Bank guarantees. Small business loans from the state Credit guarantee

The participants in the relationship bank guarantee are the guarantor bank, the principal and the beneficiary.

Guarantor bank- the bank issuing the guarantee, i.e. who undertakes, upon the occurrence of the circumstances specified in the guarantee, to make payment to the person indicated in it. In addition to banks, guarantees can be issued by Insurance companies.

Principal- this is the person at whose request a bank guarantee is presented (for the principal debt, this is the debtor, the borrower).

Beneficiary- a person, at the request and in favor of which the guarantor bank makes a payment (for the principal debt - the creditor).

The concept and content of a bank guarantee. Features of use

In practice, the term "guarantee" is often used as a synonym for surety. Common to them are the obligations of both the guarantor and the guarantor to pay a sum of money in the event of default by the debtor. The participants in the relationship are the same. The features of these concepts are manifested in the legal field.

A bank guarantee is a unilateral transaction, since when it is concluded, the will of only one party (the guarantor) is sufficient. A bank guarantee is independent of the legal relationship between the beneficiary of the guarantee and his debtor (principal).

Thus, a bank guarantee is a written obligation of the guarantor to pay, at the request of the beneficiary, the amount Money in accordance with the terms of said obligation. That is, the guarantor bank gives, at the request of the principal, on its own behalf, a written obligation to pay the principal's creditor (beneficiary) a sum of money in accordance with the terms of the guarantee.

The bank guarantee must contain information that allows the beneficiary to verify the following:

1) that the guarantee is issued by an entity entitled to do so, which must be indicated in its license;
2) that the person who signs the document is authorized to do so.

In this regard, the beneficiary must either familiarize himself with the license of the guarantor, or a notarized copy of the license is submitted along with the guarantee.

Bank guarantees are popular among both bank customers and banks themselves. This happens for a number of reasons: firstly, guarantees are highly reliable, and secondly, they are quickly realizable. For a bank, this is a type of activity that generates income (it charges commissions for the provision of these services) and does not require immediate withdrawal of funds from circulation (unlike, say, credit operations). That is, in this case, the diversion of funds either does not occur at all, or it is delayed in time.

Russian banks, be it regional credit institutions, have developed the practice of issuing guarantees, as a rule, against collateral. In relation to stable clients, an agreement can be used as collateral, giving the bank the right to write off the necessary amounts from the client's accounts without acceptance to reimburse the costs incurred by the guarantor. Other clients usually provide collateral as security securities, draw up a pledge of inventory items, etc.

Stages of issuing a guarantee in banking practice:

1. Presentation by the borrower to the creditor bank of a pre-guarantee letter, which contains the consent of the guarantor bank to ensure the repayment of the loan by this borrower.
2. Adoption by the credit committee of a decision on the possibility of using the guarantee of this guarantor bank.
3. In case of a positive decision, the creditor bank requests a number of documents: the original guarantee, a copy of the bank's license, its balance sheet, a copy of the auditor's report.

Types of bank guarantees

Depending on the terms of payment to the beneficiary of the amount of money, the guarantee can be a guarantee on first demand (unconditional) and a conditional guarantee. In the first case, the guarantor is obliged to pay the first written demand of the beneficiary, drawn up in accordance with the terms of the guarantee. In the second case, the guarantor must also make a payment in accordance with the terms of the guarantee at the written request of the beneficiary, but already accompanied by documents proving or confirming the principal's non-performance (improper performance) of his obligations.

The characteristics of a normal bank guarantee are urgency and irrevocable, which means that the guarantor is not entitled to unilaterally, i.e. without the consent of the beneficiary, to refuse the obligations assumed. Revocable guarantees are extremely rare, as they do not correspond to the nature of a bank guarantee and cause mistrust on the part of the beneficiaries.

There are guarantees secure and unsecured. A secured guarantee involves the presence of a pledge of property or other means of security, while an unsecured guarantee is a simple written obligation of the bank.

Confirmed a bank guarantee is a guarantee confirmed in full or in part by another bank, which is jointly and severally liable to the beneficiary.

Syndicated(consortial) bank guarantee - a guarantee, which can be issued by several banks acting through the main guarantor bank. Such guarantees are used in large (including international) transactions, and the more banks are involved in issuing a guarantee, the more expensive this service is.

Guarantees are also divided into straight and counter-guarantees. In the first case, the guarantor bank itself assumes the obligation to the beneficiary. A counter-guarantee is issued if the bank, on behalf of the principal, requires the issuance of a guarantee from another bank (including a foreign one) by issuing a counter obligation.

Banking organization, as a legal entity. a person may be a loan guarantor provided to borrowers by other organizations. Payment guarantee is a paid service.

For issuing a bank guarantee, the borrower pays the organization a reward, the amount of which is determined by the level of risk, additional time for providing the guarantee, and other parameters. Thanks to BG, you can get a loan.


It is no secret that people who use lending services have financial difficulties, and a loan secured by BG is the most versatile, convenient and modern way to solve them.

The essence of this proposal is that the borrower, receiving a loan, gives a guarantor of the execution of the transaction, which in this situation is another banking organization. All this is easy in words, but in practice there are many aspects that you need to know.

If you ask whether it is possible to get a guarantor for free, then you can get a negative answer, the guarantor organization will certainly ask for a reward in financial terms. The amount of the reward depends on the level of obligation and the risk that the guarantor takes on. Next, you need to bring all reporting documents for analysis so that the bank can study everything perfectly.


BG - a type of obligation of the bank, which issues a guarantee for the fulfillment by the client, physical, legal. by the person of financial or other obligations assigned in the contract secured by this obligation of the banking organization.

By issuing a guarantee, the guarantor undertakes to pay to the second bank the money that the borrower is unable to repay or, for some reason, does not want to pay. A bank guarantee is a unilateral paid transaction. Its main condition is the time for which it is issued.

A bank guarantee under 44-FZ can be used to secure tenders, as well as to fulfill a government contract. It is issued by a credit institution from the Register (list) of banks provided for in Art. 74.1 tax code Russia.

Since the acceptance of the BG by certain credit organizations carries a rather large risk of non-repayment of the loan, banking organizations practice issuing various guarantees secured by such assets:

  • Guarantee secured by securities.
  • Real estate guarantee.
  • Warranty in the form movable property(auto, equipment).
  • BG without collateral.

Where can I get a loan with a bank guarantee?

You can ask for a loan under a bank guarantee from Sberbank. To obtain a loan, you need to contact the lending department at the place of conducting the settlement and cash service and provide the requested papers.

The amount of reward for issuing a guarantee is set for each client personally, depending on his financial situation, the time of the guarantee, its type. The issue of granting a loan, its structure and size is decided on a personal basis, depending on the client's compliance with the assigned criteria and internal regulatory papers in Sberbank.

VTB 24 provides significant opportunities for corporate clients. The bank provides loans under a bank guarantee both for Moscow and regional entrepreneurs.


Papers to receive

For banks to analyze the issue of issuing a guarantee, the following documents must be brought to the bank:

  • Statement.
  • A photocopy of the signed loan agreement. The need for the borrower to submit the BG should be spelled out in the agreement.
  • BG application.
  • Papers that confirm the financial and economic condition of the borrower, his ability to pay everything on the loan, the presence of collateral, which is in high demand.

What are the loan terms

When applying for such loans, the following conditions are met:

  • Quick analysis of the application - from several hours to one day.
  • The amount of the loan is limited by the face value of the organization and is somewhere around 60-70% of the amount.
  • Such a loan is issued for any task: the purchase of a car, real estate - it is not necessary to speak.
  • Percentage and special conditions negotiate with the client personally.
  • There are no hidden fees or payouts.
  • The client is given the choice of the option of repaying the debt: every month or in full at once.
  • Interest is added to the balance of the amount, that is, with each payment, the payment becomes smaller.


When a borrower applies to banking organization To get a guarantee, you need to fill out some paperwork. They reveal in detail the status, as well as the financial significance of the signed agreement.

The application should indicate the desired amount of the obligation, as well as the task for which the guarantee is issued. You should also specify the operating time of the bank guarantee and the name of the creditor organization. In addition, the borrower must bring certified copies of the constituent documents to the bank, as well as a set of papers that are needed to process the loan.

Payment guarantee is a paid service. For issuing a bank guarantee, the borrower pays the bank a reward, the amount of which is determined by the level of risk, the length of time the guarantee is provided, and other factors.

When a borrower applies to a banking organization for a guarantee, he must fill out documents to obtain a bank guarantee that reveal his status and the economic essence of the probable obligation.

How to get a loan with a bank guarantee?

A loan secured by a bank guarantee is issued by the borrower, for whose failure to fulfill his obligations, another organization is entrusted, acting as a guarantor for the transaction. Issuance of BG payments is done free of charge for the guarantor.

That is, a person who wants to receive it pays a certain reward, the amount of which is assigned personally and depending on the level of material risk of the guarantor.

The client needs to prepare reporting documents that can familiarize him with the essence of the duties to be provided and give him the opportunity to evaluate financial security and wealth of the client.

Already in the application for the service, the likely applicant prescribes such criteria as the amount and task of obtaining the security, as well as the time for which the service is needed. The beneficiary is also taken into account, that is, the organization whose services the principal needs to apply for issuing a loan.

To reduce financial and legal. risks, the guarantor performs a comprehensive analysis of the documents and makes a decision to provide assistance or refuse to the client.

A rather frequent practice of obtaining a loan under the BG is not only the execution of a unilateral transaction between the principal and the guarantor, but also the signing additional agreement guarantor and beneficiary.

These measures provide the lender with no financial losses associated with the risks of non-payment by the borrower.

The bank guarantee agreement clearly establishes the time when the paper will come into force. The paper can take effect, both from the time of signing, and from the time when the loan amount will be transferred by the lender to the borrower's account. The time of termination of paper work is also appointed by the contract.


There are such advantages of lending under the BG:

  • Thanks to a bank guarantee, the borrower can participate in services or supply various goods for large government customers. or municipal level.
  • You can get a commodity loan from a counterparty, because a bank guarantee is a security for this obligation.
  • You can hope for a delay in payment of funds in accordance with the conditions specified in the agreement for the supply of goods for the duration of the receipt of the bank guarantee.
  • Usually, a lower rate is assigned for a BG vacation than for a loan.
  • There is a possibility of getting BG by special offer, which passes without the need for additional support.
  • If you issue a bank guarantee according to a simple procedure, then the cost of banking services increases significantly.

A loan under a bank guarantee is beneficial, because with its help you can get a large amount and a reduced loan rate. When applying for a loan under the BG, you can find the most suitable credit institution by comparing the lending conditions of several banks.

Credit guarantees are an important risk management tool for citizens.

As a rule, entrepreneurs act as clients of the bank, legal entities and company representatives.

The essence in this case is simple: credit guarantees are provided to the customer of goods or services that are purchased from their supplier.

At the same time, the bank issues a guarantee that the customer will fulfill its obligations to the supplier, that is, it will pay the debt even if the customer fails to pay the amount.

How the one who initiated the transaction (the recipient of the goods) will pay the bank - there are a lot of options.

Perhaps he will pay the debt in a lump sum after a certain period of time, but perhaps he will be given the opportunity to either divide the balance of the debt into several payments. In this case, the guarantor bank will issue funds to the supplier immediately.

A similar approach is relevant for individuals. At the same time, such services can be provided not only by banks, but also by insurance companies and some other organizations.

However, an appropriate license must be issued to provide warranty services.

Advantages of credit guarantees

There is also a myth that the guarantor - the bank, has the right to refuse obligations.

In fact, this will not happen, because if the bank has taken on obligations, it is impossible to cancel them unilaterally.

Termination of credit guarantees

The guarantee ceases to be valid at the moment when the bank transfers funds to the creditor - the supplier of services or goods.

From now on, in case of registration bank loan the buyer of goods (services) begins to pay a full-fledged loan, which closes after full repayment debt.

Lending is one of the most extensive sectors of activity of many financial organizations and at the same time the most risky. Because of this, any financial institution that provides credit products requires security for the performance of obligations on the issued product. Collateral is an important component of all lending. In its absence, growth interest rates would be inevitable.

According to the law, there are different types ensuring the performance of the loan, the main of which are insurance of the recipient of credit funds (issuance of insurance policy), (BG), pledge of property, deposit, etc. But a loan security guarantee or, in other words, a loan repayment guarantee has become the most famous and convenient form of guarantee, despite its novelty, since previously Russian financial institutions it was not used.

Essence of a loan guarantee

This instrument is obtained by a financial institution that has assumed the role of a creditor from another financial institution at the request of the borrower (principal). As a result, it becomes a guarantee of the debtor's obligations under the loan agreement.

Only banks, other credit organizations or insurance companies can act as a guarantor.

The beneficiary (in this case, the lender) makes sure that the guarantor has the necessary license to conduct banking operations. It is issued by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The guarantor, acting as a guarantor, assumes the obligation to be responsible for the borrower to the financial institution that issued the loan.

This method of guarantee is a one-sided transaction, which involves sending a letter of guarantee to the beneficiary. It contains a confirmation that in the event of default on the loan or interest on it by the recipient loan product, the financial institution (guarantor) will perform this action instead of him. The guarantor, issuing a BG in favor of the beneficiary, receives from the borrower (his client) a remuneration, which is a certain percentage of the guarantee amount.

The importance of a collateral and loan repayment tool

This financial instrument is essentially similar to a regular guarantee, which, like the BG, has the property of reducing the risks of the financial institution issuing the loan. Therefore, upon receipt of a loan repayment guarantee, the principal receives good conditions lending, for example, exactly the amount that you want, even a large amount (that is, the size of the loan amount has practically no restrictions), meager interest, etc.

The presence of a loan repayment guarantee makes it possible to make the process of obtaining a loan easier and faster, which means that the borrower not only receives the amount in an accelerated mode the right sizes, but all the advantages and benefits of this operation, in particular, for borrowers providing BG, loans are much cheaper.

Profitable and reliable financial instruments with us

  1. We offer our clients BGs and other effective financial instruments not at one fixed price for any instrument, but at a price that depends on various indicators (for example, on its validity period). This allows us to provide our clients with all financial products (including those that become necessary during a tender (auction), competition, open auction on an electronic site, fulfillment of a municipal, state, commercial contract, state order, while securing tender applications, receiving guarantees for the return of an advance, etc.) at an exceptionally reasonable cost, in accordance with their wishes and some financial indicators.
  2. Consideration of an application for the provision of services takes a minimum of the client's time, as we use only effective work mechanisms.
  3. We select for each client financial institutions (Sberbank, VTB 24, etc.) in Moscow that offer loyal requirements, conditions and methods that best suit your requirements for processing modern financial statements. products.
  4. Among our partners only those fin. institutions that are licensed by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to carry out banking operations and have the ability to issue any fin. instruments, including international bank guarantees.
  5. When contacting us, you will need a small package of primary documents. After receiving it, we actively begin to work with financial institutions in order to save time and get as many offers from them as possible, among which each client can choose the best option for himself.
  6. We receive only positive feedback from our clients and try for each client, take an active part in resolving his issues, so that he receives only the best advice at any stage, the right recommendations, interesting programs and reliable services.
  7. The work of our team is distinguished by the efficiency, speed and timeliness of the provision of all services, as well as the provision of a convenient and efficient cooperation scheme.
Features of obtaining collateral
  1. Apply to us for the required loan collateral through our company.
  2. Provide our specialists Required documents. The speed of consideration by banks of an application for the issuance of financial statements depends on the speed of their dispatch by you. product and the ability to provide you with a large list of offers.
  3. It is also necessary to inform the terms for which the BGs are needed, their size, the amount of the amount you plan to borrow and some other clarifications.
  4. After receiving approval from financial institutions, choosing a suitable offer from one of them, depending on the proposed value and the conditions for issuing a financial. product is released BG. The release of this tool takes a minimum of your time, as our customers financial institutions always go forward.

bank guarantee is a financial product that ensures the fulfillment of obligations of one of the parties to the contract. This means that the bank gives its written consent to ensure that the customer properly fulfills all the terms of the contract.

And in case of their failure, the bank ( credit organisation) is financially responsible for the fulfillment of the obligation under the bank guarantee.

bank guarantee in demand for insurance of monetary transactions, in the event that their amount is large enough and there is a risk of falling into an unreliable company, as well as in cases where its presence is mandatory under current legislation (for example, to sign a contract under 44-FZ or 223-FZ)

A key feature of the guarantee is the impossibility of its execution in the absence of financial obligations. Also, at the stage of issuing a guarantee, the guarantor (bank) has the right to refuse to provide the principal, but after its issuance, it is not allowed to make any changes, cancel or withdraw it. That's why this document known as an irrevocable bank guarantee. A bank guarantee under Federal Laws 223 and 44 is defined by clear requirements for all parties to the contract.

One of the main advantages of this instrument is that such a guarantee can serve various foreign trade transactions, including even those whose amount is much larger than the size of a bank guarantee - as a rule, this applies to transactions where the goods are delivered in parts. In such cases, the amount of the guarantee is equal to that part of the goods that is shipped at one time, etc.

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