Where is Casco more profitable? Casco rates in different insurance companies

CASCO repair

Renaissance Insurance

If you are a client of the company and a member of the Renaissance Club, then the agreement on CASCO is very fast, interaction by e-mail and the answer to the OD from the insurance company came 2 days after my letter. Unfortunately, the service station pumped up and delayed the repair, but again after my contact with the Renaissance, I was provided with promotional codes for a taxi as a bonus. Was nice ...

Ivan, Moscow

I wanted to solve issues faster


I have a CASCO policy. Got into a minor accident. Submitted documents to the insurance company and provided the car for inspection. After 5 days I received a referral from the STOA. Then I waited for spare parts in the service for 10 days. As a result, the car was repaired normally, now it is on the move, but I would like it faster.

zakhar, Moscow

CASCO repair

Tinkoff Insurance

Good day! 05/23/2019 at the Yaroslavl railway station a barrier crashed down and damaged the car. Phoned on hotline with the insurance company (the call was answered very quickly). Explained the situation. Within minutes everything Required documents issued by phone. After 40 minutes, from the official car service I selected, they called and appointed the day of inspection of the car. Later...

Vladimir, Moscow

Windshield replacement

Renaissance Insurance

I was previously insured in intache, after that I was transferred to Rennesant since they began to work together, I have a comprehensive insurance and compulsory insurance policy in the Renaissance and, in principle, I am satisfied because I had a case of replacing the windshield, turned, sent and replaced carglass in digging, the one that on the Moscow Ring Road, where the warm camp. The glass seems to be of good quality, but without the kia nameplate

Yuri, Moscow

quality repair on time


I thank my manager Yaroslav, as well as the emergency commissioner for the quick arrival at the accident scene, for issuing all the necessary certificates and organizing the delivery of the car by tow truck to the service. Unfortunately (and maybe fortunately) for the second time I have already come across an insured event and repairs under CASCO are carried out efficiently and on time.

Sergey, Moscow

all ok in the end


The side mirror was knocked off and the door in the parking lot of the shopping center was scratched. At first I was confused, I went to investigate the security service of the shopping center, demand video from surveillance cameras from them, but as it turned out, they had a lot of dead zones and nothing was recorded. Then I just thought to call the insurance company. The manager clearly and clearly told me the plan of action. It turned out to use the service immediately service. Even in offices ...

Avdeev, Moscow

everything was done as expected


For about a month we were doing repairs to the front bumper at the service station, waiting for spare parts for a long time, but in the end we did well. Special thanks to my insurance agent from Consent, which helped to quickly draw up the documents and everything went without delay. I am pleased with the quick settlement of my case regarding the repair, but I was less fortunate with spare parts.

Igor Entin, Moscow

Cashback for hull insurance and compulsory motor third party liability insurance

Tinkoff Insurance

bought Casco + CTP on 06/08/19. the advertised cashback is not transferred to the card (I specially started a debit card) on 10.06 I called to find out when they would transfer, they answered that it was necessary to issue a CREDIT. Issued a "claim". from 10.06 sms are received. that it takes another 2-3 days to check. already 6 pieces from 11.06 to 27.06. This is the service. We paid for the repair at the service


He insured his car in Concord. After the accident, he applied for compensation. We drew up the Euro-protocol then. I can't say there were any problems or delays, no. The only thing is that I was not paid compensation, but simply paid for repairs at the service, but actually I have nothing against it, especially since I was able to choose the service myself. The work was done in 5 days and this is taking into account the delivery of parts ...

CASCO - voluntary insurance a car that is used by drivers on their own initiative. It allows, in contrast to OSAGO, to receive compensation for losses associated not with causing damage to passengers or other participants in the accident, but with the car of the owner of the policy. There are various policy options offered by insurance companies. Let's figure out how much the CASCO costs for a car.

How the price of CASCO depends on its type

Price insurance policy directly depends on what type of CASCO you have chosen for your car:

1. Full CASCO or no restrictions... Provides the opportunity to insure the car for all occasions, namely:

2. Partial or incomplete CASCO-including several selected insured events, in the event of which the car owner will receive compensation from the insurance company. The most common practice of insurance against theft and damage caused during an accident, since these are the most likely situations that can occur with a car.

3. Aggregate hull insurance- implies that the amount of compensation that you will receive from the company will decrease after each new insurance payment, according to the contract.

4. Non-aggregate hull insurance- with this insurance contract, you will receive stable payments specified in the contract, and their value will not depend on the number of accidents that have occurred earlier.

CASCO price and what determines car insurance

The main criteria for calculating the cost of CASCO insurance for a car include:

  • Insurance type (full, partial, aggregate and non-aggregate);
  • Driver's age (if the driver has not reached the age of 21 or is over 65, a multiplying factor is applied);
  • Driving experience (the more the price of CASCO is lower);
  • Make, model and year of manufacture of the car;
  • The presence of an installed security (anti-theft) system or devices;
  • Add. car options;
  • Deductible means that the company will withhold a certain percentage of the insurance payment in its favor;
  • Additional circumstances. These include: paid parking, purchase of a car on credit, cooperation of the driver with a competing company in the past. With the latter condition, you can get a discount of up to 30%;
  • The number of persons entered into the insurance contract (the more, the more expensive the policy).

CASCO insurance contracts are concluded mainly for 1 year. The reason for this is the condition that the amount of insurance for the car must be comparable to its market value. It can be installed both in Russian and in foreign currency, but payments are made only in rubles at the rates of the Central Bank.

How much does insurance for a car under CASCO cost for a year

The standard price category for an insurance policy ranges from 4 to 12% of the market value of a car.

The high rates are based on statistics, according to which the largest number of thefts and accidents occurs in Russia. But there are also exceptions. Drivers with a clean insurance history can get more favorable conditions.

The table shows the cost of the CASCO policy for a year for common and budget car brands. The cost of CASCO insurance for cars that cost more than 2,500,000 rubles will be approximately 4-7% of the market value of the car.

Car brand

Average cost of hull insurance for a new car for a year

Moscow city MO SPB Leningrad region.
Chevrolet cruze 49 135 45 113 47 933 44 972
Daewoo matiz 28 022 27 001 28 264 28 732
Daewoo nexia 46 238 40 321 42 500 40 068
Hyundai solaris 44 812 41 909 46 487 41 877
Kia sportage 66 361 72 549 66 196 62 072
Lada granta 37 219 35 845 35 330 34 917
Lada Kalina 32 205 30 983 31 635 30 813
Lada largus 41 045 38 800 39 813 39 960
Lada priora 44 916 43 253 41 913 41 865
Mercedes-Benz C-klasse 126 331 104 360 115 500 108 045
Nissan qashqai 92 829 87 023 85 960 86 767
Nissan almera 71 619 63 066 61 020 58 785
Renault logan 44 434 44 249 38 660 37 778
Renault Duster 56 625 51 981 55 359 51 981
Skoda Octavia 68 309 61 255 66 303 61 255
Toyota Camry 138 747 133 035 130 545 121 666
Toyota corolla 68 126 68 036 68 489 68 036
Toyota Highlander 79 397 80 318 80 859 80 318
Volkswagen tiguan 88 068 81 451 88 171 81 188
Volkswagen jetta 71 553 69 418 75 520 72 416

How to save on hull insurance

When calculating the cost of CASCO, you noticed that the cost of the policy differs depending on the insurance company. To save on buying insurance:

  • find out the cost from several insurers,
  • use a franchise,
  • choose an incomplete CASCO package,
  • insurance company promotions or special offers

Some Insurance companies provide their own great offers.

  • "50/50", when the client and the company split the losses in half.
  • "Naked CASCO" is one of the cheapest options.
  • "Smart" - the car owner is paid the full cost of damage, but no more than twice a year.
  • "VIP" or "All inclusive" - ​​some conditions are added to the basic policy at the discretion of the company.

Video: How to save on a CASCO policy

In order for the insurance conditions to be acceptable, we suggest using our online calculator CASCO. Check out the offers from 20 leading insurance companies in Russia.

Calculate CASCO for a car online (calculator)

How much does CASCO cost for a car? The calculation of the cost of the CASCO policy is made for each car individually.

The insurance market has a huge number of offers for cheap hull insurance. These are special programs and promotions, various cut coverings and so on. How do you make sense of this variety of cheap hull insurance options and options that insurers offer their clients? Let's try together to find out what is the catch and the truth of economical hull insurance and whether the purchased product will really meet your needs.

Reasons for cheap hull insurance


Cheap CASCO policy for a bank

When applying for a car loan, many banks require you to issue a CASCO policy and provide a copy of the policy and a receipt to the bank. This is especially true for borrowers in the second year of the loan and all subsequent ones. It is understandable: any financial institution you need to be sure that the pledged property of the bank will be safe and sound, the return is secured Money and interest, of which the bank's profit consists. Insurance is a necessary measure for all types of collateral. This also applies to houses, apartments, warehouses, farms, factories, all property that is purchased with credit funds. And the car belongs to more risky species lending. Every day, there are thousands of accidents around the world, cars crash to the point of complete death. Hundreds of cars are also stolen every day. The statistics speaks for themselves.
Earlier we wrote about what conditions for.

In our times of crisis, many banks make concessions and allow you to take out insurance with many benefits.

  1. CASCO with a franchise
  2. CASCO by installments
  3. CASCO with aggregate sum insured
  4. CASCO for two risks: theft and total loss or CASCO with a large deductible over 60,000 rubles.
  5. CASCO for a special program, CASCO 50/50 and many others.

All of the above allows you to cheaply buy CASCO for the bank, and you remain confident in the future. We have already told you a lot about economical CASCO for a bank in other articles. After all, if there is no insurance policy, are you ready to work for two to close the loan? And even to be left completely without a car? This entails both transportation and monetary inconveniences. It is clear that you can cover small damage yourself, but if there is a major accident? Insurance to help. Think about it.

Drivers who decide to insure their car, when applying for a comprehensive insurance policy, may be surprised by its high cost. How is it formed and is it possible to issue a comprehensive insurance policy at a low cost? Pricing is a multifactorial process that depends not only on information about the car and the driver, but also on the company's internal coefficients, as well as the insurance program.

  • Car cost... The percentage of it forms the basis of the Casco price and is adjusted in accordance with the accompanying conditions.
  • Year of issue... Every year, cars lose value due to depreciation wear. It is usually cheaper to issue a comprehensive insurance policy for a used car than for a new one that has not yet left the car. But you won't be able to buy insurance for a vehicle over 10 years old? companies do not usually provide this service.
  • Make and model... It is logical that, for example, the cost of restoring a Toyota Land Cruiser will be much higher than that for a Skoda Octavia, but the cost of the policy can vary greatly in the lineup of classmates. Cause? cost and availability of spare parts and repairs for a specific model.
  • Theft and accident statistics... Insurance for brands that attackers love is more expensive.
  • Information and about the driver... An impressive driving experience gives every reason for the minimum cost of comprehensive insurance for the driver. And for newcomers on the road and young people, the policy will cost more.
  • Place of registration of the owner... In megacities like Moscow or St. Petersburg, the flow of cars is denser and the likelihood of damage on the road is higher than in small towns, and these risks are included in the cost of hull insurance.

Insurance can be cheaper if the likelihood of theft decreases. For example, at the expense of a guarded parking lot or a satellite tracking system.

The too low cost of the policy arouses suspicion rather than joy. Fraudsters have learned to deceive car owners. They offer cheap casco on behalf of well-known insurers. Buy insurance only on the official website! Call insurance specialists and confirm with them the information presented on the Internet.

Advantageous comprehensive insurance at Intach

INTACH Insurance offers various options for acquiring comprehensive insurance at a low cost:

  • Franchise... The most powerful tool for influencing the cost of insurance services. By concluding such a comprehensive insurance contract, drivers insured event take on a part of the compensation equal to the amount of the deductible. Due to this, they save from 15 to 72% of the initial cost of the policy.
  • The program "I'm not guilty"... Neat drivers who did not become the culprit of an accident will pay up to 55% less for the policy.
  • Experienced driver option... Those who have been driving for several years can pay 10-20% less.
  • Smart insurance... Every car owner has a good opportunity to save money by using telematics and installing a special monitoring device on the car. Confirm your careful driving style and get some money back from the purchase of the policy.

Sometimes for good protection of the car, a partial comprehensive insurance is enough: insurance for any one risk, for example, to insure the car only against Theft.

Find out the details of insurance programs from Intach specialists and calculate the cost of an advantageous offer for you using our casco calculator.

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