Financial system and financial policy presentation. Presentation on Financial Law on the topic: "Financial control" Presentation on the topic of the financial system of the state

  1. 1. SOUTH URAL STATE UNIVERSITY Finance Course reads: Andrey A. Gorshkov Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department " Economic theory and the world economy "
  2. 2. Finance The place and role of finance in market economy Department of ETiME Chelyabinsk 2009 Slide # The market is a sphere of manifestation of economic relations between producers and consumers of goods, between the value and use value of goods. Money, fulfilling its functions as a means of circulation, is an intermediary between the act of purchase and the act of sale; in this function, money becomes capital. Capital is money put into circulation and generating income from this turnover. The turnover of money is their investment in entrepreneurship, lending, leasing. Thus, money creates conditions for the emergence of finance as an independent sphere of functioning of monetary relations. Finance is a system of economic relations expressing the formation and use of monetary funds in the process of their turnover.
  3. 3. Finance the role of finance Department of ET&ME Chelyabinsk 2009 Slide # According to its role in social production, finance includes two links: - public finance, - finance of an economic entity. The role of finance in the economy can be reduced to three main areas: 1. Financial support of the needs of expanded production. 2. Financial regulation of economic and social processes. 3. Financial incentives for the efficient use of all types of economic resources. The essence of finance is manifested in their functions. Finance has two functions: 1 pay-as-you-go 2 control
  4. Finance ... "target =" _blank "> 4.
    • The financial system is a set of blocks, links, sub-links of financial relations.
    • The financial system of the Russian Federation consists of three major blocks:
    • public finance;
    • - local finance;
    • - finance of legal entities and individuals.
    Financial system structures
  5. 5. Finance Department ET&ME Chelyabinsk 2009 Slide #
  6. 6. Finance Department of ET&ME Chelyabinsk 2009 Slide # Monetary system and mechanisms of monetary circulation The essence of money is determined by their functions. Money is: 1 means of payment for goods and services, 2 means of measurement, 3 means of storing (accumulating) value.
  7. 7. Finance Department of ET&ME Chelyabinsk 2009 Slide # System of cash flows in the economy
  8. Money ... "target =" _ blank "> 8. Finance Department of ETIME Chelyabinsk 2009 Slide #
    • The monetary system is the organization of monetary circulation in the country, enshrined in national legislation.
    • It includes the following elements:
    • - the name of the monetary unit;
    • - types of banknotes, the procedure for their issue and the nature of the security;
    • - regulation of money circulation;
    • - organization of cash and non-cash payment transactions;
    • - the rate of the national currency, the procedure for its exchange for foreign currency.
    Monetary system
  9. 9. Finance Department ET&ME Chelyabinsk 2009 Slide # Budget system Russian Federation
    • The budgetary system of the Russian Federation is a set of budgets of all levels and state extra-budgetary funds, based on economic relations and the state structure of the Russian Federation, regulated by the norms of law.
    • It consists of three levels of budgets:
    • Level I - the federal budget and the budgets of state extra-budgetary funds; - II level - the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the budgets of territorial state extra-budgetary funds; - III level - local budgets.
    The budget is a form of formation and spending of the fund Money, intended for financial support of the tasks and functions of state and local authorities.
  10. 10. Finance Department ET&ME Chelyabinsk 2009 Slide # Insurance insurance is a set of economic relations between its participants regarding the formation of an insurance fund and its use to compensate for damage. Insurance is an integral part of finance, but insurance relations have a number of features: - monetary relations in insurance are associated with the possibility of insured events causing damage; - in case of insurance, the damage caused is distributed among the insurance participants; - with insurance, the damage is redistributed between territories and in time; - insurance is characterized by the repayment of funds contributed to the insurance fund.
  11. 11. Finance Department ET&ME Chelyabinsk 2009 Slide # Loan capital market Loan capital is money lent for a certain percentage, subject to repayment. The form of movement of loan capital is credit. The main sources of loan capital are money capital (money), released in the process of reproduction. These include: - amortization fund of enterprises, intended for the renewal, expansion and restoration of production assets; - part of the working capital in monetary form, released in the process of selling products and making material costs; - cash generated as a result of the gap between the receipt of money from the sale of goods and the payment of wages; - profit used for the renovation and expansion of production; - cash income and savings of all segments of the population; - money savings of the state in the form of funds from the ownership of state property, income from production, commercial and financial activities of the government, as well as positive balances of central and local banks.
  12. 12. Finance Department of ET&ME Chelyabinsk 2009 Slide # Fictitious capital arises not as a result of the monetary form of the circulation of industrial capital, but as a result of the acquisition valuable papers, giving the right to receive a certain income (interest on capital). The original form of fictitious capital was government bonds during the period of pre-monopoly capitalism and "free competition". fictitious capital
    • The fictitious capital structure consists of three main elements:
    • shares,
    • private sector bonds
    • government bonds.
    The independent movement of fictitious capital in the market leads to a sharp separation of its market value from the book value, to an even more significant gap between real tangible assets and their relatively fixed value represented in securities.
  13. 13. Enterprise Finance Department of ET&ME Chelyabinsk 2009 Slide # Finance Department of ET&ME Chelyabinsk 2009 Slide # The currency system is a combination of two elements - the currency mechanism and currency relations. The currency mechanism refers to the legal norms and institutions that represent them at the national and international levels... Foreign exchange relations include everyday connections that individuals, firms, banks enter in the foreign exchange and money markets in order to carry out international settlements, credit and foreign exchange transactions. Distinguish between national, world and regional (interstate) monetary systems. Monetary system International credit is the movement of loan capital in the field of international economic relations, associated with the provision of commodity and foreign exchange resources.
  14. 14. Finance Department of ET&ME Chelyabinsk 2009 Slide # Thank you for your attention!

The financial system is a set of separate but interconnected spheres and links of financial relations associated with the formation and use of centralized and decentralized funds of the state and enterprises

Financial system and financial apparatus The concept of "financial system" includes financial relations. The concept of "financial apparatus" is a part of the national administrative apparatus, which is entrusted with the management of the financial system. The financial apparatus is only part of the financial system.

Financial system Finance of business entities State and municipal finance Finance of citizens Finance of commercial organizations Finance of non-commercial enterprises Finance of public organizations, funds State budget Extra-budgetary funds State credit Finance of citizens engaged in entrepreneurial activity Finance of citizens not engaged in entrepreneurship

Financial system Centralized (state) finance Decentralized finance Budgets State credit Extra-budgetary state funds Federal budget Regional budgets Municipal budgets Pension fund Social insurance fund MHI fund Finance credit banking system Insurance company finance Enterprise finance Commercial finance Non-profit organization finance

The composition and structure of the financial system. According to the approximate data of the consolidated financial balance, at present, the share of centralized financial resources is about 60%, and the share of decentralized financial resources is about 40%.

Financial system. Spheres E n ts Public finances Municipal finances Organizational finances Intermediary finances Non-budgetary funds Government BUDGET GOSUDARTSVENNY CREDITS OF GOVERNMENTAL DOLG BUDGE t mu n and ts and p a l about o g o f formation M o n and c and p a l n y d o l g K o m me r h e sc and h o rg n i z t i n N o n m e r h o r g n n i z z t General public F e n a n s s i r h o v y s s s s s s s s s s c o r g n n s s i n s i nvesti tio n s f o n d o v f and n s s of n g state pen sion s f o n d o s

Public finance is a system of monetary relations associated with the formation and use of funds required by the state to perform its functions. The task of public finance is to concentrate financial resources at the disposal of the state and direct them to finance national needs. The financial resources of the state are formed at the expense of: taxes; fees; state fees; amounts received from the buyout of state-owned enterprises; income from state-owned enterprises and economic entities, etc.

The state budget Federal, regional and local budgets are a form of formation and use of centralized funds of funds necessary to ensure the functions of the state and local self-government bodies.

State off-budget funds are funds generated outside the budget and intended for the realization of the rights of citizens in the field of social and medical security.

The state loan reflects the credit relations associated with the mobilization by the state of temporarily free funds of enterprises, organizations and individuals on terms of repayment, maturity and payment for financing public expenditures. Borrowers of state loans are legal entities and individuals. State credit lenders are the state represented by its executive authorities.

Decentralized finance is finance for the credit and banking sector, insurance companies, commercial enterprises, non-profit organizations and households. constitute the basis of the financial system, since in the sphere of material production the predominant part of the country's financial resources is formed. They combine the finances of enterprises (organizations) and the finances of the household.

The finances of organizations are monetary relations associated with the formation of monetary incomes, receipts and savings from commercial and non-profit organizations and their use to finance the costs of expanded reproduction or the provision of services, material incentives for employees, fulfillment of obligations to the state, individuals and legal entities.

Finances of organizations In the financial system of the Russian Federation, the finances of organizations occupy a central place, since they are the main sources of financial resources of the state, act as the base of primary distribution and the initial impetus for the formation of financial flows (payments to suppliers, payment of wages to employees, payment of taxes to the budget) ...

The finances of commercial organizations are formed from their own cash income and savings. The provision of national monetary funds with financial resources significantly depends on their financial condition.

The finances of non-profit organizations are indirectly involved in reproduction processes, since the goals of their functioning are not directly related to making a profit. formed by voluntary contributions, receipts from founders, budgetary funds.

The finance of public associations is a link in the financial system, formed from voluntary associations of citizens on the basis of their community of interests to meet spiritual or other non-material needs.

The finance of insurance companies is a link in the financial system that provides coverage of possible losses in the event of adverse events - insured events.

The finances of investment funds are created by raising funds by issuing their own shares, by investing their own funds in securities of other issuers, by trading in securities

Finances of non-state pension funds Formed by contributions from individuals and legal entities. Private pension funds are a system of pension funds designed to pay supplementary pensions.

Household finance is a system of monetary relations associated with the formation of financial resources of households from all sources of their income and spending money on necessary needs. are important in the regulation of the country's effective demand, in the creation of GDP. A certain part of the created GDP in the form of goods and services passes through the family budget. The higher the incomes of the members of society, the higher its demand for produced material values, the more stable the economic situation of the enterprise.

The interrelation of the main links of the financial system Finance of business entities Finance of citizens State and municipal finance Deposits, contributions, payments, pledges Taxes, fees Income, loans, insurance replacement, loans, taxes, payments, fees Payments, subsidies

A household is an economic unit consisting of one or more persons that supplies the economy with resources and uses the money received for them to purchase goods and services that meet the material needs of a person.

Financial policy is a set of measures by the state to organize financial relations, mobilize financial resources, their distribution and use for the implementation of the state program of economic and social development. The goal is to create financial conditions for the socio-economic development of society, increase the level and quality of life of the population

Formation principles: development of a scientifically grounded concept of finance development; concentration of part of financial resources in the centralized funds of the state; determination of the main directions for the use of financial resources of the state; implementation of practical actions aimed at achieving the set goals, determining the financial impact on the development of the economy.

Types of financial policy Classical Planning-direct Regulatory Complete freedom of market relations, non-interference of the state Strict execution of planned indicators of economic development State intervention in the cyclical development of the economy with the help of FKI

The modern financial policy of the Russian Federation is aimed at creating a new model of economic growth, achieving long-term balance and stability of the budget system. The policy of economic growth is ensured by significant state investments in the economy, a decrease in the tax burden, an optimal level of bank rates, and an increase in employment, which should contribute to an increase in GDP and national income. The stabilization policy is aimed at maintaining stable prices, currency stability, absence of budget deficits, prevention of unemployment and containment of inflation.

Elements of modern financial policy: budgetary, monetary, investment, fiscal (tax), insurance, currency, price, social politics, customs policy in the field of public debt.

Fiscal Policy Objectives: 1) Using the budget as one of the most important instruments to stimulate the economy in the period of recovery from the crisis. 2) Ensuring medium and long term macroeconomic and fiscal sustainability. 3) Improving the efficiency of budget expenditures. 4) Improving the efficiency of the tax system. 5) Creation of a pension system that provides a decent standard of living for pensioners. 6) Development and implementation, together with the Bank of Russia, of measures to maintain the stability of the banking system.

Monetary policy turning the interest rate into the main instrument of monetary policy, increasing the efficiency of investing state reserves through Russian financial institutions, bypassing foreign intermediaries, introducing the practice of lending to foreign states, including members of the CIS and countries of Eastern Europe, in rubles, stimulation of the transition state companies for settlements in rubles for export deliveries.

Tax policy Objectives: Reducing and structural alignment of the tax burden, Simplification of the tax system, Optimization of taxation of foreign trade operations, tax incentives for innovation, Improvement of tax administration, Anti-crisis measures of tax incentives.

Investment policy effective use of internal investment resources, increasing support for lending and investment programs for small and innovative businesses, improving the quality of investment management at all levels

Insurance policy - is aimed at developing measures to meet the needs for insurance protection of the population, organizations, the state and provides for the implementation of the main tasks: -forming the legal framework of the insurance market, -developing compulsory and voluntary types of insurance; - creation of an effective mechanism of state regulation and supervision of insurance activities; - gradual integration of the national insurance system with the international insurance market.

Monetary policy - a set of measures carried out by the state in the field of monetary relations. The purpose of monetary policy is to influence exchange rates, foreign exchange calculations. The main objective of the monetary policy is to consistently reduce the Bank of Russia's interference in exchange rate formation and create conditions for the transition to a floating exchange rate regime.

Pricing Policy According to the Pricing Policy, the state does not interfere with the pricing of enterprises. However, there are natural monopolies whose tariffs are regulated by the state: RAO UES of Russia, Gazprom, etc., as well as essential products. The purpose of price regulation is to provide consumers with goods and services of subjects of natural monopolies and organizations of the communal complex of an established quality at an affordable price.

The policy in the field of public debt is aimed at strengthening the position of the Russian Federation as a borrower, ensuring guaranteed access to international financial markets on favorable terms, reducing the debt burden on the budget, optimizing the debt structure, and positively impacting the macroeconomy.

Social policy - increasing funding for regional measures to ensure employment, measures to support medicine (priority national project "Health"), development of education (project "Education"), development of science (programs aimed at supporting high-tech industries, primarily in the framework of the development of space and nuclear complexes), reforming the pension system, assistance to socially unprotected segments of the population.

Customs policy The main directions of the customs and tariff policy in the Russian Federation are: increasing the efficiency of the import customs tariff due to its differentiation by introducing into it automatic regulators of the level of duty rates ("price" and "quality") for certain types products; reduction of import duties on technological equipment that is not produced by the Russian Federation; cancellation of export duties on highly processed products; improving the mechanism of quotas for imports of meat and poultry; expanding forms of state support for the export of Russian goods and services that do not contradict the terms of the WTO. And

State Financial Management Bodies (financial apparatus) President of the Russian Federation; Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation: Federation Council and State Duma; Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation; The Federal Tax Service; federal Service insurance supervision; Federal Service for Financial and Budgetary Supervision; Federal Service for Financial Monitoring;

State Financial Management Bodies Federal Treasury; Federal Customs Service; Federal Service for Financial Markets; Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation

Trust management

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Trust Management Proposal. The financial world has undergone significant economic changes over the past 10 years. Before our very eyes, the dollar fell to unprecedented levels. Commodity prices were skyrocketing. Shares of Internet companies amazed everyone at first with their colossal growth, and then with the same unrestrained fall. We have witnessed a powerful economic recovery in the economies of developing countries. Over the past 10 years, we have saved our clients from the consequences of financial and geopolitical crises. Our company provides financial services in many countries. - Finance.ppt

Modern economics

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Master's program: "Financial Economics" in the direction of "Economics". Department of Monetary Relations and Monetary Policy. About the program "Financial Economics": Strengths: Basic courses in the direction of "Economics" Program "Financial Economics" Disciplines of the master's program "Financial Economics" Leading teachers: Partners, cooperation: We invite you to visit the website of the London educational project http: // projects. External Study Program. Training is carried out in ENGLISH. Round table on the topic: "Psychological aspects of money" 10/17/10 at the Financial University. - Modern Economics.ppt

General theory of finance

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Introduction to the theory of finance. The concept and function of finance. Socio-economic function of finance. Relationship groups. Relations between subjects of financial relations. Monetary relations. Socio-economic function. Finance is different from money. Finance is separated from the general set of monetary relations. Finance is both an economic and a historical category. Principles and role of finance. Principles of finance. Finance functions. Distribution function of finance. Control function of finance. Financial control tasks. Regulatory function of finance. Financial incentives. - General theory of finance.ppt

The essence and functions of finance

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The essence and function of finance. Finance. Money. Monetary relations. Cash. The economic essence of finance. Non-financial monetary relations. The totality of monetary relations. Funds of funds. Monetary funds. The main material source of finance. The essence of finance. Finance functions. Key functions of finance. Distribution function. Control function. Reproductive function. Regulatory function. Stabilization function of finance. Part of the economic mechanism. A set of methods for managing financial relations. Financial mechanism. - The essence and functions of finance.ppt

Financial management

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Financial management (financial management). Financial management. Subjects of management. Financial management in the Russian Federation. Tasks Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Treasury and its territorial bodies. Service of financial and budgetary supervision. Specialized financial bodies. Financial planning and forecasting. The main functions of financial forecasting. Financial forecasts can be medium-term. Planning at the level of the state and its subjects. Consolidated financial balance of the state. Cash income of the population. Business planning. Determination of the volume of financial resources. - Financial management.ppt

Financial planning

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Topic 8. Financial planning and forecasting. Existing approaches in the scientific literature to the relationship between the concepts of "planning" and "forecasting". Changes in the content of financial planning in the context of market transformations. Financial planning - the development of targets for the formation and use of financial resources in accordance with the goals and objectives set in the forecasts of socio-economic development, business plans, documents defining financial policy. Financial forecasting is a study of specific prospects for the development of finances of business entities and government entities in the future, a scientifically grounded assumption about the volumes and directions of use of financial resources (development of scientific hypotheses). - Financial planning.ppt

Financial and business plan

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Plan. Objectives of the Plan. Stages of drawing up a Plan. Approval of the Plan after approval of the law (decision) on the budget. Contents of the Plan. 1. Heading part 2. Substantial part 3. Formal part 4. Appendices to the Plan. Heading part. Content part (content part consists of text and tabular parts). Substantive part (continuation). Indicators on the receipts of the institution. Indicators on payments of the institution. Distribution of powers in the preparation and approval of the Plan. For an autonomous institution (AU). Founder. Provides AU with information on the amount of subsidies provided from the budget. - Plan of financial and economic activities.ppt

Financial control

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Control and audit. Relevance. The economic policy of the state is carried out with the help of financial and credit levers. Currently, there are state, departmental and independent audit control. As part of the course, students will make extensive use of Internet resources. Working curriculum. - Financial control.ppt

Bankruptcy of financial institutions

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The draft federal law "On amendments and additions to the Federal Law" On insolvency (bankruptcy) "in terms of bankruptcy financial institutions... Current legislature. Risk minimization Protection of creditors' rights. Objectives of the bill. The main provisions of the bill. Grounds for the application of measures to prevent bankruptcy. Bankruptcy signs. Liabilities in the amount of more than 10,000 rubles. Grounds for the application of measures to prevent the bankruptcy of insurance organizations. Features for insurance companies. Grounds for the mandatory introduction of the provisional administration of an insurance organization. - Bankruptcy of financial institutions.ppt

Legal liability

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Peculiarities. Is established for violation of a legal requirement. The official nature of state condemnation of the behavior of the offender. Using mechanisms of state coercion. Measures of state coercion. A well-defined amount of coercion. Compulsory recovery of incurred losses. Payment of forfeits. Imposition of the obligation to restore the violated rights of other persons. Criminal measures (for example, imprisonment). Administrative penalty. Legality. Justice. The inevitability of the offensive. Feasibility. Individualization of punishment. Responsibility for guilt. - Responsibility.ppt

Financial right

Slides: 29 Words: 870 Sounds: 0 Effects: 2

Lecture 2. SUBJECT AND SYSTEM OF FINANCIAL LAW. Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 08.30.1995, with subsequent amendments and additions. Question 1. The subject of financial law. The subject of financial law is relations arising in the process of financial activities of the state. In the process of such activities of the state, 2 groups of financial relations arise: material and organizational. Question 2. The concept of financial law. The form of existence of financial law is financial legislation. First of all, we are talking about acts of budgetary and tax legislation. - Financial Law.ppt

Financial and banking law

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Subject and system of financial and banking law. Legal framework for banking. National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Acceptance of deposits. Accounting operations. Safe operations. General requirements. Limiting rates. Internal rules of the bank. Rules on the general conditions of operations. Legal status. Capital and reserves. National Bank. Authorized body. Legal status of commercial banks. Bank with foreign participation. - Financial and banking law.ppt

Financial and business law

Slides: 24 Words: 1616 Sounds: 0 Effects: 2

Subject and system of financial and economic law. General characteristics of financial and business law. Decentralized finance. Branch. Enterprises. Finance ministries. Centralized branch monetary funds. Industry finance category. Classification of legal entities. Definition. Cash. Products. Legal regime of finance. The main difference. State. The legal regime of finance of public institutions. Financial issues. The budget is part of the treasury. Financing of government agencies. Estimate. Compilation procedure. Most government bodies. - Financial and business law.ppt


Slides: 12 Words: 498 Sounds: 0 Effects: 21

Ukrainian Union of Lessors. PROBLEM ASPECTS OF CONDUCTING LEASING ACTIVITIES analysis of the Association “Ukrainian Association of Lessors”. Vadim NESTERCHUK Head of the Association “Ukrainian Association of Lessors” Director of “Optima-Leasing” / SIXT. Kiev, 07.06.07 - Round table on the topic: "Leasing in Ukraine: presentation of the results of the previous 2007". Leasing market in Ukraine. LEASING is an investment vehicle that is used all over the world by small and medium-sized businesses, as well as large enterprises in case of need to purchase fixed assets. In countries with highly developed economies, leasing accounts for 30-35% of investments in fixed assets, and in other countries with high growth rates - 10-15% (in Ukraine - only 1.5%). - Leasing.ppt

Leasing risks

Slides: 18 Words: 635 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Market risk management in a leasing company. Market risks. Three types of risks. Foreign exchange risk. The risk tends to zero. Control tools. Use of derivatives. Interest rate risk. Interest rate. Maximum limit. Advice. Liquidity loss risk. The risk is minimal. Regular control over the performance of the odds. "Crisis" scenarios. Separate committee. Equality of foreign exchange assets. - Risks of leasing.ppt

Leasing in Uzbekistan

Slides: 43 Words: 5827 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Legal and regulatory framework for the functioning of leasing in Uzbekistan. Regulations. Civil Code. Leasing agreement. Leasing payment. Transfer to the lessee of the risk. Subleasing. Seller's responsibility. the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Ownership. Leasing legislation. Leasing concept. Salesman. Leasing objects. Leasing forms. Leasing activities. Description of the object of leasing. The procedure and terms of redemption. The rights and obligations of the lessor. Property under a lease agreement. The rights and obligations of the lessee. Properly use the leased object. -

The financial system (in a broad sense) is a set of financial relations and financial institutions, in the course of the functioning of which the state (public) finances, the finances of enterprises and the finances of the population (households) are formed and used 1. The concept of the financial system of the state

The financial system (in the narrow sense) is a set of financial relations and financial institutions that ensure the formation and use of state (public) finance The financial system (general definition) is the relationship between economic entities regarding the formation and use of funds of funds through appropriate institutions based on statutory standards

The basic principles of identifying the spheres and links of the financial system: the presence of its own financial base formed by the primary income of the subjects of economic relations, the functional purpose of each link, which provides funding for the costs of achieving specific goals, business entities, the working population, the state, unity and interaction of spheres and links, predetermined by the common source primary income (GDP) and financial policy

However, this does not exclude the presence of common features: All financial relations carry out the distribution of GDP and personal income All financial relations are involved in the formation of funds and their use All financial relations control and regulate the distribution process

Functions of the financial system: monetary - emission, circulation, tax (fiscal) calculations - withdrawal of a part of the product in the form of funds, i.e. replenishment of the budget budget - the transformation of taxes into income, the latter - into expenses control and supervision - supervision of financial institutions of state credit - public debt management

Historically, the initial form of financial relations is public finance, however, the development of financial relations begins in the sphere of enterprises of material production, therefore the finances of enterprises in the sphere of material production are the main, basic element of the financial system, and public finance plays a leading role in the redistribution of financial resources in order to meet national needs

Financial system Centralized finance Decentralized finance State budget Off-budget funds State credit insurance: social personal property liability insurance insurance of entrepreneurial risks Finances of commercial enterprises Off-budget funds Finances of non-profit enterprises Finances of public associations

Financial system Finance of business entities State and municipal finance Finance of citizens Finance of commercial organizations Finance of non-commercial enterprises Finance of public organizations, funds State budget Extra-budgetary funds State credit Finance of citizens engaged in entrepreneurial activities Finance of citizens not engaged in entrepreneurship

Finance of business entities Finance of citizens State and municipal finance Income, loans, insurance compensation Loans, Taxes, payments and fees Deposits, contributions, payments, collateral Taxes, fees Payments, subsidies Interrelation of the main links of the financial system

Financial system of the Russian Federation Finances of business entities State and municipal finance Commercial enterprises and organizations Non-profit organizations Financial intermediaries Budgetary system State credit Federal budget Territorial budgets of RF constituent entities Budgets of municipal formations Budgets: Social Insurance Fund of the State Employment Fund of the Russian Federation Federal and Territorial Mandatory Fund health insurance

FINANCIAL SYSTEM OF RUSSIA Finances of economic entities of all forms of ownership of commercial enterprises of the real sector of the economy of non-profit organizations Including state and municipal unitary enterprises State and municipal finances Budgetary system Territorial finances Federal budget Budgets of state extrabudgetary funds Regional finances of Muniz and individual subjects of finance Budgets RF Budgets of territorial state extra-budgetary funds Budget of the Pension Fund Budget of the Social Insurance Fund Budget of the Federal Mandatory Health Insurance Fund Local budgets State and municipal loans State debt Federal Municipal Subjects of the Russian Federation Insurance Property Personal liability insurance Securities market (stock market) National stock market Corporate securities market Government and municipal securities market Issued by the Federal Center Issue issued by the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation Issued by local and government authorities Budgets of the Territorial Compulsory Health Insurance Funds

3. Characteristics of the main spheres and links of the financial system State and municipal finance is a set of monetary relations arising in real money circulation between state and municipal authorities and other economic entities, in the process of which centralized monetary funds are formed and used to finance expenditure obligations of the state and the municipality

The state budget is the main link in the financial system. It is a form of formation and use of a centralized fund of funds to ensure the function of public authorities. Extra-budgetary funds are funds of the federal government and local authorities associated with financing costs not included in the budget. State and municipal finances:

The finances of business entities are monetary relations associated with the formation of monetary income, receipts and savings from economic actors and their use to finance the costs of expanded reproduction or the provision of services, material incentives for employees, fulfillment of obligations to the state, individuals and legal entities

Finances of commercial organizations and enterprises - economic relations arising in the process of formation of production assets, production and sale of products, formation of own financial resources, attracting external sources of financing, their distribution and use Finances of non-profit organizations are relations associated with the formation and use of financial resources of organizations to achieve the objectives of the activities provided for in the charter of the organization

Depending on the state implemented economic policy, the financial system of a society can be of the following type: banking type - the bulk of the country's national income is redistributed through the loan capital market. It is characterized by the fact that, accumulating a significant part of the free financial resources of legal entities. and physical persons, banks already on their own behalf distribute them using lending or direct investment mechanisms, including through operations in the stock market 4. Types of financial systems

Market type - a similar role in the redistribution of ND is played by the stock market of the budget type - the main part of the national income is redistributed in a centralized manner by the state through the system of budgets and extra-budgetary funds. Characterized by tough tax pressure and a high share of state property in the economy

In this presentation, the concept of finance, their main functions, and the structure of the financial system are presented in a concise and clear form.

The presentation is intended for use in a lesson in the discipline "Finance, money circulation and credit".

The provided information, diagrams, pictures contribute to the study of the material, allow you to expand the students' understanding of the topic being studied.

The presentation can be used by students in self-preparation.



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The essence of finance, their functions and role in the economy. The structure of the financial system

Department of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Voronezh Region of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ostrogozhsky multidisciplinary technical school" PRESENTATION on the topic "The essence of finance, their functions and role in the economy. The structure of the financial system "on the discipline" Finance, money circulation and credit "Specialty 38.02.01 Economics and accounting (by industry) Considered at a meeting of the cyclic commission of economic, accounting and legal disciplines Minutes No. 3 dated 03.10.2016 Chairman Chalaya E.V. Developer Evsyukova T.A. Ostrogozhsk 2016

ABSTRACT In this presentation, the concept of finance, their main functions, and the structure of the financial system are presented in a concise and clear form. The presentation is intended for use in a lesson in the discipline "Finance, money circulation and credit". The provided information, diagrams, pictures contribute to the study of the material, allow you to expand the students' understanding of the topic being studied. The presentation can be used by students in self-preparation. The purpose of the lesson is to study the essence of finance, the financial system of the Russian Federation, its main links and their relationship.

Finance originated with the emergence of the state, therefore, the essence of finance, the laws of their development, the role and scope of financial relations are determined by the social economic system, nature and state functions. The term "finansia" originated in the 13th-15th centuries. in the commercial cities of Italy and at first denoted any cash payment. Later, it received international distribution and began to be used as a concept associated with the system of monetary relations between the population and the state, arising in the process of the formation of state funds of funds. Finance as an economic category

Finance is a system of relations regarding the distribution and use of special funds of funds (financial resources). Monetary relations arise between the following economic entities: the state and legal entities and individuals; physical and legal entities; legal persons; about individual individuals; by separate states.

The main links of the financial system: The finances of business entities are financial relations between legal entities and the state. The main indicator of the state of such relations is the profit and loss account of individual economic entities. The income part of the finances of the population is formed by the primary income of families, expenditure. Part - all expenses and savings of the population. Public finances form the central part of the entire financial system, and the leading link in state finances is the state (federal) budget of the country (the plan of state revenues and expenditures). It is with its help that the state realizes territorial and intersectoral distribution and redistribution of gross domestic product.

Finance of business entities Finance of the population State and municipal finance Deposits, contributions, payments, collateral Income, loans, insurance compensation Taxes, fees Payments, subsidies Loans, payments Taxes, fees Interrelation of the main links of the financial system

Functions and role of finance The distribution function of finance is expressed in the division of the gross national product between the participants in the process of material production, branches of the national economy, and budgets of various levels. The stimulating function of finance is that the state, with the help of a whole system of financial levers (distribution of monetary income; prices and tariffs; taxes, etc.), can influence the development of enterprises and industries in the direction needed by society. The basis of the control function of finance is the monitoring (observation) of the movement of funds. The degree and depth of the control function is largely determined by the state of financial discipline in the national economy.

Financial resources Financial resources are monetary incomes, savings and receipts at the disposal of a business entity, the state or citizens and intended for the fulfillment of financial obligations by them, for the implementation of economic, social and other functions. For example, for enterprises of various forms of ownership, the initial source of the formation of resources is the initial capital, expressed in the authorized, reserve, share capital. Subsequently, in the course of their business activities, financial resources are formed in three important areas: private and equivalent funds (profit, depreciation charges on fixed assets and intangible assets, proceeds from the sale of retired property, targeted receipts, etc.); m the abundance of resources in the financial markets (issue of shares, bonds, attraction of loans, etc.); n the receipt of financial resources through the budgetary and credit system.

Financial system and its links The financial system is a set of links of financial relations and elements of public finance, which operate in close cooperation with credit institutions. Each link of the financial system has its own specific functions and serves a specific group of financial relations in the state. The presence of links in the financial system is determined by the existence of independent economic entities participating in economic activities: State; Region; Business entity - a commercial enterprise, non-profit organization, financial intermediary; Citizen ( individual) - manufacturer, entrepreneur, intermediary, seller, buyer, etc.

The structure of the financial system Russian Federation Centralized finance: State (federal) budget; State off-budget funds; State loan; Territorial (regional) finance; Local (municipal) finance Decentralized finance: Organization finance; Insurance finance (personal insurance; risk insurance; liability insurance; property insurance); Population finance

The structure of the financial system by the main forms of organization: general state finance and finance of business entities Finance of business entities - finance of commercial enterprises, non-profit organizations and financial intermediaries (credit, insurance organizations, private pension funds). They serve the process of creating and distributing the social product and national income. It is in this link of the financial system that the main part of income is formed, which, as a result of redistribution according to the rules established by the state, forms the income of budgets of all levels, as well as extra-budgetary funds. However, a significant part of budgetary funds in the form of budgetary loans, direct budgetary financing, and state guarantees are used to finance the current and investment activities of enterprises.

Formed from tax, customs and other payments; income from the placement of state financial resources; proceeds from the sale (privatization) of state property or from its lease, etc. are used to finance social, managerial, law enforcement, defense production tasks.

Questions to reinforce What is "finance"? Name the economic entities between which monetary relations arise. What are "financial resources"? What is the financial system? Give examples of the relationship between the main links of the financial system. What is the distribution function of finance? What is "general government finance"?

Homework 1. Review the studied material using the lecture notes, textbooks on the topic “The essence of finance, their functions and role in the economy. The structure of the financial system ": Yanin O.E. Finance, money circulation and credit: textbook. for stud. institutions of environments. prof. education / O.E. Yanin. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2013. - S. 39-43. Perekrestova L.V. Finance and credit: textbook. manual for stud. wednesday prof. study. institutions / L.V. Perekrestova, N.M. Romanenko, S.P. Sazonov. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2013. - S. 35-51. 2. Complete tasks to consolidate the studied material: Perekrestova LV. Finance and credit: workshop: textbook. manual for stud. wednesday prof. study. institutions / L.V. Perekrestova, N.M. Romanenko, E.S. Starostin. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2013. - S. 33-35.

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