Bank avant-garde loan calculator. Mortgage calculator Vanguard - calculate the amount of the mortgage online

Avangard Bank provides car loans:

  • For the purchase of new passenger cars of foreign brands manufactured abroad or in Russia
  • For the purchase of new passenger cars of foreign brands manufactured abroad or in Russia*
  • Without compulsory insurance vehicle and borrower
  • No proof of income

When issuing a car loan, the bank issues a Visa Auto credit card.

Lending terms:

  • Credit term:
    • — Passenger cars - from 1 year to 5 years
    • - Light commercial vehicles - from 1 to 2 years
  • Loan currency - rubles, US dollars, euros
  • Interest rate:
    11% - in USD or EUR

    16% - in rubles for regular customers of the bank

    • a). cardholders who receive a salary under salary projects with the bank
    • b). getting a car loan again

      provided that previously received car loans are repaid

    • c). active holders of credit and payment cards of the bank

      provided that the average monthly turnover of at least one of the card accounts is at least
      10,000 rubles. The average monthly turnover on the card account for the last 12 months is calculated on the following transactions: payment for goods and services, both on credit and at your own expense (including payment of standard payments and purchase of air tickets and railway tickets in the Internet bank), receiving cash Money on credit, transfer from card to card and from card to account on credit, transfer and conversion of funds in the Internet bank on credit. If the period of service from the moment of opening a card account is less than 12 months, then the total turnover for this period must be at least 120,000 rubles.

    • With the exception of persons who allowed a delay on a car loan or three or more delays in a row on any card account.
  • Down payment (paid from own funds) -
    at least 30% of the value of the car
  • The term for consideration of the application is no more than 3 working days from the date of receipt by the bank of all required documents
  • Car transfer fee:
    • - When paying with a Visa Auto card - not charged
    • - When paying Bank transaction(in case the car dealership does not accept payment payment cards) - 2% of the loan amount

  • How to get a car loan:

  1. Fill out an application for a loan and a questionnaire (in the offices or on the bank's website).
  2. Receive a message about the positive decision of the bank within 3 working days from the date of submission of the documents.
  3. Choose a car in any car dealership - the official dealer of the brand (according to the region of your permanent registration) and conclude a contract of sale with it.
  4. Pay the initial fee from your own funds.
  5. Sign a loan agreement with the bank.
    Attention! The presence of the borrower's spouse at the time of signing loan documents in the bank - of course!
  6. Get a loan and pay for the selected car with a Visa Auto card or bank transfer.

Advantages bonus card Visa Auto:

  • Free issue
  • Individual credit limit
  • Up to 50 days of credit for free
  • More than 100 types of messages from the bank in the format of push notifications or SMS
  • Internet banking - free of charge
  • Bonus** from the bank - 1% of the amount of transactions for payment for goods and services***
  • 250 rubles - a gift from the bank for each year of using the card ****
  • Up to 25% discounts on goods and services under the bank's discount program
  • Bonuses and discounts under the Visa Bonus program

**** Payment is made after the first payment transaction with a Visa Auto card in one of the outlets associated with the purchase and use of cars (car shop, car service, gas station, etc.). The amount of the transaction must be more than 250 rubles.

***** information about car dealerships that officially announce the possibility of paying for cars with bank cards (information needs to be clarified before purchasing a car)

Article last updated: 04/18/2019

Avangard Bank provides various types of financial services. Universal commercial Bank qualitatively stands out from the background of other financial institutions. Of particular note is the mortgage from Avangard Bank, which allows borrowers to improve their living conditions by purchasing an apartment, land plot or at home. A loan for the purchase of real estate is provided at low interest rates for a long period. All these points make the mortgage in this bank as affordable as possible.

Mortgage features at Avangard Bank

Mortgage in the traditional sense of the word by Avangard Bank is not represented in the product line. This trend is due to the fact that most of the loans are focused on clients who are positioned as legal entities. The bank's policy is aimed at the fact that long-term cooperation with individuals is not the main activity of a financial institution.

Of the loan products, Avangard Bank offers individuals a loan for the purchase of a car and credit cards. And it is through the use of the latter that some clients resolve the housing issue.

The scheme for acquiring real estate on credit using Avangard Bank funds is as follows - a potential borrower applies to any financial institution that can provide a mortgage with a minimum down payment. As an initial contribution, he can use the funds credit card Bank Vanguard. The maximum credit limit is about 300,000 rubles, so this scheme will be relevant only if the down payment on the mortgage does not exceed 10-15%. Thanks to such actions, the borrower is given the opportunity to buy a home in a short time.

Mortgages at Avangard Bank: what loans are approved

Avangard Bank approves loans for:

  • plots of land for construction;
  • purchase of housing in new buildings;
  • purchase of living space in the secondary market;
  • construction of houses according to an individual plan.

Everyone who applies can count on a loan with or without a guarantor. Also, the down payment may or may not be present. Young families can be offered individual advantageous offers, it is also possible to repay the debt both ahead of schedule and according to a clearly drawn up payment plan. But the most loyal conditions will be provided to people who have a salary account opened in financial institution.

Calculating payments using an online calculator

Understanding what percentage Avangard Bank offers for a mortgage, you can prepare for the amount that you have to pay. To calculate, use the online calculator. Thanks to this application, you will be able to:

  • decide on the most suitable program;
  • understand the amount of the monthly payment;
  • calculate the amount of the maximum loan that Avangard can offer specifically to you;
  • understand under what conditions it will be possible to repay the debt in advance.

Using the online calculator, you will be able to get reliable information about the repayment of official obligations.

In order to avoid unforeseen circumstances when repaying credit debt, it is recommended that the borrower calculate the mortgage beforehand. The resolution of this issue is greatly facilitated by the use of a special one. You can use this online tool on our website. It automatically calculates monthly payments, down payment or the total cost of the loan.

Terms and rates

To implement such a scheme, the client of a financial institution must first issue a credit card from Avangard Bank. Such a product may be provided in different currencies. The size of the credit limit is set individually - after determining the level of solvency of the potential cardholder. The maximum possible amount cannot exceed 300,000 rubles.

The full cost of such a loan depends on the time period in which the funds were returned to the bank account. Each cardholder can count on the so-called grace period, during which the bank will not charge interest for the fact of using the funds of a financial institution. After this time period, interest begins to accrue from 7-13%. If the borrower fails to make a monthly payment, a fine of 1.5% is imposed on the payer.

How to get a loan?

In order to replenish the ranks of Avangard Bank card holders and use these funds to pay off the down payment on a mortgage, you must submit an application and fill out a questionnaire provided by the bank. For clearance banking product it will take from five to eight days, after which the borrower will be notified of the possibility of further cooperation with the bank. At the same time, it should be noted that representatives of a financial institution have the right to refuse to provide the applicant with loan product.

Required documents

Before you apply for a mortgage loan at Avangard Bank, you need to prepare a package of required papers. The main thing you need for registration is a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. You also need a second document confirming the identity of the applicant.

For great opportunities, profitable terms For cooperation, it is necessary to provide a number of references:

  • 2-personal income tax;
  • notice in the form of a banking company;
  • statement of wages, as well as a certificate from the workplace issued by the employer;
  • scanned version of the work book;
  • driver's license (if any);
  • SNILS.

Additionally, you may be required to present a foreign passport. If co-borrowers are involved in the transaction, then a similar package of documents will be required from them.

Also consider that becoming an owner mortgage loan in Avangard Bank, persons who are over 19 years old (but most often 21 years old) are allowed, while the maximum allowable age limit is 58 years old.

How is debt repaid in Avangard Bank?

To repay a loan, you can apply both a lump sum payment and partial installments. This should be agreed at the stage of applying for a loan. When paying monthly installments before the 20th day of each month, no interest is accrued (additional). If the partial payment option is selected, then the client undertakes to pay a minimum amount every month financial resources, which is at least 10% of total amount loan, as well as additional interest in full.

  • contact any of the branches of a banking company;
  • make a payment through website of a financial company;
  • use payment terminals and ATMs that have a built-in self-service function.

Payment can be made in any currency; when paying, conversion is carried out at the current rate. Debt repayment can be dealt with directly by the borrower or his authorized representative.

The advantage of lending at Avangard Bank

The main advantages of lending at Avangard Bank include:

  • quick and easy loan application process;
  • the presence of classification of credit cards by class;
  • granting a grace period for the first 200 days of the contract;
  • 0 commissions when making payments abroad;
  • fast consideration of the application - no more than 5 days from the moment the application was submitted.

But remember that if a loan is issued in another financial institution, and the money is planned to be transferred to a card from Vanguard, then you should not count on a positive response.

Mortgage Calculator Vanguard allows you to calculate the amount of the mortgage for individuals as of 2019. If you want to choose the most profitable proposition mortgages, buy an apartment in a new building or another residential real estate with a minimum overpayment, then be sure to use a calculator.

Avangard Bank is a universal commercial bank founded in 1994. Provides all types of financial services, works with individuals and legal entities. According to financial indicators, it is one of the largest in the Russian Federation. The bank pays great attention to the quality of customer service and is very popular among the population.

Acquisition mortgage real estate- This is a very serious step for every family, because you need to take on obligations to pay the debt on a monthly basis. The amount of these payments will depend on how competently you calculate the mortgage and how to choose the right mortgage program (at what interest, for how many years).

Our online calculator will automatically help you determine:

  • Maximum mortgage loan
  • Amount of monthly payments
  • The amount of accrued interest on the mortgage for each month
  • The amount of the total overpayment in monetary terms
  • The amount of the total overpayment in percent
  • The total amount of mortgage payments for the entire period
  • Possibility of early repayment

Using this information, you can get a complete picture of the selected mortgage program, assess their ability to repay the loan and pay debt deductions, make a decision on the appropriateness of obtaining a mortgage.

For potential borrowers (including public sector employees and military personnel), the bank provides the following opportunities for obtaining a mortgage loan:

  • With down payment
  • With a guarantor
  • With proof of income
  • No down payment (0% down payment)
  • Without guarantors
  • No proof of income from work
  • Personal conditions (young professionals or young families)

When applying for a loan, the bank can offer two options for repaying the debt: through annuity payments or differentiated payments. The Avangard mortgage calculator calculates exactly annuity payments, since they are the most in demand among the population.

The calculator is a really convenient and modern way to calculate all mortgage parameters online. For an accurate calculation, finally decide on the type of property.

Mortgage loan in Vanguard can be obtained:

  • On a plot of land for individual development
  • For secondary housing
  • For a new building
  • For the construction of a private house

Already at the bank branch, be sure to ask the bank employee whether it is possible to get a mortgage with early repayment, with state support or maternity capital. We also recall that if the borrower has a salary card in the bank, this will significantly improve lending conditions.

Salon MAS Motors cooperates with dozens of leading Russian banks. If you have firmly decided to purchase a car from us, Avangard Bank car loan will help you make your dream come true. With a high probability, having received his loan, you will leave us in your car.

Avangard PJSC has been operating since 1994, has a wide network of branches and ATMs. For all the time of work, he has established himself as a reliable partner, including in transactions with the purchase of a car.

What car loan services are provided

Avangard Bank can help you purchase:

  • New foreign-made cars or foreign brands made in Russia for personal needs (for individuals);
  • New passenger cars of foreign production or foreign brands produced in Russia for commercial needs (for legal entities and commercial use).

To obtain a loan, the bank does not have to present proof of income. In addition, it is not necessary to take out insurance vehicle or borrower.

Conditions for obtaining a car loan

The interest rate depends on the currency of the loan and can be:

  • 11% - only for loans in the widespread foreign currency, specifically - in euros or US dollars;
  • 21% - in rubles, if before that you have already applied to this bank more than once (become a regular client);
  • 23% - in rubles for all other clients.

Separately, it is worth specifying which categories of customers the bank can consider permanent. It:

  1. Those bank customers who have it in their hands a plastic card. At the same time, it should not only be issued and received, but actively used - for the last year, the average turnover on the card per month should be at least 10,000 rubles, if the client uses the card for less than a year, then for this period the total turnover should not be less than 120,000 rubles);
  2. Buyers who have already taken out a car loan and repaid it in accordance with the payment schedule;
  3. Holders salary cards(if the employer company or the client himself uses a card account to transfer wages).

The loan repayment period can be from 1 to 5 years (or 1-2 years when buying a car for commercial use).

The loan amount is not limited by any conditions. Therefore, the payment period can be recalculated based on individual indicators.

Contribution of the borrower's own funds - at least 30% of the total cost of the car.

The bank will consider the application as soon as possible, but no later than 3 days (only working days are considered) from the moment of its registration.

If payment for the car will be made by means of the loan Visa cards Auto, then the percentage for the transfer will be 0%, for the transfer from account to account (without a card) - 2% of the loan amount.

The car being purchased will serve as collateral (pledge) for the loan product; if available and desired, other collateral can be used.

Visa Auto card from Avangard

Represents a classic bank card, which has a credit limit (deferred payment period is 50 days). The issue is free of charge; from the second year of use, the bank gives the cardholder 250 rubles. annually. The cardholder automatically participates in programs initiated by the bank or payment system VISA (bonus, discount, etc.). For example, a refund of 1% of the amount of purchases in auto shops, gas stations, from payment for car repair services, etc.

Requirements for the borrower

Car loans are issued only to citizens Russian Federation who have reached the age of 23 (not older than 60 years) with permanent or temporary registration (residence permit) in the region where there is an office of PJSC JSCB "AVANGARD". Another mandatory requirement is permanent employment.

Optional, but affecting the decision of the bank, the requirements include the presence of continuous experience:

  1. in last place for at least 1 year;
  2. at least at one place of work - at least 2 years.
  3. Application from a person applying for a loan,
  4. Questionnaire (in the form of a bank),
  5. Copy of passport (if there is a spouse, be sure to provide a copy of their passport),
  6. A page-by-page certified copy of the work book,
  7. A copy of the driver's license (for everyone who will drive the car).

What documents do you need to provide to the bank for a car loan

The procedure for signing a loan agreement requires the presence of the spouse of the borrower.

The Avangard Bank loan calculator will help you calculate a consumer cash loan in 2019-2020: the amount of monthly loan payments and the terms of payment for early repayment. use the official online calculator on the website for free!

Living on credit is convenient and practical. Consumer loans firmly entered the life of Russians. Cash loans are especially popular among borrowers. Lending in 2018 will please with a variety of offers for individuals.

To choose the most interesting and profitable of them, to plan early repayment of the loan, you need a financial instrument. That is exactly what it is credit calculator Avangard Bank: convenient, visual, free.

Lending terms

  • Age of the borrower: from 18 to 75 years (at the time of repayment);
  • Minimum amount: 30,000 rubles;
  • Maximum amount: 5 million rubles;
  • Term: from 3 months to 5 years;
  • Commission for issuing a loan: none;
  • Security: guarantees of individuals - citizens of the Russian Federation (no more than 2).

Interest rate on a loan

We are gradually filling this section. It's worth the wait :)

Avangard Bank is the leading financial structure of large agro-industrial groups in Russia. With a number of unique banking technologies, widely practices the provision of consumer loans to owners credit cards jar. Credit card holders can buy goods in regional chains and stores of bank partners up to 25% cheaper.

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