Where is the best place to make a casco for a car. Where is the best place to insure a car for hull insurance? Cheap comprehensive insurance from Rosgosstrakh

CASCO calculator. Calculate the cost of Autohull insurance online

What is insurance?

Contract with an insurance company. In certain circumstances, you will receive damages.

What kind of insurance are there? What is auto insurance?

Any insurance is aimed at preserving the life, health, ability to work and property interests of the insured person. If we talk about auto insurance, then there are four main options: OSAGO, DGO + OSAGO, Casco, Green Card.


Compulsory civil liability insurance. This means that it is not the car that is insured, but the responsibility of the driver to other road users. CMTPL payments are established by the state. The payment for repairs is 120,000 ₽. According to the law, the depreciation of the car, which reaches 80%, must be taken into account - this means that the owner of a seven-year-old car will receive 20% of the amount needed for repairs. OSAGO - compulsory insurance, for the lack of insurance - a fine.

If you drove through a red light and collided with a car, that is, you became the culprit of an accident, you must pay for the damage from your own pocket. If you have OSAGO, then your insurance company will take over the repair of the affected car. You will have to repair your own car for your own money, since it is not your own property that is insured, but Civil responsibility.


DSO - an add-on for OSAGO, which increases payments. The object of insurance, like OSAGO, is civil liability, and not your own car.


Voluntary motor vehicle insurance. You insure your car against most of the troubles that may arise on the road and during parking.

The car was stolen - the insurance company will pay the cost of the car. Had an accident, lost control - will repair the damage. A mirror was stolen in the parking lot or the car was scratched - the insurance company will pay for the repair.

There are many insurance companies. Each uses its own algorithms for calculating insurance rates for each car. The price of a hull insurance policy depends on the number of thefts of a model in a particular area, the cost of spare parts, car anti-theft equipment, the experience and insurance history of the driver, the volume of the package additional services and having a franchise. The Casco franchise makes the Casco agreement itself cheaper. The larger the franchise, the lower the cost of the CASCO agreement.

The main difference between hull insurance and OSAGO is the object of insurance. If CMTPL insures civil liability, then Casco insures the vehicle.

It does not matter who is to blame for the accident - Casco returns the damage in any situation.

Each insurer has its own template of documents, but all of them are based on legislation, differ in design and additional services. An example of the policy of our partner "Consent":

Only OSAGO or OSAGO + Casco?



  • Low price.
  • Payment within 30 days.
  • Minor damage can be fixed without the traffic police.


  • The limit for one accident is up to 120,000 rubles.
  • The payment is calculated taking into account the wear and tear of the car. Wear is not taken into account for the brake system, windows, airbags. Depreciation can be 80% of the payment.
  • The only thing that can be disputed is the damage assessment.



  • Large payout.
  • It doesn't matter who is at fault for the incident.
  • Feeling of calm and security.
  • Individual approach, consideration of each insured event separately.


  • High policy price for popular cars, cars older than three years and for young, inexperienced drivers.
  • It is necessary to record each insured event with the police or the traffic police, and obtain supporting certificates.
  • Unscrupulous insurers can delay payments in case of theft, negotiate the cost of repairs with a repair organization for a long time.

How to choose Casco?

Use aggregator sites. They enter into partnership agreements with insurance companies, so you save. site aggregator, we cooperate only with reliable insurers.

CASCO insurance provides protection against car damage, total loss and theft. Also, voluntary insurance is a guarantee of peace of mind for the insured car owner, because in the event of an accident or in other cases when money is needed for repairs, he does not need to worry, as the insurer will compensate for all damage.

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Despite this, CASCO insurance costs a lot, but there are various types of programs that allow the driver to save money when choosing them individually.

What are the varieties

Despite the fact that each is individual, voluntary comprehensive insurance is usually divided into the main ones:

  • full and partial;
  • aggregate and non-aggregate.

As with all systems, there are both positives and negatives to these insurance programs listed above. Therefore, the car owner can choose a more suitable one for himself, depending on the conditions and financial capabilities.


Full CASCO, as the name implies, protects against all insured events provided for by comprehensive auto insurance.

It guarantees payments as a result of damage to the car:

  • in an accident involving one or more drivers;
  • with the actions of third parties;
  • in case of fire;
  • during natural disasters;
  • in an explosion;
  • when heavy objects are dropped.

Also, the policyholder receives payments in case of theft of the insured car or its total destruction.

Such CASCO is quite profitable, because it covers many cases in which the insured may receive damage. However, such an insurance program, despite the large number of risks envisaged, cannot protect the insured from everything.

For example, if a driver had an accident while intoxicated, then the insurance company with a probability of 99.9% will refuse insurance payments.

But if the policyholder, having studied the rules of insurance and the contract, acts according to the instructions of these documents before and after the insured event, then he is guaranteed compensation for damage.


Partial CASCO is a car insurance program that covers only some of the possible risks. The insured can choose the most suitable risks for himself and significantly save on the cost of the policy.

Basically, various insurance organizations provide separate partial CASCO programs, for example:

  • insurance program;
  • anti-crisis CASCO program;
  • program "Optimal-CASCO";
  • program "Economy", etc.

Also, most often, drivers, using partial auto insurance, insure their vehicle only against theft or only against damage. In this case, damage means total death and significant damage.


Programs comprehensive insurance vehicle, both full and partial, may differ in the type of insurance compensation payments.

Aggregate CASCO is insurance in which the insurer pays compensation provided for by the insurance program, based on the number of insured events for the period of validity this policy.

That is, we can say that the policyholder will receive less insurance compensation for damage upon the occurrence of each subsequent insured event.

For example, a car is insured for the amount of 500 thousand rubles, that is, the insured will receive such an amount in the event of a total loss of a car or its theft. In the first insured event, the payment to the insured was 40 thousand rubles.

In the event of a second insured event, during the period of the policy, the amount of compensation will be calculated based on the difference between the initial amount and the amount of payment of the first indemnification.

That is from 500 thousand take away 40 thousand rubles, and the sum insured is now 460 000 rub.

Thus, if the second insured event is theft or total loss of the car, then the insured will receive 460 thousand rubles, otherwise the compensation is calculated as if the cost of the car is equal to this amount. Calculation of subsequent insured events is similar.

This type of payment is more suitable for a partial comprehensive insurance program. In any case, the choice is determined by the insured, if provided by the insurance company.

To do this, before applying for insurance, you should discuss with the insurance agent all the details of the selected program and carefully study the contract and rules. voluntary insurance.


As is clear from the previous paragraph, non-aggregate CASCO implies insurance payments of the same amount, regardless of the number of insured events.

And also, in case of car theft or its complete destruction, the cost is fully compensated. Therefore, this type of insurance is often a condition of the bank when buying a car on credit.

Advantages and disadvantages

The table shows a comparative description of various types of CASCO insurance - which one to choose is up to you, since any product on the insurance market has its pros and cons:

Type of CASCO Advantages Flaws
  • covers all risks;
  • available in all insurance companies;
Partial opportunity to save on CASCO
  • does not cover all risks;
  • the choice of risks is most often limited;
  • not available in all insurance organizations
  • cheaper than non-aggregate by 5 -10%;
  • it is possible to restore sum insured up to 100%
  • beneficial only with careful driving;
  • the amount of payments decreases with each subsequent insured event;
  • in case of theft or total, the entire amount is reimbursed only in the first insured event.
  • the amount of payments does not change;
  • The value of the car does not change during the life of the policy.
more expensive than aggregate

Franchise Policy

A CASCO insurance policy with a franchise also allows policyholders to save on costs. As well as partial insurance, the deductible makes it possible to receive compensation in case of significant damage to the tolal and theft of a car. However, there are significant differences.

Firstly, a deductible is a part of the insurance compensation that is not paid by the insurance company and can be set as a percentage or at a constant amount.

The larger the deductible, the cheaper the policy will cost. In turn, it should be borne in mind that this is not always profitable, since the insured himself will have to pay the deductible amount when repairing a car.

For example, an auto insurance policy was purchased by an insured with a fixed deductible. 10 thousand rubles.

In the event of an insured event with damage to 30 thousand rubles the insurance company will only pay 20 thousand rubles, and the insured will have to reimburse the amount of the deductible on his own.

Secondly, it is divided into two types:

  1. conditional, in which the insured receives full compensation for damage, if the amount of damage exceeds the deductible. In the opposite case, the insured compensates for the damage with his own funds.
  2. Unconditional, at which, regardless of the amount of damage, the insured reimburses the amount of the deductible on his own, as shown in the example above.
    CASCO with a franchise often helps to significantly reduce the insurance premium paid to the insurer when buying insurance policy.

However, the insured must determine such a deductible amount that will not only help him save on the cost of CASCO, but will also not be burdensome in the event of an insured event.

In installments

Available from most insurance companies. It helps policyholders to ease the financial costs and divides the cost of insurance into several parts.

However, car owners should be attentive to such services and pre-negotiate the terms of installments.

Most often, insurers offer simple installment options, in which the policyholder pays half the cost of the policy when it is issued, and the rest within six months.

The period of the second payment can vary from one to six months, depending on the conditions insurance contract.

There are also other, more complex calculations. For example, when the amount is divided into 3-4 payments. Most often, this is such a scheme: 50% -25% -25% or 25% -25% -25% -25%, respectively. In any case, when applying for insurance, the first payment is always made.

Despite enough profitable terms, the future policyholder should pay attention to the conditions in the contract under which the installment plan is valid.

First of all, you should find out such points:

  1. Are there increased rates? Basically, in large leading companies, this is not provided for and, as a rule, the cost of insurance with and without installments is the same.
  2. What measures are provided for late payment. There may be several options, depending on the terms of the contract:
    • termination of the contract unilaterally, and the money previously paid by the insured is not returned;
    • deferred payment for 10-30 days, in which the policy is suspended and considered invalid;
    • deferred payment for a certain period, in which the policy does not lose its legal force.

      The third option is quite rare, since it is not profitable for the insurer to encourage non-payers. However, this still occurs, but the cost of such a policy is likely to be higher.

  3. Providing the insured car for technical inspection after a delay in payment.

In addition, there are different payment conditions when applying for CASCO in installments, when the insurance comes before the insured pays the full cost of insurance:

  • the insurer will compensate for the damage when paying the remaining amount of the insurance premium;
  • the insurer will compensate for the damage when paying the next payment according to the schedule;
  • the insurer will pay compensation without taking into account the debt of the insured. This happens quite rarely and mostly with minimal damage.

with telematics

Telematics is the installation of a device in a car that transmits information to the insurer about the distance traveled, speed, accelerations, maneuvers, wheel load, etc.

Auto insurance with telematics is relatively new for Russian motorists and is only gaining popularity.

This type of CASCO is most beneficial for careful drivers, because with a calm driving you can get a good discount.

Upon registration, the driver undertakes to provide a car for installing the device, with which he will drive for several months, after which the device is dismantled, and the policyholder receives a CASCO discount in relation to the degree of driving accuracy.

The most popular CASCO insurance programs

When planning to insure your car, it is important to familiarize yourself with the offers of various insurance companies in order to make an informed and profitable choice.

The main ones are:

Company CASCO program Terms
MSC "Transition" A 35% discount on CASCO is provided for the risk of damage, if the insured had no losses on this risk under the previous CASCO insurance in any other company.
"50 to 50"  An installment plan is provided, in which 50% of the cost of insurance is paid at the conclusion of the insurance contract, and the second half of the cost is paid before the date specified in the contract.
 For the risk of “damage”, the insurer pays compensation when the insured pays the full cost of CASCO.
 In case of total car loss or theft, the insured may not pay the second part of the policy cost, but the amount equal to the unpaid part of the insurance premium is deducted from the amount of insurance compensation.
 In the absence of insured events during the period of validity of this policy, insurance premium reduced by 50% upon renewal of this insurance contract.
VSK "Confident Driver" Reduces the cost of CASCO by 30%, but compensates for only one insured event per year.
If the client wishes to receive compensation for more than one insured event, 25% of the policy cost is paid extra for each insured event.
Uralsib "KASKO Light" Provides for all the conditions of the standard CASCO program, except that Required documents and certificates from the competent authorities, the insured collects independently.
At the same time, the cost of the policy is cheaper than the full CASCO by 20%.
Alpha Insurance "Naked CASCO" Due to the fact that in any insured event it is necessary to provide the insurer with documents, such a program costs 10% cheaper than a standard CASCO.

As can be seen today, the choice of voluntary car insurance programs in the Russian insurance market is quite diverse.

CASCO auto insurance provides the car owner with protection of his own property in various situations: an accident, theft, natural disaster, and so on.

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The cost of auto insurance is determined on the basis of the tariffs of the company - the insurer and the individual parameters of the car and its owner.

Most insurance companies offer various CASCO programs. What are their similarities and differences, read on.

What are the varieties

There are currently the following types car insurance for CASCO:

  1. Depending on the list of insured events against which the voluntary car insurance policy protects, it is divided into:
    • complete;
    • partial.
  2. Depending on the type of insurance payments, the policy may be:
    • aggregate;
    • non-aggregate.

Let's deal with all types in more detail.


Full CASCO is a standard voluntary car insurance program that protects in the following situations:

  • theft or theft of vehicles;
  • damage from traffic accidents;
  • illegal actions of third parties, including arson of a car;
  • collisions with animals;
  • the impact of natural disasters;
  • fire;
  • soil failure;
  • man-made accidents;
  • accidents on sewer, heating and water supply systems;
  • falling foreign objects.

The cost of such an insurance policy is quite high, but comprehensive protection allows you to get rid of many problems associated with damage to movable property.

A full policy is issued in the following situations:

Types of CASCO for a credit car or how to save money when purchasing an insurance policy:

  • draw up an insurance contract with the condition of a franchise, the amount of which is established jointly with the creditor bank;
  • purchase a policy exclusively for the insurance amount equal to the debt to the bank.

In most cases, the possible types of CASCO are stipulated by the agreement concluded between the lender and the borrower and cannot be selected by the car owner on their own.


Since CASCO is the most expensive insurance product in the field of auto insurance, Insurance companies developed other programs to save money.

Partial CASCO is an insurance policy that covers only a few insurance risks. The list of situations in which insurance compensation will be received is determined by the insured independently.

It could be:

  • only theft;
  • only damage from an accident;
  • theft + damage from road accidents and so on.

The most popular partial insurance products are:

  • CASCO Light insurance program. The list of insured events includes theft, total loss and significant damage. Insurance payments as a result of minor damages are not provided. Such an insurance product is optimally suited for “neat” drivers with extensive experience;
  • program anti-crisis CASCO or "Economy". The insurance product entitles the policyholder to apply for insurance indemnity once a year in the event of a major accident or vehicle theft.

All minor risks, such as natural disasters, as well as protection in case of innocence in a road accident, have been removed from the program, which significantly reduces the cost of the policy.


If size insurance compensation decreases each time you apply to the insurance company for compensation, then the CASCO insurance policy provides for an aggregate system of payments.

For example, a motor vehicle is insured by the owner for the amount 550,000 rubles. In the first insured event, the damage amounted to 65 000 rubles, and this amount was paid to the car owner.

In the event of a second insured event, the maximum amount of compensation will be 550,000 - 65,000 = 485,000 rubles, regardless of the type of insurance risk. And so on.

An agreement with the condition of aggregate payments can be concluded both for the entire list of insurance risks (full auto insurance), and for partial CASCO.

This condition is established by mutual agreement between the insurer and the insured at the stage of developing an individual program.


Non-aggregate insurance payments do not decrease during the entire period of validity of the insurance contract and can reach the maximum amount of compensation.

For example, a car is insured for 480 000 rubles. As a result of a major road accident, the amount of damage caused was 450 000 rubles, which is paid to the car owner.

Some time later, the car was stolen. As a result of an insured event, the owner will receive compensation in the amount of 480,000 rubles (regardless of the number and amount of previous insurance payments).

An insurance policy that provides for non-aggregate insurance payments is more expensive than with the condition of aggregate compensation. It is this type of voluntary auto insurance that is required to be issued for a credit car.

Advantages and disadvantages of each type of CASCO

To finally determine which type of CASCO is most suitable for a car owner, we will analyze the positive and negative qualities of each type of voluntary motor vehicle insurance:

Type of auto insurance CASCO Positive points Negative points
Full CASCO – maximum protection by covering many different insurance risks;
— accessibility for all car owners, regardless of age and driving experience;
- can be issued in all insurance companies
- high cost of the insurance product
Partial CASCO – the possibility of purchasing auto insurance at a lower cost — protects against a certain list of insurance risks;
- issued only in some insurance companies;
– not suitable for vehicles purchased on credit
Policy with aggregate insurance payments - lower cost of auto insurance (on average by 5% - 10% of the cost of a standard policy);
- availability of the opportunity to receive compensation in full, subject to additional payment of the insurance premium
- reduction of the amount of insurance compensation for each insured event;
– the full amount of compensation, in the event of the risk of “Theft” can be received only at the first application for compensation;
– suitable for drivers with extensive experience in accident-free driving
Policy with a non-aggregate sum insured - the amount of insurance payments does not decrease during the entire period of validity of the policy;
– the cost of the insured vehicle does not change
- higher cost of car insurance


Another way to save money when buying CASCO is a franchise.

A deductible is a sum of money determined by the contract, which is not paid to the insured when issuing compensation for the damage received.

For example, an insurance contract is concluded with a franchise condition in the amount of 15 000 rubles. As a result of a road accident, the car was damaged, which requires repair 47 000 rubles.

The insurance payment, taking into account the franchise, will be 47000 - 15000 = 32000 rubles. The owner of the vehicle will have to pay the rest of the repair cost himself.

The size of the deductible inversely affects the cost of CASCO, that is, the larger the deductible, the lower the cost of auto insurance.

Insurance companies apply two types of franchise:

  • conditional;
  • unconditional.

When applying a conditional deductible, the policyholder receives compensation for damage only if its amount exceeds the amount of the deductible.

For example:

If concluded with an unconditional franchise, then insurance payment will be reduced by the size of the set parameter in each case.

For example, an insurance contract provides for a franchise 20 000 rubles. To compensate for the damage, the car owner must pay 38 000 rubles. Will be paid 38000 - 20000 \u003d 18,000 rubles.

The franchise can be established:

  • in a certain amount of money;
  • as a percentage of the compensation.

The main conditions for the application of the franchise, as well as its type and size are regulated by the insurance contract.

In installments

To attract more customers, insurance companies have introduced relatively new service– purchase of CASCO in installments.

Installment payment of the insurance premium may be granted for a period specified in the contract.

The most commonly used forms are:

When concluding an installment agreement, you need to pay attention to the following aspects:

  • auto insurance increase. For the provision of installments, many companies increase the price of CASCO by 5% - 10%;
  • sanctions in case of delay in the next payment. Some insurance companies, in case of delay, terminate the insurance contract unilaterally, without paying part of the insurance premium. Others provide for penalties;
  • receiving insurance compensation. If the cost of auto insurance is not paid in full at the time of the insured event, then the indemnity may not be paid until full payment or paid in part, in accordance with the amount of the premium paid.

with telematics

Relatively new, not yet widely popular, insurance product is CASCO with telematics.

This type of auto insurance provides a discount on the policy in the amount corresponding to the degree of accuracy of the car operation and driving style.

To determine the correct operation and driving style, a special device is installed on the insured car, which constantly records all the parameters:

  • movement speed;
  • distance traveled;
  • wheel load;
  • maneuverability;
  • car loading and so on.

After removing the device and decrypting the information received, a discount will be provided.

The most popular insurance programs

So, the following CASCO auto insurance programs are in the highest demand among car owners:- storage of vehicles at night in the parking lot or in the garage;
— great driving experience;
– age restrictions for drivers

CASCO 50x50 Consent, Rosgosstrakh, Zurich - when buying a policy, only half of the cost is paid;
– the rest is paid if the owner applies for an insurance payment Confident driver VSK, Rosgosstrakh - the program is designed for drivers with extensive experience;
— the cost of the policy is reduced by 25% — 35%;
– you can apply for insurance compensation once during the term of auto insurance

CASCO is a type of insurance that allows you to protect your car from various types of damage. Without a doubt, the benefits of such a policy are enormous. But there is one thing that scares car owners: such insurance is very expensive.

The price of a CASCO insurance policy is determined, first of all, by the cost of the car. Typically, insurance companies set the rate at about 10% of the price of the car. That is why many people think that saving on CASCO is not realistic. But it's not. Knowing some of the features of insurance and skillfully applying them, you can significantly reduce the price of the policy.

4 ways to make CASCO cheaper

There are several ways to reduce the price of a CASCO insurance policy. Naturally, each insurance company offers various ways get a discount. Consider the most common options to get cheap CASCO.

Franchise application

The deductible is the amount of damage for which the insurance company is not liable. In other words, the insurer will not have to pay for minor damages.

For a car owner, a franchise is convenient not only because it allows you to issue CASCO at a lower price. Its use allows, in case of minor inexpensive damage, not to waste time waiting for the arrival of the traffic police to register the damage.

The client can choose one of two types of franchise - expressed as a percentage or in a fixed amount.

CASCO policy 50/50

If the car owner is experienced enough and is sure that he will not get into an accident, he can insure the car under CASCO profitably using the preferential policy program - 50/50. In this case, only half of the insurance price is paid at first. The second part is paid by the car owner only if an insured event has occurred. Most insurers offer such a program only to those drivers who have reached a certain age and have a set driving experience.

Ensuring the safety of the car

It is also possible to make CASCO cheaper if you manage to prove to the insurer that the car is carefully protected from theft. This can be confirmed by the following facts:

  • availability of high-quality reliable alarm;
  • an anti-theft system is installed on the car;
  • the ability to store cars in the garage;
  • an agreement with a car park.

The insurer has the right to request documents that confirm the presence of these factors.

Choice of insured events

Most often, the CASCO policy provides for the payment of compensation in the event of the following situations:

  • theft;
  • fire;
  • natural disasters;
  • illegal actions of a third party.

The insurance company may provide a waiver for some cases. In this case, the price of the policy can be reduced.

TOP 5 insurance companies with cheap CASCO in 2019

Apart from various options, which allow you to reduce the cost of the policy, its price can vary significantly from provider to provider. Therefore, it is important to choose an insurance company that will combine low rates with a high degree of reliability. To make it easier for you to decide, we have compiled the TOP 5 best insurers, where CASCO is cheaper than in other companies in 2019.

Tinkoff Insurance - CASCO with monthly payment from 2000 rubles

The advantage of Tinkoff is that here you can buy a CASCO policy online, completely remotely. The client does not need to go to the office, sit in queues. The policy will be brought to him by agreement at any place at a convenient time. In addition, the remote organization of activities allows Tinkoff to significantly reduce tariffs. You can also reduce the cost of insurance if you simultaneously issue CASCO and OSAGO. The discount will be 5%.

You can calculate the cost of insurance using the CASCO calculator on the website. It is not necessary to make the entire payment at once, you can do it in parts in installments - every month. If an insured event occurs, it will be possible to receive compensation in a short time from three days.

Tinkoff is currently running a 20% cashback for a CASCO policy campaign, which implies receiving a refund of 20% of the cost of a CASCO policy for Tinkoff card. If you don't already have debit or , then we recommend ordering a card before issuing a policy. For example, with a CASCO cost of 50 thousand rubles, you can get 10 thousand rubles on the card! This will significantly reduce the cost of car insurance.

Calculate the cost of CASCO on the Tinkoff website and an online application for a promotion

Cheap CASCO insurance from Rosgosstrakh

Rosgosstrakh offers to buy CASCO in one of the following ways:

  • online on the Rosgosstrakh website;
  • by calling the short number 0530 from a mobile phone (available for MTS, Tele2, Megafon, Beeline subscribers);
  • at the nearest office.

At the same time, right on the company's website there are tips on how to choose profitable CASCO depending on the needs of each car owner. In addition, for the convenience of customers, it is proposed to issue a policy in installments, use a franchise. Also, for those who can boast of accident-free driving, Rosgosstrakh provides a discount when concluding an insurance contract.

InTouch is a profitable CASCO policy in installments for 12 months

Insurance company InTouch today is one of the most technologically advanced and reliable companies in the insurance market. She, like Tinkoff, focuses on saving clients time, minimum bureaucracy and maximum customer focus. Due to the fact that the company sells most of its CASCO, OSAGO and other types of insurance policies through the website, this allows it to save significant money on agents and managers, which in turn affects very favorable rates for customers. The company has cheap insurance rates for cars with mileage up to 12,000, as well as smart insurance, where you can save on unnecessary options.

InTouch is owned by the Blagosostoyanie insurance group, which is one of the most stable and reliable companies in Russia.

Life hack: how to buy an InTouch policy in installments for 12 months

InTouch Insurance Company is a partner credit card for installments "Conscience". This means that by paying for any InTouch policy (at least CASCO, at least OSAGO) with the Conscience card, you get an installment plan on the card for your purchase for 12 months.

For those who don't know, the installment card is a free card for installment purchases from card partners. For example: You paid CASCO worth 50 thousand on an installment card. You need to pay 4166 rubles to the card every month. And all this without interest and overpayments.

Renaissance Insurance is a popular insurance among motorists

Renaissance is a high-tech company. A program has been developed here - a CASCO policy with telematics. It allows young people under the age of 29 to save up to half the cost of the policy. The essence of the program is to install a special device on the car that communicates with the application on the smartphone. A young driver monitors his driving style and corrects it. If in 3 months he learns to drive more carefully and receives the required number of points, the deductible under the CASCO agreement will significantly decrease.

In addition, the Renaissance company has favorable CASCO rates when issuing a policy for SUVs, as well as used cars.

Cheap CASCO policy from Alfa Insurance

This company offers several profitable programs to issue a CASCO policy. The advantages of Alfa Insurance are:

  • you can apply for a policy without leaving your home;
  • CASCO is calculated directly on the site, the result can be saved and sent to a friend.

The program for careful drivers "Smart CASCO" allows you to save up to 55%. At the same time, a telematics device is installed on the vehicle. Any foreign-made car with a mileage of less than seven years can participate in the program.

CASCO is cheaper for adults, experienced and family people in Ingosstrakh

Ingosstrakh provides low CASCO costs primarily for three categories of drivers:

  • Adults;
  • with great driving experience;
  • family citizens with children.

In addition, you can get a discount for all drivers in several cases:

  1. if a tracking system is installed;
  2. when switching from another insurance and accident-free driving experience;
  3. when renewing the policy;
  4. when franchising.

The biggest discount can be obtained if the vehicle is equipped with a high-quality anti-theft system.

Thus, it is quite possible to issue a cheap CASCO policy. To do this, it is enough to study the programs and discounts offered by various insurers. You can do it easier - use the proposed list of the best companies.

Calculating the cost of Casco online with Revizorro is easy. Just fill out a convenient form by entering data about your car, yourself and drivers allowed to drive, and get a comparison of the cost of hull insurance policies in different insurance companies.

How to calculate the cost of Casco?

To find out the cost of auto hull insurance for your car, you need to provide some information about you, your car and start the calculation. In a few seconds, you will see the offers of several insurance companies, selected especially for you. You must enter the following data:

  • Make and model of car
  • Year of issue and cost
  • Age and experience of the driver
  • Registration city

How the cost of Casco is formed

Insurance companies form tariffs on the basis of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Laws of November 27, 1992 N 4015-1 “On the organization of insurance business in Russian Federation”and dated February 7, 1992 N 2300-1 “On consumer protection”. There is no special law dedicated to Casco. When calculating the cost, insurers take into account:

  • The actual market value of the vehicle at the time of insurance
  • Vehicle make and model
  • The amount of the insurance payment
  • Availability of additional services in the policy: auto lawyer, tow truck
  • Franchise availability
  • KBM under the previous policy
  • The popularity of the car brand in the list of the most stolen cars

The cost of the policy depends on all these factors and on average varies between 2-6% of the market price of the car. To calculate Casco online, use our calculator.

How to save money on hull insurance

Get a franchise. Deductible in Casco - the amount of insurance payment, which is paid by the owner of the car during an insured event. To save money, pay a part of the insurance that, during an insured event, compensates for damage starting from a certain amount.

Example: paid 5,000 rubles, with damage up to 30,000 - you repair it yourself. If you need a repair for a large amount, it will be reimbursed by the insurance company.

Buy Casco 50/50. When buying a policy, pay 50 percent of its cost, pay the remaining half after a complex accident. You save if you don't get into an accident.

Protect your car from theft. If your accident-free driving experience exceeds 5-7 years, take out a policy only against theft. It will cost 70-80% cheaper.

Set an alarm. If the car is not equipped with alarm systems, the cost of insurance will increase by 10 - 15%. To save money, install an alarm and add mechanical protection systems.

Refrain from repairs. Some insurance companies offer to pay only for parts damaged during an accident. You can independently choose a service station cheaper than the insurer offers.

Remind the UK about seniority discounts. For each year of driving without an accident, you are entitled to a 5% discount. Don't forget to tell your insurer.

Take advantage of promotions and special offers. See which UK offers discounts. To compare offers, use our calculator.

Why you should use our calculator when calculating Casco

  • Saving time. The service provides data on the prices of insurance companies in 60 seconds. You do not need to waste time on independent calculations.
  • Exact data. The calculator takes into account all currently known coefficients and rates, excludes errors and works on any day of the week.
  • Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of each SC. The service will show all the options offered by insurance companies. You can decide for yourself whether to keep them or remove them. The calculator will not impose unnecessary services.
  • Order insurance without unnecessary transitions. On the page with the results, you can immediately select the appropriate insurer and apply for a policy.

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