Hyundai Casco as a gift conditions. Why is there an expensive Casco in a car dealership? Installment for additional equipment, services and car insurance

If you have ever bought a car in a car dealership, then you have come across an insistent imposition of a comprehensive insurance policy, which supposedly needs to be issued directly in the same salon. You were told that they have "cheaper", that for a loan you need a comprehensive insurance from their salon, that if you repair at another official dealer, the car warranty and other fairy tales will be canceled. Below we will tell you what kind of manipulation car dealerships go to, imposing an expensive comprehensive insurance and compare the cost of a comprehensive insurance in a car dealership and ours. You can always calculate the cost of an insurance policy in all companies through ours.

Now car dealerships have their own staff of insurers from sales managers to claims settlement specialists who can offer an independent examination after an accident on the presence of hidden damage on the spot and immediately send the entire list of necessary work to the insurance company for approval.

Have you been to a car dealership for a long time? Previously, we went to independent appraisers, wasted our time and money, wrote complaints to the insurance company about the revision of the payment case, wrote claims, wrote reviews about the poor service of insurance companies, complaints about the imposition of car dealerships, etc. examination - to the department of experts, if you want CASCO and OSAGO - to the insurance department, write a claim to the manager of the car dealership, if you want a car on credit - to the credit department. What has changed? The approach to the client has become much better than even 5 years ago. What do you think, the service is reflected in the cost for the client? Of course, after all, such a staff of specialists must be employed according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and taxes must be paid. Having compared the prices and service, we realized that the prices for services in the salon are 20 percent more expensive than in the general market. But you don't have to go anywhere. Everything in one place. And for the Russian common man, economy is above all. Insurance specialists in the salon have sales plans for each insurance company. What they need to sell at the moment is what they sell. Also closed information is the cost of CASCO for car dealerships. We will tell you, but only in confidence.

Reasons for expensive hull insurance in a car dealership

1. Scoring for CASCO in a car dealership

CASCO insurance rates in a car dealership are more expensive than those of an agent or. And the commission is higher for volumes. Everything is proportional. And in some dealerships the prices for voluntary car insurance are the same with the sales offices of insurance companies, so that the client does not suspect the difference. At the same time, the official offices of insurers cannot give a discount, but a car dealership can. But don't be in a hurry to rejoice. In a car dealership, hull insurance is expensive just because they have nothing to offer you. They do not have a risk scoring system.

Scoring is a system for agreeing individual conditions for a specific person based on a break-even database of insurers. Who will do this in the salon? They do not have such a department yet. This is the responsibility of the security service of the insurance company.

The car dealership has an expensive CASCO due to the lack of discounts on the customer loyalty and accident-free system. Car dealerships can only calculate the basic rates for everyone. Brokers and insurance agents can negotiate a discount on the basic hull rate based on your previous policy for another car, even from another insurance company. From our experience, a cheap insurance policy was agreed for a client who applied to our company not for the first time, they gave a 20% discount for CASCO insurance of a new car worth 1,580,000 rubles. when the driver is 28 years old, driving experience is 5 years. At the same time, the client insured the car only once under CASCO and there were no insured events under the policy. The car dealership could only offer a calculation using a general calculator - 82,160 rubles. The rate of a typical risk assessment for these parameters is 5.2% of the value of the car, and in some companies it is even more expensive. We agreed on the cost of the full CASCO policy for 65,300 rubles. Saving for the client 16 860 rubles. Do you feel the difference?

2. Simplified claims settlement

Fulfilling the sales plans of a specific insurer in a car dealership, you may be imposed an expensive CASCO for the reasons of the "pluses" of this insurer and the convenience of handling insurance claims for CASCO exactly in the car dealership you need. "UUU" is a system of remote claims settlement, which is provided in each partner car dealership of the insurance company, and is paid by the insurance company.

"UUU" is in your car dealership, at the place of residence or work, simply because of the convenient location of the service and discounts on maintenance. And the car dealership issues this option as if it were its own, which is why so often customers fall for the salon's bait about the benefits of issuing an expensive policy in a car dealership. Car sales managers know their stuff, imposing insurance when registering a car, issuing an option to an insurance company, as for a car dealership service, for comfort when contacting their repair shop.

3. Manipulating emotions in a car dealership

Expensive hull insurance is not uncommon in a car dealership. You are full of emotions when registering a brand new car and do not think about the possible savings on the insurance policy. You are already driving the car of your dreams and when registering the car there is no time to thoroughly analyze the entire range of CASCO insurance programs. The car dealership offers options and convinces about the benefits. You, on emotions of joy, believe and agree to an expensive CASCO insurance without having studied all the insurance offers on the market. This usually happens with inexperienced vehicle owners, and the goal of the car dealership is to sell services as expensive as possible. Often on the forums they write that he issued a CASCO in a car dealership for 80,000, and calculated it using a calculator and it turned out to be 50,000 rubles. The euphoria of joy cost 30,000 rubles. For many, this is a big difference.

4. Casco and credit in a car dealership

The imposition of CASCO often occurs due to inexperience and lack of knowledge of the buyer about the law of consumer rights. All car dealerships assure that an insurance policy for a loan can be obtained only from them. However, it is not. If you came to the salon to apply for a loan, and the cost of the hull insurance of the salon does not suit you, this does not mean that you must take out the insurance at the car dealership. If your insurance company is on the list of accredited companies by the bank, then the bank can apply for a loan and CASCO insurance by including the amount of the insurance premium in the body of the loan. And as our experience shows, it is cheaper to buy an insurance policy from a broker who will always offer a discount than from a car dealership or a bank.

5. Imposing CASCO in a car dealership under the guise of a "gift"

Discounts and promotions in a car dealership are a phenomenon only for one New Year, and as marketers say, these are discounts after the cape. And there is a reason for capes before the New Year: round-the-clock work of personnel, transportation, customs gives the go-ahead, payment of communication and sales personnel, additional costs, payment of taxes, payment of costs for additional orders and additional equipment.
The expenses for the insurance departments are also included, because the payment of the bonus for the working day is also included in the additional expenses of the company and you, as a holder of the New Year's discount, have an expensive CASCO “as a gift”.

6. Limited list of companies

There are not many insurance companies in car dealerships, because their main goal is to fulfill the plan and increase the commission. For all companies, clients will not be recruited. Therefore, they work with 5-6 companies, and impose CASCO on the road in order to earn more. And on the market there are more than 30 companies with A + and higher ratings, and there is plenty to choose from.

  1. Compare the cost of a car in the configuration you need with and without hull insurance.
  2. Take note, free cheese is only in a mousetrap. Analyze all the promotions and offers of other salons and brokers, all conditions for insurance programs, find out the cost of additional equipment.
  3. Calculate on ours, write down all the numbers. Compare. Choose the option that suits you best.
  4. If it is difficult for you to overcome the impositions of a car dealership alone, call our specialists. We are ready to provide you with legal assistance. Remember, consumer protection law is on your side. Our lawyer will talk to the manager of the car dealership.

You can calculate comprehensive insurance without imposing in a car dealership on our website or by contacting our managers. The courier with the policy will arrive directly at the car dealership. Inspection for a new car from a car dealership is not required. You can check in practice how easy it is if you think in advance about your savings on your insurance policy. You will leave the salon in a new insured car and let the whole world wait until you are euphoric with your dream!

Choosing and purchasing a car is a responsible procedure that requires not only financial, but also emotional costs.

Dear Readers! The article talks about typical ways of solving legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


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Each car dealership periodically holds various promotions to attract the attention of customers. The most popular is the offer "CASCO as a gift". What are the advantages and disadvantages of this promotion, read on.

In what cases do they impose

The CASCO promotion as a gift is carried out by car dealerships, as a rule, at the end or very beginning of the next year.

First of all, the special offer is aimed at making a profit for the car dealership from the sale of vehicles produced in the previous year.

For example, in February - March 2019, the considered promotion is valid in car dealerships when buying Hyundai cars.

However, it should be noted that the special offer applies exclusively to cars produced in 2019.

The essence of the action is in the following aspects:

  • the buyer receives a car with a significant price discount;
  • the amount of the discount is the payment of the insurance premium under the CASCO policy, that is, the buyer buys the car at the regular price, but receives the CASCO insurance policy “as a gift”.

It is concluded by a car dealership for a period of 12 months, however, the amount of the discount provided is not always sufficient until the insurance premium is paid in full.

Therefore, in the conditions of the promotion, it may be indicated that the payment for the policy transferred to the buyer as a gift is made only in 3 - 6 months.

This means that after the prepaid period has expired, the policyholder (car buyer) will have to pay the rest of the premium to the insurance company on their own or terminate the car insurance contract.

Any choice of the buyer is associated with certain costs. In the first case, with cash, since it makes an additional payment from its own funds.

In the second situation with temporary ones, since you need to visit the salon yourself and apply for early termination of the insurance contract.

So, in what cases is it profitable for car dealerships to produce such promotions:

  • falling demand for vehicles of a certain make and model. Currently, the most popular are middle class cars in the price category 600,000 - 800,000 rubles;

    To draw attention to more expensive cars, car dealerships "give" various gifts, including a voluntary motor hull insurance policy.

  • the presence of a large number of vehicles of a certain model in the warehouse. Concerns produce vehicles all year round, and the demand for cars increases only in the spring;

    To prevent vehicles from “stale” in warehouses, car dealerships, together with manufacturers, carry out various promotions.

  • the car is purchased with borrowed funds and hull insurance is a prerequisite for the loan agreement. CASCO as a gift when buying a car on credit allows you to draw the client's attention to certain types of vehicles.

The reasons for the "CASCO as a gift" campaign may be different, but they all lead to the dealership receiving additional profit from the sale of a larger number of vehicles.

Is it possible to refuse

Can a car buyer refuse a CASCO insurance policy? Undoubtedly. The choice of a vehicle and additional options is entirely the prerogative of the buyer.

However, the following factors must be considered:

  • a discount is provided for a specific car brand in case of any special offer;

    If the buyer for any reason refuses the "gift", then at the same time the possibility of receiving a discount is reduced (completely excluded).

  • it is impossible to purchase a car without a voluntary motor hull insurance policy. In some cases, car dealerships that have developed special promotions operate strictly within the option offer and do not intend to sell vehicles on other terms.

Advantages and disadvantages of CASCO as a gift

What do insurance companies and car owners get from the "CASCO as a gift" promotion? For each of the parties there is a benefit from the imposed additional option.

For UK

The insurance company, which is a partner of the action held by the car dealership (manufacturer), receives:

  • profit. The cost of the voluntary motor vehicle insurance policy is transferred to the insurance company to pay the insurance premium under the contract;

    It is the insurance premium that is the most significant part of the profit of any insurance organization.

  • the expansion of the customer base. Each insurance company fights with competitors to attract new customers, especially with such expensive insurance policies as CASCO. In most cases, if a client enters into an agreement with one company, then he will continue to be insured with a 98% guarantee in this company;

    Organizations also provide various promotions for retaining customers, for example, providing a discount of 10% - 15% when extending a previously concluded insurance contract.

  • additional advertising. As a rule, when holding promotions, car dealerships increase the amount of advertising in the media (television, radio, newspapers). And in each announcement it is indicated that the action is carried out with the support of such and such an insurance organization.

However, CASCO issued as a gift may affect the insurance organization negatively.

The negative aspects are:

  • the need to make an insurance payment if an insured event occurs during the validity period of the voluntary auto insurance contract. Depending on the situation, the size of the payment can be significant (for example, theft or complete loss), which leads to losses;
  • the need for additional cooperation with the client and his involvement to extend the policy.

Since the car dealership contract for car insurance is concluded for a period of 1 year, but the payment of the insurance premium is partial, the insurance organization must independently contact the client (policyholder) and convince him of the need to extend the car insurance.

For car enthusiasts

New car owners also have their positive and negative points when receiving a CASCO as a gift when buying a car.

The advantages of receiving a policy as a gift include:

  1. Comprehensive protection of acquired movable property. In most cases, car dealerships issue a full CASCO, which protects both from theft (theft) and from damage resulting from:
    • road accidents, regardless of the guilt and degree of guilt of the insured in the accident;
    • natural disasters (hurricanes, floods, storms, and so on);
    • actions of third parties that can scratch the body, break glass, damage other elements of the car;
    • collisions with animals;
    • falling of foreign objects (stones, bottles, etc.);
    • collisions with stationary objects (pillars, fences, and so on);
    • technogenic accidents;
    • accidents on various pipeline systems.
  2. Getting additional services included in auto insurance. Some insurance companies include the following services in the standard insurance policy:
    • free evacuation of the vehicle in case of breakdown or significant damage. Evacuation services can extend to the territory of a separate region, which is the place of registration of the car owner, or to the territory of the Russian Federation;
    • technical assistance. Such assistance is provided in unforeseen situations that have occurred on the road, for example, wheel damage;
    • emergency commissioner. A person with the appropriate education helps the policyholder to correctly draw up a traffic accident or other insured event in order to be guaranteed to receive insurance compensation;
    • round-the-clock support provided in any situation by phone.
  3. The possibility of issuing a CASCO insurance policy for the next insurance period with additional discounts, subject to assistance with the same insurance organization.
  4. Getting a discount on the purchased car.

The most significant negative aspects of such a gift as CASCO are:

  • the need to pay an additional insurance premium so that the auto insurance received as a gift is valid for the entire period specified in the contract;
  • time spent on renewal.

Thus, on the one hand, the buyer of promotional vehicles receives additional benefits in the form of protecting their own property, and on the other, additional expenses that are imposed by the car dealership together with the insurance organization.

How to avoid becoming a victim of deception

In order not to be deceived when buying a new car, it is recommended to be guided by the following rules:

  1. Before going to car dealerships, you need to decide on the brand and model of the vehicle that you want to buy. In this situation, the employees of the car dealership will not be able to convince the client to buy another car.
  2. Choose a car dealership through the Internet that has an excellent reputation and does not deceive customers.

    Many Internet sites contain reviews of consumers who have come across a particular organization. Based on these reviews, you can independently determine whether the car dealership is reliable.

  3. Pre-select an insurance company for the purchase and. When choosing an auto insurer, attention is paid to the following aspects:
    • company rating assigned by specialists (rating agencies). It is more expedient to trust large insurance companies with a consistently high rating (A ++). Only in this situation can it be guaranteed that the company will not go bankrupt;
    • the national rating, which is compiled according to the reviews of consumers of insurance products;
    • the amount of equity capital. The higher the capital at the disposal of the insurance company, the less chance of getting a refusal in insurance payment for unreasonable reasons;
    • if the car owner was previously insured in any insurance organization, then it is more profitable to continue cooperation with this particular company, since you can get a significant discount as a regular customer.

If the car owner intends to insure the acquired movable property additionally, then the "CASCO as a gift" promotion can become a significant financial aid and the prospect of long-term cooperation with an insurance company.

All buyers of the company's bestseller - Hyundai Solaris - are provided with a CASCO policy free of charge 1. The conditions of the promotion are also unique in that the client receives a full-fledged CASCO policy, including compensation in connection with damage, theft and loss of the car.

The terms of the promotion allow the purchase of the Solaris model both on credit and at your own expense. All new customers of the Solaris model will receive this unique opportunity: the age and experience of the customer does not matter when determining the terms of the insurance contract, which is another advantage of this offer. VSK insurance company is the partner of the program. Under the insurance contract, the company guarantees that the damaged car will be repaired only by authorized dealers.

This offer is another step of the company towards the client, especially relevant on the eve of the winter season and in a difficult situation on the market.

1 When buying a Hyundai Solaris car, the client receives a CASCO policy for his car with a validity period of 1 (one) year. The CASCO policy provides for the payment of insurance compensation minus an unconditional deductible in the amount of 18,000 rubles. for insured events specified in the policy and taking into account the provisions of the Insurance Rules, and related to the loss, destruction, damage of the purchased Hyundai Solaris car. The offer is for informational purposes only, is not a public offer (Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), valid from 01.09.2016. until 30.11.2016 Details on the website and in the salons of official HYUNDAI dealers. The terms of the program can be changed unilaterally by VSK CJSC. (Licenses of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation - СЛ No. 0621, SI No. 0621 dated 09/11/2015












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