Features of the development of the world economy in the XXI century. Economic policy of Russia in the 21st century Social and economic development of the 21st century

At all times, the international situation has had a significant impact on the development of the economy of any country. In the coming century, at least in its first decades, this influence will be determined mainly by its following features.

Multipolarity. Already in the late 80s and early 90s of the last century, the framework of a multipolar world began to take shape, which in the near future will strengthen and become more perfect. The era of superpower domination, and today only the United States is one of them, will finally come to an end. Indeed, America has always set its own favorable system (including the economy, finances, human rights, etc.) as the world standard and imposed it on other countries. However, the time when it implemented its rules in organizations such as the IMF, the World Bank, the WTO, and even the UN, and thanks to this, actually ruled the rest of the world, is irrevocably gone.

The poles of the new structure of the world will most likely be the United States, the European Union, China, Russia and Japan, and it is they who will play the leading role in resolving international issues until at least the middle of the century. Achieving a balance between the poles and, consequently, prosperity in the world is possible due to their mutual coordination. The key points are peaceful coexistence, interdependence, mutual benefit and mutual benefit. This will greatly reduce the likelihood of friction and disagreement.

Strengthening the role of the economy. Her place in international relations will become more noticeable. There will be an intertwining of economics and politics, which will find expression in attempts to achieve political goals through the use of economic levers, as well as in the pursuit of even greater economic efficiency through the use of political tactics. Ultimately, however, each pole will defend its own strategic interests.

Under these conditions, mutual trust in the international arena must be built on the basis of mutual favor and mutual benefit in the economy and trade. Without this, it is difficult to continue political relations. If there is no trust in politics, it is not easy to develop trade and economic ties. That is why in the XXI century. so important is the normalization of external trade, economic and political relations.

This is especially true within the pair of the USA, the largest debtor state (external debt is about $1 trillion), and Japan, the world's largest creditor state (foreign capital is also about $1 trillion). In the coming years, we can expect a long and bitter confrontation between the American and Japanese models of the economy, trade and financial policy. The struggle for strategic economic interests between the TNCs of America, Japan and Europe and the regional political contradictions or military conflicts initiated by them - all this fully confirmed that the economy and finance are inseparable in international relations.

Globalization. Thanks to the international division of labor and scientific and technological progress, economic and financial globalization is continuously deepening and developing. But this process is also fraught with negative consequences. Of course, the financial market as a phenomenon will exist in the next century. However, the huge free capital (daily turnover is more than 2 trillion dollars), being an important part of it, serves only to stimulate the "chase for income" and has nothing to do with trade and ordinary capital investments. This will inevitably serve as a factor in the instability of the entire economic system, a catalyst for large and small financial shocks or crises.

By the mid-80s, the rapid development of TNCs led to changes in the world economic system and international trade: market economy reached unprecedented successes, expanded the scope of its functioning. The WTO has raised the degree of internationalization of trade, investment and services to a qualitatively new level. New stage scientific and technological revolution, which is based on information technology, has increased the effectiveness of market transformations and accelerated globalization. Thanks to the advent of fiber optic networks, the means of communication made a dramatic leap, and "electronic commerce" arose. Its effectiveness is a force that cannot be stopped, so "e-commerce" will reach new heights.

Whether we like it or not, the processes of globalization penetrate deeply into the life of all countries. It seems that in the coming years, despite the establishment of a number of restrictive laws, they will only intensify. An important role in this will be played by TNCs, which in this situation, due to flexible integration mechanisms, serve as additional bridges between national economies. In general, the globalization of the economy stimulates the development of society, but at the same time leads to injustice and inequality.

Currency bipolarity. Together with the beginning of the circulation of the euro (January 1, 1999), two poles formed in the international monetary system. The euro has become the world's second most important currency after the dollar. In terms of the level of real power (purchasing power), the degree of linkage with foreign economic activity and trade, and advancement in the financial market, these monetary units are very close. Therefore, they will play equally important roles and will have a huge impact on the development of the entire world economy. Indeed, the countries where the euro is used have outstripped the United States in terms of their share in world trade. Moreover, they have an active, and not passive, as it was for a long time in America, balance. Some experts predict that in the next 10 years Europe will catch up with America in terms of technological development.

However, financial unification does not at all mean unification in the economy, much less political unity in everything. In particular, among the countries that have adopted the euro, there are still some unresolved problems. Moreover, one of the leading EU states - Great Britain - has not yet joined them. In general, the contradictions between Europe, America and Japan in the areas of finance, economy and trade cannot disappear without a trace. Therefore, in most Western transnational economic organizations, there will be a situation of mutual confrontation between these three forces.

Of course, the global financial system is deeply ingrained and difficult to change. And yet it seems that in the XXI century. the international monetary system will be restructured, new laws will replace the old ones. All this will affect the structure and composition of foreign exchange reserves, the placement of funds in foreign trade and the amount of investment.

Further internationalization of trade. The formation of the WTO was largely due to the interests of transnational companies. Another reason is the need to promote internationalization in the areas of trade, investment and services to a qualitatively new level. At present, the system of provisions and laws of the WTO is being developed very rapidly. Their number is great; they meet the economic and trade interests of all countries included in this structure.

Ecology. In the 21st century the exports of many other countries will face various kinds of restrictions contained in international treaties, which will complicate the conditions for the functioning of the economy. This is largely due to the fact that it is necessary not only to meet the needs of the era, but also to think about how not to harm future generations, to give humanity the opportunity for further development. Hence the increased attention to ecology, rational use of natural resources.

The situation with the environment puts forward more and more stringent requirements for production and trade, making it mandatory to take measures to protect it. For example, when the international treaty for the protection of the ozone layer of the atmosphere was approved, developed countries agreed to stop the relevant production and reduce the shelf life of many materials, completing all the necessary activities in 1994-1996. The completion of most of the restrictive programs is scheduled for 2010. They will affect the production of various types of foam materials, solvents, cleaning products and other products.

The conditions of life and development of mankind have become a subject of special attention and a problem that in the new century they are trying to solve everywhere. In the future, environmentally friendly food and industrial products, environmentally friendly production and equipment and other issues will become the main content of international cooperation in the economy, trade and technology exchange. If now environmentally friendly products account for 8% of world trade, in the near future their share should reach 100%. Therefore, development plans and plans for environmental protection provide an excellent opportunity for world trade to materialize.

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Russian Federation Russia is the largest country in the world. Internationally, it is a great power. Russia plays a huge role in international relations. Russia is a multinational country. Russia is a Eurasian power. Russia is a country with a rich history and culture.

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Russia's population Russia ranks 9th in the world in terms of population. Since 1992, Russia's population has been declining. But the demographic hole of the 1990s has been successfully overcome. Since 2010, the birth rate began to exceed the death rate. The largest people in terms of numbers is the Russian people. Population census: 2015 - 146 million people.

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Economy of Russia The economy of Russia is the fifth economy in the world (according to data for 2014) in terms of GDP. In 2014, the share of the Russian economy in the world economy was 3.3%. Russia is one of the leading countries in the world. Russia has a high-tech economy. Russia is among the five leading countries in the world. Russia is a developed country. Comparison of the Russian economy and the economies of the leading countries of the world in 2014 (GDP):

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Russian economy 1989 1997 2014 1. USA 1. USA 1. China 2. USSR 2. Japan 2. USA 3. Japan 3. China 3. India 4. Germany 4. Germany 4. Japan 5. China 18. Russia 5. Russia The economy of the USSR from 1938 to 1991 ranked 2nd in the world after the USA. Before the collapse of the USSR in 1990, many records and the highest indicators in the economy were set. In the 1990s, after the transition of the Russian economy to liberal rails, the Russian industry began to rapidly collapse. This process reached its peak by 1998, when the industrial production index dropped to a level of 48% of the peak value of 1991. In the 2000s, the measures taken to protect and develop the domestic industry led to its rapid growth: by 2008, the industry won back most of the losses, the volume of production grew to a level of 85% of Soviet indicators. From 2008 to 2013, Russian industry grew by another 4%, to a level of 89% from 1991.

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Industry of Russia The industry of Russia is represented by many branches and enterprises. Russia is one of the main industrial powers of the world. Despite the fact that in the 1990s there was a serious decline in production, since 2000, Russian industry has shown steady growth. Russia is one of the few countries in the world capable of producing virtually any type of manufactured goods.

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The structure of Russian industry Rosstat divides the entire industry of Russia into 3 categories: 24% - Mining. 65% - Manufacturing industries. 11% - Production/distribution of electricity, gas and water.

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Industry of Russia In 2013, the share of industry in Russia's GDP was 29%, and 19% of the total number of employees were employed in industry. In 2014, two important events for our industry took place at once: the exchange of sanctions and a strong depreciation of the ruble against world currencies. The next round of import substitution has begun, at the same time it is being decoupled Russian economy from dollar loans.

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Industry of Russia The most developed industries in Russia are the extraction and processing of hydrocarbons, metallurgy, chemical production, mechanical engineering, the production of various types of transport and food production. Hundreds of new plants are built every year in Russia. For example, in 2013, 450 new plants were put into operation in Russia. In 2014, 237 plants were put into operation in Russia, which is 1 facility in 1.5 days.

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Russian high-tech products These products are produced by a wide range of Russian industries. In some industries, Russian products are the world's leading and most high-tech products. High-tech products of the Russian Federation: 1. Defense industry 2. Microelectronics 3. Nuclear industry 4. Medical equipment 5. Space industry 6. Robot building 7. Aviation industry 8. Engine building 9. Automotive industry 10. IT sector

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Mechanical engineering in Russia Russia ranks 11th in the world in terms of the number of motor vehicles produced. Car production in Russia increased from 1.2 million cars per year in 2000 to 2.2 million cars in 2012. The largest automakers in Russia are AvtoVAZ (cars), GAZ (small trucks and vans), KAMAZ (large trucks and dump trucks), LiAZ (buses).

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Mechanical Engineering in Russia Rostselmash is one of the world leaders in agricultural engineering. It accounts for 65% of the Russian agricultural machinery market and 17% of the world market for this machinery. The largest Russian railway engineering enterprises: Tver Carriage Works, Uralvagonzavod, Carriage Building Company of Mordovia, Vagonmash, Kaliningrad Carriage Works, Torzhok Carriage Works.

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Shipbuilding in Russia The largest centers of Russian shipbuilding are St. Petersburg, Severodvinsk, Nizhny Novgorod, and the Kaliningrad region. There are 168 shipbuilding enterprises in Russia, 86 of them are state-owned. The world's largest submarine and icebreaker are designed and built at Russian shipyards. In Russia, a new ship is being laid every day.

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Aircraft industry in Russia Most of the aircraft manufacturing enterprises in Russia are united in the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC). In 2014, UAC delivered 161 aircraft. In 2014, Russia overtook the United States in the production of combat aircraft (more than 100 units were manufactured). In 2015, Russia produced more than 300 helicopters, reaching the level of the USSR in terms of this indicator.

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Russian space industry The Russian space industry is one of the most powerful in the world. Russia leads in manned space exploration and in orbital launches. Russia carries out more than 40% of all space launches in the world, and the Russian global navigation system GLONASS is one of the two global navigation systems in the world, along with the American GPS. Another important event was the construction of the Vostochny cosmodrome and the launch of the first rockets. Russia has 3 spaceports.

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Russian defense industry Enterprises of the Russian military-industrial complex (military-industrial complex) make up the world's second largest complex of defense industries, providing its products to the Russian army (the second most powerful in the world) and creating a solid foundation for Russia's security, as well as allowing the country to consistently occupy second place in arms exports in the world (27% of the world arms market in 2014).

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Russian defense industry The Russian military-industrial complex is one of the most important and most high-tech industrial sectors in Russia. Russia is the world technological leader in this industry. Important inventions in the field of armaments have been made in Russia since ancient times.

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Russian nuclear industry The Russian nuclear industry is the strongest in the world. Rosatom ranks first in the world in terms of the number of simultaneously constructed nuclear power plants and is the absolute leader in the uranium conversion and enrichment market. Russia possesses all known nuclear technologies, and Russia alone possesses some technologies.

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Robotics in Russia In 2014, Russia supplied the largest medical university in Japan with its robotic simulators for surgical operations. System artificial intelligence Unicum, developed in Russia, was successfully tested in 2015. The created complex gives machines intellectual capabilities, which implies the complete exclusion of human intervention. Now they will be able to independently solve peaceful and combat missions, distributing roles within the group.

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Microelectronics in Russia Microelectronics in Russia has rich experience in creating microcircuits, microprocessors, computers and other devices. One of the largest manufacturers of microelectronics in Russia is the Mikron company. In 2014, the eight-core modern microprocessor Elbrus-8C was put into production in Russia. As of 2015, the Russian Research Institute of Molecular Electronics is in the top 5 leading microelectronic enterprises in Europe.

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Oil industry of Russia In terms of oil reserves, Russia ranks 7th in the world. The oil industry is developing in many regions of the Russian Federation. New oil fields are being discovered. Russia supplies oil to many countries of the world (without oil, the industry in these countries will stop). Russia exports enough oil to seriously influence world events.

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Russian gas industry Russia ranks first in the world in terms of production and explored gas reserves and provides about 20% of its world production. The gas industry provides more than 50% of domestic energy consumption, about 15% of foreign exchange earnings from Russian exports and about 5% of tax revenues in budget system Russia. Gazprom is the world's largest gas producing company.

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Metallurgy of Russia In 2009, Russia ranked 4th in the world in terms of steel production, 3rd in the world in production of steel pipes, and 3rd in the world in export of steel products (rolled steel exports in 2007 amounted to about 27, 6 million tons). In terms of aluminum production, Russia ranks 2nd in the world (after China), its export is 1st; in production and export of nickel - 1st place in the world; in production (shipments) of rolled titanium - 2nd place.

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Housing construction in Russia Before the collapse of the USSR in 1987, a record was set for the number of new housing commissioned. In 2014, Russia for the first time surpassed the volume of housing commissioning in the RSFSR (81 million square meters). Now in Russia more housing is being built a year than in the RSFSR in the best years. In addition to apartments, a large number of private houses (dachas, cottages) are being built in Russia, which were built much less in the USSR.

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Housing construction in Russia The rate of housing commissioning is growing every year. The housing itself is also changing, it is becoming more comfortable. In 2014, more than 1 million apartments were put into operation in Russia. Russia has one of the highest share of the population living in own housing in the world, as a result of privatization in the 1990s and 2000s.

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Agriculture in Russia Agriculture in Russia is one of the most actively and successfully developing sectors of the Russian economy. Contrary to popular myths, agriculture in the country is not only extremely profitable and profitable, but also almost completely ensures Russia's food security, and also allows you to export significant amounts of agricultural products abroad.

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Agriculture in Russia Russia has 10% of all arable land in the world. More than 4/5 of arable land in Russia falls on the Central Volga region, the North Caucasus, the Urals and Western Siberia. Russia ranks 1st in the world in the production of rye, oats, barley, sugar beet, sunflower, buckwheat. In 2014, a record grain harvest since 1990 was harvested - more than 110 million tons.

Problems currently facing world economy, are derivatives of each other, and it is impossible to solve them alone, even for the strongest economies on the planet.

Global debt, fragile global demand, a slowdown in China and low growth in Europe do pose a threat to sustainable global economic development. Years of quantitative easing in the United States and continued monetary stimulus in the European Union and Japan have resulted in a large amount of assets accumulated on the balance sheets of the respective central banks, which in turn creates risks of imbalances in the economy for each designated region. That is why, given all these negative factors, many experts talk about future low growth rates of the global economy and a large number of risks, and the International Monetary Fund for the third time in a year is revising its forecast for global GDP downward from 3.6 to 3.4 % in 2016.

Industrial Revolution

The world is suffering both from long-term, structural problems that have already become, and is facing completely new challenges.

The world economy is currently undergoing a period of irreversible transformation. This is due to the fact that the world is now on the verge of another industrial revolution, which will erase the usual technological boundaries and reform established technological and production chains. The new industrial revolution will be characterized by the fusion of technologies and the blurring of the boundaries between the digital, manufacturing and biological spheres. The digitalization of various spheres of life will gain momentum more and more, which will be reflected in the emergence of smart cities, a decrease in the role of intermediaries in the economy, increased competition between digital platforms and classical banking, etc. A completely new type of industrial production will arise, which will be based on the so-called big data and related analytics, full automation of production, augmented reality technologies, the Internet of things and much more.

Already, there are many vivid examples that show what the realities of the economy will be in the era of the fourth industrial revolution. For example, the emergence of financial and technological platforms like the Bitcoin cryptocurrency, Blockchain technology, etc. completely reformat the world of finance, reducing transaction costs between the lender and the borrower. The attractiveness of the business models of fintech start-ups leads to the fact that their estimated value is often higher than the capitalization of traditional investment banking groups. For example, PayPal, which trades on NASDAQ, has a capitalization of over $44 billion, while Deutsche Bank, the traditional leader in global investment banking, is worth about $21 billion.

alternative energy

The inevitable consequence of the fourth industrial revolution is the powerful development of alternative energy. The time of expensive oil was the time of profitable investments in "green" energy, in new technologies for generating, storing and transmitting energy. As a result, alternative energy has received a powerful impetus for development and now harmoniously fits into the landscape of new realities.

On the other hand, the development of alternative energy is taking place against the background of a full-scale crisis of oil companies around the world. Due to the dramatic fall in oil prices, oil and gas companies are forced to reduce staff and expenses for the development of new fields. This, in turn, often leads to structural changes at the level of economies of entire countries, for example, Saudi Arabia is discussing the idea of ​​privatizing part of the oil giant Saudi Aramco.

The fourth industrial revolution opens up the world economy the broadest opportunities for growth, but at the same time poses completely new challenges. The development of technologies and new production schemes breaks down existing economic structures, companies are forced to adapt to changing consumer needs, but at the same time, a paradox arises when the economy can grow, while unemployment increases due to new intelligent systems that replace able-bodied population. Thus, according to analysts, the automation of production in Germany alone can lead to a reduction of up to 610 thousand jobs in the medium term. An economy based on new realities needs more and more highly qualified specialists who create new technologies, and less and less low-skilled workers. This trend is increasing over time, spreading its influence not only on the sectors of the economy of certain countries, but also on entire macro-regions.

Competition is tough and global

One of the consequences of the “industrial revolution 4.0” and structural problems in the global economy is the intensification of competition at the geo-economic level. Indirectly, this confirms the thesis that in modern realities “business leads politics”.

Competition in the world contributes to the emergence of new, alternative integration and infrastructure projects, each of which is of great scope and ambition. We are talking about the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Economic Belt of the New Silk Road (one belt - one road) and the possible Transatlantic Partnership. Thus, if the Chinese strategy of the New Silk Road is successful, the countries participating in the implementation of this project together with China will be able to receive additional economic benefits in the form of attracting financing for infrastructure in their territories, which will positively affect their trade balances. The question here is whether these projects can successfully harmonize with each other and to what extent they will interact with the EAEU.

Old and new hotbeds of geopolitical tension will contribute to the intensification of migration processes, which is already evident in the example of the countries of the European Union. This, in turn, will impose additional obligations on the European economy, which is already in a difficult position. Moreover, the consequences of such migratory tsunamis can indeed acquire the most negative connotation, as evidenced, for example, by the statements of the Austrian leadership that this country is facing the most serious crisis since the end of World War II. The alleged referendum on Britain's exit from the EU, discussions regarding the suspension of the Schengen Agreement and the restoration of border controls by some countries, and much more - all this, including the consequences of the migration crisis that Europe is facing.

Emerging economies need to make tremendous efforts not to be left on the sidelines of the new dynamic world, but to integrate into global value chains. Resource-oriented countries need to set the course for the transition to a knowledge and innovation economy. Otherwise, the scenario of a rollback to fundamentalism is very likely, which will become a global problem for the already new system of the world economy.

Place of Russia

In these difficult conditions, which objectively affect absolutely all countries of the world, Russia is forced to withstand an additional burden in the form of economic sanctions imposed by a number of countries. Despite all the difficulties that our economy has faced, we see that Russia has everything it needs to take a worthy position in the system of new realities. This is a developed human capital, and an abundance of natural resources, and a favorable geographical position, and a transit potential, and much more. We are sure that in the end this will allow Russia to become one of the main drivers of world economic growth.

The country's economy is gradually transforming and begins to correspond to the new world realities. Russian non-commodity exports and the provision of various types of services are growing, as can be seen from the growth in the portfolio of foreign projects of such Russian companies as Rosatom, Inter RAO, etc. , - "Yulmart", QIWI and many others. Among other things, our country still has the opportunity to acquire assets in many technology companies through the use of funds placed in US Treasury bonds.

Our country does not seek to develop cooperation in only one direction. On the contrary, in spite of everything, it seeks to build a multi-vector system of relations both with the countries of the East and with European, Latin American and American partners. Understanding this, representatives of the business community and officials from different countries are increasingly raising the issue of the need to lift mutual sanctions and, moreover, are preparing for this, as this promises great benefits for both parties.

Global challenges are becoming more and more definite, and the search for answers to them requires the joint efforts of the world community. Many of these issues will find their reflection and logical development in the program of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. The time has come when new tasks and new challenges require completely new, non-standard solutions.

The most notable measure in the field of economics was the establishment of a "flat" scale of taxation. If earlier the level of taxation increased with the growth of income, now for everyone, regardless of the income received, a single tax rate was established - 13%. In addition, a unified social tax was introduced, and a number of tax benefits were abolished. Such a measure pursued the goal of expanding the tax base, attracting investment in the economy, legalizing its shadow part, and tightening tax discipline. The same task was the federal law dated August 7, 2001 No. 115-FZ "On counteracting the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime, the financing of terrorism", on the basis of which a financial intelligence body was created - the Financial Motoring Committee.

In 2001, new Land and Labor Codes were adopted, which ensure the implementation of reforms in the field of agrarian and labor relations. A serious struggle in the State Duma unfolded around government initiatives aimed at reforming transport, energy, housing and communal services, bills relating to small businesses, and the continuation of land reform.

By 2003, the population's confidence in the banking sector, which had been undermined by the 1998 crisis, was restored. The volume of deposits began to increase, and the population's real incomes began to grow.

One of the priorities of V. V. Putin was the "equidistance of the oligarchs" from socio-economic and political privileges. A number of them were charged with numerous criminal offenses. As a result of these campaigns, such most odious figures as Berezovsky, Gusinsky, Khodorkovsky were removed from political activity, their property was redistributed, an attempt was made to create equal rules for all participants in economic activity, to increase social responsibility big business.

At the beginning of the XXI century. the leadership of the country has repeatedly expressed concern about the development of the country mainly due to the raw material component. An attempt to overcome the "raw material bias" of the economy was the creation of state corporations: aviation, shipbuilding, Rosnano, Rostekhnologiya, Rosatom, etc. They pursued the goal of technological renewal of the economy based on the concentration of private and state capital in the most high-tech industries.

In February 2008, at a meeting of the State Council, Vladimir Putin announced an ambitious program for the country's socio-economic development. It was called "Putin's Plan". According to it, by 2020 Russia should enter the top five leading economies in the world, for which it needs to achieve a fourfold increase in labor productivity. The average income of Russians should rise to $30,000 a year, and the average life expectancy should rise to 75 years. The program provides for the reform of health care, the modernization of the pension system, the development of the infrastructure of the economy, and the rational integration of Russia into the world trade system.

The tightening of financial policy, the favorable situation on the world oil market, which developed in the 90s. and earned market mechanisms made it possible to pay off debts on wages, pensions, improve the material well-being of the population.

Summing up the results of V. V. Putin's presidency in 2000-2008, it should be noted that socio-economic development was successful. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the gross domestic product(GDP) of Russia at current prices increased more than 6 times - from 196 billion dollars (23rd place in the world) in 1999 to 1290 billion dollars - in 2007 (11th place in the world). Russia came out on top in oil and gas production. The volume of agricultural production increased by more than 3 times. Housing construction has almost doubled. Exports grew almost 5 times. The budget increased 10 times and became a surplus. Gold and foreign exchange reserves increased by more than 40 times. The state external debt decreased by more than 3 times - from 158.4 to 44.1 billion dollars.

In 1999–2007 the average monthly salary increased by almost 9 times. The average size of pensions increased by 7 times with inflation rising in 2000-2007. 2.5 times.

At the same time, the country faced difficulties and problems. The population of Russia continued to decline. The bureaucracy grew 1.5 times. The share of the oil and gas sector in the country's economy has increased. Serious fracture to the side innovative way no development took place. Corruption remained a huge problem hindering socio-economic development. Despite 8 years of economic growth, Russia's infrastructure was in a difficult position, the level of investment remained extremely low.


Economic development

The main source of concern for our immediate future is that economic growth is largely driven by high oil prices. But everyone understands that sooner or later they will inevitably go down. No one has yet forgotten the 1998 crisis, which was precisely associated with such a fall in prices. Taking into account his lessons, it was decided to send part of the proceeds from oil taxes to the so-called stabilization fund. It should be used if oil prices fall so that the government has a reserve to deal with the most serious problems in the budget. However, if the country does not get rid of dependence on fluctuations in oil prices, it will not be able to develop sustainably. The main condition for such a release is an active inflow of foreign capital into Russia. But in order for this capital to come, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for it, first of all, to guarantee it from the arbitrariness of officials and changes in legislation.

There have also been many changes in the field of secondary education. The introduction of 12-year education began. There are more different types of schools (gymnasiums, lyceums, etc.) and programs. There is an active transition to passing a unified state exam for entering a university. But it is too early to say how this reform is justified. It is planned to introduce profile education in schools from the 10th grade, in which students will determine for themselves which subjects they want to study more deeply, and which ones, on the contrary, less seriously.

However, common problems not only did not bypass the sphere of education, but in some ways hit it harder. Poor funding, low salaries, the state's lack of a clear policy in the field of education, and much more have led to a drop in its level and quality, the spread of all kinds of forms of education that do not provide basic knowledge. It is also negative that there are few different circles and sections, sports schools, etc.

A very serious negative fact was the constant change of curricula and textbooks. Groups of Methodist scholars began to compete so vigorously among themselves for the right to publish their own textbooks that they completely forgot about the interests of the school. This not only leads to large additional costs, but does not allow teachers to teach qualified. It also makes it impossible to keep track of which programs and textbooks are more suitable for children, and which are less.

Some Perspectives

As already mentioned, the beginning of the 21st century turned out to be more successful for Russia than the end of the 20th. The main differences are economic growth and internal stability. However, the country is still at a crossroads. Where will she go? Along the path of economic growth, strengthening of statehood, rule of law, democracy, or along the path of strengthening the positions of state capitalism, which will hinder successful development? The fact is that all these years there has been an increase in the merger of large and even medium-sized government officials and many business representatives who together, using any means, seek to enrich themselves at the state or people's expense, strengthen their positions in power, and redistribute property. Rising corruption is only a symptom of such a merger.

The country faces difficult challenges. Some of them: raising the living standards of the poor, improving health care and education, improving the housing situation, reducing mortality - and a number of others can be significantly solved if economic growth in the country can be maintained.

But to ensure growth, much needs to be done to support business, remove various obstacles to a healthy business initiative, attract foreign investment, and create the necessary legal framework.

The main thing is that both the leadership and the people understand that the growth of production in the name of raising material well-being is the most important national and state task.

Of course, there are many problems: the fight against domestic and organized crime, corruption, abuse of power, the fight against drunkenness and drug addiction, etc., which should be solved only jointly by the state and society. But this is possible only if Russia becomes a truly democratic society.

History goes its own way. But at the same time, people make history. Let's hope that there will be people who will create a "Russian economic miracle."

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