Mortgage Izhkombank conditions. Mortgage calculator Izhkombank

Izhkombank offers 8 mortgage programs with an interest rate of 5.8% per annum. You can take maximum amount up to 7100000 rub. Mortgage calculator Izhkombank in one click will calculate the following parameters: monthly mortgage payments, overpayment amount and payment terms for early repayment. Our online mortgage calculator is completely free and does not require registration.

90% of transactions when buying real estate are made with the involvement of mortgage money. Mortgages have become an integral part of our daily lives. To choose the most profitable of them, plan payments, early repayment of the mortgage and the amount of overpayment, you need a reliable and proven financial instrument, whose calculations you can trust. Why is it worth using our Izhkombank mortgage calculator?

  • Current interest rates on mortgages (updated once a day)
  • Simple and clear interface
  • Dynamic online loan calculation Izhkombank in one click
  • Completely free and no registration required

An online mortgage calculator is suitable for:

  • For individuals
  • For individuals receiving payment in Izhkombank (for holders salary cards- special conditions)
  • For pensioners

Be sure - the mortgage calculator Izhkombank 2018 - 2019 will calculate 100% accurately. Have a nice choice and a happy life in a new apartment.

JSCB Izhkombank is the oldest bank Udmurtia. For more than 28 years, the bank has held a strong position in the financial and credit services market.

Orientation in the needs of the population allows the bank to quickly respond to changing economic conditions. The main advantage of Izhkombank is an optimized approach and the creation of favorable conditions, even during a crisis.

Mortgage in Izhkombank is one of the modern and daily improved products. Approximately 1 billion rubles was issued to borrowers in 2018 to solve housing problems. Residents of the republic trust Izhkombank, especially since really profitable terms to get a mortgage.

Izhkombank: only numbers

  • 26 - points of sale: 24 - in Udmurtia, 10 - in Izhevsk, 2 - in the Perm Territory.
  • 400 - ATMs and payment terminals.
  • 150,000 - clients among individuals.
  • 10 000 - clients among legal entities.

All these figures are clear evidence that Izhkombank can be trusted.

In 2019, JSCB Izhkombank offers 10 mortgage programs for a period of 1 day to 30.5 years:

Mortgage restructuring in Izhkombank is not among the available services.

In Udmurtia, a program to provide housing for young families is being actively implemented. The regional banking sector, represented by JSCB Izhkombank, cooperates with the executive branch and helps newlyweds make their dreams come true. Mortgage for a young family in 2019 continues to improve.

The agreement between Izhkombank and the government of Udmurtia provides for housing loans to young families in which the age of the spouses does not exceed 35 years. Families must permanently reside on the territory of the republic and be registered as those in need of better housing conditions.

The minimum down payment is 10% of the value of the purchased object. Interest rates today can be clarified on the official website of Izhkombank at the link

In this case, the rate for borrowers will be lower. It is calculated according to preferential terms. Since the implementation of the program, it has been only 5% per year.

The difference between the bank and preferential rates will be compensated by the government of Udmurtia at the expense of the republican budget.

It is difficult to argue with the fact that mortgages for young families are offered on more than affordable terms.

Requirements for the borrower

Like other banks in Russia, Izhkombank imposes a number of requirements on borrowers, including the following items:

  • the age of the borrower at the time of obtaining a mortgage must be at least 21 years old, at the time of repayment of credit funds - no older than 65 years;
  • citizenship Russian Federation;
  • stable financial position during the last 6 months;
  • permanent registration in any region on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • permanent place of work in the region of presence of the Izhkombank branch.

Housing Requirements

A mortgage is issued by a bank, provided that the purchased housing meets the following criteria:

  • the object must be burdened with a mortgage;
  • the cost of housing must be confirmed by an assessment of an independent appraisal company accredited by Izhkombank. The term for drawing up the document should not exceed 6 months at the time of signing the transaction;
  • the subject of mortgage must be insured against the risk of damage and loss in favor of the mortgagee for the entire period of repayment of the loan.

The main requirement for a property purchased with a mortgage is its liquidity. This indicator is important because housing acts as collateral: in case of default, the lender will be forced to sell it.

Therefore, the requirements for apartments and houses under mortgage are based on the following positions:

Izhkombank focuses on the condition of housing. Difficulties may arise if the object is located in old buildings, communal apartments, barrack-type houses.

If the apartment is located in a building built before 1957, the bank will most likely refuse to grant a loan.

If the object is wooden, then the beginning of construction should not be older than 1990. The number of floors must be at least 4 floors. If the house was built after 1991, there may be fewer floors. The house should not be registered for overhaul or be subject to reconstruction.

Garden houses, wooden houses, buildings and buildings with wooden partitions very rarely become mortgaged items. In order for them to be approved, the evaluation commission must draw up a positive act on the technical condition of the facility. The foundation of the house in any case should be made of stone, concrete or brick.

In parallel with the application for permission to receive housing loan A potential borrower must submit the following package of documents to the bank:

Additional documents

This section contains a list of additional documents. It is not necessary to provide them, but they can positively influence the decision of the bank to issue a home loan.

The list includes:

  • diplomas of education;
  • driver's license;
  • documents confirming the existence of property - assets, real estate and other expensive property, bank accounts, securities.

If you have agreements on loan obligations or that you were a guarantor, provide copies of them to the bank, including certificates of no debt and loan balance.

A calculator for calculating a mortgage can be found on the official website of Izhkombank

Using the resource, you can draw up a monthly payment plan online and calculate the most optimal amount of repayment, taking into account interest rate and loan payments.

In the settings of the mortgage calculator, you can set the calculation method, loan currency, calculate repayment terms and the annual interest rate.

The calculator will allow you to find out the overpayment on a loan, taking into account specific conditions.


Mortgage in Izhkombank is designed to solve housing issues residents of Udmurtia, Izhevsk and the Perm Territory, as well as other regions of Russia where bank branches are open.

There is no military mortgage, but quite favorable conditions have been created for young families with spouses under the age of 35. Also, special conditions are offered for housing in new buildings and with the involvement of maternity capital. You can purchase a separate apartment, house, and a room.

Loans are issued on favorable terms for up to 30.5 years. The Bank imposes standard requirements for borrowers and purchased housing. There are 10 mortgage programs with different conditions and interest rates.

It is possible to refinance a mortgage from another bank and get more favorable terms. Mortgage in Izhkombank is designed for borrowers with different financial capabilities, and this is its indisputable advantage.

For the first half of 2018, Izhkombank issued 127 million rubles. within the framework of housing lending programs, which allowed it to take 40th place in the overall ranking of Russian mortgage banks for 2018, compiled by Expert RA.

mortgage programs. Izhkombank implements programs developed jointly with DOM.RF. The borrower can obtain a mortgage loan for the purchase of a residential real estate both in the primary and secondary markets. The bank offers a mortgage for the purchase of an apartment, a private house, a separate room or for the completion of construction with the possibility of repaying a part home loan at the expense of maternity capital.

Privileges. Reduced interest rates are available when purchasing housing from the Bank's partner developers. Special lending conditions have been developed, involving state subsidies for mortgages, for families with children. It is possible to refinance a mortgage issued in third party bank, at a lower interest rate.

The documents. To apply for a housing loan, Izhkombank requests the following documents:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or another document identifying the identity of the applicant;
  • SNILS;
  • A document confirming the fact of employment (a copy of the work book / agreement (contract); order on appointment to a position; pension certificate);
  • A document certifying the level of income of the borrower (certificate 2-NDFL);
  • Military ID (for men of military age);
  • Documents containing information about the marital status (for example, a certificate of marriage / birth of a child) and the education of the applicant; Driving license (if any);
  • Documents confirming the fact of ownership of valuable assets;
  • Documents certifying the existence of valid credit obligations (if applicable);
  • Certificate for maternity capital (when using MSC funds);
  • Documents containing information about the activities of the borrower as a business owner (if applicable);
  • Documents on the real estate object being credited (the list is presented on the Bank's website).

borrower requirements. A potential borrower of Izhkombank must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • the presence of citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • the presence of registration and place of actual residence within any region of the country;
  • age from 21 years old at the time of applying to the Bank up to 65 years old at the time of full fulfillment of obligations under the contract (for individual programs - up to 55 years old);
  • availability of an actual place of work in the territory of the region served by the Bank's subdivision;
  • the presence of work experience at the current place of work for a period of more than 6 months with a total work experience of at least 1 year.
  • to increase the chances of obtaining the requested loan, it is allowed to attract co-borrowers.

Terms. A loan from Izhkombank is provided at a time, by accruing funds to the borrower's account. The minimum amount of a housing loan is 300,000 rubles, the maximum loan term is 30 years. The borrower must make an initial contribution in the amount of 10% of the cost of the housing being financed (subject to the use of maternity capital funds). The mortgage is repaid by making monthly annuity (equal) payments. It is possible to repay the loan ahead of time, both in partial and in full. The interest rate on a mortgage depends on the size of the down payment made. Preferential rates are provided for holders of the Bank's payroll cards.

Insurance and additional security. It is mandatory to insure the purchased property against the risks of physical death or damage. Treaty personal insurance is concluded with the consent of the borrower, however, refusal of it is the basis for an increase in the interest rate. The Bank has the right to request additional (in addition to mortgage) loan security in the form of a guarantee of individuals or legal entities, a pledge land plot or vehicles.

How to apply? The Izhkombank website has the opportunity to submit a preliminary online application for a mortgage. To apply for a loan, you need to visit a branch of the Bank. After the borrower provides required documents The Bank reviews the application and makes a final decision on it within 1-7 business days.

Mortgage Calculator Izhkombank will help calculate the amount of mortgage deductions for 2019-2020, weigh the chances of early repayment. use the official online calculator on the website for free! If you are a young family, then the issue of mortgages already worries you. Mortgage requires a serious, thoughtful approach. And be sure to accurately calculate. Our credit calculator mortgage is very convenient: available online, clear and free. Spend half an hour on the calculation, which will correctly line up your expenses for several years ahead.

Izhkombank strives to offer the most effective useful banking products to maintain socio-political and economic stability in Udmurtia. One of the tools for maintaining social stability is lending to the population. The bank offers 7 mortgage lending programs.

Lending terms

  • Age of the borrower: from 18 to 75 years (at the time of repayment);
  • Minimum amount: 300,000 rubles;
  • Term: up to 30 years;
  • Commission for issuing a loan: none;

Mortgage interest rate

We are gradually filling this section. It's worth the wait :)

Mortgage conditions differ significantly depending on whether you need a loan for a second home, for a new building, for the construction of a private house, or just for a piece of land. Potential borrowers The bank offers the following options for obtaining mortgage loan:

  • No guarantors.
  • No proof of income.
  • No down payment.

The bank is available to issue a mortgage loan with state support, in particular with maternity capital and with early repayment. The conditions for its issuance can be significantly revised in favor of the borrower if he has a salary project open. The bank also meets state employees, offers special options for issuing pensioners.

A modern online calculation of the cost will help you get a preliminary calculation for a real estate loan - it will provide the basic necessary information according to the requirements and wishes of the borrower.

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