The apartment is cluttered: how to fix the situation? General cleaning of heavily cluttered apartments. Decluttering an apartment: how to get rid of trash We clean a cluttered apartment: what to do with trash

Practical Tips on cleaning and decluttering the apartment: how not to litter the apartment and sort out unnecessary trash

Before talking about the clutter of an apartment, it is worth understanding what is rubbish? This word refers to items that at the time of purchase (donation) were needed, and after a certain time they ceased to be.

The need for their use has disappeared, and they lie silently reproachfully, taking up space, which is often not much. How to get rid of trash quickly and painlessly?

Why is the apartment cluttered

Why is the apartment in general and the children's room in particular littered? If you are the mother of a boy, then you are familiar with this picture: a basket of cars, several kilograms of Lego, a box with a designer, an uncountable number of soldiers and robots. The girls' mothers cannot remember which doll settled in the nursery, how many houses, clothes and soft toys are on the shelves and under the bed. But there are also educational aids, books, notebooks, paints, pencils, albums, plasticine and moon sand, colored paper and three types of glue, etc. The child brings into our life a lot of things that we did not know about before. Sometimes a house or apartment turns into one big playroom. can be found everywhere, and sometimes in the most unexpected places.

Why do we, adults, adequate and educated people, let toys take over us? Why do we have to resort to decluttering the space so as not to let unnecessary things "evict" ourselves from the apartment?

"All the best for children!". It is with this or a similar phrase that the seizure of the apartment with toys begins. We'd rather deny ourselves a new bed, but buy our child a clockwork robot car that takes up half the hallway. What for? We are sure that everyone noticed that very expensive toys often occupy a child for a very short time. Before depriving yourself of something, think carefully, does the child really need a robot? Perhaps, it is more important for him to have calm, cheerful and sleepy parents on a new bed, who can make any robot with him from a simple cardboard box?

“I didn’t have such a toy as a child, and I will do everything so that my child has one!”. This is how expensive handmade dolls or helicopters on the control panel appear in the house. We are trying to finish playing together with the children, to make our childhood dreams come true. We are not saying that this is bad, we just want to say that you need to ask yourself in time: “Do I or my child want this?”

"I can't say no!". There are parents who do not know how to refuse their baby and buy everything on demand. This is not very good, firstly, for a child who does not learn certain rules and requirements of society, secondly, for the parents' wallet, and thirdly, to establish the correct distribution of parent-child roles. So sometimes denying your child is a very useful skill.

If you recognize yourself, then it's time to change something!

What is dangerous rubbish in the apartment

Why is the rubbish in the apartment so dangerous and why is cleaning and decluttering the apartment simply necessary?

Doesn't bring joy. We are constantly annoyed when we see heaps of unsorted papers, boxes not thrown away in time, files not organized on the computer. We are tormented by conscience, we are seized by a feeling of guilt, and these are not at all positive emotions, but destructive and interfering with living freely and enjoying ourselves.

Disorganized. Even the most beautiful collection of postcards or stamps, which is gathering dust on a closet or, even worse, scattered throughout the apartment, is not a value, but just rubbish!

Pulls us into the past. Old things that do not evoke positive emotions and pleasant memories are not worthy of being in our house. Why again and again experience the feelings of fear, hatred, shame, pain, hostility that some objects, photographs, things cause in you? The rubbish does not allow us to move forward.

Makes you feel shame and envy. These feelings are rather unpleasant and unconstructive, and trash feeds them every day! We don’t want anyone to see our rubble, we constantly think that a friend’s apartment is smaller, but for some reason there is more space and it’s easier to breathe in it. Yes, we are just ashamed to invite guests!

Affects family relationships. And, of course, does not make them more positive. Quarrels over an unfound hammer, a littered, cluttered cabinet occur very often, but this is so easy to avoid!

Increases cleaning time. Where do you think it's quicker and easier to clean up - in a house where everything is cluttered with furniture, boxes, knick-knacks and the like, or where all this is reduced to an optimal minimum?

Dangerous to health. Storing things requires certain conditions, and when storing rubbish, you hardly think about it, so dust, mold, insects can appear in the house, which, of course, negatively affects the health of all family members.

may worsen your financial position . And we don't mean the lack of cash flow to your house due to clutter in the right corner of the living room, we are talking about more mundane things: repairs, storage, transportation of trash cost money! You can constantly buy some, at first glance, trifles (paper clips, sponges, light bulbs, etc.), because it is simply impossible to find those that you bought earlier in littered and littered cabinets.

steals your time. Time is our main resource, we try to do everything to spend it correctly, but we don’t notice how we waste it, rearranging the old broken one from place to place, going through hundreds of newspaper clippings in search of the right recipe, looking for “the same blouse” in dozens of those that you have not worn for a long time.

The method of cleaning and decluttering the apartment: how to quickly get rid of trash in the house

Getting rid of excess rubbish by decluttering means cleaning the apartment of unnecessary things, objects, clothes, toys, materials, books, etc.

Everyone knows how hard it is to get rid of rubbish and unnecessary things, to tune in and start throwing away, throwing away and ruthlessly destroying, because in the familiar environment we are calm and comfortable. But by starting a process called “getting rid of the old junk,” you make room for new, more useful things and opportunities.

Rubbish steals our time and energy, brings chaos, confusion, quarrels, unpleasant feelings and emotions into our lives. It does not bring benefit, joy and inspiration. Before you get rid of the trash in the house, try to find 27 things in your apartments that you can throw away now! Now your house has become a little cleaner. Boogie 27 Steps is one of the most effective methods decluttering, which came up with Marla Seeley (the creator of the Flylady household organization system).

So, we clean the cluttered apartment and organize free space! How does your general cleaning or decluttering most often take place: with a decisive but sad look, you pull everything out of cabinets, drawers and bedside tables, start sorting through, reviewing, doubting: “throw it away or it will still come in handy ...”. Little fun! Even the realization that after cleaning it will become better, fresher, freer, does not greatly affect motivation. We propose to radically reconsider our attitude to "decluttering"! If we cannot change the situation, let's change our attitude towards it, turn on the fantasy, fun music and get down to business!

How to get rid of trash: where to start decluttering your home (with video)

So, how to get rid of trash and most importantly - where to start, from which side to step up? We suggest using the proven four-box method. Take four (bags, bags, baskets) and sign them: Throw away, Sell or give away, Keep, Keep.

Watch the video "Decluttering" and then start sorting things and putting them into boxes:

Throw away box. What can be sent there?

  • Broken and unrepairable toys. If the toy is good, but something broke off, peeled off, came off, you can take the time to repair it, be sure to involve your child in this activity. But if you find broken parts from something incomprehensible in the toy basket, feel free to send them to the dump.
  • Creative materials that are not suitable for use: dried felt-tip pens and paints, broken pens and deteriorated glue, drawn coloring books and old children's magazines (you can pre-cut pictures from them and then use them in applications and games).
  • Old, torn and washed clothes. It is about the clothes that cannot be restored, altered or given to someone. By the way, buttons, locks and preserved applications can be cut off from such clothes and used in games and in the manufacture of educational toys with your own hands.

Box "Store". Some things can and should be kept. For example, memorabilia and creative works of children, toys and books that the child has not yet grown up to.

The latter can be placed in a box and sent to a closet or pantry until better times. Well, if these better times” will be marked on your calendar or a reminder on your phone, and on the box itself there will be a sheet with an inventory of all the wealth stored there.

Leave box. Most likely, it will be the largest and most voluminous. Saying "box", of course, we are speaking figuratively. Things, toys and materials that you want to leave in the nursery do not have to be put into boxes, you can immediately look for suitable places for them. By the way, this place does not have to be in!

When you compare what happened before and what happened after the decluttering of the apartment, you will be pleasantly surprised!

Getting rid of old, unnecessary trash: decluttering an apartment - before and after (with photo)

The Give or Sell box can be filled, for example, with things that the child has grown out of. If you are not planning a second baby in the near future, then it is better to say goodbye to small vests and bonnets. For many, it is very difficult, so the most beloved, sweet and dear little things to keep and keep.

Duplicate toys can also go to other hosts. It happens that a child has some kind of game, and they give you a similar one, or you yourself, forgetting and not noticing, buy another dinosaur, car or board game.

Children's things, toys, furniture in good condition can be sold. This is a completely normal practice. There are specialized websites and newspapers. The main thing is that immediately after the box is filled, wash or wash things, photograph them in good light and from a favorable angle (not forgetting, of course, to note all the flaws and scuffs), write a detailed description and put up for sale.

Look at the photo “Before and after decluttering the apartment” - the effect is impressive:

We clean the cluttered apartment: what to do with trash

Having finished decluttering, many are wondering where and to whom they can give unnecessary things and toys.

Several options for where to put the trash after decluttering the apartment:

An apartment decluttering plan is needed in order for the process to proceed consistently, thoroughly and efficiently. Determine exactly what you need to sort out in the nursery: closets with clothes, shelves, a basket of toys, a box of art supplies, folders with children's work, books and magazines, materials for classes, etc.

Another tip for cleaning and decluttering the apartment is to put down the dates by which the planned work must be completed. No need to try to do everything in one day: it will bring nothing but irritation and fatigue. Take from several hours to several days for each object of decluttering.

Write specific decluttering tasks into your plan for the coming weeks. For example: "On Friday, May 30, sort out the top shelves in the closet with clothes."

An action plan called "Getting rid of unnecessary trash" might look like this:

And how to quickly get rid of trash in the house so that this process is easy and enjoyable? To do this, use tricks and techniques that will help bring fun to this activity.

moving. Imagine that you have to move to another apartment, house, or even a fairy-tale land. What will you definitely take from the nursery, and what can you do without? Discuss with your child all the details of the move, draw or make a car for transporting things and start collecting everything you need.

declutter party. If you don't know how to get rid of the clutter in your apartment, you can have regular decluttering parties. Invite guests into a room where you will socialize and celebrate, put boxes of things you don't need, and tell guests to take whatever they want. It will be great if the guests also bring their uselessness, then you can arrange an exchange!

Getting ready for the holiday. In our life there is always a place for a holiday, and at the same time, preparation for it. New Year, Easter, the birth of a new family member - all this can be an excellent occasion to get rid of trash. And you can not wait for the holidays, but create them yourself! Write in your diary or family calendar "junk days" or "house cleanup weeks". Call it whatever you like, the main thing is that at least two or three times a year such events take place in your house! Remember the Italian tradition of throwing old things out the window on New Year's Eve? Make it a tradition every three months to throw away unwanted, old, broken toys and buy one new one.

Do not forget also that cheerful music, good mood and the desire to make your home better are great helpers in the difficult task of “cluttering up”.

What clutters up the house and how not to clutter up the apartment

Everyone knows that it is easier to prevent a problem than to deal with the consequences later. This rule can be fully applied to "decluttering".

Reasonable consumption. Nothing clutters up the house like things that are brought into it "just like that." If we do not bring rubbish into the house, we will not have to get rid of it. What will help us not to litter our apartments and children's rooms? How not to litter the apartment, so that later you don’t have to spend energy on cluttering it up?

The problem of rational purchases is acute for many women. How not to be tempted by an attractive store offer, discount or sale?

This will help simple but effective tricks:

  • managing the family budget;
  • shopping planning;
  • avoiding simple shopping trips (although sometimes you can afford it, but then leave your wallet and credit cards at home);
  • compiling a shopping list and strictly following it;
  • when purchasing this or that thing, ask yourself a few questions: “Do I have a similar thing that performs the same functions? If so, am I ready to part with it, replace it with a new one? How often will I use this item? Where will I store it? Will this thing bring me joy? Will it make me happier?";
  • a note in the wallet: “Do you really want to buy this?”, “Have you forgotten that we are saving for a vacation?”, “Better shut me up!”;
  • if possible, throw away packaging, bags, boxes directly in the store.

Smart Storage. Many things deteriorate, break, become unusable and become rubbish simply because they do not have a normal, convenient and suitable place to store them. Proper organization of the space of the apartment will allow you to avoid this. If a new thing appears in the house, you need to immediately find it a “habitat” and notify all households. Do not be afraid to experiment, the modern market offers a huge number of interesting, unusual, but at the same time convenient and functional devices for organizing storage. Baskets, boxes, containers, wicker boxes, racks, choose according to your taste!

Reasonable Use. The old joke says that Russians don't read instructions before use, but when something has already broken. Agree, there is some truth in this. In order for things to serve you for a long time, follow the rules for using them, treat things with care and bring up this quality in your children. Use multifunctional things and appliances, this can save both money and space in the apartment.

Reasonable attitude towards things. Modern society is a consumer society. It is important for us to have a huge amount of appliances, clothes, toys, etc. But, even having bought everything you dreamed about, you are unlikely to feel completely happy. Happiness is not in things, but in relationships with family, friends, husband, children, yourself. If you understand and accept this, things will no longer play such a role and will not have such power over you. So, they will not accumulate and become trash!

All of the above principles on how not to litter the house can be attributed to the children's room. Try to be reasonable in the choice of toys, buy only high-quality and suitable for the age and interests of the child. Talk to your family and explain the criteria and properties that are important to you in choosing toys and things for your child.

Create an optimal, convenient and functional storage system that will be easy for you and your child to stick to.

Don't let things take over you! Be smarter, smarter, smarter! Do not let unnecessary trash into the house, and you will not have to waste your time and energy on fighting it!

How not to litter the house so that cleaning does not take time and effort from the hostess? The rule is quite simple: 1) you must first get rid of the accumulated unnecessary things and, at the same time, 2) do not drag new useless items into the apartment. Here, on point number 2, I propose to talk in more detail.

How to learn not to litter the house

Clean and comfortable happens where they know how to maintain order without much hassle. To do this, you just need to leave only what is really needed for life. Of your life. How to throw trash out of the house, we'll talk in an article about littering. Today I want to write about something else.

Due to the nature of my work, I often have to look for material on Youtube. And I came across a whole section of videos where ladies share their finds on FixPrice. By the way, I myself look into such stores with great pleasure. So, what I saw in the videos about purchases at FixPrice first inspired me to new needlework. And then it made me remember the basic principle of the fly lady system.

One of the main principles is decluttering or decluttering the house. The strict application of this principle is especially necessary for us, immigrants from the USSR. Born during the country's exit from the consequences of the most difficult war and gone through the absence of everything and everyone in the dashing 90s.

The expectation of “black days” and economic crises is firmly seated in our subconscious. Therefore, we make stocks of things, whether we need it or not. Thus creating blockages of things in the wardrobe, pantries and balconies. And causing a deaf irritation in the soul, when you have to go through everything in search of what you need.

How this is done, I will write a separate article and give a link here. And now I am sharing an experience that allows me not to drag everything I like into the house (from the same FixPrice). Before I make a purchase or start needlework in order to ennoble the interior, I ask myself a few questions:

  • Is this exactly what you need, without this thing in any way?
  • Will this item be functional?
  • How long will she last?
  • Will it fit in style (interior / wardrobe)?

If the answers are positive, then I buy or start needlework. I redo what I bought in the store to fit my style and understanding of comfort.

I'm back to the video. Purchases at FixPrice, remade with soul and love, are pleasing to the eye and make you strive to do about the same. After all, the assortment chain stores approximately the same)) But look: the result is shelves filled with beautiful things. The purpose of which is only to please the eye and wipe the dust on them daily. No offense be said to the needlewomen. If you like it, then continue to decorate and ennoble. But then don't beat yourself up when it takes a lot of time to clean the house. Which, by the way, a woman is always short of time.

Again, one of the basic principles of the fly lady system is to litter the house. So: in order for this principle to be fulfilled, you need to approach each new thing that claims a place in your living space with a strict measure. So that she then does not take time and effort. And did not create a new trash zone. With that I say goodbye to new article. Drop in))

Save so as not to lose!

Clutter can be kept under control, and don't say there are too many things. We show several illustrative examples, from which even the mood rises.

Under the sink

Before: Some incomprehensible bottles, a bunch of cosmetics and a fire extinguisher from nowhere.
After: a little attention to detail, and the cabinet under the sink turned into a place to store towels, varnishes and even a hair dryer, which, by the way, is very conveniently located on the door.

Cupboard for tea and coffee

Before: Despite the fact that a separate cupboard for tea and coffee is very convenient, cups have scattered all over the shelves, and some strange things block access to the most important ones, such as coffee and tea.

After: It's amazing how a layer of dark paint on the back of a cabinet helps you find what you need. An additional plus: hooks screwed to the shelves. Now you can hang all the circles. Another section has appeared that allows you to arrange even more cups.


Before: Here, a whole room for the whole family was allocated under the closet, but this did not help. Things are still a mess.

After: Shelves were placed along the walls, and now there is more space. In addition, each member of the family has its own corner. On the lower level, there are baskets for items that you didn’t want to flaunt.

drawer above fridge

Before: Everything was conceived correctly: a locker for things that would accommodate everything you need for baking in the oven, but the execution is poor. As a result, everything that did not find a suitable place found itself here.

After: Vertical dividers on the shelves make it easy to stack trays neatly. As a result, there is more space, but there is no mess.

Corner cabinet in the kitchen

Before: It is unclear what lies there, plastic containers are in disarray, and some kitchen items are also randomly scattered.

After: Several turntables were needed to neatly stack things on the shelf. So everything is easy to get and nothing is forgotten. And it’s better to organize items into categories: food containers, spices and baking dishes.


Before: It's a shame when it's impossible to find the usual sour cream, which is somewhere in the back, in a refrigerator packed to capacity. As a result, the products spoil and have to be thrown away.

After: Identical containers with handles for which it is convenient to take them out. Everything is so beautiful and clear.


Before: Old wheels, boxes, a lawnmower, things that no one will wear. All this is against the wall, because otherwise things would generally be lying in a heap.

After: With just one shelving unit, a few sturdy wall hooks, and a whole new look.


Before: Boring: a white washer and dryer and a few lonely shelves that are sad to look at.

After: Just a few accessories and a coat of green paint on the wall, plus baskets to keep you cozy and store laundry detergent.

Small drawer

Before: As always in such cases, those items are stored in this box for which there was no other place in the house. A complete mess.

After: A few separators and now everything is easy to find.

Shelves in the laundry room

Before: Their number did not bring any benefit. Some bottles, rolls of paper, and everything is in disarray.

After: The same containers that were part of the "before" problem now serve their intended purpose. And the hangers for drying clothes are now the same and do not create a sense of disorder.

linen closet

Before: It is so crowded that you won’t understand anything, you can’t even stick your hand in. You pull on one thing, everything falls out.

After: All that was needed was a few plastic baskets. Small tags on the baskets are needed in order to understand where the sheets are, where the pillowcases are, and where the tablecloth and napkins are.


Before: Ever had to get spoiled food out of the pantry? If they're cluttered like these, most likely yes.

After: It is not necessary to install a new storage system. It was enough to arrange the products on the shelves by category and throw away what is already inedible. The difference is immediately noticeable.

Drawers in the bathroom

Before: If you've ever spent those precious 10 minutes of your morning time looking for foundation or the right lipstick, you probably know what the problem is.

After: Instead of being late again in search of the right product, you just need to separate the boxes: cosmetics in one, care products in the other.

Another dressing room

Before: Despite the fact that it is large and there are even shelves, it is far from ideal, you see.

After: Another closet for clothes and a mirror with a dressing table. Everything that was needed.

Grocery cabinet

Before: When products are literally on top of each other, you yourself know that something needs to be done.

After: A very simple solution: a shoe hanger plus a few plastic spice boxes.

Cupboard for dishes

Before: What happens if you store pans and pots in this form? When you pull one, the rest just falls in.

After: You need vertical dividers. Then all you have to do is take the pan out of its compartment.

Another grocery shelf

Before: There's too much space here for cracker and cereal bags.

After: And here you can solve everything with the help of baskets with cute slate stickers on which you can write with chalk.

Before: Without special baskets and storage containers, toys will be scattered throughout the room, and their bright colors do not match the rest of the interior at all, creating a sense of clutter.

After: The ideal solution is a bench by the window with pull-out baskets. All the toys are inside, no mess, besides, you can sit and read on the bench.

Shelf for containers

Before: Why can't you ever find the right container lid? Because yours is something like this one.

After: We put the containers one inside the other, and for the lids we start plastic baskets. This will make it easier for you to find the right one.

Cutlery drawer

Before: First, what do disposable spoons and an ice cream scoop do here? If there is nowhere else to put it, then there are not enough compartments for you.

After: More sections and a neat drawer bottom lining. Finally, everything has its place.

Do not try to deal with all the rubbish at once. Divide the house into zones. Thoroughly clean each one. Don't switch from one to the other. If space is vacated during the cleaning process, then it can then be filled wisely.

Also divide all things into your own and others'. Country vacation is a family vacation, and each member of the family brings things dear to the heart. You don’t need to throw away the frying pan that your mother brought, even if you have 5 of them, or your husband’s old fishing rod without asking him about it. You can freely dispose only of your own things, you will have to negotiate with the owners about the rest.

Step 2. We conduct an audit

One of the most important steps. At this stage, you need to clearly distinguish between categories of things. Two systems will come to the rescue: Japanese 5Sand american .

According to 5S, all things must be divided into:
  • always needed;
  • needed sometimes;
  • unnecessary.

During sorting, a sticker indicating the category is glued to each item, then a decision is made.

By flylady, To determine the degree of need for a thing, you need to answer the following questions:
  • Do I love this item?
  • How long has it been in use?
  • Is there a suitable replacement for her?
  • Do I need both? (if there are 2 similar ones)
  • What emotions does this thing evoke?
Such an analysis will help you understand whether you really need this item or not.

In my opinion, it is more rational to use 5
S. Just add a couple of points to it to get the following:

  • always use;
  • use sometimes;
  • I do not use and will not (for waste);
  • can be sold;
  • can be donated;
  • you can remake and breathe a second life (meaning in the near future, so that the thing does not automatically equate to trash, after waiting until the hands reach);
  • thing is not mine, I need to consult.

Step 3. Determine the storage location of the desired

When the categories of things are distributed, places are determined to store everything you need. It is very important to stick to this distribution. We decided that the threads and needles are in the box, the rags and napkins are in one of the kitchen drawers, and the tools are on the rack, so be it. If things are mixed again, then the repeated process of cluttering will gradually begin.

Step 4. Deciding what to do with unnecessary things

Everything is not so difficult here. Throw out the unnecessary. What is marked with a “sell” sticker can be sold either through acquaintances or through an ad on well-known sites. Things marked “give away” are handed over to friends or those in need. There are also a lot of sites dedicated to the topic “give it away for free”. And, finally, if you are a fan of handmade, you know very well that original crafts can turn out of old things, and sometimes quite functional things. The main thing is not to delay the process of redoing. Here is a selection of posts for inspiration:


Arrange a general cleaning. Disassemble the mezzanines, cabinets and lockers, sideboards, bedside tables. By doing this, you will not only get rid of dust deposits, but also get an idea of ​​​​the availability and assortment of your stocks of knick-knacks, old equipment and household appliances, dishes and clothes.

Collect all this rubbish in a heap and sort it. For each item of "reserves" (an old toaster, a grandmother's manual mill, a set and a photo printer donated by friends for the day), decide how to which category it should be classified:

A useful thing, someday it will come in handy on the farm;
- memory of some event/person;
- a beautiful thing, it's a pity to throw it away;
- my parents also used it, which means I will need it.

Get rid of things (clothes, toys, household appliances, etc.) belonging to the first category, if they have not come in handy anywhere in your household and not a single family member for 1.5-2 years. You can not throw it away, but, say, give it to friends who will definitely use these things, or give it to charitable organizations.

Take apart things from the second category and decide whether you really need a monument donated “as a keepsake” by a once-familiar sculptor, or is it enough for him, the sculptor, to take a photograph. The monument, however, can not be thrown away, but attached to the country house, say, as a garden gnome. There will be no blasphemy and insult to the memory of the donor in this.

Review your collection of beautiful trinkets. Of course, there is a chance that someday they will become antiques and be sold by your descendants for crazy money. Now imagine how great this chance is, and at the same time estimate how much time it takes you weekly to remove dust from and from under these cute little things. And how much usable space do they occupy!

Move on to the fourth category: "my parents used it, maybe I'll need it too." Your memory is playing tricks on you. You remember how necessary a hand mixer was in the household, but you forget that in those days there were no electric mixers. Or do you seriously believe that the end of the world may happen tomorrow and you, left without electricity, will be forced to whip cream in an antediluvian way? Be guided by the rule regarding things from the first paragraph: everything that you did not need within 1.5 years is sent to the trash or to “good hands” (familiar or found on the Internet).

Eliminate deposits of old clothes. Of course, it’s a pity to throw away your once-favorite blouses and cozy jeans. Something especially valuable (fur, silk, handmade lace) can be preserved after conservation, and something else can be adapted as home or summer clothes. The rest should go to the trash or to a charitable foundation, so as not to litter your living space.

Look around. How much lighter, energetically and physically cleaner, more comfortable your home has become after you cleared it of rubbish. Do you want to turn it into a kind of French barricades again? If not, then make yourself a good habit - before each purchase of a new thing, ask yourself questions about how much you need it, how often and for what you will use it, and, most importantly, where you will store it. After all, there are too many things in this world, and there is no point in even trying to collect everything at home.

If you turn the loggia into the most ordinary pantry for old unnecessary things, after a while you may encounter the fact that, due to the accumulated rubbish, it will turn into a real dump.


A loggia is a very small room, but if you arrange this small space thoughtfully and functionally, you can turn it into not only a practical, but also a very cozy place. Do not forget that balconies and loggias overloaded with things are often the cause of a fire. An unextinguished cigarette butt thrown from the top floor, accidentally falling on a mountain of rubbish, will most likely cause a fire. Putting the loggia in order is not at all difficult, you just need to have the desire to do it.

If the order on the balcony or loggia can hardly be called ideal, you need to start with the uncompromising removal of all things that it was high time to throw away. Storing objects that have served their time in the house on the basis of the principle “maybe someday it will come in handy” leads to the fact that the owners often do not even remember what is actually in the trash heap. As a result, these things still have to be thrown away, but for years they only serve to reduce the living space of an already small apartment. There is such a rule: if a thing has lain for 1-2 years, and no one has taken it in hand during this time, you must immediately say goodbye to it without any regret.

Small cabinets, made on the side walls of the loggia, will help to place those things that, after a thorough revision, will be really necessary in the household. With the help of cabinets, you can not only put things in order on the loggias, but also move some of the items into them that do not always have to be at hand. You can place a working tool in them, especially if there are small children in the house, and there is a danger that it will fall into their hands. A small chest will be a good storage for vegetables, or onions, which are not always convenient to store in the kitchen.

The vacated space will allow you to think about the aesthetic design of the loggia. With very little effort, you can change this part of the apartment beyond recognition. A couple of wicker chairs and a small table make for a great seating area. Is it bad to enjoy an evening cup of tea in the open air and admire the view of the surroundings? So that the table does not interfere with free passage, it can be made folding by screwing it to the wall. Several hanging planters with curly flowers will turn the renovated room into a piece of paradise, and after some time even the memories of the mountain of rubbish that got on your nerves when you entered the loggia will be erased from your memory.

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