertising of insurance companies

The effectiveness of outdoor advertising directly depends on the expressiveness and creativity of the layout itself and well-chosen placements, since advertising of insurance services requires a certain amount of time to study and comprehend. Therefore, it is necessary to make the layout as laconic and intelligible as possible for perception in seconds of study, which should be placed in places of maximum traffic and pedestrians - only the fulfillment of these two conditions will give an effect and lead insurance clients for further work.

Advertising in public transport and advertising in the subway

Due to a slightly longer contact time with advertising in transport, an advertisement of an insurance company may contain more detailed information. The main thing is not to overdo it. This will discourage the reader from studying the layout.

Direct marketing

Address mailing to databases individuals and enterprises identified as a target audience for a specific insurance product gives good results, but only in the case of a significant period of operation of the insurance company in the market of a given region and the presence of an already formed positive image. So, these methods should not be included in the number of top-priority advertising "weapons" for a young insurance company.

Advertising of an insurance company on TV

A very expensive advertising medium with wide reach. It is advisable to use the broadcast of advertising on central channels only if Insurance Company has representative offices at least in the regional centers of Russia, and even then - in the event of the appearance of new mass-oriented insurance products or significant changes in the conditions for the most popular services.

Internet advertising

An insurance company, whose advertising has been presented on the network for a long time and is effectively promoted with the help of contextual or banner advertising, will not know the end of its customers. Placing banners on partner sites of various types (automotive sites, real estate, banking, pension fund and others) allow you to attract a wealthy target audience.

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