Levoberezhny Bank: mortgage - calculation calculator and terms of registration. Mortgage calculator Levoberezhny Bank - calculate the amount of the mortgage online

If you intend to buy an apartment or any other real estate on credit, it would be useful to calculate the monthly mortgage payment in advance. Knowing the possible amount of monthly payments, potential borrower can easily calculate the maximum mortgage amount, overpayment and loan term.

For accurate calculation of mortgage payments, it is very convenient to use special program available to everyone - a mortgage calculator. This program, which contains a set of mathematical formulas, is used to calculate all significant credit ratios. The most important function of the program is the online mortgage calculation. Using the calculator, the borrower can easily calculate all the key mortgage terms: payments, mortgage amount, overpayment, terms, and others.

In order for the result of the calculation of the mortgage made on the calculator to be accurate, it is necessary to take into account such parameters as the percentage credit rate, various fees and commissions that may apply, as well as the amount of the down payment available to the borrower. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to clarify information with the bank about the size of the interest rate and commissions for the selected loan program.

You can easily find a mortgage calculator online. Today, most banks place a similar program on their official websites. These services on the websites of banks help to calculate the mortgage and the loan conditions that are relevant for each particular borrower - an individual interest rate, payments, etc. Such services usually already take into account the category of the borrower, the type of housing being purchased, the possibility of connecting an insurance program or abandoning it, suitable loan program.
There are online calculators that calculate the size of the mortgage, posted not only on the websites of banks, but also on other Internet portals specializing in such services. Such calculators will also easily calculate the terms of the loan according to the parameters set by the user. Online calculators give borrowers an excellent opportunity to pre-calculate all the parameters they are interested in without visiting the bank.

However, do not forget that the result of the calculation obtained on the services that are located on third-party sites will not be final. For professional advice and an accurate calculation of the mortgage on real estate, you can contact the manager directly at the bank. Mortgage Calculator- a convenient service that makes it possible for those who plan to purchase housing on credit to preliminarily assess their capabilities in order to understand the degree of long-term credit burden.

Interest rate

The interest rate is a very important parameter when calculating a mortgage. Measured in percentage per annum. This parameter shows how much interest is charged on your debt per year. For clarity, let's take a specific value of the interest rate - 12%. This means that another 12% of the debt amount is added to your debt annually, BUT: with mortgage lending, the bank charges you interest not once a year, but daily on the remaining amount of the debt. It is not difficult to calculate how much interest is charged every day: 12% / 12 months / 30 days = 0.033%.

If you have already used our mortgage calculator and made the calculation, you probably noticed that the monthly payment consists of two parts: principal and interest. Since your debt decreases every month, less interest is charged. That is why the first part of the payment (principal debt) increases, and the second (interest) decreases, and the total amount of the payment remains unchanged throughout the entire period.

Different banks offer different interest rates, they depend on various conditions, for example, on the size of the down payment, on the type of housing being purchased, etc. Obviously, you need to look for the option with the lowest rate, because even a difference of half a percent will affect the amount of the monthly payment and the total overpayment on the loan:

Table 1. Demonstration of the influence of the interest rate on the parameters of the loan.

Fixed and floating interest rate

Fixed interest rate- This is the rate on the loan, which is set for the entire term of the loan. She is registered in loan agreement and cannot be changed.

floating interest rate- this is the rate on the loan, which is not a constant value, but is calculated according to a formula that is defined in the contract. The rate consists of two parts: The first component is floating, tied to some market indicator (for example, Mosprime3m or the Central Bank refinancing rate) and changes with the frequency specified in the loan agreement (for example, monthly, quarterly or every six months). The second component, fixed, is the percentage that the bank takes. This part remains always constant.

Annuity and differentiated payment

  • Annuity payment - a variant of the monthly loan payment, when the amount of the monthly payment remains constant throughout the loan period.
  • Differentiated payment- a variant of the monthly payment on the loan, when the amount of the monthly payment to repay the loan is gradually reduced by the end of the loan period.

Currently, the most common annuity payment.

Levoberezhny offers 9 mortgage programs with an interest rate of .% per annum. You can take maximum amount up to 3,000,000 rubles Levoberezhny mortgage calculator in one click will calculate the following parameters: monthly mortgage payments, overpayment amount and payment terms for early repayment. Our online calculator Mortgages are completely free and do not require registration.

90% of transactions when buying real estate are made with the involvement of mortgage money. Mortgages have become an integral part of our daily lives. To choose the most profitable of them, plan payments, early repayment of the mortgage and the amount of overpayment, you need a reliable and proven financial instrument, the calculations of which can be trusted. Why use our Levoberezhny mortgage calculator?

  • Current interest rates on mortgages (updated once a day)
  • Simple and clear interface
  • Dynamic online loan calculation Levoberezhny in one click
  • Completely free and no registration required

An online mortgage calculator is suitable for:

  • For individuals
  • For individuals receiving a salary in Livoberezhny (for holders of salary cards - special conditions)
  • For pensioners

Be sure - the Levoberezhny mortgage calculator 2018 - 2019 will calculate 100% accurately. Have a nice choice and a happy life in a new apartment.

Choose a loan program

Finished housing Housing under construction

Minimum down payment in %

30 % percent

Mortgage loan amount

65,000,000 rubles

Mortgage term

252 months

Minimum interest rate on a loan 15.25 %

Calculation result

  • The value of the property: 4,000,000 rubles,
  • The initial payment of 30% will be: 12,000,000 rubles,
  • Loan amount: 950,000 rubles,
  • Bank interest rate: 13.8% per annum,
  • Loan term: 60 months.
  • Confirmed monthly income - at least 454,456 rubles.
  • Monthly payment(annuity): 181,782 rubles,
  • For the entire period, the following must be paid: 43,627,797 rubles,
  • Overpayment for a loan: 27,627,797 rubles,

Send a preliminary calculation by mail

Loan payment schedule

open Joint-stock company"Novosibirsk social commercial Bank Levoberezhny was founded in 1991. From the very beginning, the organization has been working with state structures of the region and large industrial enterprises. It occupies a leading position in terms of net profit and assets. At the same time, the bank develops mortgage credit lending population, offering nine mortgage programs. The Levoberezhny Bank mortgage calculator shows the possibilities of the programs offered by the bank, the rates of which are lower than in the country as a whole.

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It's fast and IS FREE!

Activity credit institution provides a complete package of services for corporate clients, the number of which is 18 thousand units. These include RKO, accommodation Money, salary projects and corporate plastic cards, carrying out operations with securities and brokerage.

The Bank is actively working with small and medium-sized businesses in the Novosibirsk region, Kemerovo region, Altai Territory and Krasnodar Territory. Loans are available for them to expand their business and increase turnover.

For companies operating in the foreign market, especially in the direction of China, the bank has prepared a number of programs, including accounts in Chinese yuan. Levoberezhny Bank is included in the register of guarantor banks of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation. Another bank issues bank guarantees for government tenders.

The number of individuals served is over 500-100 thousand. This number was provided profitable terms both in terms of deposits and loans. Levoberezhny serves the municipal discount card student, conducts conversion operations, acts as a broker on the stock exchange.


The head office of the bank is located in Novosibirsk and 67 more branches in Novosibirsk, Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk, Krasnoyarsk and Tomsk regions, Altai Territory.

More than 120 ATMs throughout the network.

Mortgage Lending Programs

The credit institution has introduced a comfortable the minimum bid in 9%, the maximum - can reach 15%. The down payment when applying for a mortgage can be as little as 5% of the cost of housing.

Credit " military mortgage» is calculated for a period until the borrower reaches the age of 45.

Special programs:

  • "Comfortable";
  • "Maternal capital";
  • "Special";
  • "Military mortgage";
  • "Garage";
  • "Young teachers";
  • "Light";
  • "Siberian".

Levoberezhny Bank's loan calculator will help you calculate consumer credit in cash as of 2020. Make a calculation on the calculator from the official website and choose the most profitable loan.

A loan is an opportunity to get a thing you are interested in without a long and dreary accumulation of money, or not to receive the necessary amount in case of an objective need or unforeseen circumstances. However, so that the loan program does not turn into a heavy financial burden for you and your family, you should choose the right line of credit wisely and thoughtfully.

To make the loan agreement as profitable as possible, you should use a financial instrument specially created for this - a loan calculator. It allows:

  • Determine the maximum allowable loan amount, based on the amount of monthly income;
  • Get objective data on monthly payments;
  • Plan, if necessary, to close the loan with early repayment.

Do you need a truthful and highly effective online credit line analysis calculator? Then it's best to choose loan calculators Bank Levoberezhny.

Lending terms

  • Purpose of the loan for personal consumption
  • Loan currency Russian rubles
  • Min. credit amount 30 000
  • Max. credit amount 5,000,000 if you receive a salary in a bank account
  • Credit term from 3 months to 5 years
  • Issuance fee no loan
  • Loan security not required

Interest rates

The "percentage" section is in filling mode. It is worth waiting a bit, or contact the official website of the bank.

A competent choice of a particular lending program is provided by a loan repayment calculator that allows you to instantly calculate all the data online and get a visual table with payments for the loan of interest:

  • For IP.
  • For pensioners.
  • For individuals.
  • For legal entities.

Particularly attractive conditions are available for payroll card holders.

The calculation calculator takes into account all the necessary information, including closing options credit loan with early repayment and even with partial early repayment, with the ability to download the result.

Credit can be taken:

  • Cash.
  • For refinancing.
  • For small business development.
  • To buy a car.
  • To build a house, to buy a home.

Mortgage calculator Levoberezhny Bank allows you to calculate the amount of mortgages for individuals according to the data for 2019. If you want to choose the most profitable proposition mortgages, buy an apartment in a new building or another residential real estate with a minimum overpayment, then be sure to use a calculator.

Levoberezhny Bank is a well-developed bank that occupies a leading position in the financial sector of the Russian Federation. Key areas of activity - customer credit, servicing corporate accounts, mortgage lending, attracting deposits from individuals. Low interest on mortgage make this bank popular among borrowers who want to buy their own housing.

Today Levoberezhny Bank offers 9 mortgage lending programs.

Acquisition mortgage real estate- This is a very serious step for every family, because you need to take on obligations to pay the debt on a monthly basis. The amount of these payments will depend on how competently you calculate the mortgage and how to choose the right mortgage program (at what interest, for how many years).

Our online mortgage calculator Levoberezhny Bank will automatically help you determine:

  • Maximum mortgage loan
  • Amount of monthly payments
  • The amount of accrued interest on the mortgage for each month
  • The amount of the total overpayment in monetary terms
  • The amount of the total overpayment in percent
  • The total amount of mortgage payments for the entire period
  • Possibility of early repayment

Using this information, you can get a complete picture of the selected mortgage program, assess their ability to repay the loan and pay debt deductions, make a decision on the appropriateness of obtaining a mortgage.

For potential borrowers (including public sector employees and military personnel), Levoberezhny Bank provides the following opportunities for obtaining a mortgage loan:

  • With down payment
  • With a guarantor
  • With proof of income
  • No down payment (0% down payment)
  • Without guarantors
  • No proof of income from work
  • Personal conditions (young professionals or young families)

When applying for a loan, the bank can offer two options for repaying the debt: through annuity payments or differentiated payments. The mortgage calculator Livoberezhny Bank calculates exactly annuity payments, since they are in the greatest demand among the population.

The calculator is a really convenient and modern way to calculate all mortgage parameters online. For an accurate calculation, finally decide on the type of property.

Mortgage loan in Levoberezhny Bank can be obtained:

  • On a plot of land for individual development
  • For secondary housing
  • For a new building
  • For the construction of a private house

Already at the bank branch, be sure to ask the bank employee whether it is possible to apply for a mortgage with early repayment in Levoberezhny Bank, with state support or maternity capital. We also remind you if the borrower has an open salary card in a bank, this will significantly improve credit conditions.

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