How best to save for an apartment. Use government programs

Not everyone is ready to live with their parents until old age, theirs or theirs. Young people, becoming financially independent, dream of acquiring housing freedom. Leaving their father's house, renting a room or apartment, everyone, without exception, dreams of their own corner, in which they can truly be the master. Which is not so easy given the current realities. The task is not simple: if the salary is thirty thousand rubles. In this article we will give answers to the most pressing questions of modern Russia:

  • quickly save up for an apartment: utopia or everyone can do it?
  • mortgage or rent?

Maybe a mortgage?

There was a time when a mortgage seemed like the only way out. Thousands of people took it at unimaginable percentages and considered it a blessing.

Now the perception has changed, the Russians have become more critical, the crisis has dragged on, and now the decision to take on the mortgage yoke is taken carefully. But still, many people believe that mortgages are profitable. Let's analyze the situation: a novice specialist takes a mortgage, for which he should be ready.

  • An initial fee. It may depend on the percentage set by the bank. The smaller the contribution amount, the higher the risks for the bank, therefore, as a rule, the bank increases credit rate in such cases. Important! The minimum down payment is 15%.
  • Mandatory monthly payments. On the one hand, this is tolerable, you also have to pay for a rented apartment. True, if the finances were shaken: a person was fired or he fell ill, then it is unlikely that he will be able to agree with the bank, the investment in real estate will be lost. The constant stress that borrowers are under affects their health and psychological state. Indeed, it is difficult to live ten or twenty years under the pressure of mortgages.
  • Bank overpayment. The longer the mortgage term, the greater the overpayment. Often borrowers realize that they are being "robbed" when they are up to their necks in a mortgage and nothing can be done.

Economical way

This accumulation method is suitable for people who are ready to cut their own requests. long time.

With a salary of 30 thousand rubles, in order to start saving, you will have to rent a room or a bed in an apartment. And of course, it is necessary to significantly revise the costs:

  1. It does not hurt to start a notebook and keep. The expense item will help identify unnecessary expenses.
  2. Good for both health and wallet give up alcohol, sweets and cigarettes. Surprisingly, bad habits are a serious expense item. And getting rid of them will increase the budget by at least 48,000 rubles a year.
  3. Electricity and water meters, a travel ticket, discounts in stores will help you save on small things.
  4. No entertainment. Movies only at home, from cafes, clubs, frequent wardrobe changes will have to be abandoned.
  5. Supermarkets and shopping centers- the concentration of meaningless temptations. Everything here is thought out and done so that buyers take what they don't need and more. To save money, you should either go to the market or go to the nearest wholesale base. In hand - a shopping list. This will save at least 12 thousand a year.
  6. The money that is saved with such difficulty should not disappear in a sock: it is correct to open a bank deposit, in a trusted bank, at interest.

Let's be realistic: it will take a long time to save in this way. At least 10 years, but the mortgage is not paid for 2 years.

The positive side here is different: no credit pressure. Lack of attachment to the place of residence: you can change jobs and at the same time find an apartment closer, or even move to another city or country. Freedom from mortgage means fewer fears, which means more opportunities.

Translational method

This method is similar to the economical one, the difference is only in the intermediate stages. The main thing here is to be cool and dexterous. Having accumulated a small amount, buy a dorm room or a hotel on the outskirts or in the suburbs where prices are not so high.

You can live in the room yourself or rent it out, in any case, in addition to the acquired property, there will be quite useful funds. Then this room can be exchanged, with a surcharge, for an apartment with poor infrastructure and further until you reach the desired option.

A similar method will help those who are ready to constantly look out for ads, looking for profitable terms, drive through dead and "burning" apartments. This method is both more involved and more risky, but also much faster with luck.


At one time, this method of buying a home was popular and effective. People bought apartments "in a clubbing". It worked out much faster than one by one. The principle of cooperatives is simple: the group has an administrator who collects monthly amounts“investors”, for example, have a hundred of them, and periodically one of the participants, usually who invests more, gets an apartment.

Due to the large number of scammers in this type of organization, few people risk investing in cooperatives now.

How to save quickly?

You can save quickly only by risking:

  1. Investments in Forex. Yes, it is risky, but the result can please. Cons: you can not accurately calculate the monthly income. Money can be lost.
  2. to a mutual fund. The main thing here is to choose a stable and reliable fund. Sometimes the percentages go up to 50.
  3. , internet project. You can create your own business project or invest in some startup. Again, this suits people with entrepreneurial talent and at least minimal business experience. The risk of burnout is high, but the dividends, if everything goes well, are not bad.

Still looking for extra income if you need an apartment as soon as possible.

It is not necessary to look for something alien to your character and nature. If you are a teacher, it makes no sense to go to sales managers, but you should try your hand at tutoring. If you have a hobby in which you are making progress, then it can be monetized. Knitting funny hats and warm socks made of natural wool, baking homemade cabbage pies, writing articles, essays - with the development of the Internet, it has become much easier to sell your unique skills.

Social programs

Public sector employees often complain about low earnings that are disproportionate to the efforts expended. It seems that it is impossible to save up for an apartment by working as a nurse or a teacher. Exists many government programs helping state employees to buy housing. There are also subsidy programs for young families and more. It is difficult to get an apartment in this way, this is a small chance. But who prevents to act in several directions at once.

Instead of an apartment - a house

Obsession with the apartment panel house surprises. Saving up for 10 or more years for a two-room apartment, at a time when you dream of a big family, a yard with apple trees and a big dog, is not productive. Buying land and gradually building a house will come out cheaper. And Even a small house is still more than an apartment. A house is being built in several stages, which means saving for it is easier.

  1. buying land. Land in Russia is inexpensive, and in some regions it is generally distributed free of charge - in the first year.
  2. House frame - on second or third year.
  3. Electrical wiring, plumbing work - fourth year.
  4. Interior decoration - fifth year.

Investments depend on the size and price of the land, and the choice of building materials.

Before you buy a piggy bank and start putting honestly earned money there, you need to make an estimate.

First. It is advisable to decide in advance what kind of housing you are counting on: primary, secondary. It is easier and faster to save up for the primary, the most profitable investment is to lay the foundation. The risks are really significant.

Second. Area. The farther from the center, metro, the cheaper.

Third. Infrastructure. The area is underdeveloped = low cost of apartments. In this case, it is necessary to look at the prospect of what is planned in the coming years. Now there is no kindergarten, school, sports grounds nearby? It is worth finding out the nearest development plans from the district administration or the developer.

Fourth. Explore all the options that exist in the real estate market. Write down the prices. Look at old ads, try to trace how much the price of an apartment is changing.

Fifth Buying an apartment is the main thing, but not all the costs that are coming are still there:

  • Notarial services.
  • Government duty.
  • Real estate agency services.

Sixth and pleasant. Repair, purchase of furniture and household appliances. Furnish own apartment- Joyful spending. But it is better to put them in the estimate in advance.

What person does not dream of their own apartment? This is the number one desire of many. But for most, owning a home remains an unfulfilled dream. As a rule, they believe that the cost of an apartment is too high, and it makes no sense to try to acquire the cherished meters. In fact, there are 5 ways to help raise the required amount.

Have you ever wondered how people manage to save up for an apartment?

Most likely they are:

  • Spend your funds wisely
  • We set a clear goal and confidently walked towards it
  • Exploit additional income opportunities.

Where to begin?

First of all, you need to decide exactly which apartment you want to buy. To do this, answer yourself:

  • What area should your property be in?
  • How many rooms, what is the area of ​​each?
  • How much money do you have today?

As a result, you can easily determine the right amount. Next, you need to divide it by 12 months to find out how much you have to save in order to become the owner of the keys to your home in a year.

Once the goal is set, we begin to implement it.

Learning to save

Active action is important. But it is equally important to think correctly in order to reach the goal. First of all, you must realize that you will have to give up a lot in order to collect the coveted amount. However, do not rush to extremes and switch to bread and water.

To save means to refuse unnecessary expenses and not to spend money thoughtlessly.

  • Make a shopping list before you go shopping. This will stop you from making unnecessary purchases.
  • Keep track of expenses, analyze spending.
  • Quit smoking, give up regular alcohol consumption. We spend on bad habits huge amount of money.
  • Change to public transport. Your own car is, of course, convenient, but fuel, repairs, maintenance require constant investments, and considerable ones.
  • Instead of fitness and the gym, start running in the morning.
  • Give up weekly trips to cafes, bars, nightclubs. You should not completely put an end to entertainment, but you should do it less often. For example, once every 2-3 weeks.
  • Live with your parents if you are currently renting an apartment. The funds that you give monthly for renting housing are more than enough to collect for your square meters in a few years.

Get a piggy bank and put all your savings there

We materialize our thoughts

Most likely, you have heard that our thoughts are material. Believe it or not, but still it will not be superfluous to think positively in the right direction and be sure that you will certainly become the owner of your home.

To better visualize the goal, we recommend making a wish map. What it is? This is a collage where all your dreams are collected in the form of photographs. He has next view:

The wish card is capable of amazing things.

Hang this creation in a conspicuous place, and view it daily, imagining that it is you in the picture: driving this brand new car, doing repairs in a newly purchased apartment, flying on a plane to rest, etc.

Looking for money for an apartment

To find the right amount for your home, you can use various options. We offer 5 proven methods:

  • Bank mortgage
  • Help from relatives
  • Life maintenance contract
  • Change of profession, opening a business
  • Additional income.

Let's consider each option in more detail.

  1. Bank mortgage

Not everyone wants to take out a mortgage. Not everyone wants to get into such debts for a long time. But sometimes, this is the only way out of the situation.

Before taking a loan, study in detail the conditions of lending in the selected bank. Most often it turns out that at the end of the mortgage you will have to return double the cost of the apartment. But, alas, there is no getting away from it.

This method is risky in that you can be left without a job, get sick, and you need to pay off a huge debt. This load will put pressure on you for quite a long time.

However, inflation and the depreciation of the ruble will lead to the fact that you may pay off your mortgage earlier than planned.

If possible, it is worth considering the installment option with the developer of the new building.

  1. Financial support of relatives

In most cases, young families dream of their own housing. And if parents are able to somehow help adult children, this is quite a good option. You should not refuse it, trying, in this way, to show independence or demonstrate pride.

First of all, they dream about their apartment. young families

  1. Life maintenance contract

There are often situations where old man needs care, but there is no one to help him. In this case, he offers mutually beneficial cooperation. It consists in the following: the property, which is currently owned by a pensioner, is donated to someone who will provide him with proper care. That is, those who want to acquire their own housing are obliged to take care of the old man, and after his death, the apartment automatically passes to this person.

It is best to consider this option for women, as it is easier for them to take care of the care and household. Most likely, you will have to live on the same area with an aged person, be prepared for this.

It is also worth understanding that you will have to take care of more than one year. In addition, if you change your mind and do not want to take care of it anymore, this will entail significant costs. Since in the event of termination of such an agreement, a fine is imposed.

But if the old man changes his mind about giving you an apartment, he can easily do it, and you will not receive any payments. Or maybe you used your money to buy him medicines, fruits, and simply wasted your time and energy.

  1. Additional income

If your salary is more than modest, then neither the wish card nor the strictest savings will help you collect an impressive amount. In this case, you need to think about additional income.

One of the best ways to be passive income. What it is, we examined in detail in this. In short, its essence is as follows: without taking any active actions, you receive a certain amount of funds every month.

Sources of passive income can be:

  • Investments
  • Bank deposits
  • Intellectual property
  • Earning from your own website.
  1. Change of profession

If your work does not bring you the desired material return, now is the time to think about changing your profession.

You can retrain and master a new specialty. You don't have to go to university. Today, there are many courses, including remote ones, that will teach the right profession in a short time and issue a supporting document.

Another option is your own business. Choose your favorite business idea on our website and implement it. We always offer only working options!

Have you managed to save up for an apartment? Do you think this is real? Leave your comments below!

A separate apartment is the dream of many young families.

I want to live on my own, without roommates and parental care.

But, unfortunately, Moscow is an expensive city.

And the cost of apartments sometimes scares the number of zeros.

How can an average resident of Russia save up for an apartment?

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Well, the question is difficult, but solvable. If you set a goal, find the means and do not stray from the chosen path, you can save up for your own apartment in just 3 years. The main thing is not just to dream, but to develop a plan to conquer Moscow apartments. And everything will work out.

Moscow real estate has been and remains one of the most expensive in the world. Housing prices continue to rise steadily, and salaries do not even think of catching up with them.

The average Muscovite can save up for an apartment if he saves his entire salary for 11 years without spending a penny from it. At what he will buy, perhaps not quite what he will need at that moment. This is the cheapest housing option.

According to our data, the most expensive housing in Moscow is sold for 2 billion rubles. The lowest price is asked for a twenty-meter odnushka in a brick house - 4 million. We are talking about secondary housing. In a new building, an apartment will cost the same price, but you still have to invest a lot of money in it: repairs, furniture, and so on.

The real price for an apartment in a good condition in a good area of ​​Moscow will cost about 6 million, in St. Petersburg - one and a half million, in the regions - from 900 thousand to 2 million.

What is the average salary in Russia and the level of housing prices

Can a family and how to save up for an apartment without a mortgage? In principle, it is possible, if you make every effort to do so. (see) Experts have calculated that if a family of two adults with a total income of 120 thousand rubles a month saves half of their income for the purchase of housing, then they will save up for an apartment at best in 6 years! And this did not take into account inflation, as well as serious financial losses.

How to quickly save money for an apartment: getting to know the real estate market

Prices vary widely across regions. Everything is taken into account here: infrastructure, proximity to the metro, prestige and so on. Apartments in New Moscow are noticeably cheaper. The same can be said about real estate in an area where there is no subway nearby.

Primary or secondary? It's a matter of priorities.

Advantages of primary housing.

  • At the stage of excavation - cheaper; by the end of construction, you will have to pay more for finishing work, but you will get the desired result.
  • New communications. In general, everything is new, not defiled by anyone's presence (if this is important to you).
  • It is unlikely that neighbors who are drug addicts or alcoholics will come across.

Now let's look at the second one.

  1. More assortment: we take not what is left, but what we want. Or similar.
  2. Less risk. The risk associated with fraud. This is where a good lawyer can help. But whether the developer will go bankrupt and whether he is going to run away with money - no one can predict this!
  3. Newly built apartments are usually rented “in concrete”. Her "bringing to mind" will cost a round sum.
  4. You can’t immediately register in a new building, but you can in secondary housing.

If you have decided on this issue, think about what layout suits you, look for a suitable option and find out the cost.

How to keep track of expenses and income?

Is it possible to save money for an apartment and how to save money?

  • Do not borrow, especially from a bank.
  • Write down expenses (oddly enough, this helps).
  • Buy only what you really need, do not throw away products.
  • Install meters and try to reduce their readings: do not pour water in vain, turn off the lights and electrical appliances, replace ordinary lamps with energy-saving ones.
  • Give up unnecessary expenses: cafes, cinema, cigarettes, alcohol, etc.

Only if you are motivated to buy something you want, an apartment for example, will you be able to change your habits! Remember more often the good goal you are going towards and everything will work out!

You may be able to save money by moving to a smaller rented apartment or to a worse area. Or maybe even relatives?

How to get additional income to buy an apartment?

Naturally, saving is not enough. We still need to increase income. How to get additional income and earn money for an apartment?

First, let's see what you can do within your profession: climb the career ladder, find a part-time job (private services).

Learn new skills: foreign language, computer, etc. Think about your hobbies: will you be able to benefit from them: photography, drawing and much more can become a source of additional income.

You can also look for other part-time jobs: writing articles, helping to write term papers, preparing lunches in the office, walking dogs or taking animals for overexposure, and any small one-time part-time job: to sit with a child, for example.

Remember! A rolling stone gathers no moss. We have to do something, look for some opportunities. Money just doesn’t fall on your head - at least not for you, if you are reading this article.

How to increase money without risk?

It is unlikely to come out without risk, but it is possible to minimize them. To do this, consider ways to increase the amount already accumulated. What options are available here?

  1. Put on deposit. This is perhaps the safest option, which can give an income of up to 15% per annum.
  2. Invest in mutual funds (investment fund). Income can be up to 30-60%.
  3. Investing in Forex trading. If you're lucky, the income will be quite good. This is a risky way that can provide the highest annual interest.

Don't put all your eggs in one basket - don't put all your money in one place! Place them in different banks, or in different mutual funds. And it is better both there and there.

You can try to make money by renting out your apartment (if you have one, it just doesn’t suit you) or by renting your car to a taxi company.

Calculation: how to save up for an apartment with a salary of 50,000 rubles in 3 years

Let's take an example, how to save up for an apartment in Moscow. Suppose a family of two with a total income of 100,000 rubles rents an apartment for 30,000 rubles and wants to buy an apartment for 6 million. Let's add on inflation - 7.5 million rubles.

To begin with, these people reduced expenses and save not half (50 thousand), but more - 60. Then they moved to their parents - another 30 thousand. Total per year 1.08 million rubles.

This money was partially deposited in the bank: 500 thousand will give 560 thousand by the end of the second year. Partially in mutual funds - the income will be, say, 70 thousand.

Suppose now both spouses have mastered earnings on the Internet, which gives them a total of 30 thousand per month, and 360 thousand per year.

Total for the second year, the income will be 2,321,000 rubles, that is, almost a third of an apartment or an apartment in the regions.

In the third year, this money can also be invested: say, a million for a deposit - you will receive an income of 100 thousand; in mutual funds 800 thousand - let's say the income is 120 thousand (15%); Forex gave 500 thousand, suppose another 15% - 75 thousand.

Suppose a family's income (promotion of one and additional earnings of another) increased by another 10,000 per month - by 120,000 per year. As a result, the amount of income only for the third year will be more than a third of the cost of the apartment.

Thus, it can be seen that it is difficult to save up for an apartment, but it is possible if you get down to business wisely and devote all your strength to this goal.

If you have any questions about " How to save up for an apartment in 3 years in Russia?”, ask them in the comments.

The issue of buying your own home is particularly acute for most residents of Russia. Interest rate on real estate and cash loans is very high, which causes concern even for people with above-average earnings. What to do if the inheritance in the form of an apartment is not planned in the near future, but you want to live in your cozy home? How to save money for an apartment without denying yourself a normal meal and accommodation? Answering all these questions will help proven advice from financial experts and people who managed to raise the necessary amount to purchase real estate.

Learning to plan expenses

Regardless of which option you choose to save for your own home, you need to have initial capital. Now the average apartment in which a young family can live costs about 3 million rubles, and 20-60% of this amount needs to be saved up so that there is a start for the application of serious and effective measures that will help buy a home.

To collect several hundred thousand rubles, you need to optimize your expenses as much as possible and learn how to save money.

This will help the following rules:

  • learn how to reasonably save on food, try to cook at home from quality products, and not visit restaurants, this will help save a considerable amount without reducing the standard of living;
  • optimize utility costs, install meters, replace ordinary light bulbs with energy-saving ones;
  • do not make rash purchases, especially expensive ones, plan all your expenses in detail and weigh their expediency;
  • do not take loans and do not lend, try to manage with your own funds;
  • set aside at least 10% of each cash receipt, this is called “salary to yourself”, it is issued immediately after financial injections and remains untouchable.

How to manage savings?

If you have learned how to raise money, plan your budget correctly, and without worsening your living conditions, you managed to save up the required percentage of the amount of your future housing, you can be proud of yourself, now the process will go much faster and more interesting. Let's take a conditional amount of 400,000 rubles and try to visually see how you can use it to accumulate capital for your own housing.

This is one of the simplest and most reliable methods of saving for your own housing. You need to take your start-up capital and put it into a deposit account. The interest rate can be different, depending on which structure you choose. Conditionally, you will receive 13% per annum, and every month you will continue to save 20,000 rubles. A year you will receive 52,000 rubles on a deposit, and if you renew the contract and add the accumulated 240,000 to the initial amount, then next year you will already have a profit of 83,200 rubles. If you increase the contribution every year, then the percentage will also increase, therefore, after 4-6 years you will be able to become the owner of your own apartment.

Investing in securities

Investments in Forex, stocks and bonds can give up to 500% profit. However, this event is only suitable for those who know exactly how to play in this market. If you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to postpone this option and use other proven methods.


Buying an apartment on a mortgage is an excellent option for many young families, since people get housing immediately, and they can pay for it gradually, even over decades. However, banks advertise this service quite “juicy”, in fact, it has several pitfalls that you need to be aware of.

First of all, if you take out a mortgage, the apartment will not become yours, it will be secured by the bank. In case of late repayment of the debt, you may be evicted from your housing without returning all previously made investments.

It is also worth considering that the more time you spend on paying, the greater the interest you will simply have to overpay the bank for giving you the opportunity to use the money of its depositors. The amounts are impressive, sometimes they even reach half the initial cost of housing.

Disadvantages of a mortgage:

  • long-term dependence on a financial institution;
  • the inability to calculate their financial capabilities for decades to come;
  • big overpayment;
  • the risk of being evicted from their own housing;
  • moral pressure.

Living in rented housing and saving on your own

For many people, the long-term prospect of renting an apartment will seem wasteful, but in some cases it can be an excellent alternative to the same mortgage. If you initially have an amount of 400,000 rubles, you will be able to properly dispose of it in order to buy your own living space in 6-10 years.

If you pay 20,000 rubles for rent every month, then you will have another 20,000 rubles left that you do not have to pay for a mortgage that you still did not take. This amount must be immediately put aside in an envelope, and in a year we will have (20 * 12) 240,000 rubles, add to this amount those 400,000 that did not go to the first installment, and we will get 640,000 rubles. After 2 years, we will have 880,000 rubles at our disposal, and we will already be able to buy a small room, which we will rent out.

Savings for the month will be higher, since approximately 5 thousand more will be added to them for a rented room. After 3 years, you can sell the property you bought the day before, add your savings to the proceeds, and buy a small studio apartment, which is quite enough for a young couple to live. If there are children in the family, it will take several more years to raise money for a two-room apartment.

Risk factors and concerns:

  1. Keeping money under the pillow according to the old grandfather method is completely unprofitable, as they depreciate every day. If you decide to save for your own housing using a bank deposit, it is better to do it in a sustainable foreign currency, this will guarantee your confidence in the stability of your savings.
  2. Studying the real estate market and banking services takes at least 1-2 months, you need to be ready for this. Before you find a reliable method of investing and choose the most suitable conditions for the purchase of housing, it is worthwhile to study in detail all the possible options and offers from developer companies, stock firms.
  3. Inflation and devaluation is a constant phenomenon in our country, so you need to be prepared for the fact that the cost of an apartment will increase every year. It is for this reason that, when initially calculating the time that will need to be spent to collect the required amount, you need to add at least a year.
  4. Real estate insurance and Money will help you preserve your assets and recover your savings in case of their complete depreciation. It's worth choosing Insurance companies with a good reputation, which have been on the market for a long time.

How to save up for an apartment with a small salary?

The above methods of raising funds for own housing only work if the person has a stable high income. But what if the salary does not allow you to save 20-40 thousand every month? In this case, financial experts recommend finding a source of income, such as selling valuable property or real estate, in order to obtain the initial capital that is necessary for competent savings.

If there is absolutely nothing that can bring profit, this does not mean that you will have to live in a rented apartment all the time. It will be possible to purchase your living space only for a longer period of time.

To collect start-up capital, you need to set aside 10% from each salary and all sudden profits (winning the lottery, gift, bonus, etc.). An excellent option would be passive income, which can be organized after accumulating a certain amount.

Anyone who has fixed income. Proper budget planning and financial allocation will help you collect savings even from a small salary, which in the future will work to make your dream a reality. Treat your assets responsibly, direct them in the right direction, and you will certainly be able to acquire your living space in just a few years!

A separate apartment is the dream of every person, but is it possible and how to save up for it without the help of a mortgage. The cost of housing today is frightening with the number of zeros, so some do not know how to buy it without applying for a housing loan.

In fact, if you set a goal, you can save up for your apartment in a fairly short period of time, despite the fact that housing prices continue to rise and salaries remain at the same level. If you constantly save your entire salary, which has an average size, then you will be able to save up in 10-15 years. But this is not the best way out, especially since you will get one of the cheapest housing options to buy.

According to experts, if a family with an income of 120 thousand monthly saves exactly half, then they will be able to purchase housing in 6-7 years. But all this is fraught with serious financial losses in case of inflation.

So, how do you raise money to buy your own apartment?

  • First you need to learn how to correctly keep track of expenses and income. Write down all your expenses, buy only what you need (go to the store only with a list), set meters and try to reduce their readings every month, save on utility bills. Give up such unnecessary expenses as coffee, cigarettes, alcohol. Remember your goal and don't back down. If you rent an apartment, then temporarily move to a worse area and a cheaper apartment, and best of all with relatives.
  • You need to find additional income. As part of your career, aim for career advancement. Also, find a part-time job. You may need new skills that can be obtained in special courses. Your hobby can also bring additional income.

There is an opportunity to earn extra money at home, at your home computer. There are several options for remote earnings for a PC, for example, writing paid articles - copywriting. You will receive more information about making money without leaving your home in this article.

If you already have an apartment, but it does not suit you, try renting it out. It will also provide you with additional income.

Try to multiply the money you already have. There are several possible ways here. The first and most secure is to deposit funds. The most attractive offers bank deposits you will find in this review.

Thus, if you take it seriously, then saving up for your own apartment without the help of a mortgage is quite realistic. Additionally, we recommend that you read the article, which provides real tips on how to quickly raise money.

If you want to know how to get a loan without refusal? Then follow this link. If you have a bad credit history and banks refuse you, then you should definitely read this

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