Trends in the development of tourism at the international level. Trends in the development of tourism and tourism business The concept of "luxury hostels" is being introduced

International tourism is one of the main types of international economic activity, a complex and complex area that has a significant impact on both the structure and the general situation in the world economy, and on the economies of most countries and individual regions of the world. The development of tourism has a stimulating effect on such sectors of the economy as transport, communications, trade, construction, agriculture, production of consumer goods, and is one of the most promising areas of economic restructuring.

The economy of some countries of the world is seriously dependent on the development of international tourism, since it is practically the only source of foreign exchange earnings in the country. Moreover, the volume of these receipts allows the country to maintain a high level of economic development and the well-being of its citizens. Recognition of the increased role of tourism in terms of creating new jobs, reducing poverty, developing small businesses, as well as increasing economic growth rates is reflected in the emergence of economic development strategies for the tourism sector, both in developed and developing countries. Therefore, the study of trends in the development of tourism at the international level, as well as the country's competitiveness in the world tourism market is very relevant.

One of the main features of tourism development is the uneven distribution of international tourist flows in different regions and countries.

In general, the observed changes in international tourist arrivals in various regions of the world repeat the global trends in tourism development. However, each region has its own periods of growth, decline, stagnation, due to the impact of local factors.

One of the interesting trends in the development of international tourism can be the creation of special conditions for the development of tourism (accommodation, transportation, meals, travel programs), taking into account their national and religious characteristics.

The current stage of tourism development is also characterized by the widespread introduction of innovative technologies. They are manifested in the improvement of all components of the infrastructure of international tourism, the deepening and expanding diversification of types of tourist activities that satisfy the increasingly complex needs of a modern person in a variety of recreation and leisure activities, the development of new directions and markets of international tourism.

In recent years, there has been a tendency in the world that the growth rate of the number of travelers to neighboring countries or countries of the nearest regions exceeds the number of those traveling to distant countries. Some experts associate this with the constant threat of terrorism in the world, others - with the increase in the number of tourist trips per year due to the breakdown of vacations. This trend should be taken into account in the formation and implementation of public policy aimed at developing inbound tourism.

Another trend is associated with the fact that most Europeans live in densely populated urban areas. This largely forms tourist preferences in the direction of rural tourism, short-term rest, recreation outside the high season, active types of tourism, short-term trips to other cities for educational purposes, the choice of tours with accommodation not in hotels, but in self-service apartments.

Most of the tourist preferences of tourists are associated with a high level of service and a reasonable ratio of price and quality. These conditions now and in the near future will be preferred when choosing tourist trips. For the hospitality industry, the technology trend is that as database systems become more complex, companies are able to capture detailed information about loyal customers and their preferences. This allows, for example, hotel staff to provide returning visitors with a personalized service in order to form their own loyalty program and stimulate further tourist visits.

The trend towards environmental friendliness has been traced in the tourism business for more than a decade. Hotels use eco-technologies in the interior of rooms, in restaurants they offer environmentally friendly products, in construction they use environmentally friendly self-cleaning materials for external facades. In addition, the ecological situation of the tourist region itself is also important from the point of view of tourist interest.

Factors in the development of the tourism market are primarily associated with the strengthening of transformation processes in society, internationalization, globalization, informatization of the tourism economy, new requirements for labor resources, ecology, intercultural communication, as well as with the emergence of new consumer groups in the tourism market.

Also, at the present time, you can try to determine which directions in tourism will be the most promising in the future. Experts of the World Tourism Organization have identified several such areas.

1. Cruises are one of the most promising and rapidly developing types of tourism. If at the beginning of 1980 the number of cruise tourists was 1.5 million, now it is 10 million, and their number is constantly growing.

2. Adventure tourism - for thrill-seekers. The demand for climbing the highest peaks in the world and excursions to the depths of the sea is constantly growing.

3. Cultural and educational tourism - is actively developing in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, respectively, the importance of protecting cultural monuments will increase.

4. Business tourism - has entered a phase of active development at the present time and will continue to develop in the future, which is associated with the rapid development of the world economy, the deepening of political and economic ties between different states of the world.

5. Space tourism - according to American experts, will provide an annual income of $ 10 billion.

Tourism industry the economy is actively developing: the number of tourist arrivals in the world as a whole and in all tourist macro-regions is growing. Considering the current trends in the development of tourism, one can see that each new trend gives rise to an opposite movement. In a number of cases, in the course of their development, these tendencies mix, give an unpredictable result, which makes it difficult to determine the main direction. Obviously, the situation in modern tourism is exactly this, and it is not possible to clearly distinguish one or several dominant trends. At the same time, the wide diversification of tourism activities testifies to the maturity of the market. Tourism is such a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that its development is multifaceted and complex and requires special approaches to research.

Thus, the main feature of the development modern tourism there is a need to create an individualized tourist product that would correspond to the constantly changing complex nature of the needs of tourists and could be flexibly and quickly transformed taking into account the impact of political, economic and other factors of world development.


1. Vavilova E.V. Fundamentals of International Tourism [Text]: - M .: Gardariki, 2014. - 232 p.

2. Dzhaladyan Yu.A., Kuskov A.S. Fundamentals of Tourism [Text]: - M .: KnoRus, 2013. - 392 p.

3. Efremova M.V. Fundamentals of tourism business technology [Text]: - M .: Os-89, 2014. - 345 p.

4. Maksimova L.M. International economic relations [Text]: - M .: UNITI, 2017. - 382 p.

Relevance of the topic. Modern trends in the development of tourism indicate an increase in its influence both on the world economy as a whole and on the economy of individual countries and regions. Tourism is a large area of ​​the national economy, the activities of which, on the one hand, are aimed at meeting the specific needs of the population during travel and recreation, and on the other, it can provide economic growth in the region.

Building a strong brand with a lot of capital gives the company certain advantages. First of all, it increases customer loyalty, reduces brand vulnerability in relation to actions from competitors or in a market crisis, increases margins, creates a more favorable reaction of buyers to increases or decreases in prices, strengthens trade or intermediary cooperation, promotes an increase in the effectiveness of marketing communications, and also opens up prospects for licensing and brand expansion.

In conditions of fierce competition, even well-known enterprises face a rather difficult task: how to maintain their positions in the market and maintain efficiency. Usually, the management of organizations carries out a number of measures to increase market share, to reduce costs in order to implement price competition, and many others. But often this is not enough to survive.

Many experts are increasingly inclined to conclude that the main factor in the success of most businesses is customer loyalty, in other words, customer loyalty. The highest degree of customer loyalty is almost fanatical brand worship.

In general, the creation of tourist brands is seen as a comprehensive investment in the recreational potential of the territory. It involves both the formation of the information field and the creation of infrastructure, the introduction of new standards of service quality, training and advanced training of personnel. The effectiveness of these processes in market conditions depends, first of all, on the purposeful work of tour operators.

The aim of the work is marketing research of a travel brand using the example travel agency Avotour.

The subject of the research is the features of the branding of the travel agency "Avotour".

The object of the research is branding in the tourism sector.

The research objectives were:

  • A) consideration of the essential characteristics of the brand concept;
  • B) characteristics of the technology for creating and managing a brand;
  • C) justification of the need for branding in tourism;
  • D) analysis of the principles of forming a competitive brand in the tourism industry;
  • E) identifying areas of marketing research in the tourism business;
  • E) research of the brand of the travel agency "Avotour", Kiev.

Traditionally, branding uses a set of quantitative (mass survey) and qualitative (focus groups, in-depth interviews, etc.) research methods. However, attempts to unite them, that is, to identify the deep, unconscious characteristics of consumers' consciousness with the use of quantitative measures of their assessment, seem to be quite promising. The possibility of such a combination is provided by one of the projective research methods - the method of semantic differential.

Speaking about the concept of "brand", one should pay attention to its purpose, in other words, to the human perception of the information contained in it. A brand should evoke associations with the product, be a kind of personification of its essence, reflect its purpose and contain a special meaning inherent in the product. Therefore, the brand in modern conditions is one of the central concepts of marketing. The product is perceived through the brand, accordingly, the brand must reflect the properties of the product, its quality, so that during the analysis carried out by the consumer, a positive image of the product itself is formed. A bright and easy-to-remember brand will be more successful than a complex and confusing one.

The concept of "brand" is very broad and includes all the properties of a product, such as name, history, reputation, packaging, price - a whole complex of separate concepts that ultimately form an impression of the product. It can easily change thanks to the brand, but the product remains the same. In other words, a brand is a system that identifies a product, and brand building activities are called branding.

Branding is a set of marketing efforts aimed at creating a favorable impression of a product with a brand name in the consumer.

The brand creates a special image of the product, distinguishing it from the gray mass of alternative products and creating the possibility of competition. Firms with branded goods are much more successful than their competitors, their segment of buyers is much wider.

The word "brand" itself means "grade", "quality". It is designed to remain in the mind of a person, to “scream” about the exclusivity of the product, causing positive emotions.

A brand is a name and at the same time a term and sign, symbol or any other value that identifies the goods or services of one seller, distinguishes them from other goods or services of the same sellers - this is the definition given by the American Association of Marketers.

The essence of the brand is to achieve customer loyalty to the proposed brand. It is the presence of this loyalty, that is, a favorable attitude of consumers to a given company or product, that is the basis for a stable sales volume. Which, in turn, is a strategic indicator of the company's success.

The degree of customer loyalty is characterized by his adherence to a particular brand of the product and is usually measured by the number of repeated purchases of the product. The highest form of consumer loyalty is fanatical reverence for a brand - a product that consumers prefer and purchase without being guided by the principles of "price-quality".

But before the consumer shows loyalty and interest in the offered product or service, the product must be brought to the target audience. This process is carried out with the help of certain techniques, methods and methods that allow not only to form in the minds of consumers the image of the brand of the product, but also to help in the perception of the buyer of the functional and emotional elements of the product. In this context, the brand helps the buyer to speed up the selection of the product and the decision to purchase it. In turn, the distinctive characteristics of the brand are:

  • - its main content;
  • - functional and emotional associations that are expressed by buyers and potential customers
  • - verbal part of the brand or verbal trademark
  • - the visual image of the brand, formed by advertising in the perception of the buyer
  • - the level of brand awareness among the buyer, brand strength
  • - a generalized set of brand attributes that characterizes its personality
  • - cost estimates, indicators
  • - degree of brand advancement
  • - the degree of brand involvement in the target audience and its individual segments

The listed characteristics reflect the level of success of the created brand, moreover, the higher the characteristics are assessed, the more successful the product image is created - the brand.

Brand creation and management technology

If the product is not able to satisfy the consumer, then any, the most ingenious brand, created for him, is doomed to failure, therefore the branded product must correspond to the quality that the brand promises to him.

Brand building is creativity based on deep knowledge of the market. The process of creating a brand is quite complicated, and the cost of a mistake can be simply an astronomical amount, so many large companies prefer not to do it on their own, but to delegate the creation of the brand to a professional firm in this field.

The brand building process includes the following steps:

  • A) Brand positioning;
  • B) Brand strategy development;
  • C) Development of content, brand ideas;
  • D) Trademark analysis and brand name search.

Starting work on any brand - positioning it in the market. Brand positioning - the place in the market occupied by the brand in relation to competitors, as well as a set of consumer needs and perceptions; part of the brand identity that should be actively used to "detach" from the competition. Accordingly, brand position is the place that the brand occupies in the minds of the target audience in relation to competitors. It focuses on the strengths of the brand that set it apart from the competition. Successful positioning allows not only to determine the place of your product in the market, but also to provide it with an additional competitive advantage

Positioning is an argument that can not only nudge the consumer to buy, but also help him to feel the state of satisfaction from the use.

The main task of brand positioning is to find answers to questions such as: for whom is the brand created? Why, how will the consumer benefit from this brand? What is the purpose of this brand? What competing product should this brand protect the company from?

The next stage in brand creation is the development of a brand strategy, i.e. strategic programs used by the firm to create brand value. The strategy determines: who is the target audience? What should be promised to this audience? How can the buyer justify this promise? What impression should the consumer have of the brand?

Strategic brand planning should be carried out using methods that establish how a product is made, named, classified, displayed and advertised.

The development of the content and brand idea is carried out in the next stage. The main idea of ​​the brand should reflect the promise, the offering of its benefits. To create a unique brand, you need to know as much as possible about the product and its manufacturer, everything related to the use of the product in this and related industries. The brand idea should interest and captivate the buyer, draw his attention to the brand and product.

The final stage of brand building is brand analysis and brand name search. A trade mark is a conventional sign that, by associating it with a product or service, informs the consumer about the product and its consumer characteristics. She assures customers that they will get the same quality when they buy the product. In addition, the brand provides an opportunity to bring new products to the market and influence retailers.

The consulting company Euromonitor announced at the international conference on tourism World Travel Market the main trends in the development of the tourism business for 2016. Forbes employees have selected the most interesting trends from a long list of the results of this conference and consider them the most promising and "fashionable" in 2016:

1. Golf is being replaced by cycling

You should know that the "golden age of golf" is coming to an end. In the most prestigious golf clubs in the world, there has been a sharp decline in the number of applicants for membership for 5 years. Even disappointing figures are named (-13%). Men of high and middle income level on vacation in another country now prefer to engage in a more active sport - cycling. Cycling tours are becoming more and more popular. Many travel companies are already starting to convert their golf destinations for wealthy clientele to bike tours in line with the fashionable travel trend. This trend will not only continue in 2016, but will also last for at least another five years.

2. The concept of "luxury hostels" is being introduced.

Two years ago, the concept of a "luxurious" or "chic" hostel was considered complete absurdity. These budget hotels were built for poor tourists, mainly young people and students. However, unexpectedly for many, in the past year hostels have become in high demand. Many tourists are willing to sacrifice a comfortable overnight stay. Moreover, this is not due to the trivial saving of money, but the possibility of an interesting acquaintance in hostels where progressive youth rest. In the Western press, the definition of "shitty" is increasingly common, which is gradually replacing hostels in many cities around the world.

The Postel is not a typical hostel, but rather a budget hotel with original design of rooms. By the way, the rooms in such items are quite cheap, the furniture is selected in the style of minimalism. Visitors of the post are provided with the minimum service, but free Wi-Fi is required. For example, Casa Grasia, a post in Barcelona, ​​Spain, became very popular in 2014. Local youth willingly come to this hotel to meet foreign tourists and have fun in the evenings.

3. Lunch in inexpensive home restaurants

Today in Europe, websites are becoming more widespread, which offer services to find local residents in different cities who are ready to provide tourists with a delicious and inexpensive homemade meal. Such meals rarely exceed the cost of $ 5-7 per person. Tourists are offered a lunch of three traditional national dishes. At the same time, tourists have the opportunity to see how ordinary people live in the country where they came to rest and have time to communicate, learn interesting traditions. Some owners of "home restaurants" are ready not only to feed their guests tasty food, but also to arrange an excursion to the sights of the city for a purely symbolic fee.

4. Online booking of tickets for airplanes, trains and hotel rooms

This trend is not considered a novelty; for several years in a row, such services have been provided by many travel agencies around the world for their regular customers. But in 2016, a real "fashion boom" is expected for this kind of services. Travel companies, experiencing the crisis in their countries, are ready to conclude contracts with hotels, restaurants and airlines. Only in this way, by rallying together, you can survive a crisis situation. According to experts' forecasts, about 35% of tourists in 2016 will use the services of online booking services.

For the next two years, the trend will develop, due to the release of new mobile applications and devices. For example, tour operators are very much looking forward to the release of the device in the form of a smartwatch, with which it will be possible to book tickets, hotel rooms, tables in restaurants, and even use such clocks as personal keys for hotel rooms. Naturally, when using devices, tourists will be provided with good discount systems for travel.

5. Trendy surfing destinations in Africa

More and more people in the world are starting to surf. This sport is a leading tourist destination in many countries. Therefore, states that have at least some coasts and outlets to water resources are seriously thinking about the development of these areas.

Until recently, surfers considered only the southern coast of the African continent for an excellent holiday. But in 2016, a real boom in surfing tourism is expected to many countries in Africa. For example, British travel agencies are hastily trying to conclude as many lucrative travel deals as possible for their surfer clients in Senegal, Morocco, Namibia, Mozambique and Madagascar.

Experts believe that 2016 has become a "constraining" year for the development of surfing tourism to the Black Continent due to the spread of Ebola. In connection with the improvement of the epidemiological situation, this limiting factor will be removed.

Photo source: depositphotos
28 October 2015 I like:

In the first four months of 2017, the 28 European Union countries recorded a steady 7% increase in international arrivals (8 million more), according to the Report on the main trends in global tourism and up-to-date statistics.

All results presented in this material are based on preliminary data.

According to operational information, in the first 4 months of this year received 125 million international tourists (only those tourists who stayed overnight in hotels and other collective accommodation facilities are taken into account).

The report notes that the first four months of the year typically account for about 23% of the total annual volume.

“It is important to note that the first four months of the year are low season in many countries and are not indicative of the results of the whole year,” - experts specify.

Within the European Union in 23 advanced economies, including 19 countries, increased by 4%. Arrivals to five emerging economies (Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland, Hungary, Romania) increased by 8%.

The largest growth in this group was shown by Croatia (+ 16%)

In addition, 2017 is due to double-digit growth to Armenia(+ 18%) and Georgia (+ 10%).

Rebuilding Turkey(+ 7% after a decline in 2016 - minus 29%) stimulated the growth of arrivals to non-CIS countries. Thus, most of the 26 destinations outside the European Union are showing robust growth. In this group of countries in the first months of 2017, the increase in the flow as a whole amounted to 7%.

Central and Eastern Europe outside the EU (12 countries among the leaders) showed an average growth of 8%. In Northern and Western Europe, the indicator grew by an average of 7%. Iceland (+ 35%) became the leader here, which continues to experience a surge in tourism.

Switzerland improved the result by 5%. Meanwhile, arrivals to Norway were down 2%.

Southern and Mediterranean Europe outside the EU showed an increase of 6% after a decline of 20% in 2016.

The Report also states that at the end of 2016 the world has grown on average by 3%. Tourism revenues reached 340 billion euros, (+5 billion compared to the year before).

Based on visitor spending data, international tourism receipts worldwide totaled € 1.102 billion (for 110 countries), an increase of € 24 billion over the previous year (+ 2.6%).

International tourist arrivals - these are the income received in the countries of destination. They consist of the expenses of international visitors for services, accommodation, food, drinks, local, entertainment, shopping, - the analysts of the organization clarify.

It is worth noting that 2016 marked the seventh consecutive year of continuous international growth following the 2009 global economic and financial crisis.

One of the features of the development of modern tourism is the uneven distribution of international tourist flows in different regions and countries. At the same time, 20-30% of the total number of people traveling abroad are mass or group tourists, and the rest 70-80% are individual tourists who travel mainly to neighboring countries.

In recent years, there have been changes in favor of mass tourism, which is a consequence of the influence of the following factors:
- Increase of free time;
- Decrease in prices for air transportation;
- An increase in the number of charter flights for the convenience of tourists traveling in groups;
- The growing interest of tour operators in mass tourism as a business, which gives significant profits;
- Search for new economically profitable directions;
- Increasing the number of jobs in mass tourism;
- Increase in the number of tourists traveling by bus due to the low price of the tour package.

In the trends in the development of mass tourism, the following can be noted: individual tourism (tourists traveling on their own for tourist purposes) is growing more slowly than mass tourism.

Although tourists who plan their vacations individually have some advantages, it is quite difficult to realize such long-distance travel, the cost of individual programs is high.

The volume of travel for recreational purposes is growing in comparison with the volume of business tourism. For example, if in the 70s of the XX century. the business segment prevailed on the international tourism market, but now the ratio has changed in favor of recreational tourism: 60% of tourists travel with the purpose of recreation and only 40% with business. Tourism is projected to grow with an increase in recreational travelers, although business tourism will be important for global tourism in general.

In all economically developed countries, workers receive paid leave, and their duration is also increasing. For example, in Japan, workers in many categories have 7 weeks of vacation a year, which makes it possible to make long trips.

The length of stay is also increasing due to elderly tourists, pensioners, especially those countries in which pensions are sufficient to carry out foreign travel. The older age group is of particular interest to tour operators, because these people have more free time, they have grown-up children.

At the same time in the world tourism there is an increase in short-term trips on weekends or for two or three nights. they are preferred by young tourists who try to make a trip for several days, avoiding long interruptions in work.

Clients' requirements for service are also growing. This is manifested in the fact that tourists are increasingly traveling, learning about modern services and demanding more comfort.

There is an increase in the mobility of the population. Many have their own cars in which they can safely travel. Tourists' spending on travel is increasing.

Non-traditional accommodation options are now popular: mountain chalets, hunting lodges, bungalows, etc.
Tour operators are experiencing strong competition from airlines, which have begun selling their own tours, combining air tickets with direct travel service providers (hotels, excursion bureaus, etc.) .. Low air fares for their own tours allow airlines to offer tours at competitive prices. This may somewhat weaken the position of tour operators in the market and reduce their share of sales. The position of tour operators may also be weakened due to the fact that consumer needs are changing towards more independence and individual travel, as opposed to group mass tours.

The importance of psychological factors has increased. To be successful in the tourism business, you need to learn how to achieve emotional contact with clients. The hospitality industry demands friendly employees. Friendliness is the basis of professionalism in the travel industry. If a person is afraid to fly, then she will not be able to work in aviation. If a person does not have natural goodwill, then she cannot work in the hospitality industry.
The travel product is becoming more and more demanding. New gastronomic concepts are being created. Much attention is paid to details and to things that are not directly related to accommodation or excursions.
People work hard all year round, so they don't want to limit themselves while on vacation. The architecture of hotels is changing, comfort and service are improving. Park zones are being created.

Each company, city, area and even country has its own image and reputation. For example, Italy is the country of spaghetti, Finland is the birthplace of Santa Claus, Paris is the city of love. Building an image is a long, sequential process. Who will buy a hotel with a bad reputation? Successful work requires a good image of the country, city, hotel and constant work to maintain it.

At the end of the XX century. there have been significant changes in the international tourism market, new fashionable tourist regions have appeared and in this regard, competition has intensified. These new tourist regions include the countries of Southeast Asia: Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, as well as some former republics of the Soviet Union, in Latin America - Chile; in Africa - South Africa. Vietnam is becoming a popular holiday destination, where serious investments are made in the field of inbound tourism. Even Japan, which was once considered a tourist generating country, is beginning to attract more and more attention, and the tourist flow is now directed not only from Japan, but also to Japan.
Some tourist regions offer a fairly high standard of service. The leaderships of many countries are seriously involved in tourism development programs, and significant investments are being made to create amusement parks, new attractions and fashionable attractions.

At the beginning of the XXI century. the world tourism industry is facing the acute problem of preserving and developing recreational resources, which are an invaluable gift of nature, which must be treated with care so that humanity can enjoy this gift even in the third millennium. To maximize the use of recreational resources, it is necessary to achieve a ratio between the increased demand for these resources and the creation of the most favorable conditions for their use.

Natural landscape, clean river or body of water, air, forest are attractive for a person. Therefore, in the most attractive places, the number of hotels, holiday homes and other structures is increasing, to a certain extent, negatively affecting the natural landscape.

The World Tourism Organization and the UN Commission on the Environment, in a joint declaration of July 1, 1982, emphasized the need to create a balance between tourism and the possibilities of the environment.
The reason for the destruction of the environment on the Belgian coast of the English Channel near Ostend was the construction of a large number of hotels along the coast with a length of 62 km.

One of the most popular holiday destinations are the Hawaiian Islands, which have unique natural and climatic resources. The geographical position of the Hawaiian Islands group near the equator in the Pacific Ocean provides warm weather all year round. Beautiful beaches, tropical vegetation, culture and customs of the local population, traditional hospitality contribute to a constant influx of foreign tourists.

For the Hawaiian population (about 1 million people), tourism is an important source of employment and income. In 1999, the Hawaiian Islands were visited by 7 million tourists. Tourism became the source of one third of all revenues of the local budget and provided ZO% of employment of the local population.

However, despite all the benefits, tourism poses a lot of challenges for Hawaiians. Due to the influx of tourists, local residents experience an acute shortage of drinking water. The development of ecotourism, visits by tourists to unique natural places have caused the extinction of rare species of birds and animals.

In places with a large concentration of tourists, local administrations must regulate tourist flows. Reception of tourists is characterized by their concentration per 1000 inhabitants or per unit area of ​​a specific territory. If the concentration of tourism exceeds the permissible norms, then this has a detrimental effect on the environment and the destruction of that untouched nature, for which tourists come, occurs. An inhabitant of a modern big city dreams of a clean river, air, but the more people come to the still-preserved oases of ecological purity, the greater the danger of destruction for this area, in which natural and climatic resources are the basis of its economic development.

The process of globalization of tourism services is leading to a significant increase in the amount of information that needs to be collected, updated, structured and sent.

The use of the world wide computer network Internet provides an opportunity to have global access to travel products.
The World Tourism Organization has developed principles for the development of sustainable tourism (tourism is designed for long-term use), which should ensure a balance between the interests of the economy and environmental protection, further development of tourism exchange, international trade, protection of social and cultural values, priority development energy saving technologies.

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