The subsistence minimum in Kemerovo. Living wage in the Kemerovo region

Living wage in the Kemerovo region
Q4 2019
set in the amount (rubles/month):

Per capita

9 764 ₽ ↓575 ₽

For the working population

10 356 ₽ ↓616 ₽

For pensioners

7 913 ₽ ↓424 ₽

For kids

10 088 ₽ ↓624 ₽

on the basis of Decree of the Government of the Kemerovo Region - Kuzbass N 49 "On the establishment of the subsistence minimum per capita and for the main socio-demographic groups of the population of the Kemerovo Region - Kuzbass for the fourth quarter of 2019" dated 02/07/2020

The Kemerovo Region is part of the Siberian Federal District. You can see and compare the Kemerovo region with other regions included in this district.

One and a half times the subsistence minimum (x1.5):

  • Per capita - 14 646 ₽;
  • For able-bodied population- 15 534 ₽;
  • For pensioners - 11 869.5 ₽;
  • For children - 15 132 ₽;

Two times the subsistence minimum (x2):

  • Per capita - 19 528 ₽;
  • For the able-bodied population - 20,712 ₽;
  • For pensioners - 15 826 ₽;
  • For children - 20 176 ₽;

Subsistence minimum for previous periods, rub./month

3rd quarter 2019 10339 10972 8337 10712
2nd quarter 2019 10389 11011 8405 10778
1 quarter 2019 9770 10342 7913 10172
4th quarter 2018 9108 9645 7372 9476
3rd quarter 2018 9476 10031 7625 9928
2nd quarter 2018 9397 9925 7550 9930
1 quarter 2018 9131 9643 7346 9646
4th quarter 2017 8879 9391 7162 9306
3rd quarter 2017 9561 10132 7681 9995
2nd quarter 2017 9427 9981 7594 9857
1 quarter 2017 9019 9531 7281 9472
4th quarter 2016 8748 9260 7064 9135
3rd quarter 2016 9062 9608 7293 9439
2nd quarter 2016 9032 9545 7267 9516
1 quarter 2016 8917 9419 7179 9407

Accepted abbreviations: DN - per capita, TN - for the able-bodied population, P - for pensioners, D - for children.
Green color - the size has increased relative to the previous period, Red color - the size has decreased relative to the previous period, Yellow color - the size has not changed relative to the previous period

A bit of theory

The main document that establishes the legal basis for the definition and its consideration when establishing citizens Russian Federation state guarantees for obtaining minimum cash income and in the implementation of other measures social protection citizens of the Russian Federation, is Federal Law N 134-FZ "On the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation" (04/01/2019).

It contains the following concepts:

Consumer basket

This is the minimum set of food products, as well as non-food goods and services, the cost of which is determined in relation to the cost of the minimum set of food products necessary to maintain human health and ensure its vital activity.

Living wage

it valuation consumer basket, as well as mandatory payments and fees.

The subsistence minimum in the Kemerovo region per capita, for the working population, pensioners and children determined quarterly.

Main socio-demographic groups of the population

This is the working-age population, pensioners, children.

Working-age population- persons from the age of 16 and up to the age of entitlement to the insurance old-age pension in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 8 federal law N 400-FZ "On insurance pensions" (01/28/2020), with the exception of non-working disabled people of this age.

pensioners- persons who have reached the age that gives the right to an old-age insurance pension in accordance with Part 1 of Article 8 of the Federal Law

As reported in the regional department of labor and employment of the population, the subsistence minimum for all socio-demographic groups of the population of the Kemerovo region for the first quarter of 2019 per capita amounted to 9 thousand 770 rubles, for the able-bodied population - 10 thousand 342 rubles, for pensioners - 7 thousand 913 rubles, for kids - 10 thousand 172 rubles.

In relation to the previous period (4th quarter of 2018), there was an increase in the subsistence minimum for all socio-demographic groups of the population.

The change in the subsistence minimum occurred due to an increase in the cost of the minimum set of food products by 335 rubles (8.1%), an increase in the cost of the minimum set of non-food items by 148 rubles (6.5%), an increase in the cost of the minimum set of services by 130 rubles (6. 3%), etc.

In the structure of the average subsistence minimum per capita, compared to the fourth quarter of 2018, the share of the cost of the minimum set of food products increased by 0.3% and amounted to 45.8% (4 thousand 477 rubles). The share of the cost of the minimum set of non-food products decreased by 0.2% and amounted to 24.7% (2 thousand 415 rubles). The share of the cost of the minimum set of services decreased by 0.1% and amounted to 22.5% (2 thousand 191 rubles).

The cost of mandatory payments and fees in the structure of the subsistence minimum on average per capita remained unchanged and amounted to 7.0% (687 rubles).

The average per capita subsistence minimum in the Kemerovo region is lower than the same indicator in certain regions of the Siberian Federal District, for example, in the Novosibirsk, Tomsk regions, Krasnoyarsk Territory, as well as the average for the Russian Federation. With a unified approach to the calculation of the subsistence minimum, this indicates that in neighboring regions the prices for food, goods and tariffs for services are higher than in Kuzbass.

According to the press service of the Administration of the Kemerovo region

The Kemerovo region, or the famous Kuzbass, is a region where almost 2.7 million people live today. The region's gross regional product is 22nd in the country, which looks very worthy. What is the living wage set in the Kemerovo region in 2018, what is the value of the PM of a pensioner established by the regional law, does the minimum wage in the region correspond to the living wage.

At the beginning of February 2018, statistics appeared on the subsistence minimum in the Kemerovo region based on the results of the fourth quarter of 2017. For October-December last year, the data on the minimum amount necessary for survival for different categories of the population amounted to:

  • 8.879 rubles - PM per capita,
  • 9.391 rubles - for an able-bodied resident,
  • 7.162 rubles - for a pensioner,
  • 9.306 rubles - for a child.

Recall that the statistics of the fourth quarter, although it is the most recent to date, is interesting only from the point of view of the dynamics of changes in the amount that a person needs to purchase a minimum set of products and other goods and services that are necessary in order to simply not die of hunger. .

Much more interesting from a practical point of view is the statistics of the second quarter of each year.

It is on its basis that social support measures are planned, primarily for any Russian region.

In the second quarter of 2017, the living wage in the Kemerovo region was:

  • 9.427 rubles - PM per capita,
  • 9.981 rubles - for an able-bodied resident,
  • 7.594 rubles - for a pensioner,
  • 9.857 rubles - for a child.

It is these figures in 2018 that serve as a guideline as to whether a person with his monthly income should be considered poor or not.

The living wage of a pensioner in the Kemerovo region for 2018

A special article when we talk about the size of the PM is always the living wage of a pensioner. Its value in each region is set specifically, focusing on statistics, but not following only it. Regions, if possible, set the PM of a pensioner higher than the statistics indicate.

In the Kemerovo region, the pensioner's PM for 2018 is 8.347 rubles. This is about a thousand higher than the statistics of 2017.

The living wage of a pensioner is indeed a special phenomenon. The fact is that the established amount is the minimum pension in the region. In those cases when a resident of Kuzbass, like any other region, goes on an old-age pension and it turns out that he has been paid a pension below the subsistence level of a pensioner, he receives an additional payment from the budget in exactly the amount that is needed to make his pension equal to this value. This allows an elderly resident of the region to avoid at least complete poverty.

Minimum wage and living wage in 2018 in Kuzbass

The minimum wage adopted in Kuzbass in 2018 is the federal 9,489 rubles plus a regional allowance for climatic conditions of 30%. The total minimum wage in the region is 12,336 rubles.

As can be noted, the minimum wage in the Kemerovo region in 2018 exceeds the subsistence minimum for an able-bodied resident of the region. Thus, the region has already coped with the task set for the whole country for the year - to make sure that the minimum wage is equal to or exceeds the RM.

The Kemerovo region is located almost in the center of the western and eastern borders of our country. Kuzbass, as people have long called this region, is famous for its deep mines and hardworking people.

Huge and diverse mineral deposits and a wide palette natural resources Kemerovo region make this district economically strong and autonomous, and the inhabitants of the region - completely self-sufficient. It is in the Kemerovo region that almost a third of the resources and production capacities of all Siberia are concentrated. The region is known for its huge economic potential and diverse industries, including:

  1. Metallurgical enterprises.
  2. Chemical industry.
  3. Light industry.
  4. Mechanical engineering (equipment and components, special-purpose machines).
  5. Food (development of optimizing systems for the processing, creation, storage and use of various food products).

The population of the Kemerovo region is very "motley", the highest percentage there are Tatars, Ukrainians, Germans, Chuvashs, but besides them, the population is also made up of representatives of other nationalities. In this regard, original national amateur performances and folk crafts and crafts characteristic of representatives of the population of different ages and nationalities flourish in the region.

Living wage in Kuzbass

The living wage is the amount for which it is possible to purchase a minimum set of services, products and other goods to ensure a certain standard of living for a Russian and a resident of the Kemerovo region. It is formed by calculating the cost of the consumer basket. This is a kind of state guarantee of obtaining the minimum necessary for life Money. It is determined on the basis of one person of a certain social group of the population or per capita.

The consumer basket is recalculated on a quarterly basis according to changes in prices / quantity of consumption for all necessary services and goods and the consumer basket. In the future, we will reveal the cost of living in the Kemerovo region and the features of the socially oriented activities of the administration and government of Kuzbass.

To date, the subsistence minimum for the 2nd and 3rd quarters of 2017 has been published. Regarding the fourth - the amount of PM will be known approximately in January.

What is the minimum threshold for payments to various categories of the population in the Kemerovo region

We invite you to compare the average state subsistence minimum and its same in the Kuzbass region. Note: national data provided by the regulation for the first quarter due to the lack of a decision on payments in the 4th (the government meeting is scheduled for January), regional data - for the third quarter of this year.

Note that the subsistence minimum for each category has been increased when compared with payments in the first quarter of this year:

  • on the first point - by 115 rubles;
  • for children - 109 rubles;
  • pensioners - 88 national currency units;
  • for the working population - by 126 rubles.

Although the contrast with the average state amounts is noticeable, you should not be upset, because the cost of living and the consumer basket are calculated taking into account all needs and their prices, and in large cities and "prestigious" areas, prices are known to be higher, and needs are much more.

Implementation of social state programs in the Kemerovo region

The specifics of the economic, geographical and social structure of the region determines the peculiarities in the application of aspects of special government programs. Nevertheless, the policy of regional structures is aimed at expanding the basic list of these activities as much as possible. Among other things, the administration of the Kemerovo region is taking the following steps to provide social support to its population:

  1. Organization of the purchase and printing of certificates confirming the exclusive preferential rights of a citizen (for example, certificates of a labor veteran).
  2. Advanced training and retraining of personnel in the educational and medical fields, provided by authorized bodies.
  3. Purchase of specialized road transport for socially oriented institutions.
  4. Targeted social payments to the needy and vulnerable, other categories of citizens specified in the official list of the regional administration and other regional authorized bodies.
  5. Activities aimed at the social rehabilitation of disabled people and the creation of an accessible environment for them within the framework of regional policy.
  6. Creation and implementation of events that activate pensioners and guide them to the formation of healthy habits and lifestyles.
  7. Organization and implementation of events of high social significance.
  8. Organization of detailed monitoring of various categories of society to improve social work in Kemerovo region.
  9. Popularization of information awareness of the social situation in the region and measures of social support for various categories of the population among citizens.

Please note that special narrowly focused events are created for such a consumer as a pensioner, a child, a representative of active youth, a worker. In addition, the general social orientation in the palette of events in the region can be traced in all spheres of the life of Kuzbass.

What to eat every day, counting on a living wage

It would not be superfluous to know about the real situation of prices, because the living wage itself is of little use in isolation from such information.

Of course, the food basket (and with it the cost of living) should include all human needs, at least a basic list. Without providing a full range of services and products, other goods that you can be satisfied with on a daily basis, we will select the main sub-items in our opinion. Here is such a list. First, nutrition (a set of products) is taken into account. Let's highlight the following points:

  • bread products (all flour, bread, pasta, cereals in terms of flour) - about 346 grams;
  • potatoes and dishes from it - no more than 275 g per day;
  • melons and vegetables (all vegetables in any season) - almost 314 grams;
  • about 164 g of fruit in any form;
  • sweets and sugar in terms of sugar - 65 grams per day;
  • 160 g of meat and products from it;
  • about 50 g of fish and offal;
  • dairy products in terms of milk - almost 800 grams;
  • 2 eggs per day;
  • 30 g of various fats (butter, margarine, spreads);
  • almost 13.5 grams relies on tea, spices, salt and other small things.

This cost of living applies only to food. You can cook meals from it. In addition, if the children's list is taken into account, then there are differences in it. For example, there are much more dairy, fruit and meat products in it, since the body needs to grow.

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