Promsvyazbank owners. Promsvyazbank reached the finish line

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Deposit and credit rates Promsvyazbank

Min. credit rate - 10.9%

Max. deposit rate - 6.35%

Main state registration number: 1027739019142 Assets, billion rubles: 1165 Issuance and acquiring of bank cards: American Express, DINERS CLUB, MasterCard Int., VISA International, Customs Payment system Promsvyazbank official website: Single free phone: 8 800 555-20-20

Public Joint Stock Company Promsvyazbank was established in 1995. The bank was organized on the initiative of the management of the Moscow Intercity and International Telephone Company. The co-founders were CJSC Technoserv A/S and LLP Singleton. In 2001, the bank changed its organizational and legal form and became a closed joint stock company, and in 2007 it was transformed into an open joint stock company. By 2010, Promsvyazbank had taken over three regional banks, namely Nizhny Novgorod, Volgoprombank and Yarsotsbank. Promsvyazbank is a large universal credit organization with a developed branch network of representative offices and points of sale. The key activity of the financial institution is the financing of enterprises and the servicing of accounts of corporate clients. In addition, the bank's management is actively working on the development of retail areas banking services. Operations in the interbank market, in the market valuable papers, as well as on currency markets are also within the scope of the bank.

As of the beginning of 2015, Promsvyazbank ranked eleventh among the largest Russian banks in terms of assets and equity, and among the largest financial institutions Central and of Eastern Europe- in fifteenth place. Major shareholders of Promsvyazbank are a subsidiary of CommerzBank AG - CommerzBank Auslandsbanken Holding AG, as well as the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The Bank consistently has high reliability ratings from major international and national rating agencies.

The bank's clients now are almost one and a half million individuals and almost one hundred thousand corporate clients. The Bank provides a full range of banking services to large organizations, both commercial and budgetary, as well as small and medium-sized businesses, while being a leader in the markets of international and interbank lending, factoring and lending. The geography of the bank's activities includes 300 points of sale and service in the largest cities of Russia, as well as several countries of near and far abroad. The ATM network of Promsvyazbank has more than eight thousand devices. In addition, the ATM network is integrated with the networks of such banks as Alfa-Bank, MDM Bank and Rosselkhozbank.

Third Party Ratings and Rating Agencies

Expert RA
S&P ruAA-
Min. car loan rate
Min. mortgage rate 8.9

Latest Reviews about Promsvyazbank

Received 5000 rubles! I put money on the card, the ATM chewed up a 5000 bill and did not count it. The bank considered the appeal for three weeks, after which it said that it did not find any extra money at the ATM!

Nataliya Migunova, 18.04.2019 Link

the guest, 17.04.2019 Link

I worked for 4 months with a current account in Promsvyazbank. Not for nothing, without any warning, they imposed restrictions on movements on the current account. It happened exactly not even on the day, but at the hour of transferring money to me for the intermediary services performed. Draw your own conclusions. I think there are special people sitting there who analyze when it is better for a client to impose restrictions on his account! Nobody explains anything at the bank office, I had to borrow money and pay off borrowed money from these would-be shareholders. I didn’t have any authority. Today I wrote an application for closing a current account, I’m waiting for the money to be transferred to another account. My first education is journalism. I’ll have to think it’s possible to fight this lawlessness through connections there. they will have enough fiction further. I will post information on all resources. Perhaps the case will go to court, I will have to charge a penalty for each day of my losses.

Yurii, 10.02.2018 Link

Promsvyazbank Refuses to close the current account, withhold money, withdraw money from the account for fictitious needs. Refuses to close the current account, withhold money, withdraw money from the account for fictitious needs. For a long time, Promsvyazbank in the city of Samara, refuses to close the current account, the bank employee's phone ..., referring to the fact that they do not have enough documents, I provided everything that is possible, but every time the bank has new requirements, on the current account my company has large funds that the bank holds illegally, and writes off every day for fictitious needs, for which so far no one has provided an explanation. Having informed the bank that he had accepted the application and was obliged to transfer money within 7 days, where I provided the details, to which the bank employees first replied in chorus that they did not have the right to do this, after which that they could not transfer to IP accounts , showing them an account statement that I had already transferred earlier to these details, the bank employees thought, and then new stories began, they need founding documents, then an extract with a blue seal, in general, every time we brought them the required document, they remembered that they had forgotten about another document, and that without it the transfer of money was not possible. In general, I do not recommend that you open an account with this bank, and generally use this bank, since the account has not worked for a week, huge commissions for everything, bank employees yell at you and swear, moreover, they are almost ready to throw you out of the bank. And you will take the money only through the court after 2 months, and the bank will spin your money free of charge!

fedormorozov87, 13.12.2017 Link

An excellent bank for all categories of the population. My parents are pensioners who are far from banking system, easily use all the options without physically visiting the bank. For me, convenience and simplicity were decisive factors in the choice. The pension is transferred to the pension card, payments for the apartment are debited automatically ... this is good, because. in old age such fuss is a burden. Another point is a free annual service and a 5% savings system.

olegbelov, 20.01.2017 Link

Promsvyazbank deposits

10/22/2018 Promsvyazbank has improved conditions for main deposits
Promsvyazbank raised rates on the promotional deposit "My income", as well as on the basic line of deposits by an average of 0.1-0.3 percentage points. Also, now all deposits of the basic line provide for surcharges...
09/20/2018 Promsvyazbank has improved conditions for deposit programs
Promsvyazbank raised rates on a number of deposit programs and supplemented the product line with a deposit for a period of 4 months. Now the maximum rate on a classic deposit in rubles is 6.7% per annum...
Promsvyazbank offered customers new contribution"My Strategy" with an increased rate of up to 8.5% per annum, subject to the issuance of a policy investment insurance life (ISZH)... 13.12.2017 Promsvyazbank launched a new highly profitable savings account
Promsvyazbank clients - individuals– a new savings account “Profitable” became available with rates of 6.8% per annum in rubles, 1% per annum in US dollars and 0.4% per annum in euros... 8.11.2017 Promsvyazbank launches a seasonal deposit for SME clients
Promsvyazbank offered clients of small and medium-sized businesses a new seasonal deposit called Novogodniy, within which it is possible to deposit from 100,000 rubles for 90 days...

Promsvyazbank news

08/15/2017 Promsvyazbank is holding a smartphone draw among SME customers
Promsvyazbank announces a drawing of 300 smartphones engraved with the Promsvyazbank logo among entrepreneurial clients who have become users mobile bank"PSB My Business" from May 1 to December 31, 2017... 07/28/2017 Promsvyazbank places "perpetual" Eurobonds
Promsvyazbank (PSB) is placing perpetual subordinated Eurobonds for $500 mln at 8.75%, demand for securities exceeded $1.1 bln... 20.02.2017 Promsvyazbank launched a refinancing project for individuals
Promsvyazbank provided an opportunity for clients to refinance favorable conditions loans from other banks. This offer allows you to combine up to 5 loans into one (including POS loans and credit cards)...
Promsvyazbank implemented new service online checks of counterparties. The PSB On-line interface for legal entities has a built-in warning system about the reliability of a partner with whom the company conducts mutual settlements...
In Promsvyazbank, when opening an account for a company, it became possible to use a special web service - autofill. This is an online assistant who, based on basic information about the client, will prepare the documents necessary for opening an account according to the bank's standards...

Limited Liability Company "Management Company PROMSVYAZ" (license for managing investment funds, mutual funds and non-state pension funds No. 21-000-1-00096 dated December 20, 2002 (issued by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia), License of a professional participant in securities for carrying out securities management activities No. 045-10104-001000 dated April 10, 2007, issued by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia.

OPIF of market financial instruments "PROMSVYAZ-AKTSIYA" Registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of the Russian Federation under No. 0336-76034510 dated March 23, 2005.

OPIF of market financial instruments "PROMSVYAZ-BALANCED" Registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of the Russian Federation under No. 0337-76034438 dated March 23, 2005.

OPIF of market financial instruments "PROMSVYAZ-BOND" Registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of the Russian Federation under No. 0335-76034355 dated 23.03.2005.

OPIF of market financial instruments "PROMSVYAZ-GLOBAL FUNDS" Registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of the Russian Federation under No.

Closed-end real estate investment fund "Azimut", Rules for trust management of the fund No. 1507-94111384, registered Federal Service on financial markets 08/06/2009;

Closed-end investment fund "First Rentny", Fund Trust Rules No. 1448-94199611, registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service on 10.06.2009;

Closed-end rental investment fund "Commercial Real Estate", Fund Trust Management Rules No. 1588-94199522, registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service on 08.10.2009

The bank was founded in 1995 on the initiative of the Moscow Intercity and International Telephone organization. The first participants in the bank were Technoserv A/S CJSC, Moscow Intercity and International Telephone OJSC (35% each in the authorized capital) and Singleton LLP (30%). In July 2001, the bank was transformed into a closed joint stock company, in August 2007 - into an open joint stock company. During 2010, regional subsidiary banks - Nizhny Novgorod, Volgoprombank, and Yarsotsbank - were merged with the parent credit organization. In October 2004, Promsvyazbank became a member of the deposit insurance system.

Until recently, the main owners of Promsvyazbank were the brothers Alexey and Dmitry Ananiev*, who controlled 50.03% of the shares in equal shares through Promsvyaz Capital BV. The bank's shareholders were also the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (11.75%), Moscow Credit Bank PJSC within the framework of REPO (9.97%), JSC NPF SAFMAR and NPF Doverie (10%, the ultimate beneficiary is Said Gutseriev), JSC NPF Future (10%, former OJSC NPF Blagosostoyanie OPS, the ultimate beneficiary is Boris Mints), former owners of Pervobank PJSC Leonid Mikhelson and Leonid Simanovsky (total 3.28%). “Non-state pension fund “SAFMAR” appeared as a shareholder of the bank in August 2016. In February 2017, ex-senator Viktor Pichugov, who owned a 10% stake, left the shareholders; instead, PJSC "MKB" entered the bank's capital (within the framework of REPO).

Note that from December 2006 to June 2012, the German Commerzbank AG (through its subsidiary Commerzbank Auslandsbanken Holding AG) was a shareholder of Promsvyazbank with a 14.369% stake.

Recall that OPS Welfare OJSC, a non-state pension fund (controlled by structures of Boris Mints), acquired a 10% stake in Promsvyazbank in May 2015. At the end of April, the fund bought the bank's shares on the Moscow Exchange, the purchase price was 6.9 billion rubles. At that time, many market participants noted the non-market nature of this transaction, since the bank was acquired with a ratio to capital higher than that of Sberbank and a number of other traded banks. In May 2015, a group of non-state pension funds - NPF European Pension Fund, NPF Doverie and NPF Regionfond, controlled by Mikail Shishkhanov's BIN banking group - acquired another 10% stake in Promsvyazbank; the purchase price also amounted to RUB 6.9 billion. The shares were purchased on the Moscow Stock Exchange.

In general, 2015 was a bright and active year for the bank. Since the spring of 2015, the Ananiev brothers began to actively buy shares of Vozrozhdenie Bank. As a result, the structures of Promsvyazcapital managed to buy out a share of funds controlled by BNP Paribas (5.5% of shares) in a month and a half, negotiate with JP Morgan (9.88%) and Tamur Holdings (4.3%), controlled by Vladimir Kogan. Later in August, 24.6% of the shares were sold to them by the second largest shareholder Otar Margania and Tatiana Orlova's brother Nikolai Orlov (owned 6.6%). In November 2015, Promsvyazcapital announced that it had received permission from the Central Bank to purchase more than 70% of Vozrozhdenie's ordinary shares. The purchase of Vozrozhdenie Bank cost the owners of Promsvyazbank, brothers Dmitry and Alexei Ananyev, more than $200 million. As of October 5, 2017, the structures of Promsvyazcapital controlled 55.25% of the shares of Vozrozhdeniye Bank.

Since July 2015, based on the results of a competitive selection conducted by the DIA, Promsvyazbank was selected as an investor for the rehabilitation of Avtovazbank (AVB PJSC).

At the beginning of November 2015, a deal was closed on the acquisition of Pervobank by Promsvyazbank, as a result of which 86.54% of the shares of the credit institution came under the control of Promsvyazbank, and the former owners of Pervobank Leonid Mikhelson and Leonid Simanovsky became shareholders of Promsvyazbank with shares of 2.57% and 0.71% respectively.

In December 2017, the Bank of Russia introduced a temporary administration in Promsvyazbank, entrusting its functions to OOO UK Banking Sector Consolidation Fund. At the beginning of 2018 authorized capital bank was reduced to one ruble. In mid-January 2018, the Ministry of Finance officially announced the creation of a base bank for servicing the state defense order on the basis of the sanitized Promsvyazbank. A little later, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov announced that up to 1 trillion rubles of loans issued to military-industrial enterprises could be transferred to the balance of Promsvyazbank as part of the transfer to the bank of assets related to companies included in the US sanctions list. In March 2018, the President of the Russian Federation signed a law on the scheme for the transfer of Promsvyazbank to the Federal Property Management Agency. The document gave the government the right to accept shares of Promsvyazbank from the DIA into the treasury by reducing the property contribution of the Russian Federation to the agency by up to 150 billion rubles. It was assumed that the DIA would buy shares of Promsvyazbank for this amount at the expense of federal loan bonds provided earlier as part of the additional capitalization program. At the end of March, the DIA bought out an additional issue of Promsvyazbank shares, recapitalizing it by 113.4 billion rubles and thus becoming the owner of 99.99% of the bank's shares.

In April 2018, the Bank of Russia became the owner of 99.9% of the ordinary shares of Avtovazbank, which was reorganized by Promsvyazbank.

In May 2018, almost 100% of the bank's shares were transferred to the state treasury.

From September 6, 2018, the execution of the functions of the temporary administration for managing the bank was terminated by the MC FKBS.

As of February 2018, Promsvyazbank's service network consisted of 310 points of sale, including seven branches in Russian regions, as well as a branch in Cyprus and a representative office in China. The bank services 10.4 thousand large corporate clients, 216 thousand small and medium-sized business clients, and 2.5 million retail clients. For the convenience of plastic users, more than 9.2 thousand ATMs and more than 200 self-service terminals have been installed throughout Russia. The Bank's products and services are represented in the vast majority of regions, covering about 88% of the Russian population. In addition, Promsvyazbank cardholders have access to preferential cash withdrawals in the united network of partner banks (more than 10,000 ATMs throughout Russia).

Currently, the bank's products and services for corporations and businesses include lending, deposits, foreign exchange control, structuring and financing of foreign trade contracts, issuing letters of credit, liquidity management, investment services, salary projects, corporate and customs cards, merchant and Internet acquiring, cash settlement services, factoring, bank guarantees, loan products SME corporations. Individuals have access to deposits, loans (including consumer loans, mortgages, credit cards), bank cards (MasterCard and Mir), accounts and transfers (including through Western Union and UNIStream systems), investment services, insurance, rent of cells, etc.

Since the beginning of 2018, the net assets of the credit institution have increased by 11.2%, amounting to 1.4 trillion rubles at the beginning of May. In liabilities, the increase was mainly due to an increase in loro bank account balances, and to a lesser extent, an increase in equity capital and an influx of deposits from individuals. In assets, there was a significant increase in the volume of issued interbank loans (including in the form of deposits in the Central Bank), the portfolio of which grew by almost six times. At the same time, the bank used not only attracted funding, but also the liquidity received from the sale of the securities portfolio (-20%).

At the beginning of May 2018, 27.0% of liabilities are deposits of individuals, 21.3% are attracted interbank loans, 13.5% are funds of enterprises and organizations, 2.6% are bonds and promissory notes issued by the bank. Turnovers on customer accounts since the beginning of 2018 amounted to about 1 trillion rubles a month. According to the bank's IFRS financial statements for 2017, the level of risk concentration on large customers is low: as of December 31, 2017, the total amount of balances on current accounts and deposits of the 20 largest customers amounted to 13% of the total volume of customer liabilities (a year earlier - 19%). As of May 1, 2018, equity capital calculated using the Bank of Russia methodology was negative (-60.2 billion rubles).

As part of assets, 47.4% is accounted for by the loan portfolio, 86% of which are loans issued legal entities, the rest is "retail". The delay at the reporting date is shown at the level of 26.7%, according to RAS reporting, it is growing in dynamics (15.9% at the beginning of 2018). Since the beginning of the year, the level of provisioning has grown not so significantly - from 35.7% to 38.4% of loan portfolio. Loan collateral is low, accounting for 56.2% of the portfolio. According to the bank's IFRS statements for 2017, in the sectoral structure of the loan portfolio, 21.9% formed the real estate segment, 10.3% accounted for trade, 8.5% - finance, 6.4% - Agriculture, 6.1% - food industry, 5.7% - timber and woodworking industry, 5.6% metallurgy and other segments. As of December 31, 2017, the total amount of loans issued to the 20 largest borrowers (or groups of related borrowers) amounted to 33% of the loan portfolio (same as a year earlier).

Issued interbank loans account for 23.5% of assets as of the reporting date. About 60% of their structure is issued Russian banks on the short time, the rest - deposits in the Central Bank, and a very small share - short-term loans non-resident banks. In the interbank lending market, in recent years, the bank has been working in both directions, placing and attracting liquidity, both in transactions with commercial banks, and with the Bank of Russia. The total turnover on placement over the past year ranged from 127 billion to 1.1 trillion rubles, on attraction - from 73 billion to 727.1 billion rubles. In addition, the bank actively conducts operations and futures transactions in foreign currency.

The securities portfolio occupies 11.2% of assets; since the beginning of 2018, the volume of investments has decreased by 20%. More than 60% of the portfolio is represented by OFZs, 20% each was occupied by bonds of Russian corporate issuers and securities transferred to REPO.

The share of highly liquid assets is just over 5%; in cash and balances on correspondent accounts.

At the end of 2017, the bank's net profit amounted to 10.5 billion rubles (the same indicator for 2016 - 12.1 billion rubles). In January-April 2018, the bank received a loss in the amount of 47.5 billion rubles (1.6 billion rubles of profit for the same period last year) as a result of additional provisioning for loans.

Governing body: Petr Fradkov (Chairman).

* Alexey and Dmitry Ananyevs (born in 1964 and born in 1969) are the founders and former co-owners of Promsvyazbank, Orthodox patrons of the arts. Apart from banking business, the empire of the Ananiev brothers included the system integrator Technoserv, the management company Promsvyaz, PromSvyazCapital, which invests in media assets, Promsvyaznedvizhimost, Karacharovsky Mechanical Plant, etc.

The fortune of the former member of the Federation Council from the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (from September 2006 to 2013) Dmitry Ananiev and his older brother Alexei is estimated by Forbes magazine at 700 million US dollars, assigning them 149th and 148th places respectively in the list " 200 richest businessmen of Russia - 2018".

Location : Moscow Key Figures Petr Fradkov
(Chairman of the Board of Directors) Authorized capital RUB 15.91 billion (2016, IFRS) Equity ▲ RUB 91.53 billion (2016, IFRS) Assets RUB 1.224 trillion (2016, IFRS) Net profit ▲ RUB 2.136 billion (2016, IFRS) Number of employees 10,000 people main society Russian Federation Subsidiaries Pervobank
AvtoVAZbank Auditor PWC Bank Data Sources Key financial indicators Website Promsvyazbank at Wikimedia Commons

One of Promsvyazbank's offices in Moscow

From 1999 to 2011, financed Saturn (football club, Ramenskoye) defense order and major government contracts.

The bank is included in the list of eleven systemically important credit organizations according to the Bank of Russia.

In terms of assets, Promsvyazbank is in the TOP-10 Russian banks (9th place) and ranks 15th among credit institutions in Central and Eastern Europe in terms of equity


In the first half of the 1990s, the Ananyev brothers' business was based on the Technoserv IT company. The idea to create a bank was born in the course of one of the projects to automate the business processes of another client. From the very beginning, the brothers decided that Dmitry would take care of the bank, and Alexei would remain at Technoserv.

Promsvyazbank was founded on May 12, 1995 in Moscow, and was positioned "as an industry bank for the largest communications enterprises." The bank developed rapidly, and already in 1998 it entered the top 100 in terms of assets, and in 2005 - in the top 15 (from January 1999 to July 1, 2006, the bank's assets increased 113.2 times - up to 125 billion rubles). Since 2001, business diversification began through the issuance of bonds, the following year, PSB began working in factoring and international banking (in addition to a branch in Cyprus, an office was opened in Switzerland in 2013). By 2004, the bank was known as the financial core of the Ananyev brothers' business. In the mid-2000s, the retail network grew significantly, the development of which was carried out by a team of former managers of Guta-Bank: by 2007, it had points of sale in more than 90 locations throughout Russia. . Being the leader in growth among the thirty largest banks in the Russian Federation, PSB was distinguished by the high secrecy of the information provided (although publishing reports on international standards started back in 1997). The bank was connected by IFD Capital and Svyazinvest, Minister of Communications Leonid Reiman

There were also changes in the composition of shareholders. In September 2005, the Slovenian bank Nova Ljubljanska Banka, which was a partner of PSB, acquired a stake of 7.69%. A year later, the shares were bought back by the main owner, Promsvyaz Capital B.V. In November 2006, Commerzbank received a 15.32% stake in the bank's authorized capital through its Russian subsidiary Commerzbank Auslandsbanken Holding AG. In 2007, Promsvyazbank changed its form of ownership from a closed joint-stock company to an open joint stock company.

In the midst of the crisis, in 2009 Promsvyazbank was recognized as [ by whom?] one of the most reliable banks in Russia (4th place according to the Profile magazine). The bank's growth rates and the course to attract retail customers were maintained. Expansion to the regions also continued: the Volgograd Volgoprombank and the Nizhny Novgorod bank were merged, and in 2010 - Yarsotsbank.

In 2010, the bank entered the top 10 largest Russian banks in terms of assets and was named the Bank of the Year by IA. In February of the same year, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development became a shareholder of Promsvyazbank with an 11.75% stake in the authorized capital. Commerzbank Auslandsbanken Holding AG retained its 15.32% stake.

In 2012, the bank planned to enter the IPO (placement sites - the London Stock Exchange and MICEX). However, later it was decided to postpone the placement for a more favorable term, from the point of view of market conditions.

In the summer of 2012, Commerzbank, due to the restrictions imposed on it by European regulators, withdrew from the capital of Promsvyazbank by selling its stake to Promsvyaz Capital B.V. . The approximate amount of the transaction was €150 million.

According to the results of 2013, Promsvyazbank entered the top 500 largest banking brands in the world (344th place) according to The Banker. The value of the bank's brand, according to the rating, is $280 million. .

February 2014 central bank Russia has included Promsvyazbank among systemically important banks.

In 2014, the merger of Samara's Pervobank and Promsvyazbank was announced.

In 2015, the Vozrozhdenie bank became part of the banking assets of the Promsvyazcapital Group; general meeting shareholders. Against this backdrop, ordinary shares of Vozrozhdenie rose 11.3% (to 607 rubles per share), preferred shares fell 5.1% (169 rubles), shares of Promsvyazbank fell 0.01% (0.074 rubles) . On October 27, the majority owners of both banks decided to postpone the reorganization and merger due to unrest in the banking market, instead they began to explore the possibility of creating a digital bank based on Vozrozhdenie Bank.


Subsequently, the Central Bank accused the bank's management of the possible conduct of a number of illegal transactions and operations. During the work of the interim administration, a part of the credit files with a total value of 109 billion rubles was not found. (in April 2018, their discovery was announced), it was also discovered that the bank financed its subordinated obligations through repurchase transactions without showing them in the statements. The suspicions of the Central Bank were also aroused by a deal on a large sale (a 10% stake) on December 14 of the shares of the bank by a company that managed the funds of several NPFs, to the PSB itself.

According to a number of Russian media, financial position The bank was worsened by the financial crises of 2008 and 2014 (the share of non-repaid loans increased) and the tightening of the requirements of the Central Bank.

On January 13, 2018, a decision was made to write off the capital of Promsvyazbank in record time. The Central Bank reduced the capital to one ruble - already a month after the arrival of the new administration, RBC reports. In the case of FC Otkritie and Binbank, such a decision was made only three months after the introduction of external management.

On January 19, 2018, the government of the Russian Federation announced that Promsvyazbank had been selected as a specialized bank for state defense orders and major government contracts. February 22, 2018 State Duma Russian Federation adopted amendments on the transition of Promsvyazbank to the status of a defense bank. By mid-February 2019, the bank began to receive the first defense loans under a November government decree to avoid sanctions risks against the largest Russian banks, the total amount of which was estimated at 1 trillion. rub .

In April 2018, Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank Vasily Pozdyshev announced plans to create a "bank of bad debts" from the balance sheets of Rost Bank, Trust, Promsvyazbank and Avtovazbank.

Owners and management

The first owners of the bank, in addition to Technoserv A / S CJSC (with a 35% share), were Moscow Intercity and International Telephone (35%) and Singleton LLP (30%).

As of July 2016, the main shareholders of the bank are Alexey and Dmitry Ananiev (total 50.0343% of ordinary shares), 11.75% belong to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), 10% - NPF Future, 9, 9999% - NPF "SAFMAR" and NPF "Doverie", included in the same group of persons, 10% - PJSC "MKB" within the REPO. Alexey Ananiev is the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Dmitry Ananiev is the Chairman of the Board.

The shareholders of the bank as of June 30, 2017 were: Promsvyaz Capital B.V. (50.03%, controlled on a parity basis by Alexei and Dmitry Ananiev), EBRD (11.75%), NPF Future (10%, part of O1 Group), PJSC Moskovsky credit bank"(9.97%), pension funds Safmar group - Safmar NPF (6.19%) and Doverie NPF (3.81%), Levit LLC (3.28%, controlled by Leonid Mikhelson).

On April 24, 2018, Pyotr Fradkov was appointed head of the interim administration.


The bank's assets amount to 1.3 trillion rubles, equity - 153 billion rubles. Net profit for 2016 - 2.1 billion rubles.



The Bank actively cooperates with leading universities in Moscow. So, in 2012, the post of Promsvyazbank Professor of Finance was established at the Russian Economic School (NES). And in 2013, PSB signed a cooperation agreement with the Financial University under the Government of Russia.

In 2012, Promsvyazbank sponsored the Afisha Picnic music festival.

Since 2014 he has been a partner of the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory. Tchaikovsky, the issuance of salary and scholarship cards to students and faculty of the conservatory.

From 2016 to 2017, the bank was the title partner of the Moscow Marathon.


  1. PJSC PROMSVYAZBANK. Consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2016 (indefinite) (March 17, 2017). Retrieved April 4, 2017.
  2. Petr Fradkov will head Promsvyazbank
  3. On approval of the list of systemically important credit institutions | Bank of Russia (indefinite) . Retrieved 18 September 2017.
  4. On approval of the list of systemically important credit institutions
  5. Promsvyazbank, Retrieved April 19, 2017.
  6. Svetlana Petrova. Fast and quiet. How Promsvyazbank managed to break into the elite of its sector without revealing almost anything about itself. // SmartMoney, 10/16/2006
  7. Walking together. //
  8. Promsvyazbank has created an investment management unit. // Finparty
  9. Promsvyazbank will not change the strategy of work in Cyprus. // Finmarket.
  10. Bank History. //
  11. Promsvyazbank went to the Germans. //
  12. Ceremony "Bank of the Year" 09 ". //
  13. The EBRD will acquire an 11.7% stake in Promsvyazbank for RUB 4.6 billion. as part of participation in a closed subscription to its additional issue. //
  14. Promsvyazbank postponed IPO amid low prices. //
  15. Julia Lokshina. Commerzbank went to zero Kommersant newspaper No. 11 dated 01/24/2012, p. 8
  16. Promsvyazbank entered the world rating of the largest banking brands of The Banker magazine. //
  17. Three large banks came under special supervision of the Central Bank (indefinite) . // Izvestia newspaper
  18. Promsvyazbank and Pervobank announce merger (indefinite) . Retrieved October 15, 2015.
  19. Promsvyazbank received 97.3 shares of AvtoVAZbank
  20. Daria Borisyak, Alexandra Astapenko. Promsvyazbank and Vozrozhdenie want to merge Vedomosti, 09/15/2017
  21. Elena Pashutinskaya, Julia Titova, Anna Mikheeva, Pavel Kazarnovsky, Petr Kanaev. Why Promsvyazbank and Vozrozhdenie changed their minds about merging RBC, 10/27/2017
  22. Daria Borisyak. The Central Bank requires Promsvyazbank to accrue extra heavy reserves Vedomosti, 12/13/2017
  23. The Central Bank announced the reorganization of Promsvyazbank Interfax, 12/15/2017
  24. Tatiana Vasilchuk The Ananyevs sent a doctor // Novaya Gazeta. - No. 141. - 12/18/2017 - P. 3

The high-profile story with the reorganization of Promsvyazbank is moving towards the finale. Its former owners, apparently, are not threatened with criminal prosecution.

Brothers Alexei and Dmitry Ananiev will be able to work in Russia in peace. And this circumstance suggests that we have learned only a small part of the facts about the business of the founders of the PSB.

The law, according to which Promsvyazbank will be transferred to the ownership of the state, has come into force. PSB will be capitalized by almost 1 trillion rubles by transferring loans from the military-industrial complex from other banks to it. Neither the loss of credit files for almost 110 billion rubles, nor other "signs of illegal actions of the management" of the PSB, which the first deputy chairman of the Central Bank Vasily Pozdyshev spoke about, did not become the reason for the criminal prosecution of the Ananyev brothers. The situation can be considered unique. Owners and managers of other troubled banks became defendants in criminal cases after the loss of an order of magnitude smaller amounts. We remember how law enforcement agencies suspected Anatoly Motylev, the former owner of Globexbank, Russian Credit and M Bank, of fraud because of “some” 700 million rubles.

However, Alexei and Dmitry Ananiev are not afraid for their freedom and plan to continue doing business, including in Russia. Not so long ago, the brothers divided the assets: Alexei will remain with his Technoservice, Dmitry with Promsvyazkapital. At the same time, if the youngest of the brothers is now most likely abroad, Alexei Ananiev does not intend to leave the country.

“Everything that is important to me in life is here: parents, family, work. I can’t imagine my life in another country - I didn’t leave and I don’t plan to leave, ”he said in a recent interview with the Vedomosti newspaper.

In that interview, Ananiev Sr. again spoke about how unexpected the introduction of an interim administration at the end of last year turned out to be for the owners of Promsvyazbank.

“The fact that the bank has problems, distressed assets, was no secret to anyone. The regulator, the auditor, and the rating agencies knew about it. This topic was constantly heard on the board of directors<…>We have seen that the bank is operationally profitable, that the bank is increasing this profit, and there was a potential for solving accumulated problems in the future,” said Alexey Ananiev.

Indeed, it is hard to believe that the regulator did not notice for a long time, and then suddenly “discovered” the problems of the bank, which allegedly required an urgent increase in reserves by 100 billion rubles. What made the Central Bank change its position? Why, after the discovery of a multi-billion dollar hole in the balance sheet of PSB and a public attack on the owners, the Ananyev brothers are at large, are not defendants in criminal cases, and even got the opportunity to sell their shares in Vozrozhdenie Bank?

Since we do not have clear answers to these questions, we can assume that the introduction of temporary administration into the PSB had reasons not related to the activities of this credit institution. Simply put, on Neglinnaya they wanted to strike not at the Ananyevs, but at one of their partners. It is likely that these were those Promsvyazbank clients whose names and surnames appear in the missing credit files. Given the “defense” past of Alexei Ananyev, it is easy to imagine that PSB’s “secret” clients were companies associated with representatives of the so-called “silovik clan” in the broad interpretation of this concept. And they also say that Alexei and Dmitry Ananiev are close to one of the members of the Security Council. If so, then even now on the paradise islands, the team of Orthodox bankers should be extremely careful in securing their obligations to senior comrades.

The Central Bank's order to increase reserves was issued to Promsvyazbank on December 14, 2017, that is, on the eve of the announcement of the verdict to Alexei Ulyukaev, the former minister economic development and a prominent representative of the "liberal" clan opposing the "siloviki". Some will find it absurd to attempt to link the two events. But until recently, a story in which the minister personally comes to the office of a state corporation to receive a bribe could seem crazy. By the way, Ulyukaev's defenders used this circumstance in public opinion to point out the allegedly ordered nature of the criminal case against the ex-minister.

According to rumors, it was not Ulyukaev who was waiting for the money, but a smaller figure. By planting a "pawn", the "siloviki" wanted to send a signal to the "liberals" in the economic bloc of the government. By that time, the leaders of large state-owned companies were fed up with unfounded forecasts and the constant search for the "bottom" of the economy. But Alexey Ulyukaev personally came to the Rosneft office for money, and therefore the case became more resonant than its initiators expected.

In history modern Russia it was the first "landing" of the current minister. It is easy to assume that Ulyukaev's former colleagues from the Central Bank could not leave this without a reaction, the result is an attack on Promsvyazbank.

Again, this is just a version. Maybe someone will tell us a more reasonable explanation for the events that took place around Promsvyazbank and its owners over the past three months?

Several facts speak in favor of the fact that Alexei and Dmitry Ananiev are affiliated with the “siloviki”. First, in December 2017, despite the very real threat of criminal prosecution, the brothers were able to freely travel abroad. Secondly, the defense industry actively took the side of the PSB. After the reorganization, it should turn into a specialized defense bank that will serve the defense industry and will be protected from Western sanctions. Pyotr Fradkov, the son of Mikhail Fradkov, the former director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, will be in charge of the renewed credit institution.

If everything is as we expect, then we should expect a new round of undercover struggle between the "siloviki" and "liberals", which will intensify on the eve of the renewal of the government. And the question also arises: did the former owners of PSB pay off their clients?

Next time we will try to figure out whose secrets Alexey and Dmitry Ananiev keep, and who can demand a refund from them.

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